Wednesday 27 January 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Syrian opposition puts off decision on peace talks


RIYADH (AFP) - A major Syrian opposition group Wednesday postponed a decision on joining peace talks in Switzerland, as wrangling over who will go threatens to derail the biggest push yet to resolve the war.The Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee -- formed last month in an effort to unite Syrias fractious political and armed opposition -- met in Riyadh for a second day on whether to accept a UN invitation to the Geneva talks.Salem al-Meslet, a Committee spokesman, said the group cannot make a decision until it has received a response from UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura.The Committee insists it must be the sole opposition delegation at the talks and wants clarifications after the United Nations issued invitations to other regime opponents.Whether we say yes or no depends on the reply of De Mistura, which could come overnight, Meslet told AFP and Al-Arabiya television.But he added there was a positive atmosphere at the Riyadh meeting.Meslet said the Committee also needs clarification that the international community will address humanitarian issues.The Geneva negotiations had already been delayed from Monday over the issue of who will represent the myriad forces opposing President Bashar al-Assad in Syrias nearly five-year civil war.Instead of meeting face-to-face, Geneva delegations are expected to engage in indirect negotiations.Officials have said the talks, only the second intra-Syrian dialogue since the start of the conflict, would run over six months, with the first round expected to last between two and three weeks.Syrias regime has designated its UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari as its chief negotiator.Diplomats, including US Secretary of State John Kerry who met Committee members last weekend, have pressured the opposition to go to Geneva.The talks are part of a UN-backed plan, agreed by top diplomats last year in Vienna, that envisages negotiations followed by a transitional government, a new constitution, and elections within 18 months.The roadmap is the most ambitious plan yet to end the conflict which has killed more than 260,000 people and forced millions from their homes.De Misturas office said on Tuesday it had issued invitations to the talks, but refused to say who had been invited.The Committee, which earlier this month named Mohammed Alloush of the Islamist rebel group Army of Islam as its chief negotiator, confirmed it had received an invitation, but so did several other opposition figures not belonging to the body.It was unclear whether the others had been invited as official delegates or as observers.French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Wednesday it was his understanding that only the Committee would be recognised as a negotiating delegation.(The Committee) is representative and it must be the negotiator, that is what was confirmed to me by Mr De Mistura, even if there can be other people at the talks, Fabius told France Culture radio.Committee coordinator Riad Hijab said a UN Security Council resolution calling for an end to sieges in Syria and the delivery of humanitarian aid should not be ignored.UN aid chief Stephen OBrien on Wednesday said almost 75 percent of UN requests last year to get aid into besieged and other difficult areas went unanswered by Syrias government.Many civilians are on the brink of starvation.In his statement, Hijab referred to the Assad regimes attempts to jeopardise the political process through questioning the credibility of the opposition delegation.The row over who will attend reflects not only internal divisions but also the interests of diplomatic powers embroiled in the Syria conflict.Russia, a main Assad ally, has pushed for a broader range of opposition at the talks, with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov saying Tuesday that negotiations will not achieve results if Syrias Kurds are unrepresented.Assads other main ally is Iran, Saudi Arabias regional rival.Syrias most powerful Kurdish organisation, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), said Tuesday it had not yet received an invitation.Turkey, a leading backer of the opposition, considers the PYD to be an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that has waged an insurgency in southeastern Turkey.There have been no suggestions that jihadist movements, including the Islamic State group which has seized control of large parts of Syria and neighbouring Iraq, should be invited.Syrian government forces have made important military gains in recent weeks, backed by air strikes launched by Moscow last September.Pro-government forces this week seized the strategic town of Sheikh Miskeen in southern Daraa province from rebels and took the last opposition-controlled town in coastal Latakia province, Rabia.

