Monday 11 May 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Kerry to visit China this week, then SKorea


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry will meet senior officials in China late this week, and then stop in Seoul for talks with South Korean leaders, the State Department announced Monday.Kerry will make the Asia trip after high-stakes talks in Russia due Tuesday with President Vladimir Putin, where the tensions over Ukraine, the Iran nuclear negotiations and Syria will be addressed.During May 16-17 talks in Beijing, Americas top diplomat will meet senior leaders of the Chinese government to advance US priorities ahead of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue this summer and the planned visit to the United States of President Xi Jinping this fall, State Department acting spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters.Kerrys visit follows accusations by US defense officials that China has dramatically ramped up its land reclamation efforts in the South China Sea this year.The unprecedented rapid construction of artificial islands in the strategic waters comes to 2,000 acres (800 hectares), with Beijing expanding acreage on the outposts it occupies by some 400 times, a US defense official said.That revelation came as the Pentagon released its annual report to Congress on the state of Chinas military, which repeated accusations that Beijing was staging cyber attacks to scoop up information on American defense programs.In Seoul, Kerry will sit down with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se to discuss global, regional and bilateral issues as well as Parks upcoming visit to the United States, Harf said.The visit comes two months after a bizarre attack in Seoul in which an activist slashed the US ambassador to South Korea in the face, sending him to the hospital for dozen of stitches. The assailant has been charged with attempted murder.The issue of trade could figure in the talks in both countries, as the United States is seeking to finalize a massive trade pact with 11 Pacific rim countries, but not including China or South Korea.

Cameron unveils new cabinet after election victory


LONDON (AFP) - British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled his new cabinet on Monday after an unexpected election victory that gave his Conservative party an outright majority in parliament for the first time in nearly 20 years.Cameron stressed continuity in his leadership team, with most top jobs remaining unchanged.Other parts of Britains post-election landscape fell into place as the anti-EU UK Independence Party rejected the resignation of its leader Nigel Farage and new MPs arrived at parliament for the first time.The newcomers included 53 first-time MPs from the pro-independence Scottish National Partys contingent of 56 lawmakers, including 20-year-old Mhairi Black, Britains youngest MP since 1667.Cameron received a rapturous reception from MPs from his centre-right Conservative party when he met them in the House of Commons, with repeated banging of tables and applause audible from outside the meeting room.Afterwards, his finance minister and de facto deputy George Osborne, who will oversee a fresh round of austerity cuts after keeping his job, said the meeting was a massive moment of celebration and congratulation for the prime minister.As well as keeping Osborne at the Treasury, Phillip Hammond remains at the Foreign Office and will work on renegotiating Britains relationship with Europe before a referendum on leaving the European Union (EU) by 2017.Theresa May, tipped with Osborne and Johnson as a potential successor to Cameron when he steps down by 2020, remains interior minister and Michael Fallon stays at defence.London Mayor Boris Johnson, who has another year in the job, does not get a ministerial post but will attend meetings of Camerons political inner circle.The Conservatives won 331 out of the 650 seats in the House of Commons in Thursdays election, which gave Labour 232, the SNP 56 and the Liberal Democrats just eight.With the exception of the SNP, the election left Britains opposition parties in disarray following Fridays resignations of Labour leader Ed Miliband and Liberal Democrat chief Nick Clegg.The Labour party is split on its future direction between centrists and leftists and was due to hold initial talks on Monday ahead of a formal meeting on Wednesday of its national executive committee.UKIPs Farage had vowed to resign as leader if he failed to win a seat in the Commons, writing it would be frankly just not credible for him to continue.But after he lost in the coastal seat of South Thanet, UKIPs National Executive Committee rejected his resignation Monday, citing overwhelming evidence that UKIP members did not want him to quit. SNP lawmakers arrived for their first day in parliament accompanied by party leader Nicola Sturgeon, who wants Cameron to grant sweeping new powers for Scotland.He cannot just carry on as if its business as usual, Sturgeon told reporters as SNP MPs gathered for a group photo outside parliament. People in Scotland have voted for change and they will expect to see changes.MPs will be formally sworn in next Monday and Queen Elizabeth II will deliver her traditional speech at the State Opening of Parliament on May 27, which will outline the Conservatives legislative proposals.Cameron has promised to hold an EU membership referendum within two-and-a-half years but commentators say the issue threatens to divide the Conservatives and overshadow the rest of its programme for government.Speaking after Cameron met the influential 1922 Committee of backbench MPs, one eurosceptic said the prime minister had stressed the importance of unity in the next five years.The last thing I or any other Tory MP want is a lot of rows over Europe, the MP said, speaking anonymously.Cameron could also face controversy over his plan to eliminate Britains budget deficit of nearly 90 billion pounds (125 billion euros, $139 billion) by 2018-2019.Anti-austerity protestors clashed with police outside Downing Street on Saturday and are preparing a larger demonstration next month against cuts to public services.

