Wednesday 10 June 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

5 killed as coach turns turtle near Nowshehro Feroz


NOWSHEHRO FEROZ (Dunya News) - According to details, a speeding passenger coach, going to Ahmadpur Sharqia from Sehwan, turned turtle near Nowshehro Feroz bypass on early Thursday morning, killing at least five people.Another 25 passengers were injured in the accident. Rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the dead and injured to Civil Hospital Nowshehro Feroz.

Karachi: 5 foreigners arrested during search operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) - According to details, five foreign nationals were arrested during a joint operation by intelligence agencies and special branch police in different parts of Karachi on Wednesday.Those who were arrested included three Bangladeshis, one Tanzanian and one Afghan national. Passports and other documents were also recovered from the arrested persons.

PML-N secures GBLA-7, Skardu-1 seat after recounting


SHARDU (Dunya News) - According to unofficial result announced on early Thursday morning, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) candidate Haji Akbar Taban was declared winner from GBLA-7, Skardu-1 after recounting.Haji Akbar Taban of PML-N got 3331 votes to secure GBLA-7, Skardu-1 seat while Raja Jalal of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) remained second with 3330 votes.It is pertinent to mention here that Raja Jalal of PTI was unofficially declared winner from this constituency by just one vote two days ago upon which Haji Akbar Taban approached the Election Commission of Pakistan for recounting.

Britain to get tougher on rogue finance


LONDON (AFP) - Britain on Wednesday recommended tougher measures to end market abuses and longer prison sentences for those who break the law, after a series of scandals rocked the financial sector.The age of irresponsibility is over, declared Bank of England governor Mark Carney in an address to the financial community in Londons banking district, where he spoke alongside British Chancellor George Osborne.Criminal sanctions should be updated, with market abuse rules similarly extended and maximum prison terms lengthened, said Carney, a 50-year-old Canadian who has led the central bank since 2013.Carney and Osborne spoke as the central bank published its final report of the Fair and Effective Markets Review (FEMR), which was launched in the wake of a series of financial scandals over market manipulation.The review called for criminal sanctions for abuses to be extended to Britains commodity, currency and fixed-income markets, and for jail sentences to be lengthened to up to 10 years.Osborne, the finance minister, said that rather than endangering Londons competitiveness as a banking hub, reforms would ensure trust in our markets and strengthen Londons global leadership position.The public rightly asks why it is that after so many scandals, and such cost to the country, so few individuals have faced punishment in the courts, Osborne said.The governor and I agree: individuals who fraudulently manipulate markets and commit financial crime should be treated like the criminals they are -- and they will be.The chief executive of the British Bankers Association Anthony Browne said the measures should give customers greater clarity and protection.Its vital that London once again sets the gold standard for fair dealing and integrity in financial markets, Brown said.We welcome the intention to extend regulation from banks to other types of trading organisations.Great fire of LondonUsing the metaphor of the Great Fire of London, which destroyed much of the capital in the 17th century, Carney said that Londons poor market infrastructure allowed a sub-prime mortgage crisis in the United States to spread and cause the worst recession in our lifetimes.Though markets can be powerful drivers of prosperity, markets can go wrong. Left unattended, they are prone to instability, excess and abuse, Carney said.Markets without the right standards are like cities without building codes, fire brigades or insurance.Unclear rules, weak enforcement, a system vulnerable to collusion, and risk-taking incentives had combined to cause an ethical drift, Carney said.He said abuses had undermined trust in the financial sector, damaging confidence and weakening the economy.The central banker noted the importance of the financial sector for Britains economy, noting that it employed 350,000 an contributed GBP 130 billion ($202 billion, 178 billion euros) to the national income.Given Londons pre-eminence in finance, it was the citys responsibility to set worldwide standards, Carney said.The FEMR review, drawn up by the central bank, the Treasury and the Financial Conduct authority, recommends better training and that individuals and senior management be held to account.It calls for new civil and criminal market abuse rules for foreign exchange dealing in Britain and coordinated international action to ensure fairness and effectiveness where possible.

