Tuesday 9 December 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

January 'not real option' for Blatter at 2022 WCup


MARRAKECH (AP) - FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke says President Sepp Blatter will oppose a January kickoff for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, despite it being a key option under consideration.Valcke tried to narrow the choice to January-February or November-December after FIFA last month hosted leaders of confederations, leagues, clubs and players unions.They meet against on Feb. 23, Valcke says, but the first option is dismissed by IOC member Blatter.January-February will potentially impact the (2022) Olympic Winter Games so thats definitely not for him a real option, Valcke says.Valcke says winter sports think it is unfair from football to try to occupy January.European clubs and leagues still propose a May tournament to avoid Qatars hottest summer months.

Russian buys Watson's Nobel to give it back


MOSCOW (AP) - Russias richest man says he has bought James D. Watsons Nobel Prize medal at Christies in order to return it to the scientist.Alisher Usmanov, a metal and telecommunications tycoon worth $15.8 billion according to Forbes magazine, said in remarks carried by Russian television Tuesday that when he learned that Watson was selling the medal for charity he decided to purchase it and give it back to him.Watsons 1962 Nobel prize for the discovery of the structure of DNA sold at Christies in a New York auction for $4.7 million, a world auction record for any Nobel. The auction house said it was the first Nobel medal that was offered at auction by a living recipient.The buyer, Alisher Usmanov, who lives in Moscow, announced through the London public relations firm Finsbury that he was the anonymous telephone bidder who paid $4.1 million for the gold medal on Thursday at a Christie’s auction, or $4.76 million including the commission. Christie’s, which said the bid was a record for a Nobel sold at auction, confirmed Tuesday that Mr. Usmanov was the buyer.Usmanov hailed Watson one of the greatest biologists in the history of mankind.

Putin hopes to expand ties with India


MOSCOW (AP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has voiced hope for expanding ties with India during his visit there and sought to assuage New Delhis concern about Moscows ties with Pakistan.Putin, speaking in an interview with the PTI news agency released by the Kremlin on Tuesday, hailed a privileged strategic partnership between Russia and India, and said the two nations would move to expand it further during his Thursdays visit to New Delhi.He praised Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a reputable political leader, who has already made a significant personal contribution to the promotion of the Russian-Indian cooperation.Russia and India have shared close ties since the Cold War, when Moscow was a key ally and the main arms supplier to New Delhi.Putin has sought to reinvigorate relations with old allies as part of his efforts to restore Moscows global clout, and India has remained a top customer for Russian weapons industries.Putin said in the interview that military ties remain a key part of Russian-Indian cooperation and pointed at programs to jointly develop supersonic cruise missiles and a next generation fighter jet.The high level of bilateral cooperation and trust allows us to start a gradual transition from the traditional producer-consumer model to joint development and production of advanced weapons systems, he said.Putin voiced hope that energy cooperation will also expand, saying that Moscow would welcome Indian energy companies to tap prospective oilfields in the Arctic. Russia plans to start supplies of liquefied natural gas to India starting in 2017, he said.Putin also sought to soothe New Delhis concerns about Moscows intention to develop military-technical ties with Indias rival Pakistan, saying that Russias cooperation with Pakistan is focusing on cooperation in fighting terrorism and drugs.This kind of cooperation serves the long-term interests of all countries of the region, including India, he said.

US police suspect rapper shot, killed wife, self


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Los Angeles police say a rapper apparently shot and killed his TV actress wife and himself at a Los Angeles apartment.Police say the bodies discovered Monday morning are those of 34-year-old Earl Warren Hayes and 30-year-old Stephanie Elyse Moseley.Hayes was a rapper and an acquaintance of professional boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr.Moseley was a dancer and actress who appeared in the VH1 cheerleader drama Hit the Floor.Police say they went to the apartment complex after neighbors reported shots being fired and a woman screaming.Officers heard more shots and called in a special weapons and tactics team, which found the couple dead.Theres no word yet on a motive.

