Tuesday 11 March 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Web inventor calls for internet bill of rights


LONDON (AFP) - A bill of rights should be created to govern the Internet in the wake of revelations about the depth of government surveillance, the inventor of the World Wide Web said on Wednesday.Tim Berners-Lee made the proposal as part of the web we want campaign for an open Internet, exactly 25 years after he first presented a paper with plans for the World Wide Web.We need a global constitution -- a bill of rights, he told the Guardian.Unless we have an open, neutral Internet we can rely on without worrying about what's happening at the back door, we can't have open government, good democracy, good healthcare, connected communities and diversity of culture, he said.It's not naive to think we can have that, but it is naive to think we can just sit back and get it.The campaign calls on web-users around the world to draft an Internet Users Bill of Rights for your country, for your region or for all.Berners-Lee has constantly campaigned for fewer controls on the web, and has praised former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden after he revealed details of how the US government collects masses of online data.Berners-Lee warned that people's rights were being infringed more and more on every side and that Internet users were becoming complacent about their loss of freedoms.So I want to use the 25th anniversary for us all to do that, to take the web back into our own hands and define the web we want for the next 25 years, he said.Berners-Lee conceived the Web almost 25 years ago in his spare time at Geneva-based CERN, Europe's top particle physics lab.

Cat takes US family hostage


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - A 22-pound (10-kilo) Himalayan cat attacked a baby boy and then took a US family hostage in their apartment, forcing them to call 911 to get police help.The ferocious feline first went for the seven-month-old baby, prompting owner Lee Palmer to kick the animal up the backside, but that served only to antagonize it further.We're trapped in the bedroom, he won't let us out of our door, Palmer told an emergency services dispatcher in Portland, in the western state of Oregon.I kicked the cat in the rear, and it has gone over the edge... He's very, very, very, very hostile.In the 911 call obtained by The Oregonian newspaper, Palmer explained that the four-year-old male cat, Lux, had previous.In Sunday's incident, Palmer tried unsuccessfully calling animal control before resorting to dialing 911.He's kind of a violent cat already... he's charging us, he's at our bedroom door, Palmer said. Amid howling in the background, he asked the dispatcher: Do you hear him?Yeah, yeah, I hear him, said the female emergency call operator, in a calm voice.Police arrived and subdued the animal with a dog snare.We are debating what to do, Palmer said afterwards. We definitely want to keep the cat away from the baby, and keep an eye on his behavior.

