Tuesday 4 February 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Satya Nadella named Microsoft CEO as Bill Gates steps down


NEW YORK (Web Desk) - Microsoft settled on a veteran insider as its replacement for long-time CEO Steve Ballmer on Tuesday, ending a five-month search with a choice some analysts called a “safe pick” for the software behemoth.India-born Satya Nadella, 46, head of the company's cloud computing division and enterprise business, was appointed after a team of headhunters concluded a five-month search that included some of the most world’s most famous executives.Nadella is only the third person to lead Microsoft; since the company was founded 39 years ago, only co-founder Bill Gates and Ballmer have headed it. But in recent years the company has looked flat-footed as rivals Apple, Google and Facebook have dominated and innovated in hardware, online services and social media.In a nod to Nadella's low profile outside the company, Microsoft introduced him with a sleek web page that was heavy on biographical details including the revelation that he relaxes by reading poetry.Ballmer said he would step down last August amid mounting criticism of the company’s dependence on its Windows, Microsoft Office and workplace software, products that have generated massive profits for the company for decades but are being increasingly challenged by online alternatives. In a statement, Ballmer said Nadella was “the right leader at the right time” for Microsoft.Some were less sure. In a note to investors, analysts at FBR Capital Markets said the appointment of Nadella was a safe pick compared to choosing an outsider. Microsoft was among the first to innovate in areas like smartphones, tablets and cloud services. But it has seen those ideas better executed by rivals including Apple and Amazon, the note said.As part of the announcement, Gates said he would step down as chairman to assume a new role on the board as founder and technology adviser.John Thompson, the Microsoft board member who oversaw its search for a new chief executive, becomes chairman. “During this time of transformation, there is no better person to lead Microsoft than Satya Nadella,” Gates said..“Satya is a proven leader with hardcore engineering skills, business vision and the ability to bring people together. His vision for how technology will be used and experienced around the world is exactly what Microsoft needs as the company enters its next chapter of expanded product innovation and growth,” Gates said in his statement.Nadella may be little known outside of Microsoft’s sprawling Redmond campus, but inside it he is a star. Before being named as CEO he ran one of Microsoft's fastest growing divisions, cloud services. Revenue at the division soared 107% compared to a year ago, the company said when it reported its fiscal second-quarter results on 23 January. Most of his experience is in serving corporate customers – the source of two-thirds of Microsoft profits.

Power outrages hit three million in Brazil


SAO PAULO (AFP) - Several Brazilian states, including three set to host June World Cup action, suffered power outages Tuesday, fueling fears over the country's ability to keep the lights on.High demand combined with worries over supplies at a time of low rainfall led national grid operator ONS to warn of disruption in the integrated system as it noted outages in the north, southeast and south of the sprawling South American country.Media reports suggested some three million people had seen supplies cut in 11 states, including Rio de Janeiro, and Parana in the south. All three will welcome World Cup action in June.The ONS said the cut lasted some 40 minutes before a gradual return to normal power levels.The outage came a day after the grid registered record demand for energy, including a rush for air conditioning amid soaring temperatures in a sticky Southern Hemisphere summer.The high demand came with water levels in reservoirs running low owing to low rainfall this year to date -- though authorities deny that is a factor.The low water levels have nothing to do with the demands of the system, mines and energy ministry executive secretary Marcio Zimmermann said.Brazil has previously suffered a spate of similar problems.Last August, eight northeastern states were left without power following a fire at an electrical station.In October 2012, much of the north and northeast were plunged into darkness for hours owing to a national grid glitch, while a similar problem hit the capital Brasilia.In late 2012, another outage left passengers at tourist-packed Rio's international airport groping in the dark.

Kashmir Solidarity Day being observed today


ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed today (Wednesday) across the country to express unity with people of the occupied Kashmir.The objective is to draw the attention of the world community to play its role for resolving the lingering Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions.It will be a public holiday and the day will dawn with special prayers at mosques for the martyrs of Kashmir and the victory of the freedom struggle.Various political‚ educational‚ social and literary organizations have planned to hold mass rallies‚ symposia‚ walks-for-peace‚ conventions‚ exhibitions of paintings and declamation contests in different cities to mark the occasion.A joint session of the Azad Kashmir Legislative Assembly and the AJK Council will be held in Muzaffarabad on the day to pay tribute to the people of Occupied Kashmir.

