Tuesday 26 May 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Mexico rights body probes gunfight that killed 43


MEXICO CITY (AFP) - Mexicos human rights commission formally opened an investigation on Tuesday to determine whether federal police committed any abuses in a shootout that killed 42 drug cartel suspects and one officer.The governmental National Human Rights Commission said it requested detailed reports from the authorities to find out the truth about what happened in the May 22 gunfight in the western state of Michoacan.The gravity and dimension of the accusations being made require that the investigations be conducted as fast as possible, the commission said in a statement.Federal officials rejected suggestions on Monday that any of the suspects were executed by the officers on a ranch, saying that forensic tests showed all 42 had fired weapons after refusing to surrender.Authorities suspect the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel, which has killed several security forces in recent months, had taken over the ranch in Tanhuato, near the border with Jalisco state.Security experts and relatives of the dead have cast doubt over the official accounts, questioning why only three suspects surrendered and why none was found wounded.The national and Michoacan human rights commissions sent officials to the ranch hours after the gun battle ended.Last year, the commission said troops executed at least 12 of 22 suspects killed in a central Mexico warehouse. Authorities had said that all died in a shootout while only one soldier was wounded.The commission said it rejects the climate of violence and lack of security in some states and said several events demand to be completely cleared up, like those in Tanhuato and Apatzingan on January 6.Prosecutors and federal police internal affairs are investigating media reports that officers killed 16 unarmed civilians in Apatzingan, a city in a Michoacan region where vigilantes rose up against the Knights Templar drug cartel in 2013.Officials said in January that nine people had died in the crossfire of a shootout between police and some of the former rural militiamen.

Former Petrobras executive handed 5 years jail for graft


RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) - A Brazilian judge on Tuesday jailed a former executive with Brazils state-owned oil giant Petrobras for five years for his role in a huge graft scandal after evidence emerged of a massive kickbacks scandal benefiting politicians.Nestor Cervero, former director of Petrobras international division, was found guilty of money laundering after Federal Judge Sergio Moro ruled there was sufficient evidence to convict him in the multibillion scandal, which surfaced in March last year.Cervero was arrested last January and fired from the firm, whose market value has collapsed since the scandal broke with tens of billions of dollars wiped off its share price.The company last month estimated the kickbacks scheme, dubbed Operation Car Wash, had cost it around $2 billion in its latest results released in April.Aside from the jail term, Cervero must pay a fine of 591,000 reais ($190,000) following his trial in the southern city of Curitiba.His lawyers said he would appeal.Moro found that Cervero bought a luxury apartment worth $2.5 million in Rio de Janeiro through a front firm with money obtained from bribes involving inflated Petrobras contracts.He must now sell the residence with the proceeds going to Petrobras as it looks to recoup the fraud proceeds.Fellow former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa was sentenced to seven years and six months last month for money laundering.Costa, who must also pay back some $6 million, struck a plea bargain with investigators after he blew the whistle on a scheme which has seen dozens of mainly pro-government and a slew of top executives from the construction industry detained.In contrast, Cervero did not cooperate with investigators, who are still probing the roles played by 13 senators, 22 Congressmen and two serving state governors.Joao Vaccari, the former treasurer of the ruling Workers Party (PT), was arrested last month as one of the most prominent PT figures caught up in the scheme.Prosecutors accuse Petrobras executives of colluding with construction companies to massively inflate contracts and bribe politicians.President Dilma Rousseff chaired the Petrobras board during much of the period under investigation, but is not accused of wrongdoing.

Nebraska governor blocks death-penalty repeal


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The governor of Nebraska, citing public safety concerns, on Tuesday vetoed legislation that would have ended the death penalty in the western American state.Pete Ricketts, a Republican, said repealing capital punishment sends the wrong message to the overwhelming number of Nebraskans who want to see it remain the law of the state.Under this bill, there is no guarantee that convicted murderers will stay behind bars for life or not harm other innocent victims, he said.Nebraska was on track to become the first conservative state in four decades to abolish the death penalty when its legislature voted 32-15 on May 20 for its repeal.Eleven people remain on death row in the state, which last executed a convict in 1997.Abolitionists are hoping the legislature can overturn the governors veto -- which would require 30 votes to succeed -- as early as Wednesday.Eighteen out of 50 US states have officially abolished the death penalty, and several others have ceased carrying out executions though capital punishment remains legal.Last year, 80 percent of executions in the United States were concentrated in the states of Texas, Missouri and Florida.

