Thursday 14 May 2015

Dunya TV

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Cycling: Cavendish captures Tour of California fifth stage


SANTA CLARITA (AFP) - Britains Mark Cavendish sprinted to victory in the rainswept fifth stage of the Tour of California on Thursday, his third stage win in five days of racing.A courageous effort from BMCs Danilo Wyss came to nothing as the sprinters seized command in the closing meters of the 154-kilometer (95.7-mile) stage from coastal Santa Barbara to inland Santa Clarita.Cavendishs Etixx-Quick-Step was to the fore as the peloton poured into Santa Clarita under sometimes heavy rain, with Mark Renshaw leading out the Briton.As Renshaw faded early in the last kilometer, Cavendish stuck to the wheel of Giant-Alpecins Zico Waeytens and gunned to the win.Waeytens was second, and Slovakian Peter Sagan of Tinkoff-Saxo was third.Hincapie Racings Toms Skujins of Latvia retained the overall lead going into Fridays stage six time trial, which has been relocated from Big Bear Lake because of snow in the mountains to Santa Clarita north of Los Angeles.But Sagan gained on Skujins, thanks to a time bonus earned in the stage, and now lies 18 seconds off the lead.Julian Alaphilippe of Etixx is third, 44 seconds adrift.I had Mark Renshaw at the end, and as always he was cool and calm, but we had to dig deep, said Cavendish, who was feeling the cold as he powered into a headwind at the finish.Daniel Oss attacked in last kilometer, and Mark was cooked, so we couldnt go as fast as we wanted in the end. It was a headwind finish, and I knew I didnt want to jump early.Wyss was part of a five-man escape that built a gap of about three minutes on the peloton in the early stages.We had a good group. We were working together all day, said Wyss, who was finally caught some three kilometers from the finish to set the stage for the sprinters.

PTI all set to show muscle in Multan today


MULTAN (Dunya News) - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is all set to exercise political power today (Friday) at the Sports Ground in Multan, Dunya News reported.At least 20 feet high, 80 feet long and 35 feet wide stage has been prepared at the venue for speeches of the PTI chief Imran Khan and other party leaders.On the other hand, more that 25,000 chairs have been arranged at the venue for the passionate PTI supporters while fool proof security arrangements have been made for the protection of the participants.

EU firms up plans to tackle smugglers as more boat migrants rescued


ANTALYA (AFP) - The European Union firmed up plans to crack down on people smugglers in the Mediterranean on Thursday as Italy said another 2,000 migrants were rescued at sea.Germany said it was confident of winning UN Security Council approval for an ambitious EU naval military operation, part of a wider plan to stem the flow of people risking their lives to reach Europe from the shores of North Africa.In an effort to destroy the human traffickers business model, the EU wants to be able to identify, intercept and possibly destroy the smugglers boats in Libyan waters, something that would require a United Nations resolution.Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in the Turkish city of Antalya, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said he expected such approval to be forthcoming.My impression is that there is no veto in principle from one of the veto powers in the Security Council of the United Nations.It looks to me that at the current moment it more a question of formulations. I hope that my assessment is right, he said.Steinmeier added countries were currently deciding at what point it would make sense to propose a draft resolution that would work.Steinmeiers comments indicate that the bloc does not fear obstacles from veto-wielding non-EU permanent Security Council members Russia and China on the issue.More than 5,000 migrants, many escaping civil war in Syria, have died over the past 18 months while trying to cross the Mediterranean, often on flimsy rubber dinghies or fishing boats.Recent good weather and calm sea conditions have prompted a surge in the number of people attempting the perilous journey, and the Italian coastguard on Thursday said around 2,000 more migrants had been rescued from a number of boats since Wednesday.Some 1,100 of them arrived at the Sicilian port of Catania on Thursday afternoon, including 23-year-old Sandra Kite from Nigeria, who is seven months pregnant and said she was fleeing the violence by Boko Haram Islamists.We left for Libya in April 2014 but Libya is dangerous too, she told AFP after being brought to shore by a British navy ship.HQ in RomeThe EUs proposed naval mission, called EU Navfor Med, already received initial blessing on Wednesday from the 28 member states of the bloc in Brussels, ahead of a meeting of foreign and defence ministers on Monday, diplomatic sources told AFP.The formal decision to create the mission should be taken at Mondays meeting with ministers then expected to ask the European military authorities to set it up, the sources added.It should then be launched at an EU summit in June.Leading countries in the EU -- Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain -- have already promised to deploy warships in the mission to tackle the smugglers in the Mediterranean.The headquarters of the mission is to be in Rome and will be led by Italian Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, a European diplomat told AFP.As part of its bid to deal with the wave of migrants, the EU has also mooted a controversial plan to distribute asylum seekers across member states.Member state Hungary said Thursday it would fight against binding quotes to take in refugees. Britain has also criticised the plan though it has the right to opt out.Pressure has grown on governments to act after an overcrowded migrant boat sank in the Mediterranean last month, leaving more than 750 dead in a case that sparked international outrage.The EUs military force would have to deal with traffickers who are often heavily armed and have charged their victims thousands of dollars for the risky passage.The EU wants to take the operation step-by-step, starting by collecting intelligence on the traffickers by using radar, satellite pictures and reconnaissance flights.If the EU wants ships from its members states to enter Libyan waters or capture a boat flying a foreign flag, it needs the green light from the UN under international law.EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has excluded any kind of ground operation in Libya, a country plunged into chaos with two rival governments and where Islamic State jihadists have a significant presence.

