Tuesday 22 October 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Australian scientists strike gold in gum trees


SYDNEY (AFP) - Australian researchers have found tiny particles of gold hidden inside the leaves of eucalyptus trees, in a discovery they say could help prospectors discover new deposits of the precious metal.Scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) made the find in the resource-rich Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia, which was the site of a major gold rush in the late 1800s.Geochemist Mel Lintern said it appeared the trees sucked up the gold particles from 30 metres (100 feet) below the ground through their roots.The eucalypt acts as a hydraulic pump -- its roots extend tens of metres into the ground and draw up water containing the gold, he said.As the gold is likely to be toxic to the plant, it's moved to the leaves and branches where it can be released or shed to the ground.In research published Wednesday in the journal Nature Communications, the CSIRO said the leaf particles themselves would not trigger a new gold rush as they measure just a fifth the width of a human hair and are visible only through advanced X-ray imaging.But scientists could use a technique known as biogeochemical sampling to give an indication of the presence of gold beneath the surface.By sampling and analysing vegetation for traces of minerals, we may get an idea of what's happening below the surface without the need to drill, Lintern said.It's a more targeted way of searching for minerals that reduces costs and impact on the environment. He said the method could also be used to find other metals such as zinc and copper.

Apple unveils new Macs, iPad ahead of holidays


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Apple Inc. is refreshing its iPad lineup and slashing the price of its Mac computers ahead of the holiday shopping season, as it faces an eroding tablet market share and growing competition from rival gadget makers.Apple unveiled a new, thinner, lighter tablet called the iPad Air along with a slew of new Macs Tuesday at an event in San Francisco. The iPad Air weighs just 1 pound (0.45 kilogram), compared with 1.4 pounds (0.64 kilogram) for the previous version.Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller called the tablet a screaming fast iPad. He said it is eight times faster than the original iPad that came out in 2010.The iPad Air will go on sale Nov. 1 and start at $499 for a model with 16 gigabytes of memory. Apple plans to phase out its third and fourth generation iPads while the iPad 2, which launched in 2011, continues selling at $399. A new iPad Mini, meanwhile, will be available later in November starting at $399 for a 16-gigabyte model. It has a retina display designed to give it a clearer, sharper picture and the same 64-bit chip that powers the iPad Air.The iPad's market share has been eroding compared with cheaper rivals running Google Inc.'s Android operating system.Research firm Gartner Inc. estimates that Android tablets will end 2013 with a 50 percent share of the worldwide market versus 49 percent for the iPad. Just two years ago, the iPad commanded a 65 percent market share compared to 30 percent for Android tablets.Apple sold 14.6 million iPads in the June quarter, down 14 percent from the same time last year. It was the first year-over-year decline in iPad sales. Nonetheless, Apple CEO Tim Cook touted that Apple has sold 170 million iPads since the tablets launched three years ago.Tim Bajarin, a Creative Strategies analyst who's followed Apple for more than three decades, said the 64-bit chip in the new iPads makes them the most powerful tablets on the market. Keeping the iPad 2 on store shelves also makes sense, according to the analyst.That's the one that's a big hit in Asia and emerging markets, Bajarin said. It's still got a lot of traction.Apple also refreshed its computer lineup. A new, 13-inch (33-centimeter) MacBook Pro with Retina display is thinner and lighter, Schiller said, adding that the laptop has up to 9 hours of battery life, enough to watch the entire trilogy of 'The Dark Knight' on one charge. The notebook's new price is lower: $1,299, compared with $1,499 for the previous version.A larger MacBook Pro, with a 15-inch (38-centimeter) monitor and 256 gigabytes of storage starts at $1,999, compared with $2,199 for the previous version.The Mac Pro, a high-end desktop computer aimed at what Apple calls power users, will be available in December for $2,999.The company also said that its latest computer operating system, Mavericks, is available free of charge.Between the iPad and iPhones, I think they'll have a monster holiday season, Bajarin said.Apple also gave updated statistics related some of its other products. The company said that nearly two-thirds of its mobile devices are running iOS7, the revised operating system it released in September. Twenty million people have listened to iTunes Radio about a month after its release.Shares of Cupertino, California-based Apple slid $2.64 to $518.79 in afternoon trading following the event.