Mayweather tops Pacquiao on Forbes' richest athletes list


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Floyd Money Mayweather has beaten Manny Pacquiao again: the undefeated US boxer leads his Filipino rival atop Forbes latest list of the worlds highest-paid sports figures.Mayweather tops the list for the second year in a row with the majority of his $300 million in earnings over the past 12 months coming from his May mega-fight with Pacquiao.Thanks to his take from the fight, Pacquiao is second on the list released on Wednesday with $160 million in earnings, joining Mayweather and Tiger Woods as the only sportsmen to earn nine figures in a 12-month period.The highest-grossing fight in history, which generated $400 million in US revenue, accounts for much of the $460 million earnings increase on the 2015 list, Forbes said.According to the financial magazines calculations -- which take into account salaries, bonuses, prize money, appearance fees and estimated licensing and endorsement income -- the top 100 earned a total of $3.2 billion over the last 12 months.Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo edged Barcelona rival Lionel Messi for third on the list,with Ronaldo coming in at $79 million and Messi $73.8 million.Swiss tennis great Roger Federer rounded out the top five with total earnings of $67 million.Woods remains in the top 10 at number nine ($50.6 million), despite the decline in his game that has seen his world ranking slide to 181.The 14-time major champions old rival Phil Mickelson is the highest-paid golfer at eighth ($50.8 million) -- with reigning world number one Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland coming in at 12th.The top 10 also features three NBA players: LeBron James at sixth, Kevin Durant at seventh and Kobe Bryant at 10th.Once again, Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova is the highest woman on the list at 26 -- with total earnings of $29.7 million.World number one Serena Williams is the only other woman in the top 100 at number 47 ($26.4 million).

Football: Computer data seized at FIFA HQ


LAUSANNE (AFP) - FIFA have handed over computer data to Swiss police investigating the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes and suspended bidding for the 2026 tournament as it remained at the centre of a football corruption storm.Brazilian legend Zico, meanwhile, became the first person to officially declare himself a candidate to take over footballs scandal-tainted world body from Sepp Blatter.FIFA said that computer data from its Zurich headquarters had been handed to Swiss prosecutors.Swiss authorities are investigating the 2010 FIFA vote that awarded the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the 2022 tournament to Qatar.FIFA today provided, as planned, data requested by the attorney general, said a spokesman for the global body.The BBC claimed that documents were seized from the offices of Blatter, FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke and chief financial officer Markus Kattner. Swiss prosecutors refused to reveal the identity of the individuals involved.FIFA has been thrown into chaos by the Swiss inquiry and the parallel investigation into corruption by football officials which led to seven FIFA officials being arrested at a Zurich hotel last month.Valcke said Russia had won the right to host the 2018 finals honestly and one must be crazy to say that all hosting rights were bought. The draw for the Russian tournament will be held in St Petersburg on July 25.Russian diligenceRussias Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said preparations are going ahead with all diligence.We took no notice of the politics, we just pragmatically continue our preparations.Bidding for the 2026 World Cup was meant to start this year and be decided at a congress in Kuala Lumpur in 2017. But Valcke said the process has been halted.It was decided to place the administrative process on hold for the 2026 FIFA World Cup bidding due to the current situation, a FIFA statement said.Due to the situation, I think its nonsense to start any bidding process for the time being, Valcke told a news conference in Samara, one of the Russian cities to host the 2018 World Cup.The United States, Canada, Mexico, Morocco and Kazakhstan have all been linked to possible 2026 bids.US authorities have charged 14 football officials and sports marketing executives over more than $150 million of bribes. They include the seven -- two of them former FIFA vice presidents -- detained in Zurich and now fighting extradition to the United States.The corruption controversy ruined Blatters reelection for a fifth term as FIFA president on May 29 and he announced just four days later that he would resign.An election for a new leader will not be held before December, but potential successors are already jostling for position to run the worlds richest and most powerful sporting federation.Hero entersZico, a hero of Brazilian teams of the late 1970s and early 1980s and former sports minister, declared he would enter the race.I feel I am capable. For sure, certain rules need to change, he told a press conference in Rio de Janeiro. Much needs to change and much is going to happenPrince Ali bin al Hussein, who stood against Blatter in last months election, has indicated he could also stand along with a former FIFA vice president Chung Mong-Joon of South Korea.But UEFA president Michel Platini refused to discuss his plans at a Paris press conference to mark one year from the start of the European Championships in France. Platini only said it was a good thing the 2026 World Cup campaign had been halted. There is no leadership at FIFA, he commented.Wolfgang Niersbach, a Blatter critic, said the election should be held quickly.With all due respect for his lifes work, Sepp Blatter does himself, and football as a whole, no favours by drawing out his resignation, Niersbach wrote in a letter to German clubs and regional associations.A new president must be chosen quickly at an extraordinary congress to represent a compelling new beginning.He also called for comprehensive reform of the world body. It must be our common goal to prevent unscrupulous people being enriched at the expense of football and tighter cash flows are needed.

