Sunday 8 March 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Mali: 3 dead in rocket attack on UN base in Kidal in north


BAMAKO (AP) - Three people including a U.N. soldier were killed and 14 wounded in a rocket attack early Sunday on a U.N. base in Malis northeastern city of Kidal, the United Nations mission in Mali said.More than 30 rockets and shells hit the U.N. base in Kidal early Sunday morning, killing a U.N. soldier and two civilian children, said Olivier Salgado, the spokesman for the U.N. mission in Mali. An additional 14 people were wounded.The attack came a day after a masked gunman sprayed bullets into a restaurant and bar in Malis capital, Bamako, killing five people, including a Frenchman and a Belgian.A group formed by the elusive and dreaded Algerian extremist leader Moktar Belmoktar claimed responsibility for the rare burst of violence in the Malian capital. Belmoktar said it was a reprisal attack against the heathen West which has offended our prophet and in revenge for the killing of a leader of the Al Mourabitoun group in a French-Malian military operation.The claim of responsibility by Al Mourabitoun, or The Sentinels, was carried on the Mauritanian news website Al-Akhbar which often receives messages from Malian extremists. Al Mourabitoun is a northern Mali jihadi group allied with al-Qaida.There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack Sunday on Kidal, but the Islamic extremist group Ansar Dine claimed a similar attack against U.N. peacekeepers in Kidal in September 2014. Kidal is located some 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) northeast of Bamako which has previously been spared the sporadic violence in the north.The members of the U.N. Security Council on Sunday issued a statement condemning the attack in the strongest terms and urged the government in Mali to swiftly investigate it and bring the perpetrators to justice.They pointed out that attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law.Saturdays bloody attack at La Terrasse, a restaurant and bar that is popular with foreigners, stunned Malians. In addition to those killed, nine people were wounded including two experts for the U.N. mission, according to the U.N. stabilization mission in Mali. The two are Swiss soldiers and were flown to Senegal for treatment, said the Swiss Defense Ministry.Islamist extremists seized control of northern Mali in 2012 with the aim of imposing Sharia law in the country.French forces led a military operation in early 2013 that largely killed or scattered extremists from the vast area they had controlled in northeastern Mali, and a stabilization mission continues amid sporadic attacks. Among survivors was Belmoktar, the Algerian extremist and trafficker who at one point was the southern chief of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, roaming the Sahel region before he broke with the affiliate.The claim of responsibility said the Bamako attack was also a response to the December killing of Ahmed el Tilemsi, a founding member of the militant Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa that fused with forces loyal to Belmoktar to form Mourabitoune.Belmoktar, widely thought to have taken refuge in Libya, has a reputation as the most dangerous man in the Sahara. His loyalists led a brazen attack on a natural gas facility at Ain Amenas, Algeria, in January 2013, shortly after the French intervened in Mali. The attack killed scores of foreign and Algerian employees.

40 killed as Kurds battle IS for key Syria town: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - At least 40 Kurdish fighters and Islamic State group jihadists have been killed in clashes for control of a strategic town in north Syria, a monitor said on Sunday.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that 11 civilians were killed in a government air raid on the rebel-held town of Irbin northeast of Damascus.The clashes that erupted on Saturday as the IS launched an offensive aimed at seizing Tal Tamr in Hasakeh province from Kurdish forces have killed 40 fighters on both sides, it said.Fierce battles broke out during the past 24 hours around Tal Tamr... that killed 40 fighters, said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.He said the fighting erupted when IS advanced close to the town, but the Kurds called in reinforcements and were able to repel the jihadists.IS has been trying to capture Tal Tamr because of its strategic location.Taking it would allow IS to dominate a key road between the eastern part of Hasakeh and the town of the same name that are held by the Kurds, and also gain access to the Iraqi border and the jihadist bastion in Mosul beyond.Sundays raid on Irbin near Damascus during which missiles were fired at the town also wounded 50 people, some of them critically, the Observatory said.It also reported several civilians wounded in regime-held areas of Damascus by rebel rocket fire, without giving a precise toll.Elsewhere, clashes were still under way around the Aleppo province villages of Handarat and Bashkoy between regime forces and fighters from the Al-Qaeda affiliate, Al-Nusra Front.The Observatory said that a child and a local Nusra commander were killed in the fighting.A military source told AFP that loyalist forces had launched an overnight offensive on rebel positions in Handarat after failing to recapture it last month.