Gallas sets for Australia move: report


SYDNEY (AFP) - French defender William Gallas is on the verge of a move to Perth Glory in Australia's A-League after being released by English Premier League side Tottenham Hotspur, a report said Wednesday.The former Chelsea and Arsenal star is a free agent and has previously expressed interest in joining the country's booming domestic league, which boosts several former greats led by Italian superstar Alessandro Del Piero.The West Australian newspaper reported that talks between Gallas' agent and Perth were at an advanced stage and an official announcement could be made late Wednesday.The 36-year-old spent more than a decade at top clubs Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham, where he played 24 matches as vice-captain last season. He was also capped 84 times by France.

Australian PM denies climate change links to bushfires


SYDNEY (AFP) - Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Wednesday that devastating bushfires in Australia were linked to climate change, saying the United Nations climate chief was talking through her hat on the issue.UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said Tuesday that while the latest fires raging west of Sydney could not yet be linked to global warming, there was absolutely a connection between wildfires and rising temperatures.The official in question is talking through her hat, Abbott told radio station 3AW.Climate change is real, as I've often said, and we should take strong action against it.But these fires are certainly not a function of climate change -- they're just a function of life in Australia, he said.The vast country's hot and dry weather makes it particularly prone to bushfires and they are a regular feature of summer.But the current blazes, which have razed more than 200 homes, have inflamed debate about whether there is a link to climate change and Figueres, executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), weighed in during an interview with CNN.The World Meteorological Organization has not established a direct link between this wildfire and climate change - yet, Figueres said. But what is absolutely clear is the science is telling us that there are increasing heatwaves in Asia, Europe, and Australia, that there these will continue, that they will continue in their intensity and in their frequency.Abbott rejected the connection saying fire is a part of the Australian experience.Figueres also criticised Abbott's decision to repeal a carbon tax on emissions put in place by the previous government to combat climate change.Abbott, who once described climate change science as absolute crap, campaigned hard against the so-called carbon tax for the September election and has made repealing it the first priority of his conservative government.As firefighters tackled dire weather conditions on Wednesday, Abbott defended his decision to help locals with firefighting operations last weekend.I think the risks are well within the bounds of what is acceptable, said the prime minister, who has been a volunteer firefighter for a decade.Even as a prime minister you've got to be a human being first.

