Sunday 6 December 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

IS claims killing of Aden governor after UN envoy visits Yemen


ADEN (AFP) - A car bombing claimed by the Islamic State group Sunday killed the governor of Yemens second city Aden, a day after the UNs envoy visited to press for long-delayed peace talks.A statement posted on Twitter by the jihadist group said it was behind a blast that hit the convoy of Jaafar Saad in the Tawahi neighbourhood of the major port, killing him and eight bodyguards.In a statement carried by the official Saba news agency, Aden security chief General Mohamed Mussad confirmed Saads death and said six of his guards were also killed.Images circulated on social media after the attack showed a wrecked car on fire on a main road in the southern city.Saad was only recently appointed governor, and was known to be close to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi who returned to Aden last month after several months in exile in Riyadh.Pro-Hadi forces, aided by a Saudi-led coalition, have battled Iran-backed rebels in Yemen since March, after the insurgents overran the capital Sanaa and advanced south, forcing the government to flee to Saudi Arabia.Fighting between the Huthi rebels and loyalist forces has plunged the impoverished nation into chaos, which jihadist groups have exploited to make sweeping gains, particularly in southern regions.Adens Tawahi district has become a known hideout for jihadists, including Al-Qaeda militants.IS has claimed a string of attacks in Yemen, including the bombing of Hadis government headquarters in October and multiple suicide attacks on mosques in Sanaa attended by Shiite worshippers that killed 142 people. It also claimed the killing of 50 soldiers in a November ambush in southeastern Hadramawt province. Its statement on Sunday threatened further attacks. Saads killing represents another blow for Hadi, who has struggled to secure the city since his forces and allies launched a widespread operation in July to retake five southern provinces -- including Aden -- from the Huthis. The counterattack has stalled around Taez, a strategic city in southwest Yemen under siege by the rebels and their allies.The car bombing came a day after Yemens UN envoy held talks with Hadi in Aden aimed at kickstarting peace talks between the warring sides.Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed met Hadi to seek his agreement to convene negotiations with the rebels in Geneva next week, an official close to the president told AFP.But the mission was difficult, said the source, accusing the rebels of dragging their feet on implementing UN Security Council Resolution 2216 which calls for them to withdraw from occupied territory.And Foreign Minister Abdel Malak al-Mekhlafi told AFP: The putschists are refusing to lay down their arms or to allow the government to carry out its duties from Sanaa.They have not announced their list of negotiators for the talks and are trying to escalate the situation on the ground by bombing residential districts of Taez.In a protest sent to the United Nations, Yemens minister in charge of human rights, Ezzedine al-Isbahi, condemned the massacres and atrocities allegedly committed in Taez by the rebels that he said had killed 33 civilians last week, including four children.The United Nations says that more than 5,700 people have been killed in Yemen, almost half of them civilians, since the Saudi-led air campaign began in March in support of the government.In Aden on Saturday, gunmen shot dead the presiding judge of a terrorism court, Mohsen Mohamed Alwan, and four of his bodyguards, a security source said, and police Colonel Al-Khadher Ali Ahmed was gunned down in a separate attack.

NATO ready to help future Libya unity govt: Stoltenberg


ROME (AFP) - NATO is ready to help a future national unity government in Libya but remains opposed to any military intervention in the war-torn country, alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview published Sunday.If a national unity government is formed, we are ready to help it and provide assistance, Stoltenberg said in an interview with Italys Repubblica and several other European newspapers ahead of an international conference on Libya in Rome next Sunday.However, we are not discussing a major new military operation in Libya, and I will not be recommending it, he said.His remarks were published just hours before Libyas warring factions, who are holding talks in Tunisia, said they had reached an agreement on ending the political deadlock that has plagued the country since Moamer Kadhafis overthrow.Former colonial power Italy will host the December 13 conference which is aimed at preventing Libyas total collapse and halting the advance of the extremist Islamic State group.Experts have warned that IS has been shifting to Libya as the world focuses on its traditional power bases in Iraq and Syria, taking advantage of the chaos as rival militias and governments battle for power.But UN-brokered talks on the formation of a national unity government in Libya collapsed in October and have yet to resume.Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi pointed to the crisis in Libya as he sought to defend Romes decision not to join international military action against IS jihadists.The north African country was thrown into chaos after a 2011 revolt backed by Western military intervention overthrew Kadhafi.If being a protagonist means adding to the bombardments of others, then I say no thanks Italy already used this strategy in Libya in 2011, Renzi told the Corriere della Serra newspaper. Four years of civil war in Libya shows this was not a wise choice. Today there needs to be another strategy.Italy is on the frontline of a migrant crisis fuelled by the conflict in Libya, which has become an unpoliced launchpad for people traffickers shipping desperate people across the Mediterranean, frequently with deadly consequences.

