Thursday 5 June 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Altaf asks workers to pray for his health


LONDON (Dunya News) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain contacted his party workers on phone at the MQM London Secretariat on Thursday and informed them about his health.Altaf Hussain, who is under treatment at a London hospital after his arrest on money laundering charges, has asked his party workers and well wishers to pray for him.Altaf Hussain asked MQM workers to continue their peaceful struggle and maintain unity among their ranks.Meanwhile, Altaf Hussian’s daughter, Afza Altaf also reached hospital to inquire about his health.

ECP to introduce Electronic Voting System in next elections


ISLAMABAD (Online): Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has announced to introduce Electronic Voting System in the next general elections.During a media briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, Secretary Election Commission Ishtiak Ahmed Khan said Electronic Voting Machine would be introduced in the country in two years time.While issuing the second five-year strategic plan of the Election Commission, he said the ECP has decided to establish a unit to verify the assets of the parliamentarians.He said the current rules of the Election Commission are foolproof and that there is no chance of rigging if these rules are fully followed.He said the general elections of 2013 were the fairest elections in the history of the country.He added that all the countries of the world accepted the general elections 2013.

Obama makes 'no apologies' for Taliban hostage deal


BRUSSELS (AFP) - President Barack Obama vehemently refused to apologise Thursday for doing a prisoner trade with the Taliban to free a US soldier, despite a fierce political storm over the deal in Washington. Critics, both Republican and Democratic, have asked whether the transfer of five Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for the release of US Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was even legal, and question both the price paid and the principle of a swap. But Obama, asked about the row raging in Washington at the G7 summit in Brussels was unapologetic, repeating that he had a duty as commander-in-chief to get Bergdahl home. We have a basic principle, we do not leave anybody wearing the American uniform behind, Obama said, adding that he had acted last week because the health of Bergdahl, held captive for nearly five years was deteriorating. We saw an opportunity and we seized it and I make no apologies for that. Obama referred to the huge controversy on Capitol Hill which has drawn Bergdahl and his family into the political crossfire.I'm never surprised by the controversies that are whipped up in Washington, Obama said.That's par for the course. The president also defended his decision to announce Bergdahl's release in a televised appearance in the White House Rose Garden with the soldier's parents at his side. This is not a political football -- you had a couple of parents whose kid volunteered to fight in a distant land, who they hadn't seen in five years, Obama said. I make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man to his parents and that the American people understand this is somebody's child.Some of the president's critics have warned that Obama, already burdened by a series of crises, has sunk deeper into political quicksand by negotiating with terrorists, keeping Congress in the dark or manufacturing a military success story in order to mask other scandals.Democratic Party, Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein, has even accused Obama of breaking US law by failing to provide lawmakers 30 days' notice before transferring prisoners out of Guantanamo. The White House has offered several explanations for acting without congressional notification to recover Bergdahl. At first, it argued his health and safety were in immediate jeopardy.Later, it said a delay would interfere with the president's constitutional function of protecting Americans. On Thursday, a senior US official embroidered the tale even further, saying that a video showing Bergdahl appearing in poor health in January added extra urgency to the bid to free him.The official said it was not possible to divulge contents of a classified briefing for senators, but did say they were told that Bergdahl's recovery and his life would be in danger if the detainee exchange proceedings were disclosed or derailed.A Senate aide told AFP meanwhile that the government had obtained credible information that, if anything about the swap became public, Bergdahl would be killed.Complicating the defense of the swap are the questionable circumstances of Bergdahl's capture, with some soldiers accusing the 28-year-old of desertion and the US military announcing it will investigate whether he should be disciplined.It doesn't look good, Senator Joe Manchin winced on Wednesday ahead of a classified briefing for all 100 senators in which officials provided details on the exchange.

