Sunday 28 June 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

IS executes over 3,000 in Syria in year-long 'caliphate': monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - The Islamic State group has executed more than 3,000 people in Syria, including hundreds of civilians, in the year since it declared its self-described caliphate, a monitor said on Sunday.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group monitoring Syrias conflict, said it had documented 3,027 executions by IS since June 29, 2014.Among those executed are 1,787 civilians, including 74 children, said the Observatory.Members of Sunni Shaitat tribe account for around half of the civilians murdered.IS killed 930 members of the clan in Deir Ezzor last year after they rose up against the extremist Sunni Muslim group.The toll also includes recent mass killings by IS in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane, which the jihadist group re-entered briefly this week after being expelled in January.The monitor said it had counted at least 223 executions in the border town this week.The Observatory also documented 216 IS executions of rival rebel factions and Kurdish fighters, as well as the executions of nearly 900 regime forces.IS has also executed 143 of its own members it accused of crimes including spying, many of them captured as they were trying to desert the group, the Observatory said.And at least 8,000 IS militants have been killed in battles and US-led air strikes, added the monitor.IS emerged in Syria in 2013, growing from Al-Qaedas one-time Iraq affiliate and initially seeking to merge with Al-Qaedas Syrian affiliate Al-Nusra Front.When Al-Nusra refused the merger, the two groups become rivals, and IS went on to announce its caliphate in territory in Syria and Iraq last year, proclaiming its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Caliph Ibrahim.

Libya rivals closer to deal after first face-to-face meet


SKHIRAT (AFP) - Delegates from Libyas rival parliaments met face-to-face on Sunday for the first time since UN-brokered peace talks were launched in January aimed at forming a unity government.Libyan dialogue participants hold first joint working meeting in Skhirat Morocco on Sunday 28 June, said a tweet on the official website of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).Participants said delegates had overcome many differences and could initial a draft agreement later Sunday, but that a final deal still had to be approved by the parliaments in Libya.The UN has tried for months to broker a compromise in Libya, which descended into lawlessness after the 2011 NATO-backed overthrow of veteran autocrat Moamer Kadhafi.The oil-rich nation has rival governments and parliaments, and jihadist groups and militants have seized on the chaos to make strategic gains.On Sunday, members of the elected Tobruk parliament and rivals from the Tripoli-based legislature sat at the same negotiating table for the first time since the talks began in January, participants said.Civil society figures and independents also joined the meeting that came as UN envoy Bernardino Leon pushes the two sides to agree a deal on a unity government.Todays meeting was positive. There are many common points of view on the draft deal presented by Leon, said Saleh al-Makhzoum, a representative of the Tripoli-based parliament.Abu Bakr Baira, a deputy from the internationally recognised parliament in Tobruk, told journalists there is agreement on most of the issues.He said the two sides were expected to initial a written document that narrows down diverging views later Sunday.After the document is initialled, everyone will return to their bases in order to obtain final approval for the draft deal, said Tawfik Chahibi of the Tripoli parliament.Chahibi expected the delegates to return to Morocco later to finalise the deal, but said they would need two to three weeks to review everything before a final agreement could be signed.The draft being discussed is the fourth such proposal made by Leon to delegates gathered in the resort town of Skhirat.The UN Security Council has urged Libyas internationally recognised government and the Fajr Libya militia alliance that set up the Tripoli administration to sign a deal to stem rising violence and the growth of extremist organisations such as the Islamic State group on Europes doorstep.

Syria rebel attack on Damascus kills 4: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - A rebel mortar attack killed four civilians on Sunday in the Syrian capital as government forces battled Islamic State group jihadists in the northern city of Hasakeh, a monitor said.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a mortar round struck Revolution Street in central Damascus, killing four people and wounding 13.Syrias state-run SANA news agency also reported the attack but said three people died.In Hasakeh, regime troops pressed an offensive they launched on Saturday to dislodge IS from districts they have seized in the southern part of the city.The Britain-based Observatory, which has been monitoring the Syrian conflict since it erupted four years ago, said the troops and militants were locked in fierce fighting Sunday.The jihadist group blew up an explosive-rigged vehicle in Hasakeh, the monitor said, without mentioning casualties.IS seized two neighbourhoods in southern Hasakeh on Thursday in a new attempt to seize the provincial capital, causing tens of thousands of people to flee, according to the United Nations.Meanwhile, government reinforcements have poured into Hasakeh, and Kurdish fighters, who control the city jointly with regime loyalists, have also taken part in the battles.IS also tried to seize Hasakeh last month, but was pushed back by government forces.The Observatory, which relies on a network of sources inside Syria, also reported on Sunday that the number of civilians killed by IS in the border town of Kobane had risen to 223.The IS killing spree began after the extremists entered the Kurdish town at dawn on Thursday.Kurdish fighters repelled the jihadists Saturday, and bodies, including of women and children -- some shot at close range -- were found in homes and in the streets.

