Saturday 20 December 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Vatican taps French cardinal to take over should pope die or resigns


VATICAN CITY: (AFP) - Pope Francis on Saturday named French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran the new camerlengo, or chamberlain, charged with temporarily taking over the pontiffs duties if he resigns or dies.It was 71-year-old Tauran, head of the Vaticans Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, who in March 2013 told the world from the balcony of St Peters basilica that a new pope had been elected, pronouncing the famous words Habemus Papam.Tauran will replace the popes number two, Tarcisio Bertone, an Italian cardinal who after turning 80 this month has retired and will take up residence in one of the Vaticans luxury apartments.Bach-loving Tauran, from Bordeaux, previously served as head of the Vaticans diplomatic service and travelled the world for late pope John Paul II.As the Vaticans top official for inter-religious dialogue he has regularly condemned Islamist extremism, but has also said that ignorance was often at the heart of the anti-Islam sentiment in the West.

Raul Castro says detente won't change Cuban system


HAVANA (AP) -- Three men who served long U.S. prison terms for spying received a standing ovation in Cubas parliament Saturday, shaking their fists in victory as President Raul Castro declared that detente with Washington wont change the communist system he leads.The last imprisoned members of the Cuban Five spy ring were freed this week in a sweeping deal that included the liberation of American contractor Alan Gross and a Cuban spy for the U.S. from their jail cells in Cuba, and pledges to restore full diplomatic relations and loosen U.S. restrictions on trade and travel to the island.U.S. President Barack Obama says the changes are designed to encourage reform in Cubas one-party system and centrally planned economy.Castro rejected that idea in his address to the twice-annual meeting of the National Assembly, saying we must not expect that in order for relations with the United States to improve, Cuba will abandon the ideas that it has struggled for.Castro expressed gratitude to Obama for the just decision to release the men who spied on anti-Castro exile groups in South Florida in the 1990s and have long been regarded as heroes in Cuba. Seated behind the three and their families was Elian Gonzalez, the young Cuban rafter at the center of a bitter custody battle in 2000 between relatives in Miami and his father in Cuba.The president closed his speech with Viva Fidel in reference to his older brother, who has not been seen nor heard from since the historic development was announced on Wednesday, provoking speculation about his health and whereabouts.While Obama is clearing the way for limited exports to Cuba and freer travel by specific categories of Americans such as academics and artists, Congressional action would be needed to end the decades-old embargo Cuba blames for the dire condition of its infrastructure and economy.Castro reminded Cubans that the embargo remains in place, particularly limits on international financial transactions that Cuba accuses of blocking its access to credit and international investment.An important step has been taken, but the essential thing remains, the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, which has grown in recent years particularly in terms of financial transactions, he said.Castro confirmed he would attend the Summit of Americas in Panama in April, where he is expected to have further discussions with Obama.His address to the National Assembly follows surprise announcements by both presidents Wednesday that Cuba and the U.S. will reopen embassies and exchange ambassadors for the first time in more than 50 years.The agreement included the exchange of the three prisoners, convicted in 2001, for a Cuban who had been imprisoned on the island for nearly 20 years for spying on behalf of the CIA. Gross had been held in Cuba for five years for illegally importing restricted communications equipment. Two members of the Cuban Five, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez, already had been released by the U.S. As part of the exchange, Cuba also released 53 other prisoners.Late Friday, state television showed four of the Cuban Five celebrating their reunion by singing together during a private party in Havana.

More crime lows in NYC despite rising complaints


NEW YORK: (AP) - Low-level arrests remained steady and crime continues to fall in New York City even while the police department is grappling with its image.Final tallies for 2014 could carry even more weight this year as Police Commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Bill de Blasio deal with the outrage over the police chokehold killing of an unarmed black man, and rancor among police officers who feel the administration doesnt have their back.Crime numbers themselves look good: Through Dec. 14, overall serious crime had declined 4.7 percent compared to the same period last year, continuing a downward trend that started in mid-1990s. The murder total stood at 305, a 5.3 percent drop. Reports of robberies were down 14 percent and those of felony assaults dipped about 1 percent.

