Saturday 29 August 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Egypt court hands Al-Jazeera reporters three years in jail


CAIRO (AFP) - An Egyptian court sentenced three Al-Jazeera reporters to three years in prison on Saturday, in a shock ruling that sparked international condemnation.Canadian Mohamed Fahmy and Egyptian producer Baher Mohamed were in court for the verdict, while Australian journalist Peter Greste was tried in absentia after being deported early this year.The court said they had broadcast false news that harmed Egypt.Several co-defendants, accused of working with Al-Jazeera, received similar sentences.Canada called for the immediate return of Fahmy, while Qatar-based Al-Jazeera denounced the verdict as an attack on press freedom.Its a dark day for the Egyptian judiciary, Giles Trendle, the English channels acting managing director, told reporters in Doha.Rather than defend liberty and the free and fair media, the Egyptian judiciary has compromised its own independence.The retrial was ordered early this year after an appeals court overturned an initial sentence of seven years in prison, saying the prosecution had presented scant evidence.Dangerous precedentFahmys lawyer, London-based Amal Clooney, told reporters she would press the presidency for a pardon.Its a dangerous precedent in Egypt that journalists can be locked up simply for reporting the news and courts can be used as political tools, she said.Al-Jazeeras head of litigation, Farah Muftah, said in Doha the ruling would be appealed once the judge publishes the basis for his sentencings.Relatives and supporters were dismayed.Im shocked. Terribly shocked. We waited for an acquittal and then found ourselves stuck again in the case. This is illogical, Fahmys brother Adel said.Greste described the jail terms as devastating.We did nothing wrong. The prosecution presented no evidence that we did anything wrong and so for us to be convicted as terrorists on no evidence at all is frankly outrageous, he said.The journalists were arrested in December 2013, months after the military overthrew Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and launched a deadly crackdown on his supporters.At the time, Qatar, which owns Al-Jazeera, was supportive of Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood movement.Judge Hassan Farid said Saturday that it was clear the reporters were not journalists and had broadcast false news while operating without a permit.Mohamed received an additional six-month sentence for possessing a bullet he picked up while covering protest violence.Fahmy and Mohamed, who were released on bail in February at the start of the retrial, were taken into custody.Lynne Yelich, Canadian minister of state for foreign and consular affairs, called on Egypt to use all tools at its disposal to resolve Mr Fahmys case and allow his immediate return to Canada.The trial has become an embarrassment for President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who as army chief ousted Morsi from the presidency in 2013.Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she was dismayed by the outcome and the United States said it was deeply disappointed and concerned.We urge the government of Egypt to take all available measures to redress this verdict, which undermines the very freedom of expression necessary for stability and development, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.British Minister for Middle East and North Africa Tobias Ellwood said the sentencings would undermine confidence in Egypts progress towards strong long-term stability based on implementing the rights granted by the Egyptian constitution.In the initial trial, two British Al-Jazeera reporters who had left the country were tried in absentia and sentenced to 10 years in prison.A European Union statement called Saturdays sentences a setback for freedom of expression in Egypt.Politicised trialSisi has said he wished the Al-Jazeera journalists had not been put on trial. He may pardon them if he chooses.Fahmy, who gave up his Egyptian citizenship in hopes of being deported as Greste was in February, said ahead of the verdict that the trial was politicised.If justice is to be served we should be acquitted as impartial journalists, said Fahmy, who formerly worked for CNN.The three were accused of having supported the Brotherhood in their coverage. However, during the trial, the prosecution failed to find fault in their reporting.The technical committee that was appointed by the judge gave the court a report stating that none of our reports were fabricated, Fahmy said.Al-Jazeeras Arabic channel had been supportive of Morsi and Islamists, but Fahmy, Greste and Mohamed worked for its English-language news channel.Fahmy said they were shocked to discover during their trial that the broadcaster was unlicensed, when a prosecutor presented evidence to that effect.