Nawaz takes up post-war ties with Obama


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif heads to the White House Wednesday seeking to build a new type of post-Afghanistan war relationship as he presses for an end to drone strikes.In a nod to the fading of tensions since the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama's administration has moved to release more than $300 million in blocked security assistance to Pakistan.But tensions remain over the US campaign of drone attacks aimed at extremists deep inside the country's lawless areas. Sharif urged an end to the strikes, which a new Amnesty International report said may violate international law by killing civilians.But Sharif, calling for a fresh partnership with the United States on the eve of his meeting with Obama, largely steered clear of Pakistan's past narrative of outside interference that has jarred relations.It is my endeavor to approach this important relationship with an open and fresh mind, leaving behind the baggage of trust deficit and mutual suspicions, Sharif said at the US Institute of Peace.The greatest challenge to Pakistan comes from terrorism and extremism, Sharif said, calling his nation a major victim of a decade of attacks that have killed more than 40,000 people.White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama hoped to use the meeting with Sharif to promote a stable, secure and prosperous Pakistan that is contributing to regional and international security and prosperity.The White House meeting is Sharif's first since he swept to power in May elections. It comes a year before the United States plans to pull out combat troops from Afghanistan, ending its longest war launched after the attacks of September 11, 2001.The Afghan war instantly transformed Pakistan into a sometimes reluctant US war partner, with the then military government agreeing to help Washington overthrow Islamabad's erstwhile Taliban allies.In a message sure to be welcomed at the White House, Sharif said that Pakistan supported a peaceful, stable and unified Afghanistan -- whose leaders often accuse Pakistan's powerful spy network of covertly supporting the Taliban.Sharif said he has assured Afghan President Hamid Karzai that we wish neither to interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs, nor do we have any favorites.Obama is expected to sound out Sharif for ideas on reaching an elusive peace agreement involving the Taliban, as well as practical support for pulling out most of the 50,000 US troops in Afghanistan.Keeping expectations in checkCameron Munter, the US ambassador to Pakistan until last year, said that both sides wanted a more stable relationship that did not just revolve around crises.Sharif has projected himself as modern and moderate and has been upfront about his challenges, Munter said.He's tried to say we can put this back on a good footing (and) trying to keep expectations fairly low.Robert Hathaway, director of the Asia program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, said that Sharif had no alternative but to raise drones due to the sweeping opposition inside Pakistan to the attacks.By the same token, I think it's unrealistic that Obama is going to have any real give on this subject so long as the insurgents continue to find a sanctuary in Pakistan and then slip across the border to kill Americans and NATO forces, Hathaway said.Amnesty International, in its report Tuesday, documented cases in which it said civilians were clearly killed, including an October 2012 strike that ripped apart a 68-year-old grandmother as she picked vegetables.White House spokesman Jay Carney said that the United States exercised extraordinary care and was choosing the course of action least likely to result in the loss of life.Sharif has also pledged to work for better relations with historical rival India, which has pressed Pakistan to take action against Islamic extremists linked to the bloody 2008 siege of Mumbai.

Mexico probes US spying, France says snooping must end


MEXICO CITY (AFP) - Mexico is to investigate allegations that the United States spied on the emails of President Enrique Pena Nieto and his predecessor, the latest diplomatic wrangle stemming from America's intelligence-gathering efforts.The row, following leaks from the former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, coincided with a report that millions of phone calls in France were being monitored by the National Security Agency.While France told the United States to stop snooping on its citizens, the US Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said Tuesday that reports from the daily Le Monde contained inaccurate and misleading information about America's foreign intelligence activities.The anger in Mexico City and Paris has put Washington in an awkward position with allies that collaborate on everything from terror investigations to the war on drugs.Pena Nieto ordered an exhaustive probe into claims that the NSA hacked his emails while he was running for office last year, as well as the messages of predecessor Felipe Calderon while in office.The Mexican investigation will look into whether such spying indeed took place and if any local officials were complicit, said Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.Since Pena Nieto took office in December, Mexico has revised and strengthened the security of the president's voice and computer communications, he added.The allegations that Calderon was spied on from May 2010 were reported by German weekly Der Spiegel on Sunday after a similar report by US journalist Glenn Greenwald last month that Pena Nieto had been targeted by the NSA.The Mexican leader has said that US President Barack Obama pledged to launch an investigation into the alleged spying on his emails.But Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade said he would summon the US ambassador over the latest claims and that the American response so far had been unacceptable.

Nawaz to meet Obama today


WASINGTON (Web Desk) - Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will meet President Barack Obama in Washington on Wednesday (today) to discuss a host of issues.Nawaz will lay emphasis on Pakistan’s stance on drone attacks asking the United States to halt these strikes‚ as they are counterproductive and harmful to peace efforts. Afghanistan situation will also come under discussion.In a statement‚ White House Spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama looks forward to welcoming Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to the White House.He said the PMs official visit comes as we are strengthening Pakistan-US relations.Jay Carney said Washington want to advance shared interest of a stable‚ secure‚ and prosperous Pakistan that is contributing to regional and international security and prosperity.Meanwhile‚ a State Department spokesperson has confirmed that the United States was moving forward with over one billion dollars economic and military aid to Pakistan that was held up because of strained relations in 2011 and 2012.