Guatemala opens corruption probe against president: court


GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) - Guatemalan President Otto Perez will be investigated for alleged corruption and Congress has been asked to consider lifting his immunity, the Supreme Court said Wednesday.The president has faced major protests calling for his resignation since a UN-backed investigation reported in April a customs bribery ring implicating a wide array of high-ranking officials.Last month the president fired three government ministers and his intelligence chief as he sought to get a grip on the widening scandal in the poor and violence-plagued Central American country.The probe against Perez, requested by an opposition party founded by Nobel peace laureate Rigoberta Menchu, was announced at a press conference by the chief justice of the Supreme Court, Josue Baquiax.The 13 members of the court studied a complaint from the Winaq party to the effect Perez knew about illegal transactions committed by senior officials involved in fraud in the customs and social security systems, Baquiax said.Now it is up to Congress to appoint an investigative commission, the chief justice said.The UN-backed probe, aimed at cleaning up the countrys judicial system, concluded that senior customs officials took bribes from businessmen seeking to avoid paying taxes.In a separate scandal, the president of the Central Bank and the director of the Social Security system -- both of whom are close to Perez -- were arrested in May on charges of cheating the social security system out of $15 million.The president has resisted pressure to resign and to address the corruption allegations. But he has insisted he will serve out his full term, which ends in January next year.

Guatemala opens corruption probe against president: court


GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) - Guatemalan President Otto Perez will be investigated for alleged corruption and Congress has been asked to consider lifting his immunity, the Supreme Court said Wednesday.The president has faced major protests calling for his resignation since a UN-backed investigation reported in April a customs bribery ring implicating a wide array of high-ranking officials.Last month the president fired three government ministers and his intelligence chief as he sought to get a grip on the widening scandal in the poor and violence-plagued Central American country.The probe against Perez, requested by an opposition party founded by Nobel peace laureate Rigoberta Menchu, was announced at a press conference by the chief justice of the Supreme Court, Josue Baquiax.The 13 members of the court studied a complaint from the Winaq party to the effect Perez knew about illegal transactions committed by senior officials involved in fraud in the customs and social security systems, Baquiax said.Now it is up to Congress to appoint an investigative commission, the chief justice said.The UN-backed probe, aimed at cleaning up the countrys judicial system, concluded that senior customs officials took bribes from businessmen seeking to avoid paying taxes.In a separate scandal, the president of the Central Bank and the director of the Social Security system -- both of whom are close to Perez -- were arrested in May on charges of cheating the social security system out of $15 million.The president has resisted pressure to resign and to address the corruption allegations. But he has insisted he will serve out his full term, which ends in January next year.