UN's Ban in new swipe at Israel over 'stifling' occupation


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday renewed his criticism of Israels stifling occupation of Palestinian territories, a day after similar hard-hitting remarks by the UN Secretary-General angered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.The UN chief made clear that he would not retreat from the broadside he directed at Israel over its expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank.UN diplomats said privately that Ban had upped the pressure on Netanyahu in a final bid to revive hopes for peace before he steps down as secretary-general at the end of the year.After nearly 50 years of occupation -- after decades of waiting for the fulfilment of the Oslo promises -- Palestinians are losing hope, Ban told a UN committee on Palestinian rights.Young people especially are losing hope. They are angered by the stifling policies of the occupation.Netanyahu on Tuesday accused Ban of encouraging terror after Ban said that it was human nature to react to occupation.Speaking to the UN committee, Ban reiterated that nothing excuses terror, but added that a security clampdown will not succeed in settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.The UN chief called for a return to negotiations, saying it was the one and only path to a just and lasting solution -- an end to the occupation that began in 1967 and a Palestinian state.You can count on me to continue to speak up and speak out -- to push and to prod -- to do all in my power to achieve long-overdue Israeli-Palestinian peace, he said.Ban said Palestinians had heard half a century of statements condemning Israels occupation, but that their lives had not improved.We issue statements. We express concern. We voice solidarity. But life hasnt changed. And some Palestinians wonder: Is this all meant to simply run out the clock? They ask: Are we meant to watch as the world endlessly debates how to divide land while it disappears before our very eyes?The UN chiefs sharp criticism of Israel came amid ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence and recent Israeli decisions to build new Jewish settlements in the West Bank.The United Nations has branded Israeli settlement expansions illegal, arguing that they are an attempt to undermine plans for a Palestinian state by absorbing land earmarked for the new country.

US urges Syrian opposition to attend peace talks


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States on Wednesday urged Syrias reluctant rebel and opposition groups to attend UN-mediated peace talks with Bashar al-Assads regime without preconditions.United Nations envoy Staffan de Mistura has invited the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee, a rebel umbrella group, to send delegates to indirect talks in Geneva.But the group, which is meeting in Riyadh, has yet to reply and a spokesman said it is waiting for clarifications on the guest list for the planned dialogue. The Committee has insisted it must be the sole opposition delegation, while the United Nations has issued invitations to other groups it sees as regime opponents.And rebel leaders have demanded an end to the bombing of their communities by Syrian and Russian aircraft and the delivery of humanitarian aid to besieged towns.But the United States, which sympathizes with the rebels and sees the talks as the start of a transition process that would see Assad step down, urged them to take part.We believe that the HNC delegation and the various factions of the Syrian opposition have an historic opportunity to go to Geneva and propose serious practical ways to implement a ceasefire, humanitarian access and other confidence-building measures, and that they should do so without preconditions, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said. We believe it should seize this opportunity to test the regimes willingness and intentions and expose before the entire world which parties are serious about a potential peaceful political transition in Syria and which are not.Instead of meeting face-to-face, the eventual Geneva delegations are expected to engage in indirect proximity talks.UN officials have said the second intra-Syrian dialogue since the start of the conflict would run over six months, with the first round to last between two and three weeks.Assads regime has designated its UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari as its chief negotiator.Diplomats, including US Secretary of State John Kerry, who met Committee members last weekend, have pressured the opposition to go to Geneva.

New Jersey: Garbage truck blows 'like missile' in fiery explosion


LAHORE (Web Desk) – A garbage truck blew in a fiery explosion which according to the drivers of the vehicle looked more ‘like a missile’ launch. Four homes in the nearby area were also affected by the explosion blasting hole through the houses.No injuries were reported however as residents appeared terrified from the bomb-like explosion.Local authorities are unsure of what caused the vehicle to erupt like a projectile but the fact that the machine was being fueled by natural gas is being cited as the reason.Operators of the vehicle quickly abandoned the truck after smoke started filling the driver’s cabin.

Oil prices climb despite jump in US stockpiles


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices ended choppy trade higher Wednesday after US government data showed crude inventories climbed to a record level while crude production inched lower.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for March delivery finished at $32.30 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, a gain of 85 cents from Tuesdays settlement.In London, Brent North Sea crude for March, the European benchmark for crude oil, jumped $1.30 to $33.10 a barrel.In a continuation of volatile trade since last week, WTI and Brent opened in the red but bounced sharply higher after the US Department of Energy said US commercial crude inventories leaped by 8.4 million barrels in the week ending January 22.That was about double the increase expected and, at 494.9 million barrels, crude stockpiles were the highest on record.Prices pared gains in late afternoon trade after WTI struck a high of $32.84 around midday.Partly explaining the markets positive reaction was that inventories came in below the 11.4-million-barrel gain reported by the American Petroleum Institute on Tuesday, said Bob Yawger of Mizuho Securities.The market was eager to pick a bottom, he said.The DoE report also showed a drop in US distillate fuel inventories, which include diesel, by 4.1 million barrels. US crude oil production dipped by 14,000 barrels a day to 9.22 million barrels a day.

