Friday 10 April 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Obama, Castro stand together st historic summit


PANAMA CITY (AFP) - US President Barack Obama and Cubas Raul Castro stood near each other at a historic Summit of the Americas on Friday, marking a major milestone in their efforts to end decades of animosity.Obama and Castro, separated by the presidents of Ecuador and El Salvador, stood in the second of three rows at a Panama City convention center as the countrys national anthem was sung.The sight of Obama and Castro in the same room instantly became a potent symbol of their bid to renew diplomatic ties that were severed in 1961. It was the first time that a Cuban leader attended the summit in its 21-year history.Both smiling broadly, Obama and Castro had arrived separately for the two-day summits inauguration.The 30-odd leaders were then heading to a seaside dinner in a complex of ruins dating from the era of the Spanish conquistadors.Obama and Castro met once before, when they already shook hands at Nelson Mandelas funeral in December 2013. But US officials said the widely-anticipated discussion would take place Saturday.The last US and Cuban leaders to meet were Dwight Einsenhower and dictator Fulencio Batista in 1956, three years before Fidel Castros revolution.We certainly do anticipate that they will have the opportunity to see each other at the summit tomorrow, to have a discussion, senior Obama advisor Ben Rhodes told reporters.He said the extent of the meeting had yet to be decided, but that the two leaders will take stock of the negotiations to normalize relations and reopen embassies, as well as discuss lingering differences.Rhodes said Obama and Castro had already discussed the ongoing negotiations and the upcoming summit by telephone Wednesday -- their second phone call since December.In a move that could irritate Havana, Obama held a closed-door discussion before the summit with dissident lawyer Laritza Diversent and political activist Manuel Cuesta Moura, along with a dozen other activists from the Americas.While declaring that the days of US meddling in the region were over, the first African American president of the United States launched a defiant and markedly personal defense of Washingtons support for opposition groups.Weve stood up, at great cost, for freedom and human dignity, not just in our own country, but elsewhere. Im proud of that, Obama said, citing the US civil rights movement.As you work for change, the United States will stand up alongside you every step of the way. Turning to Cuba, Obama said that even as a new chapter in relations was launched, well have our differences, government to government, with Cuba on many issues.For his part, Castro held talks with the president of the US chamber of commerce, Tom Donohue, putting together the leader of the only communist regime in the Americas with a major figure of capitalism.The US and Cuban foreign ministers, John Kerry and Bruno Rodriguez, made history themselves late Thursday when they held the highest level talks since 1958, which both sides hailed as constructive.But Rhodes said there was no decision yet on one of the key obstacles in diplomatic negotiations, Cubas presence on the US blacklist of state sponsors of terror.Im not ruling out any announcement but... we are not there yet in terms of a final recommendation being made to the president, and the president making a determination, Rhodes said.Cubas presence on the blacklist -- which also includes Iran, Sudan and Syria -- has been a major sticking point in negotiations to reopen embassies.If Obama decides to remove Cuba from the list, Congress will have 45 days to decide whether to override his recommendation.Cuba has other major demands, most importantly that the US Congress lift an embargo that the communist regime blames for the islands economic troubles.Washington wants Cuba to end restrictions on the movement of its diplomats on the island, giving them unfettered access to ordinary Cubans.Opinion polls show the reconciliation is backed by majorities of Americans and Cubans, though some US lawmakers have been very critical.But Cuban government supporters confronted dissidents on the sidelines of the summit, heckling them as they attended a civil society forum.And even as Obama moves to remove an old source of tension in US relations with Latin America, a new headache has emerged since he imposed sanctions against Venezuelan officials accused of human rights abuses in an opposition crackdown.Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Havanas main ally in the region, will bring a petition with 13.4 million signatures urging Obama to lift his executive order.Maduro received a heros welcome as he arrived at a rally with a hundreds of supporters in Panama Citys El Chorillo monument, built for victims of the 1989 US military invasion to oust Manuel Noriega. The Venezuelan leader vowed to hand Obama a letter of victims demanding reparations.We must have justice, he said. The United States must ask forgiveness from Panama and Latin America for the invasion.But Washington is seeking to ease tensions, dispatching a senior official this week to meet with Maduro in Caracas.

