Monday 21 October 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Manmohan meets Putin with nuclear deal in doubt


MOSCOW (Web News): Prime Minister Manmohan Singhmet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday amid signs that the two giants had failed to reach a breakthrough on a long-delayed nuclear power deal.Singh is using one of his last major foreign trips as prime minister before 2014 general elections to seek resolutions to lingering issues with two of India's most important regional partners.The 81-year-old prime minister will leave Russia for China on Tuesday in a bid to forge closer economic relations and ink a pact to ease tension along their disputed border in a remote Himalayan region.The scope of our relationship with Russia is unique, encompassing strong and growing cooperation in areas such as defence, nuclear energy, science and technology, hydrocarbons, trade and investment, Singh said in a statement before leaving India.Singh's trip to Moscow was preceded by gruelling behind-the-scenes negotiations on the next phase of a Russian-built nuclear power plant project on India's south coast.A historic deal for the Kudankulam plant was first signed in 1988 by then Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.But the collapse of the Soviet Union and Russia's subsequent years of economic mayhem meant that construction did not begin until 2002.Work has been nearly completed on the first two units despite local protests that halted progress for six months in 2011-2012.India now hopes to strike deals for an additional two reactors at the same location as it looks to meet surging electricity demand.But the 2010 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident prompted India to adopt a strict new safety liability law that Russia believes should not be applied to this project since it was conceived in Soviet times.Negotiations about how the dispute can be skirted in time for Singh's meeting with Putin have gone down to the wire.Singh said before flying to Moscow that he was confident that contracts on the third and fourth reactors would be finalised shortly.Yet Moscow's Kommersant daily cited Indian sources as saying that an agreement on the construction of the third and fourth reactors at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant will not be signed during this summit.Indian media reports said that Singh and Putin — having failed to reach a Kudankulam breakthrough — would instead issue a joint statement on the need to boost Afghan security amid the ongoing drawdown there of US troops.Singh told an audience of Moscow university students early on Monday that Afghan security was of vital importance to both our countries.A Kremlin statement issued prior to Singh's visit also made no mention of the Kudankulam negotiations while noting that military ties remain one of the priorities in the Russo-Indian partnership.Moscow news reports said the sides were discussing an agreement for Russia to upgrade four existing Indian diesel-electric submarines and lease out several more.A Russian military source told the state-run RIA Novosti news agency that New Delhi was also interested in financing the construction of a nuclear-powered submarine that could be delivered to India in the years to come.