Cameron tells Putin to end Ukraine meddling


PARIS (AFP) - British Prime Minister David Cameron told Vladimir Putin to end Moscow's military meddling in Ukraine as he became the first western leader to meet the Russian president since Moscow's annexation of Crimea.Putin, who has been cold-shouldered by the United States and its allies since the March seizure of the peninsula, met Cameron in Paris on Thursday ahead of talks later with French President Francois Hollande.The Russian leader's return to the international centre stage, ahead of Friday's D-Day anniversary ceremony in Normandy, came on a day when Ukraine's government admitted it had lost control of part of its eastern border to pro-Russian separatists that the West suspects are being actively backed by Moscow.Cameron arrived for his meeting with Putin directly from a Brussels meeting of G7 leaders which issued a warning that Russia faced further sanctions if it does not stop what they see as efforts to destabilise its southern neighbour.This was a meeting with a very clear and firm set of messages, which is that there is an opportunity for a successful, peaceful and stable Ukraine especially now there's been a presidential election, Cameron told the BBC.But the status quo, the situation today, is not acceptable and it needs to change.Russia needs to properly recognise and work with this new president. We need de-escalation. We need to stop arms and people crossing the border. We need action on these fronts but if that happens there is a diplomatic path that is open to have proper relations between Ukraine and Russia and a successful future for the people of Ukraine, which is what they deserve.Putin will also meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday before the D-Day ceremony. No formal meeting is scheduled with Barack Obama but the US president signalled in Brussels that he was likely to have some kind of exchange with his Russian counterpart. I have no doubt that I'll see Mr Putin, Obama said. Should we have the opportunity to talk, I'll deliver the same message as I have throughout this crisis.If Russia's provocations continue, it's clear from our discussions here the G7 nations are ready to impose additional costs.The G7 leaders said they were united behind a common position on the crisis but there have been clear differences of emphasis all week over the balance between pursuing dialogue with Putin and signalling to him, and the Russian people, that they are isolated.There is concern among some western officials that Putin's trip to France could be seen by his domestic audience as him returning to the international top table.Obama, who had a rushed dinner with Hollande in a Paris restaurant before the French leader's late-night 'supper' with Putin, called on Russia to take concrete steps to demonstrate it was willing to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.The US leader said Russia had to recognise Ukraine's president-elect Petro Poroshenko, withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border and stop backing pro-Moscow rebels who are destabilising eastern Ukraine.We will have a chance to see what Mr Putin does over the next two, three, four weeks. If he remains on the current course we've already indicated the actions we are prepared to take.The diplomatic shuttling in France came as the Ukrainian authorities admitted they had been forced to abandon three checkpoints on the border with Russia after nightly assaults by pro-Russian separatists.AFP reporters in the area said at least one had been taken over by the rebels.In a signal the situation in the country's east may be about to deteriorate sharply, the government vowed to beef up its security presence to counter the rebels amid reports of continued fighting.Putin signalled earlier this week that he could meet Poroshenko, the chocolate tycoon who is due to be inaugurated as president on Saturday, who will also be in Normandy, and insisted he was ready for talks with Obama.I don't plan to avoid anyone, Putin said in an interview in which he rejected claims of military intervention in Ukraine and accused the United States of aggressively pursuing the isolation of Russia.Obama this week condemned Russia's dark tactics in Ukraine in a hawkish speech in Poland reminiscent of the Cold War era.

UN chief urges Israel to freeze settlement activity


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on Israel Thursday to freeze settlement activity and abide by international law after authorities unveiled plans to build 3,200 new settler homes.Ban is deeply concerned by reports that Israel issued the tenders for construction, his spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.As the United Nations has reiterated on many occasions, the building of settlements on occupied territory is illegal under international law, he said in a statement.He reiterated a call from Ban on both parties to avoid taking unilateral actions on the ground that would further diminish the chances of reaching a negotiated final peace agreement.The secretary general calls on Israel to heed the calls of the international community to freeze settlement activity and abide by its commitments under international law and the roadmap, he said.Israel unveiled the plans in retaliation for the formation of a Palestinian unity government backed by Hamas and the international community, drawing a furious reaction from the Palestinians, who pledged to seek an anti-settlement resolution at the UN Security Council for the first time in more than three years.

