Tuesday 25 February 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

We need to pull together to save oceans: Kerry


HALF MOON BAY (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry warned royalty, corporate kings and environmental warriors Tuesday that governments won't save the seas without significant impetus from every sphere of society.Kerry's comments came via video link to a large gathering at the scenic Half Moon Bay, California that has brought together countries big and small to find ways to prevent oceans and seas being destroyed by a rapacious global appetite for food and resources.We don't yet have the political consensus or the urgency translated into political action, Kerry said during a video chat that kicked off the World Ocean Summit, organized by The Economist.And we know that there's no way that governments are going to tackle this enormous challenge, frankly, without significant impetus from the private sector, the NGO community, academia, media and others.A note struck time and again at the meeting, which continues through Wednesday, was the need to translate the destruction of seas and sea life into economic values that everyone, from world leaders to lone fishermen, can take to heart.Every human on Earth depends on the oceans for the food we eat and the air we breath, Kerry said.The environmental reasons for protecting the planet's oceans should be leaping out at people.Monaco's Prince Albert II, who took part in a panel discussion, said that preservation of the environment can not be accomplished against human wishes.It can only work with a sustainable model recognizing the goals of humanity and the requirements of nature.Those attending the summit are well versed in disastrous threats facing the seas, from overfishing to dead zones where pollution makes any form of life impossible.However, a casual poll showed participants were broadly optimistic these problems could be beaten.The facts are still extremely worrying, cautioned United Nations under-secretary-general Achim Steiner, head of the UN environment program.At the same time, we are seeing an enormous groundswell in activity to try to address this phenomenon.Overarching themes included sustainability when it comes to fisheries and other gifts from the sea, and the inescapable need for nations to work together.Threats include illegal fishing practices smashing food chains and wiping out species; pollution, including fertilizer, run-off from in-land farms, and climate change.

US fines Asiana $500,000 over San Francisco crash


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - US aviation authorities have fined South Korea's Asiana Airlines $500,000 over last year's deadly San Francisco air crash for failing to properly help families of victims, officials said Tuesday.Three passengers died when Asiana Airlines Flight 214 clipped a seawall with its landing gear, skidded off the runway and burst into flames at the end of an otherwise routine flight from Seoul to San Francisco on July 6.Asiana violated federal law last July by failing to adhere to the assurances in its family-assistance plan following the crash, according to the US Department of Transportation, which said some families were not contacted for up to five days afterwards.The fine is the first imposed by the DoT under a 1997 law which requires foreign airlines to keep to a family-assistance plan in the event of aircraft accidents resulting in a major loss of life, it said.In a brief response, Asiana appeared to reject the basis of the penalty.Asiana provided extensive support to the passengers and their families following the accident and will continue to do so, the airline said in a one-line statement.US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said in a damning appraisal: In the very rare event of a crash, airlines have a responsibility to provide their full support to help passengers and their families by following all the elements of their family-assistance plans.The last thing families and passengers should have to worry about at such a stressful time is how to get information from their carrier.One of the three victims had been pulled alive from the plane and placed near one wing. But the Chinese teenager was later run over and killed by a fire truck which did not spot her lying under a layer of fire retardant foam.US prosecutors decided in October not to bring charges against the firefighter driving the truck.Five-day wait for info -Another 182 passengers and crew aboard the Boeing 777 were injured, in the first fatal commercial airline crash in the United States since 2009.The DoT said that Asiana initially lacked adequate staff to communicate in the languages spoken by the flight's passengers, which included South Korean, American and Chinese nationals.It added: The only number generally available to the public that family members could call was Asiana's toll-free reservations line. Locating this phone number on Asiana's website required significant effort. The reservations line did not include a separate menu option for calls related to the crash and callers were required to navigate through cumbersome automated menus before being connected to an Asiana employee.In addition, Asiana took two full days to successfully contact the families of just three-quarters of the passengers. The families of several passengers were not contacted until five days following the crash.Asiana's response to the crash of flight 214 indicates that the carrier failed to commit sufficient resources to carry out its family-assistance plan.A final US report on the reasons for the crash is expected to be ready by the first anniversary of the disaster.

