Thursday 13 February 2014

Dunya TV

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US anger as Afghanistan releases 65 'insurgents'


KABUL (AFP) - Scores of alleged Taliban fighters walked free from an Afghan jail Thursday, triggering condemnation from the United States, as President Hamid Karzai accused Washington of harassing his country's judicial authority.The decision to release the prisoners further worsened the bitter relationship between Kabul and Washington as US-led foreign troops prepare to withdraw after 13 years of fighting militants.US officials said those released from Bagram prison were responsible for killing NATO and Afghan soldiers as well as civilians. But Karzai defended the move. Afghanistan is a sovereign country. If the Afghan judicial authorities decide to release the prisoners, it is of no concern to the US and should be of no concern to the US, Karzai told a news conference in the Turkish capital Ankara.I hope that the United States will stop harassing Afghanistan's procedures and judicial authority.Afghan officials said the 65 men were vetted before their release. Their cases were reviewed and we had no reason to keep them in jail, Abdul Shukor Dadras, a member of the Afghan government's review body, told AFP.The US Embassy in Kabul criticised the releases as a deeply regrettable move that could lead to further violence in Afghanistan, which has suffered a bloody Taliban insurgency since 2001.The Afghan government bears responsibility for the results of its decision, the embassy said in a statement. We urge it to make every effort to ensure that those released do not commit new acts of violence and terror.US State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf said previously released Taliban prisoners had taken up arms again after being freed.We believe that some individuals previously released have already returned to the fight, and that additional released detainees may continue to fill the ranks of the insurgency, she said.Karzai has called Bagram prison a Taliban-producing factory and alleged that some detainees were tortured into hating their country.The US military described the men as dangerous individuals directly linked to attacks that killed or wounded 32 NATO personnel and 23 Afghans.It gave names and details of three of the men, including Mohammad Wali, describing him as a suspected Taliban explosives expert biometrically linked to two bombings against troops in Helmand province.Plans to free the men have enraged US officials and become a focal point of strained relations as the two countries wrangle over a security deal, which would allow some American soldiers to stay in the country after 2014.Most US and other foreign troops are scheduled to pull out this year, but a small force may stay to conduct training and counter-terrorism missions.The prison releases could threaten essential funding for Afghanistan as US lawmakers become increasingly frustrated at Kabul's antagonistic approach to its biggest aid donor.Afghan officials say the Bagram detainees have been held, often for years, without being charged or brought to trial, and that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute them.The prison, 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of Kabul, was the main detention centre housing Taliban and other insurgents captured by Western military forces until it was transferred to Afghan control last year.

Russia, US vow to help unblock Syria talks


GENEVA (AFP) - Washington and Moscow promised Thursday to help unblock stagnant Syrian peace talks, as Western countries demanded that Damascus keep its promise to release males detained during the evacuation from Homs.The United States and Russia have promised that they will help both here and in their capitals and elsewhere to unblock the situation for us, UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi told reporters in Geneva after meeting high-level diplomats from the two countries.The meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov and US Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman came after Syria's warring sides spent days in Geneva trading blame for the violence ravaging their country.The hard work of this diplomacy continues, and the United States will continue to support this work going forward, a US official said after Thursday's meeting.The so-called Geneva II negotiations, which began on January 22, have so far done nothing to end the nearly three-year civil war that has claimed more than 136,000 lives and forced millions from their homes.Until now, we are not making much progress, Brahimi admitted, acknowledging that failure is always staring at us in the face.Syria's foes did not meet Thursday, and were expected to hold only separate meetings with Brahimi on Friday.Washington, which backs the opposition, and Moscow, a key ally of Syria, initiated the talks, but remained on the sidelines during the first round in January, allowing Brahimi to run the show.But the current round of talks, which started Monday and could stretch into Saturday, has achieved little beyond an endless restating of positions and there has been pressure on the two major powers to play a bigger part.The presence now of the United States and Russia comes at the right time, opposition chief negotiator Hadi Bahra told AFP, insisting the pair needed to pressure the regime to be more serious. Syria's deputy foreign minister, Faisal Muqdad, meanwhile told AFP all the pressure should be put on the other side.Gatilov met the regime delegation chief, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, on Wednesday, and the opposition delegation was meeting Sherman Thursday evening. It was unclear though if they could push the sides closer to actual dialogue.Opposition delegation member Badr Jamous told AFP: Things are not positive ... I don't think there will be a third round.The opposition has presented a detailed plan for political change without President Bashar al-Assad.The regime however insists Assad's future is not up for discussion and has refused to even touch on politics until the battle against what it calls rebel terrorism is resolved.Jamous said his team had met with the Russian negotiators, who, he said, still have the same tone which he have heard before.At the end we are clear. If we don't want to turn Syria into a new country and get rid of the head of this regime, then I think the solution will be military through our rebels fighting on ground.

