Monday 6 January 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Altaf Hussain says Sindh 2 will become a reality


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain has said whether anyone accepts or not Sindh two has become reality and its practical shape will also appear whether formally or in constitutional way.Talking via telephone from London to members of MQM’s Coordination Committee, Altaf Hussain treason trial case against former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf for imposing emergency or martial law was like putting burden only on one person and an effort to save those who were part of the act.He said that this was a conspiracy against not only one person but against the whole country.He said if the government wants to initiate the case against Musharraf under Article 6, it should be started since 12th October 1999 instead of 3rd November 2007.He said the trial should not be initiated only against Musharraf but also against those who supported him.He said the case against the former president was an effort to divert the attention of the masses from big problems and challenges faced by the country.Altaf Hussain said that rights of the deprived people would have to be delivered to build unity and harmony among different ethnic groups in Pakistan.He said that some people were misquoting the statement of delivering rights and empowering the deprived people.The MQM chief said that there was no local government system in the country and the democratic governments were also abstaining from establishing local government system due to which basic problems of the masses remained unsolved.Altaf Hussain announced that a public gathering representing all linguistic groups would be held to deliver the message of the movement in every big and small town and village of Sindh.It is to mention here that MQM chief Altaf Hussain once again become topic of headlines of electronic and print media on last Friday when he demanded separate province in Sindh for the Urdu speaking population.Addressing a party gathering in Karachi on Sunday via telephone from London, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain proposed the formation of Sindh 1 for the populace considered as Sindhi by PPP and Sindh 2 for rest of the province where people belonging to other ethnicities reside.The MQM chief said he never intended to divide Sindh as Sindh is motherland and motherland cannot be divided. If Sindh government considers us equal citizens then the quota system should be abolished, he demanded.Altaf Hussain lashed out on opponents saying he will ‘expose’ them.Some opponents celebrated and distributed sweets when operation against MQM began in 1992. We have multiplied in number ever since. If we were revengeful, we could have kicked them today, but they are aware that MQM is forgiving and not revengeful so they are not worried he added.Insisting he didn’t talk of the division of Sindh, Altaf Hussain said: “Two days earlier, I said in Hyderabad, if Sindh’s urban population aren’t accepted by PPP as equal citizens and aren’t given rights, then in this condition, they deserve to live with dignity, so it’s better to make a new province for such populace. I never said divide Sindh.Sindh is motherland and on one divides mother. If you cannot see Sindh with unity then let Sindh be Sindh. Make Sindh 1 for those who are considered Sindhi by PPP and Sindh 2 for those whom PPP doesn’t regard as Sindhis.This way Sindh will not break. No one desired to break Sindh. Urban populace of Sindh is ready to become Sindh 2, you be Sindh 1, we both will work for the welfare of Sindh and then the world will decide which part of Sindh progresses more.”Altaf Hussain said the non-Sindhi-speaking populace of Sindh province is being oppressed.He said it has been happening since beginning that those who are not given their rights as per their number honestly, feel frustrated and oppressed; and then they turn to protest which escalates things to the extent of bloodshed after which matters still have to be resolved on table. I say resolve the matter before it comes to that because the blood of both rich and poor is precious.” he added.“The consequences of silencing voices result in physical struggle which results in hurting further. So don’t do the unthinkable, is there any force in the world that can oppress this number of people?” the MQM chief said.Altaf Hussain once again lashed out at the establishment saying no bureaucrat or officer of any stature can forget that without their sacrifices, there would be no Pakistan and therefore no seats and positions that establishment enjoys today. “You labeled us to be traitors, even termed us as RAW agents.” he said.Emphasizing on his proposition, Hussain further said “oh my brothers and sisters of PPP, oh my brothers and sisters of ‘Sindh 1’, announce it formally or not, you have shown it practically that you own ‘Sindh 1’ and non-Sindhi speakers belonging to all ethnicity can live peacefully in ‘Sindh 2’. You enjoy your ‘Sindh 1’ and give us the right to live peacefully in ‘Sindh 2’.Taking on political opponents, he said “and various commentators of political parties say MQM shouldn’t have said it, as it is akin to treason. But if ANP opposes Kalabagh dam threatening to harm the federation of the country, then is it okay?”MQM chief then lashed out on Jamaat Islami quoting “Maulana Siraj ul Haq of Jamaat Islami said fall of Dhaka can repeat itself if federal government doesn’t give rights to KP populace, then it was okay? Why there was no outcry then?”Concluding his address, MQM chief said “my slogan is peace, dialogue and not war. No war but peace and only peace. This is my slogan; peace, peace and peace. And the language of threat is irrelevant in this age.The world has learnt from wars that table talks and resolving conflicts through talk is always better. You accept us we accept you and we both work for the progress of Pakistan and to unitedly beat the enemy. No one can defeat Pakistan if we unite and I pray to God to unite us.”, Altaf Hussain said.