Immigrants build document trails to remain in US


SAN DIEGO: (AP) - The search for documents is on for immigrants who may qualify for a work permit and reprieve from deportation under measures President Barack Obama announced last month.Applicants must prove they were in the country continuously since January 2010 a tall order for many accustomed to avoiding trails. For critics, conditions are ripe for fraud.The administration has not said which documents it will accept, but advocates are taking guidance from a 2012 reprieve for immigrants who came to the country as young children. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program allows vehicle registrations, baptism records, mortgages, postmarked letters and those are just some suggestions from the agency.Denver immigration attorney Laura Lichter suggests using movie rental receipts, veterinarian bills and customer loyalty programs that detail purchase histories.

Knife-wielding man shouts Allahu Akbar to be shot dead in France


PARIS: (AFP) - French police on Saturday shot dead a man who attacked them with a knife in a police station while shouting Allahu Akbar (God is great in Arabic), a source said.The man injured the face of an officer at the entrance to the police station in Joue-les-Tours near the city of Tours in central France and injured two other before he was shot, the interior ministry said.Anti-terrorist investigators were probing the incident, a judicial source said.The perpetrator was a French citizen born in Burundi in 1994 and known to police for common crimes, a source close to the case told AFP, adding that the attacker shouted Allahu Akbar from the moment he entered until his last breath.According to a statement by the interior ministry, the assailant was around 20 years of age, and was killed (by) police officers present using their issued firearms.The attacker was not on any watch lists maintained by Frances main domestic intelligence service, the General Directorate for Internal Security, the source involved in the inquiry said.But the source noted the assailants brother was known to security agencies for his radical convictions and had at one point planned to travel to Syria.The investigation is leading towards and attack on police forces on radical Islamist motives, another source close the case said.Officials said the condition of the three wounded police officers was stable.

Soviet threat to Santa? No way, said JFK in 1961


BOSTON (AP) -- The Kennedy Presidential Library wants to remind the world that not even the threat of thermonuclear conflict can stop Santa Claus from making his rounds.The library has republished the text of a 1961 letter from President John F. Kennedy reassuring a little girl who was worried about possible Soviet nuclear tests at the North Pole.Kennedys letter to 8-year-old Michelle Rochon says he shares her concerns, not just for the fate of Santa but all people. The president added that he had talked to Santa just a day earlier and all is well.The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum reissued the letter Friday as a holiday greeting on YouTube.

PSG draws 0-0 against Montpellier amid booing


PARIS: (AP) - Paris Saint-Germains stuttering form continued as the defending champion was held to a goalless draw at home to Montpellier amid booing at the Parc des Princes in its final match of 2014 on Saturday.It was a first 0-0 draw at home in nearly two years for PSG, which fell to its first league defeat of the season at Guingamp last weekend. That result came days after its unbeaten season was ended at Barcelona in the Champions League.Both sides struggled to carve out chances on Saturday and the only shot on target in an abject first half was Zlatan Ibrahimovics weak free kick.Montpellier also had a goal ruled out for a tight offside decision.PSG moved level on points with league leader Marseille, which hosts Lille on Sunday. Montpellier remained ninth.PSG was looking to bounce back from its defeat at Guingamp and be in with a chance of ending 2014 as it had started top of the league.However, Montpellier went closest to taking the lead with a stunning effort from Morgan Sanson, who was ruled marginally offside on Anthony Mouniers cross.PSG was jeered off the pitch at halftime, with its closest effort being Ibrahimovics free kick which was comfortably gathered by Montpellier goalkeeper Jonathan Ligali.The champions increased the pressure after the break and Thiago Silva almost turned in a corner but Mounier cleared the header off the line with Ligali beaten.Edinson Cavani was proving ineffective and was substituted in the 65th to resounding boos.PSG appealed for a penalty four minutes from time but the referee waved away its claims after Mathieu Deplagne appeared to foul Adrien Rabiot.It was the first time since 2012 that PSG had failed to score in two successive matches.