Karzai tells US to 'stop harassing' Afghanistan


ANKARA (AFP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday said Washington should respect his country's judicial authority after the release of 65 alleged Taliban fighters triggered US condemnation. Afghanistan is a sovereign country. If the Afghan judicial authorities decide to release the prisoners, it is of no concern to the US and should be of no concern to the US, Karzai told reporters in Ankara.I hope that the United States will stop harassing Afghanistan's procedures and judicial authority.The release of the prisoners on Thursday dealt a new blow to he relationship between Kabul and Washington, already badly strained by Karzai's refusal to sign an accord allowing some US troops to remain in Afghanistan after NATO's withdrawal this year.The US said those who walked free were responsible for killing NATO and Afghan soldiers as well as civilians. The US embassy in Kabul called the releases a deeply regrettable move that could lead to further violence in Afghanistan.NATO head Anders Fogh Rasmussen also criticised the releases as a setback to security and the rule of law in Afghanistan.Karzai has called Bagram prison, 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of Kabul, where the men were held, a Taliban-producing factory and alleged that some detainees were tortured into hating their country.According to some analysts, Karzai hopes the releases could help kick-start moribund peace talks with the Taliban, who were ousted from power in 2001.The very presence of the Bagram prison is against the Afghan law and Afghan sovereignty, Karzai said, after meeting Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Turkey's capital.Karzai said the prison was one of the most contentious issues between Kabul and Washington since 2007 because the United States judges the inmates there prisoners of war, therefore ... outside of the judicial authority of Afghanistan.My government has been trying since then to remove this prison from US control and to turn it into an Afghan facility in accordance with Afghan laws and in accordance with Afghan sovereignty.Since 2007, the leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey have met regularly in a bid to bolster cooperation against extremist groups.Karzai has long accused Pakistan of sheltering Taliban militants waging an insurgency against his government.Last month, Kabul reignited traditional cross-border suspicions by suggesting Islamabad's spy agency was behind an attack on a Lebanese restaurant in the Afghan capital which killed 21 people, including 13 foreigners.Taliban insurgents claimed responsibility for the January 17 suicide assault, the deadliest attack on foreign civilians since the Taliban were ousted in 2001.Afghan and Pakistani leaders held frank and very detailed discussions on the issue of sheltering Taliban, Karzai said. We have not yet found a way out.