Boxing: Amir Khan hits out at Mayweather after snub


LAS VEGAS (AFP) - Amir Khan unleashed a flurry of verbal jabs Tuesday at Floyd Mayweather after the unbeaten American passed him over for a lucrative May 3 bout and chose Argentina's Marcos Maidana.Mayweather, 45-0 with 26 knockouts, said Monday -- his 37th birthday -- that he would defend his World Boxing Association and World Boxing Council light-middleweight crowns against Maidana, 35-3 with 31 knockouts, and not Khan.The 27-year-old Englishman Khan -- who defeated Maidana in 2010 -- made his fury clear in a statement released by his promotions company and linked to a post on his Twitter feed, intimating that Mayweather was running scared.Despite having signed my part of the agreement to fight Floyd in early December, I've been preparing myself for some time that the match-up with him wasn't going to happen, Khan said. Therefore this announcement (Monday) did not come as a surprise.I am, however, very disappointed with Floyd and his team for not providing any explanation as to why he delayed the announcement for so long and ultimately avoided the fight with me.Clarification, if he was not fighting me, would have allowed me to look over my options and pursue another path, rather than the ultimate delay to my career this has caused.Khan, 28-3 with 19 knockouts, has not fought since last April 27 and skipped a planned December bout with US southpaw Devon Alexander for the International Boxing Federation title in anticipation of a big-money showdown with Mayweather.Instead, it has been a major aggravation and the longest layoff of his career, as he attempts to get back on track after two devastating defeats against Lamont Peterson, in 2011, and then Danny Garcia the following year. It has been a very frustrating period as I had been due to fight in December, said Khan, who even won an online poll set up by Money Mayweather asking his fans to decide whether he should face the Englishman or Maidana.I was strongly advised to not take this fight (Alexander) as I would be facing Floyd this May -- and therefore signed my side of the contract on this belief.Floyd was keen to engage with the fans and so decided to let them choose who he should fight in his next bout.I clearly won his official poll, by a significant margin, but for unknown reasons he decided to ignore the fans' vote and failed to keep his word, disappointing many fight fans who took the time to vote.Khan said he was hoping to announce details about his next fight within 10 days.I've been training very hard since my last fight. I'm a fighter who wants to face the very best out there and have never ducked any opponent, he said.I'm focused and ready for my next outing.

Swiss bank accused of helping clients evade US taxes


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Switzerland's second largest bank, Credit Suisse, used elaborate measures to find wealthy clients and help them evade US tax authorities, a scathing report from a Senate inquiry said Tuesday.The report contains the results of a two-year Senate investigation and comes a day before the heavily-anticipated questioning of Credit Suisse chief Brady Dougan and other top bank figures before the panel.The investigation found that, as of 2006, Credit Suisse had over 22,000 US customers with Swiss accounts whose assets, at their peak, exceeded 12 billion Swiss francs ($13.5 billion), the report said.Although Credit Suisse has not determined or estimated how many of those accounts were hidden from US authorities, the data suggests the vast majority were undeclared, it added.Among the bank's cloak-and-dagger practices, Swiss bankers were sent to the United States to secretly find clients, leaving no paper trail, at events sponsored by the bank -- such as at golf tournaments in Florida.The bank also helped its clients find intermediaries who could help them create offshore shell companies to hide the money trail from the Internal Revenue Service.One former customer described how, on one occasion, a Credit Suisse banker travelled to the United States to meet with the customer at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and, over breakfast, handed the customer the bank statements hidden in a Sports Illustrated magazine, wrote the investigators.Third-party companies were also engaged by the bank to provide credit cards permitting clients to secretly use their hidden funds.By 2008, the report says, there were more than 1,800 Credit Suisse bankers employed to manage US client accounts, many of which were never declared to the IRS, and whose transactions were structured to avoid US tax reporting requirements.From 2008 to 2011, after the break of a tax evasion scandal at fellow Swiss bank UBS, Credit Suisse starting putting an end to its evasive practices, asking clients to close their accounts or declare them.In total, by the end of 2013, the number of Swiss accounts held by US clients at Credit Suisse fell by 85 percent, the report said.