45 killed by 'preachers' in Boko Haram Nigeria stronghold


MAIDUGURI (AFP) - Forty-five people were killed by suspected Boko Haram gunmen pretending to be preachers in a village near the group's spiritual home in northeast Nigeria, two residents said on Thursday.The attack happened at about 9:30 pm (2030 GMT) on Wednesday in Barderi, on the outskirts of Maiduguri, and saw insurgents hoodwink locals into congregating before opening fire on the crowd.Itinerant preaching is commonplace in mainly Muslim northern Nigeria and the fake clerics reportedly told villagers that they had come to show them the righteous path.Mallam Bunu, who survived the attack, said: I counted 45 bodies after the attackers left the village.They came to our village... and lied to us that they had come to preach to us and when almost all the villagers had gathered, another set of insurgents emerged from nowhere and opened fire on the congregation before we all scampered for safety.Another survivor, Kallamu Bukar, said: When we converged, another set of insurgents emerged from nowhere and joined those that were disguised as preachers. They opened fire on the congregation. The assailants also set ablaze several houses, shops and other personal effects.The attacks came after Boko Haram gunmen rampaged through four villages in the far-flung Gwoza district in Borno state on Tuesday.A local member of parliament described the attacks, which carried on into Wednesday, as massive while local community leaders said hundreds of people may have been killed. Gunmen also burned down a Roman Catholic church and a local government office in Madagali in neighbouring Adamawa state on Thursday morning.Borno, Adamawa and Yobe state have been under a state of emergency since May last year but apparent initial gains in forcing Boko Haram out of urban centres appear to have been lost.Attacks now occur on an almost daily basis in remoter border regions, increasingly against civilians, often due to the perception that local vigilante groups are assisting the military.

Tennis: Sharapova to take on Halep in French Open final


PARIS (AFP) - Russian superstar Maria Sharapova will take on Romanian upstart Simona Halep in the French Open final on Saturday following wins for both players in Thursday's semi-finals.Sharapova, the 27-year-old seventh seed and winner in Paris in 2012, again showed her never-say-die spirit in downing fast-rising Canadian Eugenie Bouchard 4-6, 7-5, 6-2.Halep, a 22-year-old from the Black Sea port city of Constanta who has broken into the top bracket of the women's game in the last 18 months, was too strong for Germany's Andrea Petkovic, winning 6-2, 7-6 (7/4).Sharapova, the biggest-earning sportswoman in the world, will be gunning for a fifth Grand Slam title, having completed her career Grand Slam sweep in Paris two years ago.Halep, who once underwent breast reduction surgery to improve her game, will become the first Romanian since her manager Virginia Ruzici 34 years ago to contest a Grand Slam final.The Roland Garros finalists have played each other three times with Sharapova winning all three. The Russian once again did it the hard way against Bouchard, a 20-year-old star-in-the making from Montreal, battling back from a set down in a match full of beefy baseline shot-making.It was the 19th time in a row that the steely Sharapova had won a three-set match on clay, dating back to a loss against Justine Henin at Roland Garros in 2010.For the fast-rising Bouchard, it represented the second time she has reached a Grand Slam semi-final, after this year's Australian Open, and the second time she has failed to go a step further, having lost to eventual champion Li Na in Melbourne.She played an unbelievable match. Her level was extremely high today and I am just fortunate to be the winner, Sharapova said.I would prefer to win in two sets, but she started so well. It was tough losing the first set, but that's not when the match is over. I fought and I scrambled and I found a way to win.Bouchard said that she had had her chances of reaching her first Grand Slam final but had been unable to take them.It was a diffcult match for me today and I was really close to winning it, but it was not enough, she said.I didn't play at the right level at the important moments. It was so close and I feel I am very close to winning a major tournament and being the player I want to be.Halep a former world junior number one had never previously got beyond the second round in Paris, but the woman voted the most improved player of 2013, has raced through the tournament without losing a set.On Thursday, she was 4-1 ahead in just 14 minutes courtesy of two breaks of German 28th seed Petkovic who was also playing in her first major semi-final.Halep, at fourth the highest-ranking seed left in the tournament since the third round, fired three aces in the opener and allowed her 26-year-old opponent just seven points off her serve.Petkovic briefly rallied with a break to lead 3-1 in the second set but then handed the advantage straight back to the speedy Halep.The German was finally undone in the tiebreak when Halep wrapped up the semi-final with a sweeping, running forehand.It's very emotional to win and reach my first Grand Slam final, said Halep.Andrea's a great player but I think I was a little bit stronger. I tried my best and did everything I could to win the match.