Dollar little-changed after Fed statement


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar inched down against the euro and up on the yen Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a March interest rate hike remained viable amid market and economic growth worries.The Federal Reserve policymakers capped a two-day meeting by leaving the benchmark federal funds rate unchanged, as expected, after an historic December rate hike.The policy-setting Federal Open Market Committees brief statement acknowledged the US economy had slowed in late 2015 and weak inflation remained a concern, but predicted it would rise toward the 2.0 percent target in the medium term.The FOMC said it was closely monitoring global economic and financial developments to assess their impact on the US economy. The fresh worry over global risks, such as Chinas slowing economy and tumbling oil prices, gave the Feds statement a dovish tilt, said Joe Manimbo of Western Union Business Solutions.With the Fed having grown a bit more cautious on global developments, it depicts a higher bar to a US rate hike in the months ahead, he said.The statement also signaled gradual further rate increases, underlining the Fed is the only major central bank on a monetary tightening path.Kathy Lien of BK Asset Management said that fed fund futures indicate traders do not see the central bank raising interest rates until the second half of 2016.The euro briefly pushed as high as $1.0917 after the FOMC statement before falling back to just above Tuesdays level.The dollar rose to 118.67 yen, and the euro also gained against the Japanese currency, at 129.25 yen. The Bank of Japan wraps up its first policy meeting of the year amid speculation it will unveil new stimulus.

Tennis: Djokovic, Federer set for blockbuster semi-final


MELBOURNE (AFP) - Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer face off in a blockbuster semi-final on Thursday in their 45th career meeting, while Serena Williams zeroes in on her seventh Australian Open decider.The two giants of the mens game have an intense rivalry which is delicately poised, with each beating the other 22 times.But Djokovic has the clear edge after an astonishing 2015 season in which he fell only one win short of a calendar-year Grand Slam.Any round (against Federer) feels like a final because of the fact that we are big rivals, Djokovic, who is angling for a sixth Australian title, said ahead of the night match on Rod Laver Arena.We have played so many times against each other. Theres a lot of tension. Theres a lot at stake. Im expecting a great fight.Federer is 34 but remains at the top of his game and is desperate to add to his 17 Grand Slam titles, an achievement he still thinks is possible. Its part of the reason why Im still playing. I feel like Im competitive at the top, he said.Williams is of the same vintage as Federer and also continues handing lessons to younger players.She is only two wins away from matching Steffi Grafs Open-era record of 22 Grand Slam titles, with fourth seed Agnieszka Radwanska her next hurdle.She presents a completely different game, an extremely exciting game, Williams said of the Pole, who is on a 13-match win streak.So I think it will be a long match and it will be a good match to see where I am.Whoever wins that duel will face either Germanys seventh seed Angelique Kerber or unseeded British surprise package Johanna Konta in Saturdays decider.Neither of them have made a Grand Slam final before and both are keen to enjoy the occasion.Im going to go out there, really enjoy it and enjoy the battle and hopefully, play a good level and give the crowd a good match, said Konta, the first British woman to reach a Grand Slam semi-final for 33 years.