Madagascar parliament votes to dismiss president


ANTANANARIVO (AFP) - Madagascars parliament voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to dismiss President Hery Rajaonarimanpianina for alleged constitutional violations and general incompetence.The Indian Ocean islands constitutional court will now decide whether the decision to dismiss Rajaonarimanpianina can be enacted.The US embassy had pledged support for the president and called on parliament to put the stability of the country first, but the plea fell on deaf ears.The motion was backed by 121 of the 125 lawmakers who voted, easily clearing the two-thirds majority required.The parliamentary speaker, Jean Max Rakotomamonjy, said after the votes were counted: It is officially declared that everyone accepts that the request of dismissal can be submitted to the constitutional court.The result was greeted with applause from many lawmakers, but some alleged the vote had been ridden with irregularities.One who refused to take part, Lydia Raharimalala, claimed there had only been around 70 lawmakers in parliament when they were called to vote.Theres something wrong, there was cheating, she said, and promised to take her claims to the constitutional court.When Rajaonarimanpianina took power in January 2014 -- after the first democratic elections since 2006 -- it was hoped Madagascar would finally emerge from a deep political and economic crisis.The island had been plunged into chaos in 2009 when Rajaonarimanpianinas predecessor Marc Ravalomanana was ousted in a coup.Rajaonarimanpianina, a trained accountant, promised a better life for the inhabitants of one of the worlds poorest countries.But his opponents say he has failed to deliver on his economic promises and accuse him of stalling on the establishment of a high court and the implementation of promised reforms.Many of his political allies have turned their backs on him.Andry Rajoelina, who briefly served as the islands transitional president in 2009, helped to get the president elected two years ago.But on Tuesday, he joined forces with Ravalomananas camp to vote against him.Lawmaker Tinoka Roberto, a Rajoelina supporter, said before the vote: I am sorry, but nothing works in this country at the moment.(Rajaonarimanpianina) might understand accountancy, but he doesnt know how to run a country. He is surrounded by amateurs.

Smartphones, Twitter help gauge crowd size


PARIS (AFP) - Data from smartphones and Twitter can accurately show the size of a crowd, helping first responders in an emergency, a study on Wednesday said.Scientists at Englands University of Warwick devised a computer model based on data from Twitter and from phone companies in Milan, northern Italy.The mobile phone system is cellular, meaning that it is a grid comprising pockets, or cells, where users are connected via a relay antenna.When there are more users in the cell, this shows up in a spike in the volume of phone calls, SMS messages and tweets written on mobiles.The team transcribed these spikes into estimates of crowd numbers.They first calibrated their model on data collected during 10 matches at the San Siro stadium, the home of Milans premier football clubs, where the attendance was known.The model was then used to estimate the numbers of people at the citys Linate airport at different times of the day.Being able to infer the number of people in a specific area is of extreme importance for the avoidance of crowd disasters and to facilitate emergency evacuations, said the study, published in the British journal Royal Society Open Science.Accurate estimates of the number of people in a given location at a given time can be extrapolated from mobile phone data, without requiring users to install further applications on their smartphones.

Hamas executed Palestinians during Israel war: Amnesty


JERUSALEM (AFP) - The group Hamas used its 2014 Gaza war with Israel to settle scores with rival Palestinians, executing at least 23 in possible war crimes, Amnesty International said Wednesday.A report by the London-based rights group detailed the brutal campaign of abductions, torture and unlawful killings against Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israel by Hamas, de facto ruler of the Gaza Strip enclave.The report details the extrajudicial execution of at least 23 Palestinians and the arrest and torture of dozens of others.It is absolutely appalling that, while Israeli forces were inflicting massive death and destruction upon the people in Gaza, Hamas forces took the opportunity to ruthlessly settle scores, carrying out a series of unlawful killings and other grave abuses, Amnestys Middle East and North Africa director Philip Luther said.Around 2,200 Palestinians were killed during last years 50-day conflict with Israel, with 73 killed on the Israeli side.The Jewish state went to war against Hamas to stamp out cross-border rocket and mortar fire.A March report by Amnesty found that rockets fired during the war by Gaza militants killed more Palestinians than Israelis.According to the new Amnesty report, Hamas forces also abducted, tortured or attacked members and supporters of Fatah, their main rival political organisation within Gaza, including former members of the Palestinian Authority security forces.Not a single person has been held accountable for the crimes committed by Hamas forces against Palestinians during the 2014 conflict, indicating that these crimes were either ordered or condoned by the authorities, it said.Luther accused Hamas of appalling crimes against powerless individuals, which in some cases constitute war crimes.He said the militant movement displayed a disregard for the most fundamental rules of international humanitarian law.Amnesty called on the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority and Hamas to cooperate with independent and impartial international investigative mechanisms, and to bring suspected perpetrators to justice.The Palestinians are preparing to sue Israeli officials through the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes committed during last years Gaza conflict.Israels military has opened investigations into deadly incidents that took place during the war.Amnesty accused Israel in a December report of committing war crimes in its Gaza campaign.