Obama approves 450 more troops for Iraq training mission


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama on Wednesday approved the deployment of 450 more US military trainers to Iraq, a cautious bid to reverse gains by the Islamic State group.The White House said the forces will join an already 3,100-strong mission to train, advise and assist the Iraqi army as well as tribal fighters.The new contingent will focus on efforts to wrest back control of provincial capital Ramadi.Islamic State seized the city near Baghdad in May, punching a giant hole in Obamas strategy to defeat and degrade the extremist group.Obama has ruled out putting combat troops on the ground, fearing it may re-entangle US forces in a war he fought hard to end.Instead his administration has offered air support, arms and training to an amalgam of disparate Iraqi forces.In addition to extra trainers, the White House announced there will also be expedited delivery of essential equipment and material for those tribal and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters -- in coordination with the central government in Baghdad.While senior Obama military and civilian aides indicate he hasnt ruled out any additional steps, such as providing field advisers or personnel to call in airstrikes, they say the current strategy will remain in place.The president has made it clear that he will look at a range of different options, said Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes.Our overriding focus here is making sure that there is Iraqi capacity on the ground.Fight for AnbarThe new US training contingent will be based at Taqaddum Air Base, perched between terrorist-held Ramadi and Fallujah.That puts US non-combat troops within striking distance of Islamic State fighters, but officials say it also makes recruitment of tribal fighters easier.There is always a risk whenever were in Iraq that we could be hit with indirect fire, as we have in the past, that we could be attacked, said senior Pentagon official Elissa Slotkin.We felt like we could sufficiently mitigate the risk to make it worthwhile to go out there to perform this important mission.Iraqs Sunni Muslim community -- likely to be key to victory in Anbar -- has yet to join the fight against Islamic State in large numbers.After years of sectarian tensions, there remains a simmering distrust of the government in Baghdad.There may also be lingering suspicion of the United States, which in previous campaigns recruited fighters before leaving them to the mercy of sectarian rulers.The Pentagon said a large portion of the new US troops will focus on protecting trainers and other officials, while a small group will help Iraqi forces plan helping the Iraqis plan an eventual counter-attack on Ramadi.The deployment of 450 US troops into the middle of a contested area may also have an impact on Islamic States actions, said Slotkin.Obamas Republican political adversaries seized on his announcement.Its a step in the right direction, but as the president admitted the other day, he has no strategy to win. And this is another tactical move, said House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner.I support the tactical move the president is taking, but wheres the overarching strategy?

Hundreds of extra cops to hit New York streets


NEW YORK (AFP) - Hundreds of police officers were ordered off their desks and back onto the New York streets Wednesday in an effort to crack down on a fresh increase in murders and shootings.Around 330 officers are being reassigned until further notice to patrol 10 high-crime parts of the city, predominantly in Brooklyn and the Bronx, but also in Queens and Staten Island.There have been 451 shooting incidents so far this year, compared to 428 at the same point in 2014, with murders at 143 compared to 121 up to the same period last year, police said.It is the second year running that rising crime has forced desk officers back onto the streets, but this time the initiative is starting a month earlier.We will keep it going until we see the decreases that we fully expect will occur, New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton told reporters.If we are able to douse that fire, we may be in a position to return these officers back to their original assignments earlier. Right now its open-ended.Rising crime -- particularly gang-related shootings -- is a sensitive subject in a city where rates fell steadily under previous mayors Michael Bloomberg and Rudolph Giuliani.New York City is one of the largest safe cities in America but unfortunately that level of safety is not present in all of our communities, Bratton said.There are currently 34,500 police officers in New York. The city has a population of more than 8.4 million.Last years initiative succeeded in bringing down murder by 13 percent, robberies by 22 percent and shooting incidents down 12 percent, said New York Police chief of department, James ONeill.

Sri Lanka name Test squad for Pakistan series


COLOMBO (AFP) - Sri Lanka Cricket on Wednesday named a 16-man squad for the three-Test home series against Pakistan starting next week.Jehan Mubarak has made a comeback to the Sri Lanka Test squad after nearly eight years, for the upcoming home series against Pakistan. Three younger players were also included in the 16-man squad: offspinner Tharindu Kaushal, uncapped fast bowler Dushmantha Chameera and left-handed batsman Kusal Perera.Fast bowler Shaminda Eranga was not considered because of a back injury while Suranga Lakmals inclusion will depend on the speed of his recovery from a groin complaint.Sri Lanka squad: Angelo Mathews (capt), Lahiru Thirimanne, Kaushal Silva, Dimuth Karunaratne, Kumar Sangakkara, Dinesh Chandimal, Kithruwan Vithanage, Jehan Mubarak, Kusal Perera, Rangana Herath, Dilruwan Perera, Tharindu Kaushal, Nuwan Pradeep, Dhammika Prasad, Dushmantha Chameera, Suranga Lakmal (subject to fitness).