Tornadoes tear through US towns, kill 2: report


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Tornadoes that sliced through US Midwest killed two people, injured 11 others and damaged numerous buildings.A massive tornado in the state of Illinois did the most damage, killing two people Thursday, The Weather Channel reported.The supercell tornado that struck the town of Fairdale brought gale force winds that ripped houses from their foundations, overturned cars and obliterated a large part of the town.Bad weather across the Midwest prompted a slew of tornado warnings that the National Weather Service called a severe threat.Iowa and Ohio also had tornado sightings, and numerous other states were hammered by heavy winds.

U.S. expands intelligence sharing with Saudis in Yemen operation


(Reuters) - The United States is expanding its intelligence-sharing with Saudi Arabia to provide more information about potential targets in the kingdoms air campaign against Houthi militias in Yemen, U.S. officials told Reuters.The stepped-up assistance comes as two weeks of relentless air strikes by the Saudis and other Gulf Arab allies have largely failed to halt advances by the Iran-linked Houthi forces.The U.S. officials said the expanded assistance includes sensitive intelligence data that will allow the Saudis to better review the kingdoms targets in fighting that has killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands since March.We have opened up the aperture a bit wider with what we are sharing with our Saudi partners, said one U.S. official.We are helping them get a better sense of the battlefield and the state of play with the Houthi forces. We are also helping identify no strike areas they should avoid to minimize any civilian casualties, the official said.U.S. ally Saudi Arabia is concerned that the violence could spill over the border it shares with Yemen, and is also worried about the influence of Iran, which has denied Saudi allegations it has provided direct military support to the Houthis.The United States, whose fight against al Qaeda militants in Yemen has been dealt a heavy setback by the Houthi takeover of the capital Sanaa and ousting of the previous government, has avoided a direct role in the worsening conflict. It will still stop short of picking targets for the Saudis, said the four U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.But Washington has come under pressure to do more to assist the alliance led by Saudi Arabia, which fears the Houthi advance is expanding the influence of arch foe Iran to its border.Saudi concerns of growing Iranian influence have also been heightened by nuclear talks between Tehran and world powers that could result in a deal by June 30 removing punishing sanctions on the country.A senior U.S. diplomat said earlier this week that Washington was speeding up arms supplies and bolstering intelligence sharing with the Saudi-led alliance. The Pentagon has said it is beginning aerial refueling of Arab coalition jets – although outside Yemeni airspace.Until recent days, U.S. intelligence support was limited to examining Saudi targeting information to try to affirm its accuracy, U.S. and Saudi officials said.The U.S. role has now expanded in size and scope, involving more detailed “vetting” of targeting information prepared by the Saudis, with a particular interest in helping the Saudis to avoid civilian casualties, according to the U.S. officials.The White House and Pentagon would not comment specifically when asked about expanded intelligence-sharing.The United States is providing our partners with necessary and timely intelligence to defend Saudi Arabia and respond to other efforts to support the legitimate government of Yemen, said Alistair Baskey, a White House spokesman. LEGAL BARRIERSAid groups have said the Saudi strikes, which began March 25, have caused many civilian deaths, including a March 30 attack on a Houthi-controlled refugee camp in northernYemen that the International Organization for Migration said killed 40 people. Senior Saudi officials have blamed such incidents on the Houthis themselves.The Saudi-led air campaign is aimed at rolling back territorial gains by the Houthis and reinstalling Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who has fled the country.While the White House announced U.S. intelligence support soon after the operation began, American officials said that data sharing had been extremely minimal in the campaigns early days. That is partly due to legal barriers, the officials said.While the United States has used lethal force against an al Qaeda offshoot in Yemen, it does not consider itself at war with the Houthis. Some officials said the U.S. administrations analysis is that it lacks the ability under international and U.S. law to collaborate with the Saudis in an offensive against the Houthis.Baskey said that U.S. actions were fully consistent with applicable domestic and international legal requirements.Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke in general terms about the expanded cooperation during a Monday visit to Riyadh, without disclosing specifics.Saudi Arabia is sending a strong message to the Houthis and their allies that they cannot overrun Yemen by force, Blinken said.As part of that effort, we have expedited weapons deliveries, we have increased our intelligence sharing, and we have established a joint coordination planning cell in the Saudi operation center, he added.The United States has sent a 20-member military coordination team to interact with the Gulf allies, led by Marine Major General Carl Mundy. Assigning a two-star general will facilitate interactions with other high-ranking officials from other nations, U.S. officials said.The United States this week started daily air-to-air refueling flights of fighter jets from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.But even with its refueling flights, the United States is exhibiting caution -- carrying out the flights outside Yemeni airspace and requesting financial reimbursement from allies.It is still unclear how the United States plans to accelerate the delivery of bombs and guidance kits to its allies.One person familiar with the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States might accelerate shipments to the United Arab Emirates, which could then also help resupply Saudi Arabia.

