Friday 4 October 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

One killed, four injured in Karachi violence


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, some unidentified persons opened fire and wounded Azhar Abbas and his son Ali. They were rushed to a nearby hospital where Azhar Abbas succumbed to his wounds.In another incident of violence, dacoits open fire in Gulshan Iqbal near Mumtaz Manzil on resistance in robbery attempt and injured three people.On the other hand, police have arrested three accused involved in extortion and murder cases and recovered arms and stolen motorcycles from their possession.Police have also arrested 22 accused, including 13 proclaimed offenders, from different parts of Jackson and Mahmoodabad areas and also recovered arms and drugs from them. Three accused were arrested from Nabi Baksh area while another accused named Jafar was arrested from Docks area.

Lahore: Two dacoits arrested after encounter


LAHORE (Dunya News) - According to details, three dacoits were busy in looting a man named Hafiz Akhtar and his family in front of Gulshan Iqbal Park in Iqbal Town area when police reach the spot.An encounter between police and dacoits took place after which two dacoits Usman and Moeen got injured while the third dacoits managed to escape from the scene.The injured dacoits were rushed to Jinnah Hospital where condition of Moeen is stated to be critical. Police have also recovered arms and motorcycle from injured dacoits.

Kerry to play lead US role at Asia summits


BALI (AP) - Nearly a decade after his unsuccessful 2004 bid for the White House, John Kerry is getting the chance to be presidential as he fills in for U.S. President Barack Obama at heads of state summits in Asia.The secretary of state learned Friday while flying from Japan to Indonesia that he would lead heavyweight U.S. delegations to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in Bali and the East Asia Summit in Brunei that begin this weekend.Kerry had been in Tokyo for security talks and was already planning to attend both meetings but only in a supporting role. He found out earlier in the week that he would be visiting Malaysia and the Philippines instead of Obama next week as the White House pared down and then ultimately cancelled the presidents planned four-nation Asian tour to deal with the government shutdown in Washington.Obamas absence has led speculation and concern that the United States is no longer fully committed to serving as a counterbalance to Chinas growing assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific. As Obamas Asia trip diminished and eventually disappeared, Chinese leader Xi Jinping was visiting Indonesia and Malaysia, where he was feted even as Beijing is being criticized by some in the region for its aggressive stance on territorial issues.One of Kerrys first meetings in Bali was with the Australian and Japanese foreign ministers, who all agreed that maritime disputes in the East and South China seas between China and its smaller neighbors must be settled peacefully without aggression.The three opposed any coercive or unilateral actions that could change the status quo in the East China Sea, they said in a statement released after the meeting, referring to the dispute between China and Japan over an remote island group known in Japan as the Senkakus. They also underlined the importance of efforts to reduce tensions and to avoid miscalculations or accidents in the East China Sea, including by improving marine communications.At the same time, they stressed the importance of respect for rule of law in the South China Sea, where various members of the Association of South East Asian Nations have conflicting claims with China over islands.The trio affirmed the importance of peace and stability, respect for international law, unimpeded trade and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, the statement said.

UN concerned over Egypt violence


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN leader Ban Ki-moon expressed concern Friday over mounting tensions in Egypt after deadly clashes in Cairo.With more demonstrations against the military-backed government expected on Sunday, Ban stresses the importance of peaceful protest, respect for freedom of assembly and commitment to non-violence, said UN spokesman Martin Nesirky.Ban highlighted his concern at the serious violence, the spokesman added.Four people were killed in Cairo and 45 injured nationwide in clashes between Islamist supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and security forces, medical officials said. Morsi was deposed and detained by the military in July.The secretary-general continues to underscore the need for political inclusion, full respect for human rights, including of those detained in prison, and the rule of law as the basis for a peaceful, democratic transition, said Nesirky.More demonstrations are expected on Sunday, when Egypt marks the anniversary of its 1973 war with Israel.