40 killed as Kurds battle IS for key Syria town: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - At least 40 Kurdish fighters and Islamic State group jihadists have been killed in clashes for control of a strategic town in north Syria, a monitor said on Sunday.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that 11 civilians were killed in a government air raid on the rebel-held town of Irbin northeast of Damascus.The clashes that erupted on Saturday as the IS launched an offensive aimed at seizing Tal Tamr in Hasakeh province from Kurdish forces have killed 40 fighters on both sides, it said.Fierce battles broke out during the past 24 hours around Tal Tamr... that killed 40 fighters, said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.He said the fighting erupted when IS advanced close to the town, but the Kurds called in reinforcements and were able to repel the jihadists.IS has been trying to capture Tal Tamr because of its strategic location.Taking it would allow IS to dominate a key road between the eastern part of Hasakeh and the town of the same name that are held by the Kurds, and also gain access to the Iraqi border and the jihadist bastion in Mosul beyond.Sundays raid on Irbin near Damascus during which missiles were fired at the town also wounded 50 people, some of them critically, the Observatory said.It also reported several civilians wounded in regime-held areas of Damascus by rebel rocket fire, without giving a precise toll.Elsewhere, clashes were still under way around the Aleppo province villages of Handarat and Bashkoy between regime forces and fighters from the Al-Qaeda affiliate, Al-Nusra Front.The Observatory said that a child and a local Nusra commander were killed in the fighting.A military source told AFP that loyalist forces had launched an overnight offensive on rebel positions in Handarat after failing to recapture it last month.

Chechnya policeman confesses involvement in Nemtsov murder: Russian court


MOSCOW (AFP) - A Russian court on Sunday charged two men with the murder of opposition activist Boris Nemtsov, including an ex-police officer from Chechnya who confessed to his involvement in what investigators said was a contract killing.Four other suspects have denied connection to the February 27 killing of Nemtsov who was shot four times in the back while walking with his girlfriend late at night along a bridge outside the Kremlin, in the most high-profile assassination of President Vladimir Putins rule that has sent shivers through the opposition.Interfax news agency quoted a law enforcement source as saying that a sixth suspect threw a grenade at police who came to arrest him in the Chechen capital and killed himself with another grenade Saturday.In Moscow, masked, heavily armed police marched the five handcuffed suspects through hallways packed with journalists and into two separate courtrooms where they were placed inside defendants cages and ordered to be held for around two months pending the investigation.According to documents read out in court, the accused are charged under a section of the Russian criminal code which shows investigators believe the murder was carried out by a group of people for financial gain, the Interfax news agency reported.The charges also involve extortion and banditry. Investigators said they were still seeking others who may have been involved.However, as in a string of other killings of Russian opposition figures, officials have yet to shed light on who might have ordered Nemtsovs murder.Zaur Dadayev, a former deputy commander in the Chechen police, and Anzor Gubashev, who worked for a private security company in Moscow, were arrested on Saturday in the province of Ingushetia, which neighbours Chechnya.They were both charged with murder but Gubashev denied involvement.The participation of Dadayev is confirmed by his confession, said presiding judge Nataliya Mushnikova, according to state news agencies.Court spokeswoman Anna Fadeyeva told the RIA Novosti news agency that the other three men were only considered suspects at this stage. They are Gubashevs younger brother Shagid, Ramzat Bakhayev and Tamerlan Eskerkhanov, who news agencies reported had also been arrested in Ingushetia.The men are all from the volatile northern Caucasus region where Russia has fought two devastating wars against Chechen rebels and where security forces continue to clash with Islamist insurgents.The suspects denied their involvement in this crime but investigators have proof of their involvement, a representative for the probe told the court.However no information emerged as to the possible motive the men could have had in killing the former prime minister turned charismatic opposition leader who was one of the last outspoken opponents to Putin.Nemtsovs allies believe his assassination was a hit ordered by the top levels of government determined to silence dissenters. The allegation has been strenuously denied.The murder in one of the most heavily policed parts of the Russian capital sent shockwaves through an opposition which has seen several critics of the Kremlin killed in recent years and which accuses Putin of steadily suppressing independent media and opposition parties.Nemtsovs daughter Zhanna Nemtsova, in an interview with CNN from Germany, said the murder was obviously politically motivated.I think that now, Russia has crossed the line after this murder, and people will be frightened to express their ideas which contradict ... the official standpoint.Her comments echo those heard from Kremlin critics since the killing such as activist Alexei Navalny, who accused the countrys political leadership of ordering a hit on Nemtsov. Nemtsov, who had long complained of being followed and having his phone tapped, had spoken of his fear of being killed.Putin has described Nemtsovs killing as a tragedy that brought disgrace on Russia and vowed that everything would be done to bring to justice those who committed a vile and cynical murder.Many Russians say that failing direct involvement, Putin is still to blame for whipping up hatred against the opposition by regularly referring to them as a fifth column of traitors and spies -- a message spread daily by all-powerful state media.He first used the term fifth columnist -- which originated during the Spanish civil war and refers to a group of people undermining a nation from within -- after he ordered the annexation of Crimea in Ukraine last year, plunging relations with the West to lows not seen since the Cold War.Investigators have suggested Nemtsovs killers wanted to destabilise Russia while Kremlin-loyal politicians have referred to a Western plot.Investigators say they are also probing the possibility he was assassinated for criticising Russias role in the Ukraine conflict or for his condemnation of Januarys killings at the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly in Paris by Islamist gunmen.At the time of his death, Nemtsov was believed to be working on a study documenting the secret deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine, something the Kremlin denies doing.