Five dead in suicide blast at Nigeria leprosy hospital


KANO (AFP) - At least five people have been killed and 10 wounded after a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a leprosy hospital on the outskirts of the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri, emergency services said Sunday.The bomber, who tried to gain access to the hospital, detonated his explosives outside the building at around 5:30 pm (1630 GMT) on Saturday.Five people were killed and 10 others injured near the Molai leprosy hospital when a male bomber blew himself up, said Mohammed Kanar, regional coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency.The bomber had wanted to gain entry into the hospital but was contemplating how to pass through security checks at the gate when the bomb went off.He added: We took the bodies and the injured to the specialist hospital (in Maiduguri).Local resident Ibrahim Bulama said the bomber was one of three men who were dropped off near the hospital by a SUV vehicle.They looked around for a while, obviously trying to sneak into the hospital, Bulama said, adding that the facility was being guarded by civilian vigilantes who are assisting the military in the fight against Boko Haram Islamist insurgents.Suddenly, the explosives on one of them went off. The other two fled in the confusion. Five people were killed and 10 others injured.There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombing, but Nigerias Borno state, where the attack took place, has been the hardest hit by the Boko Haram insurgency which has left at least 15,000 people dead.Boko Haram, which has been fighting to establish a hardline Islamic state in northeast Nigeria since 2009, has intensified its campaign of violence in the last month.Danlami Ajaokuta, a civilian vigilante fighting Boko Haram, confirmed the hospital explosion and added that there had been a failed suicide attack by two women in Jakarna village, about 40 kilometres (25 miles) from Maiduguri on Saturday afternoon.Two female suicide bombers died when the explosives on one of them went off prematurely while they were waiting for a bus along the highway in Jakarna, Ajaokuta said.Residents from the village heard a huge explosion and when they arrived at the scene they found one of the bombers in parts while the other lay dead face down.Her explosives were still intact.Ajaokuta added that bus drivers have been refusing to pick up female passengers on the road outside Maiduguri since March, when three female suicide bombers blew themselves up at a bus stop in the area.More than 250 people have been killed in violence since May 29 when President Muhammadu Buhari assumed office, according to an AFP toll.Buhari has made the fight against Boko Haram a top priority.On Sunday he condemned the latest attacks by the Boko Haram bandits.Describing the perpetrators as cowards who lack any moral inhibition and any iota of humanity, he warned that hey would find no safe haven in Nigeria as they would be hunted down without mercy and compromise.The armies of Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon have been fighting a joint campaign against Boko Haram for several months, pushing militants out of captured towns and villages.

Tahirul Qadri reaches Lahore today


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri will reach Lahore today (Monday), Dunya News reported. Talking to the media at the London Heathrow Airport before his departure, Dr Tahirul Qadri said they will bring the culprits behind the Model Town tragedy to justice.Qadri said the legal battle in this regard is ongoing and that they will accept no compromise. He further said that he has nothing to do with government security, adding that they can arrange their own security.