De Villiers 'role model' for England's Buttler


BIRMINGHAM (AFP) - Jos Buttler said AB de Villiers was his role model but insisted hed a long way to go to match the standards of the South African star despite a dazzling hundred against New Zealand at Edgbaston on Tuesday.Buttlers thrilling century off just 66 balls, which followed an almost as quick 71-ball ton from Joe Root, allowed England to post a mammoth score of 408 for nine in the first of a five-match one-day series with the Black Caps.It was the first time England had passed 400 in ODI cricket, while their eventual 210-run winning margin was another national record.England were in danger of undoing all their good early work at 202 for six but Buttler and Adil Rashid (69) belied the teams reputation for conservative one-day cricket during a stunning partnership of 177 -- a seventh-wicket record in all ODIs.Buttlers 360 degree approach to batting has invited comparisons with Proteas maestro de Villiers, but the 24-year-old wicket-keeper/batsman told reporters: Im not sure Im quite at those guys level yet.AB de Villiers is someone who has been a role model for me for a long period of time -- someone who has changed batting, I think, over the past few years -- and everyone is trying to emulate him.Thats the role I want to play in English cricket.I want to be that guy who can go out like I did and play those kind of innings and try to do that consistently, added Buttler, now the vice-captain of Englands one-day side.What made Englands display at Edgbaston all the more extraordinary was that it was in complete contrast to their eight-wicket defeat by the eventual World Cup finalists when they last played New Zealand in white-ball cricket at Wellington in February.England suffered a humiliating first-round exit at the global showpiece tournament and one-day skipper Eoin Morgan vowed afterwards they would opt for a more dynamic approach to the 50-over game.But few expected England to make good on his words as soon as the opening match of the New Zealand one-day series.However, Buttler insisted no absence of effort had held England back at the World Cup, but rather they had suffered a loss of confidence allied to questionable tactics.It wasnt through lack of trying before -- its not as if we wanted to play (like) that, said Lancashire gloveman Buttler. We werent playing well enough.But Buttler said Englands fans had to accept there would be days when the kind of bold approach on display at Edgbaston might not pay off.I hit a couple through the slips -- and if those chances are taken, we could potentially have been all out for 250, he explained.But if you scrape up to 250 in 50 overs, thats not going to win you too many games any more.You have to be looking at 300-plus at least.The next World Cup will be staged in England in 2019 and Buttler warned against placing too much emphasis on one result, however impressive.We dont want to get carried away at one performance and think English ODI cricket is fixed and were going to win the World Cup, he said.Buttler now holds the record for Englands two fastest one-day hundreds, with Tuesdays ton second only to his 61-ball century against Sri Lanka at Lords last year.Throughout my career, that is the way I enjoy playing cricket, he said. My method is to score as many as I can as quick as I can.The England-New Zealand series continues at The Oval on Friday.

Israel bars shot Palestinian from treatment in Jerusalem


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel has barred a Palestinian photographer allegedly shot in the eye by an Israeli soldier from entering east Jerusalem for specialist treatment, he told AFP on Wednesday.Nidal Shtayyeh, who works for Chinese news agency Xinhua, was wounded while covering a small demonstration at Huwarra checkpoint near the northern West Bank city of Nablus on May 16.As he was covering the rally, Shtayyeh was hit in the face by a rubber bullet which entered his eye, causing serious damage, he told AFP.The march was peaceful and no stones were thrown, no photographers were taking any pictures, he said, accusing soldiers of firing sound bombs at the photographers without any provocation. I raised my camera to my right eye to take a picture, but a soldier shot me in my left eye with his rifle, and the rubber bullet went through my gas masks glass eye cover and into my eye.An Italian camerawoman was also injured during the same demonstration which came as Palestinians marked the Nakba, or catastrophe that befell them when Israel was established in 1948. At the time, the army said at least 100 Palestinians had been throwing stones and petrol bombs, and that troops had responded with riot dispersal means.Shtayyeh was rushed to Rafidiya hospital in Nablus for initial treatment but was prescribed specialist help at St Johns eye hospital in annexed east Jerusalem. As a Palestinian living in the West Bank, Shtayyeh had to apply for an Israeli permit to enter Jerusalem. But Israeli authorities turned down his request.He tried again two more times -- once through the Red Cross and once through a private Israeli lawyer. But both requests were rejected. A spokesman for the Shin Bet internal security agency did not have an immediate response.Shtayyehs lawyer, Itai Matt, told AFP that his client had been informed it was the Shin Bet preventing his entry, despite his having been granted such permission in the past.According to Matt, Israeli security services regularly bar entry to anyone wounded by the army. They even bar entry to wounded children seeking treatment in Jerusalem, because they are worried that anyone wounded will try and take revenge after their treatment, he said. Xinhua did not respond to AFPs requests for a comment on the incident.