Macedonian party leaders meet under global pressure


SKOPJE (AFP) - Macedonias prime minister held talks Thursday with opposition and ethnic Albanian party leaders, under international pressure to resolve a political crisis in the troubled Balkan country.The meeting took place following clashes at the weekend in a northern town between ethnic Albanian rebels and Macedonian police that left 22 dead, including eight police officers.The violence in Kumanovo was the worst in Macedonia for 14 years, and raised fears of fresh unrest similar to the countrys 2001 ethnic conflict.We met to support democratic values including the right to peaceful protests and to condemn violence, whether it is for criminal or political purposes, the four leaders said in a statement.They were due to resume their talks on Monday.Macedonia has seen an ongoing struggle between Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and main opposition party leader Zoran Zaev that has threatened the countrys democracy and has also sparked clashes in the streets of the capital Skopje.The conservative government and the centre-left opposition have been trading accusations including claims of wiretapping and million-euro bribes, and both sides are due to hold rallies in coming days.On Tuesday two ministers and the intelligence chief resigned. The three officials were being accused by the opposition of involvement in a wiretapping scandal.Thursdays meeting was attended by Gruevski and Zaev and the leaders of two ethnic Albanian parties: the Democratic Union for Integration, which is a junior partner of the government, and the opposition Democratic Party of Albanians.US ambassador Jess Baily and head of the European Union mission in Skopje, Aivo Orav, also took part.Thirty alleged gunmen have been charged with terror offences after the bloody shootout in Kumanovo that erupted on Saturday at dawn when police moved in on the armed group.Eighteen of the 30 men charged were ethnic Albanians from neighbouring Kosovo, the prosecutors said.Ethnic Albanians make up around one quarter of Macedonias 2.1 million population.The 2001 Macedonian conflict with ethnic Albanian rebels ended with an agreement providing more rights to the minority community, but relations between ethnic Macedonians and Albanians remain strained.The weekends violence should not distract attention from Macedonias very serious internal political situation or be used to introduce ethnic tensions, EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn said Monday.

Obama: Two-state solution vital to Israel's security


CAMP DAVID (AFP) - The United States still believes Israels long-term security is best served by reaching an agreement to live alongside a recognized Palestinian state, President Barack Obama said Thursday.Obama was speaking shortly after Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formed a new right-wing ruling coalition seen as likely to further strain already damaged ties with the Palestinians.I continue to believe a two-state solution is absolutely vital for not only peace between Israelis and Palestinians, but for the long-term security of Israel as a democratic and Jewish state, Obama told a Camp David news conference.The traditionally close alliance between the United States and Israel has been damaged by disagreement over the peace process with the Palestinians and by the perception of personal animus between Obama and Netanyahu.While both sides continue to pay public tribute to the relationship, the new Israeli government appears unlikely to make the kind of concessions needed to restart the moribund negotiations.Obama insisted, however, that a two-state solution remains the only available option for bringing the simmering conflict to an end.I know that a government has been formed that contains some folks who dont necessarily believe in that premise, but that continues to be my premise, he said.Noting that he was speaking at Camp David, Obama referred back to a 1978 deal negotiated at the same US presidential retreat that brought peace between Israel and Egypt.Israel is better off for it. I think the same would be true if we get a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, he said.That prospect seems distant now, but I think its always important for us to keep in mind whats right and whats possible.