Euro drops below $1.1 as Greek exit risks grow


TOKYO (AFP) - The European single currency dropped below $1.1 in early Asian trade on Monday amid growing concern Greece was headed for financial collapse and a possible eurozone exit.Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras stunned Europe on Friday night with a surprise call for a July 5 referendum on the latest cash-for-reforms package and advised voters against backing a deal that he said spelled further humiliation.The European Central Bank said earlier on Sunday it would not increase its financial support to Greek banks.The euro fell to $1.0952 in Asia early Monday, from $1.1160 in New York on Friday before the referendum announcement.It was the first time since early June that the 19-nation currency fell below $1.1.Tsipras announced that Greek banks and the Athens stock market will be closed on Monday and capital controls will be imposed, pleading for calm after anxious citizens emptied ATMs in a dramatic escalation of the countrys debt crisis.Emma Lawson, senior currency strategist at National Australia Bank, said investors were now seeking safer investments amid uncertainty over how the Greek situation would develop.Risk aversion. This is not like before, she said in a note.We have had a slow bank jog in Greece and most thought that there would be an agreement eventually, at the last minute. That is no longer true. Weve been using the term crisis loosely for some time now but really, it wasnt. Now is crunch time.

Suicide bomber among 4 terrorists killed near Lahore


LAHORE (Dunya News) – At least four terrorists were killing during a joint search operation by law enforcement agencies and police in Ferozwala near Lahore on early Monday morning.According to details, a suicide bomber blew himself up during the law enforcement agencies and police search operation in Khan Colony area of Ferozwala while three other militants were killed in exchange of fire with police. One police official was also injured in the suicide blast.The law enforcement agencies have also recovered six suicide jackets, 25 Kalashnikovs, rocket launcher and 300 bullets from the militants.

IMF 'ready to provide assistance' in Greek crisis: Lagarde


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The International Monetary Fund is carefully monitoring the unfolding financial crisis in Greece and neighboring countries, and is ready to provide assistance as needed, Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Sunday.Lagarde expressed disappointment that talks broke down on Saturday between Athens and its creditors, but said she believed the eurozone was in a strong position to respond to the crisis.The coming days will clearly be important, Lagarde said in a statement. I welcome the statements of the Eurogroup and the European Central Bank to make full use of all available instruments to preserve the integrity and stability of the euro area, she added.These statements underscore that the euro area today is in a strong position to respond to developments in a timely and effective manner, as needed.She said the IMF would continue to carefully monitor developments in Greece and other countries in the vicinity and stands ready to provide assistance as needed.Greeces finance chiefs were holding a crisis meeting Sunday as citizens lined up at bank machines, loading pressure on the government to impose capital controls.Lagarde said she still believed that a balanced approach was the best way to restore stability in Greece, with appropriate structural and fiscal reforms.The IMF is prepared to continue to pursue that approach with the Greek authorities and our European partners, she said.

Solar Impulse takes off on delayed Pacific flight


TOKYO (AFP) - The revolutionary Solar Impulse 2 aircraft took off early Monday for a flight over the Pacific Ocean, a spokeswoman said, the most ambitious leg of its quest to circumnavigate the globe powered only by the sun.Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg, 62, left the ground in the central Japan city of Nagoya around 3:00 am (1800 GMT), five days after weather problems forced the organisers to cancel an earlier attempt to reach Hawaii.It took off at 3 oclock and 4 minutes, spokeswoman Elke Neumann said.The journey to Hawaii is 7,900 kilometers (4,900 miles) and is expected to last at least five days and five nights.It is the eighth leg of the circumnavigation, and with nowhere to land after leaving Japan, is considered the riskiest so far.Borschberg has said he will keep in shape during his long solo flight by doing yoga, and will sleep 20 minutes at a time, normally at night.But he has also previously admitted that being cooped up in the 3.8-cubic-metre (130-cubic-foot) cockpit for long stretches of time is a challenge.Solar Impulse 2 set off from Abu Dhabi earlier this year in a multi-leg attempt to get all the way around the world without a single drop of fuel.The featherweight flying machine was not supposed to land in Japan, but bad weather en route from Nanjing in China to Hawaii forced a diversion at the start of June.The plane has since been stranded in Japan for nearly a month, with the crew scouring long-range forecasts for a favourable weather window.A chance to restart the record-breaking journey had presented itself Tuesday, with the plane due to leave Nagoya at 2:30 am, but mission chiefs pulled the plug at the 11th hour due to bad weather over the Pacific Ocean.Neumann said the weather looked good for now but could still change.In an interview published Thursday, one of the planes two pilots, Bertrand Piccard, said it must cross the Pacific within a few weeks or it could remain stuck in Japan for a year. By early August, the days will become too short for the solar-driven plane to cross the Pacific, and subsequently the Atlantic Ocean safely, he told the Tribune de Geneve daily.Solar Impulse 2 has 17,000 solar cells and on-board rechargeable batteries. Its top speed is 140 kilometres an hour.Its wingspan is longer than that of a jumbo jet, but it weighs only 2.3 tonnes -- about the same as a car.The plane is the successor to Solar Impulse, which managed a 26-hour flight in 2010, proving its ability to store enough power in lithium batteries during the day to keep flying at night.Ridiculed by the aviation industry when it was first unveiled, the venture has since been hailed around the world, including by UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket explodes after launch


