Wednesday 3 December 2014

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Dunya TV

North Korea orders everyone sharing leader's name to change it: report


SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has ordered people who share the name of leader Kim Jong Un to change their names, South Koreas state-run KBS television reported on Wednesday.North Korea imposed similar bans on the use of the names of its two former leaders, Kims father, Kim Jong Il, and grandfather, Kim Il Sung, as part of propaganda drives to build cults of personality around them.Kim Jong Uns name is not allowed for newborns and people who share the name must not just stop using it but must change it on their birth certificates and residence registrations, KBS reported, citing an official North Korean directive.Kim Jong Il, the father of the current leader, issued the order in 2011, when his son was heir apparent, KBS said. The elder Kim died in December that year and his son took power.South Koreas Unification Ministry, which handles ties with the North, could not immediately confirm the report but said it was plausible.The ban is highly possible since North Korea had the same policy in the era of Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung, a ministry official said.It is not known how many people there are in North Korea called Kim Jong Un, but Kim is a very common family name and Jong Un are common given names.

US rocket launch pad repairs to take about 1 year


NORFOLK (AP) - The Virginia Commercial Spaceflight Authority says repairs will likely take a year at the launch pad on Wallops Island where an unmanned commercial supply rocket bound for the International Space Station exploded moments after liftoff on Oct. 28.The space flight authority says the launch pad was spared severe damage, but repairs are necessary. On Wednesday, the authority said a detailed engineering inspection of the spaceport has been completed. Officials say the cost and work schedule for the repairs are being refined, but should not exceed $20 million.The authority owns and operates the launch pad.Officials say initial water samples indicate there was no impact to back bays or tributaries, and soil testing showed contamination was contained in the area immediately around the crater north of the launch pad.

ECB set to talk up stimulus measures but hold fire


FRANKFURT (AFP) - The European Central Bank, at its final meeting of the year on Thursday, will prime the markets for new anti-deflation measures, but will wait until early next year to act, analysts said.Given the alarming drop in eurozone inflation in recent months, the heat has increased on the ECB to undertake massive stimulus measures like central banks in Britain, Japan and the United States have done.According to official data, inflation in the 18 countries that share the euro slowed to 0.3 percent in November from 0.4 percent the previous month, feeding fears of imminent deflation.Falling prices may sound good for the consumer, but they can trigger a vicious spiral where businesses and households delay purchases, throttling demand and causing companies to lay off workers.The ECB is scheduled to publish its own latest updated inflation and growth forecasts and is worried that medium-term inflation expectations could become permanently de-anchored from its target of around 2.0 percent.The ECB has already launched a multi-pronged offensive against deflation, cutting its interest rates to new all-time lows, making unprecedented amounts of cheap loans available to banks via its LTRO and TLTRO programmes, and unveiling asset purchase programmes (ABSs and covered bonds) to pump liquidity into the financial system.But it has also hinted at more radical action in the form of quantitative easing (QE), a policy used by other central banks around to stimulate their sluggish economies.QE is the large-scale purchase of government bonds and such a policy has many critics in Europe, not least the German central bank or Bundesbank, because it is felt that it takes the ECB outside its remit and is effectively a licence to print money to get governments out of debt.- Not if, but when -The ECB will aim to send out a strong message this Thursday that it will do what it takes to raise inflation and inflation expectations as fast as possible, said Berenberg Bank economist Christian Schulz.Even if it does not step up its actions just yet, it will choose language for the statement that makes additional easing a near certainty for the first quarter of 2015, the expert said.The question is no longer if, but when and what.Last week, the ECBs number two, Vitor Constancio, said the central bank would be in a position to gauge whether the previous stimulus measures are working in the first quarter of 2015.If not, we will have to consider buying other assets, including sovereign bonds in the secondary market, Constancio said.Just days prior to that, ECB chief Mario Draghi had vowed to step up the pressure and broaden even more the channels through which we intervene ... without any undue delay.Nevertheless, ECB-watchers are sceptical that QE will be announced as soon as Thursday.With little action and much emphasis on the feel-good factor and good team spirit, this weeks ECB meeting should fit into the contemplative pre-Christmas atmosphere, said ING DiBa economist Carsten Brzeski.At the very least, we expect the ECB to indicate that it is planning more aggressive purchases in the nearer term, said Ben May at Oxford Economics.

