Saturday 27 June 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Greece on the brink after Europe refuses bailout


BRUSSELS (AFP) - Greece hurtled closer to a possible exit from the eurozone on Saturday after Europe responded to the governments call for a referendum by refusing to extend Athenss desperately needed bailout.The referendum on bailout proposals by Greeces creditors planned for July 5 was approved by the parliament late Saturday night, with at least 179 deputies out of 300 voting in favour.In a speech before the vote, leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said he was confident the Greek people will say an emphatic no to the ultimatum by the countrys EU-IMF creditors, but a big yes to European solidarity.The proposed referendum would ask Greeks to say yes or no to the measures submitted by creditors to Athens on Friday at one of the final rounds of negotiations ongoing on since late February.Long queues formed at cash machines across Greece on Saturday, as fears mounted capital controls may be introduced as Athens looked all but certain to default on a huge IMF payment due on Tuesday.The European Central Bank is set to meet on Sunday amid fears Greeces banks will be unable to open next week, while Germany said the eurozone would do everything to stop contagion spreading through the single currency.Tsipras announced the surprise referendum in the early hours of Saturday saying he had rejected a debt deal because it involved further austerity measures that would cause humiliation to the Greek people.Angry eurozone finance ministers accused Greece of unilaterally breaking off talks and said they would not extend Greeces bailout past June 30, the same day a 1.5 billion euro ($1.7 billion) payment to the International Monetary Fund falls due.It was not us who walked away from the talks, it was the Greek government that walked away, a grim-faced Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem said after tense talks in Brussels.But he added: Our door is always open.Greece remains in the euroEU heavyweights Germany and France swiftly insisted Greece would remain inside the 19-country eurozone, even as fears grew about the future of the single currency itself.Greece remains a member of the eurozone and Greece remains part of Europe, said Germanys powerful Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.His French counterpart Michel Sapin said that Greeces destiny was in the euro.But with fears that the crisis could spread, the ministers later met without Greece to discuss the consequences of a possible Grexit and to insist they would preserve the integrity and stability of the euro area Dijsselbloem said.We will do everything to fight against any possible danger of contagion, added Schaeuble in an attempt to calm global markets before they reopen on Monday.Frozen out of the talks, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis left saying: Its a sad day for Europe, but we will overcome it.But he added that the refusal to grant his request to extend the bailout will certainly damage the credibility for the Eurogroup as a democratic union and I am very much afraid the damage will be permanent.Greeces negotiations with its international creditors have dragged on since January, when Tsiprass Syriza party first took power on a promise of ending austerity measures demanded by the EU and IMF in return for two bailouts worth 240 billion euros.Syriza has repeatedly refused to make cuts to pensions and changes to the VAT system demanded by Greeces debtors -- the troika of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.A week of intensive talks in Brussels ended with Greeces creditors on Friday offering Athens a five-month, 12-billion-euro extension of its rescue programme, on condition it committed to fresh reforms.According to two polls published in the Sunday press, carried out just before the referendum was announced, a large majority of Greeks favoured a deal with the creditors.Greek ATM queuesGreece was stunned by the referendum announcement by radical leader Tsipras, which came just hours after he had been at a summit with European leaders in a bid to end the crisis.Queues built up at cash machines in Athens as fears mounted that the banks would not open on Monday and the government could impose capital controls to stop more deposits fleeing the country.ATMs in the Greek parliament ran dry while in Greeces second city, Thessaloniki, some banks have run out of money, according to an AFP reporter.I have a shop. I came to the bank to withdraw as much money as I can in order to cover the needs of my shop for next week, 42-year-old Maria Kalpakidou told AFP.Demand at petrol stations was also said to have heightened but there were no fuel shortage problems, according to state news agency ANA.The European Central Bank will now play a crucial role in ensuring Greeces banks have the cash to open at the beginning of next week, as with the end of the bailout programme Greece leaves behind billions of euros in profits on its government bonds.Two top Tsipras aides met ECB head Mario Draghi in Brussels on Saturday.The governing council of the ECB was also reported to be meeting on Sunday, and was closely monitoring developments, the bank said.