Olympics: Japan's Hanyu stars as Plushenko bows out


SOCHI (AFP) - Japanese star Yuzuru Hanyu gave a stunning display to put him on the road to Olympic gold as Russian veteran Yevgeny Plushenko called time on his long career after withdrawing injured from the Sochi Games.In a dramatic night of action at the Iceberg Skating Palace 19-year-old Hanyu set a new world record score in the men's short programme to open up a 3.93-point lead on three-time world champion Patrick Chan of Canada.Two-time gold Olympic medallist Plushenko had earlier stunned the crowd when he withdrew before he competed complaining of a recurring back injury.Amateur sport is finished for me. Maybe not in the way that I wanted. But I leave with a gold medal, that is also great, the 31-year-old said.Plushenko had taken to the ice for the six-minute warm-up before he opened his bid to become the first man to win a record five Olympic figure skating medals -- individual gold in 2006 and silver in 2002 and 2010, and team gold in Sochi.But he injured himself attempting a triple axel jump.The Russian then skated around the rink holding his back before unsuccessfully trying the jump again.Plushenko, who was the first up to skate in his group, went over to Swedish referee Mona Jonsson shaking his head. After it was announced he was withdrawing the veteran bowed and waved to spectators as he left the rink to muted applause from the stunned and deflated crowd.Plushenko underwent back surgery last year, the latest in twelve operations he had endured over the years on his back and knees.As Russia have only one men's berth in Sochi and the deadline for substituting Plushenko had already passed the hosts had no men in the event.But as three-time world champion announced he was bowing out of sport Hanyu took centre stage to give the best performance of his life.Skating to Parisian Walkways by Gary Moore he hit a quad toeloop, triple axel and triple lutz-triple toeloop combination to score 101.45.He bettered the previous record he set on his way to victory over Chan in the Grand Prix final by 1.61sec.I wasn't trying to clear 100 points. I was just trying to turn in the best performance I possibly could -- and I did, said Hanyu. I was very, very surprised by the score.Chan, 23, scored 97.52 after he under rotated his triple axel jump in his performance to Rachmaninov's Elegie in E Flat.After beating Plushenko in the short programme of the team event, Hanyu said he had been disappointed not to compete again against his childhood idol.I was disappointed not to see him in first place when I took the ice, said Hanyu.I took up skating because of him. I respect him and admire him dearly. It's just sad. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to skate against him in the team event.Chan said he preferred being second going into Friday's free skating final.I like being in second. I like the chase, said the Canadian.I can enjoy the Olympics during the free skate while Hanyu has a target on his back. At the Olympics, that target is bigger.Four points I made up before in the long programme. I have done it before. I have a plan.Chan added: It's disappointing I didn't get to compete against him (Plushenko).World bronze medallist Javier Fernandez, Hanyu's training partner with coach Brian Orser in Toronto, is sitting in third at 86.98.Javier inspires me so much on a day-to-day basis, said Hanyu. When I've struggled with the quad in the past, he was always so supportive. So it means a lot to me that we're sitting here on this podium together.The Spaniard stumbled on a triple Axel jump but otherwise performed an entertaining routine to Satan Takes a Holiday.It wasn't my day, I was stumbling a lot, said Fernandez.I'm still in the game so the only thing you can do is fight until the end.Japan's Daisuke Takahashi is fourth with 86.40 after the Olympic bronze medallist two-footed his opening quad toeloop jump.The top four are bidding to give their countries their first Olympic men's gold in figure skating.Germany's Peter Liebers was a surprise fifth, with just over a point separating the skaters ranked third through eighth.US champion Jeremy Abbott, skating in Plushenko's group, slumped to 15th after a nasty fall on his opening quadruple toeloop, hitting his right hip and crashing into the boards.

Tennis: Shock defeat in Doha for Li Na


DOHA (AFP) - Top seed Li Na's eagerly-awaited return to action after her stunning Australian Open triumph last month ended in a bewildering loss to a qualifier in the third round of the Qatar Open on Thursday.The much-celebrated Chinese player appeared to have turned the match around when she came from behind to lead 3-1 in the final set against Petra Cetkowska, a Czech ranked outside the top 100, only to stumble to a 7-6 (7-2), 2-6, 6-4 defeat.True, Cetkowska has solid attacking ground-strokes which held up well against the forceful Li, and is making her way back from injury having once been in the top 30. She also won their last encounter, more than two years ago.But Li had so many chances to grab hold of the contest in the final set, holding points for 3-0, 4-1, and 5-3, and was infuriatingly unable to convert any of them.She also appeared to tire in a two-hour 46-minute tussle full of demanding rallies and emotional twists, and her error ratio soared worryingly as her attacks became less controlled.I don't think my performance was so bad. And she played very well, said Li. If I had continued coming to the net more it would have been better. And a defeat is not always so bad either.At least I fought and I got information from what happened. I will put that information straight into my training.Cetkowska admitted that she had also tired, saying: I somehow just tried to play every single ball, and what has happened is so amazing.I was down in the third set so I am very happy to have come back. This is a tennis match so such things can always happen. it will give me a lot of confidence.What made the result even more surprising is that Li appeared to have benefited greatly from a highly-charged moment in the second set when she might have gone a set and a break of serve down.She swung a ferocious backhand drive close to the baseline, and heard it called out as a lunging Cetkowska managed only to get the edge of her racket to it.Had that decision stood she would have gone 1-2, 15-40 down, but her appeal to the video review system showed the ball having touched the back edge of the line and the score became 30-all instead.Cetkowska protested strongly that the out call had come before she had attempted to return the ball, that it had therefore interfered with her stroke, and that the point should be replayed.But her case was not strong, and she was overruled, and after Li duly held that service game, the Czech's standard dropped markedly.Li took seven games in a row, not only levelling the match at a set all, but going a break up in the decider, and changing the ambience of the contest utterly.But the 31-year-old could not maintain it, and appeared to flag physically.She ended up uncharacteristically defending in her next service game, and could not hold, and then dropped another service game in which she delivered a double fault.Amazingly, four games later she was unable to put the ball away from right on top of the net, with Cetkowska making a great guess as to where the smash was going and returning with a winning lob.She then closed out the match as Li no longer had the capacity to take advantage.There was consolation for Chinese fans a little later, however, when Peng Shuai became the first Chinese player to top a world ranking.She and her Taiwanese partner, Hsieh Su-wei, won a first-round doubles match 6-2, 6-4 against the Ukrainean-Russian combo of Irina Buryachok and Vitalia Diatchenko, which is enough to take them above the world number one pair, Roberta Vinci and Sara Errani of Italy, at the end of the week.