Kerry ends Middle East tour without framework deal


JERUSALEM (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry headed home from the Middle East on Monday, insisting progress had been made despite failing to reach a framework to guide Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.On his 10th visit to the region as the top US diplomat, Kerry devoted four days to intense diplomacy and spent hours locked in separate meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas. He also made a surprise day trip to two key Arab allies, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.With the US remaining tight-lipped about the details, little news has filtered out about Kerrys proposals to bridge the huge gaps between the two sides as they seek to draw up the contours of a long-elusive agreement on two states living side by side.Theres a lot of work that needs to happen, a lot of tough decisions that need to be made, a State Department official told reporters aboard Kerrys plane as it headed back to the United States.At some point there will a document with the ideas from both parties, but were not going to make a prediction of when that will be.According to a report in Israeli daily Maariv, Kerry pressed Netanyahu to agree to a formula which would enable the return of some Palestinian refugees who fled or were expelled from Israel when the Jewish state was created in 1948.Netanyahu refused, Maariv said. According to the newspaper, Israeli negotiators also wish to extend talks beyond their agreed April deadline to January 2015, in return for freezing some settlement construction in the occupied West Bank.Jordan and Saudi Arabia will be key to any deal.Jordans historic role in the guardianship of Muslim sites in Israeli-annexed Arab east Jerusalem is recognised under its 1994 peace treaty with Israel.And Saudi Arabia authored a 2002 peace plan which is the basis of Arab aspirations for any deal.Kerry emerged from talks at the secluded desert residence of Saudi King Abdullah late Sunday to say he had won the support of the influential Arab leader.His Majesty was not just encouraging, but supported our efforts and hopes that we can be successful in the days ahead, Kerry said.Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal agreed it had been an excellent meeting.Kerry, who has made a Middle East peace deal a personal quest since taking office in February, is due to meet this week with top members of the Arab League to brief them on his discussions in Israel and the occupied West Bank.Path is becoming clearerThis trip was clouded by bitter recriminations from both Israeli and Palestinian leaders, accusing each other of not being serious partners in the search for peace.On Sunday, Netanyahu renewed allegations that Palestinians were continuing their campaign of inciting hatred.The Palestinians, meanwhile, reportedly told Kerry they will refuse to recognise Israel as a Jewish state, and remain steadfast in their opposition to Israels desire to keep troops on the border between the West Bank and Jordan.Kerry left Monday without having reached an agreement on a framework to guide the negotiations in the crunch months ahead, but US officials had already warned there would be no breakthrough on this trip.Special envoy Martin Indyk remained in the region, and Kerry said he would return soon.Israeli media said he could be back as early as next week, but a senior State Department official speaking to reporters on his plane declined to comment on the matter, saying it had not yet been decided.We want to give the negotiators time to lay the groundwork for a trip that would be productive, the official said.Kerry pledged any accord will be fair and balanced, but acknowledged on Sunday his efforts might still fail.The path is becoming clearer, the puzzle is becoming more defined, and it is becoming much more apparent to everybody what the remaining tough choices are and what the options are with respect to those choices, he said.But I cannot tell you when particularly the last pieces may decide to fall into place or may fall on the floor and leave the puzzle unfinished.

Electronic mother watches over home


LAS VEGAS (AFP) - Resembling a Russian nesting doll, the pint-sized robotic device wants to be your mother.The electronic device with wireless connectivity can transform any object in the home into a smart one.It can detect unexpected activity at the front door, keep track of watering of plants, and even ensure family members take their medicine or brush their teeth.Designed by the French startup, it is called simply Mother.Its a very simple system that allows you to transform any object in everyday life into a connected device, said company founder Rafi Haladjian at a preview showing ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.The device uses specially designed motion cookies, which the company calls magical sensors that detect movement, temperature, patterns and more. The tiny cookies are attached to the devices the user wants to monitor.Some 16 centimeters (six inches) tall, Mother can be plugged into a home network and monitor up to 24 objects. This is not science fiction, its not gesture-based control, said Haladjian.Its normal everyday things like brushing your teeth or taking medicine. We have a cookie (sensor) inside which makes these more useful without learning new gestures or installing new expects to ship Mother later this year, at a price of $222 with four cookies, and $99 for a set of four additional sensors.