Football: FIFA 'confident' about World Cup - Blatter


SAO PAULO (AFP) - FIFA President Sepp Blatter threw his support behind Brazil's troubled World Cup preparations on Thursday, insisting he was confident the tournament would be a success.We at FIFA, we are confident, it will be a celebration, Blatter told reporters in Sao Paulo, the city which will host the opening match of the finals on June 12.Blatter's comments came as Sao Paulo was plunged into transport chaos after a strike by subway workers on Thursday.It was the latest in a series of strikes and protests which have plagued Brazil in the build-up to the World Cup.FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke also vowed to stage a successful tournament.We have everything ready for June 12, we have the best base camps for the teams, Valcke said. There are no risks for the opening weeks of the competition which are the most challenging because there are the most teams, he added. We are in control, we have nothing to fear in the coming days.Blatter meanwhile said he believed the febrile atmosphere of social unrest which has gripped Brazil in the build-up would subside once the competition got under way.I'm an optimist, Blatter said. After the tournament kicks off I think there will be a better mood.

Golf: Lundberg, Gee share early lead in Austria


ATZENBRUGG (AFP) - Swede Mikael Lundberg and Englishman Adam Gee earned a share of the first-round lead at the Austrian Open after both players carded five-under par rounds of 67 on Thursday.Lundberg, whose two previous European Tour wins came at the Russian Open in 2005 and 2008, recorded six birdies against a single bogey at Diamond Country Club to leave himself well positioned in his quest for a first European Tour title in six years.I played pretty solid all day and made a few putts, so it all added up to a pretty good day, said Lundberg. Gee, the world number 693, also dropped just one stroke in an opening round that featured four birdies as well as an eagle on his approach shot at the 13th.Lundberg and Gee hold a one-shot lead over a chasing pack of four players with Frenchman Thomas Levet one of several golfers another stroke further back.

Athletics: Gatlin, Barshim triumph in Rome


ROME (AFP) - American Justin Gatlin outclassed the men's 100-metre field at the Rome Diamond League on Thursday as Qatar's Mutaz Essa Barshim continued to soar by beating Ukrainian world champion Bohdan Bondarenko in the men's high jump.Gatlin, who served a four-year drugs ban from 2006 to 2010, clocked a winning time of 9.91secs to finish comfortably ahead of Jamaica's Nesta Carter, while Britain's Adam Gemili was third.It was a repeat of last year's success for Gatlin, who in 2013 edged Usain Bolt on the line to beat the Jamaican for the first time.Barshim, meanwhile, had the sparse crowd at the Olympic Stadium on their feet with a string of strong performances before triumphing with a new personal best of 2.41m.In doing so the 22-year-old -- who took bronze at the London Olympics in 2012 and won silver at last year's world championships in Moscow -- matched the year's best height set by Olympic champion Ivan Ukhov of Russia in Doha.Ukhov was fifth in Rome, with Bondarenko in second place with a jump of 2.34. The men's world record of 2.45 is still held by now-retired Cuban Javier Sotomayor.It will come sooner or later, nothing will stop me, said Barshim, who narrowly failed with an attempt to clear 2.43. I don't want to set myself limits. This performance gives me confidence. I was close to clearing 2.43 but just clipped with my ankle.Gatlin had beaten Bolt for the first time at this event last year, and made the most of the Jamaican's absence to claim his second successive win in Rome.Although the American's time of 9.91 was slower than the wind-assisted 9.76 he set in Oregon recently and his 9.87 in Beijing, Gatlin's ferocious start and solid final 50 metres left his rivals playing catch-up.Carter clocked a time of 10.02 with British hope Gemili finishing well in the second half of his run to claim a deserved third in 10.07.American Lashawn Merritt clocked a winning time of 44.48 in a dominant men's 400m, with Youssef Ahmed Masrahi of Saudi Arabia stunning David Verburg of the United States for second place in a time of 45.14.I wasn't trying to break any records, said Merritt. It was necessary for me to come out and work on a few things, and get another victory in the Diamond League.Frenchman Christophe Lemaitre, meanwhile, admitted he was lacking some race sharpness as he settled for second place in the men's 200m behind Panama's Alonso Edward, who set a winning time of 20.19, with American Curtis Mitchell third.I'm a little disappointed. I tried to get close to 20s, but the legs just felt a bit heavy. I'm just lacking a little bit of race fitness, said Lemaitre.Already deprived of Bolt, the Rome crowd also had to do without seeing Olympic women's hurdles champion Sally Pearson, who pulled out during the warm-up.In the Australian's absence, world champion Brianna Rollins led an American podium sweep with a world's best time of the year (12.53) ahead of Dawn Harper-Nelson and Queen Harrison. Another year's best time was set, in the women's 400m hurdles, by Jamaican Kaliese Spencer who clocked 53.97 to beat Georganne Moline of the USA and Britain's Eilidh Child, who was third.Genzebe Dibaba made up for a below-par performance in Doha, where she finished sixth, by winning the women's 5000m in 14min 34.99sec.Unstoppable New Zealander Valerie Adams, the two-time Olympic champion and four-time world champion, stretched her victory streak to 48 by dominating the shot put with a throw of 20.01m.