US court halts execution of delusional inmate


HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) - A federal appeals court halted Wednesdays scheduled execution of a Texas killer whose attempt to subpoena Jesus Christ as a trial witness and other behavior led his attorneys to argue he is too mentally ill for capital punishment.Scott Panetti, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia some 14 years before fatally shooting his estranged wifes parents in 1992, was granted the reprieve less than eight hours before he was set to receive a lethal injection. In stopping the execution, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals acknowledged the legal complexity of putting a mentally ill inmate to death.In a two-sentence ruling, the court said it needs time to fully consider the late arriving and complex legal questions at issue in this matter and that it will schedule briefings and hearings to consider arguments.The Texas attorney generals office said it has no immediate plans to appeal and that state attorneys will present arguments to the 5th Circuit once the court sets a date for them.Panettis lawyers described him as delusional and argued that he was too mentally ill to qualify for capital punishment and they sought the delay so Panetti, 56, could undergo new competency examinations.Panetti, who acted as his own trial lawyer, testified as an alternate personality he called Sarge to describe the slayings of Joe and Amanda Alvarado. He wore a purple cowboy outfit, including a big cowboy hat, during trial and largely ignored a standby attorney the judge appointed to assist him.Appeals also were before the U.S. Supreme Court, which has said mentally ill people cannot be executed if they dont have a factual and rational understanding of why theyre being punished. The high court took no action once the lower court stopped the punishment.The Wisconsin native, who was convicted and sentenced in 1995, had been diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1978. He had been hospitalized more than a dozen times for treatment in the decade before the shootings.Panettis appeals lawyers said they are grateful for the reprieve that will allow a careful review of the issues surrounding his competency.Mr. Panetti has not had a competency evaluation in seven years, and we believe that todays ruling is the first step in a process which will clearly demonstrate that Mr. Panetti is too severely mentally ill to be executed, Greg Wiercioch and Kathryn Kase said in a statement.Both visited with Panetti in prison in the past few weeks and said his mental condition had worsened.Wiercioch said Panetti told him devices implanted in his teeth by prison system dentists were sending messages to his brain.State attorneys said records showed no significant change since Panettis last competency examination. During his trial and subsequent appeals, no court has found him incompetent or insane.Panettis estranged wife and her 3-year-old daughter had moved in with the Alvarados at their home outside San Antonio. She obtained a court order to keep Panetti away.Enraged, he dressed in camouflage clothing and armed himself with a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and knives. He broke into the home and shot the couple.

Obama, Ghani to mull Afghan troop levels in 2015 talks


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US leaders will discuss whether to prolong the timetable for the withdrawal of American troops with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani when he visits Washington early next year, a senior US official said.President Barack Obamas administration was prepared to discuss with Ghani whether adjustments need to be made to the planning that was originally forecast for our presence there, Peter McKinley, Obamas pick to be the next US envoy to Kabul, told US senators.Obama has invited the new Afghan president to visit the US early next year, said McKinley, who is the current deputy US ambassador to Kabul. The exact date has not yet been confirmed.In addition to the panoply of issues related to the bilateral relationship, we do anticipate security issues and the future of our relationship with Afghanistan to be part of that discussion, McKinley told his nomination Tuesday.The post-2014 NATO mission calls for 12,500 troops to remain on the ground starting in January, including about 2,700 non-US forces.But delays in signing a bilateral security deal and a protracted presidential election have raised doubts about whether allied governments can have arrangements in place for troops to deploy by 2015.Defense officials told AFP last week the US military likely will keep a slightly larger force in Afghanistan in 2015 than first planned and American troops will have authority to come to the aid of Afghan forces if necessary.The United States may also have to deploy hundreds of additional forces in coming months, beyond the 9,800-strong contingent announced previously, to meet an estimated 400 to 700 troops shortfall.Experts have also questioned the wisdom of pulling out all US troops by the end of 2016, amid a strengthening insurgency by Islamic Taliban militants.The facts on the ground are that militarily the Taliban is still very strong and capable of mounting serious attacks, including inside the capital, said veteran Republican senator John McCain.And the message that has been sent is were going to be out.He called on the Obama administration to ensure that our withdrawal will be conditions-based rather than dictated by a certain calendar.McKinley pointed to a national security review being undertaken by the new Afghan government to find a more effective way to respond to the challenge posed by the Taliban.Washington would consult closely with Afghanistans leaders on security issues, to include a discussion of possible refinements to our plans regarding the missions duration, he added.

