Wednesday 2 December 2015

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Modern science detects disease in 400-year-old embalmed hearts


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -In the ruins of a medieval convent in the French city of Rennes, archaeologists discovered five heart-shaped urns made of lead, each containing an embalmed human heart.Now, roughly four centuries after they were buried, researchers have used modern science to study these old hearts. It turns out three of them bore tell-tale signs of a heart disease very common today.Every heart was different and revealed its share of surprises, anthropologist Rozenn Colleter of the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research said on Wednesday.Four of these hearts are very well preserved. It is very rare in archaeology to work on organic materials. The prospects are very exciting.One heart appeared healthy, with no evidence of disease. Three others showed indications of disease, atherosclerosis, with plaque in the coronary arteries. The fifth was poorly preserved.Only one heart belonged to a women, and was totally degraded, permitting no study, said radiologist Dr. Fatima-Zohra Mokrane of Rangueil Hospital at the University Hospital of Toulouse.One of hearts belonged to a nobleman identified by an inscription on the urn as Toussaint Perrien, Knight of Brefeillac, who died in 1649.His heart had been removed upon his death and was later buried with his wife, Louise de Quengo, Lady of Brefeillac, who died in 1656. Her wonderfully preserved body was found in a coffin at the site, still wearing a cape, wool dress, bonnet and leather shoes with cork soles.The earliest of the urns was dated 1584. The latest was dated 1655.Mokrane said an important aspect of the study was the finding that people hundreds of years ago had atherosclerosis.It is a disease in which plaque made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances builds up inside the arteries. Plaque hardens over time and narrows the arteries. Atherosclerosis can trigger heart attacks and strokes.Atherosclerosis is not only a recent pathology, because it was found in different hearts studied, Mokrane said.The researchers cleaned each of the hearts, removed the embalming material and examined them with MRI imaging, CT scans and other methods.Archaeologists excavated the Jacobins convent in Rennes from 2011 to 2013. It was constructed in 1369 and became an important pilgrimage and burial site from the 15th to 17th centuries. About 800 graves were found, Colleter said.The research was presented at a meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago.

YouTube in talks with studios over streaming rights for shows, movies


NEW YORK (Reuters) -Alphabet Incs YouTube is aiming to get rights for streaming TV series and movies for its $9.99-a-month subscription service as it tries to step up competition against rivals such as Netflix Inc and Inc, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.The Journal reported that executives of the company have met with Hollywood studios and other production companies in recent months to consider pitches and negotiate licenses for new content.YouTube is eager to secure these rights and is focusing on new material. It is however not clear which TV series or movies the company is pursuing, WSJ reported.YouTube is still deciding how much content to license, but it wants to have a strong collection of original programing and licensed programing in 2016 and beyond, WSJ reported, citing a person familiar with the matter.The company is using existing relationships of Google Play with movie studios and other premium video content owners to negotiate streaming deals, WSJ reported.Former programing chief of MTV Susanne Daniels and Kelly Merryman, a former Netflix content executive, are involved in these talks, the newspaper said.The service, which is called YouTube Red, could be host to exclusively streaming these contents. The shows or movies could also be also released through traditional channels like movie theaters, cable networks and DVDs alongside YouTube Red, the person added.YouTube was not available for comment outside regular U.S. business hours.YouTube Red, which was launched in October, allows viewers to watch videos from across the site without interruption from advertisements.