China to invest $50 billion in Brazilian infrastructure


BRASILIA (AFP) - China will invest $50 billion to help overhaul Brazils aging infrastructure, Brasilia said Thursday, ahead of an official visit by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.There are $50 billion in new projects, said Jose Graca Lima, Brazils undersecretary of state, who oversees Asia and Oceania.We shall have to await the end of the visit to expand upon which projects, he said, without providing details.Battling a fifth straight year of poor growth and mired in a bruising graft scandal involving state oil giant Petrobras, Brazil is seeking to revamp its sagging infrastructure ahead of next years Rio Olympics, the first Games to be held in South America.A Brazilian government source said Brazil, Latin Americas biggest economy, was determined to overhaul its dilapidated roads, railways, airports and ports ahead of the Olympics.The Chinese cash infusion is set to cover various sectors, including transport and energy.Li arrives in the capital Brasilia next week for the official visit, during which he will also travel to Rio de Janeiro, before touring neighboring countries.The Chinese premier will visit Colombia, Peru and Chile on the South American swing, aimed at boosting Beijings influence in the region.China has been Brazils chief trading partner since 2009 and one of its main sources of foreign investment.Bilateral trade between the two BRICS nations jumped by a factor of 13 between 2001 and 2013, reaching $83.3 billion.Brazilian exports outstripped imports from China by $8.72 billion in 2013, as the South American giant benefited from high Chinese demand for commodities.But that demand has since dipped, putting a brake on Brazilian growth.Free trade dealBrazilian President Dilma Rousseff said Wednesday she wanted to see greater trade cooperation between Brasilia and Beijing, and will push for a free trade accord during Lis visit.The two countries also hope to bring to fruition an ambitious scheme to create an interoceanic railroad stretching from Brazil to Peru, allowing Brazilian exports to be shipped to China more expediently.The proposed rail link would stretch some 3,500 kilometers (2,175 miles) from the port of Santos to the Peruvian Pacific port of Ilo.Graca Lima said the complex scheme would take some three to four years to realize, but assured it is advancing.The countries are also expected to announce the delivery of 22 jets from Brazils Embraer to China -- part of a larger order of 60 airplanes from the worlds number three commercial aircraft developer.Graca Lima said Rousseff and Li will ink a series of accords on various political issues, along with four major commercial agreements, and as many as 30 investment deals.We are hoping for very interesting results from this visit, Graca Lima said.Li is expected to arrive in Brazil Monday, where he will stay for three days before heading to Colombia.

Obama offers Gulf nations 'ironclad' security cooperation


CAMP DAVID (AP) - President Barack Obama pledged Americas ironclad commitment to anxious Persian Gulf nations Thursday to help protect their security, pointedly mentioning the potential use of military force and offering assurances that a potential nuclear agreement with Iran would not leave them more vulnerable.At the close of a rare summit at the presidential retreat at Camp David, Obama said the U.S. would join the Gulf Cooperation Council nations to deter and confront an external threat to any GCC states territorial integrity. The U.S. pledged to bolster its security cooperation with the Gulf on counterterrorism, maritime security, cybersecurity and ballistic missile defense.Let me underscore, the United States keeps our commitments, Obama said at a news conference.Thursdays meeting at Obamas retreat in the Maryland mountains was aimed at quelling the Gulfs fears of U.S.-led nuclear talks with Iraq. Gulf states worry that if Iran wins international sanctions relief, the influx of cash would embolden what they see as Tehrans aggression in the region.The president acknowledged those concerns, but said the U.S. believes Irans focus would be on shoring up an economy that has struggled under the sanctions pressure.Obama and top advisers walked the Gulf nations through the work-in-progress nuclear deal in detail during private meetings Thursday. The president said that while the Gulf leaders hadnt been asked to sign on the bottom line to approve the framework, they did agree that a comprehensive, verifiable solution that fully addresses the regional and international concerns about Irans nuclear program is in the security interests of the international community, including our GCC partners.Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Arab leaders were assured that the objective is to deny Iran the ability to obtain a nuclear weapon and that all pathways to such a weapon would be cut off.He added that it was too early to know if a final nuclear agreement would be acceptable, saying, We dont know if the Iranians will accept the terms they need to accept.The U.S. and five other nations are working to finalize the nuclear deal ahead of an end of June deadline.As if to underscore Gulf concerns, an Iranian naval patrol boat fired on a Singapore-flagged commercial ship in the Persian Gulf Thursday. A U.S. official said it was an apparent attempt to disable the ship over a financial dispute involving damage to an Iranian oil platform.The incident took place a bit south of the island of Abu Musa just inside the Gulf, according to the U.S. official, who was not authorized to discuss details by name. The White House said no Americans were involved in the incident.Ben Rhodes, Obamas deputy national security adviser, said that while the incident did not come up in Thursdays discussions, it was exactly the type of challenge the Gulf nations are focused on.Al-Jubeir, for his part, said, The Iranians should not be allowed to get away with it.Obama has said he shares the Gulfs concerns about Irans activities in the region. The U.S. has criticized Irans support for Hezbollah, as well as attacks carried out by Irans Quds Force. In 2011, the Obama administration accused Iran of plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States in Washington.Thursdays summit marked an unusual investment by Obama in his relationship with the Gulf. He rarely uses Camp David for personal or official business, but White House aides hoped the more intimate setting would lead to a more candid conversation with the Arab allies.Just two other heads of state the emirs of Qatar and Kuwait joined Obama at Camp David. Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Bahrain all sent lower-level but still influential representatives.As the leaders gathered around a large table in the Laurel lodge, the most notable absence was Saudi King Salman. On Sunday, Saudi Arabia announced that the king was skipping the summit, two days after the White House said he was coming.Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman were representing Saudi Arabia instead.The White House and Saudi officials insisted the king was not snubbing Obama. But there are indisputable signs of strain in the long relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, driven not only by Obamas Iran overtures but also by the rise of Islamic State militants and a lessening U.S. dependency on Saudi oil.Among the other issues discussed at the summit were the U.S-led campaign against the Islamic State, the fighting in Syria, and the intractable conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.The Saudis are also particularly concerned about the situation in Yemen, where Houthi rebels with ties with Iran have ousted the U.S.- and Saudi-backed leader.For more than a month, a Saudi-led coalition has tried to push back the Houthis with a bombing campaign. A five-day humanitarian cease-fire went into effect Tuesday, though the pause in fighting was at risk amid a series of violent incidents.