Kerry calls for immediate release of Chinese feminists


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry urged Beijing on Friday to immediately release five feminists who were detained ahead of International Womens Day.The arrests last month appeared to be an effort by China to head off public protest linked to the March 8 holiday.Li Tingting, a young activist known for staging demonstrations in mens lavatories to call for an increase in the number of public toilets for women, was taken from her home in Beijing on March 7, according to her lawyer Yan Xin. Each and every one of us has the right to speak out against sexual harassment and the many other injustices that millions of women and girls suffer around the world each and every day, Kerry said in a statement. We strongly support the efforts of these activists to make progress on these challenging issues, and we believe that Chinese authorities should also support them, not silence them.Li, who goes by the pseudonym Li Maizi, organized protests in Beijing and the southern metropolis of Guangzhou three years ago in which she and other women occupied mens toilets. She frequently spoke out for gender equality.Another Chinese activist had said that Li was planning to hold a demonstration to protest sexual harassment of women aboard public transportation before she was arrested.Feminist campaigner Zheng Churan was also taken away from her home in Guangzhou.The other three women were named as Wu Rongrong, Wei Tingting and Wang Man.The United State regularly criticizes Chinas record on human rights and political and religious freedom.

Mumbai attack's alleged suspect Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi released


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Alleged suspect Zaki-ur-Rehman who was detained for involvement in terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008 was released on Friday from Adiala Jail. India strongly protested to the release of Lakhvi. The Indian government called Pakistan’s Ambassador designated in New DelhiAbdul Basit and expressed its dissatisfaction with the decision.The Punjab government had issued orders for the 4th time for the detention of Lakhvi on 14th March. One day before this progress, Islamabad High Court ordered that if there was no case against Lakhvi then he should be released. A strong reaction was seen from the Indian side on this decision.The cases for conspiring Mumbai terrorist attacks registered against other suspects have been proven.The Indian government stated that significant proof was available against Lakvhi’s alleged role in the attacks. India has stated that it is the responsibility of government of Pakistan to keep Lakvhi in jail.More than 160 individuals lost their lives during the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks.