Tennis: Radwanska facing huge Serena hurdle


MELBOURNE (AFP) - Serena Williams has never lost a semi-final at the Australian Open and has emerged a winner each time she has faced Agnieszka Radwanska, in worrying signs for the Pole ahead of their clash Thursday.The pair face-off on Rod Laver Arena for a place in the final of the years opening Grand Slam, with either Germanys Angelique Kerber or British surprise package Johanna Konta awaiting whoever wins.The imposing American top seed appears invincible after crushing long-time rival Maria Sharapova in the quarter-finals as she steps up her quest to match Steffi Grafs Open-era Grand Slam record of 22 titles.Her three major wins last year, at the Australian and French Opens and Wimbledon, left her only one short on 21. But Williams, a six-time winner at Melbourne Park, is not getting ahead of herself.Nothings guaranteed in sports. I still have to win two matches against potentially two extremely tough opponents, she said.Despite the overwhelming odds in Williams favour, fourth seed Radwanska is upbeat after a 13-match winning streak, including lifting the Shenzhen Open trophy this month.I think its good, especially that I did semi-finals here and I won the tournament (Shenzhen) before, she said of her form. Couldnt be better so far.But the popular 26-year-old, who rarely shows emotion on court, added: Hopefully I can play my best tennis or Ill be in trouble.Williams has played Radwanska played eight times since 2008, with the 34-year-old world number one winning the lot.Another ominous fact facing the Pole is that every time Williams has got past the quarter-finals in Melbourne, she has gone on to win the tournament.It will be a good match, said Williams, the defending champion. Shes been playing really well towards the end of the year, and already this year shes been very consistent. She presents a completely different game, an extremely exciting game. So I think it will be a long match and it will be a good match to see where I am.The two are friends off court and the American said if Radwanska won, she would wish her well.I know Aga really well. Shes a really nice girl. We always get along, she said.Whoever wins, we both deserve to be in the final. If she wins, Ill be very happy for her. Im sure shell feel the same way.The Pole said the experience she gained from making the Wimbledon final in 2012, along with three other major semis, would be crucial.Experience is very important in tennis. Im happy to have that and Ill be ready for the semi, she said.The winner will face Kerber or Konta in Saturdays final -- uncharted territory for both players.Kerber upset two-time champion Victoria Azarenka to make the last four and the renowned fighter will be a handful for Konta, the first British woman in a Grand Slam semi for 33 years.The Germans confidence is high after encouragement from compatriot Steffi Graf to believe in herself as she looks to reach a major final for the first time.Ill be going out there to win the match, to be aggressive, take my first chances I can get, she said.Kerber is yet to play Konta, the British world number 47 who failed to get through qualifying last year but has since risen 100 places in the rankings.Shes an amazing competitor. Shes showed time and time again over the last numerous years, Konta said of Kerber, as she prepares for the biggest match of her career.Im going to go out there, really enjoy it and enjoy the battle and hopefully, play a good level and give the crowd a good match.

Tennis: Russia includes Sharapova in Fed Cup squad against Netherlands


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia on Wednesday included Maria Sharapova in their Fed Cup squad to face the Netherlands next week, despite the world number five sparking a row by saying she was unlikely to play. Russian tennis chief Shamil Tarpishchev warned Sharapova on Tuesday that she risked missing out on the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro if she failed to turn out for the Fed Cup.Sharapova -- who won silver at the London Olympic Games in 2012 -- says she needs to rest and take care of her forearm after losing to Serena Williams in the Australian Open quarter-finals on Tuesday.But the dispute appeared to have been papered over after the International Tennis Federation (ITF) said that Sharapova just needs to be included into the teams line-up but does not have to play to still be eligible for the Olympics. Russias team skipper Anastasia Myskina has also included two-time Grand Slam champion Svetlana Kuznetsova, ranked 20th in the world, doubles specialist Ekaterina Makarova and Daria Kasatkina in her squad to face the Dutch in Moscow on February 6-7.