Four killed as clashes rock Cairo


CAIRO (AFP) - Four people died in fierce clashes that erupted in Cairo Friday when Islamist supporters of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi protested against the military that ousted him.Fighting also broke out after weekly Muslim prayers in Alexandria and the Upper Egypt province of Assiut as Islamists took to the streets protesting Morsis July 3 ouster and subsequent jailing, AFP correspondents and state media reported.Four people were killed in Cairo. The dead do not include members of police or security forces, Khaled al-Khatib, head of Egypts emergency services told AFP, without elaborating.Egypts ambulance services head Ahmed al-Ansari confirmed the death toll in Cairo and said another 45 people were wounded in nationwide violence.The protests were called by the Anti-Coup Alliance led by Morsis Muslim Brotherhood in defiance of an ongoing crackdown by the countrys new army-backed authorities in which some 2,000 Islamists have been jailed.Cairo witnessed the fiercest clashes, with Islamists fighting opponents of Morsi and security forces, mainly around Tahrir Square, epicentre of the 2011 revolt that toppled strongman Hosni Mubarak.Police fired live rounds into the air and tear gas to prevent Islamists from entering the square, as several hundred pro-Morsi demonstrators chanted Allahu Akbar (God is greatest).The warning shots succeeded in dispersing the protesters from Abdel Moneim Riad Square, which is next to Tahrir, pushing them back towards nearby Ramses Square.The army closed all the entrances to Tahrir Square, and most shops in downtown Cairo remained shuttered.A separate group of protesters marched towards the defence ministry, but that protest later broke up after brief clashes.Thousands of Morsi supporters also marched in the Nasr City district of Cairo towards Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, where security forces dismantled a massive protest camp on August 14 as part of a crackdown that left hundreds dead.They flashed the four fingers sign, a symbol of Rabaa, and carried banners with pictures of those killed, chanting Revenge Revenge before dispersing.Meanwhile, hundreds of Morsi supporters chanted slogans against the military and army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi when they clashed with opponents in the capitals Maniyal neighbourhood, a witness said, adding that both sides fired birdshot at each other.Clashes also occurred in the Shubra neighbourhood but ended after security forces intervened and chased away the two groups, another witness told AFP.In another incident Khaled Dawood, spokesman for the liberal Al-Dostour party, was stabbed in Cairo, state news agency MENA reported, saying he was wounded in the chest and one hand.Morsi, Egypts first democratically elected president, was ousted following mass protests against his year-long rule. He has been held at an unknown location since then.The ability of the Anti-Coup Alliance to bring large numbers of supporters into the streets has waned following the security crackdown in August.More than 2,000 Islamists have been arrested, including top leaders of the Brotherhood, and the organisations activities were banned by an Egyptian court last month.The court also ordered the Brotherhoods assets seized, delivering a powerful blow to the organisation.More demonstrations were expected on Sunday, when Egypt marks the anniversary of its 1973 war with Israel.

Libya apologizes for attack on Russian embassy


TRIPOLI (AP) - The Libyan government has apologized for the mob attack on the Russian Embassy in Tripoli that prompted Russia to evacuate all of its diplomats and their families from the North African nation.The Foreign Ministry said Friday that Prime Minister Ali Zidan and Foreign Minister Mohammed Abdel-Aziz visited the site of the attack and expressed apologies for such irresponsible actions. It added that authorities will beef up security at foreign missions.Russia says no embassy employees were hurt in Wednesdays attack, propelled by the alleged killing of a Libyan air force officer by a Russian woman.An armed mob broke into the embassy compound in the Libyan capital, climbing over walls, breaking down a metal gate and shooting in the air.