Kerry urges NATO to 'step up' IS fight, praises Britain


BRUSSELS (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry urged NATO allies Wednesday to intensify the fight against Islamic State, singling out Britain for praise as it looks set to join airstrikes against the jihadist group in Syria.Kerry meanwhile said that Russia could be an extremely constructive player in finding an eventual peace settlement in Syria, which has been consumed by civil war for more than four years.I called on every NATO ally to step up support in the fight against Daesh (IS), striking at the organisations core in Syria and Iraq, Kerry said after a meeting of foreign ministers from the 28 NATO states in Brussels.A number of allies are already bringing more to this battle or are planning to increase their contributions, he said.Kerry praised British Prime Minister David Cameron as Britains parliament looked set to vote in favour of joining the US-led bombing campaign against IS in Syria. Britains attacks are currently limited to Iraq.We are very pleased with efforts by prime minister Cameron to go to parliament, Kerry said. It is a very important step. We applaud his leadership.Kerry said he hoped for constructive steps by Russia, which is also carrying out its own air campaign against jihadists in Syria but had one of its warplanes shot down by NATO member Turkey recently.Russia and NATO have been at loggerheads on a series of issues on their borders in recent years including the conflict in Ukraine and Moscows support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.We welcome Russias engagement in the Syria process, Kerry said.As long as theyre focused on Daesh and as long they are genuine in wanting to be part of implementing the Geneva (accords), they can be an extremely constructive and important player in reaching a solution, he added.I think the world would welcome that kind of cooperative effort.Kerry also played down any threat to Russia from NATO, which announced on Wednesday that it had invited Montenegro to be its 29th member despite warnings from Moscow which opposes NATOs expansion eastwards.NATO is a defensive alliance that has existed for 70 years, he said.NATO is a not a threat to anybody... not an offensive organisation, not focused on Russia per se. I would say to Russia and any other country -- this is not focused on them specifically.

US ready to move ahead with Iran deal after UN bomb report


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said Wednesday that it was ready to take the next step in implementing the Iran nuclear deal after an IAEA report on Tehrans weapons program.State Department spokesman Mark Toner said that the UN watchdog had confirmed Washingtons long-standing allegation that Tehran had once been working on a nuclear bomb, but he added that Iran had cooperated adequately with IAEA investigators.The IAEA report is consistent with what the United States has long assessed with high confidence, Toner told reporters.We made this public first in our 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, and that is that Iran had a nuclear weapons program that was halted in 2003.But, Toner said, now that the IAEA had been able to study the program and had found no evidence that it had continued beyond 2009, the United States was ready to move ahead.The IAEA has confirmed that Iran met its commitments to provide responses to IAEA requests under the roadmap for clarification of past and present issues, he said. Washington and the other members of the P51 contact group -- Britain, China, France and Russia, plus Germany -- will submit a motion to the IAEA board on December 15 to close the issue of what has been called the possible military dimensions of Irans program.And then, after that, we can focus on implementing the JCPOA, Toner said, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreed between Iran and the P51 powers in July.Under the deal, Iran will scale back its nuclear enrichment program dramatically -- a program it has always maintained was for purely peaceful purposes -- and submit its nuclear sites to international inspection.In return, outside powers will end some of the international sanctions that have severely squeezed the Iranian economy.