Asia markets rally US jobs report


HONG KONG (AFP) - Asian stock markets climbed in early trade Monday, after another strong reading on US jobs creation last week provided fresh evidence the economy is recovering and reinforced expectations of a December interest rate hike.Dealers tracked a surge on Wall Street to return to buying after Fridays sharp sell-off in Asia that was fuelled by disappointment with the European Central Banks (ECB) revised stimulus programme.The US Labor Department said Friday that 211,000 jobs were created in November and the unemployment rate held at five percent.Wall Streets three main indexes jumped more than two percent on the report.The post-payrolls rally in US equities was notable, Kymberly Martin, a markets strategist in Wellington at Bank of New Zealand, said in an e-mail to clients.The market appears to have read the data as reason for confidence in the economic outlook, rather than taking flight at the prospect of imminent reduction in US Fed stimulus.While a lift in US borrowing costs would usually be expected to cause selling, analysts said dealers have been soothed by indications from the Fed that any increases would be small and gradual.Among Asian stock markets Tokyo gained 1.5 percent by lunch, with exporters boosted by a weaker yen. Hong Kong put on 0.2 percent and Shanghai and Sydney each added 0.1 percent.With the likelihood of a US rate hike almost certain the dollar pushed higher against the yen and euro, with the single currency also weighed by comments from ECB chief Mario Draghi that he could beef up its stimulus.- Oil extends losses -======================Speaking Friday after European markets closed, Draghi insisted the banks efforts were working, adding: There is no particular limit to how we can deploy any of our tools.There cannot be any limit to how far we are willing to deploy our instruments, within our mandate, and to achieve our mandate.The euro surged more than three percent against the greenback after the ECB unveiled fresh stimulus measures that fell well short of expectations. The bank has, since earlier this year, embarked on a bond-buying scheme that in essence pumps more cash into financial markets, denting demand for the euro.Oil prices extended losses following a hefty sell-off Friday that came after a meeting of the OPEC oil exporters grouping ended without any decision to cut output.At the end of its six-monthly gathering, the 12-member group dropped all talk of targets and said it would gauge the market between now and its next meeting, when Iran is due to restart exports as economic sanctions are lifted as a part of its nuclear deal.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude sank 1.1 percent and Brent was 0.5 percent lower.On Friday WTI tumbled 2.7 percent and Brent lost 1.9.

Oil stays below $40 after OPEC decides against output cut


SINGAPORE (AFP) - Oil stayed below $40 a barrel in Asia Monday after the OPEC cartel decided against slashing high output levels and traders turned their focus to a US central bank meeting next week.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for delivery in January was down 37 cents at $39.60 and Brent crude for January was trading 12 cents lower at $42.88 a barrel at around 0210 GMT.At a meeting in Vienna on Friday, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries decided against cutting its oil output to lift prices, its president and Nigerian oil minister Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu said.OPEC, whose members together pump out more than one third of world oil, is currently producing above its official target of 30 million barrels per day despite a global crude supply glut that has battered prices for more than a year.Crude oil were no doubt compressed by the lack of an agreement at the OPEC, signalling that the supply glut will persist longer, Bernard Aw, market strategist at IG Markets in Singapore.WTI is trading below the key $40 (mark) and it looks set to remain there.Sanjeev Gupta, who heads the Asia-Pacific oil and gas practice at professional services firm EY, said market attention is now turned to a meeting of Federal Reserve policymakers and to the latest economic data from China, the worlds top energy consumer.Traders are watching whether the Fed will will raise interest rates, a move that will boost the dollar. A stronger US currency will make dollar-priced oil more expensive to holders of weaker units, denting demand and prices.While all eyes are now on the Federal Reserve as it meets next week for the last policy meeting this year to decide whether to raise its benchmark rate, economic data from China will set the tone of prices in the coming weeks, Gupta said.He said the dollar also got a boost from a strong US jobs report on Friday. The report strengthens the case for a Fed rate hike, analysts said.

