Wednesday 8 November 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Football: Messi keen to avoid Spain in WCup


BUENOS AIRES (AFP) - Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi says the worst possible draw for his Argentina side at next years World Cup would be Spain in the first round.The worst that could happen to us would be to draw Spain at the group stages, Messi told TyC Sports Wednesday from Moscow where Argentina play Russia in a friendly on Saturday.I would prefer to avoid them, theyd be tough opponents.In the interview with the Argentinian television station, Messi named Brazil, Germany and France alongside Spain as favourites to take the World Cup crown in Russia.I think that at the moment, theyre the strongest teams who give the best impressions, those who are playing best, with the best individuals.Messi also broached Argentinas last-gasp qualification for the World Cup finals, which the Barcelona star sealed with a hat-trick in a rare 3-1 away victory over Ecuador.I always believed wed get there, but I thought we would have tied up qualification before the Ecuador game, said Messi, reiterating that he would like to end his career in his Argentinian birthplace of Rosario.I would love to play for Newells Old Boys, in the stadium where Ive seen so many matches, he said.I dont know whats going to happen in the coming years, how Im going to feel. I live from day to day, Im not focused on the future.

Tennis: Federer paired with Zverev in ATP Finals draw


LONDON (AFP) - Six-time champion Roger Federer will face rising star Alexander Zverev at the ATP Finals in London after they were placed in the same group on Wednesday while Rafael Nadal headlines the other section.Federer, 36, looking to crown a remarkable year in which he has lost just four matches following a return from a lengthy lay-off, will also face former US Open champion Marin Cilic and American Jack Sock in the Boris Becker group.Nadals opponents in the Pete Sampras group are Dominic Thiem, Grigor Dimitrov and David Goffin, with the Spanish world number one looking to win his first ATP Finals trophy.Nadal pulled out of last weeks Paris Masters before his quarter-final with a knee injury, placing his participation in London in doubt.Federer has won seven titles this season including the Australian Open and Wimbledon, but lost out on the year-end number one ranking to his long-time rival Nadal.Germanys Zverev, 20, has rocketed to third in the world rankings after an impressive year in which he has won five titles, including beating Federer in the final of the Rogers Cup Masters event in Montreal.The ATP Finals, starting on Sunday, are the year-end climax to the mens professional tennis season, featuring the worlds best eight qualified singles players and doubles teams.Players compete for rankings points throughout the season in a bid to earn one of the eight coveted berths.Played using a round-robin format at The O2 in London, each participant plays three matches as they compete for a berth in the knockout semi-finals.

Boxing: Wilder willing to fight Joshua in UK


LONDON (AFP) - Deontay Wilder has accused Anthony Joshuas management of ducking him and says he is prepared to come to the United Kingdom to make the heavyweight mega-fight happen.American Wilder, 32, defended his WBC title with a first-round knockout of Bermane Stiverne last weekend and has set his sights on Joshuas WBA and IBF belts.But he believes the Britons promoter, Eddie Hearn, is stalling.I think Eddie is ducking me more so than Joshua, Wilder told BBC Sport.If Joshuas a strong champion, a true champion, you guys in England should smoke him out, make him fight.You should see if hes the best. My heart says Im the best. If Im not, I want someone to show me.Joshua, 28, defended his belts by beating Carlos Takam in Cardiff and Wilder says he is willing to cross the Atlantic to face the former Olympic champion.Packing out stadiums looks good, but the money and Mecca of boxing is in America, Wilder said.But if you want to stay at home like a little girl, this king has no problem travelling to knock out the champion.Joshua, who could also fight New Zealands Joseph Parker for the WBO belt, says Hearn is preparing an offer for Wilder.If Wilders not making an offer, well do it on my terms, Joshua told Britains Press Association.Everyone says they want to fight and then sits back and waits for me to do all the homework.What we then have to do -- which Eddies doing -- is fly out to the United States to make time.Theres one thing talking and acting, but negotiations dont happen over social media. Were now making the moves forward.Joshua added: Im serious about becoming undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.Were just making sure that a lot of these guys who are making noise will back up what theyre saying.Parkers promoter, David Higgins, has claimed his fighter has an agreement to fight Joshua next.