UN chief calls for new push to settle Western Sahara


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN chief Ban Ki-moon called Friday for a new push to resolve the conflict over Western Sahara and stressed that cooperation to address human rights could help find a settlement.In a report to the Security Council, Ban said Morocco and the Algerian-backed Polisario Front must seriously engage with his envoy and intensify their efforts to end the conflict over the north African territory.The secretary-general said allowing missions by UN human rights monitors to Western Sahara and refugee camps would help advance peace prospects by providing an independent and impartial understanding of the human rights situation.It is vital that all human rights protection gaps and underlying human rights issues in situations of protracted conflict be addressed, Ban said in the report obtained by AFP.This would also contribute to creating an environment conducive to the negotiating process.Morocco took control of most of Western Sahara in November 1975 when Spain withdrew, prompting a guerrilla war for independence that lasted until 1991 when the United Nations brokered a ceasefire and sent in a peace mission.Local Saharawi people are campaigning for the right to self-determination but Morocco considers the territory as a part of the kingdom.Ban reported to the 15-member council after his envoy Christopher Ross made a regional visit -- his first in a year -- following tensions with Rabat over his mandate.Morocco accused Ross in 2012 of being partial in the dispute over the former Spanish colony but in late January said it was ready to support his mediation efforts.Ross traveled to Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria as part of his tour, emphasizing the growing frustration in the refugee camps and the importance of an early solution, Ban said.The envoy returned from his mission with the view that face-to-face discussions would be premature but that he would continue shuttle diplomacy to try to advance peace prospects, he added.The Security Council is due on April 22 to discuss the Western Sahara conflict and its MINURSO peace force deployed in the region since a 1991 ceasefire.

Karachi: Imran Ismael advises PTI chairman to hold rally on 21st April


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) member Imran Ismael on Friday contacted PTI chairman Imran Khan via telephone. Ismael advised Khan to shift the date of PTI’s rally in Karachi from 19th of April to 21st of April. The suggestion was accepted by Khan.Ismael suggested that there will be a gap of 4 days before the elections occur if the rally is held on 19th of April. On this suggestion, Khan left the decision upto Ismael stating that he will come to Karachi on which ever date the people of Karachi decide.The final decision of the rally will be taken by 12th April.

Liaqatabad incident unfortunate, initiated by JI: Kanwar Naveed


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) leader Kanwar Navee d Jameel on Saturday stated that the violent incidence in Liaqatabad was unfortunate. Naveed accused that the attack was initiated by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). Naveed stated that MQM will register a case in this regard.The MQM leader expressed these views while addressing a news conference in Jinnah ground.The MQM leader stated that JI’s workers first came to MQM’s camp and started shouting slogans. Naveed said JI’s political workers removed MQM flags and banners. He also stated that MQM workers along with women were attacked.Naveed also stated that JI’s inflammatory press conference after the incident added fuel to the fire.

Asteroid named after Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai


WASHINGTON (Agencies) - Malala Yousafzai, the youngest ever winner of a Nobel Peace Prize, has now got something else cool to her name. A Nasa astronomer has named Asteroid 316201, in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter, after the activist.Dr Amy Mainzer discovered the asteroid, and, according to the International Astronomical Union’s rules, was able to name it. Malala’s asteroid, formal name 316201 Malala or 2010 ML48, orbits the sun every 5.5 years.Mainzer said she chose to name it after Malala because “My postdoctoral fellow Dr Carrie Nugent brought to my attention the fact that although many asteroids have been named, very few have been named to honour the contributions of women (and particularly women of colour).”Malala is the red dot in the picture, seen through an infrared lens showing the heat the asteroid’s giving off, rather than sunlight reflecting off its surface.The stars in the image are blue because they are thousands of degrees in temperature and, just like the hottest flames are blue, infrared shows the highest temperatures as blue. From the heat emitted we can also determine the size of the asteroid, which is about four kilometres across and was discovered using the NEOWISE telescope that orbits Earth.Mainzer hopes it will encourage more young girls to consider a career in science as an option: “My advice to young girls is that science and engineering are for everyone We desperately need the brainpower of all smart people to solve some of humanity’s most difficult problems, and we can’t afford to reject half the population’s. Plus, it is a wonderful feeling to learn about the world around you – it’s a job you will fall in love with each day.”Malala is a Pakistani human rights activist, fighting for the right of girls to have access to education, who five years ago wrote an anonymous diary about life living under the Taliban in north-west Pakistan.Since then she’s survived being shot in the head, won a Nobel Peace Prize and co-written a memoir. Now she also shares her name with an Asteroid.