Pakistan is not center but victim of terrorism, says PM Nawaz


WASINGTON (Web Desk) –Government intends to resume the journey where it was interrupted by military coup in 1999 both in terms of reforms at home and foreign policy.He was speaking at the US Institute of Peace in Washington on Pakistans Vision for Peace‚ Stability and Development.The Prime Minister said the Government is also determined to create a society based on social justice and well being of all people without any discrimination.Mian Nawaz Sharif he was mindful of the reality that realization of this agenda requires internal peace and security as well as peace and stability in the neighborhood.He said Pakistan is determined to transform relations with its friends in the world but more importantly with immediate neighbors.The Prime Minister said the greatest challenge comes from terrorism and extremism but Pakistan is neither a source nor epicenter of terrorism as sometime alleged.In fact‚ Pakistan itself has been a major victim of the scourge of terrorism for over a decade. Pakistans sacrifices in the struggle against terrorism are well-known.We have faced hundreds of suicide attacks in the past decade‚ losing over seven thousand of brave soldiers‚ security personnel and policemen.He said with over forty thousand civilian casualties‚ our sacrifices are immeasurable both in terms of loss of human lives and damage caused to infrastructure.He said his Government is firmly resolved to end the cycle of violence but this cannot be done overnight. He said as an extraordinary expression of national unity and cohesion‚ the All Parties Conference underlined the imperative need of giving peace a chance.The Prime Minister said the Government is also determined to address the challenge posed by a weak economy. It is focusing on energy sector which has hampered our national growth and created social unrest.He told the audience that this year there had been democratic tradition from one democratic government to another and one elected President to another.These events represent remarkable transformation of our democratic culture‚ signifying political maturity not only for electorate but mainstream parties as well.They will surely strengthen the democratic institutions and rule of law in the country.Nawaz Sharif said they want to reduce dependence on foreign loans and enhance trade. He said tax to GDP ratio will be increased from nine to fifteen percent till 2018.The Prime Minister said it was decided to privatize major state owned enterprises including PIA‚ Pakistan Steel Mills and OGDCL.On foreign relations‚ he said Pakistan firmly believes that a peaceful‚ stable and developed Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan.He said our efforts are focused on stabilization of Afghanistan which is going through an important phase.He said Pakistan wishes that landmark transition will be completed peacefully and smoothly. He said international community remains engaged in reconstruction of Afghanistan and its economic development.He said Pakistan strongly supports an inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan owned peace and reconciliation process. Simultaneously we are making efforts to upgrade our relations with Afghanistan.Pakistan extended more than 450 million dollars assistance for Afghanistan reconstruction and capacity building with special focus on infrastructure‚ health and education sectors. He said Karachi-Peshawar Highway will be extended up-to Kabul.The Prime Minister hoped that TAPI and CASA-1000 projects will help strengthen peace and stability and achieve common objective of progress and prosperity.Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan shares common history and destiny with India.He said our past and future is inter-twined. He said people of Pakistan want to resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue and negotiations with India including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.He said he is confident that there are areas where we can make quick progress.The Prime Minister said it is time that two sides address their bilateral issues with utmost seriousness.He said Pakistan desires to live in peace with its neighbour. He said we want to realize potential for mutually beneficial economic cooperation at bilateral level and broader regional level under SAARC.He said contrary to the common perception‚ Pakistan-US relations have stood test of time. He said as democracy takes roots in Pakistan there is need for strong relations between the two countries.He said the two countries share perceptions on wide-ranging issues including Afghanistan‚ peace and stability in South Asia and Middle East and extremism and terrorism.The Prime Minister said drone attacks have deeply disturbed our people. He said drone attacks are the major irritant in our bilateral relations and stressed the need to end these attacks. He said drone attacks are against the sovereignty.He said Pakistan wants to enhance relations with US in the fields of trade‚ investment‚ energy‚ technology‚ education and agriculture.He said there should be greater inter-action between our two countries not on Parliamentary level but through exchange of businessmen‚ students and opinion leaders. He said military level relationship should be reinvigorated.Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state and fully alive to prevent its sovereignty and independence without engaging in any arms race.e said it maintains credible minimum deterrence for regional security and stability. He hoped that the United States would follow non-discriminatory approach for nuclear civil cooperation.The Prime Minister invited US private sector to join us for sustained economic growth and development of Pakistan.