South Korea reports 32nd MERS death


SEOUL (AFP) - South Korea on Sunday reported its 32nd death from MERS as the viruss mortality rate continued to rise even as the pace of the outbreak appeared to slow.A 55-year-old man died Saturday of Middle East Respiratory Disease, the health ministry said, putting the latest mortality rate at 17.5 percent.That is up from 15 percent a week ago and 10 percent two weeks ago, though still lower than World Health Organization figures which put the mortality rate for the disease at around 36 percent.The man was diagnosed on June 9 after contracting the virus at Samsung Medical Centre in Seoul -- the epicentre of the outbreak where about 90 patients, visitors and medical staff had been infected.The total number of infections remained unchanged at 182 and fifteen patients were in critical condition, the health ministry said.A total of 91 patients have recovered and been released from hospital, including one on Saturday, according to the ministry.As of Sunday, a total of 2,562 people were under quarantine either at state facilities or at home, it added.The outbreak started on May 20 when a 68-year-old man was diagnosed after returning from a trip to Saudi Arabia.Since then the potentially deadly virus -- for which there is no vaccine -- has spread at an unusually rapid pace in the Asias fourth-largest economy, becoming the largest outbreak outside Saudi Arabia and sparking public alarm at home and elsewhere in Asia.South Koreas government is facing criticism for failing to stop the outbreak.

Iran nuclear talks enter 'critical phase'


VIENNA (AFP) - Talks between Iran and the US enter a critical phase Sunday with tensions rising just three days from a deadline to nail down a deal thwarting any Iranian nuclear arms drive.EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was due to arrive during the day after US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart appeared to have made little headway when they returned to the negotiating table in Vienna on Saturday.Obviously we are at a critical stage now, a Western diplomat said. Its become more tense in the final days. But that was always likely to happen.Global powers known as the P51 group -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- are seeking to flesh out the final details of a historic accord to curtail Irans nuclear programme.They are seeking an accord by Tuesdays June 30 deadline, building on guidelines set by a framework deal agreed in Lausanne on April 2.Kerry told reporters that although he remained hopeful there was still a lot of hard work to do.Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif agreed, saying negotiators need to work really hard in order to be able to make progress and move forward.But his deputy Abbas Araghchi suggested parts of the Lausanne framework no longer applied because other countries had changed their positions.In Lausanne we found solutions to many things, but some issues remained unresolved, he told an Arabic-language Iranian television channel Al-Alam.And now some of the solutions found in Lausanne no longer work, because after Lausanne certain countries within the P51 made declarations... and we see a change in their position which complicates the task.Officials have acknowledged the June 30 deadline may slip by a few days, but several diplomats have categorically ruled out any further formal months-long extension of the talks which have dragged for almost two years now.With diplomatic pressure growing, other ministers from Britain, China, Germany and Russia are due to follow Mogherini to Vienna over the coming days.Indispensable conditionsFrench Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who flew in Saturday, said at least three indispensable demands remained unresolved.We want a robust accord that recognises Irans right to a civilian nuclear programme, but which guarantees that Iran renounces definitively nuclear weapons, he said.Fabius, who met separately with both Zarif and Kerry, stressed there must be a lasting limitation of Irans nuclear capacities in research and production as well as rigorous inspection of military sites, and a mechanism to quickly reimpose sanctions.It is hoped a deal would end a standoff dating back to 2002 which has threatened to escalate into war and poisoned the Islamic republics relations with the outside world.But any deal must stand up to intense scrutiny by hardliners in Iran and the United States, as well as Irans regional rivals Israel, widely assumed to have nuclear weapons itself, and Saudi Arabia.According to the Lausanne framework, Iran will slash by more than two-thirds its uranium enrichment centrifuges, which can make fuel for nuclear power or the core of a nuclear bomb, and shrink its uranium stockpile by 98 percent.Iran also agreed to change a planned reactor at Arak so it cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium and no longer to use its Fordo facility -- built into a mountain to protect it from attack -- for uranium enrichment.In return it is seeking a lifting of a complicated web of EU, US and UN sanctions which have choked its economy and limited access to world oil markets.But on Tuesday Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, set out key red lines for a final agreement that appeared to go against Lausanne.These included the timing of sanctions relief and UN access to military bases, needed to investigate claims of past bomb-making efforts and to probe any future suspicious activity.