Obama tells Americans terror will be defeated


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama sought to reassure terror-struck Americans that the Islamic State group will be defeated Sunday, in a rare primetime address from the Oval Office.Facing doubts about his leadership, Obama harnessed the highest trappings of US power to calm a nation put on edge by a rampage in California that killed 14 Americans. Many Americans are asking whether we are confronted by a cancer that has no immediate cure, Obama said, striking a notably empathetic tone after an attack that unveiled a new style of homespun threat.As a father of two daughters, Obama said, he could imagine himself or his kin in San Bernardino or Paris. But the president nonetheless sounded resolute.Heres what I want you to know. The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. We will destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us.Our military will continue to hunt down terrorist plotters in any country where it is necessary.The president urged Muslims in America and around the world to decisively and unequivocally reject the hateful ideology that groups like ISIL and Al-Qaeda promote.Obama has delivered an Oval Office address -- deployed by presidents since Harry Truman to convey resolve in the face of a national crisis -- only twice before.First when the Gulf of Mexico was being flooded with crude oil and later to mark the end of combat operations in Iraq.His third such address was prompted by the attack in San Bernardino on Wednesday when a young married Muslim couple donned tactical gear and opened fire on an office party full of people they knew, before dying in a hail of police bullets a few hours later.IS has praised the San Bernardino shooters, US-born Syed Farook and his Pakistani wife Tashfeen Malik, as soldiers of its self-proclaimed caliphate, while stopping short of claiming outright credit for the attack.A senior administration official said this decision was designed to convey the seriousness with which Obama was taking the threat.Obama detailed a multi-pronged strategy against the Islamic State group that will rely as much on community action, technical nous and countering propaganda as military force.Woven throughout Obamas address was a plea for unity.We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between America and Islam, he said, facing down some of his shrillest critics who have called for a registry of Muslim-Americans.ISIL does not speak for Islam. They are thugs and killers. Part of a cult of death he said, they account for a tiny fraction of a more than a billion Muslims around the world.If were to succeed in defeating terrorism, we must enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.But he also pressed Americas feuding political factions to rally together.The latest outrage has prompted little of the patriotism-fuelled solidarity that marked the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.After two decades battling jihadism from Afghanistan to Boston, Americans appear increasingly divided on the nature of the problem and how to respond.Republicans have demanded that Obama back a full-scale deployment of NATO ground forces to Syria and resume controversial interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, which the president wants to close.Hardline conservatives have also taken issue with Obamas refusal to use the phrase radical Islam which the White House says would confer terrorists the legitimacy of a faith they have betrayed.The president, elected on an anti-war platform, showed little sign of meeting his political foes in the middle as he reiterated calls for gun control and ruling out a new ground war in Mesopotamia. Our success wont depend on tough talk or abandoning our values or giving into fear. Thats what groups like ISIL are hoping for.We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq and Syria. Thats what groups like ISIL want.