Riots in Kenya after cleric, 3 others, killed


NAIROBI (AP) - Gunmen killed a Muslim cleric and three others in a hail of bullets in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa, a year after the imams predecessor was killed in the same manner and on the same road and nearly the same spot.The killings triggered street violence by youths on Friday who blamed police for the homicides, and four more people were killed in the mayhem.The clerics supporters alleged that the shooting death late Thursday of Sheik Ibrahim Ismael was a reprisal by Kenyan security forces for the Sept. 21 attack on Nairobis Westgate Mall that killed more than 60 people. A Somali Islamic extremist group, al-Shabab, claimed responsibility for the mall attack.Ismaels predecessor at the Masjid Musa Mosque, who was gunned down in August 2012, had been accused of aiding al-Shabab, including recruiting youths for the Somali group.While its possible the timing is linked, the pattern of targeted killings and disappearances in Mombasa long predates Westgate. Whats clear is that a serious independent investigation of yesterdays killing and earlier attacks on Aboud Rogo and others is urgently needed to answer the many questions about these attacks, Leslie Lefkow, an Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch said.The dark four-door car that Ismael was riding in was riddled by bullets. People gathered around the car, taking photographs and staring at the bodies as weeping relatives of the dead approached.Police spokeswoman Gatiria Mboroki denied that police had any involvement in the killings. We are investigating who did this and what the motive is because we dont know, she said.Human rights groups estimate that Kenyan police were responsible for approximately 1,000 extrajudicial killings between 2008 and 2012, according to the U.S. State Department.Members of the security forces were suspected of being responsible for a number of forced disappearances. At least half dozen prominent Muslim leaders alleged to have terrorist ties were victims of killings or forced disappearances, the State Department said, in its annual report on human rights.Young men on Friday partly burned the Salvation Army Church and put burning tires on the road. Police carrying assault rifles came to the scene as smoke poured from the compound. Police fired into the air and lobbed tear gas. Kenyas Red Cross said four people were killed in the rioting, including at least one with gunshot wounds.Supporters who had gathered around the scene of Ismaels assassination Thursday blamed Kenyan police for the deaths, saying the killings were payback for the Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi.If we take up arms we are terrorists, if we dont we get killed ... what are we supposed to do when they are killing us. The police are killing us, said Sheik Abubaker Shariff Ahmed also known as Makaburi, who has been sanctioned by the United Nations and the U.S for alleged links to al-Shabab.The four deaths and Friday violence come amid fears of worsening relations between Kenyas minority Muslim population many of whom are of Somali origin and Kenyas majority Christian population.Ismael preached at Mombasas Masjid Musa Mosque, where Aboud Rogo Mohammed once preached. Mohammed had been sanctioned by the U.N. and U.S. for supporting al-Shabab. A Kenyan government task force did not establish who killed Mohammed. His supporters and human rights groups blamed the police. The killing led to days of deadly violence in Mombasa, which lies on the Indian Ocean and has a large Muslim population.In the wake of Fridays violence, the U.S. Embassy restricted travel to Mombasa and said we strongly encourage all American citizens to avoid areas in Mombasa where violence has been seen.There is the potential of further demonstrations and violence, the embassy said.The U.N. advised its staff in Mombasa to minimize their movements and to follow a 10 p.m. curfew over the weekend.Following the Kenya mall attack, Human Rights Watch researcher Laetitia Bader wrote that many Somalis who have fled to Kenya because of al-Shabab violence inside Somalia have sometimes faced serious abuses at the hands of the Kenyan security forces who wrongfully accuse them of supporting al-Shabab.

Pakistan and India to play rugby for peace


LAHORE (AFP) - Arch-rivals Pakistan and India will lock horns in the under-19 Asian Rugby Championship final today (Saturday), with officials and captains vowing to promote peace through sports.The final is a rare sporting event between the South Asian nuclear rivals. New Delhi had stalled bilateral sporting relations in the wake of 2008 terrorist attacks on Mumbai, which India blamed on militants based in Pakistan.Pakistans cricket team did play a short limited over series in India earlier this year -- their first since 2007 -- but that proved to be a one-off, as heightening tensions on the Line of Control in the disputed Kashmir region derailed the peace process.But Indian rugby team manager Kulvinder Singh said the final will be the first step towards peace.I am happy that kids of below 19 years are starting this with the final, Singh told AFP. I wish the oneness back between us and that we give a message of peace to New Delhi and Islamabad.Singh said he feels Pakistan is his second home.I came here as a player in 1999 and now as a manager and have always felt at ease, got so much love and warmth that I feel at home, he said.His mother came from Faisalabad and his father from Rawalpindi before the partition in 1947.I know there are so many derailments but I am sure Pakistan will take India as its brother and India would feel the same way, said Singh.Indian captain Suraj Veer said he felt no problems in Lahore.Its a wonderful feeling to be in Lahore and the affection is memorable, said Veer, adding he hoped his team will beat Pakistan.Pakistan captain Dawood Gill felt the same way.Pakistan is making progress in rugby and I am sure my team will beat India but its all for the peace of the two nations, said Gill.A Pakistan rugby team is also due to tour Mumbai next week to feature in the Asian Sevens, to be competed by 16 countries.