MIAMI (AFP) - An unmanned SpaceX rocket exploded just minutes after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, Florida on Sunday, marking a major setback for the fast-charging company headed by Internet tycoon Elon Musk.The accident was the third in less than a year involving US and Russian supply ships bound for the International Space Station, and raised new concerns about the flow of food and gear to the astronauts living in orbit.Skies were sunny and clear for the 10:21 am (1421 GMT) launch of the gleaming white Falcon 9 rocket that was meant to propel the Dragon cargo ship on a routine supply mission, the seventh for SpaceX so far.But two minutes, 19 seconds into the flight, contact was lost. Live television images from SpaceXs webcast and NASA television showed a huge puff of smoke billowing outward for several seconds, and then tiny bits of the rocket falling like confetti against a backdrop of blue sky.The vehicle has broken up, said NASA commentator George Diller.SpaceXs live webcast of the launch went silent as the rocket exploded.Moments later, a SpaceX commentator said there was some kind of anomaly, and noted that the rocket had ignited its nine Merlin engines and reached supersonic speed.Later, on Twitter, Musk said the Falcon 9 experienced a problem shortly before first stage shutdown, referring to the phase of flight before the cargo ship would have been able to separate from the first stage of the rocket and reach orbit.The problem appeared to be linked to excessive pressure in the liquid oxygen tank, wrote Musk, a lifelong space enthusiast who also heads Tesla Motors. An investigation into the cause is ongoing.The loss came as a surprise to many who have followed Musks California-based company through 18 successful launches in a row of its Falcon 9, even as competitor Orbital Sciences lost its Antares rocket and Cygnus cargo carrier in an explosion in October, and a Russian Progress supply ship was lost after liftoff in April.The Dragon cargo ship was carrying 4,000 pounds (1,800 kilograms) of gear to the space station, including a large parking space -- known as an International Docking Adaptor -- designed to make it easier for an array of commercial crew spacecraft to dock at the orbiting lab in the future, a spacesuit, and a series of experiments to grow lettuce and study worms in space. This is a blow to us. We lost a lot of important research equipment on this flight, said NASA associate administrator for human exploration Bill Gerstenmaier.NASA administrator Charles Bolden said the US space agency was disappointed at the loss but that the space station has sufficient supplies for the next several months.A Russian Progress supply ship is scheduled to launch July 3, followed in August by a Japanese HTV flight, Bolden said. Orbital ATK, our other commercial cargo partner, is moving ahead with plans for its next launch later this year.Marco Caceres, a rocket industry analyst with the Teal Group, said the accident forces SpaceX, which has a billion-dollar-plus contract with NASA for supplying the ISS and is also competing with Boeing to send astronauts there by 2017, to launch again quickly.The moment they launch again successfully, this accident starts to fade into history really quickly. The longer they wait to launch again, the more people start talking about, Maybe we were too overconfident about SpaceX, he told AFP.Three men are currently living at the space station. Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and American astronaut Scott Kelly began their year-long mission in orbit back in March.Sadly failed. Space is hard, Kelly said on Twitter, posting a picture of his view of the Florida coast from space.Earlier Sunday, Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, the 57-year-old station commander, set a new world record when he became the person who has officially spent the longest amount of cumulative time in space -- 804 days.His career includes one trip to the Mir Space Station and four to the ISS.