Pakistani, US leaders aim to bolster troubled ties


ISLAMABAD (AP) Pakistans prime minister and U.S. President Barack Obama, meeting for the first time Wednesday, are trying to build on a slow improvement in ties that hit rock bottom two years ago, in part over the U.S. raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.Tempers have calmed since then, but there remain sore points between the two allies, particularly U.S. drone strikes and alleged Pakistani support for the Afghan Taliban.These issues, as well as the role Pakistan can play in promoting a peace deal in Afghanistan, are expected to figure prominently in the meeting between Obama and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Few observers expect breakthroughs, but more notable for some is the lack of fireworks given the past relationship.Wheres the anger, the bitterness? Cyril Almeida wrote in a column in Pakistans Dawn newspaper. They arent sulking, they arent fighting, they arent fawning over each other, they arent lecturing each other nothing. Its all a bit boring.The trip by Sharif, who took office in June, will mark the first official visit by a Pakistani leader to Washington since Obama became president in 2009 a sign of how troubled the relationship has been for much of that time.Sherry Rehman, Pakistans former ambassador to Washington and now the president of the Islamabad-based Jinnah Institute, sees the visit as an opportunity to continue the process of improving ties after they hit a nadir in 2011.That year included not only the bin Laden raid in a Pakistani garrison town, which outraged Islamabad because it was not told about it beforehand, but also the shooting deaths of two Pakistanis by a CIA contractor in the eastern city of Lahore and the accidental killing of two dozen Pakistani troops in a U.S. airstrike along the Afghan border.The deaths of the troops led Pakistan to close NATO supply lines to Afghanistan for more than seven months until the U.S. apologized. The ups and downs have led both countries to more realistic calculations about what they can expect from each other, analysts say.The relationship has gone through a fair amount of introspection on both sides, Rehman said.The U.S. quietly decided ahead of the meeting to release more than $1.6 billion in military and economic aid to Pakistan that was suspended when relations disintegrated in 2011. The decision did not appear to be directly related to the visit but could set a positive tone.The two countries will likely bring different priorities to the meeting, said Michael Kugelman, senior program associate for South Asia at the Washington-based Wilson Center. While the U.S. is focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan is keen to discuss a broad range of issues, such as trade to help boost its struggling economy, he said.My sense is that there is a disconnect between the U.S.s expectations and Pakistans expectations, for Sharifs visit, Kugelman said.The U.S. is running out of time to achieve one of its main goals in Afghanistan, pushing through a peace deal between the Taliban and the Afghan government before the end of 2014 when it is scheduled to withdraw most of its troops from the country.Pakistan is seen as key to this process because of its historical connection to the Taliban. It helped the group grab power in Afghanistan in 1996 and is widely believed to have maintained ties as a hedge against neighbor and archenemy India an allegation denied by Islamabad.Pakistan has released over 30 Taliban prisoners in the last year, including former deputy leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, in an attempt to jumpstart the stuttering peace process. But it seems to have done little good, and some of the fighters are believed to have returned to the battlefield.The U.S. has said it is pleased with Pakistans recent efforts to support the peace process. But Pakistani analysts believe Islamabad could face demands to do more, especially in pressuring Afghan Taliban militants and their allies who have long used Pakistani territory to launch cross-border attacks against American troops in Afghanistan.The U.S. will press for a more forthright policy on containing terrorism, said Hasan Askari Rizvi, an independent Pakistani political analyst.Sharif has said he will raise the issue of U.S. drone strikes targeting militants in Pakistans tribal region. The prime minister and other Pakistani officials have decried the strikes as a violation of the countrys sovereignty.But the U.S. has shown no indication it is willing to abandon the attacks, even though the number has dropped in the past couple of years. The Pakistani government secretly supported the strikes in the past, and U.S. officials claim some key leaders still do.Nevertheless, failure to show progress on the drone issue could be a problem for Sharif.Hell have to show that the visit has been successful, Rizvi said. On the one major issue that he wants to play up, the drones, hes not going to get any U.S. commitment.

Nawaz seeks US help to overcome energy crisis


WASHINGTON (Dunya News) Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif says his government wants to work together with the United States to overcome common challenges of extremism and terrorism.He expressed these views during talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington. The talks were held at a dinner hosted in honor of the Prime Minister by John Kerry at the State Department.The two sides discussed ways to further deepen and expand bilateral cooperation in various sectors. They also discussed the regional situation as well as Afghanistan. The Prime Minister said his government is making all out efforts to revive national economy and improve law and order situation in the country.John Kerry in his remarks underlined Pakistan's vital role in regional stability. He hoped that the visit of the Prime Minister would further expand relations between the two countries.Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will meet President Obama on Wednesday. He is likely to discuss ways to strengthen bilateral trade and economic cooperation and stress an end to the US drone attacks in Pakistan's tribal areas. He will also express Pakistan's views on Afghan security situation beyond 2014‚ after withdrawal of foreign troops.The Prime Minister will also interact with senior US administration officials and Congressional leaders. Nawaz Sharif will also reach out to American entrepreneur in a meeting with US-Pakistan Business Council with a message of facilitation for foreign investment in the energy and other potential sectors.He will address US Institute of Peace and spell out his government's policy on dealing with challenges facing the country.The Prime Minister's delegation includes Finance Minister Ishaq Dar‚ National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz‚ Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Tariq Fatemi and Secretary Foreign Affairs Jalil Abbas Jilani.US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Washington.They exchanged views on Pakistan-US bilateral economic ties and cooperation in energy sector.

PIA's suggested privatization challenged


LAHORE (Dunya News) The suggested privatization of the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has been challenged in the Supreme Court where the petitioner Barrister Zaferullah took the stance that the PIA is grand institution as well as national asset of the country. Its privatization stands against the national interests.He argued that the performance and progress of institution should be enhanced rather than privatizing it for the interests of handful persons who have nothing to do with national interests; rather their aim is to collect wealth for the sake of their vested benefits.The petitioner also prayed to the court that special stay order should be issued against the suggested privatization of the aforesaid institution while keeping in view the very interests of the motherland.