Coalition Syria raid kills 9 jihadists: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - Nine jihadists with the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front, among them four foreigners, were killed on Sunday in a US-led coalition air strike in Syria near the Turkish border, a monitor said.The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the death toll may rise as more bodies may be buried under rubble.Nine members of the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, including four foreigners, were killed on Sunday at Adme during coalition raids on a headquarters of the group, Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.He said the headquarters was spread across several buildings in the border area.Residents told AFP that at least six salvos of missiles destroyed three houses less than a kilometre from the town centre.They said practically nothing was left of the buildings, which had been occupied by Al-Nusra Front members.There are several victims among the Islamist fighters. There were foreigners there, but mostly Syrians, one said.Al-Nusra Front jihadists are currently a prime coalition target.Their military chief Abu Hammam al-Shami and several of his lieutenants were reported killed last week in northwest Syria where the group is trying to establish an Islamist emirate.Abdel Rahman said Shami died on Thursday from wounds possibly sustained in a February 27 coalition raid in Idlib province.

Bomb blasts in Egypt's Alexandria kill one, wound 9


CAIRO (AFP) - Separate bomb blasts on Sunday in Egypts port city of Alexandria, including one near a branch of a French supermarket chain, killed one person and wounded nine, police said.Since the military ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, militants have repeatedly set off bombs in Cairo and Alexandria, but the deadliest attacks have been in the Sinai Peninsula.One bomb went off just metres (yards) away from a Carrefour supermarket in Alexandria, killing a passenger on a minibus that was driving past and wounding six passers-by, police said.Initial reports that the facade of the French supermarket branch had been damaged were later denied by police.A separate bombing in the Mediterranean city targeted a police station and wounded three bystanders, police said.Later a third blast outside another police station in the city caused no casualties or damage.There was no immediate claim of responsibility or clear motive for the attacks.The bombings come three weeks after France signed an agreement with Egypt for the sale of 24 Rafale fighter jets, in a deal boosting Cairos military as it tackles jihadists on two fronts.Experts say those behind such attacks that use home-made bombs seek to sow fear among foreign investors, particularly ahead of a conference hosted by Cairo to attract badly needed investment.The March 13-15 conference in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh is aimed at helping to revive an economy battered by four years of political and security unrest.The Cairo government says hundreds of police and soldiers have been killed in Egypt since Morsis overthrow in revenge attacks by jihadists.Amnesty International says that since Morsis ouster, a brutal crackdown on his supporters has killed more than 1,400 people, while thousands more have been jailed.