Greek stocks plummet on fear of political crisis


ATHENS (AP) - The Greek stock market had its biggest plunge since 1987 Tuesday as concerns mounted that the country is heading for a political crisis that could jeopardize its financial rescue program.The benchmark stock index in Athens dropped 12.8 percent after the conservative-led government brought forward the date of a presidential vote.If the vote in Greeces parliament is inconclusive, investors fear it could lead to general elections and a possible victory for an opposition party that wants to modify the bailout.Investors also dumped Greek government bonds as they became more wary of the countrys ability to repay its debt.The main left-wing opposition party, Syriza, which is leading in the polls, has said it will demand a substantial cut to what Greece owes in rescue loans if it is elected.Megan Greene, chief economist at Manulife Asset Management, said that the countrys main creditors, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, are not likely to go along with that. Greene said Syrizas leader, Alexis Tsipras, would probably end up falling in line.The downside to that is that I think half his party will rebel as a result, said Greene. That could lead to further political chaos and possibly another election, leaving the economy rudderless.Greek government bonds took a hit Tuesday. The yield on the 10-year bond jumped 0.84 percentage point to 7.98 percent as investors demanded to be paid more to loan money to Greece.Theodore Krintas, managing director of Attica Wealth Management, said that international investors, who account for up to 70 percent of daily transactions in the Greek market, opted to just sell and get out.I think this explains the magnitude, the extent that we see the losses of the Athens stock exchange today, Krintas said.Although Syriza has softened its rhetoric in the past, it hasnt clarified whether it would resort to a default on the rescue loans. While that would lighten Greeces debt burden, it could have other severe repercussions. It might, for example, spook international investors away from lending money to the country for years, hurting its ability to get back on its feet. Some suggested it could cause the country to fall out of the euro union.Greeces president is a figurehead with minimal political clout. But the election requires a super-majority that would include backing by some lawmakers from the overall hostile opposition, which appears beyond the reach of the struggling governing coalition. If three successive votes, from Dec. 17-29, prove fruitless, general elections must be called by early February, nearly a year and a half ahead of schedule.In a televised address Tuesday, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras nominated Stavros Dimas, a senior figure in his conservative party and former EU commissioner for the environment, as the governments presidential candidate.Opposition parties said they would not back him, or any candidate the government puts forth, to force national elections.Syrizas Tsipras said the final presidential vote, on Dec. 29, would signify the end of the governing coalitions catastrophic austerity policies.At last, this year we will have every reason to wish a Happy New Year, he said.The bulk of Greeces 240 billion euros ($294 billion) in loans, those from the EU, run out this year. The last batch has still not been paid, however, as Greece and the EU disagree on whether Athens should impose more austerity cuts to qualify.European finance ministers on Monday gave Greece a two-month extension on the bailout so they can complete the talks. Just after that, the Greek government said it was bringing forward the date of the presidential vote by about two months to strengthen its negotiating position and avoid protracted uncertainty.Analyst Holger Schmieding at Berenberg Bank said that since the financial crisis, the eurozone is much better equipped to handle a Greek accident. It has a bailout fund and the European Central Bank has committed to buy the bonds of troubled countries, if needed. That could help keep the trouble in Greece from hurting confidence in other countries.Schmieding argued that nobody knows what Syriza would do in power. Would they really implement their wild proposals and go down in history as the party that killed the incipient recovery and crashed Greece out of the euro? he said. That uncertainty would weigh heavily on markets.

FBI: Not clear yet where Sony attack came from


WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI Director James Comey says U.S. investigators havent yet determined who was responsible for a massive cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment.Comey told reporters Tuesday that were not at that point yet to assign responsibility. The breach disrupted the movie studios computer system and spewed online personal information about Sony employees.Comey said before investigators determine who is behind a breach, they like to sort the evidence in a very careful way to arrive at a level of confidence.Some have speculated that North Korea was behind the attacks in retaliation for the upcoming movie The Interview. Its a comedy starring Seth Rogen and James Franco and which depicts an assassination attempt on that countrys leader, Kim Jong Un (kim jawng oon).North Korea recently released a statement denying responsibility, but also harshly condemning the movie.