Football: De Bruyne sends Man City to League Cup final


MANCHESTER (AFP) - Kevin De Bruyne met with controversy, glory and injury as Manchester City defeated Everton 3-1 on Wednesday to set up a League Cup final showdown with Liverpool.Everton extended their 2-1 advantage from the first leg when Ross Barkley scored a fine individual goal in the 18th minute, but Fernandinho quickly equalised before substitute De Bruyne levelled the tie and then set up Sergio Aguero to complete a 4-3 aggregate victory in the 76th minute.Replays, however, suggested that Raheem Sterling had taken the ball beyond the byline before cutting it back for De Bruyne to score and the former Wolfsburg winger finished the match on a stretcher after his knee buckled in a late challenge with Ramiro Funes Mori.To play a final at Wembley is very important. I am very happy, said City manager Manuel Pellegrini.On suggestions De Bruynes goal should not have stood, he added: That is not why we won. We won because we scored three goals and Everton had just one chance.But Everton manager Roberto Martinez said: Everyone that has seen the replay can clearly see the ball is out of play.Its very, very hard to take. If they score three goals in the right way, then you accept it.Citys win deprived Everton of a meeting with Liverpool -- who overcame Stoke City on penalties on Tuesday -- in what would have been the first all-Merseyside major final since the 1988-89 FA Cup and the first League Cup final to feature the Goodison Park club since 1984.Pellegrinis side had to come from 3-1 down on aggregate at the Etihad Stadium after Barkley swelled Evertons advantage with a goal that demonstrated both his own brilliance and Citys defensive porousness.The Everton number 20 evaded the sliding Nicolas Otamendi and foxed Fabian Delph with a stylish feint before steering a low shot into City goalkeeper Willy Caballeros bottom-right corner.Barkleys strike left City needing two goals to stay in the tie, but after Sterling had tested Joel Robles and Yaya Toure had curled over, they halved the aggregate deficit in the 24th minute.Agueros shot was blocked by returning Everton skipper Phil Jagielka, but Fernandinho followed in with a right-foot drive that clipped Leighton Bainess heel and left Robles clutching at thin air.City almost levelled the tie nine minutes before the interval, Aguero thumping a shot against the right-hand upright from outside the box and Sterling seeing his follow-up swatted behind by Robles.Barkley created a chance for Gerard Deulofeu early in the second half, the Spaniard drawing a save from Caballero with a side-foot shot, but with Jesus Navas on in place of Delph, City had a new outlet on the right flank and they began to bang on the door.Aguero miscued, uncharacteristically, from a Navas cross, David Silva headed a Pablo Zabaleta cross against the post and Tom Cleverley had to produce a sliding block to thwart Sterling.Martinez added fresh legs in the form of James McCarthy and Arouna Kone.Pellegrini responded in the 66th minute by replacing Toure with De Bruyne, Citys record 55 million pound ($78.3 million, 71.9 million euros) signing, and four minutes after coming on the 24-year-old levelled the tie.Sterling had moved to the left following Navass entrance and he showed England colleague John Stones a clean pair of heels before pulling the ball back for De Bruyne, who side-footed home.To the fury of Evertonians on social media, replays showed that the ball had just crossed the line before Sterling played it into the box.And the mood of those in royal blue plummeted six minutes later when De Bruyne shaped a cross into the box from the right and Aguero glanced a deft header past Robles to send City to Wembley.However, De Bruynes night was to end prematurely when he had to be carried off on a stretcher, with Pellegrini suggesting that he had damaged the medial ligament.

Football: Barca into Cup semis, Celta Vigo dump Atletico out


MADRID (AFP) - Copa del Rey holders Barcelona had to weather a first-half storm from Athletic Bilbao before progressing to the semi-finals for the seventh consecutive season with a 3-1 win to seal a 5-2 aggregate victory.Atletico Madrid failed to make the last four, though, as they conceded three goals for the first time in a year to lose 3-2 on the night and on aggregate to Celta Vigo.Inaki Williamss early strike for the visitors at the Camp Nou gave Athletic hope of exacting revenge for defeat in last seasons final to Barca.However, the Basques failed to take a series of chances when on top before half-time and Barca responded in the second period thanks to goals from Luis Suarez, Gerard Pique and Neymar.Williams signed a new long-term deal with a 50 million euro buyout clause last week and showed more signs of his burgeoning talent with a cool finish from Aritz Adurizs fine through ball to register his 11th goal of the season.Athletic should have then gone in front on aggregate when Javier Eraso turned Williamss dangerous cross wide before Markel Susaeta also failed to hit the target from Adurizs knockdown.Those misses were to prove crucial as Barca upped their game after the break as the star front three of Lionel Messi, Suarez and Neymar came alive.Messi created the equaliser when he latched onto Sergi Robertos ball over the top and his low cross was slotted home at the back post by Suarez for his 30th goal of the season.Pique killed the tie off nine minutes from time when he rose to power home Dani Alvess cross from the right.And Neymar got his revenge for some rough treatment dished out by the Athletic defence when he skipped past Mikel San Jose before firing into the corner.Barca meet Atletico in a top of the table clash in La Liga on Saturday, but there is no chance of the sides meeting in Fridays semi-final draw as Celta produced an upset at the Vicente Calderon thanks to Pablo Hernandezs brace either side of former Manchester City and Celtic striker John Guidettis sensational strike.Following a 0-0 draw in the first-leg last week, Hernandez handed Celta the vital away goal when he headed home the opener midway through the first-half.Antoine Griezmann gave the 10-time Cup winners hope with an equaliser before half-time.But Guidettis stunning hit into the top corner from 25 yards and another Hernandez header sealed the Galicians a place in the semi-finals before Angel Correas late consolation.Gary Nevilles Valencia look to kick start their stumbling campaign when they face Las Palmas on Thursday after only managing a 1-1 draw in the first-leg at home last week.And Sevilla are heavy favourites to make the last four as they carry a 2-0 lead into their second-leg away to Second Division Mirandes.