15 dead as Qaeda forces loyalists out of key Yemen town


ADEN (AFP) - Al Qaeda fighters forced pro-government forces out of a strategic town in southern Yemen on Wednesday after clashes that left at least 15 people dead, officials said.The jihadists briefly took control of Jaar in southern Abyan province, which a military source described as a key link between main southern city Aden and Mukalla, the Qaeda-held capital of southeastern Hadramawt province.A government official in the town told AFP that the jihadists withdrew hours later after carrying out an operation to kill Ali al-Sayed, a commander of the pro-government Popular Resistance forces who have been fighting Iran-backed rebels.Sayed and 10 of his forces were killed in the clashes, the official said.Jaar is a stronghold of the so-called Popular Resistance, which has been battling the Shiite Huthi rebels and their allies, includes Sunni Islamists, tribesmen, loyalist soldiers and southern separatists.Four Al Qaeda fighters were killed in the clashes, the government official said.Jaar is now free from Al Qaeda and Popular Resistance committees, the source said, adding that the jihadists withdrew from the town towards provincial capital Zinjibar, where they already control government offices.Seizing Jaar could secure the link between the jihadists Mukalla stronghold and Aden, which houses the internationally-recognised governments temporary headquarters, according to the military source.It would allow the militants to send reinforcements from Mukalla to Aden via Jaar.Iran-backed rebels have been battling pro-government forces in Yemen for months, and the loyalists in July launched operations to retake five southern provinces, including Abyan and Aden, from the insurgents.But Islamist militants, including Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group, appear to have gained ground in and around Aden, where jihadists are now visibly present.As they entered Jaar, the jihadists blew up the main Popular Resistance headquarters and hunted down pro-government fighters, the majority of which fled the town, witnesses said. Locals told AFP by telephone that a militant leader announced over loudspeaker from the towns Grand Mosque that Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) had full control of the emirate of Jaar and that residents were now safe and life could go on normally.But hours later, no Al Qaeda militants could be seen in Jaar, witnesses said, adding that eight armoured vehicles the fighters deployed during the clashes later withdrew to Zinjibar.A resident who said he had spoken to the jihadists told AFP that AQAP has a list of names of pro-government forces that they plan to liquidate and that they planned to leave Jaar to its own people.AQAP, already active in the south and southeast, has exploited the unrest in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition has been pounding rebels since March.The militants have imposed a strict version of Islamic law in Mukalla, which they seized in April.Last month, radical Islamist gunmen entered a faculty at Aden university, forcing students to leave the campus, and locked down the facultys main gate, according to witnesses.They said the gunmen closed the faculty after they had threatened to use force against students if they did not observe segregation of the sexes on campus.The rebels last year seized the capital Sanaa, and their expansion into central and southern areas forced President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia before later returning to Aden.The United States considers AQAP to be the most dangerous affiliate of the Al Qaeda jihadist network.It seized Zinjibar and other parts of Abyan in 2011, where members remained before being defeated by local army-backed militias a year later.

Cameroon army kills 100 Boko Haram fighters, frees 900 hostages: ministry


YAOUNDE (AFP) - The Cameroon army claimed Wednesday to have dealt a major blow to Nigerias Boko Haram Islamists, killing around 100 fighters and freeing 900 hostages in a three-day operation last week.The claim, which could not be independently confirmed, comes on the heels of twin suicide attacks the previous day in the far north of Cameroon, an area repeatedly targeted by the jihadists.At least six people died in the attacks, according to a new toll.A special clean-up operation from November 26 to 28 against Boko Haram in the border area with Nigeria neutralised more than 100 jihadists, Defence Minister Joseph Beti Assomo said in a statement broadcast on national radio.The sweep enabled troops to release almost 900 hostages, seize large supplies of arms and munitions as well as black-and-white Islamic State flags, the statement added, without providing details on the identities of those freed.Boko Haram swore allegiance to IS in March 2015.The minister attributed the success of the raid to cooperation between Cameroon security forces, a new multinational force being set up to fight Boko Haram and Nigerias army.No independent confirmation of the statement was immediately available from the region, which is unaccessible to the media.Some security sources reached by telephone confirmed that the raid took place but were unable to confirm the figures released in the government statement.Since July, Cameroons far northern region has been regularly targeted by suicide bombers believed to be working with Boko Haram.Late on Tuesday, at least six people were killed in twin suicide attacks in the small and once popular tourist town of Waza, said a security source who asked not to be identified.The victims included civilian vigilantes trained by the community to guard Waza against attacks, the source said.State radio confirmed the attacks, saying the two suicide bombers were women who killed four people when they blew themselves up. A further two people died of their injuries.A third suicide bomber was shot dead before detonating their explosives.The attacks were the first of their kind in Waza, a town on the edge of a national park teeming with lions, elephants and other wildlife that used to draw tourists but which has been abandoned by foreign visitors since the region bordering Nigeria and Chad became a target for the extremists.Attacks have been blamed on radical Sunni jihadist group, Boko Haram, which is seeking to create a hardline Islamic state in northeast Nigeria.Over the past year Boko Haram has stepped up cross-border attacks in Niger, Chad and Cameroon while also continuing to mount shooting and suicide assaults on markets, mosques and other mostly civilian targets within Nigeria itself.For many years there was little to no surveillance of the border with Nigeria by Cameroon, enabling the jihadists to use the remote region as a rear base to stock its weapons, vehicles and supplies.But Cameroon, which is part of a regional coalition helping Nigeria combat the jihadists, now has stepped up border surveillance.

