Tuesday 7 November 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Tennis: Nadal doing his all to play in London: doctor


MADRID (AFP) - Rafael Nadals personal doctor said Tuesday they will do everything possible to enable the 16-time Grand Slam champion to compete at next weeks season-ending Tour Finals in London.We have done and are going to do everything possible for him to be (in London), Angel Ruiz Cotorro told Cope radio station on Tuesday, while making no guarantee of the Spaniards presence in the English capital.World number one Nadal pulled out of last weeks Paris Masters before his quarter-final with a knee injury, placing his participation in London in doubt.Nadal, who has suffered from knee and wrist injuries throughout his career, decided to withdraw after having his right knee strapped during a third-round win over Pablo Cuevas.Yesterday (Thursday), the pain was very strong but it was not the right moment to stop, Nadal said in Paris on Friday.I had treatment last night to try and be able to play today... But unfortunately it was impossible for me to return to the court.Ruiz Cotorro said Nadal arrived in France in good condition but started to suffer a bit after the first or second match.He was worried and we did a series of tests, but there was nothing serious detected in his tendon. Were going to start a treatment that will allow him to continue muscular work... so that he can go to London as he wishes.You have to be optimistic but also realistic faced with this situation at the end of an extraordinary season. You have to be careful. Health takes priority, the doctor added.Nadal has never won the eight-man Tour Finals -- finishing as runner-up in 2010 and 2013 while missing two of the past three tournaments through injury.

Tennis: Murray wary of Australia commitment


LONDON (AFP) - Andy Murray indicated Tuesday he would be prepared to miss next years Australian Open if it meant endangering his return to full fitness from a hip injury.The British tennis star has not played a competitive match since struggling through to the quarter-finals of this years Wimbledon, where he was beaten by Sam Querrey of the United States.Murray, however, is contemplating a return at the Brisbane International, which starts on December 31 and is a warm-up event for the Australian Open -- the first of the sports four annual major championships.But speaking ahead of an exhibition match with Roger Federer in Glasgow, the 30-year-old Scot was cautious about his prospects of regaining 100 percent fitness.You never know when youre coming back from any injury, but thats what Im working towards, for sure, said Murray.We have to see, but I believe that will be the case.When I get back on the court next year and start playing again, it might not come immediately at the beginning of the year, the two-time Wimbledon champion added.I have been hitting the ball very well in practice - its just that there is a difference between that 75-80 percent practice and going flat out at 100 percent for two-and-a-half or three hours on the match court.Until I do that I cant say for certain, but I think Ill be able to come back just fine.Murray expects to travel to Australia after opting for a course of rest and rehabilitation rather than surgery.Things have been going pretty well so far in the rehab, but you just never know, he said. Ive been training for a few weeks now. Some days Ive felt great and some days not so good.But I will come back when Im ready and when Im 100 percent fit. I probably made a bit of a mistake trying to get ready for the US Open but it was the last major of the year and I wanted to give it a go.And now its time to give my body the rest and recovery it needs. Ill come back when Im ready.Federer himself enjoyed a superb 2017, winning both the Australian Open -- his first Grand Slam title in five years -- and Wimbledon following a long lay-off caused by a knee injury.Take your time, however long it takes, Federer told Murray in Glasgow. When you come back you want to be at 100 percent, otherwise the problem is you feel you just cant beat the best at the big tournaments, so its wise and worthwhile to take the extra week, extra month maybe.Im sure Andy is going to have a lot of years left, so he shouldnt hurry, but as a professional athlete you always want to come back as quick as possible.You need to have goals but sometimes they need to be postponed, the Swiss star added.