Security forces battle militants in Kabul diplomatic quarter


KABUL (AFP) - Gunfire and explosions rang out Wednesday in a diplomatic district of Kabul as security forces battled militants who tried to storm a guesthouse owned by a prominent political family, police said, in the latest attack in the Afghan capital.No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, which comes as the Taliban intensify their annual spring offensive despite Kabuls repeated overtures to reopen peace talks.Sporadic blasts could still be heard hours after the assault began late Tuesday in the upmarket neighbourhood of Wazir Akbar Khan, home to foreign embassies and diplomatic enclaves which are a prime target for attacks.We have surrounded the area and cornered them, Kabul police spokesman Ebadullah Karimi told AFP, adding that no casualties have been reported.The attackers wanted to get into Heetal Hotel but failed. They have now taken position among the trees behind the hotel and are firing at security forces.The manager of the Heetal Hotel, owned by the family of Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani and known for housing foreigners, said all guests were in safe rooms and no one was hurt.Heetal is very well fortified. After one or two initial explosions, our guards started firing on attackers who were unable to get inside, manager Beizhan told AFP by telephone from inside the guesthouse.Gunshots and blasts can still be heard from a distance, he added, without specifying if there were any foreign guests inside.The guest house was damaged in 2009 when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the gate, killing eight people and wounding another 40.Tuesdays attack began around 11:00 pm (1830 GMT). An AFP reporter near the scene heard the loud crackle of gunfire and more than a dozen explosions from the area.Heavy civilian tollThe Taliban, waging a 13-year war against the US-backed Afghan government, earlier Tuesday killed 26 Afghan police in multiple attacks in the volatile south.The militants have launched a series of attacks in the capital and around the country as NATO forces have pulled back from the frontlines.A blast triggered by a Taliban car bomber ripped through the parking lot of the justice ministry in Kabul on May 19, killing four people and wounding dozens of others.Also this month 14 people -- mostly foreigners -- were killed in a Taliban attack on a guesthouse in the capital that trapped dozens attending a concert.Official efforts to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table have so far borne little fruit.The surge in attacks has taken a heavy toll on civilians, according to the United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan. In the first four months of 2015, civilian casualties jumped 16 percent from the same period last year, it said.The Afghan government has drawn public criticism for failing to end insurgent attacks, which critics blame on political infighting and a lengthy delay in finalising a cabinet.President Ashraf Ghani last Thursday nominated Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, a top official in the government body overseeing the countrys peace process, for the crucial position of defence minister.The post had been left vacant for months due to disagreements between Ghani and his chief executive officer and former presidential election rival, Abdullah Abdullah.Public criticism over the failure to appoint a defence minister has been especially fierce.Afghan forces are now solely responsible for security after NATOs combat mission formally ended in December, with a small follow-up force staying on to train and support local personnel.Earlier this month NATO formally announced plans to retain a small military presence in Afghanistan after 2016 to help strengthen local security forces.

Sanders enters US presidential race


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Senator Bernie Sanders formally launched his populist, liberal campaign for the White House on Tuesday, reiterating his pledges to recalibrate an American economic system which created sharp disparities between rich and poor.Sanders, who had said last month he planned to stand in the election, told a launch event in Vermont he was running to support the interests of American voters tired of a rigged system.This type of rigged economy is not what America is supposed to be about, said Sanders, who proudly describes himself as a socialist, in prepared remarks for the rally.The 73-year-old, little known outside political circles and his home state of Vermont, will be up against the fearsome machine of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton as he attempts to secure his place on the ticket.Sanders has insisted he is relishing the opportunity of going toe to toe with Clinton, widely seen as the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nomination.Sanders has for years warned of the growing economic gap in America, stressing that millionaires and billionaires run a system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of huge numbers of working-class and poor citizens.Ninety-nine percent of all new income generated in this country is going to the top one percent, he said last month.