Exiled Yemen president says fighting Huthis to stop 'Iran expansion'


KHARTOUM (AFP) - Yemens exiled President Abedrabbo Mansur Hadi said on Saturday that his forces were battling Shiite Huthi rebels across the country to check Iranian expansion in the region.Hadi was speaking as he made a short visit to Sudan, which was seen as being close to Iran before it joined a Saudi-led coalition against the Yemeni rebels in April.We are currently leading a war based on stopping Iranian expansion in the region, Hadi said at a press conference with his Sudanese counterpart Omar al-Bashir.Iranian expansion is present now in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Hadi said.His comments came as coalition warplanes launched strikes against the Iranian-backed rebel positions in Yemen and reinforcements reached pro-government troops preparing for an anticipated push towards the capital Sanaa, military sources reported.Hadi said rebel forces had been pushed back in recent weeks.Now there are few provinces where battles are still going on. There is fighting in Taez, and Ibb and Hodeida and Marib, he said.He arrived in Sudan on Saturday afternoon to meet Bashir for talks. Sudan had previously been seen as close to Iran, whose warships used to make stops in Sudanese ports.But last September, Sudan shut Irans cultural centre in Khartoum and joined the coalition against the Huthis in March.With air support from their coalition allies and freshly trained troops, supporters of the exiled president had pushed the rebels from the second city of Aden and four other southern provinces and are fighting to control the third city of Taez.In March, Huthi rebels and troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh advanced on Aden, where Hadi had taken refuge after escaping house arrest in Sanaa.Hadi later fled to Riyadh, which assembled an Arab coalition that mounted a fierce air campaign against the rebels.At the press conference, Bashir also promised to give assistance to Yemenis studying in the capital and that Sudanese doctors were in Aden treating civilians wounded in the conflict.

Iran nuclear deal will 'fuel terrorism': Netanyahu


FLORENCE (AFP) - The deal to curb Irans nuclear programme will bolster Tehrans ability to fund global terrorism by providing the Islamic state with billions of dollars in sanctions relief, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Saturday.Iran will get hundreds of billions of dollars from sanctions relief and investments to fuel its aggression and terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa and beyond, Netanyahu -- who is bitterly opposed to the deal agreed by Iran and world powers in July -- said during a visit to the Italian city of Florence.The Israeli leader is on a tour of Italy -- his first major overseas visit since being re-elected in June.Speaking ahead of a meeting Saturday evening with his Italian counterpart Matteo Renzi he compared the threat posed by the Islamic State jihadist group with the far more serious threat...posed by another Islamic state, the Islamic state of Iran and specifically its pursuit of nuclear weapons.Israel was not opposed to Iran having a civilian nuclear program, he said, but the deal hammered out in the Swiss city of Lausanne would allow Tehran to keep and extend a formidable infrastructure that is completely unnecessary for civilian nuclear purposes but is entirely necessary for the production of nuclear weapons, Netanyahu declared.Iran denies trying to develop nuclear weapons, insisting its atomic programme is peaceful.

Burkina bars ex-leader's party candidate from presidential vote


OUAGADOUGOU (AFP) - Burkina Fasos Constitutional Council on Saturday provisionally cleared 16 candidates for presidential elections in October, but declared the nominee of ousted president Blaise Compaores party ineligible.Eddie Constance Konboigo, head of Compaores Congress for Democracy and Progress party, was among six candidates barred from running, along with Gilbert Noel Ouedraogo of the ADF/RDA grouping that was allied to the former strongmans administration.Compaore was toppled October 2014 and fled into exile in Ivory Coast after a popular uprising triggered by his attempt to extend his 27-year rule.Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in protests that were brutally suppressed, leaving several dead.A transitional government is running the country until presidential and legislative elections, the first round of which take place on October 11.Konboigo called the decision a move to exclude his party based more on politics than the law.We dispute the decision of the Constitutional Council ... We will denounce it but we will comply, he continued, calling the youth of his party to avoid confrontation.The final list of presidential candidates will only be published after the deadline for appeals runs out on September 6. Only those candidates who made the provisional list can contest the candidacy of a rival.The Council had also declared 52 people ineligible to run for parliament over their support for Compaores bid for a third term.

Colombian president tours tense border city


CUCUTA (AFP) - Colombias President Juan Manuel Santos visited a tense border city Saturday amid an escalating row with neighboring Venezuela that triggered deportations and the exodus of thousands of Colombians back home.I am here to make sure our fellow Colombians get the services they need, Santos said as he began the tour of Cucuta, a far northeastern city of about 700,00 with close business ties to Venezuela and which has been on edge.The crisis erupted on August 19 after Venezuelas President Nicolas Maduro closed the border and then declared a state of emergency following an incident in which three Venezuelan soldiers were shot and wounded by two assailants on a motorcycle.The two countries recalled their respective ambassadors as tensions rose.Maduro has said 3,000 troops were being deployed to search high and low for Colombian paramilitaries, whom he has blamed for last weeks shooting.Since then, 1,097 Colombians have been summarily deported from Venezuela and several thousand more Colombians have fled for home, fearful of being targeted as well.Santos stopped at a filling station in Cucuta -- where people waited in line for hours to get gasoline -- to reassure them that supplies would not be interrupted.Mayor Donamaris Ramirez said that before the row, 90 percent of locals bought their gasoline at informal filling stations run by smugglers who get cut-rate subsidized fuel from oil-rich Venezuela.Now motorists across the city have to rely on gasoline stations, resulting in queues as long as seven hours, fanning discontent.In Washington, State Department expressed concern Friday and urged both countries to resolve the dispute diplomatically.In a statement late Friday, Santos vowed to continue conducting foreign relations with firmness, but with dialogue and diplomacy.We are now concentrating on attending to the humanitarian needs that this situation has generated, he said.Venezuela is mired in a deepening economic crisis, made worse by a plunge in oil prices, its main source of hard currency.Widespread shortages, roaring inflation and rampant crime have undermined support for Maduro, whose ruling party faces legislative elections in December.