Virginia elects Democrat governor, in rejection of Trumpism


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Democrats claimed a resounding win Tuesday in a crucial governors race in Virginia, dealing a blow to Donald Trumps politics of division and testing the presidents influence ahead of larger battles in 2018 and 2020.The marquee race has national ramifications as a test for the Republican Party and their combative leader, and Democrats came out on top.The race had all the makings of a nailbiter, but in the end Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam handily defeated his Republican rival Ed Gillespie in the southern battleground state, in a rejection of Trumps policies and his scorched-earth 2016 campaign, whose polarizing tactics have darkened his presidency.Fear and division and hatred do not work, the states current governor, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, told CNN shortly before US networks projected Northams victory.With more than 83 percent of precincts reporting, Northam led with 53.15 percent against Gillespies 45.66 percent.With a Democrat also projected to win the governors mansion in New Jersey, the results mark a revival of political fortunes for the party, which had failed to win a number of previous special elections in several states this year triggering concern about how to counter Trumps influence in US politics.Tonight we proved that were stronger when we value and fight for one another, Northam said in a tweet.The results are an unmistakable boost for a Democratic Party that has been plagued by recent infighting ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections, and show Republicans that coddling the combative Trump comes at a price.Voters rejected a Trump-Pence agenda that would take health care away from millions, cut taxes for millionaires and corporations at the expense of the middle class, and fuel bigotry and division at a time when our country needs unity, Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.Tonights success is just the beginning.Virginia voted twice for former president Barack Obama, and Democrat Hillary Clinton carried the state in last years White House race.An upset victory for Gillespie would have served to validate Trumps aggressive style, and form a blueprint for how mainstream Republicans can embrace Trump issues without necessarily embracing the controversial man himself.Going forward, they might be forced to rewrite their playbooks.Gillespie had accused Northam, 58, of failing to curb gang violence, making it easier for sex offenders to purchase guns, and seeking to tear down statues honoring Civil War pro-slavery Confederate secessionists.Trump took time out from his Asia trip to tweet support for Gillespie, highlighting the hot-button social issues that he hoped would stir his base to vote.The president has not campaigned with Gillespie, a former Republican Party chief.But the candidates many ads, which have fueled debate on race, guns, illegal immigration and the fate of Confederate statues, signal clear alignment with the president.Trump concluded it was not enough of an embrace of his populist nationalism, tweeted a scathing rebuke of his own partys candidate just minutes after Gillespie lost.Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for, Trump wrote.If Trump had not proven a drag on Virginia voters, it would demonstrate his power to draw Americans to polls despite poor approval numbers.Several cities including New York and Manchester were also electing mayors, while a handful of states held elections Tuesday for local lawmakers.In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy was project to easily win the governors mansion, as Republican Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagnos campaign was dragged down by her association with deeply unpopular Governor Chris Christie.

US urges action after Saudi accuses Iran over missile attack


RIYADH (AFP) - The United States called Tuesday for international action to hold Iran to account after Saudi Arabia accused Tehran of direct military aggression over a Yemeni rebel missile attack near Riyadh.The Iran-backed Huthi rebels also threatened to attack ports and airports in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, escalating a crisis between Riyadh and Tehran.Saudi Arabias powerful crown prince had accused Iran of supplying missiles to the Huthis, which he said could be considered as an act of war.Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif retorted that the allegations by Saudi officials were contrary to reality, a foreign ministry spokesman said.Washingtons ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said Tuesday that Iran had supplied a missile to the Huthis that was fired into Saudi Arabia in July, and referred to Riyadhs claim that the weapon used on Saturday may also be of Iranian origin.By providing these types of weapons to the Huthi militias in Yemen, Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is violating two UN resolutions simultaneously, Haley said.We encourage the United Nations and international partners to take necessary action to hold the Iranian regime accountable for these violations.Saudi Arabia and Iran back opposing sides in wars and power struggles from Yemen to Syria.Soaring tensions between the key oil producers pushed crude closer to two-year highs on Tuesday and spooked Gulf markets.Europes top diplomat Federica Mogherini warned the mounting tension was extremely dangerous, and urged Riyadh and Tehran to seek a minimum of common ground on which to build peace.I know that this is not the wind that is blowing as the majority voice in the world of today, Mogherini told reporters at the EU mission in Washington.But allow me to bring a little bit of wisdom as the European voice in a world that seems to go completely crazy here: Its dangerous.Saturdays attack showed that despite a more than two-year Saudi-led bombing campaign and blockade, the Huthis retain missiles capable of striking targets deep inside the kingdom.The rebels warned that they considered Saudi and UAE airports, ports, border crossings and areas of any importance as legitimate targets.We will not stand idly by -- we will seek more radical means to prevent both the tightening of the blockade and all acts aimed at starving and humiliating the people of Yemen, the Huthis political office said.The missile, intercepted and destroyed near Riyadh international airport, was the first to reach the Saudi capital and underscored the growing fallout for Saudi Arabia and its UAE ally from their involvement in neighbouring Yemen.The two are the major powers in a coalition that has been fighting the Huthis since 2015 in support of the internationally recognised government.Since Saturdays attack, the coalition has tightened its blockade of rebel-held areas of Yemen, blocking UN-supervised aid deliveries despite urgent appeals from the world body.The coalition said it aimed to fill gaps in inspection procedures that enable smuggling of missiles and military equipment to the rebels.But the blocking of aid threatens some seven million people already on the brink of famine.The UN urged the coalition to lift the blockade as soon as possible.If these channels, these lifelines, are not kept open it is catastrophic for people who are already in... the worlds worst humanitarian crisis, said Jens Laerke, a spokesman for the UNs humanitarian coordination office (OCHA) in Geneva.OCHA said the coalition had also asked it to clear ships from the rebel-held Red Sea port of Hodeida, a key entry point for UN aid.Laerke said fuel prices in rebel-held areas had jumped by up to 60 percent and cooking gas prices had doubled.The International Committee of the Red Cross also urgently called for humanitarian access to be restored.Humanitarian supply lines to Yemen must remain open, said Robert Mardini, who heads ICRCs Near and Middle East operations.Food, medicine and other essential supplies are critical for the survival of 27 million Yemenis already weakened by a conflict now in its third year.Saudi Arabia is also embroiled in the biggest purge of the kingdoms elite in its modern history.Dozens of high-profile figures including princes, ministers and billionaire tycoon Al-Waleed bin Talal were swept up in the weekend purge -- just after the creation of an anti-graft commission headed by Prince Mohammed.