Girl dead, 25 injured as train bogies derail after explosion in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News): A girl has been killed, at least 25 injured as an explosion at railway track near Khaghar gate derailed at least 11 bogies, overturned another 6 bogies of night coach en route from Karachi to Faisalabad. Rescue workers face challenges due to the darkness at the site.A total of seven hundred twenty eight passengers and twelve crew members were on board.According to DS Railway Maqsoodul Nabi, three bogies were overturned due to the explosion. Heavy contingents of police and rescue workers have been dispatched.According to police, it is taking time for rescue workers to reach the site because of the distance as the explosion site is farther from the city.Meanwhile, the passengers are reportedly evacuating the injured passengers from the affected bogies on self-help basis. Eye witnesses say that difficulties are arising in rescue efforts owing to the darkness at the site.Railway minister Khwaja Saad Rafique has directed the authorities to take every step possible to rescue the victims.

Asia fuels rise in world defense spending: study


PARIS (AFP) - World defense spending will rise in 2014 for the first time in five years, a key study found Tuesday, driven by arms races in Asia and the Middle East, as well as a resurgent Russia.The closely watched IHS Jane s Annual Defence Budgets Review said military budgets this year would inch up by 0.6 percent, after years of falls brought on by lower spending in the West.We have seen substantial increases in defence spending from countries like Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and Oman over the past two years, said Paul Burton, Director of IHS Jane s Aerospace, Defence & Security.Military spending in Russia is on the advance, the study said, with President Vladimir Putin pushing through a 44 percent surge in defence expenditure over the next three years.Already, spending in Russia last year shot to $68 billion, putting it ahead of Britain and Japan.Spending by superpower China last year was $139 billion dollars, with only the United States expending more defence. In 2015, the study said military spending in China will outweigh that of Britain, France and Germany combined.Expenditure on weapons and armies throughout Asia, which rose steadily since 2009, is fueled by heightened tensions between regional powerhouses China and Japan over islands in the East China Sea.The high-stakes rift has rattled nerves throughout the region and IHS Janes s now believes defence spending in Asia, excluding China, will exceed spending in Western Europe by 2015.Middle East rivalries, especially as regional players choose sides in the murderous Syria conflict, has increased military spending there.We have seen a rapid acceleration of defence spending in the Middle East since 2011 ... Oman and Saudi Arabia, in particular, have seen rapid growth of over 30 percent between 2011 and 2013, said Fenella McGerty, a senior analyst at IHS Jane s.Military expenditure by the United States still towers over the rest of the world s, but is expected to continue its steady fall.Spending has drifted lower from $664 billion in 2012, to $582 billion in 2013 and is forecast at $575 billion in 2014 and $535 billion in 2015.Pentagon outlays have been cut due to the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and political bickering in Congress over the government spending.

Suicide blast in Peshawar kills nine, injures 50


PESAHWAR (Dunya News) – At least nine persons died and dozens of others injured in a suicide blast in Koocha Risaldar area of Qissa Khawani Bazar on Tuesday.According to police, a suicide bomber blew himself up in Pak Hotel in Koocha Risaldar killing eight persons and injuring several others including women and children.Rescue teams rushed to the scene and started shifting the wounded to hospital.An emergency has been declared in Lady Reading Hospital while the management of the hospital has appealed the citizens to donate blood to the wounded.Law enforcement agencies cordoned off the area and started search operation.The blast caused damage to the building of hotel and windowpanes of nearby shops.SSP City Faisal Mukhtar said that head and some other body parts of the suicide bomber were found from the scene.President Mamnoon Hussain, PM Nawaz Sharif, MQM chief Altaf Hussain, Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak have strongly condemned the blast.Talking to Dunya News, a grieved mother of a blast victim requested the banned TTP to stop targeting innocent people in Peshawar as they were Pakhtun brethren while she urged the government to hold peace talks with Taliban immediately for restoration of peace in Pakistan.It is to mention here that six persons were killed and several others injured in a blast in same area on Sunday. The explosion occurred when around 100 people were watching a Pashtu film in Picture House Cinema Qissa Khawani Bazar.Meanwhile, an explosion at rail track overturned four and derailed 11 bogies of Night Coach near Landhi railway station in Karachi on Tuesday.These incidents occurred when the negotiation committees of the government and banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are engaged in a process of peace talks.The government and the Taliban have formed negotiation committees to discuss the proposed process of peace talks.