Libyan parliament sacks PM after tanker escapes rebel-held port


TRIPOLI: (Reuters) - Libyas parliament voted Prime Minister Ali Zeidan out of office on Tuesday after rebels humiliated the government by loading crude on a tanker that fled from naval forces, officials said, in a sign of the worsening chaos in the OPEC member state.Libyan gunboats later chased the tanker along Libyas eastern Mediterranean coast and opened fire, damaging it, a military spokesman said. Italian naval ships were helping move the tanker to a Libyan government-controlled port, he said. But Italy denied any of its vessels were in the area at the time and the reported firing incident could not be confirmed.Western powers fear the vast North African state could even break apart with the government struggling to rein in armed militias and tribesmen who helped oust dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 but want to grab power and oil revenues.Zeidan, a liberal weakened for months by infighting with Islamists, will be temporarily replaced by Defence Minister Abdallah al-Thinni, who was sworn in by parliament on Tuesday evening.Zeidan, who came to power in 2012 after Libyas first free parliamentary vote following four decades of quirky one-man rule by Gaddafi, had been facing opposition from Islamists and the public blaming him for Libyas anarchic transition since 2011.Deputies said they had decided to mount a no-confidence vote after the tanker managed to sail away from Es Sider port, one of three major export terminals the government has lost to rebels.The government has been weakened for a time and we need a new personality, said al-Sharif al-Wafi, an independent lawmaker. A new prime minister will be elected by deputies within two weeks, he said.State prosecutor Abdel-Qader Radwan said later he had banned Zeidan from travelling abroad because he faced an investigation over alleged financial irregularities.Zeidan told Reuters late on Monday in an interview that navy forces had halted the tanker and were escorting it to a government-controlled port in western Libya.But rebel leader Ibrahim Jathran mocked Zeidan by going on television hours later while standing on a ship, insisting his forces still controlled the 37,000-tonne tanker.When Libyans woke up the next morning officials had to admit the North Korea-flagged tanker had escaped at dawn, making it the first sale of crude bypassing the Tripoli government.Walid al-Tarhouni, spokesman for the national oil protection forces, said navy boats chased the tanker hours later east of Benghazi, further east, and opened fire.The ship was damaged and it is not moving, he said. Italian ships were helping to shift the tanker to a government-run port, he said. But the Italian defense ministry denied any of its vessels had been in the area at the time.It was not possible to verify the firing incident at sea. Government and rebels have given conflicting accounts of the tanker saga.It was unclear where the tanker had planned to sail. Government officials say the ship was flagged in North Korea, a flag of convenience to keep the ownership secret.Zeidans exit gave joy to his many opponents but it complicates Libyas transition as there is no obvious successor who can unite the feuding parties in a country with no tradition of political institutions.Analysts said Zeidan was not to blame for many problems such as lack of development since the ousting of Gaddafi as the government was simply running out of money due to a wave of protests at oilfields and ports. Oil is Libyas lifeline.Zeidan had accused the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists of blocking budget payments for infrastructure projects and improved army and police forces to make him fail.Parliament will support acting prime minister Thinni and not obstruct his work, its head Nuri Ali Abu Sahmain told the assembly after the defense minister gave his oath.But while he spoke, clashes erupted in the central city of Sirte west of Es Sider port where rebels were fighting pro-government forces assembled to end the blockages of oil ports.Rebel gunmen had blocked the gate to an air base in Sirte, the only main air force base in the region. Residents said fighters on both sides had been wounded though no details were immediately available.In Tripoli and the western city of Misrata, armed young men could be seen gathering to join a government force, residents said.Western diplomats worry the conflict over oil might dismember Libya as rebels demand autonomy for the east, which was neglected under Gaddafi as he concentrated power and wealth in Tripoli as well as his home region of Sirte.The rebels, who have seized three ports and partly control a fourth, said they had dispatched forces to central Libya to deal with any government attack.They want to restore political autonomy with the historic eastern Cyrenaica region which shared power and wealth with Tripolitania in the west under King Idris, who preceded Gaddafi.Libya has been trying to rebuild its armed forces since Gaddafis overthrow, but analysts say they are not yet a match for battle-hardened militias that fought in the eight-month uprising against the veteran strongman.

Malaysia jet may have turned back but not detected: air force


KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysias air force chief said Wednesday authorities have not ruled out the possibility a missing airliner inexplicably changed course before losing contact, but denied reports the jet had been detected far from its planned flight path.The (air force) has not ruled out the possibility of an air turn-back on a reciprocal heading before the aircraft vanished from the radar, General Rodzali Daud said in a statement.This resulted in the search and rescue operations being widened to the vicinity of the waters (off the west coast of Malaysia).But he denied a Malaysian media report on Tuesday that quoted him as saying that radar had last detected the plane over the Strait of Malacca off western Malaysia.That location would have indicated that Malaysia Airlines flight 370 had banked far to the west of its intended flight path over the South China Sea.Rodzali said he did not make any such statements, and that Malaysian newspaper Berita Harian published what is clearly an inaccurate and incorrect report.Authorities have said that the planes last known point of contact with air-traffic control was off eastern Malaysia as it headed from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on an overnight flight early Saturday.A massive search for the aircraft, which had 239 people aboard, initially focussed only on waters off eastern Malaysia, but has been expanded to the countrys west coast.That came after Rodzali said on the weekend that radar data indicated the possibility that the pilot had inexplicably changed course.Authorities have given no details on the radar data cited in the turn-back scenario and are yet to announce findings of an investigation into the theory.

Pakistan committed to nuclear non-proliferation, says Nawaz


ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that Pakistan is committed to nuclear non-proliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.Talking to Director General‚ International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiyo Amino ‚ he said all nuclear power plants and research reactors in Pakistan are operating under international safeguards.The prime minister appreciated IAEAs positive role in the development of peaceful use of nuclear technology in Pakistan.He said Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission has benefited significantly from IAEA’s programme on Cancer Therapy and Control in member states. Every year‚ a large number of Pakistani scientists and engineers benefit from IAEA sponsored activities.He said Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission is actively expanding its power production potential to address the persisting energy crisis.The IAEA chief appreciated Pakistan’s commitment to the use of nuclear energy for benefit of its people.Talking to British High Commissioner Philip Barton in Islamabad‚ the Prime Minister said Pakistan intends to expand its relations with the Britain especially in the field of economy and trade.He hoped that the current three billions dollars bilateral trade will increase manifold in coming years. He desired to achieve the trade target of five billion dollars by next year.He said Pakistan is following investor friendly policies and expressed his confidence that British investment in Pakistan will increase.Australian High Commissioner Peter Heyward also called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and discussed bilateral relations‚ war against terrorism‚ global peace and security and regional stability.The Prime Minister said Pakistan will welcome more Australian corporate entities in oil and gas sectors‚ mining‚ power generation in hydel‚ thermal and renewable energy fields and agro-based industry.