UN sends invitations for Syria peace conference: oficials


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN leader Ban Ki-moon on Monday started sending out invitations to a Syria peace conference on January 22, but Iran was not on the first list, a UN spokesman said.US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet on January 13 in a bid to decide on whether Iran should take part, said UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq.Iran was not among the first invitations, Haq said.US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet on January 13 and we very much hope they will reach agreement on Irans participation, he added.It was not known if UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi would be at the January 13 meeting.Russia has pressed for Irans participation in the bid to end the 34-month-old conflict.Ban has also spoken out in favor of Iranian involvement, but the United States and other western nations have opposed a frontline place for Tehran at the meetings in Switzerland.The January 22 meeting is to help implement a June 2012 Geneva declaration by the major powers, including Russia and the United States, that a transitional government be established in Syria.The United States has said Iran should not take part in the conference because it has refused to back the Geneva declaration.

China crushes six tones of ivory


BEIJING (AFP) - China crushed a pile of ivory reportedly weighing more than six tonnes on Monday, in a landmark event aimed at shedding its image as a global hub for the illegal trade in African elephant tusks.Clouds of dust emerged as masked workers fed tusks into crushing machines in what was described as the first public destruction of ivory in China. The event in the southern city of Dongguan was the countrys latest effort to discourage illegal ivory trade, protect wildlife and raise public awareness, the official news agency Xinhua said.Surging demand for ivory in Asia is behind an ever-mounting death toll of African elephants, conservationists say, as authorities have failed to rein in international smuggling networks.Experts believe that most illegal ivory is headed to China -- where products made from the material have long been seen as status symbols -- with some estimating the country accounts for as much as 70 percent of global demand.Chinese forestry and customs officials oversaw the destruction, which was shown live by state broadcaster CCTV. It reported that the ivory weighed 6.1 tonnes and had been seized over a period of years.The UN congratulated China on the milestone event.As well as create critical public awareness, such actions send a clear message that wildlife crime will not be tolerated, UN Environment Programme director Achim Steiner said in a statement.He said an estimated 47,000 elephants were killed in Africa in 2011 and 2012.Yet, there is reason for optimism. International cooperation is paving the way towards improved law enforcement and increased efforts to reduce demand. These efforts need to be stepped up and strengthened to produce the desired results, Steiner said.London-based conservation group Save The Elephants also welcomed Chinas action.With measures like this we can still save elephants from being driven towards extinction, said founder Iain Douglas-Hamilton.Some of the crushed ivory powder would be disposed of and some displayed in a museum exhibit, while the rest would be preserved, state-run China National Radio reported.The powder can be used as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.China was in March named by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) as one of eight nations failing to do enough to tackle the illegal trade in elephant ivory.CITES banned international ivory trading in 1989, but with poaching continuing the environmental group WWF estimates there could be as few as 470,000 African elephants left.Other countries have carried out similar exercises, with the US crushing six tonnes of ivory in November. The Philippines destroyed five tonnes of tusks in June, and Kenya set fire to a pile weighing the same amount in 2011.