Saudi Arabia becomes top arms importer: study


LONDON (AFP) - Saudi Arabia overtook India in 2014 as the worlds biggest importer of defence equipment, fuelled by tensions in the Middle East, according to a study published Sunday by respected analysts IHS Janes.Global defence trade currently stands at $64.4 billion, said the report from the London-based defence specialists.The figure has been driven by unparallelled demand from the emerging economies for military aircraft and an escalation of regional tensions in the Middle East and Asia Pacific, IHS expert Ben Moores said.The report, which examines the defence market across 65 countries, found that Saudi Arabia spent more than $6.4 billion on defence kit in 2014, overtaking India on $5.57 billion.Saudi Arabian imports increased by 54 percent over the past year and the study predicts that one out of every seven dollars spent on defence exports in 2015 will be spent by the Middle East kingdom.Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) together imported $8.6 billion of defence equipment in 2014, more than the imports of Western Europe combined.The United States maintained its position as the top exporter, shipping $23.7 billion of equipment, ahead of Russia on $10 billion.The biggest beneficiary of the strong Middle Eastern market remains the US, with $8.4 billion worth of Middle Eastern exports in 2014, compared to $6 billion in 2013, said the report.Despite Russias strong performance, boosted by $2.3 billion of sales to China, the study predicted tougher times ahead.A drop-off in exports is forecast for 2015 as major programmes draw to a close, a trend that could be accelerated by sanctions, it said.Furthermore, falls in the oil price are set to have a devastating impact on some lead Russian clients who are vulnerable to low oil prices, such as Venezuela and Iran.France was the third biggest exporter ($4.9 billion) followed by Britain ($4.1 billion) and Germany ($3.5 billion).IHS said China had now become the third largest importer, up from fifth place earlier. China continues to require military aerospace assistance from Russia and its total defence procurement budget will continue to rise very quickly, said Paul Burton, director of defence industry and budgets at IHS.The study pinpointed South Korea a potential regional leader for defence imports.South Korea looks set to be the rising star of the Asia Pacific defence industry, it concluded.

Ireland target shock India triumph to make last-eight


HAMILTON (AFP) - Ireland face defending champions India on Tuesday where a shock victory would put them into the World Cup quarter-finals and leave either Pakistan or West Indies facing elimination.Non-Test playing Ireland have already hunted down two Full Members -- the West Indies and Zimbabwe -- in Pool B so far on their way to six points from four matches but know they will expect no mercy against India who have won all four matches so far to comfortably reach the last-eight.I dont think their guard will ever be down and theyre not going to look to lose any momentum from their point of view. Whatever they decide to do is out of our control, said Ireland captain William Porterfield.Ireland are no strangers to upsetting big teams.They famously ousted Pakistan from the 2007 World Cup held in the West Indies on their way to the Super Eights where they beat Bangladesh and then defeated England in the 2011 tournament.Ireland started their campaign with a shock four-wicket win over former champions the West Indies and then outlasted United Arab Emirates by two wickets.They came down with a nasty bump against rampaging South Africa in their third match, losing by 201 runs, before they upset Zimbabwe in a five-run thriller in Hobart on Saturday.Weve just got to keep all the momentum and keep improving the little things and keep taking things forward, said Porterfield, whose team play Pakistan in their last group match in Adelaide on March 15.Weve been able to win three from four so were doing something right along the way, said the Irish captain whose team has lost both their one-day internationals against India -- the last in the 2011 World Cup. Porterfield hopes his bowlers lift their performance against a batting power-house like India after conceding 304 runs against the West Indies and 411 against South Africa.In contrast, India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni is pleased with his bowling which was considered a weakness before the tournament.I feel the contribution of all the bowlers is superb, said Dhoni of his attack who bowled the West Indies out for just 182 in their last game and South Africa for 177.Umesh (Yadav) is bowling well, he is bowling quick. (Mohammad) Shami has taken the extra responsibility of bowling with the new ball, and it gives Mohit (Sharma) a bit more time in the middle order with a bit more feel, and he has been very consistent.Dhoni admitted the shorter boundaries in New Zealand, where they play their first match after four in Australia, is a concern.Yes, the short boundaries will be a bit of a concern, but overall, again, it will be good exposure for the bowlers, the reason being we are nicely positioned in the table right now, but we would still like to give our best, said Dhoni.Its understood that India will try their bench strength before the quarter-finals by resting one of their frontline fast bowlers.