Israel awards Bloomberg $1 million 'Jewish Nobel'


JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel on Monday recognized New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg as the first ever recipient of the $1 million Genesis Prize, an award popularly dubbed the Jewish Nobel Prize.The Genesis Prize Foundation said Bloomberg was honored as the first winner for his long record of public service and philanthropy.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will present the prize to Bloomberg early next year in Israel. Bloomberg will then announce to which philanthropic cause he will donate the money.Bloomberg, whose third and final term as New York mayor is drawing to an end, said he was honored to be the prizes first recipient.Many years ago, my parents instilled in me Jewish values and ethics that I have carried with me throughout my life, and which have guided every aspect of my work in business, government, and philanthropy, he said in a statement. The Genesis Prize embraces and promotes those same values and ethics, a common thread among the Jewish people worldwide that has helped move humankind forward for centuries.Bloomberg beat out 200 other nominees for the prize, which the foundation said was established to recognize exceptional human beings who, through their outstanding achievement, come to represent a fundamental value of the Jewish people a commitment to the betterment of mankind.The prize is administered by a partnership that includes the office of the Israeli prime minister, the semi-governmental Jewish Agency and the Genesis Philanthropy Group.Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, a member of the selection committee, said Bloomberg set a high bar for the new award.It is a great honor for the entire Jewish people to celebrate his achievements, his commitment to improving the world, and in particular his city: New York, Wiesel said. We are certain that his selection as the recipient of the Genesis Prize will serve as an inspiration to young Jews and others across the globe.

Witnesses 'fear reprisals' over match-fixing


SINGAPORE (AFP) - Witnesses against four alleged members of a global football match-fixing syndicate are unwilling to testify for fear of reprisals, Singapores interior minister said Monday.This has made it necessary for the four to be held under a special law that allows for indefinite detention, Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean said in a written answer to a question in parliament.A source had told AFP earlier this month that among those being detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act is Singaporean businessman Dan Tan, the suspected syndicate leader.Teo said the special law is used as a last resort in cases where accomplices and witnesses dare not testify against criminals in court, for fear of reprisal.He said the law is used against criminal syndicates and organised groups involved in serious crime such as secret society activities, drug trafficking and unlicensed money-lending.Teo said the the same considerations for using the special law were taken into account when he issued the detention orders against the four.Like drug-trafficking and unlicensed money-lending, illegal soccer match-fixing activities are carried out by organised criminal syndicates with complex and layered structures motivated by financial gain, he said.Witnesses able to provide testimony against the syndicate are unwilling to do so, he added.Additionally, where cross-border illegal activities are involved, the difficulties of securing evidence and witnesses willing to co-operate and testify against the syndicate in open court are amplified.Teo said the four suspects had been informed of the grounds of their detention.Dan Tan, also known as Tan Seet Eng, was among 14 suspected members of the match-fixing syndicate arrested by Singapore authorities during a crackdown in September.A source told AFP last month that the syndicate had rigged more than 100 football games worldwide in a scam worth millions of dollars, before it was busted.Interpol chief Ronald Noble said after the arrests in Singapore that the gang was the worlds largest and most aggressive match-fixing syndicate, with tentacles reaching every continent.

Roma captain Totti out for at least 10 days


ROME (AP) - Roma captain Francesco Totti will be sidelined for at least 10 days with a hamstring injury.Totti had to be replaced after 30 minutes in Fridays 2-0 win over Napoli with a right thigh muscle problem.A statement on Romas website on Monday says Tottis condition will be re-evaluated in 10 days.The 37-year-old Totti will definitely miss the Serie A matches against Udinese and Chievo.Roma is top of the league and has matched the best start in Serie A history with its eighth consecutive win.