Islamabad: 4 more polio cases surface taking toll to 291


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – As many as four new polio cases have surfaced on Saturday taking the polio affectees toll to 291 in 2014 in Pakistan.According to the sources, as many as four polio cases have surfaced in the country.A polio case surfaced from the district Larkana, two from the district Pasheen and one case have been reported from district Kohat.The number of the polio cases in 2014 have reached a total of 291.

Czech Jewish community opposes Putin invitation to Holocaust event


PRAGUE (AFP) - The Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic has firmly opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin visiting Prague to attend ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.Invited to attend events by Czech President Milos Zeman, the Russian leader has thus far neither accepted nor rejected taking part in the commemorations organised by the European Jewish Congress from January 26-27 in Prague and Terezin.The Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic considers the visit of President Putin to Prague inappropriate for the day of Holocaust remembrance and prevention of crimes against humanity, the organisation said in a statement seen by AFP on Saturday.The regime Putin established and embodies doesnt respect international treaties, is aggressive abroad and uses its power to occupy the territory of a neighbouring state, the statement said.The commemorations will include the Let My People Live forum in Prague, and an act of piety in the Nazi-run Terezin concentration camp, to which representatives of 47 countries have been invited.Many have confirmed their presence at the commemorations, including European Commission chief Jean-Claude Junker, as well as parliamentary leaders from some 23 countries.Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is also expected to attend, though US President Barack Obama has said he will be unable to attend.Some 1.1 million people from around Europe -- about one million of whom were Jews -- perished in the Nazi death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau between 1940 and 1945

A chance to breach divide for young in Cuba and US


HAVANA: (AP) - Daniela Martinez long figured that someday she would leave the struggles of daily life in Cuba and join her uncle in the United States, but after the events of the last few days, the 18-year-old medical student thinks exile may not be her only choice.He always tells me things are better there, Martinez said, gesturing with her chin toward the sea leading to Florida. Dangling her legs over the edge of the Malecon, the iconic concrete seawall where entertainment-starved young Havanans gather each evening, she said, I think things are going to get better.For a generation that grew up believing the best way to pursue their dreams was to leave the island, the announcement this week that Cuba will open relations with the United States is prompting many to reevaluate their futures. At the same time, Cuban-Americans are considering what the changes will mean for their lives, with some even wondering whether they are significant enough to present a once far-fetched chance for them to return.The five decades of estrangement since Fidel Castro came to power in the Cuban revolution have created an economic and psychological gulf much wider than the 90 miles of the Florida Straits. But the opening of relations, with increased travel and communication, stands to narrow those differences and create new opportunities, especially for young people less burdened by the past.For Cubans like Martinez, it may mean that becoming a doctor wont limit her to a meager state salary. For others, there is the hope of Internet access and an end to the desperation that leads thousands to migrate each year. Cuban-Americans, meanwhile, see the possibility of starting businesses in their homeland, connecting with their roots and putting aside the bitterness of parents and grandparents who were arrested, exiled or had property seized in the revolution.My family always said they werent going back until Fidel died, said Vanessa Garcia, a 35-year-old writer in Miami whose parents left Cuba in the 1960s. But it seemed like that was something that was hurting us rather than helping us in many ways. Its lasted much longer than anybody thought it would.Some change already has been in the works. Cuba began allowing its citizens to travel overseas last year and, knowledge of modern culture has been making its way into the island via TV and flash drives brought from overseas enough for people here to know what they are missing. Young people increasingly are on Facebook, even if they dont manage to get online often. And in the other direction, Cuban-Americans have been visiting in greater numbers, often helping to keep their extended families afloat.Many in Florida grew up hearing their grandparents stories about fleeing from communism. The revolution, they were taught, brought an end to freedom and ushered in tyranny. Cubans on the island, meanwhile, learned from state propaganda that the Yankees were the enemy and capitalism was savage. Anybody who left was called a worm.But Cubans and Cuban-Americans find that when they meet, they have much more in common than expected. They share the same hand gestures, slang and even taste in music. They love baseball with a passion. Everybody says their grandmothers flan is the best and nobody knows how to make a Cuban sandwich except the place that they know, said Dave Sandoval, a musician in Washington.Even after years of propaganda, Cubans are fascinated with some of the most hyper-American aspects of U.S. culture. Paula Pineiro, a 14-year-old high school student and musician, is dying to see the skyscrapers of New York while classmate Otto Rivero wants to see Disneyland and Las Vegas, places he knows only from TV.We want to have new experiences, says the 14-year-old Rivero. I love casinos. They say they are magnificent.Yusset Perez, 30, arrived in Miami 10 months ago to join his wife and found work at a college as an administrative assistant and computer lab manager. But now hes thinking about opening a business back home.I always wanted to maintain ties, not turn my back from Cuba entirely, Perez said in Hialeah, the heavily Cuban Miami neighborhood where he passed out flyers for the college in front of a discount store specializing in clothing and housewares destined to be sent back to the island.Nearly everyone in Cuba seems to have some familial connection to the United States, though people from the two countries can have cartoonish views of each other.Many Cubans are envious of the lifestyle and wealth of their relatives in the U.S., but can also consider them materialistic and arrogant. Many feel Americans dont respect their accomplishments, such as in schools and medical care.Beatriz Garcia, a 25-year-old who teaches Spanish to foreign students, said that while she hopes to see Cuba have greater access to affordable consumer goods, she bristled at the notion the U.S. is better. Over there, they may have a better economy, she said, but here we have good education and health.Cuban-Americans, on the other hand, sometimes see islanders as poor and unsophisticated, out of step with the modern world.It definitely feels like a frozen 1950s version of everything my grandparents told me it looked like, said Garcia, the writer.Miami architect Jovan Rodriguez said hes noticed improvements in Cuba, such as when he visited in February and found that a relatives home was for sale something only made possible by recent property reforms. Its still not legal for foreign nonresidents to buy real estate, but hes hopeful that may become possible.This completely changed my whole outlook toward the future as far as my relationship with Cuba, Rodriguez said. I really made a profound connection with the people. I really hope to be able to go back soon, and I hope relations between our two nations make it easier for that to happen.At the University of Havana, several students said they are aware of problems in their country but are optimistic about the future.Sitting on the same steps where Fidel Castro addressed jubilant crowds after rolling into Havana in January 1959, Ernesto Gutierrez Leyva, 20, said he would like to see Cuba move toward greater political tolerance, perhaps even a multiparty system, an idea that is still officially considered anathema. The country is broken, but you have to fix it from here, he said.And on the Malecon, Martinez noted there are advantages to staying in Cuba, such as a free university education.I want to go to see it, she said of the United States, but live in Cuba.