Vatican launches its own cricket club


VATICAN CITY (AFP) - The Vatican served up tea and cucumber sandwiches on Tuesday as it launched its own cricket club, challenging the Church of England to a match and vowing to take on Indian Hindu and Muslim clerics.With the coat of arms of St Peters as its symbol and the Vatican yellow-and-white flag as its colours, the club will unite cricket-mad priests and seminarians -- and perhaps eventually nuns.The team will be strong enough to beat anyone in the world, said Father Theodore Mascarenhas, an Indian priest and a mean off-spin bowler, who is the chairman of the new St Peters Cricket Club.The initiative brings together the sporting madness of hundreds of clerics -- mainly from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka -- with a Vatican aim to find new ways to spread the word.This represents the councils desire to go to the peripheries of the world that Pope Francis has spoken of, said Monsignor Melchor Sanchez, who is the clubs honorary president and an official at the Vaticans Pontifical Council for Culture.Sanchez said cricket could be a way of engaging with other denominations and religions, saying he hoped the Church of England would form its own team and the two could square off on Lords cricket ground in London -- the home of cricket.The planned oecumenical game could be in September next year -- the month chosen because it is a time of holiday for seminarians in Rome.The club is also thinking of other possible matches against teams of Hindu and Muslim trainee clerics who would come over especially from India.I never imagined cricket was so popular in Rome said Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, who is informally known as the Vaticans culture minister.Cricket is alien to our culture but it has become part of our culture as an expression of inter-culturality, he said, explaining that a wave of immigration in Italy had brought many young aficionados of the sport to the country.While Pope Francis is known as a fan of the San Lorenzo football club in his native Argentina, Mascarenhas said he was also a very open man.I think cricket is another thing that would be part of that openness, he said, adding: Cricket will speak a new language -- perhaps Latin.Various clerics in Rome already play and the plan is to encourage more to join in and to then select a team of the best players by early next year, so as to train together ahead of the Anglican game.Father Eamonn OHiggins, spiritual director at the pontifical college of Maria Mater Ecclesiae, said his college team had recently defeated a strong challenge from the lads at Propaganda Fide, the Vatican department overseeing Catholic dogma.He said cricket could provide spiritual lessons.Any competitive sport implies a battle, overcoming an adversary... A Catholic priest is also called to battle an adversary, he said, adding that submission to the rules of the game and teamwork were also key for future clerics.Philippa Hitchen, who works for Vatican Radio, is also a club member in the hope that at some point we will have nuns playing so the gentlemens game can also be a ladies game, Mascarenhas said.Preparations for the cricket club began a year ago thanks largely to the enthusiasm of Australias ambassador to the Holy See, John McCarthy, who said this was sporting diplomacy in action.McCarthy said he had heard Pope Francis had an awareness of cricket because it was played in the Jesuit colleges in Argentina he once oversaw.The Holy Father has heard of cricket, he said.St Peters Cricket Club will initially play on the grounds of Capannelle Cricket Club outside Rome and will practice in Trastevere, near the centre.While the initiative has novelty value, club members said it could also produce genuine talent.One member is Brother K.M. Joseph, who helped promote sports in schools in India and was behind the rise of former India captain Mohammad Azharuddin and former international V.V.S. Laxman.Father Robert McCulloch, an Australian priest who works in Pakistan, said: When it comes to cricket, every Pakistani is a fundamentalist.

