Tuesday 7 April 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Congratulate Imran Khan prior to visiting Jinnah ground: Altaf Hussain


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Wednesday stated that they congratulate Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) chairman Imran Khan prior to his visit to Jinnah ground. Hussain stated that PTI members should respect the Martyr’s Memorial if they want to visit Jinnah ground.The MQM chief expressed these views while addressing workers attending musical night in Jinnah gorund in Azizabad area.Political fervor in Karachi’s area of NA-246 is gaining momentum as polling draws near. Hussain stated that workers of the party should prepare themselves for victory on 23rd April. The MQM chief stated that ballot papers expressing love for Altaf Hussain will be revealed from ballot boxes on 23rd April.The event organized by MQM was attended in large numbers by women and children. They expressed their love for Hussain. The air was abuzz with chants of ‘long live Altaf’ as the party’s anthems were played. The party workers danced to various melodies during the event. Workers expressed their loyalty and love for Altaf . The environment was made more pleasant by performances of musical artists.

Islamabad: Robbery at late Ahmad Faraz house


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – According to police, five dacoits entered the house of noted poet Ahmad Faraz on Tuesday and looted jewelry, cash, laptop and late poet’s awards from the house.Police sources said that three masked dacoits entered the house of the late poet after cutting the iron grill while two of them remained outside.The dacoits made Ahmad Faraz’s son Sarmad Faraz and his wife hostage while locked his Faraz’s widow in a room. The dacoits looted 10 tolas of gold, cash, mobile phone and laptop. The dacoits also looted Tamgha-e-Imtiaz, Hilal-e-Imtiaz and Pride of Performance Award of the late Ahmad Faraz from the room of his widow.Police have registered a case on the application of Sarmad Faraz and started investigation.

Shell takes legal action over Greenpeace protest on rig


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Oil giant Shell filed a legal complaint Tuesday against Greenpeace protestors who have boarded an Arctic-bound oil rig in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a spokeswoman said.The six activists are camping out on the 38,000-tonne Polar Pioneer platform, which they boarded 750 miles northwest of Hawaii using inflatable boats from the Greenpeace vessel Esperanza.These acts are far from peaceful demonstrations, said a Shell statement a day after confirming the Greenpeace action Monday.Boarding a moving vessel on the high seas is extremely dangerous and jeopardizes the safety of all concerned, including both the people working aboard and the protestors themselves, it added.The Anglo-Dutch group said it had filed a complaint in federal court in Alaska, seeking an injunction to end the illegal boarding currently taking place in the Pacific Ocean and to prevent such actions in the future.The injunction would apply while the all of the vessels associated with our Alaska exploration program are in transit to the US, while in port, and while transiting to our leases. The rig is on its way to the Arctic via Seattle, Washington.The injunction, if granted, would also apply to the aviation assets related to the program, it added.The six activists -- from the United States, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden and Austria -- have supplies for several days and can communicate with the outside world, Greenpeace said.Johno Smith, one of the protestors from New Zealand, said: Were here to highlight that in less than 100 days Shell is going to the Arctic to drill for oil.This pristine environment needs protecting for future generations and all life that will call it home.But instead Shells actions are exploiting the melting ice to increase a man-made disaster.

Tokyo stocks open up 0.45%


TOKYO (AFP) - Tokyo stocks opened 0.45 percent higher on Wednesday after the dollar strengthened against the yen, lifting investor sentiment towards Japanese exporters.The Nikkei 225 index at the Tokyo Stock Exchange rose 89.16 points to 19,729.70 at the start.The dollar rose against the euro and the yen on Tuesday, gaining back more ground from losses after last weeks poor US jobs report.The dollar bought 120.24 yen early Wednesday, slightly down from 120.32 yen in New York late Tuesday but well above the mid-119 yen range seen in Tokyo earlier Tuesday.The euro inched up to $1.0829 and 130.23 yen from $1.0813 and 130.11 yen in US trade.US stocks finished modestly lower Tuesday as cautious sentiment about earnings season offset major acquisition deals involving FedEx and Informatica.The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 0.03 percent while the broad-based S&P 500 dropped 0.21 percent.