Kerry says any Iran strikes against IS 'positive'


BRUSSELS (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday welcomed any Iranian military action against Islamic State jihadists in Iraq as positive after the Pentagon said Tehran had carried out air strikes against the group.Kerry, hosting a meeting of an anti-IS coalition in Brussels, said international airstrikes were finally stopping the advance of the jihadists across Iraq and Syria, but warned it could take years to finally defeat them.But in a sign of the deepening complexity of the regional conflagration, Syrias Iranian-backed President Bashar al-Assad criticised the Western and Arab air strikes for having no effect.Kerry told the meeting of officials from 60 states in the coalition that a campaign of around 1,000 strikes had had a significant impact on the Sunni extremist IS, which declared a caliphate in Syria and Iraq in June.Our commitment will most likely be measured in years, he told the meeting at NATO headquarters, adding that the partners would engage in this campaign for as long as it takes to prevail.He denied there was any military coordination with Iran, after the Pentagon said earlier that Iranian F-4 Phantom jets -- acquired from the United States before the 1979 Islamic revolution -- had deployed against IS fighters in eastern Iraqs Diyala province.But he suggested there is an understanding between mainly Shia Iran and the United States to tackle a common threat.If Iran is taking on (IS) in some particular place... and it has an impact, then its going to be net effect (that) is positive, Kerry told a press conference after the meeting.In Washington, US defence officials said the Iranian air raids were part of a pattern in which Iranian or American military advisers have carved out separate spheres in Iraq.A defence official said both Tehran and Washington want to avoid confrontations or accidents that could turn into an international crisis.But the US-led coalition is ready to tolerate Iranian military advisers or aircraft in eastern or southern provinces with large Shiite populations.Theres a tacit understanding were not going to operate in the same space. And theyre not targeting American forces, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFPIran neither confirmed nor denied carrying out any such strikes.The coalition issued a statement saying that the militant groups advance across Syria and into Iraq is being halted, and that Iraqi and Kurdish forces were reclaiming territory.They also agreed to develop a multifaceted strategy to combat IS, including stopping the flow of foreign fighters, cutting finance and delegitimisation of its powerful, social media-driven brand.The United States launched its first strikes against IS in Iraq in August. In late September the strikes were extended to IS targets in Syria, involving the United States as well as a number of allies.Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Bahrain are taking part in the air strikes in Syria. Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France and the Netherlands are participating in Iraq.But Assad -- whose main backers are Tehran and Moscow -- hit out at the Western powers that had until months ago been focused on his removal from power amid a civil war that has killed around 200,00 people.You cant end terrorism with aerial strikes. Troops on the ground that know the land and can react are essential, he said in this weeks edition of French magazine Paris Match.That is why there havent been any tangible results in the two months of strikes led by the coalition. They would of course have helped had they been serious and efficient.The US has carried out the vast majority of the strikes against IS -- which is estimated to number around 30,000 jihadists, and is accused of atrocities including rape, crucifixion and the beheading of Western hostages.The Syrian conflict has created a constantly shifting patchwork of regional alliances, the most unlikely being that of Washington and Tehran.Iranian forces have been active on the ground in Iraq assisting Shiite militia and Baghdad government units, but this was the first time the United States had said the Iranian air force was taking part.Tehran refused to confirm or deny the air strikes against IS.There has been no change to Irans policy to provide support and advice to Iraqi officials in the fight against (IS), foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said.The fight against the IS comes amid a US diplomatic drive to agree a deal with Iran over its nuclear programme, and officials acknowledge the two sides have discussed the war in Iraq on the margins of the nuclear talks.