UN resumes food aid for Syrian refugees


GENEVA (AP) - After a social media campaign brought in a significant cash infusion, the U.N. food agency said Tuesday it has reinstated a food aid program that helps feed more than 1.7 million Syrian refugees.In early December, the World Food Program suspended electronic food vouchers for Syrians who had fled to Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. The move triggered panic among the refugees, threatening to starve thousands of families and add pressure on the already strained countries hosting them.At the time, WFP said many donors failed to meet their commitments. The agency said it needed $64 million to support Syrian refugees in December alone.On Tuesday, WFP said the voucher program was on again, thanks an unusual campaign it launched on social media to raise $1 contributions from 64 million people around the world.The WFP said it solicited $1.8 million in donations from almost 14,000 people and from private sector donors in 158 countries, as part of a campaign using the hashtag ADollarALifeline. Other U.N. agencies, such as UNICEF and the U.N.s humanitarian office, also promoted the campaign through social media.The biggest online contributors through the agencys address http://www.wfp.org/ForSyrianRefugees were Americans, then Canadians, then Syrians themselves. Aloe Blaccs song I Need A Dollar was the online campaigns featured soundtrack for the ADollarALifeline video launched on social media channels.This outpouring of support in such a short time is unprecedented, the food agencys chief Ertharin Cousin said. Were especially grateful to the many individual members of the public who reached into their own pockets to send whatever they could to help Syrian refugees who have lost everything. They showed that even as little as a dollar can make a difference.The program pays for electronic vouchers, or e-cards, uploaded with an average $30 per family member, for refugees to buy food in local shops. The resumption of the food aid is bound to bring some relief to the desperate refugees ahead of the coming winter months.WFP has helped feed millions of displaced people inside Syria and those who fled abroad since the crisis erupted in March 2011. The Syrian war has so far killed more than 200,000 people and led to a massive humanitarian crisis, forcing more than 3 million to seek refuge abroad and displacing 6.5 million within the country.Also Tuesday, Western countries pledged to take in more Syrian refugees. The U.N. refugee agency said that between the pledges and indications of future commitments, the available places for refugees should reach about 100,000 in the months ahead. Thats still far from the 130,000 places the agency called for back in February.The violence in Syria continues unabated.A government rocket attack on Monday in the southern province of Daraa killed three staffers working for Orient TV, an opposition-linked channel, according to activist Ahmad al-Masalmeh and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.The three, a cameraman and two reporters, were driving out of the contested village of Sheikh Maskeen, where they had been covering clashes between government troops and opposition fighters, when the rocket slammed into their car, the Observatory said.Dozens of journalists have been killed in Syria since the start of the crisis. Authorities in Damascus restrict access to independent foreign media while local reporters work under heavy restrictions.

US to be biggest oil exporter within next decade


NEW YORK: (AP) - North America, once a sponge that sucked in a significant portion of the worlds oil, will instead be supplying the world with oil and other liquid hydrocarbons by the end of this decade, according to ExxonMobils annual long-term energy forecast.And the almost unspeakable amount of natural gas found in recent years in the U.S. and elsewhere in North America will be enough to make the region one of the worlds biggest exporters of that fuel by 2025, even as domestic demand for it increases, according to Bill Colton, Exxons chief strategist.The world has such an improved outlook for supplies, Colton said in an interview. Peak oil theorists have been run out of town by American ingenuity.In a forecast that might make economists happy but environmentalists fret, Exxons two chief products, oil and natural gas, will be abundant and affordable enough to meet the rising demand for energy in the developing world as the global middle class swells to 5 billion from 2 billion and buys energy-hungry conveniences such as cars and air conditioners.This is a result of advances in drilling technology that have made it possible for engineers to reach oil and gas in unconventional rock and extreme locations and quieted talk that the world was quickly running out of oil.And it is despite what Exxon assumes will be increasingly strict policies around the world on emissions of carbon dioxide and other gasses emitted by fossil fuel use that scientists say are triggering dangerous changes to the worlds climate.Exxons outlook forecasts world energy supply and demand through 2040 and is updated every year. It is noted by investors and policymakers and used by Exxon to shape its long-term strategy. Colton said the recent sharp decline in oil prices does not have much effect on the companys long-term vision, and that the company expects prices to rise and fall, sometimes dramatically, throughout the period.Exxons vision is broadly similar to that of other forecasters, including those by the International Energy Agency, which released its most recent long-term forecast last month. Demand for energy will grow rapidly in coming decades in the developing world, while demand in the developed world is expected to be flat or even decline as countries impose stricter emissions policies and become more efficient.The use of coal, now the worlds second most important fuel after oil, will eventually slip as countries try to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas, which burns cleaner than coal and emits half the global warming gases as coal, will supplant coal in the number two spot.Exxon takes a relatively dim view of the prospects for renewable energy, however. It believes that some of the aggressive targets for renewables cited by governments are too expensive to come to fruition, and the technologies have not advanced far enough to make them cheap or effective enough for broad adoption globally.They are just not ready for prime time, Colton says.While Exxon expects wind, solar and other non-hydro electric energy to grow faster by far than any other energy technology over the period, those renewables will provide just 4 percent of the worlds energy by 2040, up from 1 percent in 2010. Fossil fuels will still dominate: Oil will account for 32 percent of world energy, natural gas for 26 percent, and coal for 19 percent. Nuclear and biomass will account for 8 percent each, and hydroelectric power will account for 3 percent.Michael E. Mann, a climate scientist and director of Penn States Earth System Science Center, notes that many experts dispute Exxons conclusion on renewables because in several places around the world renewable energy is competitive with the price of traditional power, even without a high price on carbon pollution that Exxon and others seem to agree is coming.Scientists say if Exxons vision comes to pass the worlds climate system will become dangerous and chaotic, and some environmental economists suggest that economies will be forced to stop burning fossil fuels at such high rates to prevent catastrophic climate change.Exxons vision of a fossil fuel-driven future is one in which carbon dioxide levels rise well beyond the dangerous limit, where we will witness fundamental threats to food, water, land, our economy, national security, and our environment, Mann says. Let us hope, for the sake of us and our planet, that this is not our future.Other recent scientific studies suggest oil and gas companies and government forecasters could be overestimating how much oil and gas is accessible in the shale formations that have fueled the U.S. boom in oil and gas production.Ken Cohen, Exxons government and public affairs chief, says the studies are not consonant with the facts. He says Exxon is finding instead that improving technology is increasing productivity of each well they drill.That will mean that the end of the decade, North America will be exporting more oil and liquid hydrocarbons than it imports, a remarkable turnaround for a region that was a major global importer.