Imran Farooq murder case, British team to be briefed today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Investigation of senior Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Imran Farooq’s murder case entered into its next phase on Sunday as the Scotland Yard team reached Islamabad on Saturday. The British team is expected to be briefed on Sunday by Interior Ministry officials. The team will only be provided access to one suspect Moazzam Ali.The Scotland Yard team includes Stuart James, David Walter Smith, Gary Martin, Claire Margaret, Taylor Keith and Samantha Louise who are the investigators, assistants and translators. The investigation team will interrogate the arrested suspects of Imran Farooq murder case.Pakistan allowed the British team to come to Islamabad.3 suspects have been arrested up until now in regards to this murder case.The first suspect Moazzam Ali was arrested from Azizabad, Karachi who has been accused of providing visas to Farooq’s assailants, assisting in them admitting into British educational institutions and providing them financial aid. Ali has been shifted to Islamabad fro Karachi.The other two suspects Khalid Shamim and Mohsin Ali in the case were arrested by Frontier Corps (FC) near Pak-Afghan Border in Chamman. Both suspects were shifted first to Quetta from where they were then shifted by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to Islamabad.Khalid Shamim was the Deputy Director of Karachi Water Board. Both suspects have been accused of traveling to London and killing Farooq.One suspect Kashif Kamran has still not been arrested.The senior MQM leader was murdered on 16th September 2010 on his way back to home.

Sangakkara announces retirement from Test cricket


(Web Desk) –Former captain of Sri Lanka and wicket-keeper batsman Kumar Sangakkara has announced formal retirement from all forms of cricket.Talking to media, Sangakkara said that he will retire from Test cricket after home series agains India this August.He said that cricket has been an important part of his life yet he has decided to call quits on his international career adding that the decision was not an easy one to make.Kumar Sangakkara has played 132 Test matches against Pakistan including the one against Pakistan in the current series.He has scored 12305 runs in his Test career.

Arms displayed openly at PTI's Iftar Party in Gujranwala


GUJRANWALA (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers pounced on the food at the Iftar dinner arranged by the party and an open display of arms was seen on the occasion. The police have not taken any action against those responsible, Dunya News reported.According to details, the Iftar dinner was arranged by PTI’s local leader Chaudhry Muhammad Ali in which party’s Punjab organizer Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar and many prominent leaders participated.The workers pounced on to the food right after Ch Sarwar’s address and pushed each other down. Several workers including women were injured in the chaos. The participants kept snatching shopping bags containing food from each other till the end.The local leadership of PTI made several announcements on the loud speaker but no one listened and practically attacked the food.Open display of arms was seen and local leaders who had come from across the district had gunmen along with them. They too were carrying weapons while the security arrangements were also there.The police, however, did not take any action.

PML-N, PTI give green signals to local body candidates in Punjab


LAHORE: (Daily Dunya) – Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) have already started to give green signals to many of their candidates for the local body elections that are due to be held in September. Some of the candidates have even started their electoral campaigns in their areas.According to the details, PML-N and PTI have already decided on many of the candidates. Some of the candidates have such strong references behind them that they have already been given the green signals by their parties. Meanwhile, there are other candidates who are looking for strong referrers for getting party tickets.Sources claim that Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has also started looking for candidates for the local body elections but they haven’t had much success in this regard so far. It is expected that PPP will meet the same fate in these local body elections as they had in the cantonment board elections.

