Saturday 31 August 2013

Dunya TV

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France to await US congressional decision on Syria


PARIS (AP) - France will wait for its parliament and the U.S. Congress to consider possible military action on Syria before making a decision about whether to launch strikes against Bashar Assad's regime, President Francois Hollande's office said Saturday.The comments from an official in the French president's office came as the world reacted to word from President Barack Obama that he believes the United States should respond with force over an alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian regime, but that he has decided to put the issue before the American legislature first.France, under Hollande and his Socialist government, has been the most vocal and visible country to show willingness to join the United States in military action against Syria's regime following the suspected chemical weapons attack in rebel-held or contested areas last week. The U.S. claims it killed 1,429 people, including more than 400 children, marking a grave and intolerable escalation in Syria's two-year civil war that has left 100,000 dead.Before his speech about Syria outside the White House on Saturday, Obama explained his decision to Hollande in a phone call, the official in the French presidency said on condition of anonymity because she wasn't authorized to be publicly named according to presidential policy. Hollande told Obama that he already had decided to convene France's parliament on Wednesday to take up a debate about Syria.The two presidents reaffirmed their joint willingness to act, and have an absolute and shared conviction that Assad's regime was behind the chemical weapons attack, the official said.Unlike in Britain, Hollande does not need the permission of parliament to order France to intervene militarily. Britain's parliament on Thursday rejected efforts by Prime Minister David Cameron to have British forces possibly take part in military action against Syria.In his speech, Obama said the U.N. Security Council has been completely paralyzed and unwilling to hold Assad accountable. As a consequence, many people have advised against taking this decision to Congress, and undoubtedly, they were impacted by what we saw happen in the United Kingdom this week when the Parliament of our closest ally failed to pass a resolution with a similar goal, even as the prime minister supported taking action.After Obama's speech, Cameron tweeted: I understand and support Barack Obama's position on Syria.French officials said France is ready to strike once Hollande gives the order, though he has said he hasn't yet made a decision. The officials haven't publicly specified how the French military posture has changed in preparation for a Syria action, though analysts say that France's most likely contribution would involve firing cruise missiles on targets in Syria.At the U.N. Security Council, Russia and China have repeatedly blocked efforts by fellow permanent members Britain, France and the United States to pass tough resolutions against Assad's regime.Egypt's Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy said Cairo rejects military intervention in Syria except under Chapter 7 of the U.N. charter, whereby it is proven that the country has become a danger to international peace security. Fahmy also asked that any decision be put off until the report of the U.N. investigators regarding the use of chemical weapons comes out.Speaking on MBC Egypt TV, in comments relayed by the state-run news agency MENA, Fahmy said Obama was seeking Congress' approval to immunize himself politically in the wake of controversial U.S. military action in Iraq and Afghanistan.

White House sends Congress draft Syria resolution


WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House has sent Congress a draft of a resolution authorizing President Barack Obama to use military force against Syria.The draft follows through on Obama's decision, announced Saturday, to seek congressional approval for a strike against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.The resolution lays out the administration's claim that Assad's regime killed more than 1,000 people in an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack. It says the objective of a U.S. military response would be to deter, disrupt, prevent and degrade the regime's ability to use chemical weapons.The resolution authorizes Obama to use the military as he determines necessary and appropriate to serve that goal.The draft doesn't lay out a timeline for action. But it does say only a political settlement can resolve the Syrian crisis.Earlier, in a statement issued from White House, President Barack Obama said that ten days ago, the world watched in horror as men, women and children were massacred in Syria in the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century. Yesterday the United States presented a powerful case that the Syrian government was responsible for this attack on its own people.Our intelligence shows the Assad regime and its forces preparing to use chemical weapons, launching rockets in the highly populated suburbs of Damascus, and acknowledging that a chemical weapons attack took place. And all of this corroborates what the world can plainly see hospitals overflowing with victims; terrible images of the dead. All told, well over 1,000 people were murdered. Several hundred of them were children young girls and boys gassed to death by their own government.This attack is an assault on human dignity. It also presents a serious danger to our national security. It risks making a mockery of the global prohibition on the use of chemical weapons. It endangers our friends and our partners along Syria's borders, including Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon and Iraq. It could lead to escalating use of chemical weapons, or their proliferation to terrorist groups who would do our people harm.In a world with many dangers, this menace must be confronted.Now, after careful deliberation, I have decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets. This would not be an open-ended intervention. We would not put boots on the ground. Instead, our action would be designed to be limited in duration and scope. But I'm confident we can hold the Assad regime accountable for their use of chemical weapons, deter this kind of behavior, and degrade their capacity to carry it out.