Bell-Drummond ton can't stop Australia


CANTERBURY (AFP) - Daniel Bell-Drummonds sparkling hundred for Kent could not prevent Australia winning the opening match of their Ashes tour by 255 runs at Canterbury on Sunday.Almost 40 years to the day since England great Colin Cowdrey made a match-winning 151 not out for Kent against Australia on the same St Lawrence ground, Bell-Drummond delighted a new generation of fans with an innings of 127.However, the 21-year-olds effort was in a losing cause with Kent, set an improbable 550 for victory, bowled out for 294 in their second innings shortly after tea on Sundays fourth and final day.Bell-Drummond, lbw to fast bowler Mitchell Johnson for nought in the first innings was initially just pleased to have avoided a pair (two noughts in the same match).Its the best day of my career by a mile, opening batsman Bell-Drummond told reporters afterwards. I cant believe whats just happened. Its the best attack in the world and I watched them on the TV when I was growing up.He added: All I wanted to do was get off a pair in the first place to be honest and then it was a case of taking it from there.For Australia coach Darren Lehmann, fresh from overseeing his sides 2-0 Test series win in the West Indies, it was just the start he wanted as the side go in search of their first Ashes success on English soil in 14 years.Im pretty happy, said Lehmann. The change of conditions, to come down here and play in front of a good crowd and great facilities, were really thankful to obviously Kent and Canterbury as a city, and pleased with the hit out for the lads.After Australia had declared on their overnight 322 for four, opener Bell-Drummond looked in good touch.He struck three fours in an over from fast bowler Ryan Harris including a fine straight drive.Fellow opener Joe Denly made a brisk 22 before he was bowled middle stump by first change Peter Siddle.Former England batsman Rob Key had anchored Kents first innings 280 -- made in response to Australias imposing 507 for eight declared -- with 87.But Key could only manage 14 on Sunday before, for the second time in the match, he fell to leg-spinner Fawad Ahmed.Bell-Drummond, however, accelerated in style after getting to lunch on 66 not out.He was especially severe on Ahmed, taking 18 off one over from the leg-spinner including a cut four, a straight-drive six, another cut boundary and a clip off his legs to the mid-wicket rope.Bell-Drummond, long regarded as one of Englands most promising young players, wasnt finished with Ahmed as a pull for four and two successive sixes in three balls from the spinner saw him to a 92-ball hundred.What was just the seventh first-class century of Bell-Drummonds fledgling career contained 21 fours and three sixes.He was eventually lbw to Harris.Not long afterwards, rain briefly halted play with Kent, bottom of the Second Division of Englands County Championship, 203 for four.But when the match resumed they lost four wickets for 30 runs in slumping to 233 for eight. Leg-spinner Steven Smith, now better known as the worlds number-one ranked Test batsman, took two wickets for nine runs in two overs as Adam Ball and Ben Harmison, younger brother of Ashes-winner Stephen, both carelessly holed out off a couple of loose deliveries. Australia-born but England qualified Mitchell Claydon entertained another good crowd with a 25-ball fifty that included two soaring straight sixes off Smith before falling to Ahmed.Smith, who scored a century in Australias second innings, ended the match when he dismissed last man Ivan Thomas for a duck.Australia have one more four-day match, against Essex in Chelmsford starting on Wednesday, before they begin the defence of the Ashes, with the first Test in Cardiff on July 8.