Muslim Brotherhood lawyers submit claim to ICC


LONDON (AFP) - Lawyers for the Muslim Brotherhood have submitted a complaint to the ICC asking it to investigate the militarys alleged crimes against humanity in Egypt, they said in London on Monday.Lawyers acting for the Brotherhoods Freedom and Justice Party said they hoped to meet with the International Criminal Court prosecutor in the coming months to discuss opening a preliminary investigation.The lawyers told a press conference they had submitted a declaration on behalf of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi accepting the ICCs jurisdiction in Egypt even though it is not a signatory, and he is no longer in power.They have also submitted a complaint detailing alleged evidence of crimes since Morsi and his Brotherhood were ousted by the military on July 3 last year.The message must be sent out clearly to the Egyptian military regime that it runs the risk of prosecution. This is what the declaration accepting the jurisdiction aims to achieve, said lawyer John Dugard.More than 1,000 people have been killed in street clashes and thousands imprisoned in a police crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood since Morsi was ousted.The military-installed government last month declared the movement a terrorist organisation.The London legal team is led by Tayab Ali of human rights law firm ITN Solicitors. He said their funding came from alleged Egyptian victims of the military.Egypt is not party to the ICC and Morsi is not in office so it is unclear how far the complaint can go. However, the legal team takes the view that Morsis administration remains the lawful, democratically-elected government of Egypt.They have submitted a declaration, in Morsis name, accepting ICC jurisdiction over Egypt in respect of crimes against humanity committed since the coup.The court in The Hague says that non-signatory states can accept its jurisdiction with respect to crimes committed in its territory or by one of its nationals, and request an investigation by the ICC prosecutor.The prosecutor can also bring forward cases based on an assessment of the evidence.We hope and have good reason to believe the court will take this declaration seriously, said Dugard, a former United Nations human rights special rapporteur.The only question is who may make a declaration accepting the jurisdiction of the ICC.The main purpose of this exercise is to ensure that those who have committed international crimes will not go unpunished.Hopefully this will deter them from future misdoings.The second part, the complaint, submitted to the ICC on December 20, includes alleged evidence of murder, unlawful imprisonment, torture, persecution against an identifiable group and enforced disappearance of persons.It also includes claims of bulldozers running demonstrators over and targeted shootings.On August 14, at least 627 people were killed when security forces stormed Cairos Rabaa al-Adawiya Square to disperse a sit-in by Morsis backers. It was the deadliest mass killing in Egypts modern history.The complaint names individual suspects in the Egyptian military, but the lawyers did not wish to divulge them publicly.The ICC says national judicial systems retain their responsibility for trying perpetrators of crimes, but the lawyers claimed there was no sign of this happening in Cairo.Whatever happens in the future of Egypt, these crimes cannot be swept under the carpet. Theyre going to have to be investigated, and the ICC is in a position to do that right now, said lawyer Rodney Dixon.

Oil prices up as Libya boosts production


LONDON (AFP) - Oil prices extended last weeks sharp losses Monday on flat demand for crude and amid higher Libyan production, analysts said.New Yorks main contract, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for delivery in February, dropped 42 cents to $93.54 a barrel after rising earlier in the day.Brent North Sea crude for February eased two cents to $106.87 a barrel in late London deals.WTI had fallen by $1.48 on Friday, ending the week down more than $6.Everyone is talking about how this year is going to be better but if you look at the data from the bigger countries like (the) US and China, they are all trickling down slightly, said Kelly Teoh, market strategist at IG Markets.You have all these countries that want to increase production but the demand is stabilising or flat at best, she told AFP.In Libya, oil output is increasing after its government last week convinced residents in the town of Ubari to end their five-month blockade of Al-Sharara oilfield to obtain a more even distribution of oil revenues.The oilfields output reached 207,000 barrels per day (bpd) on Monday, compared with 60,000 when production resumed on Saturday, an NOC spokesman told AFP.

Football: Dutch midfielder Maduro joins PAOK


THESSALONIKI (AFP) - Dutch international midfielder Hedwiges Maduro has signed a two-and-a-half year deal to join PAOK from Spaniards Sevilla, the Greek Super League club announced Monday.The 28-year-old, who moves for an undisclosed fee, has played 22 times for the Netherlands, mostly as a defensive midfielder.Having started his career at Ajax, where he won two Dutch Cups, he moved on to Valencia in 2008, winning the Spanish Cup that same year, and then transferred to Sevilla four years later.He made his international debut in a World Cup qualifier against Romania in 2005 and he was part of the Dutch World Cup squad the next year, although he saw only four minutes of action at the finals in Germany.