FATA be made new province or merged into KP: NA demands


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – National Assembly of Pakistan on Monday demanded Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) to be either given status of a province or at least be merged into Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KP) province. Demanding proper care of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) for permanent peace in the region, the members of the National Assembly demanded strict audit of the foreign aid and rehabilitation of the displaced tribal people.MNAs from FATA told that the total number of IDPs was more than 2.5 million and rehabilitation of these IDPs for permanent peace was vital. Federal Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab suggested suspension of agenda for discussion on IDPs. Federal Minister for Frontier Regions Abdul Qadir Baloch presented the adjournment motion in the house to discuss IDPs.Opposition Leader Syed Khurshid Shah said on this occasion that the government has lost its writ in FATA while the provincial government was protesting. He said that the problems were rising steadily while Pakistan’s passport was losing its value worldwide therefore, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif must take initiative and start talks with protesting Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI).Minister for Textile Industry Abbas Afridi said that tribal people loved Pakistan as much as the people living in any other part of the country and their problems must be resolved on priority.Shah Jee Gull Afridi said that FATA people were such warriors who fought without being paid.Suleman Baloch demanded FATA to be made a separate province.Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) leader Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao said that IDPs were Pakistan’s top most problem and demanded a parliamentary committee for this issue. He welcomed Army Chief’s statement regarding extricating Army from FATA.Ghazi Gulab Jamal said that people living in FATA will always remain loyal to the state of Pakistan no matter how bad the conditions went. He said that the 23 billion rupees for War against Terrorism were handed over to Khyber Pakhtunkhawa’s (KP) provincial government whereas FATA had the first right on it. He said that the future of FATA must be decided. He said that the FATA representatives should be given legislative rights. “It must be decided now whether it is to be given status of a separate province or should be merged into KP”, he added.

7-year-old false-alerts police of explosion only to get back at father


LAHORE (Daily Dunya) – A seven-year-old boy along with his father was held by the police for giving false alert of explosion only to get back at father over a previous row.According to the details, a labourer named Mushtaq rebuked his seven-year-old son Danial over a domestic issue, following which, the boy went to his room and called 15 from his father’s cell phone and told the police there had been an explosion at Badami Bagh area.The police, bomb disposal squad and rescue personnel rushed to the site only to find out the alert was a hoax. The electronic media, meanwhile, was already running tickers of a possible explosion in the area which was soon retracted.As soon as the situation became clear to the police, Danial and his father were taken into custody. Legal proceeding against the minor and his father was conducted upon orders from Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Operation.Published in Daily Dunya on December 9, 2014

Democracy was murdered in General Election 2013: Imran Khan


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday has said that democracy was “murdered” in the General Elections 2013 and that people responsible for this must be punished.He expressed these views while addressing the participants of the sit-in in Islamabad.He said that people participating in a peaceful protest are only tortured in dictatorship.PTI chairman declared Punjab former law minister Rana Sanaullah a “Maula Jutt” and said that they would face “Gullu Butts” of Lahore on December 15.The decision regarding the rigging in the constituency NA-122 would also be done on December 15.He said that former law minister does not have a sense of law and that Sanaullah planned everything that happened in Faisalabad.He accused Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) to have tortured the peaceful protesters in Faisalabad.PTI leader said that it would be disclosed on December 15 that why leaders of the country are afraid of opening constituencies to investigations.Khan further said that they would tell the people of the country the real meaning of democracy and expressed a resolve to continue fighting for justice until their last breath.