Four killed in Somali Shebab suicide attack on UN convoy


MOGADISHU (AFP) - Four people were killed and nine wounded in Somalias capital Mogadishu on Wednesday when a suicide bomber rammed a car packed with explosives into a UN convoy, police and rebels said.The armoured vehicles were ferrying staff between Mogadishus heavily-fortified airport and a protected UN base in the city when it was hit close to the airport gate.Somalias Al-Qaeda-affiliated Shebab rebels, who are fighting to overthrow the countrys internationally-backed government, said in a statement that their fighters had targeted a convoy of foreign mercenaries and their apostate allies.UN convoys are systematically flanked by pickup trucks carrying private security officers who provide protection for international staff.The bomber drove in between the security escort and the UN armoured vehicles and detonated the car, ramming into one of the escort vehicles, police officer Mohamed Liban told AFP.Liban said he had counted four bodies, all Somali nationals either providing security for the UN or those passing by who had been caught by the blast. Police said nine others were wounded.The UN mission in Somalia confirmed the attack, saying in a statement that there were thankfully no injuries to UN staff but regretting the casualties amongst bystanders and security personnel.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was outraged by the attack and said there can be no justification for terrorism or such attacks, according to a statement by his spokesman.A dark plume of smoke rose high in the sky as fierce flames engulfed the wreckage of vehicles hit by the explosion, which was heard across the seaside capital.Witnesses said the UN convoy consisted of four armoured vehicles escorted by private security personnel driving in pick-up trucks.The explosion was very big and there is smoke all around the area. I can hardly see people lying on the ground, either dead or wounded, said local resident Shamso Idle.The attack appeared to be a repeat of a Shebab operation in February, when six people -- Somali guards, passers-by and shop owners -- were killed in a suicide attack on a convoy carrying UN staff near the airport.A number of foreign diplomatic missions are based inside the huge airport complex, which has also been used to house a number of UN staff since a city-centre UN compound was attacked by the Shebab last year.The airport zone is also the base of the 22,000-strong African Union force fighting the Shebab.Shebab fighters once controlled most of southern and central Somalia, but have been driven out of fixed positions in Mogadishu and most major towns by the AU force.Shebab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane was killed by a US air strike in September. He has since been replaced by Ahmad Umar Abu Ubaidah.The group has carried out a string of high profile attacks in Mogadishu this year, including against the presidency, parliament and intelligence headquarters.Shootings and car bombings are also a regular occurrence in the city.The Shebab have also stepped up operations in neighbouring Kenya, and on Tuesday massacred 36 non-Muslim quarry workers in a Kenyan border town.Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta vowed to intensify the war on terrorism against the Shebab following the quarry attack, calling the Islamists deranged animals and blaming them for the death of more than 800 Kenyans.The Shebab in turn warned they would be uncompromising, relentless and ruthless in further attacks.

Five children among 10 dead in Colombia plane crash


BOGOTA (AFP) - Five children were among 10 people killed Wednesday when their small plane crashed in central Colombia after developing technical problems, officials said.The planes pilot had asked for an emergency landing at Mariquita airport but the aircraft never got that far, said Colonel Carlos Roche, deputy director of Colombias aviation authority.Unfortunately, it didnt make it and crashed eight miles (13 kilometers) from the airport, killing the two pilots and eight passengers, he said.Among them were five children, the aviation authority added. All those on board the Piper PA-31 Navajo plane were Colombian.Investigators are at the crash site and rescuers had recovered the victims charred bodies.The accident occurred as Colombias Congress debates the state of aviation safety in the country, which one senator accused of having outdated infrastructure in some airports and crews that work grueling shifts with no labor rules.