Rouhani warns Saudi Arabia of Iran's 'might'


TEHRAN (AFP) - President Hassan Rouhani warned Saudi Arabia on Wednesday that it will achieve nothing by threatening the might of Iran, as a war of words between the regional heavyweights intensifies.His comments came after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman accused Iran of delivering missiles to Yemeni rebels for use against targets in the kingdom that he described as direct military aggression.Iran has strongly denied supplying any missiles to the rebels, saying that it would have been impossible to do so in any case in the face of a Saudi-led air and sea blockade.Tehran has hit back against the increasingly fierce rhetoric from Riyadh with strong words of its own, troubling international oil markets.You know the might and place of the Islamic republic. People more powerful than you have been unable to do anything against the Iranian people, Rouhani said at a cabinet meeting in remarks aimed at Saudi leaders.The United States and their allies have mobilised all their capabilities against us and achieved nothing.Rouhani referred to the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, in which revolutionary Iran successfully resisted an invasion by Saddam Husseins regime supported by Gulf Arab and Western governments.Rouhani reiterated that Iran wanted a peaceful settlement of the conflict between the rebels and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government, and of other wars around the region that have placed it at loggerheads with Riyadh.We want the welfare and development of Yemen, Iraq and Syria, and of Saudi Arabia too. There are no other paths forward than friendship, brotherhood and mutual assistance, he said.If you think that Iran is not your friend and that the United States and the Zionist regime (Israel) are, you are making a strategic and analytical error.US President Donald Trump has taken a much tougher line against Iran than his predecessor Barack Obama, emboldening Saudi Arabia and its allies.Trumps administration was quick to express support for the kingdoms claims that Iran has supplied missiles to the rebels.US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley accused Iran of supplying a missile to Huthi rebels that was fired into Saudi Arabia in July.The White House called for a UN inquiry into the origins of the rebels ballistic capabilities that on Saturday saw them fire a missile more than 800 kilometres (500 miles) to near Riyadh international airport where it was intercepted and destroyed by Saudi air defences.These missile systems were not present in Yemen before the conflict, and we call upon the United Nations to conduct a thorough examination of evidence that the Iranian regime is perpetuating the war in Yemen to advance its regional ambitions, it said.Huthi missile attacks against Saudi Arabia, enabled by Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, threaten regional security and undermine UN efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict.Rouhani asked what alternative the rebels had in the face of the devastating bombing campaign waged against them by the Saudi-led coalition since March 2015.You... constantly bomb the Yemenis... but when for once they fire back, you say its unjust. What are the Yemeni people supposed to do? he asked.The Iranian president suggested that the tougher foreign policy line from the Saudi crown prince might be a reflection of the internal upheaval he triggered by ordering the arrest of dozens of princes, ministers and a tycoon last weekend.If Saudi Arabia is experiencing domestic problems, it needs to settle them and not to try to create problems for the other peoples of the region and speak out against them, he said.Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted a call on Wednesday for a peaceful solution to be found over Yemen, not new crises by bombings, threats.Theres no crisis that diplomacy cant resolve. We proved that once, Zarif wrote of the nuclear deal Iran reached with world powers in 2015.Also Wednesday, the conservative Iranian daily Kayhan was given a two-day suspension for Mondays front-page headline Ansar Allah (Yemens Huthi rebels) fire missile at Riyadh: the next target will be Dubai.The official IRNA news agency said Irans Supreme National Security Council ruled that the headline was contrary to the Islamic republics policy in the region.

Putin-Trump bilateral in Vietnam 'likely': Kremlin


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump will likely meet at the sidelines of the APEC summit but Moscow and Washington have yet to agree details, the Kremlin said Wednesday.Both leaders are headed to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in the Vietnamese city of Danang this weekend where Trump is set to address global CEOs.Putin and Trump both have full programmes and bilateral meetings, which have been arranged in advance and then there is the programme of the summit itself, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.That is why the relevant services are trying to determine the appropriate time and format for a meeting between the two leaders, Peskov said, adding that there is a strong likelihood of such a meeting.The pair last met at the G20 summit in Germany in July.Putins foreign policy advisor Yury Ushakov said it would be logical for Trump and Putin to meet.We are ready to hold a separate bilateral meeting, he told journalists. There are things to discuss, from Syria to North Korea.There are many problems in bilateral relations. They are in a disastrous state, he said.The US leader said Sunday that he thinks its expected well meet with Putin to discuss North Korea.Relations between Moscow and Washington have plummeted as a Washington probe has accused Trumps former campaign aides of secretly meeting Kremlin-connected officials.Russia has vehemently denied allegations of interfering in the US election last year that brought Trump to power.