African asylum seekers in Israel stage more protests


TEL AVIV (AFP) - Thousands of African asylum seekers demonstrated outside Western embassies in Tel Aviv on Monday in a second day of mass protests against Israels immigration policies.The migrants, primarily from Eritrea and Sudan, marched from downtown Tel Aviv to the embassies, calling for help in the face of Israels refusal to grant them refugee status and its detention without trial of hundreds of asylum seekers.A police spokesman said the march by some 10,000 migrants was coordinated and was peaceful.Under legislation passed on December 10, authorities can detain illegal immigrants entering Israel for up to a year without trial.A sprawling detention facility has been opened in the Negev desert to house both them and immigrants already in the country deemed to have disturbed public order.The demonstrators marched past the Israeli office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, chanting Wake up UN.The UNHCR has not been responsible for determining the refugee status of asylum seekers in Israel since 2009, when that authority was transferred to the interior ministry.UNHCR official Sharon Harel said Israel did not approved a single request for refugee status last year, although an interior ministry spokeswoman told AFP it had granted 10.Harel said the asylum seekers already in Israel -- 14,000 from Eritrea and 36,000 from Sudan -- received collective protection on arrival and were not returned to their countries of origin.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the protests, insisting that all illegal immigrants would be deported. Demonstrations and strikes wont do any good, he told members of his Likud party in comments broadcast by army radio.Just as weve succeeded in blocking off illegal infiltrations thanks to the security fence, were determined to send back those who made it in before the border was closed, Netanyahu added.Along with arrests and deportations, Israel has also built a high-tech fence along the border with Egypts barren Sinai, the main point of clandestine entry.These are not refugees... they are illegal immigrants whove come looking for work, Netanyahu said.Last year we turned back 2,600 of them, six times the number as in 2012. And this year were aiming to make even more leave.But the UNHCR condemned Israel for not affording those with protection needs with access to refugee status determination, defining them as infiltrators without taking into account the reasons why they had to flee from their country of origin.The interior ministry rejected the UN criticism, insisting all the requests for asylum are examined by the population and immigration authority.Any foreign national who has requested political asylum in Israel is protected from expulsion until the examination of their request has been completed, it said.The right-leaning government has made removal of African migrants who slipped into Egypt before the completion of a high-tech border barrier last year a priority.Tens of thousands of African migrants held a mass rally in central Tel Aviv on Sunday to mark the launch of a three-day nationwide strike.Israel says that there are nearly 60,000 illegal immigrants from Africa in the country and that they pose a threat to the states Jewish character.Many migrants live in poor southern neighbourhoods of Tel Aviv where race riots erupted in 2012.

Swiss business urges voters to reject migration quotas


GENEVA (AFP) - Switzerlands business, farm and hospital lobbies Monday urged voters to reject a law drafted by right-wing populists that would reimpose immigration quotas for European Union citizens.Passing the Stop Mass Immigration proposal in a referendum on February 9 would be a big mistake, hitting a swathe of sectors that rely on foreign labour, a 12-organisation coalition warned.We owe our success to a flourishing, high-performance labour market, said Valentin Vogt, head of Swiss employers federation UPS.A recent poll showed that 36 percent of voters oppose the measure, down from 52 percent in October.The organisations also included the Economiesuisse business umbrella body, and those representing independent artisans, farmers, watchmakers, plus the hotel, insurance, machine and textile sectors, hospitals and the science and IT industries.The proposal is the brainchild of the Swiss Peoples Party, the largest in parliament.It claims Switzerland has lost control of its immigration rules, with allegedly disastrous results for the economy and society such as undercutting local workers, driving up rents and land prices, and overburdening the health and education systems.The Swiss Peoples Party hit back Monday, saying the lobby groups were purely self-interested.They refuse to discuss the social and economic problems caused by the annual arrival of 80,000 new residents, it said.Switzerland must be able to decide for itself who can move here and when they should leave, it added, underlining that it did not oppose immigration as such.Switzerlands cross-party government and parliament have rejected the plan, arguing that foreign workers have long been crucial to the economy of one of the worlds wealthiest nations.Under Switzerlands system of direct democracy, the people have the final say in plebiscites on a host of issues.Almost two million of the eight million people currently living in Switzerland are non-Swiss -- 3.3 percent more than in 2012, according to official data.The highest numbers of recent immigrants come from EU nations such as Portugal, Germany, Italy and France.Switzerland is not an EU member but has tight economic ties with the 28-nation bloc.It axed immigration quotas for EU citizens in 2007, giving them equal footing on the job market as part of a raft of accords with Brussels.The proposal calls for the quotas to be reimposed, raising the spectre of a clash with Brussels because it sets a three-year deadline for the rules to be renegotiated.

Nissan unveils London black taxi model


LONDON (AFP) - Japanese carmaker Nissan on Monday unveiled its version of Londons iconic black taxi, a market dominated by Chinese firm Geely.The petrol-engine taxi will be launched in December, Nissan said in a statement.The company enters the market as the original maker of Londons famous black cabs finds a new life. Chinese auto manufacturer Zhejiang Geely Holding Group last year rescued from bankruptcy what is now known as London Taxi Co.The NV200 cab for London is part of Nissans global taxi programme, which also encompasses New York, Barcelona and Tokyo. The London versions design is bespoke, reflecting the rich heritage and status of Londons black cabs, the company said.The vehicle will be produced at Nissans existing plant in Barcelona and modifications added in Britain, home to the companys huge Sunderland plant.There will be some additional jobs, but we dont have details yet and we have yet to decide on where the work will be done, said Andy Palmer, chief planning officer for Nissan.Beyond Geely, Nissans entry into the market also faces competition from Daimlers Mercedes-Benz.