Timeline of deadly US shootings


SAN BERNARDINO (AFP) - At least one gunman opened fire inside a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California on Wednesday, killing 14 people and wounding the same number before fleeing the scene.Here is a timeline of some of the worst mass shootings in the United States over the past 25 years:Killeen, Texas, October 16, 1991: A man shoots dead 23 people in a restaurant and then kills himself.Littleton, Colorado, April 20, 1999: Two teenage boys shoot and kill 12 fellow classmates and a teacher at Columbine High School before killing themselves.Atlanta, Georgia, July 29, 1999: A stock market trader goes on a day-long shooting rampage, killing 12 people, including his wife and two children, before taking his own life.Red Lake, Minnesota, March 21, 2005: A teenage boy kills two people at his grandfathers home on an Indian reservation and then goes to his local high school, where he kills seven others before committing suicide.Blacksburg, Virginia, April 16, 2007: A student goes on a rampage at Virginia Tech University, killing 32 people before committing suicide.Covina, California, December 24, 2008: A man dressed in a Santa Claus suit opens fire at a family party and then sets fire to the house. Nine people are killed. The gunman commits suicide.Binghamton, New York, April 3, 2009. A gunman shoots dead 13 people at a civic center for immigrants.Fort Hood, Texas, November 5, 2009. US army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan opens fire at his military base, killing 13 people and wounding 42, before being overpowered by police.Oikos, California, April 2, 2012: A male nursing student methodically kills seven people at a Christian university.Aurora, Colorado, July 20, 2012: A man kills 12 people when he opens fire at a movie theater showing a late-night premiere of a Batman film in a suburb of Denver.Oak Creek, Wisconsin, August 5, 2012: A white supremacist and US army veteran fatally shoots six people and wounds four others at a Sikh temple before taking his own life.Newtown, Connecticut,December 14 2012: A young man kills 26 people, including 20 children at Sandy Hook elementary school. He also fatally shoots his mother. He commits suicide.Miami, Florida, July 26, 2013: A gunman kills six people in a shooting rampage at an apartment building, taking two people hostage before being killed by police after a lengthy standoff.Washington, DC, September 16, 2013: A gunman fatally shoots 12 people at a naval base in the US capital. The gunman is killed by police.Charleston, South Carolina, June 17, 2015: A white gunman kills nine people at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina.Roseburg, Oregon, October 1, 2015: A gunman goes on a shooting rampage at a college in the western state of Oregon, killing nine people and wounding several others before he committed suicide.San Bernardino, California, December 2, 2015: A shooting inside a center for the disabled leaves at least 14 dead and wounds the same number in San Bernardino, California.