Tennis: Del Potro, Murray move closer to possible Rotterdam final


ROTTERDAM (AFP) - Top-seeded duo Juan Martin del Potro and Andy Murray progressed to the quarter-finals of the ATP tournament in Rotterdam on Thursday, keeping alive the prospect of a meeting in the final itself.Del Potro, the number one seed, moved safely through with a victory over unseeded Frenchman Paul-Henri Mathieu 6-2, 7-6 (7/2) in 86 minutes, his win featuring 10 aces.Meanwhile, second-seeded wild card Murray had a tougher time before eventually overcoming promising Austrian qualifier Dominic Thiem in three sets, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3.Murray found himself fending off a 20-year-old who is the youngest player ranked inside the top 125 and was a quarter-finalist last season in Kitzbuhel and Vienna.It was an unbelievably tough battle, said the Scot. There were a lot of long points.He was hitting some huge shots, going for the lines. He had some really big winners. His game is fun to watch but its no fun to play against at all.Im sure we will be seeing a lot more of him.Murray started the evening with a double-break, but the contest turned into a struggle lasting almost two and a half hours.Thiem recovered from the loss of the opening set to break in the eighth game of the second and level the match, before Murray gained some control back in the third set.The Wimbledon champion won a monster second game in which Thiem saved three break points, and the contest finally ended seven games later on Murrays first match point.The Scot now faces Marin Cilic, a former top 10 player whom he has defeated in 10 of 11 previous meetings.Argentine Del Potro had it much easier on court but admitted that he is still competing with some pain in his fragile left wrist, which has been under the care of his doctor in Minnesota since late January.I know the wrist is getting better, Im not worried about that. But I have to try and not think too much about it, he said.Sometimes it gets frustrating, but the wrist problem is not dangerous so I can deal with it.The doctors are comfortable with how its going - I can deal with a little bit of pain. It is to be expected after not touching a racquet for so long.Elsewhere, Czech third seed Tomas Berdych posted another near-perfect showing, firing 10 aces and saving all four break points he faced against Frances Nicholas Mahut on his way to a 6-4, 6-3 victory in just 72 minutes.The Czech, who is playing the event for the eighth time, is looking to better his previous best showing, when he reached the semi-finals in 2012.I felt good on the court and I was hitting the ball very cleanly, said the world number seven.I credit this win to my serve, which really helped me out. For me, serving was the key to the match.Pole Jerzy Janowicz, a winner over German sixth seed Tommy Haas 6-4, 6-4, will take on Berdych next, while Del Potro will line up on Friday in the quarter-final against Latvian Ernests Gulbis, who upset eighth seed Grigor Dimitrov in straight sets.German Philipp Kohlschreiber knocked out tired-looking fourth seed Richard Gasquet 7-5, 7-5 as the Frenchman was barely able to go through the motions.

Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan for joint efforts for regional peace