Maxwell tribute for Watson help in tough times


SYDNEY (AFP) - Glenn Maxwell praised Shane Watson for helping him break through for his first one-day century which drove Australias World Cup win over Sri Lanka and a place in the quarter-finals.Maxwell smashed the second-fastest World Cup century to set up Australias imposing 376 for nine and go on and beat the Sri Lankans by 64 runs at the Sydney Cricket Ground to snatch second spot in Pool A behind New Zealand.Maxwell said he had been experiencing a tough couple of weeks off the field without specifying the problems, but paid tribute to senior batsman Watson, recalled after being dropped the previous match against Afghanistan. It was a massive weight (off my shoulders) and obviously having Watto there, said Maxwell after his 51-ball century.Hes been there for me over the last couple of tough weeks off the field, hes been there with me through thick and thin.I shared a little special moment with him out there, hopefully its going to open the floodgates a little bit and I can stop getting out in the 90s.He played beautifully and having chats to him off the field has been really good for me. It was a really special partnership we had together, I think we put on 160 and it was a lot of fun.Maxwell, dubbed The Big Show, put on a pulsating knock replete with his audacious reverse sweeps, flicks and powerful hitting in an innings he has threatened to unleash in his previous ODIs.It was nice having a good wicket to play on and the top order set it up absolutely beautifully for us, he said.Spinner Sachithra Senanayake, who played for the first time for Sri Lanka in the tournament, said it was difficult to contain Maxwell.Actually, I feel so bad. The way Maxwell is hitting, the players like Maxwell, AB de Villiers, they are taking so many runs, said Senanayake, who went wicketless for 59 off nine overs.If they are playing 50 balls they are easily getting 100 runs. Its a very bad point for us, so we had to do something new for them. Its hard.Australia skipper Michael Clarke said Australia were put under pressure by Sri Lankas stout-hearted batting response, led by Kumar Sangakkara, who scored his third consecutive century at the tournament with 104 and also went through the 14,000-run barrier in ODIs. I thought they played really well, the whole Sri Lankan innings. We were under pressure, no doubt about it, Clarke said.We had to continue to take wickets. It shows how far the game has come now that you can even think about chasing 375 runs.On his own run-a-ball innings of 68, Clarke said: I would have liked a few more runs, but yeah it was nice to spend some time in the middle.I thought I had been batting pretty well at training and it was nice to contribute when the team needed me.I dont feel stressed from what people write or say, I think it might have taken me a few years but Ive learned to ignore a lot of it and laugh at a lot of it.Thats probably the only reason Im still playing this great game of cricket at the highest level. When I was younger I probably took a lot of it to heart.