Zuckerberg: from Harvard dropout to Silicon Valley legend


SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Mark Zuckerberg has grown from a Harvard dropout who changed what it means to be social into a billionaire philanthropist bent on shaping a better world for his daughter.Zuckerberg and his doctor wife, Priscilla Chan, set the Internet abuzz this week with news of the birth of their first child, a girl named Maxima.Zuckerberg and Chan also pledged to give away their Facebook fortune to make the world a better place for baby daughter Maxima and others.In a letter to Maxima posted on his Facebook page, the couple said they were going to give away 99 percent of their company shares -- estimated value $45 billion -- during their lives in an effort to make a happy and healthy world.Zuckerberg cemented his fortune, and a place in Silicon Valley history, by leading Facebook to a historic Wall Street debut in 2012. Facebook shares on Wednesday were trading at nearly triple the initial public offering price of $38.The $16 billion IPO was structured to keep control of Facebook in the hands of Zuckerberg, who has been Times Person of the Year and cracked the Forbes list of 20 richest people in the world.The hoodie-wearing 31-year-old, depicted in the Hollywood drama The Social Network as a socially challenged computer geek, has evolved into a confident chief executive presiding over an online community boasting more than 1.5 billion users monthly as of September.Despite his massive wealth, Zuckerberg still favors t-shirts, jeans and sneakers, topped off by his trademark hooded sweatshirt and a mop of brown, curly hair.He has donned suits, though, while meeting with high-profile figures such as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama.Zuckerberg is known for setting annual goals, which have included wearing ties every day; only eating meat of animals he kills himself; and learning to speak Chinese to be able to chat with members of his wifes family who speak that language.He has grown more outspoken socially and politically. Zuckerberg has marched with hundreds of Facebook employees in San Franciscos grand Gay Pride Parade and publicly backed US immigration reform.Quotes credited to Zuckerberg included What would you do if you werent afraid and Move fast and break things.Zuckerberg is known for advocating a hacker way of boldly twisting software or systems in promising directions.ThefacebookBorn on May 14, 1984, Zuckerberg was raised in Dobbs Ferry outside New York, one of four children of a dentist father and a psychiatrist mother.He began writing computer programs at the age of 11, including one said to resemble Pandoras musical taste program which reportedly drew the interest of AOL and Microsoft.He went to high school at the prestigious Phillips Exeter Academy, where he was captain of the fencing team, before entering elite Harvard University.Zuckerberg launched, as it was then known, from his dorm room on February 4, 2004 with some of his roommates and classmates.The stated goal: Making the world more open and connected.Facebooks early years were not without controversy, however.In 2008, a $65 million settlement was reached with three Harvard classmates -- twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra -- over their charges that Zuckerberg had stolen the idea for Facebook from them.The conflict was at the heart of The Social Network, the Oscar-winning film written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher.Zuckerberg left Harvard in May 2004 for Silicon Valley, where he received his first major funding -- $500,000 -- from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel followed by nearly $13 million the next year from Accel Partners.Despite recurring privacy complaints, Facebook has gone from strength to strength. Analysts credit the social network with innovating, or acquiring new technology, to stay popular in an Internet Age known for fleeting loyalties to online services.Zuckerbergs Facebook page, which is followed by more than 43 million people, features pictures of his wife and daughter, along with their dog, Beast.Having this child has made us think about all of the things that should be improved in the world for her whole generation, Zuckerberg said in a video of himself and Chan posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday.His likes include charities such as his newly formed Zuckerberg Chan Initiative; US politicians Obama and Hillary Clinton, actors Seth Rogen and James Franco, and the book Enders Game.Zuckerberg has been referred to by some as being struck in the mold of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Zuckerberg has praised Jobs as a friend and a role model.Similarities between the men have been said to include not being afraid to risk falling down while chasing big dreams, and passionately pursuing visions despite obstacles or detractors.

From Kosovo to Syria, UK's recent military interventions


LONDON (AFP) - Syria will be the latest in several overseas military operations for Britain in recent years, after lawmakers on Wednesday voted to join air strikes against the Islamic State group.Following the Falklands War in 1982 and the 1990-91 Gulf War, years passed before a series of engagements ordered by Labour premier Tony Blair under the banner of humanitarian intervention and the war on terror.Here are the main recent operations since Blair:KosovoBritain joined the 1999 NATO-led air strikes in the Kosovo war.Elected in a landslide in 1997, Blair was the Western leader who pushed hardest for ground troops to be sent in to drive back Serbian forces before its leader Slobodan Milosevic accepted a peace plan.Sierra LeoneOne year after the Kosovo conflict in 2000, British troops were deployed to Sierra Leone, formerly part of the British empire, to intervene in the countrys civil war.The relative success of the missions in both Kosovo and Sierra Leone is seen by analysts as having emboldened Blair to take further military action in future.AfghanistanAfter the September 11, 2001 attacks in the US, Britain joined the US-led invasion of Afghanistan, where the Taliban had harboured Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.British troops, most of them deployed in the violence-hit south, spent 13 years in Afghanistan.The country was the second largest contributor to the international mission after the US, with 9,500 troops there at the conflicts peak in 2011.A total of 454 Britons died while serving in Afghanistan.IraqIn 2003, Britain again joined the US under President George W. Bush to invade Iraq and topple dictator Saddam Hussein.Blair has since been dogged by claims that his government sexed up evidence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to make the case for war.A total of 179 British personnel died in the war and the last UK troops left Iraq in 2011.A much-delayed British inquiry into the war which started work in 2009 is due to be published mid-2016.LibyaBritain under current Prime Minister David Cameron was part of a Western military alliance which intervened in Libya in 2011, resulting in the toppling and death of dictator Moamer Kadhafi.However, Libya remains deeply unstable and Cameron has faced repeated claims that too little was done to support the country following Kadhafis downfall.In June this year, 30 Britons were among 38 tourists killed in an attack claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group at a holiday resort in Tunisia, which Tunisia says was planned in Libya.Iraq and SyriaBritain is currently involved in air strikes on IS targets in Iraq but not Syria.Eight Royal Air Force Tornado fighter jets have been deployed along with an unconfirmed number of armed and surveillance drones.Britain has also sent around 800 personnel to help train local forces.Several more fighter jets will be sent after parliament voted in favour of extending the air strikes to Syria.