EU to mull Turkey membership in Nov


LUXEMBOURG (AFP) - The European Union agreed Tuesday to restart membership talks with Turkey next month, ending a three-year freeze despite Ankaras crackdown on protests this year.EU European and foreign affairs ministers meeting in Luxembourg said talks would resume in a fortnight, with an inter-governmental conference to be held in Brussels on November 5.Keen to breathe new life into Ankaras long-stalled effort to prise open the EU door, the 28-nation bloc had agreed to the resumption in principle in June, but then postponed the process in protest over Turkeys spring crackdown.The November negotiations will focus on regional development, one of 35 chapters or sets of EU rules and standards that candidate states must satisfy before winning entry to the club.Turkeys EU Minister Egemen Bagis called Tuesdays decision to resume accession talks a delayed but positive development.In Brussels, the blocs Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele too welcomed the decision.Accession negotiations need to regain momentum, respecting the EUs commitments and established conditionality, he said in a statement.I hope more chapters will follow.Despite criticism from some that the bloc has grown too big too quickly, Fuele has hailed the transformative power of the enlargement process.He says the many benchmarks set so a country can join helped bring the troubled Balkans region into the democratic fold and this year led to a historic accord between Serbia and Kosovo.That is an opinion shared by Britain, which has been pushing hard for the EU to bring Turkey into the fold.A UK spokesman in Brussels said the EU process has driven wide-ranging reform in Turkey. We have a shared interest in maintaining an active and credible accession process.Fuele is eager for talks to start soon with Turkey on two other chapters, one on fundamental freedoms and the other on the rule of law -- chapters 23 and 24.When asked about Turkeys expectations about opening negotiations on those chapters, Bagis told the private NTV network: We hope that the 27 member states will convince the Greek Cypriot administration to remove obstacles standing before the opening of the two chapters.Turkey began accession talks with the EU as far back as 2005, the same time as Croatia which this year became the blocs 28th member.But the talks have broken down because of Turkeys long-standing territorial dispute with Cyprus, a member of the bloc since 2004, as well as opposition from major powers France and Germany.The chapter on regional development -- chapter 22 -- will be the 14th of 35 opened with Turkey. A country needs to successfully close negotiations on all 35 before joining the EU.So far Turkey has closed only one chapter -- chapter 25 on science and research. And Cyprus has blocked eight chapters because of Ankaras refusal to open sea and air ports to Cyprus.A fresh delay in opening chapter 22 would have strengthened doubts about whether the predominantly Muslim country of 76 million people will ever be admitted to the European club.

Iran calls for reforms in UN


TEHRAN (AFP) - Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi called on the United Nations on Tuesday to undertake reforms to reflect the growing role of developing countries.To continue its presence in the international political and economic scene, the United Nations needs to undertake fundamental reforms, the ISNA news agency quoted Araqchi as saying.He was speaking at a ceremony in Tehran to mark the 68th anniversary of the UN charter going into effect, which was attended by UN Development Programme administrator Helen Clark.These reforms must reflect the change in global order, particularly the growing role of developing countries, the right of nations to determine their own fates and to allow (nations) to enjoy new technologies, said Araqchi, whose country holds the presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement.Araqchi led Irans negotiating team in talks with the major powers last week on its controversial nuclear programme, which has drawn several rounds of UN sanctions as well as far tougher measures from the European Union and the United States.Western governments suspect Iran is seeking to develop a nuclear weapons capability under the cover of its civilian programme, a claim vehemently denied by Tehran, which is pressing for an easing of the sanctions.These illegal, inhumane and oppressive sanctions target Iranian citizens ... as well as the countrys developing programmes in health, education and its fight against poverty, Araqchi said.Imposing such unfair sanctions against developing countries is not only contrary to the UN charter, but also exposes a serious threat to world peace and security, he said.Tehran has struggled to obtain medical supplies because of sanctions, even though the health sector is not directly targeted by the international measures.Clark told AFP on Tuesday that sanctions either made by Security Council or unilateral should not harm humanitarian needs, but said that the World Health Organisation and the UN childrens agency UNICEF had both offered to procure medicine to trade with Iran.The UNDP administrator said Iran had made significant progress in health and eduction since 1990, but warned that the country faces many challenges, particularly the divide between rich and poor.Inequalities are quite high in Iran and over time, inequality becomes quite corrosive, Clark said of the country, where 55 percent of the population is under 30.Iran has the opportunity of a tremendous demographic dividend with a large youth population. Level of education is quite significant but if the youth dont see hope, dont see jobs, this dividend does not get realised.