Holding of negotiations with PTI to be discussed with PM: Ishaq Dar


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar on Tuesday has said that he would meet Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif tomorrow (Wednesday) to discuss the holding of negotiations with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).He expressed these views while addressing the participants of a ceremony in Islamabad.Dar said that if rigging is proven by the Judicial Commission in the General Elections 2013 by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) then let alone the PM, the government would step down.He also said that the PM would discuss the holding of negotiations with PTI on Wednesday.Dar said that had PTI called the demonstration of protest in Faisalabad off, the negotiations would have been started by now.He said that if Imran Khan does not agree with the verdict of the recommended Judicial Commission then the government needs to reconsider its decision that whether a Judicial Commission should be extablished or not.Federal Minister further said that if rigging is not proven in the General Elections 2013 after investigations then PTI chairman must apologise to all citizens of Pakistan.

Sri Lanka picks uncapped bowlers to face Kiwis


COLOMBO, Sri Lanka: (AP) - Sri Lanka picked uncapped off spinner Tharindu Kaushal and fast bowler Dushmantha Chameera on Tuesday for two upcoming test matches against New Zealand.A 16-man squad includes six specialist batsmen, captain Angelo Mathews playing all-rounder, five seam bowlers and three spinners.Prasanna Jayawardena is the specialist wicketkeeper.If Sri Lanka plays two spin bowlers, Kaushal could partner off spinner Dilruwan Perera for the first test starting Dec. 26 because strike bowler and left-arm spinner Rangana Herath has withdrawn citing personal reasons. The second test starts on Jan. 3.The 21-year-old Kaushal has taken 133 wickets in 23 first-class matches at an average of nearly 22 and a wicket every 33 deliveries.Chameera has taken 42 wickets in 18 first-class matches.Squad:Angelo Mathews (Captain), Kaushal Silva, Dimuth Karunaratne, Kumar Sangakkara, Lahiru Thirimanne, Niroshan Dickwella, Prasanna Jayawardena, Dinesh Chandimal, Dilruwan Perera, Tharindu Kaushal, Shaminda Eranga, Suranga Lakmal, Dhammika Prasad, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Pradeep, Rangana Herath.

US stocks lower, following global declines


NEW YORK: (AP) - U.S. stocks fell sharply Tuesday, following a slump in global markets.European markets slid after an early presidential vote was called in Greece, which investors feared could jeopardize the struggling countrys bailout program. Greeces stock market suffered its biggest one-day loss since 1987. Stocks also slid in China after regulators there tightened rules for lending.KEEPING SCORE: The Dow Jones industrial average had its biggest drop in two months in early trading, falling as much as 222 points, or 1.3 percent. By late morning, the average was down 163 points, or 0.9 percent, to 17,687. The Standard & Poors 500 index fell 18 points, or 0.9 percent, to 2,042. The Nasdaq composite lost 38 points, or 1 percent, to 4,702.EUROPE: Frances CAC-40 fell 2.3 percent and Germanys DAX lost 1.9 percent. Britains FTSE 100 shed 1.7 percent.GREECE PLUNGE: The Athens stock exchange plunged 12 percent, its biggest one-day drop in almost 30 years. Investors are worried that the country might have to hold early general elections and that a left-wing opposition party that is leading in the polls, would win. The Syriza party wants a cut to what Greece owes in bailout money. Such a move could spook investors for years, derailing the countrys path out of its financial crisis.CHINESE MARKETS: Major Chinese oil and bank stocks fell, some by the daily limit of 10 percent allowed by regulators. It was a break from a buying frenzy that has pushed the Shanghai benchmark up 41 percent since June. Investors had been driven by hopes for an economic rebound combined with outright cheerleading by the state press. Stock prices fell Tuesday after Chinas clearing house for securities trades raised the minimum rating for corporate bonds it would accept in exchange for short-term credit, prompting concern about the availability of financing for trades.THE QUOTE: Hu Guopeng, an analyst at Founder Securities in Beijing, said the plunge in Chinas stock markets was a technical correction linked to the uncertainty about credit availability created by the change in collateral requirements. It does not mean the end of the market boom, Hu said.ASIAN SCORECARD: The Shanghai Composite Index dived 5.4 percent, though its still up 6.6 percent over the past week following a months-long rally. Chinas four major state-owned banks all dropped by at least 9 percent. Hong Kongs Hang Seng dropped 2.3 percent and Tokyos Nikkei 225 fell 0.7 percent.GRIM DATA: Investor sentiment was also hurt by weak economic data. On Monday, a report showed Chinas November export growth was weaker than forecast and imports contracted unexpectedly. That suggested economic growth might be cooling further after hitting a five-year low in the latest quarter. For Japan, revised figures for the July-September quarter showed its economy shrank 1.9 percent, more than previously estimated.OUT OF STYLE: Teen apparel company Abercrombie & Fitch rose $1.66, or 6 percent, to $28 after the companys CEO Mike Jeffries is retiring effect immediately. Jeffries was credited for transforming A&F in the 1990s, but the company has struggled to keep up with recent trends. The stock is down 14 percent this year.ENERGY: U.S. benchmark crude rose 62 cents, or 1 percent, to $63.66 per barrel in New York. The contract plunged $2.79 on Monday to close at $63.05.CURRENCIES and BONDS: The dollar declined 1.6 percent to 118.96 yen. The euro rose 0.9 percent to $1.2421. In government bond trading, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.22 percent from 2.26 percent late Monday as prices rose.