Bangladesh need win against England for quarter-final spot


ADELAIDE (Agemcies) - Almost four years to the day, driven by its unbelievably passionate fans, Bangladesh conjured a magnificent win against England in Chittagong. It wasn’t, however, enough to power victorious Bangladesh to the quarter-finals or scupper England’s chances of progressing to the knockout stage of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011.A repeat of that result on Monday (March 9) at the Adelaide Oval will have the exact opposite impact – Bangladesh will secure its last-eight berth, England will fly home after it complete the formalities in its last encounter against Afghanistan.A fair bit, therefore, hinges on the outcome of this contest, a virtual pre-quarterfinal even though this is not the last group game for either side. Theoretically, Bangladesh can afford a defeat and still go through if it wins its last league fixture, but its final game is against New Zealand, Pool A toppers and playing out of its skins since the start of the tournament.When Eoin Morgan was announced as Englands captain ahead of the World Cup, expectations were high. Under Morgan, England began brightly in the triangular series in Australia in mid-January, getting to the final at the expense of India, but its World Cup campaign hasnt gone according to plan.A defeat at the hands of Australia at the MCG was followed by losses to New Zealand and then Sri Lanka. In the previous game, Joe Root, Englands most consistent batsmen, hauled the side to 309 for 6 but Sri Lanka hunted that total down with ease, for the loss of just one wicket with nearly three overs to spare.Englands main worry is that James Anderson and Stuart Broad, its most experienced and incisive pace bowlers, have looked off colour. Anderson has taken 2 for 182 from 29 overs, Broad 2 for 184 from 29.2; both have gone at 6.27 runs an over and taken a wicket every 14-and-a-half overs. And though Steven Finn has taken eight wickets, he has conceded 6.89 runs per over. England may want to bring in James Tredwell, the offspinner, for his first game of the competition, ahead of Finn.England may also want to re-think Gary Ballances position at No. 3. Ballance has 36 runs from four hits, and could make way for Alex Hales.Like England, Bangladesh too conceded 300-plus in its previous game, but hunted down Scotland’s 318 for 8 with clinical professionalism. The top order contributed handsomely, and at no stage did it look out of the game. Thus far, Bangladesh has packed its batting and relied on the part-timers to fill in the fifth bowler’s quota.With Anamul Haque, the opener, out injured and his replacement Imrul Kayes having arrived in Adelaide just on Saturday, it would be tempted to bring in an additional spinner, or leave out a paceman for the extra tweaker. That could be either Taijul Islam, the only man to take a hat-trick on ODI debut, or Arafat Sunny; both are left-arm spinners but bring different skills to the table.The drop-in pitch at the Adelaide Oval might not necessarily be an ally, but if there is any purchase to be had or if the pace is slightly dodgy and the bounce a little uneven, Bangladesh could have the edge over England.This is a massive game for Mashrafe Mortaza’s side. The skipper himself has recovered adequately from the calf strain that left him hobbling during the Scotland victory, and has a solid core group of seniors to fall back on, among them his predecessors – and successors – as captain, Shakib Al Hasan and Mushfiqur Rahim. Tamim Iqbal rediscovered run-scoring touch in time against Scotland, while Mahmudullah at No. 3 has proved to be an excellent move.Bangladesh has done reasonably well – beating Afghanistan and Scotland, with the one loss to Sri Lanka. The equation for both teams is straightforward. If Bangladesh wins on Monday, and makes the quarter-finals, the reward most likely a date against India at the MCG on March 19. If England wins, it could boost its chances of securing a quarter-final berth.

Karachi: 5 terrorists gunned down in twin encounters with police, rangers


KARACHI (Dunya News) – At least five terrorists were gunned down in two different encounters in Manghu Pir and Liaqatabad areas in encounters with police and Rangers. Three terrorists belonging to outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban were also taken into custody from Qasba Colony and Pathan Colony, Dunya News reported.According to details, the terrorists opened fire when the police raided the Manghu Pir area at around 9pm upon a tipoff. Responding to the fire, the police successfully took down three terrorists belonging to a banned outfit.In this encounter, ASI Imran was also wounded in the crossfire. The authorities recovered cache of weapons and ammunition including Kalashnikovs.The police surrounded the area to hunt down five more terrorists about whom they had been tipped off. No more terrorists were found in that area despite an extensive search operation. The wounded policeman was admitted to the hospital.Earlier, two terrorists were killed in Liaquatabad areas in an encounter with Rangers. The killed terrorists were involved in crimes like kidnapping and extortion.Sources say the killed terrorists used to give the extorted amount to a banned outfit.