Britain's anti-EU party UKIP riven with infighting


LONDON (AFP) - A week after an election in which it won the third-biggest share of the national vote but just one seat in parliament, Britains UK Independence Party is tearing itself apart in spectacular fashion.First there was charismatic party leader Nigel Farages short-lived resignation, then a big fallout over finances and on Thursday a stunning attack on him from the head of his election campaign.In an interview with The Times, Patrick OFlynn said Farage was a snarling, thin-skinned, aggressive man who was making UKIP look like a personality cult.He called for a much more consultative and consensual leadership style and described the events of recent days as a fiasco for the party, which is against mass immigration and European Union membership.He later said he was not planning a coup against Farage, adding: He is my political hero and will remain so and hes done amazing things.But the row prompted the departure of two senior advisers to the party and Stuart Wheeler, a former party treasurer and a major donor, urged Farage to step down.The type of campaign thats now needed has to be slightly less aggressive and more towards winning over people in the centre, Wheeler told BBC Radio 5 Live.Farage played down the comments as people letting off steam and insisted that a leadership contest would be an error.The level of support for me in the party is phenomenal and frankly, to go through a leadership contest... would be a massive, massive mistake, he said on BBC debate show Question Time.A series of senior figures in the party quickly declared their support for Farage, with deputy leader Paul Nuttall calling him the best communicator in British politics.Sensible and correctThe party, which came first in last years European Parliament elections, won 12.6-percent in the general election -- nearly four million votes -- and took control of Thanet council in southeast England.In the 2010 election it had only won 3.1 percent.But the outspoken 51-year-old Farage failed to take the Thanet South constituency in what was his seventh attempt to win a seat in the House of Commons.He had promised to resign as leader of the party if he did not win a seat and promptly did so on Friday.The decision was abruptly reversed on Monday, however, when the party rejected the resignation and congratulated Farage on a campaign success.UKIPs only seat is that of Douglas Carswell, a former Conservative MP who switched last year and who is seen as a potential future leader of the party.Carswell clashed with the leadership earlier this week over funding, accusing UKIP officials of seeking to claim more public money than needed for the party.The MP is entitled to take GBP 650,000 (898,000 euros, $1.0 million) of taxpayers money because of the partys large popular vote and he was reportedly urged by UKIP officials to hire up to 15 assistants.Carswell has said it would be completely inappropriate to take the money out of principle, sparking rumours of a rift, though the MP has insisted he remains staunchly and proudly UKIP.Farage joined UKIP in 1993 as a founding member and was first elected to the European Parliament in 1999.He became UKIPs leader in 2006 and helped boost the partys popularity while making it more presentable by rooting out ties to the far-right and outspoken racists.The rise of UKIP was a key factor in pushing Cameron to promise a referendum on Britains EU membership by the end of 2017, which has rattled Britains European partners and the business community.UKIP founder Alan Sked, a professor of international history at the London School of Economics university, told AFP after the election that Farage had turned the party into an extreme political organisation.I think he should go as soon as possible, Sked said of Farage to Sky News on Thursday. Hes unelectable.