Assad says Britain's Syria strikes 'illegal', will only fuel terror


LONDON (AFP) - Britains bombing campaign against Islamic State extremists in Syria is illegal and will only cause terrorism to spread, President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview published Sunday.It will be harmful and illegal and it will support terrorism as happened after the coalition started its operation a year or so (ago), he told The Sunday Times after British MPs voted on December 2 to join the US-led bombing campaign over Syria. Terror, he said, was like a cancer which needed to be tackled with a comprehensive strategy which would involve working with troops on the ground. You cannot cut out part of the cancer. You have to extract it. This kind of operation is like cutting out part of the cancer. That will make it spread in the body faster.You cannot defeat (IS) through air strikes alone. You cannot defeat them without cooperation with forces on the ground. You cannot defeat them if you do not have buy-in from the general public and the government, he said.They are going to fail again. Britain began its bombing campaign early on Thursday, hitting an oil field held by IS just hours after a decisive parliamentary vote authorised air strikes. Momentum to join the air campaign grew after IS militants claimed a deadly series of attacks on Paris last month which killed 130 people and wounded more than 350. In arguing in favour of the strikes, Prime Minister David Camerons claimed there were 70,000 moderate Syrian forces on the ground who could help secure territory cleared by air strikes, prompting ridicule from Assad, who denounced it as classical farce.Where are the 70,000 moderates he is talking about? There is no 70,000. There is no 7,000, he said. In late September, Russia began its own bombing campaign in Syria in support of Assad over a year after a US-led coalition began its strikes targeting the IS group.Russia is coordinating its air strikes with Damascus, unlike the US-led coalition, whose action has been criticised by Assad and his government as ineffectual. Assad said the Russians had entered the conflict in a legal way -- with Syrias permission. While the western bombing campaign has fuelled extremism, Assad believes that two months of Russian air strikes with ground support from the Syrian army has actually damaged the Islamists capabilities. More than 250,000 people have been killed since the Syrian conflict erupted in March 2011 with protests against Assads regime.

Karachi: Clash between rival political groups leaves 5 injured


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, two people were injured in firing while three were wounded in stabbing incident during clash between two rival political groups in Baldia Ittehad Town area of Karachi on Sunday.The injured were shifted to a nearby hospital for treatment. Rescue sources said that the wounded persons were identified as Sher Zaman, Shakir, Sarfaraz and Sajjad while the identity of fifth injured is not yet known.SP Baldia while talking to media said that case will be registered against newly-elected General Councillor Arif Khan and losing candidate Umar Daraz for creating tension in the area.Also Read: 3 hurt after armed clash between political parties workersEarlier in the day, three people were hurt when workers of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Muhajir Qaumi Movement clashed in Shah Faisal Colony.According to details, charged workers of both parties stormed each other at Shah Faisal Colony area and burnt down a motorcycle which left at least 3 injured.

PU professor arrested on suspicion of links with banned outfit


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to sources, law enforcement agencies conducted a raid on a house in Raza Block, Allama Iqbal Town on Sunday night and arrested a Punjab University professor named Ghalib Atta.Sources said that the arrested professor had links with a banned organization. The 48-year-old Prof. Ghalib Atta was currently working as an instructor in the Institute of Administrative Sciences of the Punjab University.The law enforcement agencies also searched the house and car of Ghalib Atta. The arrested professor has been shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Tennis: World number one Serena back after bout with 'pain'


MANILA (AFP) - Serena Williams said Sunday she was ready to rejoin the womens tennis tour after a bout with pain and injuries that caused the world number one to cut short her 2015 season.The 34-year-old American was largely rusty as she lost in mixed doubles before beating Ana Ivanovic while playing at the International Premier Tennis League (IPTL) tournament in Manila.Williams last played in a competitive match in a shock semi-final loss to Italian Roberta Vinci at the US Open in September, missing out on a calendar-year sweep of the Grand Slams.I never lacked motivation. I just was really injured, she told reporters in the Philippine capital Sunday without discussing the nature of the injury.Ive always been motivated, so I just had to get better -- you know, be able to just walk without being in pain.Williams has said she played injured most of the year as she racked up her Grand Slam win count to 21 by taking Wimbledon as well as the Australian and the French Open crowns.After her loss to Vinci she pulled out of the China Open and the year-ending WTA Finals, saying she needed time to heal.She cited injuries to my elbow, my knee, or, in the final moments after a certain match in Flushing, my heart.Her coach Patrick Mouratoglou has also told ESPN she was lacking motivation after the US Open loss. It was good to be back here, Williams said Sunday as she played two sets in the IPTLs abbreviated format representing the Philippine Mavericks team against Ivanovics UAE Royals.The teams play five sets of mens and womens singles, mens and mixed doubles as well as one for legends or retired mens players.Its a good opportunity for me to get some more tennis in and get ready. I felt really good.Williams begins her 2016 season at the Hopman Cup in Perth on January 3 before defending her Australian Open title later that month.She is one Grand Slam win shy of equalling Steffi Grafs record 22 titles. The German also swept all four Grand Slam titles in 1988.