Egypt: Militants blow up gas pipeline in Sinai


CAIRO (AFP) - Militants blew up a pipeline in Sinai late Tuesday that transports gas to Jordan, security officials said, in the fourth such attack this year in the restive peninsula.Militants planted explosives under the pipeline south of the city of Al-Arish in an area called Lehfen, they said.The explosion sent thick flames of fire shooting into the sky, security officials said, adding that fire engines and ambulances had been rushed to the site.There were no immediate reports of any casualties.On February 11, militants planted a bomb under a pipeline that transported gas to an industrial area of the restive Sinai.Since the 2011 ouster of president Hosni Mubarak, militants have regularly targeted pipelines in Sinai, repeatedly forcing a halt in gas supplies to Israel and Jordan.The army has poured troops into the mountainous and underdeveloped region to combat the growing militancy.

EU, Russia bid to calm tension over Ukraine


KIEV (AFP) - World powers sought to ease tensions over Ukraine Tuesday as the country's interim authorities grappled with the threat of economic collapse and separatism after the dramatic ouster of pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovych.Russia softened its angry tone over the sudden, weekend regime change in Ukraine, while senior EU and US diplomats visited the ex-Soviet country that Yanukovych had tried to steer towards Moscow but whose new leaders have tilted firmly towards the West.Frantic talks took place between US, European and Russian diplomats as Ukraine appealed for $35 billion (25 billion euros) in aid to avoid bankruptcy and interim president Oleksandr Turchynov warned of a secessionist threat.The European Union had said it stood ready to give conditional financial assistance to Ukraine.In several regions of Ukraine there are very dangerous signs of separatism, Turchynov told parliament on Tuesday, voicing fears that the pro-Russia east could push for partition after a pro-Western administration took charge of the country following months of anti-Yanukovych protests.Russia had initially reacted with fury to the weekend's rapid-fire political changes -- brought about by last week's clashes that left nearly 100 dead -- accusing the new leadership of waging an armed mutiny.But on Tuesday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sought to soften the tone, saying Ukraine should not be forced to choose between Russia and the West.We confirmed our principled position of non-intervention in Ukraine's internal affairs, Lavrov said in Moscow.We are interested in Ukraine being part of the European family, in all senses of the word, he said. It is dangerous and counterproductive to force Ukraine into a choice.EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton also sought to calm tensions during a press conference in Kiev.We offer support, not interference for the future, Ashton told reporters in a bid to downplay claims that the West wants to bring Ukraine into its sphere of influence.She also stressed the importance of the strong links between Ukraine and Russia and the importance of having them maintained.Ashton however offered no concrete commitments of economic assistance, saying only that the IMF was very keen to meet the future new government.Klitschko stands for president -The tumultuous events of the past week have capped more than three months of relentless protests against Yanukovych's rule sparked by his November decision to spurn a historic pact with the European Union in favour of closer ties with Russia.One of the stars to emerge during this unrest was Vitali Klitschko, a heavyweight world champion boxer who became one of the three major protest leaders.The tall 42-year-old has managed to use his sporting credentials to bridge traditional divides in Ukraine between the more nationalist West and pro-Russia East and South, and as such enjoys wide popularity.Klitschko announced Tuesday he would stand for president in polls set for May 25, shortly after the electoral commission officially kicked off the campaign for elections.And while Ukraine's opposition-dominated parliament on Tuesday delayed the highly anticipated formation of a new government until Thursday, it voted to apply to the International Criminal Court to prosecute Yanukovych over the mass murder of protesters.Yanukovych, however, has disappeared since he reportedly attempted to flee the country on Saturday from the eastern city of Donetsk.Fears of separatism -The new government will face the tough task of maintaining financial and territorial stability in Ukraine ahead of the May polls.On Sunday, thousands of people rallied in the southern port city of Sevastopol -- home to Russia's Black Sea fleet for some 200 years and a bastion of pro-Moscow sentiment -- calling for Mother Russia to save them.Several hundreds still protested Tuesday, while two armoured vehicles had been deployed near Russian military installations in the city centre, in what local media said was a bid to respond to potential terrorist attacks.Later Tuesday, the United States and Britain voiced support for Ukraine, vowing it should not be seen as a battleground between East and West.British Foreign Secretary William Hague, after talks with his US counterpart John Kerry, stressed Ukraine's territorial integrity.This is not a zero-sum game, (it) is not a West versus East, said Kerry. This is about the people of Ukraine and Ukrainians making their choice about their future.Hague said: This is a country that needs financial assistance from many sources, including from Russia. It's not about pulling them away from Russia. It's about enabling them to make their own choices.He also held talks with officials from the International Monetary Fund and is due to visit Ukraine soon.Deputy US Secretary of State William Burns arrived in Kiev on Tuesday and met Klitschko.Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the top cleric in Ukraine's Greek Catholic Church, also warned about the risks of civil war and separatism during a visit to Rome, calling on the EU to offer economic aid and above all diplomatic support.Hungary's foreign ministry meanwhile said it was concerned by reports that Ukrainian far-right group Pravy Sektor broke up a council meeting in a majority ethnic Hungarian town in western Ukraine using aggression.