Al-Azhar's imam meets pope, vows to fight terrorism


ROME (AFP) - The grand imam of Egypts famed Al-Azhar institution Ahmed al-Tayeb, one of the Muslim worlds leading religious authorities, on Tuesday met Pope Francis and pledged greater cooperation to fight terrorism.The spiritual leader of the worlds almost 1.3 billion Catholics in April became the first pope to visit the headquarters of Tayeb.The grand imam said after the meeting that Islam was facing a war against itself, and underscored that Muslims too were victims of terrorism.It is a cancer which has metastasised to different parts of the world, and Al-Azhar -- of Egypts highest institution of Sunni Islam -- is offering its resources and a greater contribution for a permanent collaboration aimed at finding solutions to terrorism, he told a meeting organised by the SantEgidio, a Christian community officially recognised by the Vatican.Tayeb also evoked his meeting with the pontiff earlier in the day, saying: We discussed several issues tormenting the world and we sought to ... find ways together to reduce the suffering of the poor and the unfortunate.He said the pope has a heart filled with love and a desire that humanity benefits from inter-cultural exchanges.I wish to state my conviction of the necessity for a dialogue between religions, between the wise, or we risk falling back into periods of violence and darkness, he said.The last century witnessed two world wars which killed more than 70 million people and those that followed quickly showed how absurd they were and not a drop of blood should have been spilt.

Muslim, civil rights groups challenge Quebec veil ban


MONTREAL (AFP) - Muslim and civil rights groups on Tuesday challenged a Quebec ban on officials or anyone receiving public services from covering their faces, arguing it infringes on womens and Muslim religious rights.The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the National Council of Canadian Muslims asked the Quebec Superior Court to rule on the constituationality of the law passed last month.They also asked for a stay of its implementation.Marie-Michelle Lacoste, who converted to Islam and wears a niqab, was also listed as a plaintiff in court documents.Ihsaan Gardee of the National Council of Canadian Muslims told a press conference the law is discriminatory, unconstitutional and unnecessary.It excludes and stigmatizes an already marginalized vulnerable minority of women and by extension, the larger Quebec Muslim community, he said.Our governments simply have no place dictating to a woman what she can and cannot wear, echoed the CCLAs Cara Faith Zwibel.And no woman should have to choose between acting in accordance with her sincerely held religious beliefs and accessing basic public services like taking her child to school on a public bus or visiting a doctors office, she said.The legislation applies to bureaucrats, police officers, teachers, and bus drivers, as well as doctors, midwives and dentists who work in publicly-funded hospitals or clinics.The government has said the law was intended to improve communication, identification and safety, and insisted that it applies to all face coverings and does not target Muslim women.But critics say it will effectively marginalize Muslim women by limiting their access to government jobs and services.I should see your face, and you should see mine, Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard said of Bill 62 last month.On Tuesday, he said he was confident that the courts would uphold the measure.