UK looks to new nuclear plant to secure energy


LONDON (AP) - Britain has agreed to build the countrys first nuclear power plant in a generation, ignoring concerns raised by the Fukushima meltdown in Japan as the U.K. seeks to secure its future energy needs and cut greenhouse gas emissions.The government struck a deal with Electricite de France and a group of Chinese investors Monday to build the countrys first nuclear power plant since 1995, a massive project that will bring in 16 billion pounds ($25.9 billion) of investment to keep the lights on amid declining supplies of North Sea gas and rapidly escalating fuel costs.If people at home want to be able to keep watching the television, be able to turn the kettle on, and benefit from electricity, we have got to make these investments, Energy Secretary Ed Davey told the BBC. It is essential to keep the lights on and to power British business.The deal for the new reactor, which will be built at Hinkley Point in southwest England, underlines the desperation politicians across Europe face in meeting energy needs amid dwindling fossil fuel resources and rising costs.Germany decided two years ago to shut down all of its nuclear power plants by 2022, following years of anti-nuclear protests and the shock of the meltdown at Fukushima, Japan in 2011.But the effort needed to ramp up renewable energy sources to replace domestic nuclear reactors is proving to be costly: not only do many new wind, solar, water and biomass plants need to be built, but Germanys energy grid has to be overhauled to balance the fluctuating supply such power sources provide.One of the last barriers to the British deal was removed during a visit to Asia last week by Treasury chief George Osborne, who announced that Chinese firms would be permitted to invest in civilian nuclear projects.China General Nuclear Corp. and China National Nuclear Corp will provide 30 percent to 40 percent of the financing under the agreement in principle announced today, EDF said in a statement. EDF, which is majority-owned by the French government, will provide 45 percent to 50 percent.The new reactor wont start generating power until 2023, but the deal stipulates the amount operators will be able charge for electricity to ensure they will be able to recoup the costs of the project.The deal is also a boon to China, which relies on foreign technology for its generating stations and is trying to develop its own reactors.

Younis Khan surprised to get dropped from ODI team


DUBAI (AP) - Pakistan batsman Younis Khan says he is surprised after selectors dropped him for the five-match one-day series against South Africa.The 35-year-old Khan feels hes fitter than he was at 24 and says I am surprised I am not in the one-day team, it was shocking news for me.Khan is a veteran of 253 one-day internationals and has scored 7,014 runs, but was also ignored for the last ODI series against Zimbabwe.He retired from the shortest format of cricket in 2009 after leading Pakistan to victory at the World Twenty20 in England.Khan also wants to leave ODI cricket on a high note, saying the day I feel I cant play I will be an honest man to leave, but not like this to get dropped.

Oil drops below $100 as supply reports awaited


NEW YORK (AP) - Oil sagged to below $100 a barrel Monday for the first time since early July as traders waited for the delayed release of U.S. supply figures that are expected to show another rise in crude stockpiles.By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark crude was down 85 cents a barrel to $99.96 in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 14 cents Friday, lifted by an improvement in Chinas quarterly economic growth.Data on U.S. crude and fuel stockpiles had been postponed last week due to the U.S. government shutdown.The Energy Information Administration will release data for the week ended Oct. 11 on Monday. The supply report for last week will be released Wednesday.Expectations for a supply build were bolstered last week by a report from the industry-funded American Petroleum, which said that U.S. stocks of crude oil rose by 5.9 million barrels in the week ending Oct. 11, more than twice the build expected by analysts.The EIAs weekly supply report is considered the market benchmark. Its last release, on Oct. 9, showed a rise of 6.8 million barrels in U.S. crude stocks.The ample and rising supply of oil, combined with a weaker demand growth prospects, point toward lower prices in the months ahead, said Fawad Razaqzada of GFT Global Markets in London.Other factors weighing on oil prices in the past weeks include the agreement to dismantle Syrias chemical weapons, apparent progress between Iran and world powers on Tehrans nuclear program and expectations of a significant rise in oil production in the United States.Brent crude, the international benchmark, was down 26 cents to $109.68 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange in London.In other energy futures trading on Nymex:Wholesale gasoline fell 0.43 cent to $2.6536 a gallon.Natural gas rose 2.2 cents to $3.786 per 1,000 cubic feet.