Nadal, Serena reach China Open semifinals


BEIJING (AP) - Rafael Nadal stayed on course to wrest the top ranking from Novak Djokovic by rallying for a 2-6, 6-4, 6-1 win over Fabio Fognini of Italy in the China Open quarterfinals on Friday.Nadal, who needs to reach the final to have a chance of regaining No. 1 for the first time in two years, was down a set and a break but changed the tempo with a timely service break.Djokovic played Sam Querrey in a late match.Also, top-ranked Serena Williams brushed aside former No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki 6-1, 6-4 to raise her record to 6-1 against the Dane.Nadal seemed to struggle at times with a niggling left knee injury but wore down Fognini after that hard-fought service break in the seventh game of the second set.I was able to fight, to change a little bit the dynamic of the match, Nadal said. The players who are in the top position of the rankings, its because they are able to win when things are not going well. One of the most important things in tennis (is to) win when you dont play well.Fognini started fluently as he broke and led 3-0. He was soon leading 5-1 but failed to serve out and had to break Nadal again with a superb cross-court return to clinch the set.Fognini again ran up a 3-0 lead in the second and was serving with a lead of 4-2 before Nadal seized control.It was the third straight victory over Fognini for Nadal, who next plays fourth-seeded Tomas Berdych of the Czech Republic.Berdych scored a 7-5, 6-2 win over John Isner to improve his record to 3-2 against the American.In other womens matches, former Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova beat local favorite Li Na 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 to set up a semifinal with Jelena Jankovic.Jankovic also came from a set down to beat Lucie Safarova of the Czech Republic 6-7 (3), 6-4, 6-4.

Football: Beckham backs England to reach Brazil


LONDON (AFP) - David Beckham said Friday that England would make it through to next years World Cup finals in Brazil as they prepared for their final two key qualifying matches.England face Montenegro and Poland at Wembley later this month, with victory in both matches enough to ensure qualification for the 2014 World Cup.But Roy Hodgsons men have drawn three of their last five matches.However, former England captain Beckham, asked if the current side were winners, replied Friday: I do.Theres a transitional period that was always going to happen. You see it throughout sport, you see it throughout teams and countries and obviously Roy Hodgson has come in and done a good job.Theres a lot of young players in the team and weve still got those players that they can look up to like Frank Lampard, like Stevie G (Steven Gerrard), the former midfielder added.Theres players in there that have been in there for many, many years who have experienced World Cups and big games.So they have got those players that have got the experience in there, but young players will only learn when theyre playing and thats what Roy has done.Hes brought in a couple of young players that are the future of English football.Beckham, who retired from competitive football following a short stint with Paris St Germain last season, said: I think people like to see winners and see teams and the country you support and live in be the best.Thats why we are a country of believers and there are high expectations in our country.Whenever we go into a competition, whether it be football, whether it be any other sport, theres always high expectations and thats rightly so, because were a country thats passionate about our sport and were believers and that should never change.The 38-year-old Beckham, speaking at a Sainsburys Active Kids event in his native east London, said the past 18 months hailed the impact the citys staging of the 2012 Olympic Games upon British sport.The actual lead-up to the Games, there was so much anticipation, so much excitement and then once the Games began, the fact that we were so successful through those Games, it just added to the excitement and the pride that we all had to actually see our athletes perform as they did.Thats when we go back to the children. Children watching the Games, children going to the Games, being able to see these athletes perform and win gold medals and win the medals that we won -- it doesnt get better than that.It was a proud year for us as British people. It doesnt get any better than the year that we had.

Rallying: Neuville leads as Loeb, Ogier struggle in France


STRASBOURG (AFP) - Belgian driver Thierry Neuville took the lead from Frances Sebastien Loeb after the second day of the Rally of France on Friday.Neuville made the most of the hard tyres fitted to his Ford Fiesta to lead Spanish Citroen driver Dani Sordo by 9.9sec with Finlands Jari-Matti Latvala sitting third in a Volkswagen Polo at 11.8sec.I made a good tyre choice, said Neuville.When the weather is changeable like that the choice of tyres is always a bit of a lottery.Loeb and newly-crowned world champion Sebastien Ogier made the wrong tyre choice for the dry conditions in north eastern France with the French pair sitting fourth and fifth respectively.You cant always be at your best all of the time, said Ogier, who clinched his first world rally title on Thursday, succeeding compatriot Loeb who won the last nine championships.Local hero Loeb also blamed his choice of tyre for losing the race lead.I started the afternoon in wet mode and not a drop fell, complained the man from Alsace.