Iran should urges Syria to halt bombing before talks: US


BRUSSELS (AFP) - Iran could show it wants to play a constructive role in upcoming Syrian peace talks by urging the Damascus regime to halt bombardments of civilians and allow aid access, US officials said Monday.There are also steps that Iran could take to show the international community that they are serious about being a positive player, a senior State Department official told reporters travelling with Secretary of State John Kerry.Those include calling for an end to the bombardment by the Syrian regime of their own people, it includes calling for encouraging humanitarian access.Washington has long opposed calls by Russia and others to allow Tehran to participate in the talks due to be held in Switzerland on January 22.It accuses the Islamic republic, the main ally of Damascus, of providing weapons, manpower and cash, as well as arming Hezbollah militants fighting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against the armed opposition.More than 130,000 people have been killed in three years of brutal fighting, with the opposition still splintered and increasingly taken over by hardline Islamic groups.The aim of the talks is to bring together for the first time since the civil war erupted in March 2011 both the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the opposition to work towards a transitional government and halt the violence.

German Chancellor Merkel forced to cancel meetings after ski accident


BERLIN (AFP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel was injured in a fall while cross-country skiing in Switzerland, forcing her to stay off her feet and cancel meetings, her spokesman said Monday, just as her new government got down to business.Taking reporters by surprise, Steffen Seibert said that Merkel, 59, had fractured her pelvis, requiring her to postpone two meetings with European leaders this week and also to cut back her schedule for the next three weeks.However she would continue to work, mainly from home, after doctors advised that she remain lying down as much as possible, he said.News of Merkels fall comes as her compatriot, Formula One legend Michael Schumacher, remained in a coma in a stable but critical condition after a serious downhill skiing accident in the French Alps on December 29.The chancellor injury makes it necessary for her to lie down a lot for three weeks and/or use a walking aid, Seibert said.She, therefore during this time, will concentrate on a few appointments at the chancellery and in Berlin and otherwise do her work at home, he said, stressing that this did not mean she would be out of touch.It goes without saying that as chancellor, she is at work and both capable of acting as well as communicating fully, Seibert said.Merkel will maintain a couple of appointments this week, including leading Wednesdays cabinet meeting, the first of 2014 for her new grand coalition government, expected to discuss, among other things, how to handle immigration from poor EU members Romania and Bulgaria.But she has had to cancel a planned trip to Warsaw on Wednesday as well as receiving Luxembourgs new prime minister Thursday, Seibert said, adding that new dates would be found for the talks.Merkel planned to speak Monday by phone with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel to personally once again convey to them by phone the reasons for the cancellation, he said.Merkel will not be returning to Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum in the plush ski resort of Davos later this month, but that was not due to her accident. The decision to forgo this years annual meeting had been taken beforehand, Seibert said.Low speedThe chancellor, who often goes cross-country skiing during her winter vacation, suffered the accident over the Christmas period while in the southeastern Swiss region of Engadin, which boasts top ski resorts such as St Moritz.After she fell, the injury was initially thought to be just painful bruising. But after her return to Berlin, doctors on Friday diagnosed a fracture in the pelvic area, Seibert said.She is now following the doctors advice in order to enable optimal healing, he said.Seibert did not give details about the incident, saying only that Merkel had fallen while cross-country skiing during her holiday, which ended December 30, and adding that he could not say whether others were involved.However he said it was assumed Merkel was moving at a low speed. The injury was kept quiet for over a week until Seiberts announcement at a regular government news conference.Merkel was sworn in for a third term at the helm of Europes top economy on December 17 following her conservatives resounding victory in September elections.But she was forced to seek a grand coalition with the Social Democrats after her previous junior partners, the Free Democrats, historically failed to win parliamentary seats.She had had a relatively low profile, especially on the international stage, during the coalition wrangling, the longest government-building period since World War II, but political business resumed in earnest Monday after the end-of-year holidays.However the Spiegel news weekly saw her injury as likely holding things up again for a while, with a top leadership huddle of her Christian Democrats late this week now postponed.The chancellors ski accident is slowing down the start of the grand coalition, Spiegel Online commented.The coalition faces thorny and pressing issues such as fears raised by Merkels CSU Bavarian sister party of possible benefits abuse by Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants, as well as Germanys ambitious exit from nuclear power.Merkel underwent a knee operation in 2011 which left her on crutches for several days.