England's Spanish break doesn't bother Lehmann


CANTERBURY (AFP) - Australia coach Darren Lehmann made it clear he could not care less what England get up to during their four-day trip to Spain after his side launched their Ashes tour with a convincing win.Sunday saw Ashes-holders Australia defeat Kent by 255 runs on the final day of four in Canterbury.Australia now have one more four-day game, against Essex in Chelmsford starting on Wednesday, before they begin the defence of the Ashes with the first Test against England in Cardiff from July 8.England have travelled to Spain in a bid for their likely Ashes squad to get to know new Australian coach Trevor Bayliss.Asked what England might gain from such an exercise, Lehmann told reporters at the St Lawrence Ground: I dont know, dont want to know. Dont care.I only worry about us to be perfectly honest. Weve got to worry about how we are going to produce really good cricket in England because we havent won here for 14 years. Thats our focus, added the former Australia batsman.Australia, fresh from their 2-0 Test series win in the Caribbean, had just about as good an all-round workout as could be expected against Kent.Fast bowlers Mitchell Johnson and Ryan Harris got through several sharp overs, while several Australia batsmen scored hundreds.Among those to reach three figures was Steven Smith, whose status as the worlds number-one ranked Test batsman was not enough to stop England new-ball bowler Stuart Broad from suggesting he might struggle in English conditions.Smith, who came into this match on the back of his 199 against the West Indies in Jamaica, made 111 before retiring in his lone innings against KentI thought this sledging stuff was supposed to stop, said a smiling Lehmann.Its pretty much always swung in the history of the game here in England, added Lehmann, who played for English county giants Yorkshire. Youve got to be a good player to make runs. I think Steven Smith is a good player.Lehmann announced his team for the Essex match -- David Warner, Chris Rogers, Michael Clarke, Adam Voges, Shane Watson, Mitchell Marsh, reserve wicket-keeper Peter Nevill, Harris, Mitchell Starc, Josh Hazlewood and off-spinner Nathan Lyon -- following the conclusion of the Kent match.Several of those players are set to feature in the first Test but there are still a couple of places to be decided, with Shaun Marsh and Rogers battling to open alongside David Warner, while Mitchell Marsh and Shane Watson contest the position of seam-bowling all-rounder.Mitchell Marsh made 101 in Australias second innings against Kent and Watson 81.Meanwhile Mitchell Marsh also bowled several lively overs while Watson, whose career has been blighted by injury, didnt turn his arm over because of general soreness. Its going to be tight, isnt it?, said Lehmann. We need Watto bowling and hell definitely bowl in the next tour game so thats going to be a key for us as well.Sundays final day in Kent saw Australia encounter little in the way of prolonged batting resistance apart from 21-year-old opener Daniel Bell-Drummonds sparkling 127 off 112 balls.His innings contained 21 fours and three sixes and was all the more creditable given hed been out for a duck in the first innings when lbw to left-arm quick Johnson.I did pretty well for the England Under-19s but I havent really kicked on as Id have liked, said Bell-Drummond.Hopefully Ive shown myself how I can bat and hopefully I can improve on the season going forward and get a lot more runs for Kent.

Lahore: 4 injured in suicide blast, 4 terrorists killed


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to initial reports, a suicide bomber blew himself during the law enforcement agencies search operation in Ferozwala on early Monday morning, injuring four people, including a law enforcement agencies personnel.Exchange of fire between militants and police started after the suicide blast in which three more terrorists were killed. Police have cordoned off the area and launched a search operation.

Will never compromise on justice for Model Town martyrs: Tahirul Qadri


LONDON (Dunya News) – Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri on Sunday said that Model Town tragedy saw innocent citizens butchered to death, adding that they will never compromise on justice for the martyrs.Talking to the media from the London Heathrow Airport, he said they will bring the culprits behind the Model Town tragedy to justice.He said the legal battle in this regard is ongoing and that they will accept no compromise.Qadri said he has nothing to do with government security, adding that they can arrange their own security.He said he had no meetings with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan, neither did he have any knowledge of his arrival.

ZAB Law College's land grabbed by 'china-cutters', money went to 'personalities in Dubai'


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Not only graveyards and cemeteries, even educational institutions have fallen prey to land mafia. Karachi Development Authority (KDA) officer has revealed that ‘china-cutting’ was done to the land belonging to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Law College as well.According to details, KDA Assistant Director Atif Ahmed has revealed during investigation that a Sarfraz Merchant group performed ‘china-cutting’ on the land belonging to the educational institute.He revealed that major chunk of the money received from this practice went to prominent personalities in Dubai.KDA officer was arrested from Karachi’s Malir area yesterday. During investigation, he told that he was also involved in the ‘china-cutting’ process of ZAB Law College. He produced original files of plotting on the ZAB college’s land and supplied that to land mafia’s Sarfraz Merchant.A major portion of the amount earned by selling those plots went to ‘prominent political personalities’ in Dubai and London.He told that the job of transferring the money was performed by his brother Israr. After the revelations, the law enforcement institutions are raiding various places to arrest Israr.The arrests of other employees of land department are also expected in light of the confessions of the arrested accused. The high level officials have said that any suspect involved in corruption or any other crime will be brought back to Pakistan if they fled the country.China-cutting is a practice of land-grabbing in which the lands of public welfare are fraudulently cut into small plots and sold commercially.

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