Mali: Separatists attack army patrol, say 30 troops killed


BAMAKO (AP) - Malis separatist rebels attacked an army convoy in the north and killed 30 soldiers, a spokesman for the coalition group said Monday.Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadane, spokesman for the Coordination of Azawad Movements, a coalition of separatist groups, said they killed 30 army soldiers when they attacked an army patrol about 40 kilometers (25 miles) southwest of Timbuktu, on the road to Goundam.The toll could not be immediately confirmed by independent sources.Col. Diarran Kone, spokesman for Malis defense forces said they could not confirm a casualty toll.Civilians were caught in the crossfire between the separatists and soldiers, said Radhia Achouri, a spokesman for the United Nations mission in Mali. She confirmed the attack but did not give a casualty figure.An army patrol was attacked by an armed group, southwest of Timbuktu, she said. The U.N. mission is giving medical aid to civilians and the army, she said.Armed groups allied with the government attacked and took over the northern town of Menaka two weeks ago, and the separatist groups have launched a surge of attacks since, saying the cease-fire had been broken. The violence threatens a peace accord meant to be signed May 15 between Malis several armed groups, separatists and the government.The U.N.s special representative in Mali, Mongi Hamdi, condemned the attack.The violence must immediately cease and I urge all parties to demonstrate their commitment on the ground to the process that is leading to the signature of a peace accord on May 15, he said, calling it the only viable way to end the security crisis that has gripped the country.Tuareg rebel groups seized control of northern Mali in early 2012 but then al-Qaida-linked Islamic extremist militants won control shortly afterward. Troops from former colonizer France later led a military offensive to dislodge the extremists.

Dozens killed in tribal clashes in Sudan's East Darfur: MP


KHARTOUM (AFP) - Dozens of people were killed in clashes between two Arab tribes in Sudans troubled East Darfur state on Monday, a politician told AFP.Fighting broke out between the Rezeigat and Maaliya groups around the Abu Karinka area of East Darfur state, the latest in a series of bloody ethnic and tribal conflicts in the region.The Rezeigat killed 60 people in their attack on the Maaliya and when the Rezeigat departed they left behind them 36 dead bodies and a number of wounded who have not been counted yet, said Hamdan Tirab, a member of the states parliament for Abu Karinka, said by telephone.Access to Darfur is strictly limited, so it is not possible to independently verify the toll.Fighting started at around 11:00 am (0900 GMT) and continued until dusk, and heavy weapons and government vehicles were used, Tirab said.The latest violence comes amid long-standing tensions between the two tribes over land ownership rights and allegations of cattle theft.A government-initiated peace conference between the tribes in February ended without agreement.Maaliya youth leader Azraq Hassan Humeida told AFP by phone the Rezeigat attacked Abu Karinka using all kinds of heavy weapons, including rocket launchers.Tribesmen had been building up in the area before the fighting broke out, a resident of Abu Karinka said by phone.For three days, both tribes have been massing in the Abu Karinka area, Musa Hamed said.The United Nations said it was deeply worried by the violence.I am very concerned by this outbreak of fighting, the UNs interim humanitarian coordinator for Sudan, Geert Cappalaere, said in a statement.I call on all parties to stop fighting immediately, exercise restraint to prevent further escalation, and support mediation efforts to resolve the underlying causes of this conflict.Darfur has been wracked by conflict since 2003, when ethnic insurgents launched a campaign against the Arab-dominated government of President Omar al-Bashir.The conflict has cost 300,000 lives and forced some 2.5 million people to flee their homes, according to the UN.Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court over alleged war crimes in the region.Rising criminality and disputes over resources in parts of the region have further destabilised Darfur.