At UN, Russia challenges report blaming Syria for gas attack


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Russia on Tuesday challenged at the UN Security Council the findings of an investigation that blamed the Syrian government for a sarin gas attack as the top United Nations body weighed the future of the panel.Russian Deputy Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov said the work of the investigative panel was deeply disappointing and suggested it was being used by the West to incriminate President Bashar al-Assads regime.The Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) concluded in a report last month that the Syrian government was responsible for the April 4 sarin attack at Khan Sheikhun that killed scores of people, including children.Russia, Syrias ally, and the United States have put forward competing draft resolutions on extending the work of the panel after its mandate expires on November 16.We are convinced that the mechanism, endowed with such high responsibility, cannot work in this way, Safronkov told the council.Without a comprehensive change, it will become a tool to settle accounts with the Syrian authorities, he said.Russia maintains the report is not credible because the experts did not go to Khan Sheikhun and worked from samples Moscow maintains may have been tampered with by Western intelligence.Presenting the findings, Edmond Mulet, the head of the panel, said the experts had established that the sarin was dropped in an air strike and that Syrian aircraft were in the area when the attack took place.Analysis of the sarin used at Khan Sheikhun matched those of the nerve gas found in Syrian stockpiles, Mulet said, adding that this composition would be very difficult to replicate.Safronkov shot back that the chemicals could have been produced anywhere to compromise intentionally the authorities of Syria.The United States again appealed for extending the work of the panel that was set up in 2015 to determine who is behind chemical attacks in Syrias six-year war.Anyone who prevents us from achieving this goal is aiding and abetting those who have been using chemical weapons in Syria, said US Ambassador Nikki Haley.They are helping to ensure, not just that more women and children will die, but that those women and children will die in one of the cruelest, most painful ways possible.France and Britain came out strongly in support of the findings and said the panel must be allowed to continue its work while China, which works closely with Russia at the council, called for agreement.Russias draft resolution calls for a six-month extension of the panel but said it would retain its findings on Khan Sheikhun until such time when full-scale and high-quality investigation on the site of an incident becomes possible.The United States circulated a new draft text on Tuesday that called for an 18-month extension, instead of two years as initially proposed.Russia in late October vetoed a US-drafted resolution that would have extended the mandate of the JIM for a year, casting its ninth veto at the Security Council to block action against its Syrian ally.Moscow said it wanted to examine the report on Khan Sheikhun before deciding whether it should continue its work.There has been no request for a vote at the council from either the United States or Russia and diplomats said negotiations were continuing.Italian Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi told reporters after the meeting that there was strong support for renewing the mandate of the JIM and that agreement was possible.

Riyadh rejects reports of prince's death in graft purge


RIYADH (AFP) - Saudi Arabia on Tuesday roundly rejected reports that a prominent prince had been killed in a sweeping anti-corruption purge of the kingdoms elite.Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd, a son of the late king Fahd, was rumoured to have been killed in custody or while resisting arrest amid the crackdown at the weekend.The hashtag death of Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd has since featured on social media, fuelling fevered speculation online.There is no truth whatsoever to rumours circulating in media concerning Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd, an information ministry spokesman said in a statement.Prince Abdulaziz is alive and well, he added.The prince could not be independently reached for comment.Dozens of high-profile figures including princes, ministers as well as billionaire tycoon Al-Waleed bin Talal were arrested or sacked in the weekend crackdown -- just after an anti-graft commission headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was established.It was the biggest purge of the kingdoms elite in modern Saudi history.Separately, on Sunday another prince, Mansour bin Moqren, was reported killed in a helicopter crash near the kingdoms southern border with Yemen. Authorities did not reveal the cause of the crash.With the purge, which analysts describe as a bold but risky power play, Prince Mohammed has centralised power to a degree that is unprecedented in recent Saudi history.