US cop charged with murder over shooting black man


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Police in the US state of South Carolina charged an officer Tuesday with murder after video showed him apparently gunning down a fleeing black man, the latest in a string of shootings of unarmed black men that have raised allegations of police racism.South Carolina state police arrested officer Michael Slager and charged him with murder, a felony that carries a sentence of up to life in prison or the death penalty, according to a news release.Slagers arrest comes after video surfaced of the shooting that killed 50-year-old Walter Scott Saturday. The video seems to show Slager in an altercation with Scott and then draw his gun and shoot seven to eight shots in Scotts back as Scott fled.The officer then approaches Scott laying on the ground telling him to put his hands behind his back, and Slager puts him in handcuffs, the video shows. Slager then appears to get a device that had fallen during the altercation and drop it by Scotts body.The incident was prompted by a traffic stop due to a broken tail light, local media reported.The citys mayor Keith Summey said the charge was prompted by the video, local newspaper The Post and Courier reported.South Carolina police told AFP they could not comment on the case as the investigation is ongoing.We are continuing to work on the investigation, said Thom Berry from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.A number of killings of unarmed black men by white police officers in recent months have sparked protests across the United States with protesters alleging racism in the nations police and raised accusations that officers use excessive force.Officers have rarely been charged in the shootings, even when the incidents were recorded.The killing of unarmed black teen Michael Brown was a catalyst for a recent surge in protests in the country. A jury in November chose not to indict a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer for the shooting.The US Justice Department has launched investigations into a number of police departments after shootings and unearthed damning evidence that officers in Ferguson targeted black residents.

Burkina votes to bar ex-Compaore figures from office


OUAGADOUGO, Burkina Faso, April 7, 2015 (AFP) - Burkina Fasos interim parliament voted Tuesday to bar figures linked to deposed president Blaise Compaore from running for office, hours after several of the toppled leaders allies were arrested.Ahead of the vote seven of Compaores political allies, including three former ministers, were arrested for alleged embezzlement, authorities said in a statement.An eighth person linked to former foreign minister Djibrill Bassole was also held for illegal political activities, and for incitement to public disorder, said the statement.The new electoral bill makes ineligible for October 11s presidential and legislative polls those who had publicly backed the former leaders efforts to change the constitution to extend his 27-year rule.Compaores move to amend the constitution sparked violent mass protests that forced him to resign in October 2014, prompting the military and an interim government to take control of the landlocked west African nation of about 17 million people.The former presidents action constituted a political crime, said Guy Herve Kam, spokesman for a collective that spearheaded the protests against Compaore. A political sanction had to be meted out, he added.Cherif Sy, who chairs the interim parliament also welcomed the vote, saying history is moving forward.But Compaores party Congress for Democracy and Progress (CDP) denounced the bill as illegal, and said it had to be validated by the Constitutional Council before it can become law.The party had warned it would vigorously oppose the legislation, and civil society groups on both sides of the divide called for demonstrations over the law.Analyst Siaka Coulibaly also called the legislation a law of exclusion which would have trouble passing on an international level.Brief clashes broke out in the capital Ouagadougou on Tuesday pitting protesters against police.From its creation in 1996, the CDP was a pillar of Compaores regime, winning every poll and after 2007 elections handing the strongman president an absolute parliamentary majority. It is now a minority party.Neither interim president Michel Kafando nor military-ruler-turned-prime-minister Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida, who took power after the popular uprising, are eligible to run in the upcoming polls.President for lifeAhead of the parliaments vote, authorities arrested political supporters of Compaore, including three of his ex-ministers.Former interior minister Jerome Bougouma, infrastructure minister Jean-Bertin Ouedraogo and mining minister Salif Kabore were taken into custody Monday and Tuesday, said Leonce Kone, from the CDP party.The former ministers are among a string of figures connected to the old regime who have been arrested in recent days.They have been scattered into several detention centres, Kone told AFP, accusing the authorities of harassment.Kone added that two former mayors, including the current secretary-general of the CDP party, were arrested in Burkina Fasos second city Bobo Dioulasso.The police suspected them of wanting to prepare an insurrection from Bobo Dioulasso over the electoral law vote, he said.A security source said authorities also arrested a former mayor of the West African capital on charges of embezzlement.On Monday, Security Minister Auguste Denise Barry warned trouble-makers that his forces would detain anyone guilty of disturbing public order.The head of a pro-Compaore association was arrested last Thursday, also over alleged embezzlement.Like Compaore, several African presidents have tried, and often succeeded, to stay in power by reforming their countries constitutions to remove limits on the number of presidential terms.Chad, Cameroon, Gabon and Togo all now allow their leaders to keep running for office as long as they like.