Football: Di Maria helps PSG past Toulouse and into League Cup final


PARIS (AFP) - Holders Paris Saint-Germain moved into the French League Cup final after seeing off a stubborn Toulouse 2-0 at the Parc des Princes on Wednesday.The away team were much improved from their 4-0 thrashing at Monaco on Sunday, but after Ezequiel Lavezzi put PSG in front the result never seemed in doubt.Angel di Maria backed up his excellent brace against Angers on Saturday with a wonderful second goal to put paid to Toulouse hopes.The visitors misery was compounded late on when substitute Martin Braithwaite had a penalty saved by Nicolas Douchez.The capital city outfit are now just one win away from extending their record haul of five League Cups and will face Lille in the final on April 23 at the Stade de France.PSG coach Laurent Blanc rang the changes from the side that played at the weekend, with seven alterations to the starting lineup in all.It was a rather drab opening 45 minutes in the capital, with a speculative effort off target from PSG midfielder Benjamin Stambouli the closest either side came to breaking the deadlock.Away manager Dominique Arribage though would have been pleased with the way his men kept their more illustrious opponents at arms length for long periods.PSG though finally ended Toulouses resistance in the 65th minute as Lavezzi sent out a reminder of his talents with a crucial goal.The Argentine was set clear by an excellent deep pass from Adrien Rabiot that took the visiting defence out of the equation, and he finished at the second attempt after goalkeeper Mauro Goicoechea had kept out his initial effort.Just seven minutes later his compatriot di Maria made it two with a pin-point, swerving shot from distance that gave PSG the breathing space they needed to ease into the final.Braithwaite came off the bench and won an 89th minute penalty when he was brought down by Presnel Kimpembe. But the Danish strikers weak spot-kick was well saved by stand-in goalkeeper Douchez. Although David Luiz hobbled off injured in stoppage time, this was a thoroughly satisfactory day for the French champions.

Boxing: 'Free speech' Fury escapes punishment


LONDON (AFP) - World heavyweight champion Tyson Fury on Wednesday escaped punishment for his controversial remarks on women, homosexuality and abortion with British boxing chiefs backing his right to free speech.Fury faced a backlash for the comments he made before and after his victory over Wladimir Klitschko in November to capture the WBA, IBF and WBO heavyweight titles.But the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBoc) said they could not sanction the fighter as he hadnt broken the law.Tyson Fury has made comments in the media that have caused offence to members of our society. However, there is no suggestion that he has broken the law by exercising his right to freedom of expression, said a statement by the governing body.In such circumstances, the stewards of the British Boxing Board of Control have been advised that it cannot interfere with his basic human rights.Having said that, the stewards made it clear to him that as world heavyweight champion, arguably the holder of the most prestigious title in sport, there are heavy responsibilities upon him to avoid making controversial, non-boxing comments.He has assured the stewards that he understands the responsibilities upon him and has expressed regret that he has caused offence to others, which was never his intention.Fury, 27, was widely condemned for his remarks in a December interview and was briefly the subject of a police investigation.Homosexuality, abortion and paedophilia -- them three things need to be accomplished before the world finishes. Thats what the Bible tells me, he said.Fury also stated that a womans place was in the kitchen and on her back.But in a further interview, he denied that he was sexist or homophobic.Im not a homophobe, Im not a sexist, Im not any of those, he said. Im not a bigot, Im not a racist, I am a gypsy. Ive (had people) being racist towards me for the past 27 years.