NATO says to boost Afghan mission to 16,000 troops


BRUSSELS (AFP) - NATO will boost its training mission in Afghanistan by around 3,000 troops, chief Jens Stoltenberg said Tuesday as Kabul reeled from the latest deadly attack on civilians.The overall size of NATOs training and support mission in the unrest-hit country will increase from roughly 13,000 to roughly 16,000, he said.Speaking a day before NATO defence ministers meet in Brussels, Stoltenberg said the alliance would boost its presence to help the Afghans break the stalemate, to send a clear message to Taliban to the insurgents that they will not win on the battleground.There will be more troops. Current level is around 13,000, the new level will be around 16,000, he added.But Stoltenberg insisted there would be no return to combat operations.We are focusing on training the Afghan special operations forces, which have proven so key in the fight against the insurgents, he said.A diplomatic source told AFP that the US would contribute 2,800 extra troops to the mission and other allies and partners around 700.The Taliban, ousted from power in a US-led invasion in 2001, have been resurgent since NATO ended combat operations in 2014, and the Islamic State group are also stepping up attacks.Gunmen disguised as policemen stormed Shamshad TV station in Kabul on Tuesday, killing one person and wounding two dozen others in an attack claimed by IS.Stoltenberg said there will also be more help to develop the Afghan air force. Over 16 years of war in Afghanistan, air strikes have proved a potent weapon against the Taliban.The decision to boost numbers will be formally approved by the NATO defence ministers meeting in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday.US ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said last month that Washington would ask other alliance members to contribute around 1,000 more troops in Afghanistan.This was to add to the roughly 3,000 US troops who are already dispatched to train and advise the countrys security forces under President Donald Trumps new Afghan strategy.Trump announced his new policy on Afghanistan in August, reversing his previous position advocating US withdrawal after military leaders convinced him that pulling out of Americas longest war would be worse than remaining.

Oil Tankers and Contractors Association gives strike call from Nov 13


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Chairman All Pakistan Oil Tankers Association (APOTA), Yousuf Shahwani has said that the countrywide strike will start from November 13.Yousuf Shahwani said that Petroleum Division and Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) had recommended increase in fares but the decision was never implemented.He said that OGRA signed an agreement with Oil Tankers Association to increase fares. He informed that 20 percent increase in fares on long routes and 64 percent on local routes was recommended under the agreement. According to the Oraga agreement, rent would have to be applied from November 1.

Efforts being made to provide quick justice to masses: CJ LHC


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Chief Justice (CJ) Lahore High Court (LHC) Syed Mansoor Ali Shah while addressing a ceremony in Rawalpindi on Tuesday regarding reconciliation centres said that efforts are being made to provide quick justice to the people.Justice Mansoor informed that 1.2 million cases are pending in Punjab. He said that reconciliation centres have been established to provide quick justice to masses.He also said that 6,882 cases from all over Punjab were sent to reconciliation centres aout of which 4,660 cases have been resolved. He further informed that the issues related to police will also be resolved through reconciliation centres.

Earthquake of 4.2 magnitude jolts Quetta


QUETTA (Dunya News) - An earthquake measuring 4.2 on the Richter Scale jolted Quetta and its adjoining areas in the wee hours of Wednesday, Dunya News reported.People came out of their homes in panic and started reciting verses from the Holy Quran. No loss of life and property was reported due to earthquake.According to National Seismic Monitoring Centre, Islamabad, the epicenter of the quake which struck on early Wednesday morning was located 95 kilometres northwest of Quetta near Pak-Afghan border at the depth of 11 kilometres.

England call up Curran for Ashes tour


LONDON (AFP) - Surrey seamer Tom Curran was added to Englands Ashes squad on Tuesday after Steven Finn was ruled out of the tour of Australia with a knee injury.Finn, himself a late replacement for the absent Ben Stokes, has been diagnosed with a torn cartilage in his left knee and will head back to England for a possible operation.Curran, 22, was next in line and the England and Wales Cricket Board has announced he will fly to Australia on Wednesday.A son of the late Zimbabwe all-rounder Kevin Curran, Tom has played a single one-day international and three Twenty20 internationals but is yet to make his Test debut.He took 24 wickets at 34.66 for Surrey in the First Division of the County Championship last season, while averaging a useful 27.44 with the bat.His selection has seen Curran chosen ahead of two more experienced pace bowlers in Liam Plunkett and Mark Wood.Finn only made the current tour when he was added to the squad in place of the suspended Stokes, whose involvement remains in the balance as the ECB conduct an internal disciplinary inquiry and await the outcome of a police probe into his involvement in a brawl outside a Bristol nightclub on September 25.Tuesdays announcement ended another miserable tour of Australia for Finn, who suffered his injury when, after batting in the nets in Perth ahead of the first warm-up match, he hit himself while batting in the nets.The Middlesex quick was dropped midway through Englands victorious Ashes campaign of 2010/11 and left the previous 2013/14 trip under a cloud when then limited-overs coach Ashley Giles declared him un-selectable.England coach Trevor Bayliss told reporters in Adelaide on Tuesday: He (Finn) had an injection a couple of days ago which they thought would help.But the ECB statement confirming Finn was out of the tour said he would return to the UK in the next 48 hours where he will meet a knee specialist to ascertain whether he will have an operation.The first Test between England and Australia starts at Brisbane on November 23.