United salvage 1-1 draw at Aston Villa in EPL


BIRMINGHAM, England: (AP) - Radamel Falcaos second-half header rescued a point for Manchester United as its six-match winning streak in the English Premier League ended with a fiercely contested 1-1 draw at Aston Villa on Saturday.Christian Benteke fired Villa ahead after 18 minutes with a well-placed shot from the edge of the penalty area after he evaded his marker and turned, but United leveled when Falcao headed in from a cross by former Villa forward Ashley Young.With the score tied, Villa was reduced to 10 men with 25 minutes remaining after Gabriel Agbonlahor was sent off for a late tackle on Young, an incident that incensed home fans and left Villa facing a tense finale to hold onto the draw.Falcaos goal was only his second for United, but he was unable to inspire a victory to extend its winning run and close the gap on leader Chelsea and defending champion Manchester City at the top of the league.Very frustrating, United manager Louis Van Gaal said. We gave two points away. We did not start well enough, and because of that they could score a goal.We kept the ball well in the first half, but we did nothing with it. The second half was better ...Im disappointed also because we were the better team, and when thats the case you have to win.Falcao was recalled to replace James Wilson, and midfielder Darren Fletcher returned for the ill Marouane Fellaini.Injury-hit Villa recalled defender Ron Vlaar and midfielder Fabian Delph to replace the suspended Kieran Richardson and Tom Cleverley.United enjoyed the most possession in the opening period but against the run of play, Delph lofted in a free kick to Benteke, who took it on his chest, evaded Jonny Evans, and curled a shot into the top corner.Villa was inspired, and United struggled to find creativity.Fletcher was replaced at halftime by Tyler Blackett, and United equalized in the 53rd when Falcao met Youngs cross with a thumping header.An acrobatic volley by Robin Van Persie confirmed Uniteds recovery, then United received a man advantage when Agbonlahor was sent off. It appeared to be an unavoidable collision, but referee Lee Mason produced an unexpected red card, and Agbonlahor was dismissed for the first time in his career.Villa held on with determination. Jores Okore cleared a Michael Carrick header and, in the final minutes, Benteke was inches away from converting Leandro Bacunas cross as Villa almost snatched an heroic victory.