Thar relief issue: Sindh govt sacks two ministers, relief commissioner


KARACHI (Web Desk) - Sindh government has removed its provincial ministers of relief and revenue Makhdoom Jamil-u-Zaman, minister for Livestock & Fisheries Jam Khan Shoro and Relief Commissioner Lala Fazal-ur-Rehman over Thar relief issue.According to sources, Makhdoom Jamil-u-Zaman Jam Khan Shoro and Relief Commissioner have been removed from their posts for not coping with the relief issue efficiently in famine-hit Tharparkar.Earlier, former president Asil Ali Zardari also telephoned Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah and expressed anger over Tharparkar issue.The Thar desert begins around 300 kilometres (200 miles) from Karachi and runs up to the border with India, where it joins the Rajasthan desert.The area is virtually ruled by the Makhdoom family and four sons of Makhdoom Amin Fahim, the senior PPP leader, are directly involved and responsible. In the Sindh government, all the four sons hold key positions.Makhdoom Jamil Zaman is the provincial minister for relief and revenue. Makhdoom Aqil Zaman held the post of Tharparkar deputy commissioner until two days ago. Before him, six months ago, it was Makhdoom Shakil, another son, who held the position of district management for three consecutive years. Amin Fahim’s another son, Makhdoom Khalil Zaman, is a member of the Sindh Assembly (MPA) from the same district.It is also a fact that the Makhdoom family holds widespread spiritual following in most parts of Tharparkar. But they have been found negligent and the latest crisis has proved that. Makhdoom Aqil was transferred only after the tragic death of children came to the light.

Taliban reject CM Khattak's offer to open office in KP


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervaiz Khattak offered Taliban space to open office in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which was turned down by Taliban saying they don’t need an office, whereas Yousaf Shah says Taliban are ready for proper negotiations, Dunya News reported.According to reports, Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervaiz Khattak repeated Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan’s offer for Taliban to open office. Addressing media in Peshawar, Khattak said provincial government can allocate space to Taliban to open office if federation wants adding that the offer isn’t limited to office space only.However the efforts proved to be one-sided as Taliban politely turned down the offer saying they never demanded office space anywhere in the country and that they don’t need it.Outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid said that Taliban do not need an office.Addressing media in Peshawar, Yousaf Shah said that Taliban leadership are ready for direct and formal negotiations and is willing to solve the problem through dialogue.On the other hand, a statement issued by TTP Mohmand Agency Chief Umar Khrasani said that they continue to obey ceasefire and that they won’t target anyone during this phase. He said that his group’s should not be named in possible terrorist attack on former president Pervez Musharraf adding that it harms the peace process.

Dialogue timeframe, national security discussed in session chaired by PM


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – A high level meeting consisting political and military leadership, and chaired by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif took place here on Tuesday. The agenda included reviewing national security policy and discussion over timeframe of dialogue process and the option of military operation, Dunya News reported.Prime Minister expressed confidence over government’s peace efforts and military leadership assured complete support and confidence over the on-going process.According to reports, the high level session took place at PM house in Islamabad and was attended by Defense minister Khawaja Asif, Interior minister Chaudhry Nisar, Finance minister Ishaq Dar, Army chief General Raheel Sharif, DG ISI Lt. General Zaheerul Islam, Chief of General Staff Lt. General Ashfaq Nadeem.The session reviewed overall internal situation of the country and exchanged views over matters of critical importance including strategy to conduct dialogue with Taliban, and formation of new dialogue committee.Prime Minister expressed complete confidence over government’s ‘peace efforts’ and agreed to continue the process. Military leadership also expressed confidence over the process and said that army will back government’s decisions.According to Dunya News sources, the conclusive decision over the options of dialogue and operation will be taken on Thursday.