More evidence that Earth collision formed Moon: study


WASHINGTON (AFP) - German scientists said Thursday that moon samples collected during the 1960s and 1970s have shown new evidence that the moon formed when a young Earth collided with another celestial body.The smashup between an early form of Earth and a planetary body named Theia some 4.5 billion years ago is put forth by what scientists call the Giant Impact Hypothesis of moon formation.While most experts support the notion, they say the only way to confirm such an impact is to study ratios between the isotopes of oxygen, titanium, silicon and others.Until now, researchers studying lunar samples that arrived on Earth via meteorites have found that the Earth and moon were quite similar in makeup.But using samples collected from the lunar surface by NASAs Apollo 11, 12 and 16 moon missions, and more advanced scientific techniques, scientists found something new.They were able to detect a slightly but distinctly higher composition of the oxygen isotope in the lunar samples, said the study in the journal Science.This very small difference supports the Giant Impact Hypothesis of moon formation.According to theoretical models of the collision, the moon would have formed mostly from Theia, at between 70-90 percent, with some 10-30 percent coming from Earth.But researchers now say the moon could be a 50/50 mixture of Earth and Theia remnants, though more study is needed to confirm.The differences are small and difficult to detect, but they are there, said lead author Daniel Herwartz of Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen.We can now be reasonably sure that the Giant collision took place.The findings will be presented at the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in California on June 11.

Oil dips after ECB rate cuts, easing Ukraine concerns


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices slipped Thursday after the European Central Bank cut interest rates, sparking volatility in the dollar and dollar-priced crude, and concerns about Russia-Ukraine tensions eased.The US benchmark futures contract, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for delivery in July, dipped 16 cents to close at $102.48 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.European benchmark Brent North Sea crude for July settled at $108.79 in London, down 39 cents from Wednesday's closing level.The dollar rose sharply against the euro but then fell quickly back after the ECB cut its key interest rates to new all-time lows as part of unprecedented measures to bolster fragile eurozone growth and prevent deflation.The WTI price mapped the dollar's shift.The WTI had a very interesting day... going way down, and then way up, said Bart Melek of TD Securities. Crude moved lower at the beginning of the day responding to the ECB announcement and the dollar moving higher.A stronger greenback makes dollar-priced oil more expensive for buyers using weaker currencies.We wait for tomorrow's payroll numbers, Melek said, referring to the Labor Department's May jobs report, a key indicator of the health of the US economy.Signs of easing Group of Seven tensions with Russia over the Ukraine crisis helped remove support for oil prices.Some market participants clearly decided to take profits when the G7 imposed no further sanctions against Russia at its meeting yesterday, Commerzbank said in a research note.G7 leaders, holding a two-day summit in Brussels without Russian President Vladimir Putin, because Russia was expelled from the G8 grouping in March, urged Moscow to stop destabilizing Ukraine or face further sanctions.Investors fear a full-blown conflict in the ex-Soviet state, a conduit for a quarter of European gas imports from Russia, will disrupt supplies and send energy prices soaring.