Motorcycling: Marquez out to kickstart title defence at Le Mans


LE MANS (AFP) - Le Mans is the historic stage for Sundays French Grand Prix, with world champion Marc Marquez out to repeat last years win to make up ground on Valentino Rossi in the title race.The young Spanish MotoGP sensation took second to Jorge Lorenzo in Jerez last weekend, despite nursing a broken finger.That left the Honda star fourth in the overall standings, 26 points adrift of Rossi who at 36, 14 years Marquezs senior, is making an encouraging stab at becoming the oldest champion of the modern era.The outright record is held by British rider Lee Graham, who won the inaugural 500cc championship aged 37 in 1949 when the season comprised only six races.At the other end of the age spectrum, Marquez became the youngest ever MotoGP champion aged 20 in his debut season in 2013.Now in his third season, with two world titles in the bag, he has a fascinating struggle on his hands to make it three from three.Victory at Le Mans would come as a welcome boost after an indifferent start to 2015, a sole win at the Grand Prix of the Americas offset by being upstaged by Rossi in Qatar and Argentina, and in Jerez by former champion Lorenzo.No panicAll very different from 12 months ago when he rattled off a record-breaking opening sequence of ten wins.Last year I arrived here in a very different position, but we have 14 races left so there is no panic, he told a news conference at the circuit on Thursday.He gave himself a clean bill of health after his broken finger from a training accident in the run up to Jerez.My finger is at 100%, its a bit bigger than usual, but I have the power in it back.Rossi, with three MotoGP wins at Le Mans already, is relishing his rejuvenation with Yamaha after a quiet spell at Ducati which has left him with serious claims on a 10th title but first since 2009.Its been a great start to the season, especially for the two victories and because I was always on the podium, which is important for the championship, the Italian icon said.Rossi, third to his teammate Lorenzo in Jerez, added: Jorge started with difficulty but his performance in Jerez was fantastic - fastest from Friday to Saturday. Jorge is always fast in Le Mans, historically its a good track for the Yamaha too. Last year Marc was faster, but we have to see if this year we are closer.Its not my best track, theres not a lot of grip and the weather is an issue: cold in the mornings and low temperature in the afternoon. This means you have to use soft tyres for grip.Le Mans marks the welcome return of Dani Pedrosa, the popular Honda rider who has missed the last three races recovering from surgery on an injured forearm.My recovery has gone well, I think I was right to be patient and take it slowly, and to respect the time frames that I needed, he told his teams website.The Spaniard added: Now, finally, I can tell you that I will be in Le Mans this weekend.

Obama: Two-state solution vital to Israel's security


CAMP DAVID (AFP) - The United States still believes Israels long-term security is best served by reaching an agreement to live alongside a recognized Palestinian state, President Barack Obama said Thursday.Obama was speaking shortly after Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formed a new right-wing ruling coalition seen as likely to further strain already damaged ties with the Palestinians.I continue to believe a two-state solution is absolutely vital for not only peace between Israelis and Palestinians, but for the long-term security of Israel as a democratic and Jewish state, Obama told a Camp David news conference. The traditionally close alliance between the United States and Israel has been damaged by disagreement over the peace process with the Palestinians and by the perception of personal animus between Obama and Netanyahu.While both sides continue to pay public tribute to the relationship, the new Israeli government appears unlikely to make the kind of concessions needed to restart the moribund negotiations.Obama insisted, however, that a two-state solution remains the only available option for bringing the simmering conflict to an end.I know that a government has been formed that contains some folks who dont necessarily believe in that premise, but that continues to be my premise, he said.Noting that he was speaking at Camp David, Obama referred back to a 1978 deal negotiated at the same US presidential retreat that brought peace between Israel and Egypt. Israel is better off for it. I think the same would be true if we get a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, he said. That prospect seems distant now, but I think its always important for us to keep in mind whats right and whats possible.

The finalists progress to the Polish capital finale in wildly contrasting fashions.