Brace yourselves: 8-12 hour load shedding expected in summer


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Economic coordinating committee and Dunya News sources have warned of 8-12 hours load shedding a day in the summer as upcoming electricity shortfall is projected at 5000 megawatt.According to Dunya News report, electricity shortfall will touch 5000 megawatt in the coming summer making citizens suffer a miserable load shedding span of 8 to 12 hours a day.Contrary to the promises made by Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML N) led government’s promises and claims, no major step to curb the energy crises especially electricity shortfall in the coming year has been taken.The report also says that electricity theft and lack of debt recovery have broken all previous records; warning the public to brace for the challenging summer this year once again.Pakistan has been facing almost a decade old energy crises including electricity shortfall that worsens during summers when electricity consumption is at its peak.The crises even hit the business, particularly the industrial sector resulting in closure of units.PMLN focused heavily on energy crises during their election campaign with promises of immediate relief. Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif even claimed to end the crises within months after coming to power.Despite tall claims by both previous and current governments, no major steps have been taken to provide relief to the public.

Nation ready to fight if dialogue fails: Imran Khan


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said on Tuesday that the whole nation will be ready to fight if dialogue with Taliban failed, adding that the nation has to think whether problems will be solved post-operation, Dunya News reported.Addressing media personnel at a hotel in Lahore, Khan said the majority of Taliban desire negotiations adding that country’s ‘enemies’ don’t want dialogue to take place.The whole nation will be united and ready to fight should the dialogue process fail, he said urging people to think if operation will solve the problems.Earlier, addressing Shaukat Khanum Social Responsibility awards, Imran Khan said that economic growth not possible without elimination of corruption.Accountability should be equal for everybody; he said adding that Tehrik-e-Insaf is introducing exemplary accountability system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.PTI chief distributed shields among Shaukat Khanum Hospital’s donor companies and praised the spirit to help poor classes of society.Addressing the ceremony, Khan said that Shaukat Khanum Hospital’s annual deficit is 340 crore rupees whereas 70% of deserving patients are being treated free of cost. He said that country’s largest cancer hospital will be completed in Peshawar in a year and a half.Imran Khan said he will meet chief of army staff regarding land for hospital in DHA Karachi.Imran Khan’s partyPTI emerged as second largest political party in terms of number of votes; yet the party didn’t clean-sweep as opposed to party’s expectations. Imran Khan has termed a number of factors including alleged rigging for the outcome of general elections that took place on May 11 last year.Imran Khan and war on terrorPTI chief often comes under fire for lamenting America’s war on terror and for terming the domestic insurgencies as the result of US’s involvement including its drone program.It merits mentioning here that Imran Khan urged Taliban last month for an unconditional ceasefire and his party had vowed to support Pakistan armed forces in case of military operation in North Waziristan.

Maoist attack on India police patrol leaves 16 dead


RAIPUR (AFP) - Maoist rebels killed at least 15 members of Indias security forces Tuesday in a massive attack in restive Chhattisgarh state, less than a month before the country holds elections, police said.Security officials and police sources said the victims were all killed when up to 200 rebels ambushed a patrol in forests to the south of the state capital Raipur before a major gun battle erupted.Eleven members of the national paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) were killed along with four members of the state police force, said Mukesh Gupta, one of Chhattisgarhs most senior police officers.As of now, a total of 11 CRPF, four policemen and one civilian have died, Gupta told AFP.Others suggested the death toll was even higher.Rajinder Kumar Vij, the head of anti-Maoist operations in the central state, put the number of CRPF personnel dead at 15 and said that five state policemen had also been killed.There were no figures on the number of Maoist casualties.The forces were involved in an operation to clear and open a road in Sukma district when the rebels detonated a landmine and started firing indiscriminately, Vij told AFP.The attack sparked a gun battle that lasted about three hours.Several people were injured in the attack and were being airlifted to Raipur for treatment. Security reinforcements have been rushed to the area, along with top state government officials.Gupta said the attack took place at around 10:30am in a heavily-forested area during the operation to clear the road some 400 kilometres (250 miles) from Raipur.The attack was on one of our police parties as the Naxalites (Maoists) have been frustrated at our increased presence in the area, he said.We dont yet know the casualties on the attackers side... It is difficult for us because of the topography of the area.The attack was close to the site of an ambush in May last year on a convoy carrying members of Indias ruling Congress party in which 24 people were killed, including the state party president and his son.The latest deaths will heighten fears of unrest in the Maoists stronghold in the build-up to the nationwide elections which begin in early April.Voting will take place in Chhattisgarh in three phases, on April 10, 17 and 24.The Maoists, who have been described by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as the countrys most serious internal security threat, have been fighting since 1967 for a communist society by toppling what they call Indias semi-colonial, semi-feudal form of rule.The insurgency is believed to have cost tens of thousands of lives, with much action focused around the insurgent-dominated, so-called Red Corridor stretching through central and eastern India.In 2010, rebels killed 35 people in a landmine attack on a bus in Chhattisgarh. The explosion tore the front off the bus, killing 24 civilians and 11 police personnel.