Football: Drogba rolls back the years as Chelsea stroll


LONDON (AFP) - Didier Drogba ensured Chelsea maintained their lead at the top of the Premier League and extended their dominance over Tottenham with a 3-0 win against their London rivals on Wednesday.Drogba set up Eden Hazards opener and scored the second himself before Loic Remy sealed the rout as Jose Mourinhos side cruised to a victory that kept them six points ahead of second-placed Manchester City.Chelsea are now unbeaten in 21 matches in all competitions thanks to a vintage performance from Ivory Coast striker Drogba, who rolled back the years to prove the perfect stand-in for suspended leading scorer Diego Costa.Mauricio Pochettino is the 15th Tottenham manager to make an unsuccessful attempt to get a win at Stamford Bridge since Gary Lineker gave Terry Venables side their last success there in February 1990.The dismal barren run stretches to 28 matches and has been going on for so long that Mourinho was still a PE teacher back home in Portugal when Spurs last won at the Bridge.Mourinho has insisted there is no chance of Chelsea emulating Arsenals 2003-04 Invincibles by going unbeaten through the entire league campaign.But the ruthless way they punished Tottenhams frailties emphasised why they are firm favourites to win the title for the first time since 2010.The Blues had failed to score for the first time this season in their goalless draw at Sunderland on Saturday and, with Tottenham having won their last three matches, the north Londoners made the short trip across the capital with what proved to be false hopes of an historic victory.They started brightly and when Jan Vertonghen looped a header over there was a damaging side-effect for Chelsea as Gary Cahill suffered a head injury challenging for the ball.Cahill was able to continue after treatment, but the Chelsea centre-back looked extremely unsettled in the ensuing minutes and Tottenham almost took advantage.Aaron Lennon whipped over a teasing cross and, with Gary Cahill misjudging the flight of the ball, Harry Kane had room to guide a powerful header against the crossbar.Moments later, Cahill allowed himself to be caught in possession by Kane on the halfway line and the Tottenham striker surged towards goal before driving his shot just past the far post.But, just as Pochettinos team were beginning to feel this could be the night they finally got the better of Chelsea, the hosts stepped up a gear and left Spurs trailing in their wake.In the 19th minute, Branislav Ivanovic sprayed a long pass out to Hazard on the left and the Belgian cut inside before clipping a pass to Drogba.The Ivorian laid a perfect return ball into Hazards path and he fired a low strike under Tottenham goalkeeper Hugh Lloris.If Lloris must have been a little disappointed to be beaten at his near post, the Frenchman was really kicking himself when Mourinhos men struck again three minutes later.Lloris was guilty of a careless and costly mistake as he scuffed a woeful clearance to Hazard, who quickly moved possession on to Oscar.With the Spurs defence backing off, Oscar picked out Drogbas run with an astute pass and the 36-year-old easily muscled his way past Vertonghen before calmly shooting past Lloris for the fifth goal of his second spell with the Blues.Cahill came off at half-time, with Kurt Zouma on for the wounded England international, but there was no cause for alarm as Chelsea strolled through the second half.Drogba departed to a standing ovation in the 67th minute and his replacement Remy wrapped up the points six minutes later.The French striker showed tremendous strength and pace to beat Vertonghen to a through ball and his clever flick set up space for a clinical strike past Lloris.

Arsenal beat Southampton 1-0 in Premier League


LONDON (AP) - Alexis Sanchez rescued Arsenal again by scoring in the 89th minute Wednesday to secure a 1-0 win over Southampton in the Premier League.Sanchez slotted into an empty net after Aaron Ramsey squared the ball across the goal, finally breaking down a Southampton side which had been kept in the game by a series of good saves by Fraser Forster.It was the Chileans ninth league goal of the season and kept Arsenal in sixth place, three points behind third-place Southampton.Arsenal had struggled to create chances until Olivier Giroud came on midway through the second half, and Forster made two great one-handed saves to deny the France striker and Danny Welbeck as the hosts pushed for a winner.Sanchez had been kept in check up until then, despite alternating between playing on both the left and right wing as well as up front, as the hosts tried to find an answer to Southamptons disciplined defense.Ronald Koemans team, which eliminated Arsenal from the League Cup with a 2-1 win at the Emirates in September, seemed content to sit back and focus on counterattacks, and had the best chance of the first half when Graziano Pelle played a neat one-two with Steven Davis but skied his volley from close range well over the bar.The second half saw even fewer chances until Giroud provided the needed spark when he came on for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, and forced a good stop from Forster with a fierce volley from a tight angle in the 69th minute.Forster then made a spectacular one-handed save to deny Welbeck just a minute later after the forward was teed up by a back-heel flick from Giroud. And the goalkeeper used his other hand to make a flailing stop from Girouds close-range header in the 88th.Arsenal kept pushing forward, and Giroud appealed in vain for a handball in the area before the ball fell to Ramsey on the right. The Welsh midfielders low ball found Sanchez, who was free to slot in one of his easiest finishes of what has been an impressive debut season for the Gunners.