India claim first T20 series win over New Zealand


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (AFP) - Virat Kohlis India beat New Zealand in a tense eight over a side clash to take a first T20 series against the Kiwis and strengthen their claim to be the worlds best team.Rain reduced the third match of the series in Thiruvananthapuram to a 48 ball lottery and Kohlis side were stronger in the boundary chase and smarter in the bowling battle.While Manish Pandey hit 17 off 11 balls, Hardik Pandya made 14 and Kohli 13 in Indias 67-5, the home side owe a particular debt to man-of-the-match bowler Jasprit Bumrah in the six run victory.His two overs cost just nine runs while he claimed the key wickets of big-hitting Colin Munro and Henry Nicholls. Indian coach Ravi Shastri hailed Bumrah, who cannot get a Test place, as a thinking bowler.Pandey and Kohli both hit a six and a four in quickfire innings that New Zealand just could not match as they reached 61-6.Pandey went to a spectacular catch off Trent Boult that highlighted a night of brilliant fielding.He fired the ball toward the long-on boundary producing a full length dive by Mitchell Santner who deflected the ball to stop it going over the line and set up the catch by Colin de Grandhomme.New Zealand started aggressively. Munro hit his first ball for a six, but made only seven before he was caught in the second over trying to hit Bumrah.Captain Kane Williamson and Glenn Phillips went in successive balls in the fifth over leaving New Zealand facing a struggle to defend their number one place in 20 over cricket.Though the result could have gone either way with just two balls remaining, New Zealand reached just 61-6 with de Grandhomme making an unbeaten 17.You would be lying if you said you were not tense, said Shastri. They saved the best for the last in terms of fielding, the electricity was there.Shastri said that while 67 was not an automatic match-winning score, the fielding and good start by the bowlers had put pressure on New Zealand.India had never beaten New Zealand in a T20 match going into this series. New Zealands defeat means Pakistan are the number one ranked 20 over nation again. New Zealand also lost a one day series in India but Williamson said they had still come out of the tour stronger.It is a difficult place to play, said Williamson. They are possibly the best team in the world.By many counts, India are the best team. They lead the Test rankings, while Kohli is top-rated batsman in one-day and T20 internationals. Bumrah is the number one bowler in T20.The Indians have not lost a home series in any format since being beaten by South Africa in one day games in 2015.We have won a few on the trot and it makes us very proud, said Kohli.India must now prepare for a three Test series against Sri Lanka starting November 16 in Kolkata.

20-year-old Russian claims to have lived on Mars


(Web Desk) – A 20-year-old Russian claimed to have had a life on Mars in a series of shocking claims that he made before the experts.According to a report on DailyMail, Boriska Kipriyanovich told he has been reborn on Earth after living a life on another planet from our solar system. He claimed that he lived on the Red Planet and spend time there.The 20-year-old boy from Volgograd claimed that Martians have connection with the ancient civilisation of Egypt, saying that he had once visited earth as their pilot. He added that nuclear destruction had occurred on Mars and the planet is war ravaged.Photo: Russian boy drawing to tell his alleged experience in outer spaceHe stated that Martians breathe carbon dioxide which is opposite to human functioning as humans breathe oxygen. Boriska added that the people on Mars are about seven-feet in height.The school boy further told that Martians don’t age after they turn 35, bragging that they are more advanced than the people on Earth. He said that they are capable of traveling through interstellar.His parents and doctors have too claimed a lot about him. They said that he was able to speak just months after birth. Boriska started discussing lives of aliens at a ripe age. They told that he could write, read and draw objects after turning two.

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