Brazil ex-president Lula makes political comeback


SAO BERNARDO DO CAMPO (AFP) - Brazils popular ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva declared on Saturday that he is returning to the bruising political frontlines to defend his successor, the embattled Dilma Rousseff.Our opponents talk about me from morning until night... Well, its harder to kill a bird if he keeps flying. Thats why I started flying again, Lula, 69, said at a rally in Sao Paulo state, a day after admitting he could even seek the presidency again in 2018.Well, now I am going to speak. I am going to talk. I am going to give interviews and I am going to make people uncomfortable, Lula added.On Friday he said that he did not want to see his ruling Workers Party lose power after 12 years.I am sure that our rivals are heading out to undo what we achieved in improving peoples lives, he told the rally.I have broad shoulders and I have been beaten up plenty in my life. Lets see if our rivals give our beloved Dilma a little break and start being bothered by me again, Lula said, alongside former Uruguayan president Jose Mujica.Lula was in office from 2003 to 2010 and was the countrys first democratically elected leftist leader.He spent generously on social programs to reduce the number of Brazilians living in poverty and the economy boomed to the worlds seventh largest.On his heels, Rousseff has been re-elected, but her popularity is at a staggering low of eight percent, with the economy in recession and her government rocked by corruption scandals.Rousseff herself has not been accused but she chaired the board at Petrobras between 2003 and 2010, when much of the alleged corruption was flourishing.Prosecutors estimate that $2.1 billion in bribes were paid as part of the scheme.Lula is being investigated in an unrelated influence-peddling probe, but has not been charged.

Coalition pounds Yemen rebels, sets sights on capital


ADEN (AFP) - Warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition hit Yemen rebel positions Saturday as reinforcements reached pro-government forces preparing for an anticipated advance towards the capital, military sources said.Apache helicopters struck a base occupied by rebel forces near Bayhan, in the southern province of Shabwa, hours after fighter jets targeted a convoy of the Iran-backed Huthi rebels in the area, a military source said.Warplanes also pounded arms depots in the rebel-held capital Sanaa, according to witnesses.Bayhan borders the eastern province of Marib, where military reinforcements have arrived from neighbouring Saudi Arabia to bolster forces loyal to exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, military sources said.Armoured vehicles have crossed the Wadia border point in Hadramawt province, heading to Marib, where loyalists are preparing a large offensive, a military official told AFP.The coalition has also deployed eight Apache helicopters that will be based at the Safir oil fields, the official said.The operation, aimed at driving the Huthis out of Marib and pushing west towards the capital, will begin in the next few days, the official said requesting anonymity.Bolstered by coalition air power and newly trained troops, Hadi loyalists have driven rebels out of Yemens second city Aden and four other southern provinces and are now fighting for control of the third city of Taez.In March, Huthi rebels and troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh advanced on Aden, where Hadi had taken refuge after escaping house arrest in Sanaa.Hadi later fled to Riyadh, which assembled an Arab coalition that mounted a fierce air campaign against the rebels.

Karachi: Police action kills 1 terrorist, 2 target killers arrested


KARACHI (Dunya News) – East Investigation Police’s action on late Saturday night killed 1 terrorist while 2 target killers were arrested. The clash occurred in Karachi’s area of Baldia Etihad Town. The arrested target killers were involved in the killing of 24 individuals.Police say the target killers M alias Jimmy and Kamran alias Kami belong to a political party.

Farooq Sattar, spouse walk down the ramp in fashion show


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Farooq Sattar on Saturday walked down the ramp along with his wife in a fashion show, Dunya News reported.The couple gathered a lot of praise from the audience. The fashion show took place at the Expo Center where beauty and health brands from Pakistan and abroad showcased their products.MQM leader took to the ramp upon insistence from his wife and bagged a lot of praise and appreciation from the audience.The participants of the show termed it a pleasant surprise after seeing this side of the MQM leader. They took several photos and applauded for the couple.