Karachi: Railway track blown up, 11 bogies derailed


KARACHI (Dunya News): An explosion at railway track near Khaghar gate derailed at least 11 bogies of night coach en route from Karachi to Lahore. Rescue workers face challenges due to the darkness at the site.According to DS Railway Maqsoodul Nabi, three bogies were overturned due to the explosion. Heavy contingents of police and rescue workers have been dispatched.According to police, it is taking time for rescue workers to reach the site because of the distance as the explosion site is farther from the city.Meanwhile, the passengers are reportedly evacuating the injured passengers from the affected bogies on self-help basis. Eye witnesses say that difficulties are arising in rescue efforts owing to the darkness at the site.Railway minister Khawaja Saad Rafique has directed the authorities to take every step possible to rescue the victims.

Eight killed, 30 injured in Peshawar blast


PESAHWAR (Dunya News) – At least eight persons died and several others injured in a blast in Qissa Khawani Bazar on Tuesday.According to police, the suicide blast took place outside a hotel in Koocha Risaldar area of Qissa Khawani Bazar.Rescue teams rushed to the scene and started shifting the wounded to hospital.Law enforcement agencies cordoned off the area and started search operation.An emergency has been declared in Lady Reading Hospital while the management of the hospital has appealed the citizens to donate blood to the wounded.The blast also caused damage to nearby buildings and shops.

Musharraf challenges arrest warrant in Supreme Court


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Former president General (R) Pervez Musharraf has challenged arrest warrant, issued by special court on January 10, 2014.The counsels of Musharraf Anwar Mansoor, Sharif-ud-Din Pirzada and Dr Khalid Ranjha signed Court can’t give verdict over general law.The applications termed special court’s decision as illegal and unconstitutional and stated that special court breached articles 10, 4, 110A and 25 of the constitution and article 10(A) assures transparent judicial trail but it is not happening.Earlier, former dictator General (r) Pervez Musharraf submitted bail bond of Rs. 2.5 million to special court’s registrar in the treason case today (Tuesday). Musharraf was served with an arrest warrant by the police at Armed Forces Institution of Cardiology (AFIC) where he is hospitalised.A special court, constituted to try 70-year-old Musharraf on charges of high treason for imposing emergency in 2007, had issued a bailable warrant on Friday.The court had also ordered the Islamabad police to submit a compliance report to the court on February 7.Police were able to serve the warrants only after waiting for two-and-half hours at the reception of the medical facility.Musharrafs lawyers, who were also present at the hospital, provided the police with details about the surety bonds of Rs. 2.5 million.Since the start of the high treason trial against him, Musharraf has not appeared before the court.Musharraf was admitted to the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology in Rawalpindi after he developed heart problems while being driven to the special court.

Outrage as French teens film assault on disabled man


GRENOBLE (AFP) - Three French teenagers have been detained after they filmed themselves assaulting a young mentally disabled man and posted the footage on Face book sparking widespread outrage, a police source said Tuesday.The video filmed on Sunday in the southeastern town of Fontaine shows two of the boys pushing the 18-year-old in a park, making him fall and shouting at him before shoving him into a stream, from which the bewildered-looking victim emerges and walks away.According to the police source, a 14-year-old and 15-year-old were detained on Monday over the assault, and two other boys were held on Tuesday.One of the boys, a 12-year-old, was released and sent home after being questioned.The victim was not hurt in the incident, which Marie-Arlette Carlotti, junior minister for the disabled, described as hugely shocking and a barbaric assault.French prosecutors are due to question the three teenagers later on Tuesday.The outrage over the filmed incident follows a similar outcry over a video posted on the Internet showing a 24-year-old Frenchman hurling a kitten through the air.Farid Ghilas was arrested in the southern city of Marseille last week and sentenced to a year in prison on Monday.The five-month-old kitten, shown mewling and traumatised in the video, survived but suffered a broken leg and is facing surgery.

Murderer, kidnaper recaptured by US police


CHICAGO (AFP) - A convicted murderer who escaped from prison, then kidnapped a woman whom he held hostage in her car for hours, has been recaptured, authorities in Michigan said.Michael David Elliot, 40, was serving life in prison in the state of Michigan for the 1993 murders of four people.After his escape, he armed himself with a hammer and box cutter before forcing himself into a womans car late Sunday.He was caught late Monday by police in the neighboring central US state of Indiana using GPS data from the womans cell phone.Authorities said Elliot will be extradited back to Michigan.