US defence chief meets NATO to discuss IS, Afghanistan


BRUSSELS (AFP) - With the Islamic State group crumbling in Iraq and Syria, North Korea defiant over its nuclear ambitions and Russia looming large, US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis has plenty of pressing issues as he begins talks with NATO allies on Wednesday.NATO defence ministers are meeting over two days at the alliances Brussels headquarters as US President Donald Trump arrived in Beijing to press key player China to do more to get Pyongyang to curb its nuclear and ballistic weapons programmes.The North Korean nuclear crisis will be the focus of a working dinner on Wednesday, where ministers will be joined by the EUs diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini.Tensions have soared since Pyongyang carried out its sixth nuclear test -- its most powerful to date -- and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the crisis demanded a united international effort.All NATO allies agree that we have to put strong pressure on North Korea because North Korea is responsible for reckless behaviour, irresponsible behaviour developing nuclear weapons and by developing missiles, Stoltenberg said.We have to put pressure on North Korea to reach a peaceful negotiated solution. Pressure is the path to peace.Wednesdays talks will also look at efforts to revamp NATOs command structure to help it better combat the rising threat from Russia.Mattis will hold a separate meeting on Thursday with partners from the coalition fighting IS in the Middle East, where the jihadists continue to lose territory.As he flew to Europe, Mattis told reporters that coalition partners are looking to the United States for a clear plan about what follows the physical defeat of IS.Maybe three-quarters of the questions I am getting asked now is (about) going forward. Its not about are we going to be able to stop ISIS, are we going to be able to overcome ISIS. They are now saying: Whats next? How is it looking? Mattis said.Following back-to-back losses, including of their Syrian and Iraqi strongholds of Raqa and Mosul, IS fighters are down to defending their last holdouts along the Euphrates River valley.Americas military involvement in Syria has until now been focused solely on fighting IS, but with the jihadists on the ropes, Washington must articulate its longer-term interests and what role, if any, US forces will play in Syria.Mattis supports a UN-backed effort in Geneva, which has run in parallel to a Russian and Iranian-led process, to reach a diplomatic solution.America has armed and trained Kurdish and Syrian Arab fighters who are battling IS on the ground, but the weapons provided to the Kurdish YPG are a source of huge angst for NATO ally Turkey, which views the group as terrorists.Mattis declined to say whether the US would be asking for those weapons back, though Washington has previously said it keeps tabs on the equipment. Mattis will meet his Turkish counterpart at NATO to discuss ongoing concerns.NATO has been in Afghanistan since the US-led invasion in late 2001 to dislodge the Taliban in the wake of the September 11 attacks.Despite a 16-year war and hundreds of billions of dollars in investment in Afghan institutions and security forces, the country remains beset by corruption and an ongoing security crisis that is killing thousands of local soldiers and civilians each year.NATO will boost its training mission to the local soldiers from around 13,000 troops to around 16,000, Stoltenberg said Tuesday.According to diplomatic sources, the US would contribute around 2,800 troops, while other NATO allies and partner countries would supply around 700 more.Mattis arrived in Brussels from Helsinki, where he attended a forum called the Northern Group, a little-known meeting of northern European nations focusing on the continents military and security challenges, particularly from Russia.Moscow frequently sends warplanes into the skies around the Baltics, and Europe remains anxious about Russias military intentions, especially after the 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.The threat of Russian cyber attacks will also be high on the agenda, with ministers set to agree on ways to integrate the new form of warfare into NATO planning and operations.