White House says classified systems not hacked


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US officials insisted Tuesday that a cyber attack late last year did not compromise White House classified systems, but refused to confirm reports Russia was behind the breach.There was an event last year, said deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes. We have classified systems that are secure,We dont talk about where cyber intrusions originate from.CNN earlier reported that Russia was behind the October attack that originated at the State Department, but was confirmed to have hit the White House too.National Security Council Spokesperson Mark Stroh told AFP the report was speculating on who was behind an attack that affected the unclassified Executive Office of the President network.The Executive Office is made up of President Barack Obamas closest advisors, including the National Security Council and Council of Economic Advisors, as well as the Vice Presidents staff.While separate from classified systems, that network is used to exchange sensitive information about White House activities, such as detailed breakdowns of the presidents movements.Any such activity is something we take very seriously, Stroh said. We took immediate measures to evaluate and mitigate the activity.Obama recently ordered a new sanctions program that could block assets of US and foreign hackers and of companies that seek to profit from cyber attacks.Obama said the threat from cyber attacks was a national emergency.Starting today, were giving notice to those who pose significant threats to our security or economy, he said.China, Russia and Iran are seen as most active in the cyber warfare arena.

US expedites arms shipments to Saudi-led coalition


RIYADH (AFP) - The United States has stepped up weapons deliveries in support of a Saudi-led coalition resisting the advance of rebels in Yemen, a senior US official said Tuesday.Saudi Arabia is sending a strong message to the Huthis and their allies that they cannot overrun Yemen by force, Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in the Saudi capital.In support of that effort we have expedited weapons deliveries, he said after talks with Defence Minister Mohammed bin Salman and other Saudi officials.Weve increased our intelligence sharing, and weve established a joint coordination planning cell in the Saudi operations centre.A US defense official told AFP that Washington was sending primarily precision-guided munitions to the United Arab Emirates, which was then delivering the bombs to Gulf partners.That approach was taken because the UAE already had a contract with the US government for the munitions and Washington was simply expediting the delivery of the weapons, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.The shipments of bombs to the Saudi-led coalition was part of the US commitment to provide intelligence and logistical assistance to the air campaign, Pentagon officials said.Its a combination of pre-existing orders made by partner nations and some new requirements as they expend munitions, spokesman Colonel Steven Warren told reporters in Washington.The Saudi-led coalition on March 26 began air strikes in Yemen, aiming to defeat the Huthi rebels who seized power in the capital Sanaa in February, and who Riyadh feared would take over the entire country and shift it into the orbit of Iran, Saudi Arabias regional rival.The Huthis, allied with army units loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, have been fighting forces loyal to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled to the Saudi capital Riyadh late last month from the port city of Aden.Brink of collapseBlinken said Hadis opponents have brought Yemen to the brink of economic collapse and demolished government institutions in a country which had been on a very positive path to an inclusive future.Al-Qaeda and other groups were seeking to exploit the resulting instability, he said.These security threats extend beyond Yemen to the region and indeed to the entire world.Blinken, who is on a Middle East tour, met with Hadi during his Riyadh stop.The US official said it is more important than ever that the US and the Gulf Cooperation Council states, which include Saudi Arabia, coordinate closely and press all parties especially the Huthis and their allies to commit to a consensus political solution.Blinken also offered reassurances that a framework agreement reached last week to curb Irans nuclear drive would make the Gulf safer.Iran without a nuclear weapon will be less emboldened to take destabilising activities in the region.We will reduce the pressure for a regional arms race... this agreement is a critical step in ensuring greater security in the Gulf, he said.The deal marked a major breakthrough in a 12-year standoff between Iran and the West, which has long feared Tehran wants to build an atomic bomb, despite Irans denials.Saudi Arabia worries that if too much of Irans nuclear programme is left intact it will still have the ability to obtain an atomic bomb, and there have been concerns that Riyadh could seek its own nuclear capability.