Tennis: Murray, Raonic thunder into last four


MELBOURNE (AFP) - Andy Murray set up an Australian Open semi-final against the much-improved Milos Raonic on Wednesday when he weathered a fierce attack by David Ferrer on a day of rare success for Britain.A thunderstorm proved an unlikely ally for Murray when it forced the Rod Laver Arena roof to be closed mid-match, helping him accelerate to a 6-3, 6-7 (5/7), 6-2, 6-3 win in the indoor conditions he enjoys.Later Raonic, now working under former world number one Carlos Moya, continued his ascent with a 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 victory over Gael Monfils to reach the Australian semi-finals for the first time.Murray is into sixth Australian Open semi-final and 18th overall in the Grand Slams, as he attempts to go one better after finishing runner-up at four of the last six editions in Melbourne.But this time, the world number three has British company in the final stages after Johanna Konta downed Chinas Zhang Shuai to become the first British woman to reach a Grand Slam semi since 1983.It is the first time that two British singles players -- man or woman -- have featured in the last four at the same Grand Slam event since John Lloyd and Sue Barker at the 1977 Australian Open.Adding further lustre to the British day to remember, Murrays brother Jamie reached the mens doubles semi-finals with his Brazilian partner Bruno Soares.Murray said it was a special time for British tennis, after he also led his country to Davis Cup glory against Belgium in November -- the first time they have won the teams tournament since 1936.Its pretty good for us to have people competing in almost all of the competitions. So, yeah, its been a good Australian Open so far. Hopefully we can keep it going, Murray said.Its unlikely that everyone is going to win the events, but to be in this position is great.Its really, really good for tennis on the back end of last year with the Davis Cup as well. Extremely positive. Just got to try and capitalise on it.Ferrer proved a difficult proposition for Murray, relentlessly slugging it out from the baseline and keeping the Scot working hard in a physically demanding match.Murray appeared to benefit in the change to the slower court conditions when the roof was closed on Rod Laver Arena in the third set, ahead of an approaching thunderstorm.When the roof closed, I was up a break in the third and was feeling good, he said. That first game after the delay was a very important. I saved a couple of break points, but then actually played a good game.So it was nice to get through that game. Then I felt like I started to play better as the match went on.In the evening match, Raonic proved too good for Monfils as he became the first Canadian to reach the semi-finals, in what will be only his second appearance in a Grand Slam last four after Wimbledon 2014.The newly composed and purposeful power-server extended his unbeaten run this year to nine matches, and has not lost at tour level since going down to Rafael Nadal in the third round at Shanghai in October.The 13th seed also beat French Open champion Stan Wawrinka for the first time in the previous round and he said he hoped to make the most of his opportunity against Murray, against whom his head-to-head record is 3-3.Its a great challenge ahead of me. A challenge that I believe I have within myself to find a solution to, said Raonic, 25.

Pak-NZ 2nd ODI: Rain delays toss in Napier


NAPIER (Dunya News) – The toss and start of the second one-day international (ODI) between Pakistan and New Zealand in Napier today (Thursday) has been delayed due to rain.The match is likely to be affected by the drizzle.The umpires have inspected the conditions in Napier at 07:30 PST, where the outfield looks quite wet. There will be another inspection at 08.30am. Joking about the occasion, New Zealand Captain Kane Williamson remarked that the reason behind the rain was it only rained when they scheduled a cricket match. Humoring on the delay, the Kiwis Captain says he lives in Napier and is convinced that the match was the cause of the rain.Pakistan are one down in the three-match ODI series after losing the opening match against hosts by 70 runs at Basin Reserve in Wellington on Monday.A solid 82 by Henry Nicholls followed by a ninth-wicket batting blitz carried New Zealand to a convincing 70-run victory in the opening one-day international.In reply to New Zealand’s 280-8, Pakistan skittled out for 210 with four overs remaining. Nicholls apart, New Zealand’s recognised run-makers struggled against a fired-up Pakistan attack, with the other six batsmen in the top seven contributing just 47 in total.Sarfraz Ahmed (30) and Anwar Ali (16) put on 35 for the seventh wicket but their partnership ended when they tried to lift the scoring.

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