US court rejects Obama's appeal on immigration


WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US appeals court on Tuesday dealt another blow to President Barack Obamas efforts to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans rejected a request from the Obama administration that it lift an injunction barring it from carrying out a measure that would have protected some four million undocumented foreigners from deportation.Obama had used an executive order in November to drive through measure, but in February, just before it was due to go into effect, a Texas judge issued an emergency injunction until a trial on its legality could be held.Leading House Democrat Nancy Pelosi said the courts decision to uphold the injunction was a disappointing delay of a clear outcome.Now is the time to restore fairness to our immigration system and honor the best traditions of our country by passing comprehensive immigration reform, Pelosi said in a statement.But House Speaker John Boehner hailed the decision, and said Obama did not have the authority to issue the executive order in the first place.House Republicans are leading the fight to rein in President Obamas executive overreach and uphold our Constitution, and we will continue to follow this case closely, he said in a statement.No fewer than 26 states -- all but two Republican -- had pressed the Texas judge to intervene following Obamas executive action, claiming he had acted unlawfully.Obamas proposed program would protect undocumented immigrants who have not committed crimes and have children who are American citizens or residents.The White House claims having immigration authorities police millions of law-abiding undocumented immigrants distracts them from more pressing threats to national security.At least 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States.

Football: Former club last barrier to McCall and Rangers Premiership return


GLASGOW (AFP) - Rangers assistant manager Kenny Black says the clubs players are proving their doubters wrong as they prepare for the first leg of their crucial playoff final against Motherwell.The fallen Glasgow giants are aiming to regain their top flight status after an absence of three years following liquidation and their enforced demotion to the bottom tier of Scottish football in 2012.Standing in their way is current Rangers manager Stuart McCalls former club Motherwell after the Fir Park club finished second bottom of the Scottish Premiership.The Ibrox club have come through two tough two-legged ties against Queen of the South and Hibernian to earn their place in the final and host the Steelmen in the first leg of the final on Thursday before the return at Fir Park on Sunday.Rangers had been favourites to win the Championship title at the start of the season but a disappointing campaign saw them finish in third. However, assistant boss Black believes their performances in the playoffs has silenced some critics.It is exciting times here - we have come through the four games to arrive at this play-off final and weve had to go through the ringer a little bit, Black said.We have stepped up to the plate and silenced a few critics; a lot of people have had a little pop at the players and people might say rightly so but we have managed to get ourselves into the final.And now were two games away from getting the promotion that everybody connected with the club is so keen to achieve.If we can replicate the performance we put in against Hibs then we would be in a smashing position.The supporters have been fantastic and got right behind the players and we will be giving them the same again on Thursday and hopefully go to Fir Park with an advantage.Black also revealed that the clubs players will be kept away from each other in training in order to avoid any injuries ahead of the crunch ties.We were concerned coming into the play-off games that we could pick up a cruel injury but hopefully we will have everyone available for selection and the players will all be desperate to be involved, Black said.We have to be really careful with how we train. We need to limit the amount of contact we have as well because we need to look to come through the games without any injuries and we certainly wouldnt want to pick any up in training.Meanwhile, Motherwell striker Scott McDonald says his side will be underdogs for the matches against the Ibrox side as they bid to avoid relegation from the top flight.However, the Australian international says he will relish the occasion and hopes his side can use their experience to help them see off the Gers.Everyones written us off and were happy to take that underdog status and go there and hopefully pull a few surprises out of the bag, the former Celtic player said.Its the type of game the players relish. I havent played in anything as big as this for a long time, probably since the last time I was up here.For me, its an excellent game to be involved in and a great challenge ahead.Ive relished these situations in the past and Im looking forward to it again.

Tokyo stocks open 0.28% lower


TOKYO (AFP) - Tokyo stocks opened 0.28 percent lower on Wednesday after eight consecutive days of rises and sharp drops on Wall Street.The Nikkei 225 index at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which closed at a new 15-year high on Tuesday, fell 56.84 points to 20,380.64 at the start.Wall Street stocks fell sharply Tuesday as the dollar strengthened following solid US economic data and worries over increasingly cash-short Greeces talks with creditors.The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1.04 percent while the broad-based S&P 500 fell 1.03 percent.The dollar on Tuesday rallied to an eight-year high on the yen, a move that benefits Japanese exporters but also puts a drag on the domestic economy by pushing up import costs.The dollar was at 123.02 yen early Wednesday after 123.09 yen in New York late Tuesday.The greenback rose past 123.30 yen briefly on Tuesday on more signs that the US economy is emerging from its winter chill.The euro stayed pressured under rising worries that cash-starved Greece might not reach a deal with official creditors to avoid possible default on hits massive debts.The European common currency bought $1.0877 and 133.85 yen on Wednesday in line with $1.0879 and 133.92 yen in US trade.