PTI unveils dancing baba


(Web Desk) – Who says Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf is political party for young only. Party worker aged 70 , named Bashir Bhutto, was spotted dancing at a political rally as he danced to the beat at a rally held in Lahore.Awami Tehreek’s veteran party supporter Raja Nadeem also rose to prominence with his performances during the sit-ins in Islamabad.Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) Chacha Sabir is another party veteran who is known for his rhythmic dancing as he shakes his neck rapidly, to the amusement of onlookers and party workers alike.Clad in the colors of their party, all of the above mentioned party workers are the soul of a political rally and their participation puts color in every event.

Is 3-hour entry test enough to judge 12-year education: Discussion on Badal Dou


LAHORE: (Dunay News, Web Desk) – The panel on Dunya News program ‘Badal Dou’ on Saturday discussed why the entry test is necessary/unnecessary in judging a student for higher education. Host Iftikhar Ahmad questioned the panelists if a 3-hour entry test was the right criteria to judge 12-year education of a student. Punjab’s Minister for Education Rana Mashhood told that the entry test system was introduced in 1998 in order to counter the ‘cheating mafia’ and also to match the standard of the international universities, reported Dunya News.The panel included provincial minister for Higher Education and Schools Education Punjab Rana Mashhood, Vice Chancellor ZAB Medical University Professor Dr. Javed Akram, Registrar King Edward Medical College Professor Dr. Atif Kazmi and former Chairman Lahore Board Dr. Ejaz Qureshi. The panel raised quite valid points for and against entry test system and a great discussion helped the people to understand the issue better. Education Minister Rana Mashhood said that Punjab government introduced entry test system in 1998 in order to counter the ‘cheating mafia’ and also to provide the universities with an opportunity to compete on international level. He told that the government was under pressure from international institutions about the validity of the degrees awarded by Pakistani universities and therefore, it was important to introduce the entry system in order to fight the rote learning and cheating mafia as well. He later told in the program that the government is going to make a law against tuition mafia as well.We are making law against tuition mafia as well, says Education Minister Punjab Rana Mashhood. EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 Dr. Ejaz Qureshi seconded Rana Mashhood on the reason of introducing entry test system. He said that it was necessary to introduce the entry test system back then because the international institutions were not ready to accept Pakistani institutions’ degress.We introduced entry tests in 1998 because intl institutions werent accepting our universitys degrees: Ejaz Qureshi EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 It is pertinent to mention here that last year a committee had been set up to discuss if the entry test should continue or the universities should rely solely on board examination only. Some of the members of the committee suggested ending entry test system. However, the chairman of Higher Education Commission opined that the entry into higher education institutions should be standardized because board examination system is not standardized.Higher Education Commission chairman said that entry into higher education institutions must be standardized. EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 When the host asked Rana Mashhood whether the majority members of that committee had agreed on ending entry system or not, the provincial minister said that there was a mixed result.Did majority members of a committee in Sep 2014 agree to end Entry Test, asks Iftikhar, denies Rana Mashhood EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 However, Iftikhar Ahmad repeatedly asked if 3-hour entry test was the right criteria to judge 12-hour education of a student. “What if that student is under pressure on that particular day? Does it mean that his 12-year education was useless?”, asked Ahmad. Atif Kazmi responded to this question, saying that if a student can’t perform in a 3-hour entry test because of pressure, how can we count on him/her doing a medical surgery?If a student cant perform in 3-hour Entry Test, how can he/she perform in a medical operation, responds Atif Kazmi EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 Dr. Javed Akram raised some very valid points during the discussion. He said that the government must be appreciated for curbing cheating mafia in Punjab but the entry test is still there despite the fact that cheating has been curbed. “It means that the problem still persists”, he added.Dr. Javed Akram says govt is appreciated for ending cheating but entry test is still there, means problem persists EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 However, students have to compete on the international level, continued Dr. Akram, and the toughest challenge they face among the Asian students in universities abroad comes from the Indian students. He said that the government comes under pressure due to this competition at the international level.Students have to compete on intl standards and this brings the govt under pressure, says Dr. Akram. EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 Dr. Atif Kazmi said that even the BISE system is not standardized. A Lahore Board topped may not be equally good in the Sargodha Board examination. He also said that the students from suburban centers and rural areas perform better mainly because they have almost no distractions. Their TV and internet consumption is way below the students of Lahore or Rawalpindi, he said. He suggested to include Aptitude Test into Entry Test as well and said that 50% marks of the Entry Test should be allocated to Aptitude Test.Even the BISE system isnt standardized. A Lahore Board topper may not be topper in Sargodha Board, says Atif Kazmi EntryTestOrBoardExams— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) August 29, 2015 The panel agreed on the following points after a long discussion and brainstorming:Dr. Ejaz Qureshi wrote a differential note:

Lawyers end protest after Rangers assure to probe Haider Shah's murder


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The lawyer community on Saturday protested against killing of a fellow lawyer Haider Shah in presence of police and ended it upon assurance from Rangers to probe the murder, Dunya News reported.According to details, Shah was shot dead in a broad day light in presence of the police. The police officials present at the moment ran for their own lives instead of intervening.Shah, former Joint Secretary Amir Haidar Shah was shot dead by terrorists near Hassan Square yesterday.The lawyer community initiated a strike and staged a sit-in protest against the government outside Rangers head office.The lawyers had boycotted the proceedings in the city court, Malir Court and subordinate courts. They locked down the doors of the city court causing postponement of several hearings.Meanwhile, a condemnation motion against murder of Shah and other lawyers was passed in the Karachi Bar Association’s General Body session.

Silence of international community on Indian aggression akin to rubbing salt on wounds: Raza Rabbani


KASUR (Dunya News) – Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani said on Saturday that the silence of international community on Indian aggression akin to rubbing salt on wounds. He stated that Indian should be well aware of the befitting reply in case of aggression, reported Dunya News.Talking at a press conference of 258th urs of Baba Bulleh Shah, Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani condemned the aggression by Indian security forces. He said that the silence of international community at a time when India is pursuing aggressive tactics is like ‘rubbing salt on wounds’.Senator Raza Rabbani said that Kasur incident shows that the society has become socially and morally bankrupt adding that no condemnation is enough for the incident. He said that the culprits behind the incident should be hanged and a law should be passed in Senate to protect the rights of children.

'Free Candy' Van Upsets Sacramento Residents


NATOMAS (Web Desk) -- The sad truth is that the vans parents actually have to worry about will probably never be this conspicuous.Parents in Natomas, California, were worried earlier this week following reports of a suspicious van driving the streets of the Sacramento suburb. The white van had Free Candy painted in red on its side, along with handprints and smears leading to its rear doors. It also had no rear license plate.It just felt like they were trying to attract kids, and it just gave me a creepy feeling, Dominique Bellow told KOVR. She said her son took a photo of the vehicle after seeing it around town.I didn’t know what was going on so I just wanted to get evidence in case anything happened, 12-year-old Lawrence Bellow said.As it turns out, the van was a joke-on-wheels bound for this years Burning Man arts festival. Theres a tradition of Burning Man attendees driving art cars to the weeklong party, which takes place in the Nevada desert.The decorated vehicles can get pretty outrageous, but it appears that some people just didnt see the dark humor in the Free Candy van.Dilapidated vans with Free Candy painted on the side are also an Internet meme.

Thousands join demo welcoming refugees to Germany's Dresden


DRESDEN (AFP) - Thousands of people took to the streets of the German city of Dresden on Saturday to welcome refugees, an AFP journalist at the scene said, following a string of violent anti-migrant protests in the region.Led by protesters holding a huge banner that read Prevent the pogroms of tomorrow today, the crowds held the peaceful march through the eastern city under the watch of police in riot gear.Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here, they chanted.Police said 1,000 people joined the protest, which was called by the Anti-Nazi Alliance, while organisers put the numbers at 5,000.Dresden is the stronghold of the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement, whose demonstrations drew up to 25,000 at the start of the year.The eastern state of Saxony, which counts Dresden as its capital, has suffered a series of ugly anti-migrant protests, with the government saying Friday it was sending police reinforcements to the state.Heidenau, a town of around 16,000 inhabitants near Dresden, has become the focus of Germanys struggle to absorb a vast wave of asylum seekers that is expected to reach a record 800,000 this year.Several dozen people were injured in clashes last weekend between police and far-right protesters opposed to the opening of a new refugee centre in the town.Chancellor Angela Merkel was booed by far-right activists as she visited the centre this week, with about 200 people shouting traitor, traitor at her.Merkel said there would be zero tolerance for vile anti-migrant violence.Public opinion is largely behind her, with 60 percent of Germans polled by public broadcaster ZDF saying that Europes biggest economy is capable of hosting the asylum-seekers.

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