Sterjovski brace as Mariners upset Sanfrecce


SYDNEY (AFP) - Australias Central Coast Mariners celebrated one of the greatest victories in their history on Tuesday, upsetting Japanese champions Sanfrecce Hiroshima 2-1 in the AFC Champions League.Former Socceroo striker Mile Sterjovski was the star, scoring both goals in the first half to give the Mariners their first win over Japanese opposition in seven ACL encounters.The two-time J-League champions scored first through Tsukasa Shiotani in the 21st minute.Shiotanis free header off a corner bounced over South Korean Kim Seung-Yong guarding the far post.But Kim quickly made up for his defensive blunder by latching onto a long ball from Eddy Bosnar and playing in the fast-breaking Sterjovski, who finished smartly for the equaliser two minutes later.Sterjovski, 34, who has announced his retirement at the end of the A-League season, put Mariners in front after 32 minutes with a fabulous strike from outside the area for his second goal of the night.The defending A-League champion held out Sanfrecce in the second half and had a late scare when Yusuke Minagawa narrowly missed scoring in the final minutes.Lets not understate this result. This is a famous victory for the Central Coast Mariners, coach Phil Moss said.Some fantastic performances from my boys tonight, full of courage, but of quality as well.That (second) goal from Mile Sterjovski, boy did that wind the clock back.The Mariners are off to China for the next round in Group F to play Beijing Guoan on March 19, while Sanfrecce host FC Seoul.

Govt committed to eradicate polio from the country: PM


ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has reiterated strongest commitment of his government to protect the children from polio and eventually eradicating this disease from the country.He said it is matter of grave concern that there is a possibility of travel restrictions being imposed on Pakistanis since virus from Pakistan has been found linked to polio cases in other countries.Nawaz said since it is a question of honor‚ image and prestige of our country‚ we must redouble our efforts to eradicate Polio from the country.While, talking to Coordinator of National Task Force on Polio Eradication Ms Saira Afzal Tarar said that the PML-N led-government has declared polio eradication a health emergency.

Charlton sack manager Chris Powell


LONDON (AFP) - Chris Powell has been sacked as manager of Charlton Athletic, the struggling English second-tier club announced on Tuesday.Charlton are currently bottom of the Championship, albeit with at least three games in hand on all of the teams immediately above them, and were knocked out of the FA Cup by third-tier Sheffield United on Sunday.I would like to thank Chris for his commitment and hard work over the past three years. The club enjoyed a number of good times under his leadership, said Charlton owner Roland Duchatelet.However, given the clubs position in the league and the number of important fixtures upcoming, I felt this difficult decision was unavoidable at this time.Belgian businessman Duchatelet, who acquired the club in January, is reportedly set to appoint his compatriot Jose Riga as the successor to Powell, whose contract was due to expire at the end of the season.A former Charlton player, Powell took over at The Valley in January 2011 and led the club to the League One title in his first season before orchestrating a ninth-place finish in the Championship last term.

Israeli air strike kills three Palestinians in Gaza


GAZA CITY (AFP) - An Israeli air strike killed three Palestinians in the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday, the territorys Hamas-run health ministry said.Three martyrs have died in a Zionist (Israeli) strike, ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra told AFP.The three were members of the Al-Quds Brigades, a statement from the group said.It said they had been killed after firing mortars in a bid to try and prevent an Israeli incursion east of Khan Yunis.A witness confirmed Israeli tanks and bulldozers had tried to enter the area.The Israeli military confirmed it had carried out an air strike, targeting Islamic Jihad militants who had fired at troops.Moments ago, terrorists affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the southern Gaza Strip fired a mortar shell at IDF (army) forces. An IAF aircraft responded immediately in order to prevent further attacks on Israeli civilians and targeted the terrorist squad, it said.Direct hits were confirmed.The air strike came just hours after an unmanned aircraft of the sort Israel uses for surveillance and missile strikes crashed in the same area, just east of Khan Yunis.It was unclear if the two incidents were related.

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