More than two million Iranian pilgrims descend on Iraq


TEHRAN (AFP) - More than two million Iranian pilgrims have crossed the border into Iraq for the annual Arbaeen Shiite pilgrimage to be celebrated on Thursday, an Iranian official said on state television.Some 2.32 million visas have been issued so far, and 2.2 million pilgrims are already in Iraq, Shahriar Heydari, spokesman for the Iranian committee organising the pilgrimage to the holy city of Karbala, said on Wednesday.Arbaeen marks the end of 40 days mourning by Shiites in memory of the seventh century martyrdom of the Imam Hussein.Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, was killed in 680 during the Battle of Karbala, creating the first schism in Islam between Shiites and Sunnis.Participation in Arbaeen from mainly Shiite Iran has spiked massively in recent years, with some two to three million Iranians among the 17 to 20 million pilgrims who attended last year.For the past several days, state television in the Islamic republic has been broadcasting footage of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims heading on foot to Karbala, which is around 100 kilometres (60 miles) south of Baghdad.Arbaeen, which was banned when the late Sunni Muslim dictator Saddam Hussein ran Iraq, has become more and more popular among Iranians over the past few years.In 2011, only 40,000 Iranian pilgrims took part, compared with the millions last year and this month.The authorities in Iran look upon the commemoration as a symbol of the power of Shiite Islam, especially at a time of raised tensions with regional Sunni rival Saudi Arabia and the United States, Tehrans arch-foe.The glorious presence of millions of people for Arbaeen is a serious message to all those who plot against the region, President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday.Press reports say Irans logistical support for its pilgrims includes sending medical teams from the Iranian Red Crescent and facilitating access to the countrys mobile phone and internet networks while in Iraq.This year, the authorities have issued several warnings that Iranians without visas would not be allowed to go to Karbala.Visas costing $40 (35 euros) are issued by the Iraqi consular authorities.According to media reports, up to 300,000 would-be but visa-less pilgrims have been turned back by Iranian authorities at the border.Last month, Iranian newspapers reported that police had seized 100,000 fake visas for Iraq and made six arrests ahead of Arbaeen.

Death toll in Talagang road accident climbs to 27


TALAGANG (Dunya News) - The death toll in the accident in Pathankot area near Talagang went up to 27 on late Wednesday night, with two more injured persons succumbed to their wounds during treatment at hospital.The accident occurred when a passenger bus travelling from Kohat to Raiwind plunged into a ravine while taking a sharp turn at the Talagang-Rawalpindi Road in Pathankot area near Talagang, killing 25 people and wounding another 50.Rescue 1122 teams reached the spot and shifted the dead and injured to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Talagang. However, 16 of the critically injured passengers were shifted to Rawalpindi.Bus driver and conductor were among the dead. Rescue sources said that around 77 persons were aboard the ill-fated bus. The bus was completely destroyed in the accident.

Karachi: Terrorist of banned outfit killed in police encounter


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A terrorist of banned outfit was killed in an encounter with police in Sohrab Goth area of Karachi on Thursday, Dunya News reported.According to SSP Malir, another terrorist escaped from the scene. He further said that arms and a motorcycle was recovered from the dead terrorist.On the other hand, police arrested a gang war activist during a raid in Baldia Town area. According to SP Baldia, the accused was wanted in several murder and attempted murder cases.

Faisalabad: Motorway closed due to dense fog


FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – Faisalabad is in the grip of dense fog for the past many days and visibility is down to zero in and around the city. According to Motorway spokesperson, Motorway M3 section from Faisalabad to Pindi Bhattian and Motorway M4 section from Faisalabad to Gojra were shut down on night between Wednesday and Thursday.Residents are facing difficulties in their routine life. The Motorway police have appealed the drivers to use GT Road for travelling.The highway officials have asked the drivers to drive slowly and switch on fog lights. The people have been requested to stay home and avoid unnecessary travelling.

Lahore: Security forces nab 11 suspects in search operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) - At least 11 suspects were taken into custody during joint search operation conducted by police, Rangers and intelligence agencies personnel in different parts of Lahore on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details the search operation was carried out in Data Darbar, Mochi Gate, Islampura, Ravi Road and Lari Adda areas of the city. The law enforcement agencies checked hostels, hotels and guest houses, flats and bus stands situated in these areas. House-to-house search was also conducted at some places.The law enforcement agencies also used biometric device for the identification on the residents and arrested 77 suspects who failed to provide any identification document.Police sources said that the search operation was carried out to maintain law and order situation during Urs of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh and Chelun of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).