White Widow wrote Ode to Osama


LONDON (AFP) - The British woman wanted for alleged terror offences in Kenya, dubbed the White Widow, wrote an ode to the late Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden proclaiming her love for him, a report said Tuesday.Samantha Lewthwaites clumsy poem, littered with spelling mistakes, was found by British police investigators after they examined a computer hard drive found at a house in the Kenyan town of Mombasa, Britains Sky News television said.Oh sheik osama my father, my brother / My love for you is like no other / Oh Sheik Osama now that you are gone / The muslims must wake up they must be strong, it begins.Bin Laden was killed by US troops in May 2011 in Pakistan.It continues: Al-Qaeda are stronger and fiercer than ever / Thinking in the end you are stupid it will NEVER / Be over until the day that we see our lands returned and governed by He Allah the almighty,/ Whose law is complete.So make your plans and He is the best of planners./ Their was no victory for you Mr (US President Barack) Obama / The honour is his on martyred OsamaLewthwaite is the widow of Germaine Lindsay, one of four Islamist suicide bombers who attacked the London transport network on July 7, 2005, killing 52 innocent people.The 29-year-old Muslim convert is the subject of an Interpol red notice warrant for her detention, issued at Kenyas request after Islamist gunmen massacred at least 67 people at a Nairobi shopping mall last month.The notice did not specifically mention the mall siege, saying instead that Lewthwaite was wanted on charges of being in possession of explosives and conspiracy to commit a felony dating back to December 2011.Investigators also found a flash drive believed to belong to Lewthwaite which showed how she spent eight years researching bomb making, Sky News said.The report said that the hard drive led investigators to a three-bedroomed flat in Nairobi overlooking a shopping centre similar to the Westgate mall attacked last month.Lewthwaite lived there for seven months in 2011 using a false South African passport under the name Natalie Fey Webb, paying 60,000 Kenyan shillings ($700, 515 euros) a month in rent, it said.The hard drive also contained several photographs of Lewthwaite, which reveal she spent much of her time on websites concerning body image.One site she viewed showed how to obtain a hairstyle like US singer Taylor Swift, others had details on dieting and another offered an online course of self-defence.

FIFA bans 3 more El Salvador players for fixing


ZURICH (AP) - FIFA has imposed worldwide bans on three more El Salvador national team players in a match-fixing case, taking the total to 19.FIFA says the players, who it did not identify, were originally banned for five years, one year and six months, respectively, by the El Salvador football association this month.FIFA announced 16 global sanctions, including 14 lifetime bans, last week.The case involves international matches, including El Salvadors 5-0 loss to Mexico at the 2011 Gold Cup and a 2-1 loss in a friendly against the United States in 2010. Under-20 national team matches were also involved.El Salvador authorities shut down the senior national team during their investigation.

Ronaldo says to leave ailing Bale alone


MADRID (AP) - Cristiano Ronaldo says the best medicine for ailing teammate Gareth Bale is to leave him alone.Ronaldo says Gareth Bale is doing well. Its better to leave him alone and do pressure on other players.Bale has had two muscle injuries since his record transfer, limiting his playing time and leading to speculation about whether he had a back hernia that he and the club have denied.Ronaldo says that people make a lot pressure around him because of how much he cost coming from Tottenham, but I think its not good for him.Ronaldo praised Bales desire to learn and said he was sure Bale would do well for the club.Bale returned to play 15 minutes on Saturday. He is expected to play against Juventus on Wednesday.

PML-F demands removal of Qaim as CM Sindh


KARACHI (Dunya News) -The Pakistan Muslim League-Functional has called for removal of Qaim Ali Shah as Sindh’s Chief Minister for his purported failure to restore law and order in the province.Speaking to media persons at Functional House here on Tuesday, PML- F General Secretary Imtiaz Sheikh said rigging has begun before the local government elections.He called upon of Asif Ali Zardari to reconsider his decision and remove Qaim Ali Shah.Sheikh added that peace would return to the country if drone strikes were halted.

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