At least two dead after storms tear through southern US


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Violent storms and a tornado battered parts of the southern United States over the weekend, leaving at least two dead, 10 missing and dozens more injured, officials said Monday.A couple was killed in Nashville, Arkansas on Sunday when powerful winds smashed their mobile home in a trailer park, Howard County Coroner John Gray told local media. An infant in the home reportedly survived.About 180 miles (290 kilometers) to the southwest in Van, Texas, 10 people were unaccounted for after a tornado ripped through the town and injured dozens of people, Van Zandt County Fire Marshal Chuck Allen said. Homes were completely destroyed, and trees and power lines were toppled as high winds and heavy rains pounded the town in eastern Van Zandt county late Sunday. Approximately 26 patients have been identified and transported to area hospitals, Allen told AFP in a statement.He said 30 percent of all property in the city was damaged.Fire and law enforcement are going door to door performing a thorough secondary search. We are attempting to find any further injured individuals, Allen said. The American Red Cross was also on site to help set up shelters, where people started to gather Sunday.Allen said school classes were cancelled Monday, and authorities would be able to fully assess the damage later in the day.The National Weather Service warned of more harsh weather in the coming days.Severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall are expected to develop from Texas to the middle Mississippi Valley region, the forecasters said.Flash flooding will continue to remain an issue as much of the ground is already saturated.Flood and thunderstorm warnings were issued in other parts of Texas, which is in a tornado-prone area of the United States.The storm hit Van only days after a twister tore through Eastland county, Texas, on Saturday, 205 miles (330 kilometers) east of Van Zandt, killing one person and leaving another seriously injured.Meanwhile, a tornado touch down at Delmont, South Dakota Sunday, damaging at least 20 buildings, NBC affiliate KDLT News reported. There were no injuries reported, but dozens of people were left homeless.The tornado season in the US southern plains normally runs from May into early June, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Sea-level rise accelerating, say scientists


PARIS (AFP) - Sea-level rise is accelerating, not declining as some have hoped, scientists said on Monday citing meltwater from Earths ice sheets as the likely cause.In 2013, the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said the global mean sea level rose by 19 centimetres (7.6 inches) from 1901-2010, an average 1.7 mm (0.06 of an inch) per year. This accelerated to 3.2 mm per year between 1993 and 2010, the IPCC said in its landmark Fifth Assessment Report.But in 2014, another study raised a big question.In the past decade, it said, sea-level rise had been much lower than the previous decade.That raised hopes in some quarters that, far from being an inexorably rising threat, sea levels could fluctuate in response to some hidden but natural variability.The new study deals a blow to this scenario.Both the IPCC estimate and the 2014 paper were based on satellite observations of sea levels.But they were unable to take an important variable into account: something called vertical land motion.This is natural movement in the height of the Earths land surface, which can happen through subsidence, earthquakes or uplift.For instance, parts of the northern hemisphere are still rising after the end of the last Ice Age -- the land was crushed by glacial weight and even today is slowly rebounding, thousands of years after the ice melted.The new study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, takes land movement into account, along with an important statistical tweak -- hourly data from a network of tide gauges deployed around the worlds oceans.It finds that the overall rate of sea level rise between 1993 and mid-2014 is between 2.6 and 2.9 mm per year, with a margin of error of plus or minus 0.4 mm.The bad news is that the first six years of the satellite data -- 1993 to 1999 -- is the period that is most affected by these corrections.For those six years, estimates have to be scaled down by 0.9-1.5 mm a year.That mean in more recent years the rate of sea-level rise has actually increased rather than declined, according to the paper, led by Christopher Watson of the University of Tasmania, Australia.The acceleration is higher than the observed twentieth-century acceleration but in reasonable agreement with an accelerating contribution from the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets over this period, the team said.It is also consistent with the IPCCs projections for an additional 0.07 mm rise in the early decades of the 21st century, they added.The IPCC projected that the global mean sea level would rise by between 40 and 63 cm by the end of this century, depending on how much heat-trapping carbon gases are emitted. These figures do not include margin of error. At the top end of the range, the 63 cm could be as high as 82 cm.Ocean rise has huge implications for the hundreds of millions of people who are coastal dwellers.Their cities could be threatened by ground erosion, flooding and storm surges, and their groundwater imperilled by saltwater intrusion.But it is also one of the most vexed questions in climate science, given the many uncertainties.Computer models have to try to estimate how much of the rise is due to thermal expansion -- warming of the water -- or to runoff from ice sheets, glaciers or permafrost.They also have to calculate the extreme time it takes for a vast body of water to respond to temperature change.The IPCC said the loss of Greenlands icesheet had probably increased from 34 billion tonnes per year in the decade to 2001 to 215 billion tonnes a year over the following decade. In Antarctica, the rate of loss likely increased from 30 billion tonnes a year to 147 billion tonnes a year over the same timescale.