140th birth anniversary of Allama Iqbal today


LAHORE (Dunya News) – The 140th birth anniversary of national poet Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal is being observed today (Thursday) all over the country with traditional zeal and enthusiasm.Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He is also recognised as national poet, and known as Muffakir-e-Pakistan (thinker of Pakistan), Shair-e-Mashriq (poet of the east) and Hakeemul Ummat (doctor of the Muslim ummah) and is credited with sparking the pan-Islamic thought among Muslims of the subcontinent.Allama Iqbal envisioned the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of subcontinent‚ which led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947.He is also considered one of the most important figures in literature with literary works in both Urdu and Persian languages. Asrar-e-Khudi, Payam-i-Mashriq, Bang-i-Dara, Bal-i-Jibril, Zarb-i Kalim and Armughan-e-Hijaz were amongst his best works.The nation is celebrating the day with dedication to pay homage to the great poet philosopher and to highlight his achievements.Various educational‚ political‚ social and cultural organizations have arranged special programmes to portray Iqbal s philosophy‚ life and his contribution to create awareness among the Muslims of South Asia.Iqbal was a Sufi poet for the modern age who aroused a revolutionary spirit in the nation through his poetry. His poetry has been translated in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, English and several other languages and is considered a great philosopher all over the world.Unfortunately, he could not see the independence of Pakistan and died on April 21, 1938.The events of the day include change of guards ceremony at Mazar-e-Iqbal in Lahore.

Pakistan women will face New Zealand in second T20 today


SHARJAH (Dunya News) – The second Twenty20 International between Pakistan women and New Zealand will be played at the Sharjah Cricket Stadium, Sharjah today (Thursday).New Zealand women beat Pakistan by 15 runs in the first T20 played at the same venue on Wednesday.Batting first News Zealand scored 147 runs in the allotted 20 overs. Opener Sophie Devine struck 41 off 29 balls while Katey Martin made 46 runs to guide News Zealand women to 147 for the loss on eight wickets.In reply, Pakistan women could reach only 132 runs for the loss of seven wickets. Nahida Khan remained top scorer with 34 followed by Javeria Khan (27) and Bismah Maroof (24).

Question is of justice, not leadership: PML-N responds to SC verdict


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) has on Wednesday rejected the detailed verdict of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s review petition in Panama case by Supreme Court, terming it a clear example of ‘bias and malice’, reported Dunya News.In its statement issued today, PML-N stated that the former PM and his family acted upon the the court orders without any confusion yet the party would not accept the language used by political opponents in public meetings in the verdict of the court.The party maintained that Nawaz Sharif’s struggle for a free judiciary in the country was part of the history and his party would continue to work for a free judiciary that upholds and protects the constitution of the country. The declaration added that malignant language for political personalities or any common Pakistani used by the apex court could not be concealed under the cloak of ‘freedom of judiciary’.The declaration further said that the couplet quoted in the verdict would suffice with a slight change in the wording.Translation:Don’t beat about the bush, just tell me how the caravan got lootedI’m not worried about the thieves, the question is about your ‘justice’

Ashraf Ghani condoles murder of Pakistani diplomatic official


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News/APP) – Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani telephoned Prime Minister (PM) Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Wednesday and offered condolences over murder of diplomatic official of Pakistan earlier this week.PM Abbasi demanded of the Afghan government to conduct thorough probe of the murder and bring the perpetrators to justice.A Pakistani diplomatic official was shot and killed in Afghanistan on Monday, officials said, but the motive for the deadly attack was not immediately clear.Two assailants riding a motorbike opened fire on Nayyar Iqbal Rana, 52, at a shop in the eastern city of Jalalabad, Pakistan s ambassador to Afghanistan Zahid Nasrullah Khan told AFP.When he went to the hospital he was pronounced dead, Khan said.Nangarhar governor spokesman Attaullah Khogyani confirmed the deadly attack.Police have launched an investigation into the incident. No arrests have been made so far, Khogyani told AFP.

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