Euro firms vs. dollar after ECB stimulus


NEW YORK (AFP) - The euro strengthened against the dollar Thursday in choppy trade after investors weighed the European Central Bank's moves to bolster fragile eurozone growth and prevent deflation.The euro tumbled to $1.35 after the ECB cut its key interest rates to new all-time lows and announced other aggressive measures.The ECB took the unprecedented step of putting its deposit rate into negative territory for the first time, meaning banks will be charged for depositing their excess cash with the central bank.ECB President Mario Draghi, at a news conference, also unveiled measures aimed at spurring lending to businesses and consumers, and said if required, we will act swiftly with further monetary policy easing.This package of aggressive measures and the central bank's willingness to do more should have been negative for the euro and it was initially, said Kathy Lien of BK Asset Management in a research note.But by the end of the North American trading session the euro had recovered all of its losses, finishing in positive territory, she noted.While the ECB maintains a dovish bias and has made it clear that they are not done easing, for the time being investors perceive today's announcements to be positive for the eurozone economy and for the euro.Investors awaited the US jobs report for May, due to be released Friday. The report, a key indicator of the health of the world's largest economy, is expected to show a decline in job growth to 220,000 from 288,000 in April, lifting the unemployment rate to 6.4 percent from 6.3 percent.

Ton-up Silva and Thirimanne star for Sri Lanka


NORTHAMPTON (AFP) - Kaushal Silva and Lahiru Thirimanne both scored hundreds as Sri Lanka compiled 358 for three on the opening day of their tour match against Northamptonshire.At stumps on Thursdays first day of four at Northampton, opener Silva was 152 not out in what was Sri Lankas final match before next weeks first of a two-Test series against England at Lords.Thirimanne, dropped first ball, made an unbeaten 120, with Sri Lankas fourth-wicket pair having so far added an unbroken 238 after theyd both been reprieved by teenage wicketkeeper Ben Duckett.Silvas hundred was his second in as many first-class matches, following his 109 for Sinhalese against Nondescripts at Panagoda in April, and the 28-year-olds 30th in all.Come the close, hed batted for six hours, facing 260 balls with 21 fours and two sixes.The controversial finale to Sri Lankas 3-2 one-day series win over England, saw the tourists six-wicket win in front of a raucous Edgbaston on Tuesday overshadowed by Sachithra Senanayakes much-debated run out of non-striker Jos Buttler backing up.But with off-spinner Senanayake long not included in the Test squad, this fixture took place in front of a typically sedate county crowd.Northamptonshire, struggling at the foot of the First Division of the County Championship table with five defeats from six matches, did give their loyal supporters something to cheer with an early wicket after Thirimanne, Sri Lankas captain in this match, won the toss.Dimuth Karunaratne inside-edged Steven Crook onto his thigh pad and was caught at gully by Kyle Coetzer to leave Sri Lanka one for one.But new batsman Kumar Sangakkara was soon cutting and driving Crook for two well-struck boundaries.The veteran left-hander had looked in no trouble at all when, to medium-pacer Coetzers fourth ball, he hoisted a long hop to deep long leg where Chad Barrett took a well-judged catch in the swirling breeze.Sangakkara exited for 28, including five fours.Mahela Jayawardene, in at 53 for two, soon restored order on a placid pitch by off-driving Barrett for four and clipping a legside full toss from Scotland captain Coetzer for another boundary.And when left-arm spinner Graeme White came on, Jayawardene lofted him for an off-driven four.Jayawardene looked in typically excellent touch as he made a near run-a-ball 46 until he tried to uppercut a lifting Crook ball that cramped him for room and Matt Spriegel in the gully took an excellent leaping catch above his head.Next ball Thirimanne edged Crook but Duckett, going to his left, dropped the chance despite getting both hands to the ball.The compact Silva pulled Coetzer for four to complete a 123-ball fifty while left-hander Thirimanne square-cut spinner Spriegel to the boundary to reach the landmark in 84 balls with seven fours.Silva, 84 not out at tea, went to three figures by cover-driving left-arm seamer David Willey for his 16th boundary.And when Graeme White dropped short, Silva pulled him for six, with Thrimanne following up by sweeping the left-arm spinner high over the ropes as well.The 19-year-old Duckett dropped his second chance of the day, a difficult one down the legside off left-arm spinner Spriegel, when Silva was on 124.The batsman responded by lofting Spriegel for six over wide long-on.Thirimanne ensured Duckett paid heavily for his earlier error by completing a 151-ball hundred.Sri Lanka rested tour captain Angelo Mathews but otherwise the tourists were fielding close to a full-strength side.