Apple releases security fix for Mac computers


NEW YORK (AFP) - Apple released a series of software patches for its Mac computers to fix what was described as a serious security flaw in the operating system.The updates for Mac OS follow Friday's release of a security update for the iOS 7 mobile operating system used on the iPhone and iPad.Apple's comments on the security flaws were limited, but cryptographer Matthew Green said before the updates that the flaw was seriously exploitable, meaning that it could allow hackers to gain access to user accounts.An Apple spokesman said of the latest patch: Today's update does address the same issue that was fixed in iOS 7.The Apple support website said the update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac.The website said the update fixes a series of problems and also allows the computers to make and receive voice calls using Apple's FaceTime program.Security researcher Ashkan Soltani said in a tweet that it still surprises me that Apple waited 3 extra days to fix (the problem) with a version update rather than just do a timely Security Update.The first news of the flaw came from the security firm Crowdstrike in a blog post Friday, which said hackers could intercept communications over Wi-Fi networks from users of Apple devices.The updates cover the Mac OS X Mavericks operating system as well as the older Mountain Lion system.

Sartaj Aziz rejects impression of Syria policy shift


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News/Agencies) - Advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz has rejected allegations of selling of arms for use in Syria or any change in Pakistan’s policy towards conflict in that country under Saudi pressure.“We strongly reject the speculations surfaced in the media regarding change in Pakistans policy on Syria and linking it with the visit of Saudi crown prince,” he said in a statement in National Assembly.“This impression is baseless and misleading that there has been a policy shift regarding Syria. Pakistan fully honours national and international laws in its agreements and sale of arms,” he said.Sartaj Aziz said Pakistans policy towards Syria is based on principles. It supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and cessation of hostilities by all sides.Responding to points raised by Syed Naveed Qamar and Shah Mehmood Qureshi‚ Minister for Kashmir Affairs Ch Barjees Tahir said peaceful polling was held on Saturday for by-election in LA-22 constituency of Azad Kashmir Legislative Assembly.He said allegations of rigging are baseless.He said on Monday people blocked a road in Baloch area and when police tried to clear the road‚ exchange of fire took place in which several people were injured from both side. Later‚ one injured person expired.He said judicial inquiry has already been ordered and action would be taken against those found guilty.Four bills were introduced in the National Assembly on Tuesday.The Bills are Constitution Amendment Bill 2014‚ Criminal Law Amendment Bill‚ Control of Narcotics Substances Amendment Bill 2014 and Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University Islamabad (Amendment) Bill.The House held debate on the foreign policy on a motion moved by Shahida Rehmani.The mover and other members who spoke on the motion emphasized that Pakistan should seek friendly relations with all countries especially the regional countries.