Load shedding got nothing to do with Karachi tragedy: Pervaiz Rashid


LAHORE: (Daily Dunya) – Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Pervaiz Rashid has on Saturday said that load shedding had nothing to do with the deaths in Karachi. He said that all the people who lost their lives due to heat wave died in open areas and load shedding played no part in their tragic deaths, reported Daily Dunya.Talking at an Iftar Dinner arranged by Dunya group, Pervaiz Rashid said that Sindh government failed to inform people of the precautionary measures and providing them good facilities at the hospitals but “still the Sindh government is not ready to accept its responsibility”.“We have learnt that SSP Rao Anwar had confessional statements of some of the MQM leadersRashid said that the government took notice of the report on Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) aired by BBC and also contacted the channel in this regard. He added that the government will take further action once it receives complete information. “Right now we are examining the situation. Law will take its course”, said Pervaiz Rashid. He added, “We have learnt that SSP Rao Anwar had confessional statements of some of the MQM leaders. But now since some of the MQM leaders have been directly alleged of having ties with India, they should not limit themselves to public statements only. If the report is untrue, MQM should move to court against BBC”.Talking about load shedding, Pervaiz Rashid said that the load shedding has been continuously dropping ever since the Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) took charge of the government. He said that load shedding was less in 2014 compared to that in 2013 and it is further down this year compared to the last. He said that 11,000 mega watts were being produced in 2013 and today Pakistan is producing around 16,000 mega watts of electricity. He said that the opposition protests in this regard are baseless.“Operation Zarb-e-Azb’s success is the key to peace in Pakistan”, Rashid concluded.“Minister of Water and Power Khawaja Asif gave his statement about MQM after the news reports. Similar information was already circulating on the social media already”, said the PML-N senator.Answering a question about the Operation Zarb-e-Azb, Information Minister said that the results of the operation against the terrorists are coming to the fore. He said that the terrorists’ hideouts have been destroyed. “Operation Zarb-e-Azb’s success is the key to peace”, he concluded.