Two California shooting suspects dead, one person detained: police


SAN BERNARDINO (AFP) - A man and a woman suspected of carrying out a deadly shooting at a center for the disabled in California on Wednesday were killed in a shootout with police, while a third person was detained, police said.The slain suspects were armed with assault rifles and handguns, San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan told reporters, adding that investigators were looking at the possibility that they had left an explosive device at the scene of the shooting.At least 14 people were killed and 17 others wounded in the shooting at a holiday party in the Inland Regional Center -- the deadliest since the 2012 massacre at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 people dead, including 20 children.David Bowdich, the FBI assistant director in charge of the Los Angeles field office, cautioned against using the term terrorism to describe the incident, saying: It is a possibility, but we dont know that yet. And were not willing to go down that road yet.The Los Angeles Times and the New York Times, quoting law enforcement officials, reported that one of the assailants, who had worked at the facility, had left the party following a dispute with fellow employees and returned with one or two others.Burguan told reporters it was not yet clear if those involved in the dispute were the people who opened fire.

'Weather Girl' to reach Pakistan first time since divorce


Lahore (Dunya News) – ‘Weather Girl’ Reham Khan will be reaching Pakistan for the first time since her divorce to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan. The former wife of the PTI chief left for London after her marriage ended with Imran and has not visited Pakistan since. In a new set of revelations, sources say that a primary reason behind the celebrated couple’s divorce was an argument between Reham’s son Sahir and Imran that occurred days before the couple decided to part ways.According to the sources, Reham’s son had barged into Imran’s bedroom and stood in front of him. Reham had supported her son on his actions instead of telling him off for his impoliteness. Upon objection from Imran on his wife’s actions, the argument escalated and Imran left the room apparently irked by the event. Since the argument, the PTI chairman had refused to talk to his wife.On another note, Reham had left for London despite her husband’s advice on not to do so.Sources say that the PTI chief had made every attempt to save his marriage however Reham’s impolite behaviour had worsened the situation.

Karachi: Three terrorists killed in encounter with Rangers


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, Rangers conducted a targeted operation on militants hideout in Lyari Gul Muhammad Lane on Wednesday. Seeing Rangers, the terrorists opened fire at the raiding party. Rangers returned the fire as a result three terrorists were killed while one Rangers official sustained injuries.A spokesman of Rangers informed media that automatic weapons were recovered from the possession of the dead terrorists.Also Read: Karachi: 4 terrorists killed in encounter with RangersOn the other hand, police and Rangers conducted a joint operation in Saddar and its adjoining area. Police sources said that 25 suspects were arrested during operation in areas along the route of Hazrat Imam Hussain’s Chehlum procession.