Altaf urges Pak army to take control of the country


LONDON (Dunya News/Agencies) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has called upon the Pak army to take control of the country if govt doesn’t support operation against Taliban.“I will request the army chief and prime minister of the country to come on same page for tackling the terrorists; if the elected regime does not join hands with the army for getting rid of the terrorists then I would suggest the military to step forward on its own.”“Dialogues could be held with only those who are ready to hand over their weapons and accept the state and its constitution and If Taliban are not ready for these all things then a war should be launched against them, instead of the talks,” observed the MQM chief.The MQM Chief stated that he could care less if anyone says he was inviting dictatorship in the country.He said he would rather support the idea of resolution of issues through a dialogue but stressed that ‘first the writ of the state and Constitution will have to be established; a ceasefire and dialogue come next’.Altaf Hussain exhorted the government to establish a fund for the families of the martyrs of law enforcers. MQM, he added, will also contribute its share to this fund.

Sri Lanka beat Pakistan by 12 runs in Asia Cup opener


FATULLAH (AFP) - Sling-arm fast bowler Lasith Malinga grabbed five wickets in a devastating final spell to lead Sri Lanka to a 12-run win over defending champions Pakistan in the opening match of the Asia Cup in Fatullah on Tuesday.Pakistan, chasing Sri Lankas competitive 296-6, seemed to be cruising at 242-4 in the 43rd over following a fifth-wicket stand of 121 between skipper Misbah-ul-Haq and Umar Akmal.But Malinga turned the tables, finishing with five for 52, as Pakistan lost their last six batsmen for 42 runs to be bowled out for 284 in the penultimate over of the day-night match.Akmal hit 74 off 72 balls with seven boundaries and three sixes, and Misbah made 73, but Pakistan were unable to apply the finishing touches as pressure mounted on the lower order batsmen.Sri Lankas innings revolved around opener Lahiru Thirimannes 102 off 110, his second one-day hundred, and useful contributions from Kumar Sangakkara (67) and skipper Angelo Mathews (55 not out off 50 balls).Sri Lanka were at 204-2 in the 36th over when Pakistan slowed the pace by grabbing four wickets in the space of nine overs.Thirimanne and Sangakkara compiled Sri Lankas highest second-wicket stand against Pakistan, adding 161 after Kusal Perera fell in the eighth over for 14.Thirimanne, promoted to open the innings in the absence of the injured Tillakaratne Dilshan, hit 11 fours and a six before he was bowled by Saeed Ajmal in the 36th over.Sangakkara continued the awesome batting form he showed during the preceding bilateral tour of Bangladesh, where he scored 319 and 105 in the second Test in Chittagong, and 128 in the second one-dayer in Dhaka.The left-hander hit eight boundaries for his 84th one-day half-century when he gifted away his wicket, pulling a short ball from Gul to Ahmed Shehzad at mid-wicket.Mathews said he owed the dramatic win to the top order batsmen and Malinga.I still think we were 20 runs short considering the start Thirimanne and Sangakkara gave us, the Sri Lankan captain said. But in the past weve won close games and it was good to come out on top again.Malinga has been our best bowler for the past few years. He is our go-to man whenever we are under pressure and he did it again.Sharjeel Khan gave Pakistan a flying start, scoring 26 of the 28-run stand for the first wicket with Shehzad.Shehzad was bowled by debutant left-arm spinner Chaturanga de Silva for 28, and Mohammad Hafeez was leg-before to Mathews for 18 as Pakistan slipped to 83-3 in the 14th over.It soon became 121-4 as Sohaib Maqsood (17) pulled a short ball from Sachithra Senanayake to de Silva on the mid-wicket fence.But Misbah and Akmal launched a brilliant fightback to raise Pakisans hopes, before Malinga stepped in to steer Sri Lanka to victory.Misbah said he was disappointed by the loss considering his team was in a sound position during his stand with Akmal.We had six wickets in hand and we should have won this game, he said. There was nothing in the wicket for the bowlers and this total should have been chased.India play hosts Bangladesh at the same venue on Wednesday. Afghanistan is the fifth team in the tournament, which decides the regional champion in one-day cricket.