France declassifies Rwanda genocide documents


PARIS (AFP) - France on Tuesday declassified documents in the presidential archives relating to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which Kigali accuses Paris of having an indirect role.A decision to declassify the papers was signed on Tuesday and concerns documents in the Elysee relating to Rwanda between 1990 and 1995, spanning the genocide which claimed at least 800,000 lives, a source in President Francois Hollandes entourage said.The president had announced a year ago that France must provide proof of transparency and facilitate remembrance of this period, the source said.The papers, which include documents from diplomatic and military advisers as well as minutes from ministerial and defence meetings, will be available to both researchers and victims associations, the French presidency said.Ties between France and Rwanda are strained as Rwandan President Paul Kagame accuses Paris of complicity in the genocide because of its support of the Hutu nationalist government that carried out the mass killings, mainly of ethnic Tutsis.Paris has repeatedly denied the accusations and insists that French forces had worked to protect civilians. Relations between both countries were completely frozen from 2006 to 2009.Kagame did not meet any French officials during his visit in February to Unesco in Paris.An important stepThe genocide was sparked by the ouster of the countrys president, a Hutu.Kagame last year caused a stir by repeating his accusations against France before commemorations to mark the 20th anniversary of the genocide which ran from April to July 1994.He notably said that France had not done enough to save lives and had not only been complicit but an actor in the massacre of Tutsis.He also spoke of the direct role of Belgium and France in the political preparation of the genocide, and the participation of the latter in its actual execution.Former French prime minister Alain Juppe, who was president Francois Mitterrands foreign minister at the time of the genocide, termed the accusations intolerable and urged Hollande to defend Frances honour.Stung by the repeated accusations, France cancelled plans for the justice minister to attend the 20th anniversary commemorations.A French parliamentary enquiry set up to try to establish the truth about the French role declared that France was in no way implicated in the genocide against the Tutsis.But the two rapporteurs, one of whom was Bernard Cazeneuve who is Frances interior minister, however admitted the French authorities made serious errors of judgement.For lobby group SOS Racismes chairman Dominique Sopo, the presidencys decision finally initiates on the part of France a logic of transparence and openness.He added that it is an important step but it has to be followed by other action such as putting those guilty of genocide on trial.The announcement of the declassification of the Rwanda papers came on the 21st anniversary of the outbreak of the genocide on April 7, 1994.The procedure of releasing the documents is separate from some 20 ongoing judicial cases over crimes against humanity which have been launched in Paris.In March last year Rwandan genocide suspect Pascal Simbikangwa was tried and convicted in Paris and sentenced to 25 years in jail.

Chile harvests first medical marijuana crop


SANTIAGO (AFP) - Workers in Chile began harvesting the countrys first medical marijuana crop Tuesday, breaking new ground in cancer treatment in a nation where cannabis is outlawed as a hard drug.With the blessing of local authorities, the Daya Foundation, a charitable group, began harvesting some 400 plants sown last October under a special permit to extract cannabis oil to be given free of charge to 200 cancer patients as pain treatment.The plants were sown in a small field measuring about 100 square meters (1,100 square feet) in La Florida, an affluent district of the capital Santiago.They were taken to a heavily guarded enclosure after the harvest, and will be dried and sent to a laboratory for processing.The first doses are expected to be sent to doctors in January 2016.This is about the dignity of patients who are dying every day in pain and with very expensive medical bills, said Rodolfo Carter, the mayor of La Florida, at a ceremony marking the harvest.Cecilia Heyder, a 47-year-old woman with lupus and breast cancer, said she has been arrested several times for using marijuana to ease her pain.Im not a criminal or a drug trafficker. I didnt ask to get sick, she told AFP.She welcomed the project to give patients like her legal access to the drug, which she says spared her from unbearable pain.I dont have to use a wheelchair anymore. It changed my quality of life. Im not going to get better, but Im not in pain, she said.The harvest came as Chiles Congress debated a bill that would legalize the cultivation of up to six cannabis plants for private recreational or medicinal use.Approved Monday by the congressional health committee, the bill would take marijuana off the list of hard drugs in the socially conservative country and make it a soft drug like alcohol.But it would maintain the ban on using marijuana in public and limit the amount a person can possess to 10 grams.Currently, Chileans are allowed to consume marijuana in private, but it is illegal to sell or grow the drug.