Football: In-form Aguero keeps City on Chelsea's tail


SUNDERLAND (AFP) - Sergio Aguero scored twice to take his seasons tally to 19 as Manchester City maintained the pressure on Premier League leaders Chelsea with a 4-1 win at Sunderland on Wednesday.Manuel Pellegrinis defending champions recovered from going behind to Connor Wickhams early goal as they cruised to a fourth consecutive victory.Aguero, who seems almost unplayable in this kind of form, and Stevan Jovetic put them ahead before the break, with Pablo Zabaleta claiming the third and Aguero rounding off the scoring 19 minutes from time.Sunderland had frustrated Chelsea, holding them to a stalemate in their previous game at the Stadium of Light.But they had no answer against a City side who preserved the six-point gap between themselves and Jose Mourinhos Chelsea thanks to a seventh victory in their last 11 league games.A different outcome momentarily looked possible as the hosts were rewarded for a bright opening by a 19th-minute goal that owed everything to the determination and persistence of Wickham.Zabaleta had already hacked a goalbound effort from ex-City midfielder Jack Rodwell off the line when Wickham sprinted on to Sebastian Larssons return pass into the area.Zabaleta was fractionally first to the ball, but the defenders attempted clearance cannoned off the forward and beyond Joe Hart from 10 yards.But Sunderlands hopes of recording a Premier League record-equalling fifth consecutive 1-0 home win over City lasted less than two minutes, as the visitors levelled with their first attack after going behind.Jovetic combined with Fernandinho to thread a pass through to Aguero, who easily beat Sebastian Coates, the on-loan Liverpool defender making his league debut for Sunderland.Aguero had just one intent as he surged into the area to unleash a powerful right-foot drive from 16 yards that sped beyond Costel Pantilimon and into the net at the former City goalkeepers near post.With Citys stranglehold on the contest increasing, they took the lead six minutes before the interval in a role reversal, with Aguero turning provider for Jovetic.Yaya Toure launched the move deep inside Sunderlands half with a ball into the area to Aguero, whose deft flick eluded John OShea and sat up perfectly for Jovetic to fire his fourth goal of the season past an exposed Pantilimon from 12 yards.Sunderland failed to put anything like enough pressure on the makeshift City centre-back pairing of Dedryck Boyata and Martin Demichelis, who played in place of the injured Vincent Kompany and suspended Eliaquim Mangala.The hosts were hampered in that aim by the loss through injury of Steven Fletcher early in the second half, after the Scotland forward suffered a back injury in a challenge with Boyata.Any hopes of Sunderland forcing their way back into the contest were extinguished when Zabaleta claimed Citys third goal -- his first appearance on the scoresheet since April 10 -- minutes into the second half.Finding himself on the edge of the Sunderland area, the full-back exchanged passes with Samir Nasri to engineer a clear run through on Pantilimon, who he beat with a calm chip from a narrow angle.Citys first win on Wearside in five attempts was complete in the 71st minute.Substitute James Milner was allowed time to send over a cross from the right, and Aguero lost his marker Santiago Vergini to sweep home the fourth from close range, his eighth goal in seven games.The Argentine was denied a third hat-trick of the season when he was replaced by Frank Lampard for the final 15 minutes, to save his energies for tasks more testing than that posed by the outclassed home side.