Egypt president appoints Ibrahim Mahlab as new PM


CAIRO (AFP) - Outgoing housing minister Ibrahim Mahlab was appointed Tuesday as Egypts new prime minister after the resignation of the cabinet installed by the military following last years overthrow of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.Ibrahim Mahlab, a former state-sector construction boss, vowed to fight terrorism and bring back tourists as he began work on forming a new cabinet after the surprise resignation on Monday of prime minister Hazem al-Beblawi.Beblawis government had been installed in July after the military ousted Islamist Mohamed Morsi, Egypts first freely elected president and its first civilian one.But it resigned in the face of mounting criticism of its failure to get to grips with a floundering economy and worsening industrial unrest.Mahlab said that interim president Adly Mansour had tasked him with forming a new government in three to four days and promised to work hard to improve services for Egyptians and fight terrorism.This will create the conditions for investment and the return of tourism, he said.Since Morsis overthrow, Islamist militants have killed several foreign tourists as well as scores of security personnel in attacks that have severely dented the economically vital tourism sector.A limited reshuffle had been expected to allow army chief Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to step down as defence minister and run for president.But Sisi, who is expected to win the election this spring, will retain his post in Mahlabs cabinet for around two weeks until an electoral law has been passed, a senior official told AFP.Mahlab, a former chairman of Egypts state-owned Arab Contractors Company, one of the Middle Easts leading construction conglomerates, was named to the upper house of parliament in 2010, the year before Mubaraks overthrow in the Arab Spring uprising. Mahlab, who is now in his 60s, resigned from the company in September 2012 after heading it for 11 years, the state-owned daily Al-Ahram said.Beblawis government had become increasingly unpopular despite announcing two economic stimulus packages aimed at kickstarting the foundering economy with funds provided by friendly Gulf Arab states.But his governments resignation took even Washington by surprise.Obviously were watching it closely, said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.Sisi, who emerged as the countrys most popular political figure after ending Morsis divisive one-year rule, has not yet announced his candidacy for the president, but aides say he has already decided to stand.The field marshal, who was also first deputy prime minister in Beblawis cabinet, has to resign from the government and the army before he can officially announce his candidacy.Analysts say the formation of a new government is likely to work in Sisis favour.If Field Marshal Sisi decides to run, he would like to run with a government that has a good reputation and can help him by resolving some of the urgent problems faced by the people, said Mustapha Kamel al-Sayyid, a political science professor at Cairo University.Since July, Egypt has been battling deadly street violence and militant attacks that have scared off foreign investors and tourists alike.A bloody crackdown on Morsis Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists supporters has left more than 1,400 people dead.Many Egyptians, weary of the three years of turmoil since Mubaraks ouster, view Sisi as a strong hand who can restore stability.

Sri Lanka beat Pakistan by 12 runs in Asia Cup opener


FATULLAH (AFP) - Sling-arm fast bowler Lasith Malinga grabbed five wickets in a devastating final spell to lead Sri Lanka to a 12-run win over defending champions Pakistan in the opening match of the Asia Cup in Fatullah on Tuesday.Pakistan, chasing Sri Lankas competitive 296-6, seemed to be cruising at 242-4 in the 43rd over following a fifth-wicket stand of 121 between skipper Misbah-ul-Haq and Umar Akmal.But Malinga turned the tables, finishing with five for 52, as Pakistan lost their last six batsmen for 42 runs to be bowled out for 284 in the penultimate over of the day-night match.Akmal hit 74 off 72 balls with seven boundaries and three sixes, and Misbah made 73, but Pakistan were unable to apply the finishing touches as pressure mounted on the lower order batsmen.Sri Lankas innings revolved around opener Lahiru Thirimannes 102 off 110, his second one-day hundred, and useful contributions from Kumar Sangakkara (67) and skipper Angelo Mathews (55 not out off 50 balls).Sri Lanka were at 204-2 in the 36th over when Pakistan slowed the pace by grabbing four wickets in the space of nine overs.Thirimanne and Sangakkara compiled Sri Lankas highest second-wicket stand against Pakistan, adding 161 after Kusal Perera fell in the eighth over for 14.Thirimanne, promoted to open the innings in the absence of the injured Tillakaratne Dilshan, hit 11 fours and a six before he was bowled by Saeed Ajmal in the 36th over.Sangakkara continued the awesome batting form he showed during the preceding bilateral tour of Bangladesh, where he scored 319 and 105 in the second Test in Chittagong, and 128 in the second one-dayer in Dhaka.The left-hander hit eight boundaries for his 84th one-day half-century when he gifted away his wicket, pulling a short ball from Gul to Ahmed Shehzad at mid-wicket.Mathews said he owed the dramatic win to the top order batsmen and Malinga.I still think we were 20 runs short considering the start Thirimanne and Sangakkara gave us, the Sri Lankan captain said. But in the past weve won close games and it was good to come out on top again.Malinga has been our best bowler for the past few years. He is our go-to man whenever we are under pressure and he did it again.Sharjeel Khan gave Pakistan a flying start, scoring 26 of the 28-run stand for the first wicket with Shehzad.Shehzad was bowled by debutant left-arm spinner Chaturanga de Silva for 28, and Mohammad Hafeez was leg-before to Mathews for 18 as Pakistan slipped to 83-3 in the 14th over.It soon became 121-4 as Sohaib Maqsood (17) pulled a short ball from Sachithra Senanayake to de Silva on the mid-wicket fence.But Misbah and Akmal launched a brilliant fightback to raise Pakisans hopes, before Malinga stepped in to steer Sri Lanka to victory.Misbah said he was disappointed by the loss considering his team was in a sound position during his stand with Akmal.We had six wickets in hand and we should have won this game, he said. There was nothing in the wicket for the bowlers and this total should have been chased.India play hosts Bangladesh at the same venue on Wednesday. Afghanistan is the fifth team in the tournament, which decides the regional champion in one-day cricket.