Robson set for England debut against Sri Lanka


LONDON (AFP) - Australia-born Sam Robson was in line to make his England debut after the Middlesex opener was named Thursday in the squad to play Sri Lanka in next week's first Test at his Lord's 'home' ground.Robson was one of three uncapped players named by national selector James Whitaker in a 12-man group along with Barbados-born all-rounder Chris Jordan, who impressed during the recent 3-2 one-day series defeat by Sri Lanka, and Moeen Ali, who provides England with their lone spin option.Meanwhile Yorkshire seamer Liam Plunkett, capable of hitting the 90mph mark, was recalled having last played Test cricket seven years ago.Matt Prior, who has been struggling with an Achilles injury, was passed fit to keep wicket.And that meant there was no place for Jos Buttler, who made a blistering century for England against Sri Lanka in the fourth one-day international at Lord's on Saturday or Jonny Bairstow, the man who replaced Prior during England's 5-0 Ashes series loss in Australia. England national selector James Whitaker said: We believe that this group of emerging talent will be very well complimented by the established core of experienced players that have been selected. Robson, the son of an English-born mother, is set to open alongside England captain Alastair Cook after Michael Carberry was dropped in what was Peter Moores's first Test squad since he returned to the job of England coach. He impressed on recent England second-string tours of Australia and Sri Lanka, making five hundreds in six matches during those trips while his coach at Middlesex, Angus Fraser, is now a Test selector.The winter form (showed) his (Robson's) excellence -- five hundreds there, and he showed some great characteristics, Whitaker told Sky Sports.He has a great attitude and is very fit, focused and disciplined - all the attributes Peter and Alastair want in their squad. All along, Sam has had the hallmarks of the next England opening batter.Ali, primarily a batsman, provides England with a spin option following the retirement of off-break bowler Graeme Swann. Robson, an Australia Under-19 international who also played for Sydney's Eastern Suburbs club, headed to London soon after leaving school.Last year, Cricket Australia brought in the so-called 'Robson rule' allowing dual passport-holders to play domestic matches in more than one country.But a proud Robson, whose Middlesex captain is Australia opener Chris Rodgers, insisted Thursday he'd felt no conflict of loyalties.I grew up in Australia until I left school but moved here when I was 18 and have lived here for my whole adult life really, Robson told BBC Radio. This is my home; this is where my cricket has taken me. I love living in London; I love England, and this is where my life is. Robson, who averages over 42 in first-class cricket, and is known for his orthodox technique, added: You could say I'm an old-fashioned cricketer. I try to get stuck in and do the hard work against the new ball and bat for as long as I can -- annoying the bowlers and getting the team into a good position.Six players who featured in England's last Test, a crushing 281-run defeat by Australia at Sydney weren't included Thursday -- Kevin Pietersen, whose international career was terminated by the ECB after the Ashes, Carberry, Stokes, Bairstow, former Ireland seamer Boyd Rankin and leg-spinner Scott Borthwick.England squad: Alastair Cook (Essex, capt), Moeen Ali (Worcestershire), James Anderson (Lancashire), Gary Ballance (Yorkshire), Ian Bell (Warwickshire), Stuart Broad (Nottinghamshire), Chris Jordan (Sussex), Liam Plunkett (Yorkshire), Matt Prior (Sussex, wkt), Sam Robson (Middlesex), Joe Root (Yorkshire), Chris Woakes (Warwickshire).

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