Athletics: US shot putter handed six month doping ban


COLORADO SPRINGS (AFP) - Jillian Camarena-Williams, who won a shot putt bronze medal at the World Championships in 2011, has been slapped with a six-month ban after failing a drugs test, the United States Anti-Doping Agency announced Friday.The 31-year-old American tested positive for Clomiphene during an out-of-competition test in the beginning of July. USADA has made her suspension retroactive to the date of the test which means she will be eligible to compete again on January 1.Clomiphene, which is considered a masking agent and is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's banned substance list, is also present in fertility drugs that help ovarian stimulation.Camarena-Williams told anti-doping officials she was using the drug because she wanted to get pregnant.USADA has accepted Camarena-Williams' explanation that the Clomiphene was not being used in an effort to enhance her performance, USADA said in a statement.Camarena-Williams told USADA she hasn't been training lately and decided to start a family in June.After being unable to compete due to injury, my husband and I decided to start a family, she said.

Oil rises toward $104 on Gulf of Mexico storm


NEW YORK (AP) - The price of crude rose to near $104 a barrel Friday as offshore oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico braced for Tropical Storm Karen. Investors were also keeping a close watch on developments in Washington D.C., as the partial shutdown of the U.S. government entered a fourth day.U.S. benchmark oil for November delivery rose 53 cents to close at $103.84 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. For the week oil rose 97 cents, snapping a three-week losing streak that knocked $7.66, or 7 percent, off the price of a barrel.Several oil companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico, including Exxon, said they were taking precautionary measures, including the evacuation of non-essential personnel from offshore installations in the path of the tropical storm that could turn into a weak hurricane over the weekend.The potential disruption comes amid the budget impasse in the U.S. Some 800,000 federal workers and scores of agencies were idled this week after a sharply divided U.S. Congress failed to agree on short-term funding for the government to pay its bills beyond Monday, when the fiscal year ended.A prolonged halt to government activities would reduce demand for energy and result in lower prices of fuels such as gasoline. That would be a boon for U.S. drivers but also signal a weak economy.Brent, the benchmark for international crudes, gained 46 cents to $109.46 on the ICE Futures exchange in London.

Dollar pulls back after steady slide


NEW YORK CITY (AFP) - The dollar pulled up higher against the euro, yen and other currencies Friday, arresting a steady slide since last month even as the US government shutdown passed its fourth day.There was no end in sight to the political stalemate between Republicans and Democrats over the budget and borrowing ceiling, but the dollar was appearing oversold, analysts said.At 2200 GMT the dollar was at $1.3557, compared to $1.3618 late Thursday.The dollar rose to 97.47 yen from 97.27, while the euro slipped to 132.14 yen from 132.49.The dollar remained near its lowest point in eight months amid concerns that Washington's political paralysis could worsen, hurting economic growth.One month Treasury yields -- an indicator of short-term risk -- rose sharply Thursday and Friday as investors eyed the October 17 deadline for Congress to raise the country's debt limit.Without an increase in the limit, the Treasury has repeatedly warned, the country could be forced to default on its obligations, including debt payments, an act which the Treasury said would be catastrophic.Business and consumer spending could also take a hit as the shutdown wears on into its second week, said Kathy Lien of DailyFx. The British pound fell to $1.6005 from $1.6155, while the dollar rose to 0.9071 Swiss franc from 0.8991 franc.

Malala picks up another award as Nobel beckons


LONDON (AFP) - Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban for campaigning for girls schooling, added another award to a growing list on Friday.She was given the RAW in WAR Anna Politkovskaya Award, named after the Russian investigative journalist who was shot dead seven years ago next Monday.Malala is also among the favourites for the Nobel Peace Prize, which will be announced on October 11.The 16-year-old was presented with the award in London and said she hoped she could be as brave as (Politkovskaya) was.I greatly admire Annas dedication to truth, to equality, and to humanity, Malala added.The award was presented by the so-called British Schindler, Nicholas Winton, now 104, who in 1939 saved the lives of more than 600 Jewish children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia as World War II was about to start.As well as being a frontrunner for the Nobel, Malala has also been shortlisted for the European Parliaments prestigious Sakharov human rights prize.Malala was flown to Birmingham in central England following the shooting, where surgeons have rebuilt her skull.She attends school in the city, which has a substantial population of Pakistani heritage.Her autobiography, I Am Malala is published in Britain and the United States on Tuesday, the eve of the anniversary of the attack on her as she travelled in a school bus.RAW in WAR promotes women who have defended human rights. Last years winner was Marie Colvin, the journalist with British newspaper The Sunday Times, who was killed covering the Syrian conflict.

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