ANKARA, Feb 13 (APP): Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan on Thursday reaffirmed their resolve to continue collective efforts and enhanced cooperation to ensure sustainable peace and security in the region.Addressing a joint press conference here after the 8th trilateral summit hosted by Turkish President Abdullah Gul, leaders of three countries expressed their ‘satisfaction’ over the outcome of the summit, held in an environment of ‘fraternity’.Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif reaffirmed Pakistan’s strong and sincere commitment for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan through an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process.“Afghanistan today is at a defining moment in its history. This is a time for all Afghans to come together, make peace and rebuild their country,” said the Prime Minister.He hoped that the Afghan people would overcome all the challenges with resilience and perseverance and Pakistan would continue to facilitate the peace process for a peaceful Afghanistan.“Together we are working to build a new chapter in Pakistan-Afghanistan relations,” he commented and deeply appreciated Turkey’s support for building sustainable peace in the heart of Asia.This was not only the thematic focus of this summit, but indeed the crux of their collective efforts, he added.The Prime Minister said his government would continue its sincere efforts to promote good neighbourly ties with Afghanistan.“It is also clear that such common challenges are best resolved through common endeavours at the regional and international levels. Commonality of purpose creates new opportunities,” he added.He said an inclusive political settlement was key to sustainable peace in Afghanistan as well as the whole region.Nawaz Sharif said the three leaders had extensive exchanges during the summit. The region faced formidable challenges, ranging from extremism and terrorism to socio-economic development, he added.The joint statement to be issued after the summit reflects the path we intend to take, he added.“We are very pleased with this outcome and would remain constructively engaged to see our Afghan brothers succeed and thrive in the months and years ahead.”Describing Turkey as his second home, the Prime Minister extended his profound thanks to the Turkish government and people for their warm welcome and gracious hospitality.“Pakistan and Turkey are bound in a fraternal relationship that has few parallels in inter-state relations. Our strategic partnership is growing in leaps and bounds,” the Prime Minister said, lauding the contributions by Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan in giving a robust character to the bilateral cooperation.When asked if the issue of perceptions about the involvement of each other’s state and non-state actors in terrorism in Pakistan and Afghanistan was discussed during the summit, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said these issues were discussed in detail, but they had not yet found any outcome.He, however, added that the current and historical facts needed to be addressed as Muslims.About the presence of Mullah Fazlullah in Afghanistan, President Karzai said it was a direct consequence of ‘inaction’ and violation of the Afghan territory by Taliban and terrorists.He, however, hoped that as the process of cooperation moved forward, the two sides would be able to tackle this issue.Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said he was extremely satisfied with the talks held in Ankara. There were concerns, but Pakistan and Afghanistan were on the same page, he added.He said the purpose of the summit was to iron out such concerns and “we have been quite successful in addressing these issues.”Replying to a question, the Prime Minister appreciated the Turkish contribution in education sector in Pakistan and said their institutions were providing excellent and quality education.“I believe these institutions are contributing towards forging stronger bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two countries”, he added.The Afghan President said the three leaders discussed all areas of cooperation among the three countries with special focus on security and peace building in Afghanistan and Pakistan.He said the three countries would continue their engagement to increase a trusted environment between Pakistan and Afghanistan.President Karzai said Afghanistan had a very important year ahead in which a complete transition to Afghan security forces and withdrawal of international forces were taking place, besides presidential elections to be held on April 5 this year.He said Afghanistan was committed to the trilateral dialogue and expressed his confidence that the next Afghan President would be following the process.President Karzai expressed the hope that as this process moved forward it would unfold a result for both Pakistan and Afghanistan.Turkish President Abdullah Gul said all the three countries were jointly striving to maintain peace in the region.He said the summit was aimed at carrying the existing multi-dimensional collaboration between the three countries, which took its strength from their historic and deep-rooted amity, to the future in a stronger way.

Karachi operation targeted at only criminals: Nisar


Karachi (Online): Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has said the Karachi operation is targeted only against the criminals‚ which would continue with added force.Addressing a news conference in Karachi Thursday night‚ he said the operation is not directed against any party or group‚ but only against the criminals.He said the federal government has directed law enforcement agencies that the perception of “missing person” must end and information about anyone arrested must be given to his relatives.Secondly‚ the Interior Minister said‚ the government will not at all tolerate torturing the detained persons.The minister said no action should be carried out in civilian clothes. If CID has powers to carry out operations in civilians clothes‚ such operations should be recorded and the details of actions should be sent to home ministry.Chaudhry Nisar said a committee has been formed to look into complaints of torture or lifting of persons without any intimation to their families.He said the police are being activated to eliminate crimes in the city. The police would be provided latest equipment and weapons to fight the criminals and terrorists.The minister said the targeted operation produced good results in early couple of months‚ and 40 percent success was made in some areas‚ but the criminals reacted and the operation slowed down during months of January and February. However‚ he maintained‚ the government has chalked out new strategy‚ which will produce positive results.To a question‚ he said if terrorist activities continued‚ it will hamper the dialogue process with the Taliban. However‚ Taliban have assured that they will contact those groups also‚ which are opposed to dialogue with the government and are involved in such attacks.Denying a statement of PTI leader Imran Khan‚ Chaudhry Nisar said the government or the armed forces never said that if a military operation is conducted in tribal areas‚ it will produce only 40 percent success. He said our armed forces are fully capable to launch a successful operation against the terrorists.To a question‚ he said no demand has been made by the MQM to remove any specific person associated with the targeted operation in Karachi.