Pakistan to get another $506 mn loan from IMF: minister


ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Pakistan in June will get the next installment worth $506 million of its loan from the International Monetary Fund after a successful review of its economic performance, the finance minister said Monday.The seventh review was completed successfully today, for which an IMF team came to Islamabad, Ishaq Dar told a joint press conference with IMF delegation head Harald Finger.After the approval from the IMF board, some 506 million dollars should be released to Pakistan in June, Dar said.Dar said the country had satisfied qualitative performance criteria relating to its net international assets, net domestic assets and borrowing by the Central Bank.All these three were right on target.The minister said Pakistan would achieve the fiscal deficit target of 4.9 percent of GDP by the end of the fiscal year on June 30, and for next year the target would be 4.3 percent.Finger said Pakistan had made significant progress over the last year and a half in strengthening its economy.He said the IMF mission and Pakistani authorities had reached staff-level agreement on economic and financial policies which would be considered by the IMF executive board in June.After completion of this review, SDR 360 million (about $506 million) will be made available to Pakistan, Finger announced.The IMF official said the economy was improving.Pakistans economy continues to gradually improve, helped by macroeconomic stability, lower oil prices, robust remittances and higher supply of gas and electricity. Real GDP growth was expected to reach 4.1 percent this fiscal year and accelerate to 4.5 percent next year, he added. Average headline inflation dropped to 2.1 percent in April, but is expected to increase in the coming months, reflecting the stabilisation in international petroleum prices following their recent decline.Excluding next months payment, the IMF since late 2013 has provided 3.7 billion dollars out of a 6.6 billion dollar loan.The loan was granted on condition that Pakistan -- which was suffering an energy crisis -- carried out extensive economic reforms, particularly in the energy and taxation sectors.Standard and Poors last week revised the countrys credit rating outlook from stable to positive and forecast higher GDP growth for 2015 to 2017.

PM Nawaz, Army Chief to leave for Afghanistan today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will leave for Afghanistan today (Tuesday), at the invitation of Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani, the Foreign Office reported.Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq Fatemi, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry and other senior officials will also accompany the Prime Minister during the visit.This will be the Prime Minister’s second visit to Afghanistan and the first after the installation of National Unity Government in Kabul. Earlier, the Prime Minister visited Afghanistan on 30 November 2013.During the visit, the Prime Minister will have a one-to-one meeting with President Ashraf Ghani, who will also host a lunch for the Prime Minister.Other engagements of the Prime Minister visit will include a meeting with the Afghan Chief Executive, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and delegation-level talks with the Afghan side.

Bombardment near Saudi border with Yemen kills Pakistani: media


RIYADH (AFP) - A Pakistani was killed on Monday when the Saudi city of Najran near the border with Yemen came under renewed bombardment, official media reported.It was a rare death of a foreigner during weeks of war the United Nations says have killed more than 1,400 people in Yemen.Civil defence spokesman Ali al-Shahrani, quoted by the official Saudi Press Agency, said military missiles hit a school and residential neighbourhood in Najran, resulting in the death of a Pakistani resident.The Pakistanis killing brings to 11 the death toll on the Saudi side of the border since Shiite Huthi rebels in Yemen began firing rockets and mortar rounds last week.SPA said the latest barrage came from inside Yemen.Shahrani said it also wounded a Saudi child and three civilians of different nationalities.Saudi news channel Al-Ekhbariya showed footage of a building with its brickwork blown out, a shattered storefront and what appeared to be remains of a rocket.A Pakistani official confirmed to AFP that one of his countrys nationals had died.We are ascertaining from Saudi authorities the details about the victims identity, said the official, asking for anonymity.The Saudi-led coalition which has been bombing the Huthis in Yemen since March 26 said on Thursday that they had crossed a red line with their deadly cross-border fire.The coalition has retaliated by declaring the whole of Saada province -- a Huthi stronghold on the border -- a military target and pounding it with air strikes and artillery fire.Coalition spokesman Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri told AFP on Sunday that the retaliatory raids would continue right up to the proposed 11:00 pm (2000 GMT) Tuesday start-time for a five-day ceasefire, if they continue to fire their rockets towards our cities, our population.Saudi Arabia made the ceasefire offer on Friday after more than six weeks of air strikes but said the rebels would also have to abide by it.