Britain's Cameron 'defends Falklands' in clash with Argentina minister


BRUSSELS (AFP) - British Prime Minister David Cameron defended Londons claim to the Falklands during a confrontation with Argentinas foreign minister at a summit in Brussels Wednesday, sources said.Hector Timerman brought up the subject of the disputed South Atlantic islands, over which Britain and Argentina fought a war in 1982, during a EU-Latin American summit involving more than 60 countries, they said.I can confirm that the prime minister defended the Falklands and their right to self-determination after the Argentine foreign minister raised the issue, a British diplomat told AFP.He said Timerman made the comments during the plenary session of the summit and that there was no bilateral meeting on the sidelines.Argentine officials travelling with Timerman confirmed there had been an incident during one of the summits working sessions involving national leaders and ministers, but gave no further details.Argentine President Cristina Kirchner did not attend the summit.A report in the Argentine newspaper La Nacion said Timerman had reiterated his governments claim to the islands, which Buenos Aires calls Las Malvinas, to which Cameron replied that his comments were threatening.Animosity between Britain and Argentina over the islands has escalated sharply in recent years with the discovery of significant oil deposits offshore.Argentina claims it inherited the remote, wind-swept islands from Spain when it gained independence.Britain argues it has historically ruled them and that the islanders should have the right to self-determination. In a 2013 referendum, 99.8 percent voted to remain a British overseas territory.The 74-day Falklands War claimed the lives of 649 Argentine soldiers, 255 British soldiers and three islanders.

Football: Ronaldo tops football's marketing charts


PARIS (AFP) - Cristiano Ronaldo remains Europes and the worlds most marketable footballer known by more than 80% of people around the world, according to a study released Thursday.The 30-year-old Real Madrid scorer beats Englands Wayne Rooney and Spains Andres Iniesta on a new European top 10, according to the Repucom sports marketing firm.Dutch forwards Robin van Persie and Arjen Robben and Italys Andrea Pirlo round out the top six in Europe. In terms of overall marketability, globally, Ronaldo leaves the other European players in his wake, declared the firm which said 83% of people around the world -- 85% of all men and 80% of all women -- have heard of the Portuguese superstar.It estimated that Ronaldo earns between 30 million and 35 million euros ($34 million and $40 million) a year from sponsors.Rooney of Manchester United is known by 54% of people around the world and rakes in between 4.5 million and 5.0 million euros each year from sponsors. Iniesta is known by 48% of people and earns between two million and 2.5 million a year in sponsorship.Van Persie and Robben both had a 46% global awareness ranking, according to the study of 6,500 people asked in 13 major football nations -- Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain and the United States.Pirlo was known by 41% of the consumers asked.The top 10 was rounded out by Germanys Mesut Ozil and Mario Goetze in seventh and eighth and Gareth Bale of Wales followed by Belgian Eden Hazard in 10th.Even though they were less well known globally, Ozil, Goetze and Bale all had much higher sponsorship revenues than many of the leading five.Bales annual sponsor earnings were estimated at five million to six million euros -- more even than Rooney -- while Ozils was four million to five million euros and Goetze three million to 3.5 million euros.Iniesta is the most trusted footballer in the top 10. He had a global trust approval from 71% of those asked, while the impetuous Ronaldo got 67% and Rooney was even lower on 62%. Van Persie and Goetze were tied on second with 70%.If Lionel Messi had been counted on the European list, he would have been beaten by Ronaldo, according to Repucom, known by 74% of people globally and 99% of people in his native Argentina.

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