Joint resolution on Pakistan's role in Yemen war approved


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – A joint resolution on Pakistan’s role in Yemen war was unanimously approved on Friday in the Parliament. The resolution stated that Pakistan will not be involved in the Middle Eastern war. The resolution also stressed on Pakistan’s role as a mediator. Pakistan’s Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif approved the draft of the resolution.According to the details, the resolution stated that Pakistan should adopt a neutral stance in the Yemen crisis. The resolution also called for United Nations (UN) to mediate ceasefire through Organization of Islamic States (OIS). It also called for the international community and the Muslims around the world to step up their efforts for peace in Yemen. The resolution stated that Pakistan will stand with Saudi Arabia if its security or the security of Harmain Shareefain was threatened.The Parliament’s joint meeting was presided by Speaker National Assembly Ayaz Sadiq. The resolution was presented by the Minister of Finance Ishaq Dar.The resolution stated it welcomes government’s decision to call Parliament’s joint meeting for Yemen crisis.The resolution acknowledged the relief efforts in Yemen while expressing concern for Yemen’s deteriorating security situation and the humanitarian crisis. An appeal was made through the resolution to all those involved in the Yemen crisis to resolve their conflicts by peaceful means.The joint resolution acknowledged government’s efforts in rescuing Pakistanis and foreign nationals stranded in Yemen. China’s help was also appreciated in the resolution in this regard.The joint resolution stated that the Yemen crisis could worsen the situation in the region. International and local efforts for peace and stability in Yemen were acknowledged in the joint resolution.The resolution also stated that the war in Yemen was not sectarian but could develop into one.PM Nawaz Sharif was congratulated for the unanimous approval of the resolution by members of the Parliament.Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) also presented its resolution after the government. Both drafts were discussed and then a new resolution formulated.

Coach Younis warns players to show right attitude


ISLAMABAD (AP) - Coach Waqar Younis has warned Pakistan players to show right attitude otherwise they will be left behind in international cricket.Whosoever does well for Pakistan and play with the right attitude, he will stay, Younis told reporters on Friday.Its not my team or your team, its Pakistans team and we all want the good result.Younis had expressed reservations against some players in his World Cup report to the Pakistan Cricket Board. As a result selectors have dropped three top order batsmen Nasir Jamshed, Ahmed Shehzad and Umar Akmal for the one-day series against Bangladesh while experienced Younis Khan only managed to make the test squad.Yes, in my report I have written my reservations to the PCB and most of them were accepted, Younis said without singling out any axed player.Theres a dire need of a right attitude toward many aspect of the game and if we dont do it, we will be left behind.Pakistan was eliminated in the quarterfinal of the World Cup when it lost to eventual champion Australia. It also lost to archrival India and West Indies in group matches before qualifying for the last eight with victories against Zimbabwe, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Ireland.Misbah-ul-Haq and Shahid Afridi retired from limited-overs cricket after the World Cup and the PCB appointed Azhar Ali as captain for ODIs while recalling middle order batsmen Asad Shafiq and Fawad Alam for the Bangladesh tour.Its a new era and with these players. I am optimistic that they can serve Pakistan for long, Younis said.Talent is there but its all about opportunities which they have it now and I am hopeful they will do well in the upcoming series.Younis said Pakistan has to look forward after the retirement of Misbah and Afridi and should include more and more younger players in international matches.We didnt include new players recently which I think should be a regular practice and players should be tested on and off, Younis said.Younis said Bangladesh, which was also knocked out in the quarterfinal by India in the World Cup, has improved a lot and will not be an easy opponent for Pakistan.We have a young side with lot of newcomers and I cant put extra pressure on them, but I believe they can do the job.Pakistan bowling attack will be strengthened in all the three formats with the return of offspinner Saeed Ajmal after his bowling action was cleared in February. And the coach has high hopes for his bowler.Ajmal has showed lot of character over the last eight months and his approach towards the game is very good, Younis said.He deserves respect and I am sure he will do good.