US pledges flexibility on comatose Pakistani student


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said Thursday it would show flexibility over the visa of a comatose Pakistani exchange student whose family fears he would not survive a trip home.Relatives of Muhammad Shahzaib Bajwa, 20, who was injured when a deer struck his car in November, say that the insurance company is pressing to return him to Pakistan from the Duluth, Minnesota, hospital where he is being treated.As supporters raised money and petitioned the United States to extend Bajwas visa, the State Department said it wanted to ensure the student receives the best care.Our hearts go out to the injured student and his family during this difficult time, State Department spokesman Mark Thornburg said.His future treatment involves a number of factors that the family must weigh, and we are making every effort to offer as much flexibility as possible in maintaining his status while the family considers their options, he said.The State Department, which sponsors the exchange program through which Bajwa was spending a semester at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, said that it arranged for his family to travel to the United States.The hospital, Essentia Health-St. Marys Medical Center, has provided $350,000 in care for free but has said that it cannot keep Bajwa beyond February 28 because his visa will expire.His brother Shahraiz said that the insurance policy provides $100,000 in coverage, which would be put towards treatment in Pakistan. The brother said that the insurance company has warned that it would not provide for Bajwas transport home if the family did not agree to send him back.The elder Bajwa voiced fear that his brother would not find proper medical care in Pakistan, saying that for their mother to sign the insurance companys papers would be like killing her son with her own hand.As of late Thursday, a fund-raising drive on the online site had generated more than $46,000, nearly half of the $100,000 goal.More than 4,000 people have signed a petition on urging the United States to extend Bajwas visa until he is back on his feet or at least stable enough to travel back to Pakistan without any risk to his life.Shahzaib was attending Lahore University of Management Sciences, where a professor described him as a liberal activist who co-founded the schools first ever feminist society. He was studying anthropology and sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.

Tuna study reveals oil pollution causes heart problems


CHICAGO (AFP) - The reason people have more heart attacks when air pollution levels rise may have been revealed by a study on the impact of the BP oil spill on tuna, scientists said Thursday.Heart problems in humans and fish have long been linked to air pollution and oil spills respectively. But researchers had not yet sorted out exactly how the toxic compounds found in oil interfere with heart cells.Interest in the problem increased when the devastating 2010 explosion on the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon drilling rig unleashed four million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico during spawning season.Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Stanford University set out to understand what happened to the hearts of tuna which had been spawned near the spill.They collected oil samples and young fish from the site and studied the impact of both fresh and weathered oil on the fish heart muscles.The researchers found that chemicals in the oil blocked the potassium and calcium channels that regulate heart rate and rhythm.The basic mechanisms occurring there are vital processes in cardiac cells in all vertebrates -- including humans.Theres lots of evidence that whats in particulate matter -- the exhaust coming out of our cars -- is similar to what were measuring here in crude oil, said study author Barbara Block, a biologist at Stanford University.We should be looking at the impact of air pollution on cardiac excitation coupling and I suspect well find the exact same response as we find here.The discovery could have impacts beyond the regulation of oil pollution, said coauthor at Nat Scholz, who heads the ecotoxicology program at a NOAA fisheries center in Seattle.These results on the NOAA side are going to have the potential to go beyond crude oil because theres so many other sources of PAH (toxic hydrocarbons) in coastal watersheds, he told reporters at the annual meeting of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science.Theres tie-ins from this to urban storm water runoff and pollution from other sources.The study also presented dismal prospects for the Gulfs commercial fishing industry and for the regions ecological health.The breeding population of the bluefin tuna -- which can live 35 years and grow to a whopping 1,400 pounds (650 kilograms) -- had already fallen by 80 percent before the spill.The latest stock assessment found that the bluefin tuna spawning population had fallen to just 36 percent of the 1970 baseline population.A number of other important species -- including yellowfin tuna, dolphins, blue marlin and swordfish -- also spawn in the area worst hit by the spill.While the impacts of the oil were most acute in embryos and larvae -- because adults can filter out some of the oil with their gills and livers -- the cardiac cells were blocked by oil at all stages of development.The study also found that the weathered oil -- which had been broken down by wave action and chemical dispersants used to keep the oil out of fragile wetlands -- was more toxic than fresh oil.And even very low concentrations of oil had significant impacts.Its not yet clear when the Gulf fisheries will stop feeling the effects of the oil spill, Scholz said.Relatively high concentrations of oil will simply kill the larvae. Lower levels of oil in the water will still affect the survivability of the fish, but in less obvious ways.Were finding situations where fish that look outwardly normal may have subtle effects that persist, Scholz said. If you put them on a fish equivalent of a treadmill later in life they have problems with their cardiac output.The study will be published Thursday in the journal Science.