Golf: Returning Tiger solid in 'needed' pro-am round


ORLANDO (AFP) - Tiger Woods walked 18 holes for the first time since the PGA Championship, swinging well in a Wednesday pro-am event ahead of his competitive return at the Hero World Challenge.Woods, making his return this week after a four-month back injury layoff, made three birdies with a lone bogey, missing four fairways and two greens at Isleworth in the first hint of the form golf fans can expect from him in 2015.Im starting to get my power back, starting to get my speed back, Woods said. That has been nice.The 14-time major champion, chasing the career record of 18 majors won by Jack Nicklaus, said he needed the workout more than usual because he had not walked an entire layout since last August, when he missed the cut at the PGA Championship.It felt good to be out there, Woods said. I felt like I really needed today. It was a nice little indicator.Woods, who turns 39 later this month, will tee off alongside Australian Jason Day, who is also returning from a back injury at the 18-player event.The $3.5 million unofficial tournament that starts on Thursday benefits Woods charity foundation.Former world number one Woods, who stands 24th in this weeks rankings, looked in solid shape in his tuneup round, swinging well without the obvious back pain that had hindered his efforts in much of his injury-trimmed 2014 campaign.I built up my body, made a few adjustments on my swing and hit some good shots, Woods said.He was joined by new swing consultant Chris Como, hired by Woods last month after a split with swing coach Sean Foley in August.PGA veteran Steve Stricker said he likes what he has seen so far from Woods.Hes one of the best ever and coming back with a lot of anticipation, Stricker said. It looks like hes swinging at it pretty good. It looks similar to the early 2000s to me.Thats the time frame in which Woods won four majors in a row and one that still influences his game. Woods said he has looked back at his past styles to revamp his swing without the nagging back and knee injuries that have slowed him in recent seasons.It looked a lot freer, Stricker said. Didnt look like he was getting in his way. It looked like it was on a better path. Im sure hes going to have some issues going forward. It will be fun to watch it play out and see how he handles it going forward.Woods has lost the aura of invincibility he once owned but remains a respected foe when healthy and comfortable with his swing as he was Wednesday.As far as players writing him off, I dont think so, Stricker said. We all know what amazing things he has done over the course of 20 years. We know its in there. If he starts swinging it better and starts feeling good about what hes doing again, it wont take long for him to be at the top of the game again.Defending Challenge champion Zach Johnson has seen only a handful of shots from Woods but is happy to have him back in the field.It looked great to me, Johnson said. Im glad hes playing.Johnson defeated Woods in a playoff last year, the last time Woods has cracked the top 10 in a tournament.Thats strange, Johnson said. Youre talking about the best player Ive ever witnessed. Its really, really strange. Id be interested to see what he does this week.Jordan Spieth, coming off a victory last week at the Australian Open, sees Woods closing the major gap on Nicklaus once hes fully fit.If hes 100 percent healthy, I dont have any doubt he will get back to winning major championships, Spieth said. I look forward to be the one trying to stop him.