Apple bets on radio splash in streaming bid


NEW YORK (AFP) - In its bid to become a power in music streaming, Apple is devoting its vast resources to create what it hopes will be a first truly global radio station.The $750 billion company, whose iTunes revolutionized how disparate parts of the world buy music, on Tuesday launches Apple Music as it sees consumer trends shift to streaming, which allows on-demand unlimited content online.At the heart of the strategy is Beats 1, which bills itself as a first global radio station and will be available in more than 100 countries.Beats 1 will be free even without a subscription to Apple Music, whose streaming platform costs $9.99 a month after a trial period -- a key distinction from streaming leader Spotify, which offers a free tier for on-demand music despite criticism from some artists.Apple Music has sought to make a splash through big names on Beats 1, poaching the influential New Zealand-born DJ Zane Lowe from BBC Radio 1.The company has not named a full list of presenters, but Lowe in a profile by The New York Times said that pop icon Elton John, Happy singer and producer Pharrell Williams, rap mogul Dr. Dre and prominent indie rocker St. Vincent had all been enlisted to host shows.Williams will debut a song for the launch of Apple Music, which enjoyed a dramatic boost when superstar Taylor Swift said she would stream her blockbuster album 1989 only on Apple Music.Swift made the announcement days after threatening to boycott Apple Music for not paying royalties for streams during the free trial period, quickly leading the company to reverse itself.- For Apple, image is key -Even if Apple is a major power in music, music is a small part of the companys bottom line.The iTunes store and other services made up less than nine percent of Apples revenue in the quarter through March 28.To many analysts, the concerted -- and without doubt pricey -- push into streaming and radio is aimed less at dominating the music industry than at promoting Apples key earner: iPhones.Beats 1 reinforces the cultural relevance of Apple as a fashion brand. Music is central to pop culture, and music is all about musicians and artists, said Mark Ramsey, a media strategist and author of two books on the radio industry.He said that Beats 1 will offer Apple Music a public face -- an asset sorely lacking for Spotify, whose most identifiable figure is Daniel Ek, its young Swedish chief whose style is more investor than rock star.But Ramsey said that Apple Music could ultimately benefit Spotify and other rivals, especially those with free tiers, by introducing streaming to the uninitiated.If Apple Music boosts the market for streaming radio, its going to float all the boats, he said.Here it is, a major technology provider with a very loud, strong global voice essentially putting its stamp of approval on this category, he said.- Can radio truly be global? -Beats 1 marks a revival of the human element in streaming radio, although it also allows listeners to generate stations through algorithms based on their preferences.Days before Beats 1 goes live, rival Google Play announced its own online radio station with a human dimension. It uses the model of Songza, the service bought last year by the search engine giant through which real people help select listeners playlists.But Google Play will only be available in the United States. Likewise Pandora, the Internet radio leader which creates stations based on algorithms, is officially available only in two countries outside the United States -- Australia and New Zealand -- owing to the maze of regulations on radio around the world.While Beats 1 aims to be global, it will broadcast from just three cities -- Los Angeles, New York and London -- which are often considered the worlds pop music capitals, but leave the vast majority of the world uncovered.Technological innovations have already given a global reach to prominent radio stations including Britains BBC Radio 1 and Amazing Radio, New York hip-hop station WQHT and Los Angeles indie rock tastemaker KCRW.But globally, adult radio listeners still tune in to traditional AM/FM broadcasts 86 percent of the time, according to 2012 Nielsen figures.Cortney Harding, a consultant to music start-ups and a former editor at industry journal Billboard, said not to underestimate the appeal of traditional radio with its mix of local news, weather and event listings.People still respond to that. So I think (Beats 1) is going to do well, I think its going to be interesting; I dont know that its going to be that massive, she said.