Scottish nationalists offer to help British opposition to power


LONDON (AFP) - The Scottish National Party will work to make British opposition leader Ed Miliband prime minister after the May 7 election, nationalist party leader Nicola Sturgeon said on Tuesday.In a televised debate between leaders of the four main Scottish parties, Sturgeon said she would help Labour leader Ed Miliband take over from his main rival, Prime Minister David Cameron.I dont want David Cameron to be prime minister, Im offering to help make Ed Miliband prime minister, Sturgeon said in a televised debate on Tuesday.Even if the Tories are the biggest party we will work with Labour to keep David Cameron out of Downing Street, she later added.Camerons Conservatives and Milibands Labour are deadlocked in polls ahead of the vote, with neither party likely to win an outright majority.Sturgeons SNP may have a kingmaker role, as the party has surged in support since a referendum on Scottish independence in September and is predicted to win dozens of seats from Labour.SNP has said it could support a Labour minority government, but Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy did not give a clear answer when pressed on whether Labour would work with the SNP.In the debate, Sturgeon indicated that the issue of Scottish independence had not been fully settled, despite voters rejecting the idea by 55 percent to 45 percent in the 2014 referendum.Asked whether her party might seek another vote on whether to split up the United Kingdom in Scottish parliamentary elections in 2016, Sturgeon said Well that is another matter.We will write that manifesto when we get there. I will fight one election at a time, she said.Some members of the studio audience groaned in response to her answer, and one member told Sturgeon that Scotland had already voted against independence.No clear winner emerged from the debate between Sturgeon, Murphy, Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Liberal Democrat Willie Rennie, with much attention stolen by an audience member wearing an obvious fake moustache.

Golf: Fowler happy in the shadows at Masters


AUGUSTA (AFP) - Rickie Fowler is flying way under the radar in the buildup to the 79th Masters and it bothers him not in the least.Long touted as the best US player to emerge since Tiger Woods, the 26-year-old Californian had a superb 2014 with top five finishes in the four majors -- just the third man to achieve that feat after Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.But he ended the year still without a major title win to his name and like many before him the question marks over his ability to close out the big wins are starting to be raised.On top of that, Fowler, on his own admission, has had a poor season to date with just the one top-10 finish in seven tournaments.Hence the lack of backing for him to finally win a major later this week.Thats fine with me, he said of his lack of support.I havent played particularly well to start out the year. I havent had the performance that I would have liked. I havent had very good finishes.But Im excited for this week. Doesnt matter what the odds are or favorites or anything like that.A couple more practice sessions, maybe go play nine in the morning, and Ill be ready to go. I dont care if Im a favorite or not or if the odds are with me or against me.Im going to go out there and try to win myself a major.McIlroy in the wayOne of main onstacles standing in his way will one again be close friend Rory McIlroy.McIlroy it was who denied Fowler in the last two majors -- the British Open and the PGA Championship -- and who then handed him a 5 and 4 drubbing in the final-day singles at the Ryder Cup.And McIlroy it is who will start the tournament as a strong favorite to make it three wins in a row in the majors.Hes obviously the best player in the world for a reason, said Fowler.I know he struggled a bit for a year or so. But the year he put together last year, winning two, its tough to do.I was in a position where I had a chance in a couple, but they are hard to win.Hes obviously playing well and he has shown that he can play well here at Augusta, and I know hes just as ready as anyone else to go out and play well this week.Hes going to be tough to beat if hes on top of his game. But I dont think no one is going to lay down by any means.Fowler will play alongside Jason Day and Sergio Garcia in a final grouping on Thursday that looks sure to draw a big crowd.Really looking forward to the pairing ... see if we can get some momentum going, he said.I know the three of us can play well around here. Its fun to be able to feed off each other and play with guys that you like.