France, Mexico demand explanation over US spying


PARIS (AFP) - France and Mexico have angrily demanded prompt explanations from the United States after new spying allegations leaked by former US security contractor Edward Snowden.The reports published in French daily Le Monde and German weekly Der Spiegel claim that the US National Security Agency (NSA) secretly monitored tens of millions of phone calls in France and hacked into former Mexican President Felipe Calderons email account.They come on top of revelations already leaked by Snowden and published in June that the US had a vast, secret programme called PRISM to monitor Internet users, which French prosecutors are already investigating.French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said he was deeply shocked by the revelations -- the same word used by Interior Minister Manuel Valls -- and demanded an explanation from US authorities.Its incredible that an allied country like the United States at this point goes as far as spying on private communications that have no strategic justification, no justification on the basis of national defence, he told journalists in Copenhagen.French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, on a trip to Luxembourg for a meeting with his EU counterparts, said the US ambassador had been summoned to his ministry for a meeting Monday morning.These kinds of practices between partners that harm privacy are totally unacceptable. We have to rapidly make sure that they are no longer implemented in any circumstance, he told reporters.It was the second time in less than four months that the American ambassador in Paris has been hauled in over revelations about US snooping.The latest leak is also expected to prove embarrassing for US Secretary of State John Kerry, who was due in Paris on Monday for talks with Arab officials.Fabius will raise the issue with him in talks planned for Tuesday morning, a ministry spokesman said.The NSA monitored 70.3 million phone calls in France over a 30-day period between December 10 and January 8 this year, Le Monde reported in its online version, citing documents from Snowden.According to the paper, the spy agency automatically picked up communications from certain phone numbers in France and recorded certain text messages under a programme code-named US-985D.Le Monde said the documents gave grounds to believe that the NSA targeted not only people suspected of being involved in terrorism but also high-profile individuals in business and politics.US authorities declined comment to the French daily on the classified documents.A lucrative sourceThe Le Monde article followed revelations by Der Spiegel -- also based on documents provided by Snowden -- that US agents had hacked into the Mexican presidencys network, gaining access to Calderons account.According to the report, the NSA said this contained diplomatic, economic and leadership communications which continue to provide insight into Mexicos political system and internal stability. The agency reportedly said the presidents office was now a lucrative source.Mexican authorities said they would be seeking answers from US officials as soon as possible following the allegations.The Mexican government reiterates its categorical condemnation of the violation of privacy of institutional communications and Mexican citizens, the foreign ministry said in a statement Sunday.This practice is unacceptable, illegitimate and contrary to Mexican law and international law.This is not the first time that France and Mexico have been hit by allegations of spying by the NSA since information leaked by Snowden first emerged in June.Mexicos current President Enrique Pena Nieto has already complained to his US counterpart Barack Obama over reports US spies have gone through his emails. And Der Spiegel reported last month that in 2010 the NSA monitored the internal computer network of Frances diplomats and that of the foreign ministry itself.But France itself has also been accused of spying. Le Monde reported over the summer that intelligence services intercepted all communications in the country, stocking telephone and computer data for years -- accusations denied by the government.Snowden, who has taken refuge in Russia, is wanted in the United States for espionage and other charges after the leaks.The fugitive went into hiding in Hong Kong in May and flew to Moscow on June 23, where he stayed in the transit area for more than a month before being given temporary asylum and leaving the airport for a safe location.Snowdens revelations have caused Obama acute embarrassment in his relations with other allies. He has since proposed reforms of US surveillance programmes in the wake of the furore.

LPG quota pact lacks transparency: CJP


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) Supreme Court conducted hearing LPG quota petition which Khawaja Asif had filed three years ago.Chief Justice while passing his remarks said that the accord which had been signed with Jamshoro Joint Venture lacks transparency. Basic rules and regulations regarding transparency have been intentionally set aside while signing many contracts, said Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.He said that the Reko Diq mining contract can also be presented as a citation in this regard.Advocate Azhar Siddique on the part of private company said that Khawaja Asif himself is a businessman and has ideal relations with a business icon.Another learned counsel Irfan Qadir argued that Khawaja Asif is not handling the issues with clean hands.Justice Jawad S Khawaja while passing his remarks said that this plant is profitable for companies.Irfan Qadir was of the view the view that the petitioner has leveled corruption charges against them.Chief Justice said that your companies are seldom seen anywhere. You put the name of your companies whenever you would like to do so.Chief Justice also emphasized that the apex court is not going to cancel the contract; rather is it is laying emphasis on transparency. Next hearing would be made on October 22.

US investigates Hyundai brake problems


DETROIT (AP) - U.S. safety regulators are investigating complaints of brake problems on Hyundai Genesis full-size luxury cars.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says the probe affects about 40,000 cars from the 2009 model year.The agency has received 23 complaints of that drivers had to push harder than normal on the brake pedal to make the car stop. One driver crashed into a stopped vehicle while another had to use the emergency brake to stop, sending the car into a spin.No injuries have been reported. Several complaints alleged that the problem was traced to a faulty antilock brake computer. The investigation will determine if the problem is big enough to cause a recall.