PARIS (AFP) - Holders Sevilla, who crushed Fiorentina, face unheralded Ukrainians Dnipro in the Europa League final in Warsaw on May 27.The finalists progress to the Polish capital finale in wildly contrasting fashions.Sevilla, seeking a record fourth success in the competition, were firmly in the driving seat after last weeks 3-0 first leg success, and finished off Fiorentina with first half goals from Carlos Bacca and Daniel Carrico.Dnipro, a former rocket factory side, on the other hand secured their first ever European final by grittily edging Rafa Benitezs Napoli 1-0 in Kiev to go through 2-1 on aggregate.Napoli, the 1989 UEFA Cup winners, were the better side in the first half but Yevhen Seleznyov put paid to their Europa League dreams when heading past keeper Mariano Andujar in the 58th minute, with Yevhen Konoplyankas cross from the left setting up the all important goal.Napoli will be fed up with the sight of Seleznyov as it was he who had come on as a substitute last week to snatch a vital 1-1 draw in Naples.Napolis Gonzalo Higuain had an early effort kept out by Dnipro keeper Denys Boyko, who also proved a match for the Argentina striker as the half hour appoached.In relentless rain, Dnipro emerged after the break only 45 minutes away from their first ever European final on the away goals rule.But Ukraine international Seleznyov settled the nerves of the home side - Dnipro hosting Napoli in the safety of the Ukraine capital, which is 450 kilometres further away from the conflict in eastern Ukraine than Dnipropetrovsk.In Florence, any hopes of a Fiorentina fightback fizzled out when Colombian striker Bacca opened the scoring for Sevilla in the 22nd minute off an Ever Banega free-kick.Five minutes later the Italians were caught napping by another setpiece, Carrico tapping in a deflected long ball up the right.Fiorentinas attempt at a crucial early goal would have paid off if it hadnt been for Sevillas young keeper Sergio Rico superbly denying Gonzalo Rodriguezs close range header.Fiornetina manager Vincenzo Montella said: We werent very lucky, at least with the amount of chances we created over the two legs. Sevilla had a good rate of success.The lopsided manner of Sevillas path to the final was a world away from last years route when they needed the away goals rule to see them past Benfica.While the La Liga outfit are old Europa League hands, Dnipro are sailing in uncharted waters, setting up an intriguing climax to the competition with the winner for the first time securing direct entry to next seasons Champions League.

Iranians fire warning shots at commercial ship in Gulf: US


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Iranian Revolutionary Guards fired warning shots Thursday at a Singapore-flagged commercial ship in the Gulf that had collided recently with an Iranian oil rig, US officials said Thursday.After hearing a radio call for help, the United Arab Emirates dispatched coast guard vessels to aid the tanker and the Iranian boats then departed the area, US officials said.The Iranian Revolutionary Guard vessels tried to intercept the Singapore-flagged ship, the Alpine Eternity, in order to settle a legal dispute stemming from an incident on March 22, 2015, when the Alpine Eternity reportedly hit an Iranian-owned oil platform, a US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP.Iran claims that the vessel is liable for damages to the oil platform, the official said.The incident reflects rising tensions in the Gulf, fueled in part by the conflict in Yemen that pits Iranian-backed Shiite rebels against pro-government forces supported by a Saudi-led coalition of Sunni Arab states.Thursdays episode appeared similar to a move last month by Iran against a Marshall Islands-flagged cargo ship, the Maersk Tigris.The Iranians seized the vessel in the Gulf after firing warning shots and cited a commercial dispute with the Danish shipping group Maersk which hired out the ship. The Maersk Tigris was eventually released after Iranian authorities said the matter was settled.Analysts say Iran may be taking a more assertive stance after they were apparently thwarted in an attempt to deliver weapons to their Huthi allies in Yemen. An Iranian convoy of ships which was suspected of carrying arms bound for Yemen was forced to turn back after the US Navy deployed about a dozen warships to the area.In Thursdays confrontation, the Iranian patrol craft fired across the bow of the Alpine Eternity in international waters and the commercial ship then headed towards the UAE, officials said.The Alpine Eternity issued a radio call for help and the Iranian boats fired a second wave of warning shots, the officials said.Third maritime incidentUAE authorities heard the radio call and deployed coast guard boats in response. The Iranian boats then departed the area, the US officials said, adding that there were no Americans aboard the commercial ship.A US naval ship was about 20 miles (32 kilometers) away at the time and monitored the radio traffic but received no request for assistance, Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steven Warren told reporters.Singapores Maritime and Port Authority said no Singaporeans were on board and that it verified with the ship manager of Alpine Eternity that the crew members are safe and the vessel is currently in UAE waters.The Pentagon acknowledged it was the third incident in a few weeks involving Iranian forces confronting commercial vessels in or near the strategic Strait of Hormuz.This is something that we continue to watch, that were concerned with, he said.Iran recently seized a Marshall Islands-flagged vessel in the Gulf, harassed a US-flagged ship and warned the United States not to interfere with an Iranian aid ship headed for Yemen. The Marshall Islands-flagged vessel, the Maersk Tigris, was eventually released, after Iranian officials said a commercial dispute had been settled.Robust US presenceFollowing the seizure of the Maersk Tigris, the US Navy recently provided security for American-flagged commercial ships crossing through the Strait of Hormuz. But US commanders called it off after about a week, saying tensions had appeared to ease.Asked if the beefed up security for the vital waterway was canceled too soon, Warren said: Were always in a position to reevaluate in the future.Twelve US naval ships, including an aircraft carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, are currently in the region but no additional vessels were due to deploy to the area as a result of Thursdays incident.We maintain a robust presence in the Persian Gulf, he said.Another possible maritime showdown emerged this week.The United States has demanded that an Iranian aid ship bound for Yemen change course and head towards Djibouti, where the United Nations is overseeing humanitarian efforts for the Yemen conflict.But a senior Iranian commander rejected the request and warned the Americans that a fire might start if there were attempts to block Tehrans aid efforts.Although Iran has said it would provide a naval escort for the aid ship, so far the vessel has no warships guarding it. The Iranian cargo ship is currently heading southwest off the coast of Oman, Warren said.The ship in Thursdays incident, the Alpine Eternity, is an oil-chemical tanker that had last stopped at a port in Bahrain, according to the shipping website.