Tennis: Federer set to play mixed doubles with Hingis in Rio - report


GENEVA (AFP) - Roger Federer is expected to play mixed doubles with fellow Swiss national Martina Hingis at the 2016 Olympic games in Rio, Le Matin Dimanche newspaper reported, revealing what the paper called a Dream Team.There had been widespread speculation that the two Swiss stars would team up. Hingis had reportedly made the offer to play with Federer and was waiting for a response from the winner of 17 Grand Slam titles. Federer will play with Hingis. Its decided, Le Matin Dimanche said in a report that listed the composition of the Swiss probable teams for Rio. Federer had reportedly promised to declare his openness to the prospective Hingis pairing by the end of the year. Federer is also set to play mens doubles with Stan Wawrinka, the current world number four, with 11 ATP titles to his name, the paper reported. Swiss Davis Cup captain Severin Luethi, who will also lead the tennis squad in Rio, was quoted by the paper saying the goal for the 2016 summer games was to win all the gold medals.Why not?... We can always dream, he said. Hingis will play womens doubles with Belinda Bencic, a rising star who cracked the womens tour in 2011 and has already claimed more than $2 million in career earnings. Bencic will also play mixed doubles with Wawrinka, according to the report.

Tennis: Bad boy Kyrgios aims for first Grand Slam final


MANILA (AFP) - Tenniss bad boy Nick Kyrgios said Sunday he would pursue his first Grand Slam final next year while maintaining the intensity that has led to frequent brushes with officialdom.The 20-year-old Australian, ranked 30th in the world, said he had matured a lot after a turbulent year in which he earned a suspended ban for making a sexual comment about the girlfriend of world number four Stan Wawrinka.Im looking to, you know, go really far in a Grand Slam and then almost win one in the next year or two, the right-hander told reporters during the start of the Philippine leg of the International Premier Tennis League tournament.Kyrgios reached the fourth round in Wimbledon this year, his best Grand Slam result, before losing to Richard Gasquet. He also lost to Andy Murray, the world number two, in the third round of the French Open.Tipped by many experts as a future world number one, Kyrgios picked up his second code violation in two matches in October, earning an $1,500 fine as he lost to Kei Nishikori at the Shanghai Masters tournament.The volatile Australian had angrily reacted with vulgar language after being warned for smashing away a loose ball which nearly hit a line judge.If he totals more than $5,000 in fines before February 24 next year, Kyrgios will have to serve the suspended ban imposed in August for his comments about Wawrinkas girlfriend.Kyrgios, Australias number two mens tennis player, was last month ignored along with fellow controversial star Bernard Tomic, the Australian number one, as nominees for the Newcombe Medal.It honours Australias most outstanding elite tennis player and ambassador.I had a pretty up and down year, results-wise and then obviously on the court there was some stuff, Kyrgios said Sunday.But you know, overall I think it was pretty successful.I think Ive matured a lot this year and Ive learned a lot and I definitely feel that Ive grown as a person and as a tennis player, he added.Asked if this meant he would be less of an angry young man next year, he said:You know, I dont think Im actually very angry at all. Im actually a calm sort of guy off the court.But on the court Im a competitor, you know. I want to win. At the end of the day thats all I want to do.Kyrgios said the edginess was a positive element of his game.Ill do everything I can, so I think for my game its good. It brings energy and excitement, and I think thats very important.He said he was now leaner and stronger than previously as he hit the gym more and altered his diet.To get further in the major tournaments he said he had to put in that body work.