Tribal areas will prosper from Pak-China economic corridor: PM Nawaz


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday stated that the tribal areas of Pakistan will prosper due to the Pak-China economic corridor and will prove to be beneficial for the region. PM Nawaz further added that the route for Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) will be opened for all the citizens of the country as soon as conditions in the area return to normal.PM Nawaz has also advised National Highway Authority (NHA) to prepare an initial feasibility report on the construction of Bajaur-Jandola-Zhob link. PM Nawaz stated that the road link will be aligned and associated with the Pak-China economic corridor.PM Nawaz has also advised NHA to consult with the FATA Secretariat on the matter so as to benefit from the developments already made by them.

Section of Motorway closed as dense fog engulfs various cities of Punjab


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A section of Motorway from Lahore to Sheikhupura was closed for vehicles in the early morning hours of Thursday due to a dense fog that has engulfed various cities of Punjab.A severe fog has settled over Lahore, Pattoki, Okara, Sahiwal and Multan diminishing visibility to almost zero. Upon the extreme weather condition, a section of the Motorway was closed by the authorities to avoid any unfortunate accidents. Authorities have also advised citizens to avoid any unnecessary travel during these severe conditions.Also Read:Dense fog blankets several cities of PunjabA similar fog had also settled over numerous cities in Punjab earlier between Tuesday and Wednesday as well, affecting the flow of traffic. Motorway police have appealed the drivers to switch on fog lights and drive at very slow speed. They have also requested people not to use mobile phones while driving.They further said that in case of any emergency please call at 130.

Football: Origi, Sturridge fire Liverpool into last four


SOUTHAMPTON (AFP) - Divock Origi plundered a hat-trick and Daniel Sturridge claimed a brace as Liverpool came from behind to destroy Southampton 6-1 on Wednesday and reach the League Cup semi-finals.Sadio Mane headed Southampton in front after 39 seconds, but Sturridge marked his first start since October 4 with a four-minute brace and 20-year-old Belgian striker Origi opened his Liverpool account with a treble as the visitors roared back, with substitute Jordon Ibe also on target.The result continued the resurgence that has taken hold at Liverpool since the appointment of manager Jurgen Klopp, whose side have lost just one of the 11 games since he took over, winning seven of the last eight.Liverpool fell to eventual winners Chelsea in last seasons semi-finals, but with belief now coursing through the team again, their fans thoughts will already be turning to the final on February 28.Southampton had been bidding to reach the semi-finals for the first time since 1986-87, but dreams of a first major final since 2003 will now be put on hold until the FA Cup comes around in January.Ronald Koemans team were seeking a reaction to successive defeats by Manchester City and Stoke City and they wasted no time getting started at St Marys.After Dusan Tadics shimmying had moved young Liverpool right-back Connor Randall out of the way, Ryan Bertrand curled a cross in from the left and Mane met it with a firm header into the bottom-right corner.With jeers ringing in the ears of former Saints Dejan Lovren and Adam Lallana, it threatened to be a long night for the visitors, but in the 25th minute they levelled.Joe Allens first-time pass over the top released Sturridge and although the strikers first touch allowed Steven Caulker to get back into position, he quickly shifted the ball onto his left foot and drilled home.Cue the Sturridge wiggle -- last glimpsed in the 3-2 home win over Aston Villa on September 26 -- and four minutes later he was celebrating again.This time Emre Can was the architect, catching the home defence square from mid-way inside the Southampton half with an exquisite 40-yard pass using the outside of his right foot.Haring in at the back post, Sturridge met the ball on the half-volley and steered it beneath Maarten Stekelenburg.Southampton felt they should have been given a chance to level shortly after when Tadics volleyed pass struck Randalls arm, but referee Robert Madley was unmoved.Liverpool extended their lead on the cusp of half-time, former Lille striker Origi getting the faintest of touches to Alberto Morenos 20-yard drive for his first Liverpool goal on his 11th appearance.Southampton switched to a back three at half-time, Victor Wanyama dropping back between the centre-backs, but although they initially succeeded in keeping Liverpool at arms length, it did not last.Sturridge departed just before the hour, with Ibe coming on, while Koeman threw on James Ward-Prowse and Shane Long.Within minutes it was all over, however, as Origi lashed home from Ibes pass and headed in a left-wing cross from substitute Brad Smith, either side of a drilled effort from Ibe.

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