Messi and Barcelona top Global Football 10


LONDON: (AP) - Lionel Messi and Barcelona beat Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid to top the Associated Press Global Football 10 on Tuesday.Both Messi and Ronaldo scored hat tricks at the weekend and, despite Ronaldo setting a Spanish league record with his 23rd treble, Messi takes the leading player honors after propelling Barcelona to a 5-1 victory against Espanyol.Ronaldos goals led Real to a 3-0 triumph against Celta Vigo, its 18th straight win in all competitions, equaling a record set by Barcelona in 2005-06.Its really amazing what Messi and Ronaldo are doing now, with hat tricks seemingly every week, Tom Timmermann of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in the United States said.Fellow voter Aurelio Capaldi of RAI Sport in Italy believes Messi edges Ronaldo because Barcelona had to come from behind to secure its win over Espanyol.Espanyol took the lead in Barcelonas derby and the 5-1 victory for Luis Enriques men has a lot to do with the Argentinian genius, Capaldi said. Even if the score is eloquent, Im not sure Barcelona would have won without Messi.Newcastle striker Papiss Cisse is third after scoring twice as his side beat Chelsea 2-1, handing the Premier League leader its first loss this season.The result places Newcastle fourth in the team vote this week, behind Bayern Munich.I am always impressed by how solid Chelsea has been this season, Ubiratan Leal of trivela.com in Brazil said. I cant help myself but recognize the value of the first team to beat them.Bundesliga leader Bayern secured a 1-0 win over Bayer Leverkusen with the decisive goal from Franck Ribery, who is seventh in this weeks player vote.Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting enters the poll in fourth, after also scoring a hat trick. His three goals came for Schalke in its 4-0 win over Stuttgart.Premier League champion Manchester City is fifth, after it took advantage of Chelseas slip with two wins against Sunderland and Everton in the Premier League and closed the gap between the two sides to three points.Spanish champion Atletico Madrid is one place behind after it beat Elche 2-0, and West Ham enters this weeks poll in seventh after beating Swansea 3-1 in the Premier League on Sunday.West Ham currently occupies fourth place in the Premier League, and its victory over Swansea was spearheaded by two goals from Andy Carroll, who is sixth in the player vote.The London club received three more votes than Manchester United, which won 2-1 at Southampton on Monday thanks to a double from striker Robin van Persie to continue its resurgence with a fifth straight win.Van Persie is another entrant in this weeks top 10 players, taking eighth spot.Zlatan Ibrahimovic is fifth after his double in a 2-1 comeback win against Nantes saw Paris Saint-Germain remain a point behind leader Marseille.PSG is 10th in the poll this week thanks to the victory.AP Global Football 10:Players:1. Lionel Messi, 143 points.2. Cristiano Ronaldo, 131.3. Papiss Cisse, 90.4. Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting, 81.5. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 76.6. Andy Carroll, 54.7. Franck Ribery, 53.8. Robin van Persie, 47.9. Mario Mandzukic, 37.10. Sergio Aguero, 31.Teams:1. Barcelona, 131.2. Real Madrid, 123.3. Bayern Munich, 92.4. Newcastle, 87.5. Manchester city, 65.6. Atletico Madrid, 53.7. West Ham, 45.8. Manchester United, 42.9. Genoa, 37.10. Paris Saint-Germain, 33.

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