Golf: Rory, Bubba eye Tiger in Masters showdown


AUGUSTA (AFP) - Tiger Woods last won a major title in 2008 and hasnt won the Masters in a decade, but top-ranked Rory McIlroy will be watching out for him this week all the same.The 79th Masters opens Thursday at Augusta National with McIlroy seeking his first green jacket and third major crown in a row to complete a career Grand Slam while Woods, who has fallen to 111th in the world rankings, contends for a 15th career major after a nightmare year of injuries and inconsistent form.I think everyone is just curious to see how he comes back, McIlroy said of Woods, who has fallen to 111th in the world rankings. I dont think you should ever underestimate him. He has done things on the golf course that are pretty special.I had a good chat with him on the putting green. He feels good. He has been working hard. He has the motivation to keep at it, and just like everyone else, Ill be looking for his score and seeing what hes doing.Defending champion Bubba Watson can match Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Nick Faldo as the only players to win back-to-back Masters crowns and match Nicklaus as the only ones to win three green jackets in a four-season span.Factor in young stars seeking a first major win such as Jordan Spieth and Jason Day, sprinkle in some skilled past champions such as Adam Scott and Phil Mickelson and mix in the stunning backdrop of Augusta Nationals treacherous greens and towering pines with the dramatic legacy of Amen Corner and Raes Creek and the scene is set for an impressive first major of 2015.Its the anticipation factor, the hype, everything else, it feels the same because its always exciting to get here, McIlroy said. Its always a great week.Woods has been idle for more than two months since withdrawing after 11 holes at Torrey Pines in February. And that came off a career-worst 82 in the second round at Phoenix.Im excited to be back playing at this level, Woods said. I feel like my game is finally ready to compete at the highest level.McIlroy likes BubbaMcIlroy is just fine with Woods, who has struggled simply to finish 72 holes over the past 12 months, taking the lions share of attention with his strong practice rounds even as McIlroy tries to join a career Grand Slam list that includes only Woods, Nicklaus, Ben Hogan, Gene Sarazen and Gary Player.It is such a big story, Tiger coming back at the Masters after a bit of a lengthy period where he has not been around, McIlroy said. But still Im just here to play golf and you guys can write the stories and I wont read them and well move on.Asked to name a favorite, McIlroy selected Watson.Id say Bubba is. He has won here two of the last three years, McIlroy said. Perfect game for this course. Been playing really well. Seems confident every time he tees it up.He has been right up there his last few events. So if youre looking at someone that will do well this week, I think Bubba is the main guy -- not trying to put any pressure on him or anything.Watson knows that Woods, 39, will draw extra energy from his Masters history, which includes eight top-six finishes in his past nine appearances.Tiger has taken enough time off to where he wants to be back and obviously hes pretty good around this place, so he is excited, Watson said. This place brings it out in you. Older champions, the veterans, they get excited around here. Thats why everybody comes back. They want to be a part of this. It energizes them.Spieth wants TigerSpieth, who settled for second behind Watson last year after leading on Sunday with a chance to win his Masters debut and become the events youngest champion, says he longs for the chance to battle Woods for a green jacket.It has been a dream of mine to be in contention with Tiger Woods in a major championship and at Augusta, Spieth said.The magic he brings to this tournament and every major championship, it is a dream I think for everybody to try and take Tiger down on the back nine of Augusta.But (Im) certainly rooting for him. He wouldnt be here if he wasnt ready, and (Im) excited to see him back at the top of his game.