Oil prices drift lower; WTI holds near four-month high


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices closed little changed Thursday, with the US contract near a four-month high after the International Energy Agency raised its global demand estimate and warned of tight supplies.The main US futures contract, West Texas Intermediate for delivery in March, dipped two cents to finish at $100.33 a barrel, holding steady near Wednesday's four-month highIn London trade, Brent North Sea crude for March, the international benchmark, settled at $108.73 a barrel, losing six cents from Wednesday. The contract expired Thursday.The market shrugged off lackluster US retail and unemployment claims data, said Matt Smith of the newsletter The Daily Distillation.But the IEA's February report on Thursday, raising demand expectations and highlighting the depletion of stocks globally, helped crude finish above $100 when there is really not too much positive news on the demand side in the US, said Smith.The IEA said a pick-up in demand in advanced countries, led by the United States, has more than compensated for slowing emerging-market consumption.It pushed up its forecast for 2014 global demand to 92.6 million barrels per day (mbd), an increase of 125,000 barrels per day.The Paris-based agency urged the OPEC cartel of crude-producers to skip a seasonal output drop as stocks touch six-year lows.Far from drowning in oil, markets have had to dig deeply into inventories to meet unexpectedly strong demand, said the IEA.

Dollar slides after US retail data disappoints


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar headed south against most other major currencies Thursday after US retail sales unexpectedly fell in January, but some economists blamed bad winter weather in part for the drop.The euro advanced strongly, buying $1.3678 around 2200 GMT, up from $1.3593 late Wednesday.The dollar fell to 102.15 yen from 102.50 yen. The euro, however, rose slightly against the Japanese currency, trading at 139.74 yen compared with 139.33.Retail sales fell 0.4 percent in January and the prior two months' numbers were revised lower. The Commerce Department report raised questions about the strength of the US economy, heavily dependent on consumer spending for growth.Everyone is blaming the weakness in retail sales on the weather but there's no question that the slowdown in job growth in December and January also contributed to the contraction in demand, said Kathy Lien of BK Asset Management.If economists are blaming the pullback in spending on inclement weather, then we can also attribute the market's disappointment and the sell-off in the dollar to Mother Nature, she added.The euro, meanwhile, was facing a test Friday when the eurozone's gross domestic product numbers for the fourth quarter are released, Lien said.A good number would most likely drive EUR/USD above $1.37, especially after today's weaker US retail sales report, she said.But a contraction in growth should remind everyone that the European Central Bank is still considering easier monetary policy as the Federal Reserve begins to unwind its stimulus program.The pound extended its Wednesday surge on the back of the Bank of England's improved economic outlook and revised guidance policy. Sterling fetched $1.6653, up from $1.6593.The dollar fell to 0.8934 Swiss franc from 0.9004 franc.

Gavaskar tips big Indian crowds at World Cup


WELLINGTON (AFP) - New Zealand and Australia can expect an influx of Indian fans for next years Cricket World Cup as the world champions look to defend their title, legendary batsman Sunil Gavaskar said Friday.Marking the one-year countdown to the event, Gavaskar said Indian fans were keen to relive the joy of 2011, when they became the first team to win the one-day tournament on home soil.He said victory in the 1983 World Cup was the highlight of his career, but the Indian publics devotion to the game went up even higher with the win in Mumbai in 2011, meaning fans were likely to be out in force next year.There were so many people on the streets of (Mumbai), you just couldnt go anywhere, he told reporters in Wellington.It was absolutely massive. Thats the passion that Indians have for this game. Im pretty certain that the Indians will be coming here to enjoy their cricket and partake of the magnificent hospitality.India are in a challenging pool for next years event that includes South Africa, Pakistan and the West Indies. They play matches in both New Zealand and Australia.New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said the event promised to be a huge spectacle.Its going to get rolled out to 182 countries, over a billion people will watch the Cricket World Cup, thats a fifth of the worlds population, so its going to be a magnificent event, he said.Key said the host nations had made it easier for overseas fans to travel to the tournament by introducing a single trans-Tasman entry visa for the event, so they did not need to fill out paperwork for each country.New Zealand great Richard Hadlee said the Black Caps, riding high after a 4-0 one-day series win over India, needed to overcome a psychological hurdle if they were to win the tournament.He said New Zealand bore the mental scars of reaching the semi-finals six times but never going on to claim the trophy.If we can replicate the form that were in now in 12 months time then were in with a shot, he said.But we do have that mental barrier dont we? Six previous semi-finals but weve not gone beyond that.If we can make the semi-final and dig deep then its 50-50 on the day when youre in the final, so we can live in hope.The World Cup will be held from February 14 to March 15, 2015 with 49 matches played in 14 venues across the two host nations.