Uncapped Lyth set for England debut against New Zealand


LONDON (AFP) - Yorkshire opener Adam Lyth is set to make his England debut after being named Thursday in a 12-man squad for next weeks first Test against New Zealand at Lords.Apart from England captain Alastair Cook, Lyth was the only specialist opening batsman included in the squad.Lyth is now set to partner his skipper at the top of the order in place of Jonathan Trott, who retired from international cricket following Englands five-wicket defeat by the West Indies in the third Test in Barbados earlier this month that saw the series end all square at 1-1.The other 10 England players who took part in that match were all included.Durham paceman Mark Wood was the other uncapped player in the squad, the first since former captain Andrew Strauss became Englands new director of cricket.Lyth, 27, and 25-year-old Wood were both in Englands squad in the Caribbean, without playing a Test.A statement from the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) confirmed that Lyth, barring a late injury, would play at Lords in the first of a two-match series.Yorkshire batsman Adam Lyth is set to make his debut next week when he opens the batting alongside England captain Alastair Cook, the statement said.England won just one series, at home to India last year, during recently sacked coach Peter Mooress 13-month second spell in charge of the national side and suffered a humiliating first-round exit at the World Cup.One of Strausss first acts in his new role was to dismiss Moores and there had been speculation that national selector James Whitaker would be in line for the sack as well.But Whitaker has remained in post and, after meeting with Strauss on Thursday, he said: Adam Lyth has waited patiently for an opportunity with England, having performed consistently for Yorkshire and England Lions in the last year.He fully deserves his chance to cement a place in the side at the top of the order.Wood is less certain than Lyth to make his debut at Lords, but will now have the chance to break into Englands seam attack as he looks to displace Sussex all-rounder Chris Jordan from the role of third seamer.Englands two-match series against New Zealand will be their final campaign before they try to regain the Ashes from an Australia side who thrashed them 5-0 in 2013/14.But Whitaker said: There were some positive signs during the recent Test tour (in the Caribbean), and it is key that this group of players learns from the instances when the opposition was put under pressure and we were in a position to press for victory but couldnt quite manage it.New Zealand are a very talented side, and I expect a very competitive series between the two teams to start what will be an incredibly exciting summer of cricket.New Zealand have won four and drawn two of their six Test series since losing 2-0 in England in 2013.But they head into this latest series, due to start at Lords on May 21, having won just four of their previous 52 Tests in England.England squad: Alastair Cook (Essex, capt), Adam Lyth (Yorkshire), Gary Ballance (Yorkshire), Ian Bell (Warwickshire), Joe Root (Yorkshire), Moeen Ali (Worcestershire), Ben Stokes (Durham), Jos Buttler (Lancashire, wkt), Chris Jordan (Sussex), Stuart Broad (Nottinghamshire), James Anderson (Lancashire), Mark Wood (Durham).