Govt committee okays Taliban committee, tells to initiate negotiations


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Government’s negotiations committee has conveyed to the Taliban’s counterpart to initiate the process.After the press conference of Taliban committee Chief Maulana Samiul Haq, government’s committee member Rahimullah Yousafzai contacted coordinator of Taliban committee Yousaf Shah and conveyed the message for Samiul Haq. In the message he said that the confusion about Taliban committee has been removed and that government’s committee is ready. Yousafzai conveyed that Samiul Haq can initiate the process and inform the government committee when possible.While talking to Dunya News, government committee member Rustam Shah Mohmand said that the 3-member committee nominated by Taliban will indeed be negotiating with the government committee. He further said that the process will begin in one or two days.Earlier, addressing a press conference, Maulana Samiul Haq had said that Taliban committee wanted to meet government committee to discuss negotiations framework but government committee didn’t bother to contact.Expressing his concerns, Samiul Haq had said that it appears that the government is retreating upon the pressure from America. He further said that he’s playing a critical role to farther the negotiation process so that the country could be prevented from potentially major warfare.Samiul Haq further said that the ball is now in government committee’s court, will go whenever called.

Toll rises as Syria regime bombs Aleppo: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - Syrian army helicopters carried out new raids over the northern city of Aleppo on Tuesday, dropping explosive-packed barrel bombs as they press a punishing aerial assault, a monitoring group said.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported multiple barrel bomb attacks across rebel-held parts of the city, where 30 people were killed in similar raids on Monday alone.The Aleppo Media Centre said one of the raids hit a school in the Masakan Hanano neighbourhood, and that children were among those killed.There were no immediate details on the number of dead in Tuesdays raids, which came after another round of barrel bomb attacks on Monday killed 14 men, 13 children and three women.Over the weekend, the Observatory said 85 people were killed in a single day of air strikes and barrel bomb attacks on Saturday.The fierce air campaign has prompted an exodus of civilians from rebel-held areas in the east and north of Aleppo.But fighting between rebels and jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant throughout Aleppo province has left those fleeing with few escape routes.Some have fled to Turkey, while others are seeking to enter the government-controlled part of Aleppo, according to Rami Abdel Rahman, the director of the Observatory, a Britain-based group that relies on a network of activists and other witnesses inside Syria.The Aleppo Media Centre said people are fleeing in large numbers.Some neighbourhoods have become like ghost towns, with shops closed and residents leaving their homes.The aerial assault comes as regime forces on the ground try to capture districts in the east and north of the city.In recent months, the army has recaptured some territory in Aleppo province, including around Aleppo international airport.Syrias second city and onetime commercial hub has been divided since a major rebel offensive in the summer of 2012, and much of the citys historic Old Town has been demolished in the fighting.

Football: Manchester United confirms USA tour


LONDON (AFP) - Full details are set to be released in the next few weeks, but the Premier League champions said Tuesday they would visit a number of destinations in the country during their trip.This is set to be Uniteds fifth pre-season tour of the United States, long considered one of the great undeveloped markets for football, with the most recent in 2011 when the club played four American teams and Spanish side Barcelona across three cities.However, plans for the tour may be altered if United have to take part in the early qualifying stages of the Europa League in August.Now managed by David Moyes following the retirement of serial trophy-winner Alex Ferguson, United are seventh in the table -- seven points adrift of the Champions League places.There have been reports United will take part in an International Champions Cup tournament in North America along with seven other major teams.United managing director Richard Arnold, welcomed the tour.Im delighted to announce that the team will be returning to the USA for our 2014 Tour, presented by Aon, said Arnold.Since the clubs last visit in 2011, the appeal of football in America has grown rapidly. NBC reported that this seasons Barclays Premier League opening weekend saw the average viewership rise by 78 percent from the 2012/13 season, with Manchester Uniteds match against Swansea being the most-watched game.Manchester United has over eight million followers in the United States and the 2014 Tour presents an exciting opportunity for these fans to get up close to the club they love.

Present members are our final representatives: Taliban spokesman


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News): Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid said in a statement on Tuesday that the existing 3 members are the final representatives constituting Taliban’s negotiations committee.Shahid said that Taliban completely trust the committee comprising Maulana Samiul Haq, Maulana Abdul Aziz and Professor Ibrahim.Taliban spokesperson further said that Taliban had announced a five member committee however after withdrawal of two members, three-member committee is the final committee.It is pertinent to mention here that government’s and Taliban's negotiations committees were scheduled to meet in Islamabad on Tuesday; however prior to the meeting, the government committee sought a few clarifications. Government committee had inquired about the authority of current Taliban committee after withdrawal of two members.

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