NBA: League to join in historic development camp in Cuba


NEW YORK (AFP) - The National Basketball Association co-hosts a development camp in Cuba this month, becoming the first US pro sports league to visit the Caribbean country since America announced plans to restore ties with its longtime adversary.The NBA and the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) are co-hosting the camp in Havana April 23-26.Two-time NBA Most Valuable Player Steve Nash, NBA Global Ambassador Dikembe Mutombo, and WNBA Legend Ticha Penicheiro will lead the four-day camp with the Cuban Mens and Womens National Teams, the league said in a statement on Tuesday.Mutombo, an eight-time NBA All-Star who was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo has long been active in community work and basketball development in Africa.The camp will also include community outreach projects in association with the Cuban sports ministry (INDER) and the Cuban Basketball Federation (CBF).For the first time, the NBA and FIBA will invite two players and one coach from Cuba to participate in the Basketball without Borders camp.This is a great day for Cuban basketball and our federation, said CBF President Ruperto Herrera.To have both the NBA and FIBA collaborate on youth instruction and the development of the game in our country is magnificent. We thank the Republic of Cuba and INDER for opening the doors for these basketball camps that will end up benefiting the future of national and international basketball.Through NBA Cares, the leagues global social responsibility program, the NBA and FIBA will refurbish three basketball courts and host youth basketball clinics at two Havana locations.Orlando Magic Head Coach James Borrego, Utah Jazz Head Coach Quin Snyder, Utah Jazz Assistant Coach Brad Jones, USA Basketball Youth Development Coach Don Showalter, and Director of Basketball Academy of the Americas Victor Ojeda will participate in training camp efforts for the Cuban Mens and Womens National Teams at the 18-and-over level and for juniors.The coaches will be joined by Washington Wizards Vice President of Basketball Administration Tommy Sheppard, New York Knicks Associate Athletic Trainer Anthony Goenaga, and FIBA Americas Referee Geraldo Fontana to host workshops for coaches, trainers, and other sports professionals.NBA Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum said the leagues Basketball Without Borders program had already shown the game could build bridges between cultures.We look forward to sharing the values of our game with Cuban youth and learning together through the common language of sports, he said.

Major power outage sweeps Washington region


WASHINGTON (AFP) - A power outage swept the Washington area Tuesday, hitting the White House, the Capitol and the State Department and knocking out electricity for thousands around the US capital.Outages stretched from downtown Washington into neighboring Maryland, knocking power out for more than 2,500 people, according to area power companies.Most outages were brief, but computer systems were downtown offices and access to Metro trains were disrupted.Washington power provider Pepco said the outage was caused by a dip in voltage as a result of an issue with the transmission line.There was never a loss of permanent supply of electricity to customers, Pepco said.Electricity was restored to normal by mid-afternoon and the company had dispatched teams to look into how it happened. Customers should be able to operate their own equipment at this time. There are no current supply problems. We have crews on site investigating the cause.Outages were reported at more than 2,100 premises and households in Washington, according to Pepco, and more in Maryland suburbs southeast of the capitalMajor government buildings were not spared, including the White House, which lost power briefly. Back-up generators kicked in promptly to restore lights and computers that were knocked out for several seconds, according to an AFP reporter.White House spokesman Josh Earnest said there was no indication that the outage was as a result of a security breach. I do not currently see a nexus to terrorism, he told reporters. The State Department went dark in the middle of a press briefing, which continued on for a time in the dark, a spokeswoman reading from her notes with the light from her cellphone. The state department was among the buildings affected today by a power outage, spokesman Jeff Rathke said. The department has continued to carry out its essential functions throughout the outage.Lights had returned to the building by mid-afternoon. Power at Capitol Hill flickered on and off intermittently but was later restored, an official there said. The Department of Homeland Security ruled out foul play, and said it was closely monitoring the reports of power outages affecting parts of Washington, DC. At this time, there is no indication that this outage is the result of any malicious activity, DHS added.Elsewhere, several Smithsonian buildings were evacuated as they went dark, including the Air and Space museum and the American Art museum, which was closed. They later reopened.The Portrait Gallery was also lights out, posting a photo of a darkened hall on Twitter. In case you wanted to see what a museum looks like when theres a power outage, the caption read. Several metro stations lost power and were on emergency lighting, but trains continued to run in the nations capital. Metro police said on Twitter units responding to assist at all stations affected by power outages. No elevator entrapments reported at any station.Power had returned to most metro depots by afternoon.The hashtag dcpoweroutage was one of the top trends after the cut, with some users posting photos of darkened subway tunnels and the lights-out State Department briefing. By later Tuesday afternoon, the regional power company SMECO said only seven people were without power in the region.

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