Football: Wijnaldum and Newcastle halt Liverpool surge


NEWCASTLE (AFP) - Jurgen Klopps Liverpool resurgence ran aground on Sunday as Georginio Wijnaldum inspired Newcastle United to a much-needed 2-0 home win that eased the pressure on their manager Steve McClaren.Liverpool went into the game chasing an eighth win in nine games, which would have taken them to within three points of the Champions League places, but Wijnaldum forced an own goal by Martin Skrtel and scored himself to leave them six points adrift of the top four in seventh place.It was only the second defeat of Klopps 12-game tenure, but with Liverpool only mustering a single shot on target, it will douse some of the excitement created by their recent surge, which has seen them anointed potential champions in certain quarters.McClaren has only been able to envy the headlines created by Klopp in recent weeks, but Mondays newspapers will make far more pleasant reading for the ex-England manager following recent heavy losses to Leicester City and Crystal Palace.While Newcastle remain in the relegation zone, their third win of the campaign means they are now level on points with both Norwich City and Bournemouth.Divock Origi and Daniel Sturridge had scored five of the six goals that Liverpool put past Southampton in the League Cup on Wednesday, but both dropped to the bench as Klopp made six changes.Befitting a team chasing a fifth successive victory, Liverpool made an enterprising start, winning two corners in the first 70 seconds and forcing Newcastle back through the running of Nathaniel Clyne and Jordon Ibe on the right flank.But for all their endeavour, there was little penetration and when Liverpool did procure a chance in the 21st minute, Dejan Lovren nodding Alberto Morenos corner down for Christian Benteke, the burly Belgian contrived to jab the ball over the bar from three yards.It was a poor miss and as the half wore on Newcastle gained a foothold, hunting their opponents down in packs and looking the more likely team to score.Moreno had to produce an airborne challenge to thwart Siem de Jong, who replaced Ayoze Perez in the only change to the team thrashed 5-1 at Palace, while Papiss Cisse squandered an opportunity to run at Skrtel, allowing the Slovakian to dispossess him.Shortly before half-time, Jack Colbacks corner from the right was flicked on by Cisse at the near post, but Chancel Mbemba could not keep his header down.Newcastle continued to carry the greater threat after the break, Wijnaldum shooting wide from Moussa Sissokos pass, and with half an hour remaining Klopp took action by sending on Sturridge and Adam Lallana for Benteke and Roberto Firmino.McClaren countered by introducing Perez for De Jong in the 67th minute and two minutes later, his side were in front.Sissokos cross from the right struck Wijnaldum on the thigh, but the Holland midfielder gathered the ball and worked space for a shot that the sliding Skrtel deflected past Simon Mignolet for an own goal.Klopp threw on Origi for Ibe, realigning the strike-force that had torpedoed Southampton, but they could not reverse the visitors fate.Sturridge skewed a shot badly wide from Lallanas slide-rule pass, while Moreno saw a deft lobbed volley from James Milners raking pass ruled out in a marginal offside call.When Liverpool finally found the target in the 89th minute, Lovren heading down Morenos left-wing cross, it was straight at Newcastle goalkeeper Rob Elliot.Fittingly, Wijnaldum had the final say, running onto Sissokos pass in stoppage time and liting a delightful shot over Mignolet.