Pietersen boosts England recall bid with career-best triple century


LONDON (AFP) - Kevin Pietersen sent a message to new England chief Andrew Strauss as the exiled batsman blasted a career-best score of 326 not out on Monday to boost his hopes of an international recall.Pietersen surpassed his previous first-class best of 254 in a mammoth innings for Surrey on day two of their County Championship Division Two match against Leicestershire at The Oval.The 34-year-olds new record total came in just 373 balls as he smashed 34 fours and 14 sixes to all corners of the south London venue.His mastery of the Leicestershire attack was so complete that, by the close of play, no other Surrey player scored more than 36 in their first innings total of 528 for nine.It was a perfectly timed statement of intent from Pietersen just 24 hours before Strausss first public address as Englands new director of cricket.The South Africa-born star had notched his first Championship double century since July 2012 earlier in the day and then passed his previous first-class best of 254 not out for Nottinghamshire against Middlesex in August 2002.Pietersen wasnt finished there and he continued to demolish Leicestershires bowling before reaching his triple hundred in typically flamboyant fashion with a sweep for six.But, despite his welcome return to form, Pietersen will know that routing a team from English crickets second tier is still a far cry from dominating in similar fashion in the Test arena against New Zealand and Australia, who both face England over the coming months.Pietersens slender hopes of a recall remain with Strauss, who was appointed the England and Wales Cricket Boards (ECB) new director of cricket over the weekend at the same time Peter Moores was dismissed as coach.Strauss, who captained Pietersen during their time in the England team and had a difficult relationship with the batsman, will hold his first press conference on Tuesday, before announcing the Test squad to face New Zealand at Lords next week.Pietersen has been cast adrift from Englands plans since he was sacked from all apparent future plans in the aftermath of their 2013-14 Ashes whitewash defeat.But incoming ECB chairman Colin Graves provided renewed hope that Pietersen could yet return when he hinted in March that runs for Surrey could provide the pathway he needs and he responded by agreeing a new contract with the county.Pietersen sought to diminish the significance of Mondays innings, before taking the field on 35 not out overnight, when he told one of his Twitter followers he did not expect it to have a decisive bearing on his England return.At the suggestion it could be the most important innings of your life, Pietersen posted: Ha Seriously? Not sure my career can be decided on one innings on a Mon in London...we get judged on Ashes series.

Oil prices retreat on strong dollar


LONDON (AFP) - Global oil prices dipped Monday as investors took their cue from the rebounding dollar, while digesting another Chinese interest rate cut.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for June delivery slid 43 cents to $58.96 a barrel.Brent North Sea crude for June reversed 85 cents to $64.54 per barrel in late afternoon deals in London.The oil market had soared last week to five-month peaks on news of an unexpected slump in US crude reserves, but turned mixed on Friday as global oversupply worries resurfaced.Crude oil prices continued to remain under pressure as the strong US dollar weighed on market sentiment, said analyst Myrto Sokou at the Sucden brokerage on Monday.The rebounding greenback makes dollar-priced oil more expensive for buyers using weaker currencies, which tends to weigh on demand and price levels.Traders meanwhile mulled Chinas latest interest rate cut, which has boosted demand hopes in the worlds top energy consumer.Chinas central bank on Sunday cut its key rates by 25 basis points -- after two similar moves since November -- as it looks to support the worlds number two economy, which grew last year at its slowest pace since 1990.The move is the latest stimulus by the Peoples Bank of China, which has also twice this year reduced the amount of cash lenders must keep in reserve.The stimulus in the economy from the cuts is positive and is likely to boost demand in the Chinese economy, Michael McCarthy, analyst at trading firm CMC Markets in Sydney, told AFP. We expect the trading volume for crude to go up later today and the prices to increase further.Sanjeev Gupta, head of the Asia-Pacific oil and gas practice at business consultancy firm EY, added that oil prices were also helped by strong US jobs growth and a lower unemployment rate. A US Labor Department report Friday showed the economy added 223,000 jobs in April and unemployment fell to a seven-year low of 5.4 percent.Analysts have said the figures are strong enough to suggest the economy was picking up but not enough that the US Federal Reserve would feel comfortable raising interest rates soon.Interest rate adjustments are closely watched by crude investors as an increase usually leads to a pick-up in the dollar.