Athletics: Coe warns Qatar over human rights


LONDON (AFP) - Qatar will be held to account over its human rights record following Dohas successful bid to host the 2019 World Championships, IAAF vice-president Sebastian Coe vowed on Wednesday.The Qatari capital edged out Barcelona and the American city of Eugene last month in a secret ballot by council members of world governing body the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).The decision was attacked by human rights groups due to concerns over the Gulf states treatment of migrant workers, following widespread condemnation of conditions for labourers working on projects for the 2022 football World Cup.When Coe, who headed the organising committee for the 2012 London Olympics, was asked if the IAAF would take a strong line with Qatar over workers rights, he replied: Yes, absolutely.And (we will be) as tough as we were in London in terms of controlling the supply chain as well as we possibly could, making sure that everything that was delivered in merchandising terms across the board was done to the best and the highest possible standards.It is a discussion I had as chairman of the (IAAF) evaluation committee with the sports minister and interior minister in Qatar. So it is something we will monitor very, very closely.Addressing reporters in London on the day he launched his bid for the IAAF presidency, the 58-year-old added: I recognise that there are political implications about taking sport into different environments and with that falls responsibility to international federations.Labour conditions and how your event is delivered are very important issues for federations and particularly for young people.And if we are engaging with young people, they sit at the moral hotspots of all those big global issues and it is absolutely essential sport confronts them.Hundreds of migrant labourers have died in Qatar in recent years. Last month the countrys labour ministry said it would introduce new legislation by early 2015 to improve migrant conditions for workers.Shortly before the vote on the venue for the World Championships, Qatar promised the IAAF a sponsorship package worth $37 million (30 million euros), but Coe denied there had been any impropriety.We cant be encouraging the globalisation of our sport and then as soon as we get to some tough decisions, we retrench into our own back yard, said the two-time Olympic 1,500 metres champion, who is the chairman of the British Olympic Association.The issue is a very simple one -- yeah, they put some incentives on the table, theyve come to the table with two global partners for the sport, with a commitment to build 10 tracks around the world.Did that impress some of my council colleagues? Undoubtedly it did. Did it sway their vote? I think probably not.Dohas acquisition of hosting rights for the World Championships reflects Qatars determination to establish itself as a major player in global sport.The energy-rich state is also staging this months World Short-course Swimming Championships, the 2015 World Handball Championship and the 2016 World Road Cycling Championships.It also owns French football champions Paris Saint-Germain, while state-owned airline Qatar Airways is the principal sponsor of Spanish giants Barcelona.An investigation by world footballs governing body FIFA into the bidding process for the 2022 World Cup last month cleared Qatar of wrongdoing.But American lawyer Michael Garcia, whose report into corruption claims surrounding the process provided the basis for the investigation, disowned its findings and vowed to appeal against them.

Oil prices split on lower US supplies, OPEC gloom


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices in New York gained Wednesday following a drop in US crude inventories, while the international benchmark Brent fell on gloom after last weeks OPEC decision to maintain output.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for delivery in January rose 50 cents to close at $67.38 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.European benchmark Brent oil for January delivery fell 62 cents to $69.92 a barrel in London.Analysts attributed the rise in the US futures contract to a US Department of Energy inventory report that showed a 3.7 million barrel drop in US crude inventories for the week ending November 28.WTI had a little bit of a bounce, most probably because of the drop of inventories, said James Williams of WTRG Economics.The inventories report showed US refineries ramping up processing as the plant utilization rate rose to 93.4 percent of capacity from 91.5 percent the prior week.However, the price drop in Brent illustrated that the overall market is continuing to show reverberations from last weeks OPEC meeting, said Andy Lebow, senior vice president at Jefferies Bache.Oil prices fell sharply after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Thursday took no action to curtail supply, despite a drop in WTI from more the $100 a barrel in June. The Wall Street Journal, citing unidentified officials, reported that Saudi Arabia now believes oil prices could stabilize around $60 a barrel. The fundamentals certainly would indicate that youd have some downside to oil prices, Lebow said.

Euro at 2-year low on dollar ahead of ECB meeting


NEW YORK (AFP) - The euro sank to a two-year low against the US dollar Wednesday ahead of a European Central Bank policy meeting that could move closer to expanded monetary easing.The greenback was at $1.2308 per euro in late trade, a level last seen in July 2012, as weak growth in the eurozone pushed up prospects for a full-blown quantitative easing program by the ECB aimed at pushing down long-term rates and encouraging investment.That could come as early as Thursdays ECB meeting, but some analysts say the eurozone central bank could wait until the new year to launch into the broad-based bond purchases that comprise a QE program.That eventual prospect is weighing down on the euro, said Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management.ECB President Mario Draghi still faces opposition from Germany and traders will be watching this Thursdays ECB meeting very carefully, he said.Several large banks including UBS have lowered their targets on the unit now, calling for a $1.1500 exchange rate on the prospect of massive QE program in the region expected to commence early next year.The British pound meanwhile gained slightly against the dollar as the Bank of England, also meeting Thursday, is expected to refrain from any policy changes.

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