Sonny Bill Williams bringing X-factor to World Cup


MANCHESTER (AP) - Billed by organizers as 2013s biggest global sporting event, the 14th rugby league World Cup was in real danger of passing by largely unnoticed only three weeks from its first game.Now there is a buzz around the tournament, and its all because of one man.Sonny Bill Williams, New Zealands headline-grabbing cross-code rugby star, originally ruled himself out of selection for the reigning champions, saying he wanted to take a break from sport to spend time with family. He has since back-tracked, and hes now the face of the Europe-wide World Cup starting on Saturday.He was certainly the talk of Mondays tournament launch in rainy Manchester on Monday. You can just see the hype, the edge he brings, as well as the fans, United States captain Joseph Paulo said. People get excited when hes around. I arrived here in the U.K. a week ago and I saw him on the back page of the newspapers. Hes putting the World Cup out there.Whatever team, whatever sport, Williams is a winner. Hes even New Zealands top heavyweight boxer, winning all six of his fights. But its in rugby where he really stands out.In consecutive years since 2011, Williams has been a rugby union World Cup winner with the All Blacks, transformed unfancied Waikato Chiefs into Super 15 champions and then switched back to rugby league, the sport he first started playing, to win an NRL title with Sydney Roosters at the start of this month.Everything he touches turns to gold. Its no surprise New Zealand went to such lengths to get him in its squad for the upcoming World Cup.From second-favorites behind Australia, suddenly theres nothing between the two archrivals, who are expected to meet in the final at Manchester Uniteds Old Trafford on Nov. 30.That would be a repeat of the 2008 final, which the Kiwis won 34-20 in Brisbane against all odds.He brings the quality of someone who has excelled in three different sports, I think that takes a bit more than just talent, New Zealand coach Stephen Kearney told The Associated Press. That takes a drive that exceeds talent.Its about a guy who wants to be the best he possibly can. Hell turn over every stone to make sure he is. For me, thats a real benefit for us as a group.Kearney had already selected his World Cup squad by the time Williams expressed a desire to play. Kearney subsequently and controversially, dropped Melbourne Storm backrower Tohu Harris after being given approval by tournament organizers to make a late change.To tell a player whod been selected in the squad that he wont be there is tough, Kearney said. But I will take full responsibility for that. But for us, we are thinking about after the decision has been made. We just have to cop it.Williams is worth the trouble he often brings. With tattoos covering his bulging biceps, he is a dynamic, powerful, skillful player who can play in a handful of positions. He has a wonderful offload and makes big plays at big times. And, as Australia coach Tim Sheens says, he puts a lot of bums in seats.He lifts the profile (of rugby league), Sheens said. He gives (New Zealand) a worlds best in-position player ... It raises New Zealands chances tremendously. Just the confidence it gives the Kiwi boys. But for us, youd like to think if you are going to win this tournament, youll win it against the best players in the world, not against a team down in numbers.Williams is looking to become the first player to win the World Cup in both league and union, which will mark him out as one of rugbys greats. He is set to return to union in time for the 2015 World Cup in England, so is chasing three world titles in four years.Controversy has attracted Williams, who was involved in some alcohol-fuelled incidents early in his career. He also walked out on a contract with the Bulldogs in the NRL in 2008 to play rugby union for Toulon in France, earning him a ban from the Australian league for five years.But he also attracts fans and that is why organizers are delighted to see him play in a tournament that is always a hard sell, with rugby league widely regarded as the inferior code.I went to South Africa and I said I play rugby league, Paulo recalled. And this young kid, he was only about 8 years old, he said, Sonny Bill Williams, Sonny Bill Williams I thought, Wow, this guy really is big all around the world.

Portugal faces Sweden in World Cup playoff


ZURICH (AP) - Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal must beat Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Sweden in a playoff to advance to the World Cup in Brazil.The two were drawn to face each other Monday in a two-leg series scheduled for Nov. 15 and 19.Also, France will play Ukraine, with the return match in Paris, Iceland will host Croatia in the first leg, and Greece was paired with Romania.The four winners will complete Europes 13 entries in the 32-team World Cup draw on Dec. 6 in Salvador, Brazil.

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