French attack suspect grilled after grisly beheading


PARIS (AFP) - French police were grilling a suspected Islamist Saturday about an attack in which the man displayed his bosss severed head, as it emerged he may have sent a selfie of the decapitation.Sources close to the investigation said the suspect, Yassin Salhi, a 35-year-old married father-of-three sent a picture of him with the severed head via the WhatsApp messaging service.The message was sent to a North American number but investigators said they were still working to determine the final recipient, as the number used could be a relay.Authorities are questioning Salhi about Fridays attack, during which he also drove his van into a warehouse packed with dangerous gases in an apparent bid to blow up the factory and himself.The prosecutor in the case said firefighters overpowered Salhi as he was trying to open acetone bottles in what is believed to have been an attempt to cause a larger explosion at the US-owned Air Products factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, some 40 kilometres (25 miles) from Lyon.The firefighters then discovered the decapitated body of his 54-year-old boss Herve Cornara -- who ran a delivery firm -- near the car, along with a knife.Cornaras head was pinned to a nearby fence.The head was surrounded by two Islamic flags bearing the Shahada, the profession of (the Muslim) faith, said prosecutor Francois Molins.No jihadist group has claimed Fridays attack, which came on the same day as a massacre at a Tunisian beach resort in which 38 people were gunned down and a suicide bombing in Kuwait that killed 26.The other two attacks have been claimed by the Islamic State group.However, sources close to the investigation said Salhi was radicalised at the start of the century after contact with a man suspected of preparing attacks in Indonesia with Al-Qaeda militants.- Unable to speak -Authorities hope an autopsy, expected to be carried out later Saturday, will offer more clues. A source close to the case said it would seek to determine if the victim was first killed before being decapitated.Meanwhile, in the town of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, shocked residents held a minutes silence, followed by a pulsating rendition of Frances national anthem.One man, Philippe Ouastani, said he turned out in solidarity with the victim. Its unheard of to decapitate someone in the 21st century. What weapons do we have to combat that? Being here, together.Another woman, wearing the Muslim headscarf, said she was unable to speak when she heard the news.These acts have got nothing to do with religion. The Prophet never said to kill innocent people, raged the woman, who requested to remain anonymous.She tried to find words to explain the killing to her four-year-son.There are naughty people who have done bad things. The police will put them in prison to punish them for their silly, silly actions, she told him.- Better armed -The gory attack in France came nearly six months after a three-day Islamist killing spree in Paris left 17 people dead, most of them gunned down in the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.Like the Charlie Hebdo attackers and Islamist Mohamed Merah who gunned down soldiers and Jewish children in the southwest city of Toulouse in 2012, Salhi had been known to security services for radicalisation, but slipped through the cracks.Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Friday Salhi had been investigated for links to radical Salafists in Lyon, but was not identified as having participated in terrorist activities and did not have a criminal record.Speaking after a ministerial meeting on Saturday with President Francois Hollande, Cazeneuve vowed the government would continue to work relentlessly against terrorism.France is on high alert over hundreds of citizens who have gone to wage jihad in Iraq and Syria, as well as those involved in recruitment or radicalisation online.Similarly, Europe has for months been bracing for so-called lone wolf attacks by supporters of Islamic State, which has urged its followers to strike wherever they can.Cazeneuve outlined measures taken by the government in recent months to face a threat which has never been as high such as the creation of hundreds of new jobs for police, gendarmes and intelligence agents.Some 230 million euros ($256 million) will also go to modernising surveillance methods to keep track of jihadists online.Earlier this week, France passed a controversial new spying law granting sweeping powers to snoop on citizens.Cazeneuve said the law allowed security services to be better armed to fight the jihadist threat.Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who cut short an official trip to South America to rush home, warned France faced more attacks and that Fridays assault would increase tensions in the country, putting citizens resilience to the test.

Karachi: Roshan Sheikh appointed Administrator KMC yet again


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Roshan Sheikh has been given charge of Administrator Karachi Municipal Corporation (KMC) once again on the intervention of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. His appointment notification had been taken back a few hours before the intervention by Bilawal Zardaro, reported Dunya News on Saturday.Favoritism in the appointment of officers is apparent in the metropolitan city even as more than thousand citizens have lost their lives in the past week.Managing Director of Solid Waste Management Roshan Sheikh had been handed over the charge as Administrator late on Friday night yet the appointment notification had been taken back after a few hours.According to sources, the notification had been taken back on the orders of provincial Minister Sharjeel Memon after which it appeared that Administrator of Hyderabad was poised to take up the charge.To solve the matters, Bilawal Bhutto stepped in and called a meeting at Bilawal House where Roshan Sheikh participated as Administrator of KMC.The issue has been apparently resolved yet due to absence of Administrator KMC, employees have made light of the emergency declared due to current situation in city as about 10% of employees were on duty.Media has also been stopped from giving coverage to Civic Centre at KMC.