Golf: Watson wins World Challenge


MIAMI (AFP) - Two-time Masters champion Bubba Watson fired a six-under par 66 Sunday to win the Hero World Challenge invitational event in the Bahamas by three strokes.The 37-year-old American, who won at Augusta in 2012 and 2014, captured the 18-man event hosted by Tiger Woods with a 72-hole total of 25-under 263 at the Albany resort.Fellow American Patrick Reed was second on 266 after a 66 of his own with countryman Rickie Fowler shooting at 64 to stand fourth on 267, one stroke better than 2014 winner Jordan Spieth, the reigning Masters and US Open champion.Englands Paul Casey, who played in the final pairing alongside Watson, fired 70 to share fifth with American Bill Haas.Watson had back-to-back birdies three different times Sunday, at the par-3 second and par-5 third, the par-5 sixth and par-4 seventh and on the first two holes of the back nine. He birdied the par-4 14th and a bogey at the last only shrank the final victory margin.Englands Justin Rose fired a course-record 10-under par 62 Sunday, breaking the day-old mark shared by Casey and Watson.Rose, the 2013 US Open champion, birdied the third and fourth holes, fired three in a row starting at the par-5 sixth, began the back nine with his sixth birdie and then fired four more in a row capped by a 2 at the par-3 17th. He finished on 275 overall.

Alpine Skiing: Vonn wins Super-G to complete Canada treble


MONTREAL (AFP) - Lindsey Vonn completed her third treble sweep at Lake Louise in five seasons by winning Sundays World Cup Super-G race at the Canadian piste to seize the overall points lead.The 31-year-old American swept downhills Friday and Saturday and completed her weekend hat-trick with a run of 1:19.79 for her 70th career World Cup victory, 18 of them coming at Lake Louise.I had a pretty good run. Im pretty happy with it, Vonn said. I definitely got a little bit late on the bottom, got pushed a little bit, but I kept the speed going. So I would say it was a pretty decent run, but looking back you can always say you could do better.Austrian Tamara Tippler was second in 1:21.11 with compatriot Cornelia Huetter third in 1:21.14.Reigning downhill and Super-G World Cup champion Vonn has won 25 career Super-G World Cup races, a record for men or women.It was a big deal, Vonn said. I feel like there were some people that doubted whether I could win today and especially because Lara (Gut) had won the last couple races here in super-G.And also my technician made some bets with people, so I felt a little bit like I had to come through. It was my physio Lindsays last day with me travelling on the road, so I kind of wanted to end with a bang.Vonn has enjoyed a magical run at Lake Louise since taking her first World Cup win there in 2004.Vonn, the most decorated womens skier in World Cup history, also won three races at Lake Louise in 2011 and 2012. She was hurt in a 2013 training run barely two weeks before Lake Louise, reinjuring her right knee, and settled for 40th and 11th in downhills and fifth in the Super-G.But with her latest triumph, she edged just ahead of compatriot Mikaela Shiffrin 300-296 for the overall season points lead and took the Super-G lead as well. Shiffrin was 15th in her speed debut, 2.29 adrift of Vonn.There were some spots that I was probably a little bit too wide and here and there maybe turning almost too much, but down the piste, onto the flats, I felt like I carried some good speed, Shiffrin said.Im starting ahead of where I actually thought I would. I felt solid on the skis and it was really fun to be honest.Vonn seeks her fifth overall crown in nine seasons and first since 2012, her sixth Super-G crown in eight seasons and eighth downhill crown in nine seasons.Tippler enjoyed a career-best result for the third day in a row.Its so amazing, she said. I have no words to describe it.Huetter was excited after her third podium in as many days.I had to push hard, she said. Its a good result, I am super happy about it.The World Cup tour resumes next week with technical events in Are, Sweden.

Nawaz Sharif to arrive in Karachi today


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will reach Karachi today (Monday) on a one-day visit. The PM will preside over a top level meeting on law and order situation in the city, Dunya News reported.Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali will also accompany the PM during the visit. Chief of the Army Staff General Raheel Sharif is also expected to attend the meeting.DG Rangers, Maj Gen Bilal Akbar will brief the meeting about the progress made in the ongoing operation in Karachi against criminals and terrorists. Important decisions are expected to be taken in the meeting which will be held at the Governor’s House. Sindh Government will also present its report on the ongoing operation in the city.PM Nawaz Sharif will also witness Pakistan Air Force exercises at the Somiani Firing Range before his departure for Islamabad.

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