Pak-Iran gas pipeline not possible due to US sanctions


ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Pakistan on Tuesday said that work on a pipeline to import gas from Iran cannot proceed because of sanctions imposed by the United Sates and the Eurpeon Union on Tehran.The Iranian side of the $7.5-billion project is almost complete, but Pakistan has run into repeated problems paying for the 780 kilometre (485 mile) section to be built on its side of the border.Last year, Pakistan had asked Iran for $2 billion in financing to build its side of the controversial gas pipeline.Iran has the second largest gas reserves in the world but has been strangled by a Western embargo that has seen its crude exports halved in the past year.US officials had earlier warned that the Iran Pakistan pipeline project would risk triggering sanctions aimed at Iran.Pakistani petroleum minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told AFP on Tuesday that the work on the pipeline was not possible because it falls under the sanctions imposed by the US and EU.The work on the Pakistan Iran gas pipeline project is not possible because of the sanctions imposed by the US and EU, Abbasi said.This project is affected by the sanctions imposed, he told AFP without elaborating on how the sanctions could derail the project.Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said that his country was ready to go ahead with the pipeline agreement.Iran is committed to this gas agreement but until Pakistan has not officially relayed its stance, we cannot react and make a decision, he was quoted as saying Tuesday by the Mehr news agency:In late October Zanganeh had said he had no hope for the project, citing financial problems.The long-delayed pipeline that would link the two neighbours was planned to ease Pakistans chronic gas shortages.Iran currently produces around 600 million cubic metres of gas per day, almost all of which is consumed domestically due to lack of exports. Its only foreign client is Turkey, which buys about 30 million cubic metres of gas per day.The Karachi stock exchange took fright when the countries then-presidents Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Asif Ali Zardari inaugurated the much-delayed section of pipeline in March last year.Spooked by fears of US sanctions, the main index slumped almost 2.5 percent.Pakistan has severe gas crisis as natural gas supply to homes and factories almost hit the dead end in winters and the consumers have to rely on the Liquid Petrobium Gas (LPG) cylinders.The compressed natural gas (CNG), used as fuel in cars to improve environment and reduce cost also shuts down for three days a weak during the tight supply months in the most-populated Punjab province.Many Pakistanis have converted their cars to run on CNG, depending on it as a cheaper alternative to petrol and diesel.