Saulat Mirza hanged at Machh Jail


MACHH (Dunya News) - Former Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) worker Saulat Mirza was hanged in Machh Jail in Balochistan on early Tuesday morning, Dunya News reported.It is pertinent to mention here that Saulat Mirza had been sentenced to death in 1999 for killing three people including MD KESC Shahid Hamid. High Court and Supreme Court had rejected the petitions later filed against the decision. Saulat Mirza then filed a review petition but it was also rejected. He filed a mercy plea before the president after that but it was also rejected and the Anti-Terror Court (ATC) issued his death warrant for March 19. However, a video recording of Saulat Mirza surfaced afterwards in which he alleged that he had killed all of them upon the orders of the MQM leadership. His execution was delayed after this video surfaced.ATC again issued death warrant on April 1 but the government postponed his execution. Finally death warrants were issued by the ATC for May 12 for the third time.

Witnesses deny printing of ballot papers from Urdu Bazar before JC


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Witnesses presented before the Judicial Commission (JC) have on Monday denied the charges by Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan that ballot papers for General Election 2013 had been printed by a private printing press named Noor Printing Press in Lahore’s Urdu Bazar, reported Dunya News.Former Chief Secretary Javed Iqbal, Additional Chief Secretary Rao Iftikhar and provincial chief election commissioner Anwar Mehboob had been called as witnesses by the JC upon the request of PTI but all three witnesses denied the charges.In a press conference on 11 August, 2013, Imran Khan had alleged that the ballot papers were printed at a private printing press in Lahore. Investigating Imran Khan’s allegations, Dunya News contacted the owner of Noor Printing Press Mr. Chaudhry Shaukat who had rejected Imran’s allegations on August 12. Getting their statement recorded before the JC on Monday denied the charges saying that all the ballot papers had been printed by government printing presses under army’s supervision.Talking exclusively to Dunya News, Chaudhry Shaukat had said that his printing press hadn’t printed the ballot papers but the lists of polling stations and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had officially advertised that tender. “Imran Khan might have alleged us of printing the ballot papers seeing the bills that the ECP had paid us for printing the polling stations’ lists”, he had speculated.Chaudhry Shaukat had said that printing of ballot papers at his printing press was out of question and that he would take legal action against Imran Khan.On 16 August, 2014, Chaudhry Shaukat’s son Hafiz Saeed had served Imran Khan a legal notice in which Imran Khan had been asked to retract from his allegations within 15 days or explain his position. According to Hafiz Saeed, Imran Khan hasn’t responded to the legal notice as yet.

KP MPAs allowed to protest outside parliament house


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KP) MPAs have on Monday been allowed by the federal government to protest outside parliament house. Spokesperson for Interior Ministry has said that the irrelevant people and security guards would not be allowed to enter Red Zone, reported Dunya News.A meeting header by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan discussed security situation inside the Red Zone in detail. The meeting decided to allow the KP MPAs to hold protest. It was also clarified in the meeting that strong action will be taken against anyone trying to create a law and order situation.According to Spokesperson for Interior Ministry, the media decided to ban entry of the irrelevant people and security guards inside Red Zone.

Pakistan successfully test-fires FM 90 missile


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Army Chief General Raheel Sharif visited Air Defence region in Karachi on Monday and inspected the test-fire of FM 90 missile, reported Dunya News.According to Inter-Service Public Relations (ISPR), the new missile defence system will improve defence capability of Army.Talking at the occasion, Army Chief General Raheel Sharif commended the efforts of officers and soldiers of the Pakistan Army and appreciated the standard of training.General Sharif said that the significance of Air Defense has increased in recent wars.According to ISPR, FM 90 missile has been recently inducted in the Army.FM 90 missile system has the ability to engage multiple types of target at once while having the capability to engage aerial target including cruise missiles and drones, it is learnt.

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