Bayliss appointed England head coach


LONDON (AFP) - Australian Trevor Bayliss has been appointed as the new head coach of England ahead of this years Ashes series, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) announced on Tuesday.The 52-year-old former Sri Lanka coach succeeds the sacked Peter Moores, having been preferred to his compatriot Jason Gillespie, the Yorkshire coach, who was the initial favourite for the job.Trevor has an outstanding record as coach, has global experience and is very highly regarded in the game, said the ECBs director of cricket Andrew Strauss in a press release.Currently coach of New South Wales, Bayliss will take charge of England in time for the start of their home Ashes series against Australia in July.He has proved himself in both domestic and international cricket, has a strong reputation for man-management and has shown how to build winning teams in all three formats, Strauss added.His expertise in the shorter forms of the game will be vital as we build towards three major ICC events over the next four years; the ICC World T20 tournament in India in 2016 and the ICC Champions Trophy and ICC Cricket World Cup, which will be staged in England and Wales in 2017 and 2019 respectively.Strauss confirmed that Bayliss will work alongside current caretaker coach Paul Farbrace, who steered England to a stirring 124-run win over New Zealand in the first Test at Lords, which concluded on Monday.Farbrace will remain in charge for the second Test at Headingley, starting on Friday, and the following limited-overs matches.Bayliss worked with Farbrace during his time as coach of Sri Lanka, who he led to the final of the 2011 World Cup.He has also guided New South Wales to two Sheffield Shield titles in Australia, won two Indian Premier League titles with the Kolkata Knight Riders and won the Australian Big Bash and Champions League with Sydney Sixers.Its an honour to be appointed England coach, said Bayliss, who becomes Englands first Australian coach.He added: Theres a great opportunity to help (Test captain) Alastair Cook and (one-day captain) Eoin Morgan shape the direction and development of their respective teams.I am also looking forward to working alongside Paul Farbrace once again as we have a similar outlook on the game, get on well after two years working together and have kept in touch.In appointing Bayliss, the ECB will hope to draw a line beneath a turbulent few weeks that saw Moores sacked before Strauss attracted criticism for ending Kevin Pietersens dream of an international recall.Baylisss first mission will be to avenge Englands 5-0 Ashes whitewash against his home country in 2013-14, starting with the first Test in Cardiff on July 8.Bayliss, a former middle-order batsman, added: What particularly excites me about the role is the chance to work with a very talented group of players.I firmly believe that the team has a bright future and Ill be doing everything I can to help them realise their potential and achieve success on a consistent basis.Former England captain Strauss, who was appointed in the shake-up that saw Moores lose his job, expressed confidence that in overlooking Gillespie in favour of Bayliss, the ECB had made the right choice.This has been a very competitive recruitment process and were grateful to all of the candidates who showed their interest in this role, he said. Im excited to have him on board.New South Wales wished Bayliss all the best, with chief executive Andrew Jones saying in a statement that he had made an outstanding contribution to NSW cricket and left with our blessing.Former Australia batsman Marcus North told BBC Radio 5 Live: Hes so well respected in Australia. His record speaks for itself.There will be a few jokes going round, but everyone in Australia will wish him all the best.

Golf: Westwood, Poulter added to US Open field


NEWARK (AFP) - Lee Westwood, Ian Poulter and Miguel Angel Jimenez highlight the field of 25 players who earned exemptions on Tuesday to next months 2015 US Open Championship.Westwood was runner-up in the British Open and Masters tournaments in 2010 while fellow Englishman Poulter was runner-up at the 2008 British Open. Jimenez, of Spain, finished second at the US Open in 2000 when the event was held at Pebble Beach, California.This years major will be played June 18-21 at Chambers Bay golf course, 48 kilometres (30 miles) southwest of Seattle. The US Golf Association said Tuesday that the field now includes 74 players who are exempt.Each of the 25 players earned their way into the field via the world rankings. Anyone inside the top-60 in the world received full exemption.The other players comprise, Ryan Moore, An Byeong-Hun, Paul Casey, George Coetzee, Jamie Donaldson, Victor Dubuisson, Matt Every, Tommy Fleetwood, Stephen Gallacher, Branden Grace, Charley Hoffman, J.B. Holmes, Thongchai Jaidee, Anirban Lahiri, Marc Leishman, Shane Lowry, Joost Luiten, Ben Martin, Francesco Molinari, Marc Warren, Bernd Wiesberger and Danny Willett.