Malawi to probe 'root cause' of albino killings


MULANJE (AFP) - Malawi has launched an investigation into the root cause of a recent spate of murders of albinos, a senior official said Saturday, as the country marked international albinism awareness day.There was a need to educate citizens to change their mindset (and understand) that albinos do not have any magical powers, Isaac Katopola, deputy secretary in the social welfare ministry, told AFP.Albinos, who are very pale due to a hereditary genetic condition that causes an absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair and eyes, are sometimes killed for their body parts for use in witchcraft.Katopola said officially six albinos have been killed since a surge in attacks began in December, while UN agencies in Malawi put the figure at nine.There was also continued exhumation of albino remains for their bones, he said.The two-month probe, which is being supported by the United Nations Childrens Fund and UN Women, will also establish where the market for body parts is among Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania.There is something going on and this will help us to undertake appropriate interventions, Katopola said on the sidelines of a colourful celebration of albinism.Suspects arrested in killings, abductions and those in possession of albino bones have said they sell body parts of albinos in Mozambique and Tanzania.The awareness day was attended by scores of young and adult albinos who braved a scorching sun -- which can damage their pale skin -- at a football ground located at the foot of Mulanje Mountain in the south of the country.Boniface Massah, director of the rights group Association of People Living with Albinism in Malawi, told AFP that because of deep cultural beliefs, Malawi had a long way to go to respond to the rights of albinos.Primary school teacher Bertha Maleya, 28, an albino herself, urged the government to take tough measures against albino killers and charge them with murder.We are living in fear since the attacks began, she said.Julita Deleza, 30, with her albino daughter Jacquiline strapped to her back, said she travelled three hours to reach the venue to hear it for myself about the safety of my daughter... I never leave her alone.The official UN International Albinism Awareness Day was June 13, but was delayed in Malawi. Malawi President Peter Mutharika was due to address the celebration but did not turn up.Gender Minster Patricia Kaliati said the president was tied up with other events in the capital, Lilongwe.Kaliati said Malawi would strengthen policing structures to provide maximum security to our brothers and sisters right in their homes and communities.

Saad Aziz identified for shooting at Debra Lobo


KARACHI: (Daily Dunya) – The suspected killer of Sabeen Mehmood, and the IBA-educated terror suspect, Saad Aziz has on Saturday been identified as the person to have attempted the murder of an American professor Debra Lobo in Karachi on April 16, 2015.Saad Aziz was presented amid tight police security before the Judicial Magistrate East where his identification parade was conducted. An eye-witness identified Saad during the parade.According to prosecution, there is a case registered against Saad Aziz in Ferozabad Police Station for shooting at the American professor Dr. Debra Lobo on April 16, 2015.

More than 200 injured in explosion at Taiwan water park


TAIPEI (AFP) - More than 200 people were injured, over 80 of them seriously, in an explosion at a water park outside Taiwans capital Taipei Saturday after coloured powder being sprayed onto a crowd ignited, officials said.Our initial understanding is this explosion and fire... was caused by the powder spray. It could have been due to the heat of the lights on the stage, said a spokesman for the New Taipei City fire department, adding that 205 had been hospitalised including 81 who are seriously injured.The blast happened as hundreds were reported to have gathered for an event at the coastal Formosa Fun Coast waterpark, just outside the capital Taipei.Television images showed the stage on fire and crowds running away some of them only dressed in swimwear and covered in coloured powder.The fire was quickly extinguished, officials said.One male witness told local news channel CTI: It started on the left side of the stage. At the beginning I thought it was part of the special effects of the party but then I realised there was something wrong and people started screaming and running.Media reports said some victims had suffered burns to more than 40 percent of their bodies.Fire agency officials said it had been difficult for ambulances to access the site with many having to be carried away on stretchers.We feel sad and regretful about the accident, New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu told reporters.Ive ordered the park to shut down immediately and be placed under a rigorous investigation.

Strange legislation: 70-year-old categorized as youth


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) was left shocked on Saturday by the Interior Ministry and Federal Ministry for Law when in the document of the local body legislation in Islamabad, 70-year-olds were also categorized as youth. “No age is old enough” was believed in by the officers at Law Ministry in literal terms. ECP has now decided to categorize the ages by itself, reported Dunya News.According to the legislation by the Law Ministry, even the age of 70 was fine if one would want to contest an election on Youth Chairman Seat while the youngest age for contesting an election would be 25.The article in the government document left the ECP officials wondering. Now the ECP has decided to categorize the ages by itself for Islamabad on the lines of the provincial local body legislation.Summary has been prepared to set the minimum age for the special seat has been decided as 18 years and maximum age to 25. The summary has been sent to the commission for final approval.But what will happen to the old boys aged 70 if this amendment gets approved?

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