Soviet threat to Santa? No way, said JFK in 1961


BOSTON: (AP) - The Kennedy Presidential Library wants to remind the world that not even the threat of thermonuclear conflict can stop Santa Claus from making his rounds.The library has republished the text of a 1961 letter from President John F. Kennedy reassuring a little girl who was worried about possible Soviet nuclear tests at the North Pole.Kennedys letter to 8-year-old Michelle Rochon says he shares her concerns, not just for the fate of Santa but all people. The president added that he had talked to Santa just a day earlier and all is well.The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum reissued the letter Friday as a holiday greeting on YouTube.

Bill Cosby's silence may be his best defense at this point


LOS ANGELES: (AP) - Bill Cosbys silence in the face of a sex abuse scandal may be his best strategy for now.Lawyers and public relations experts say the comic is probably wise to lie low as his attorney fights accusations that he drugged and sexually assaulted women.Lawyers say Cosby could expose himself to libel lawsuits if he defends himself and makes disparaging comments about his accusers. One woman has already sued him for defamation.More than 15 women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sex abuse dating back to the 1970s.Hes never been charged with a crime related to the allegations. Los Angeles prosecutors on Tuesday declined to charge him with a reported assault at the Playboy mansion because the 1974 allegations were too old.

Egypt official says nearly 10,000 detained this year


CAIRO: (AP) - Egyptian security forces have detained nearly 10,000 suspected militants, rioters and others wanted in violent attacks over the past 12 months in a crackdown a senior interior ministry official said Saturday targets those attempting to curtail Egypts development.The comments by Major Gen. Abdel-Fattah Osman, an aide to the interior minister for media affairs, to the official news agency MENA are a rare account of the number of people authorities have arrested amid a widening crackdown that has included Islamists, as well as secular critics of the government.It doesnt however account for the total number of people believed to have been put behind bars since the ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in July 2013. Security officials estimate that more than 20,000 have been arrested since then.Authorities have since made protesting illegal without prior permits from security officials, leaving thousands of protesters subjected to the law harshly criticized by rights groups and activists. The government had also declared the Muslim Brotherhood, the group from which Morsi hails, as a terrorist organization blaming it for most of the violent attacks against security and military troops which have surged since Morsis ouster. The group denies the charges.Hundreds have also been killed in a violent security crackdown on supporters of Morsi soon after his ouster. The violence and the protests have relatively died down. Morsi and most of the Brotherhood senior leadership, along with thousands others, are on trial on various charges involving violence.Osman said security forces have foiled about 400 terrorist attacks since January. He said the security forces also arrested 460 suspected members of terrorist cells, 6,400 rioters, 50 wanted militants, and some 2,600 accused of attacking police stations.He said the crackdown also included 119 administrators of social media pages which authorities consider as inciting against the police. He didnt say whether all 9,983 apprehended are facing trials.Osman said the forces have also seized 5 tons of TNT explosives, eight rockets and 263 hand grenades.

Aging white lion euthanized at Ohio zoo


CINCINNATI: (AP) - An aging white lion given to the Cincinnati Zoo by performers Siegfried & Roy had to be euthanized because of age-related health issues.The zoo says Future one of two male African white lions loaned permanently by Siegfried and Roy in 1998 was put down Thursday. He was 17 years old and had struggled to walk in recent days.Mark Campbell, the zoos director of animal health, says it was the humane thing to do. The average lifespan for lions in North American zoos is nearly 17 years.Future and his brother, named Sunshine, came to the Cincinnati Zoo when they were 3 months old. They are considered a threatened species.

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