7 hurt in car bomb on tourist island in southern Thailand


BANGKOK (AP) - A car bomb exploded at a shopping mall on a Thai island popular with foreign tourists for its pristine beaches, injuring seven people, officials said on Saturday.The improvised bomb was hidden in a pickup truck and went off late Friday night on the basement level of the shopping Central Festival mall on Samui Island in Surat Thani province, after a fashion show, the islands disaster prevention and mitigation chief Poonsak Sophonpathumrak told The Associated Press.He said authorities believed the vehicle was stolen from one of the three southernmost Thai provinces plagued by violence. More than 5,000 people have been killed since an Islamic insurgency began in the sub-region in 2004.Muslims in the area, which was an independent Islamic sultanate until it was annexed by Thailand in the early 20th century, have long complained of discrimination, and the insurgents are thought to be fighting for autonomy. The militants, however, have made no public pronouncements about their aims.Poonsak said the bomb had destroyed most of the pickup truck and damaged a few other vehicles that were parked nearby at the mall, which was located a few hundred meters (feet) from the popular Chaweng beach.The authorities are still investigating the scene to find out more details before linking it to any insurgency groups, he said.Samui is one of the countrys top island destinations among foreign and Thai tourists. It has rarely been a target of militant attacks in the past.

Oil jumps as Iran raises new challenge to nuclear deal


NEW YORK (AFP) - Crude prices jumped Friday to finish a volatile week on a high note after Tehran raised new questions about the nuclear deal that would allow Iranian oil back into the market.In London trade, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in May rose $1.30 to $57.87, adding more than $3 a barrel for the week.On the New York Mercantile Exchange, West Texas Intermediate or light sweet crude for May rose 85 cents to finish at $51.64 a barrel, $2.35 above the week-earlier close.Prices which had been driven lower the previous two sessions by more signs of oversupply in the United States rebounded after Irans President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared to back away from the agreement made in negotiations a week ago over the countrys nuclear program.Rouhani said western sanctions on Iran, which have forced its crude exports down by half, would have to be lifted as soon as a deal is formally completed.The United States though reiterated its view that sanctions will be eased in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments under a finalised joint comprehensive plan of action.There is a crawling sense that the geopolitical risks overseas are rising, said oil market analyst Phil Flynn of Price Futures Group.The situation with Iran, with comments from the ayatollah yesterday about the framework for the deal, it really raises questions as to when a deal with Iran can be done.Flynn noted that another fall in the North American rig count of Baker Hughes, which points to the level of exploration and development activity in the oilfield, served as a support to prices.

NA-246: Unknown assailants attack JI's rally


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Peace could not be attained in NA-246 election campaign as unknown assailants on Friday night attacked Jamat-e-Islami’s (JI) rally in Liaqatabad No.10 area of Karachi. The attackers shattered windows of cars during the onslaught. A heavy contingent of police arrived quickly and took control of the situation.JI’s leaders in a press conference stated that they will not back down or be afraid. The leaders also stated that they will end the chapter of terrorism and fear by attaining victory in the by-elections.JI’s leaders stated that they will continue their election campaign in NA-246.

Dollar gains for 5th straight day


NEW YORK (AFP) - The US dollar headed higher against the euro Friday for the fifth straight day, riding on expectations that the US economy will pick up pace after the winter slowdown.The dollar pushed barely past the $1.06 threshold to the euro last seen three weeks ago, before US growth worries sent the greenback tumbling on expectations the Federal Reserve would hold off on a rate rise.The dollar dropped to $1.10 per euro after that, but with the Fed news baked in, buyers returned and pushed it to $1.0599 Friday.Kathleen Brooks of said that as the European Central Bank builds its quantitative easing stimulus program, and the fed heads in the opposite direction, better yields on the west side of the Atlantic are the draw.Interestingly, the euro is coming under pressure even though economic data has been surprising on the upside, she said.But in this environment, economic data is not determining the direction of the worlds major currencies, yields are.As the ECB continues to expand its balance sheet, this is likely to boost the amount of euro in circulation, and may continue to weigh on the single currency.

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