Ruckus in Senate over Altaf Hussains statement


ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – Ruckus was seen in the Senate on Monday when senators of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Awami National Party (ANP) criticized MQM for Altaf Hussain’s remarks on split of Sindh.Criticising Altaf Hussain, Senator Ahmed Karim Khawaja of Pakistan PPP lashed out at the MQM chief, saying that Pakistan came into being through a resolution adopted by the Sindh Assembly.“One man while sitting in London is calling for the partition of Sindh. The British High Commissioner should take notice of Hussain’s statements,” he demanded.Speaking on this ocassion, senior ANP leader Haji Adeel also criticized Hussain for his remarks. “You were given land. You were also settled, how long will you keep making such demands?” he said.The remarks angered MQM’s senators, who staged a walkout from the upper house.Senate Chairman said that MQM should table an adjournment motion to initiate a debate on this issue. On this, MQM’s members walked out of the session.

Brazilian forward Kaka surpasses century as Milan rout Atalanta


MILAN (AFP) - Brazilian forward Kaka boosted his World Cup hopes by scoring his 100th and 101st goals for AC Milan in a welcome 3-0 win over Atalanta at the San Siro on Monday.Kaka is one of several Europe-based stars hoping to nail a place in Luiz Felipe Scolaris squad and did his chances a world of good with two well-taken goals that helped move struggling Milan up three places to 10th.Mario Balotelli started on the bench with Alessandro Matri spearheading the attack in Massimiliano Allegris preferred 4-3-2-1 formation, which also featured midfielder Bryan Cristante.Cristante, making only his second senior appearance, marked the occasion by scoring Milans third in the 67th minute to virtually secure what was only Milans second win in their past 10 games and fifth of the campaign.Before then, Kaka led the charge, scoring his 100th goal for Milan after collecting a pass deep on the left of the area to turn and beat Andrea Consigli with an angled strike at the keepers far post.Matri made way for Balotelli just before the hour mark and the Italy striker played a role in Kakas second, holding off defender Giulio Migliaccio deep on the right to cross for Robinho.When the ball bobbled in front of the unmarked Brazilian, Kaka promptly took possession to smash the ball past Consigli from close range.Milan had barely finished celebrating when Cristante added their third, smashing a crisp daisycutter just inside Consiglis far post from the edge of the area.Kaka was not alone in netting twice, Luca Toni hitting a first-half brace in a 3-1 win for Verona away to Udinese which allowed the visitors to leapfrog Inter into fourth ahead of the Nerazzurris trip later Monday to Lazio.Toni opened the scoring after just eight minutes when home goalkeeper Zeljko Brkic was unable to hold the towering strikers strike from the edge of the area.However there was a hint of offside when Toni ran on to a through ball six minutes before the interval and swept it past the onrushing Brkic as both clashed to the right of goal.Roberto Pereyra reduced arrears for the hosts when he controlled well amid a crowded box to send a volley past Verona keeper Rafael three minutes later.But Verona restored their two-goal cushion in fine style, Juan Iturbe dragging two defenders with him before sending both, and Brkic, the wrong way with an angled shot from the edge of the area in the 70th minute.Elsewhere, Gonzalo Bergessio and Francesco Lodi struck one apiece, the latter from the penalty spot, to hand basement side Catania a 2-0 home win over Bologna for only their third win in 18 games.Alberto Gilardino struck from the spot and Andrea Bertolacci added Genoas second in a 2-0 home win over struggling new boys Sassuolo, who remain third from bottom.Ciro Immobile opened the scoring for Torino in the 21st minute at Parma, but from then on it was all downhill for the visitors as Marco Marchionni, Alessandro Lucarelli and Amauri all netted to secure a precious 3-1 home win.Earlier, a brace from Belgian international Dries Mertens secured a 2-0 win for Napoli over Sampdoria which pushed Napoli to within two points of second-placed Roma.Napolis 12th win left them in third with a 10-point deficit to leaders Juventus, who went eight points clear of Roma with a 3-0 rout of the Giallorossi on Sunday.

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