Burundi presidency says leader has returned after 'failed' coup attempt


BUJUMBURA (AFP) - Burundian leader Pierre Nkurunziza has returned to the country, his office said Thursday, as a deputy coup leader said the attempt to overthrow the president had failed after fierce battles between rival army factions.President Pierre Nkurunziza is now in Burundi, his senior communications advisor Willy Nyamitwe told AFP. Thats all we can say for the now because of security reasons.Nkurunziza was in neighbouring Tanzania for regional talks Wednesday when the coup was announced by top general Godefroid Niyombare, capping weeks of violent protests against the presidents bid to seek a third term.The presidents return could not be independently verified however and his precise whereabouts remained unclear Thursday night.But the announcement that he was back in the country was swiftly followed by deputy coup leader General Cyrille Ndayirukiyes admission that the putsch had been a failure.Personally, I recognise that our movement has failed, Ndayirukiye told AFP.We were faced with an overpowering military determination to support the system in power.Earlier in the day, loyalist troops said they had fought off two major attacks by rival soldiers in an intense battle for control over the strategically important state radio office.The bodies of three soldiers were seen by an AFP journalist lying in the street near the scene of the clashes, the first apparent sign of casualties in the coup saga.By mid-afternoon, station director Jerome Nzokirantevye said it was loyalist soldiers who are in control.A senior police official confirmed the information and said late Thursday that the pro-coup troops were in disarray after their assault on the RTNB state television and radio complex in the capital was repelled.Some rebels have already surrendered. Others are fleeing, he said.The fight for RTNB was seen as crucial to control the flow of information as Burundis main private radio stations and the largest independent television channel were no longer broadcasting. The influential African Public Radio station was even set ablaze after being hit by a rocket.Wednesdays coup announcement triggered international criticism, raising fears of a return to widespread violence in the impoverished country, which is still recovering from a 13-year civil war that ended in 2006 and left hundreds of thousands dead.The United States insisted Thursday that Nkurunziza remained the legitimate president.There are competing claims to authority, but we recognise President Nkurunziza as the legitimate president, State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke told reporters.The UN Security Council, in emergency talks on the crisis, also condemned the coup attempt and called for a swift return to the rule of law in Burundi.AFP reporters in the Burundian capital said the crackle of automatic weapons fire and the thump of explosions could be heard throughout the night Wednesday, and intensified around dawn before subsiding again later.For much of the day the streets were largely deserted by civilians as sporadic clashes could be heard in other parts of the city, while plumes of smoke were seen on the city skyline.Both sides at different times claimed to control the streets, adding to the confusion over the outcome of the coup.UnconstitutionalThe attempted putsch came after weeks of deadly civil unrest sparked by the presidents controversial bid to stand for re-election.Opposition and rights groups insist that it is unconstitutional for Nkurunziza, who has been in office since 2005, to run for more than two terms. The president, however, argues his first term did not count as he was elected by parliament, not directly by the people.More than 25 people have been killed and scores wounded since late April, when Burundis ruling CNDD-FDD party -- which has been accused of intimidating the opposition and arming its own militia -- nominated Nkurunziza to stand for re-election in June 26 polls.It remains unclear, however, how many have died since the launch of the coup.Resident Onasphore Ndayishimiye was one of the few who dared venture out on Thursday, but said he had narrowly avoided being shot.The police saw me and shot at me. I put my hands up and dived on the ground, said Ndayishimiye, who was unharmed but shaken.More than 50,000 Burundians have fled the violence to neighbouring nations in recent weeks, with the UN preparing for thousands more refugees.Coup general recently sackedNkurunziza has not been seen since the coup was declared. He was said to have tried to leave Dar-Es-Salaam immediately on Wednesday to head back to Burundi, but appeared to have been blocked by his opponents who had seized the airport and ordered the borders to be shut.An AFP correspondent said the airport in the Burundian capital had at one point been in the hands of pro-coup forces, although there were conflicting claims over who controlled it on Thursday.In his message announcing the coup, Niyombare signalled he did not want to take power himself, vowing to form a committee for the restoration of national harmony and work for the resumption of the electoral process in a peaceful and fair environment.Niyombare is a highly respected figure who was sacked from his intelligence post in February after he opposed Nkurunzizas attempt to prolong his 10-year rule.Asked to decide on the issue of a third term, Burundis constitutional court found in the presidents favour, but not before one of the judges fled the country, claiming its members were subject to death threats.

US, Gulf states to deepen military ties: White House


CAMP DAVID (AFP) - The United States and its Gulf allies on Thursday agreed to deepen their military partnership and jointly counter external threats, in the face of Irans growing role in the region.Addressing reporters after a Camp David summit with six Gulf leaders, US President Barack Obama said: I am reaffirming our ironclad commitment to the security of our Gulf partners.As weve declared in our joint statement, the United States is prepared to work jointly with GCC member states to deter and confront an external threat to any GCC states territorial integrity that is inconsistent with the UN charter, he said.In the statement, the leaders said they agreed to enhance their work to improve security cooperation, especially on fast-tracking arms transfers, as well as on counter-terrorism, maritime security, cyber security, and ballistic missile defense.And the statement specifically named Iran, a traditional foe of both Washington and the Gulf Arab monarchies, as one of the threats they would work together to deter.The United States and GCC member states oppose and will work together to counter Irans destabilizing activities in the region, the statement said.Obama called the summit to reassure nervous Gulf allies that the United States is not turning its back on them even as it is trying to forge a deal with Tehran to limit Irans nuclear program.But I want to be very clear, he added. The purpose of security cooperation is not to perpetuate any long-term confrontation with Iran or even to marginalize Iran.

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