Gaza rocket hits southern Israel: army


JERUSALEM (AFP) - A rocket fired by militants in the Palestinian Gaza Strip hit southern Israel on Tuesday, the army said, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.Rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel. One hit near the community of Gan-Yavne, an army statement said of a community east of the port city of Ashdod.No injuries were reported.Police said they had not yet located the point of impact.Eyewitnesses in Gaza told AFP they had seen one rocket being fired from the Palestinian enclave at Israel.Last month a rocket fired from Gaza hit Israel, prompting the army to retaliate with tank fire. Nobody was hurt.Israel went to war against the Islamist Hamas, the de facto power in Gaza, last summer with the aim of stamping out cross-border rocket and mortar attacks.The 50-day conflict killed about 2,200 Palestinians, most of them civilians, and 73 on the Israeli side, most of them soldiers.It caused heavy damage to Gazas infrastructure and damaged more than 160,000 homes.

Athletics: Bolt wins 200m at rain-hit Ostrava


OSTRAVA (AFP) - Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt overcame rain-soaked, chilly conditions to streak to his new season best in winning his favoured 200 metres at Tuesdays Golden Spike meet.In the eastern Czech city of Ostrava, the 28-year-old world and Olympic champion - who also holds the world 100 and 200m records, clocked 20.13 seconds, almost a second behind his world record of 19.19sec set back in 2009.In his only previous appearance over 200m this season, and following a string of injuries that plagued him in 2014, Bolt timed 20.20sec on home soil in Kingston, Jamaica, in April. It is the first time since 2007 that Bolt has run two back-to-back 200m slower than 20sec.Bolt said he had wanted to go under the 20-second barrier but the conditions didnt allow and Im coming back from an injury so its going to take time.For me it was not a perfect day but Im just happy to have gotten out at least injury-free, he said.The longer you stay in the cold the more you worry about getting injured so my reaction was slow because I didnt really want to stress too much getting out of the blocks.It was different but it was just a strategy because of the cold.Bolt, who has won six Olympic gold medals, eight world championship titles and smashed world records several times over, is aiming to build up his form in a bid to defend his golden treble at the world championships in Beijing in August.Bolt said he was feeling better ahead of Diamond League meets in New York and Paris.Everything is going smooth, its all about now coming out there and executing in the races -- the more I run the better I feel and the faster I can go, he said.Hopefully in New York (there will be) better conditions and I can push myself.I have four or five more (meets) to go before the championships so I have a lot of running to do.Were just working on technique right now, we will analyse everything and they will tell me what I need to work on.Asked how sure he was of getting back into his former shape, Bolt said: A hundred percent, man. If my coach is not worried, Im not worried.There was more Jamaican joy in the 100m, with former world record holder Asafa Powell winning in 10.04sec, a steady distance off Bolts record of 9.58sec.I felt very good and the time in these weather conditions is not that bad after all, Powell said.There was drama, however, for David Rudisha, the reigning Olympic 800m champion and world record holder over the two-lap event.The Kenyan limped off the track midway through a rarely-run race over 600m, holding his right thigh.Very unfortunate that I pulled my muscle just after 100m. But its not a very serious injury, thank you all for your support, he said on Twitter.Ethiopias Dejen Gebremeskel, the Olympic runner-up from London 2012, won the 5,000 metres in 13min 23.72sec.Reigning world champion Bogdan Bondarenko of Ukraine claimed the high jump with a best of 2.24 metres and Olympic champion Christian Taylor of the USA dominated the triple jump competition with 17.52 metres.Brazilian youngster Thiago Braz took the pole vault honours with 5.75 metres, Kenyas Julius Yego took the javelin gold with a national record of 86.88 metres, while Serbias Asmir Kolasinac won the shot put with 20.51 metres.US sprinter Charonda Williams won womens 200 metres in 23.12 seconds, while Ukraines Anna Mishchenko earned the 1,500 metres honours in 4min 07.09sec.US hurdler Sharika Nelvis dominated the 100m hurdles in 12.56 seconds and reigning world champion Zuzana Hejnova pleased the home crowd by winning the 400m hurdles in 55.13 seconds.Israels Marharyta Dorozhon won womens javelin with a national record of 63.85 metres, stunning 2011 world champion Mariya Abakumova and 2008 and 2012 Olympic champion Barbora Spotakova.The Ostrava meeting is not part of the elite Diamond League series but has recently become a highly popular meet for top athletes.

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