Relations with Pakistan parallel to no other country: Shah Salman


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has returned after a successful three-day visit to Saudi Arabia in which he met several high officials of the Saudi government including King Shah Salman. Shah Salman came to receive the Prime Minister at the airport along with various other members of the royal family. “Saudi Arabia’s relations with Pakistan parallel to no other country”, said Shah Salman.It was PM’s first official visit to Saudi Arabia after becoming Prime Minister for the third time in 2013. He was accompanied on this visit by Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, Special Assistant to PM on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi and others.PM was given Guard of Honor on this occasion. In his meetings with Shah Salman and other Saudi leaders, PM informed them about Pakistan’s economic situation and the military operation against terrorism.Saudi leadership assured Nawaz Sharif of assistance in every hour of need. Shah Salman said that Saudi relations with Pakistan are parallel to no other country in the world.Nawaz Sharif visited the Shrine of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) in Medina and offered Nafil prayer there.PM addressed the Pakistani community residing in Saudi Arabia. In his address, Nawaz Sharif said that difficult decisions were taken by the government despite the hurdles. “When we took over the power, national treasures were empty but issues are being taken care of”, he said. Prime Minister reiterated his resolve on this occasion of curbing the power crisis within three years.Before his return to Pakistan, Prime Minister offered Friday prayer at Masjid-e-Nabvi (s.a.w) and recited Quran. Looking at the prime minister, large number of people accumulated around him at the mosque.

Egypt schoolboy dies after teaching beating: ministry


CAIRO (AFP) - A Cairo schoolboy died on Sunday after being severely beaten by his teacher who has now been suspended, Egypts education ministry said as an inquiry was launched.Corporal punishment is common in Egyptian schools, where official negligence has been blamed for the deaths in late 2014 of two children in accidents because of badly maintained equipment.The 12-year-old pupil died on Sunday after being beaten by a teacher the previous day, a ministry statement said.It said the teacher has been suspended and an urgent inquiry started to determine the circumstances of the boys death.The child had head injuries and suffered a brain haemorrhage, forensics department chief Hisham Abdel Hamid told AFP.The number of child abuse cases in Egypt has reached alarming proportions.Between January 2014 and the end of October, attacks on children increased by 55 percent compared with the average over the previous three years, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood said in December.It said 50 percent of the cases of violence against children were registered in schools.In September, the director of a Cairo orphanage was sentenced to three years in jail for assaulting minors.Video footage posted on the Internet show him beating children who run away screaming.

Zambian president collapses at Women's Day event


LUSAKA (AFP) - Zambian President Edgar Lungu collapsed on the podium while presiding over a Womens Day celebration in Lusaka on Sunday -- less than two months after the 58-year-old took over from a leader who died in office.Lungu was rushed to a military hospital, but the presidency later issued a statement saying he was receiving treatment for malaria but there was no need for concern.I am feeling much better and have been told I have high levels of fatigue and should take some rest, Lungu was quoted as saying in the statement, adding: There is nothing to worry about.Lungu later told a press briefing at the hospital: I am looking forward to going home. Doctors have done their tests and they have found traces of malaria, but they are doing further tests and they will let me know what next after before the end of the day.They will tell me what to do and not to do, et cetera, he said, declining to take questions.Lungu came to power in January after the death in office of president Michael Sata in October.Rumours that Sata was ill had circulated widely before his death, but were always denied by the government.Sata was Zambias second leader to die in office in six years, sparking calls for presidential aspirants to undergo medical checks to guarantee their fitness.Lungu, who fell after standing for some 20 minutes during the ceremony, is rumoured to have diabetes.Presidential spokesman Amos Chanda said the results from thorough medical checks at the military hospital were good.

Punjab govt announces Violence Against Women Centers on Women's Day


LAHORE: (Web Desk) – Punjab government has on Sunday announced to establish Violence Against Women Centers (VAWC) for the defense of the women against violence. Victims of violence will not only be able to report the violence cases to VAWC through helpline but will also be able to get speedy justice through the department.According to the details, VAWC will provide helpline and transport to the victims. All the facilities will be women-run and work 24/7.Prosecution is expected to be better as all evidence will have to be collected within 24 hours of the assault. The system is expected to be free of interference from outside. No direct telephone lines will be available for contacting the department other than the helpline.The department will also provide the victims with the facility to lodge FIR, medical examination, forensics, prosecution and post-trauma rehabilitation under one roof.Using the latest technology, all departments of the VAWC will be inter-connected and will have complete audio-visual recording of all actions throughout the hierarchy of the department.The department will also be responsible for assisting the victims in getting them placed back into the society. They will be kept in Shelter homes after investigation.Helpline will help the women in getting information about any government-related query and will also allow them to report and follow up their cases.It is also important to mention here that Pakistan is first in the region to launch such an initiative.

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