Pakistan has highest rate of first day deaths: report


LONDON (AFP) - A million newborn babies a year die within 24 hours, charity Save the Children said in a report out Tuesday which urged governments to tackle preventable deaths.The report by the British-based organisation said 6.6 million children around the world died in 2012 before their fifth birthday, mostly from preventable causes.The number has almost halved from the 12.6 million in 1990, but there remains a deplorable problem of lack of attention to babies in their first days of life, the aid organisation said.In its report, entitled Ending Newborn Deaths, it said one million babies did not survive their first 24 hours of life in 2012.It said two million babies could be saved each year if preventable newborn mortality was ended.Child mortality remains one of the great shames of our modern world. Every day, 18,000 children under five die, and most from preventable causes, the report said.Unless we urgently start to tackle deaths among newborn babies, there is a real danger that progress in reducing child deaths could stall and we will fail in our ambition to be the generation that can end all preventable child deaths.It said the reduction since 1990 had been achieved through immunisation, family planning, better nutrition and treatment of childhood illnesses, as well as improving economies.Pakistan had the highest rate of first day deaths and stillbirths at 40.7 per 1,000 births, followed by Nigeria (32.7), Sierra Leone (30.8), Somalia (29.7), Guinea-Bissau (29.4) and Afghanistan (29.0).In Pakistan, fewer than half of women had a skilled health worker present at birth.Attempts to improve this have been dogged by delays in the salary disbursements, stock-outs of medicines, unavailable and dysfunctional equipment, and an unhelpful referral system, the report said.India had the highest number of first day deaths and stillbirths at 598,038 per year -- a quarter of the 2.2 million lives lost.The under-five mortality rate in India has been more than halved since 1990, from 126 per 1,000 live births to 56.1.(Indian) states with strong health systems and implementation mechanisms have done exceedingly well compared with others, the report said.- Call for action -Save the Children, which operates in more than 120 countries, called on world leaders, philanthropists and the private sector to commit to ending preventable newborn deaths.They said they would present their action plan to government ministers.They want governments to issue declarations on ending preventable newborn mortality.Save the Children wants them to ensure that by 2025, every birth is attended by trained and equipped health workers, and user fees for maternal and newborn health services are removed.They demanded a commitment to spending at least $60 per capita on training maternity workers.The also urged pharmaceutical companies to increase the availability of products for the poorest new mothers.In many cases, small but crucial interventions can save lives in danger. Skilled care during labour could reduce the number of stillbirths during labour by 45 percent and prevent 43 percent of newborn deaths, the report said.

Sindh Assembly adopts resolution expressing solidarity with armed forces


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Sindh Assembly on Tuesday adopted a resolution unanimously to express complete solidarity with armed forces and law enforcement agencies fighting terrorism by Taliban.The resolution was moved by opposition leader in the Sindh Assembly Syed Faisal Sabzwari.The resolution condemned terrorist attacks and urged the government to tackle extremists and terrorists with an iron hand.The resolution paid rich tributes to the martyred personnel of the security forces and expressed sympathy with the bereaved.It is to mention here that Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) held a rally last Sunday to o express solidarity with armed forces, Rangers police, and other law enforcement agencies.Addressing the rally via telephone from London MQM chief Altaf that Pakistan’s existence was under threats adding that those who support Taliban are hypocrites and not Pakistan’s friends.Altaf Hussain said that external forces hatched conspiracies against Pakistan for their own agendas. He said world wanted to see India playing a role in the region while India wanted to see a disintegrated Pakistan.If we’re strong internally, no external power can disintegrate us, he said.Altaf Hussain said the army should step ahead as it has backing of every Pakistani. Dedicating the rally to martyrs of the country, he said that whoever supports Taliban is a traitor of Pakistan.Those who slaughter innocent children and blow up schools are beats, he said.MQM Chief said that these people were brainwashed and funded in the name of Afghan war and that we supported America in the name of cold war. Taliban were meant to be used against Soviet Union, he said while alleging that the US used Muslims against Russia.Assuring the support to Pakistan army, Altaf Hussain said that every Pakistan stands united in support of armed forces. He said that he had warned about the threat of Talibanization years ago adding that his statement about Karachi being infiltrated by Taliban was made fun of.The rally also approved a resolution that said Taliban and Pakistan cannot coexist.Taliban terrorists should be severely dealt with; pro-terrorism organizations should be strictly boycotted, he said.“We term the acts of terrorism as un-Islamic,” he said. “We send tributes to all martyrs who lost their lives in terrorist attacks.”MQM’s resolution also said that Pakistan is not anyone’s property and that everyone is equal.

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