India win toss, bowl first against New Zealand


WELLINGTON (AFP) - India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni won the toss and had no hesitation putting New Zealand into bat on a wicket with a considerable green top at the Basin Reserve on Friday.Dhoni has won every toss in New Zealand without leading his side to victory after losing the one-dayers 4-0 and the first Test by 40 runs.New Zealand have made two changes to their successful Test side as they look to wrap up the series.Tom Latham comes in for Ross Taylor whose wife is due to give birth during the match, and all-rounder Jimmy Neesham replaces leg-spinner Ish Sodhi to give New Zealand five seamers on the green wicket.India do not have the luxury of a seaming all-rounder in their squad like New Zealand and have retained the same side that lost the first Test, Dhoni said.Although winning the toss should favour India, the Basin Reserve has not been a happy hunting ground for them since they won the first Test they played there in 1968.In five Tests since they have lost four and drawn one.The last time New Zealand played in Wellington, they beat the West Indies in December by an innings and 73 runs.

Johnson blasts through South African batting


CENTURION (AFP) - Australian fast bowler Mitchell Johnson continued his Ashes series form with a devastating bowling performance on the second day of the first Test against South Africa at Centurions SuperSport Park on Thursday.Johnson took four for 51 as South Africa crashed to 140 for six at the close of play, still 257 runs behind Australias first innings of 397.AB de Villiers was the only batsman to withstand the onslaught, scoring 52 not out.The raw figures do not do justice to the destruction caused by Johnson against the worlds number one rated team.Johnson needed just four balls to strike a major blow for Australia when he dismissed South African captain Graeme Smith with a vicious bouncer. He followed up with the wickets of Alviro Petersen and Faf du Plessis in his third and fourth overs.Peter Siddle trapped Hashim Amla leg before wicket for 17.Smith started confidently, pulling Ryan Harriss first ball for four and taking ten runs off the first over of the innings.Petersen scored a single off Johnsons second ball, bringing Smith on strike against the left-arm fast bowler, who destroyed England by taking 37 wickets at an average of 13.97 during the Ashes series.Johnsons first ball to Smith was short and there was a half-hearted appeal as it thudded off Smiths thigh pad to short leg.The next ball was a fast bouncer which climbed towards Smiths head. The batsman lifted his bat in front of his face and the ball looped over the slips, with Shaun Marsh running back from third slip to take a fine catch.Petersen made only two before flashing at Johnson to be caught by wicketkeeper Brad Haddin and Du Plessis followed soon afterwards, fending another short delivery to Michael Clarke at second slip.Hashim Amla was leg before wicket to Peter Siddle to reduce South Africa to 43 for four before AB de Villiers and JP Duminy staged a minor recovery with a fifth wicket stand of 67.Johnson was involved in Duminys dismissal taking a superb diving catch running back from mid-off when Duminy mistimed a lofted drive against off-spinner Nathan Lyon.Johnson the bowler struck again when he bowled Ryan McLaren, beating the all-rounder for pace.Australia earlier lost their last six wickets for 66 runs.Marsh and Steve Smith took their fifth wicket stand to 233, seeing off the threat of Dale Steyn and Vernon Philander with the second new ball, before Smith was out for 100, caught at second slip off Ryan McLaren.Smith took 33 balls to advance from his overnight 91 to his fourth Test century, made off 211 deliveries, but was out two balls later.Brad Haddin, one of the stars of Australias 5-0 series win over England, lasted just three balls before he swung across the line against left-arm spinner Robin Peterson and was leg before wicket without scoring.Marsh took his overnight score of 122 to a Test-best 148 before Philander came back into the attack and had him caught at first slip.Dale Steyn and Robin Peterson wrapped up the innings soon after lunch, with Steyn bowling Ryan Harris and Peter Siddle to finish with four for 78, while Peterson bowled Johnson for a hard-hit 33.

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