Possible US-led attack on Syria sparks rallies


HOUSTON (AP) - Protesters around the world took to the streets Saturday to protest for and against a possible U.S.-led attack on Syria as President Barack Obama announced he would seek congressional approval for such a move.Obama said the United States should take action against Syria to punish it for what it says was a deadly chemical attack that killed more than 1,400 people launched by Syrian President Bashar Assad this month, but he wants Congress to debate the issue and take a vote. Obama has said any possible strike would be limited.In Houston, home to a large population of Syrian-Americans, about 100 people lined up on opposite sides of a street in an upscale neighborhood to express opposing views on a possible U.S. attack.We want any kind of action. The world has stood silently and it's been too long. Something needs to be done, said Tamer Barazi, a 23-year-old civil engineer who carried a Syrian flag and a sign stating Syrian Americans for peace, democracy and freedom in Syria.Standing across the street in Houston's sweltering heat were those opposing U.S. intervention, outnumbering the supporters of an intervention. Some carried signs stating We Don't Want Obama's War and Hands Off Syria.How would you like another country to decide who is going to be the president of the United States?, asked 53-year-old Hisam Saker, a Syrian-American property manager who has lived in Houston for 33 years.In Washington, as Obama addressed the nation from the Rose Garden, crowds of anti-war demonstrators gathered outside the White House. Obama, hands off Syria shouted the anti-war demonstrators, who carried yellow signs reading No War On Syria.Across the street, Syrians and Syrian Americans who support U.S. action waved flags from their country and shouted for Assad's ouster.The conflict's been going on for, what, almost 2 years now. Estimates are 100,000 Syrian civilians have been killed and all of a sudden the U.S. government has manufactured the excuse of the use of chemical weapons in Syria to use that excuse to intervene in Syria, said Tristan Brosnan, 25, of Washington.In London, more than 1,000 protesters carrying Syrian flags and placards marched to Downing Street and rallied in Trafalgar Square.And about 700 people turned out for an anti-war demonstration in Frankfurt, Germany, police said. Organizers said only a sovereign, independent Syria free of foreign interference would make it possible for the Syrian people to shape the country's future.At a protest organized by left-wing opposition parties in Amman, Jordan, Kawthar Arrar described any military intervention as an aggression on the whole Arab world. The protesters gathered outside the U.S. embassy, chanting slogans and setting fire to American and Israeli flags.U.N. inspectors left Syria on Saturday after a four-day, on-site investigation in the area where the chemical attack is suspected.The protesters in London hailed Thursday's U.K. parliament vote against British participation as a victory.Chemical weapons are terrible weapons, but when you think of all the thousands of people that have been killed by British and American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq you realize that it isn't true that another war would solve the problem, former Labour Party lawmaker Tony Benn told the protesters.Anti-war rallies were held in cities across the U.S. In Boston, more than 200 protesters demonstrated in the Boston Commons against the possible use of force against Syria by the U.S. They waved signs and chanted Don't Bomb Syria over and over again, and at least one speaker said congressional authorization wouldn't make an attack acceptable.More than two dozen protesters gathered in Little Rock at the Arkansas Capitol to oppose a possible U.S. attack. Some wore T-shirts proclaiming NO U.S. INTERVENTION IN SYRIA.I had friends that died in Iraq, and I don't want more people to die for nothing, said Dominic Box, 23, expressing some of the fears of a war-weary public.In downtown Chicago, about 40 people walked quietly in the rain, circling a sculpture in Daley Plaza. Some carried signs that read No War In Syria and Shut It Down.

Egypt security forces arrest top Sinai militant


CAIRO (AP) - Egyptian security forces said they arrested Saturday a top wanted militant in the Sinai Peninsula, while authorities reported a failed attempt to disrupt traffic on the strategic Suez Canal but gave scant detail.Canal authority chairman Mohab Mamish said a terrorist element had tried to disrupt navigation in the waterway by targeting a Panama-flagged ship. In comments carried by official news agency MENA, he said the attempt was completely unsuccessful and the container carrier unharmed. He did not say how the ship was targeted.Authorities have taken extra security measures to safeguard the waterway as lawlessness and violence gripped Sinai, where militants and smugglers rove relatively freely and target security forces and posts.Mamish said military troops dealt firmly with the situation, and that navigation was largely uninterrupted. Earlier Saturday, residents of Port Said, a city that lies along the waterway, said they heard a loud bang. It was not immediately possible to reach witnesses later Saturday.Egyptian authorities have heightened their security arrangements in recent weeks, following the military coup that ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on July 3.They accuse opponents of the coup of trying to destabilize the country, and have waged a security crackdown against members of the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Morsi hails, and other allies, arresting hundreds.Pro-military media and state TV have frequently described the crackdown on Morsi supporters as a fight against terrorism.Morsi supporters have held near-daily protests since the coup but deny they are violent. After a bloody dispersal of their major sit-ins earlier this month, however, some retaliated by attacking police stations, government buildings and churches.In Sinai, violence has only worsened since Morsi's overthrow.The militant arrested there Saturday is suspected of leading an al-Qaida-linked group in an ambush where 25 off-duty policemen were lined up and shot last week, security officials said. The attack was one of the area's worst militant strikes on security forces.The man, Adel Mohammed, also known as Adel Habara according to one official, has already been sentenced to death in absentia for killing soldiers in the Nile Delta last year.Habara's arrest could potentially undermine militant activities in the area, where over two dozen security men have been killed alone since July. The security official said two other suspects were arrested along with Habara.Authorities have been engaged in a long-running battle against militants in the northern half of the strategic region, which borders the Gaza Strip and Israel.Earlier Saturday, security officials said 31 suspected militants have been arrested since Thursday, including two caught seeking treatment for wounds sustained in clashes with police.In other violence nearby, a riot police officer was shot in the chest Friday while on patrol in the city of El-Arish, the capital of North Sinai governorate, the Interior Ministry said Saturday.According to one security official, four militants have also been killed since Thursday. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.Since the ouster of Morsi, his supporters have been organizing regular protests calling for his return. Several thousand took to the streets on Friday in scattered protests in different parts of Egypt, though demonstrations have largely waned in recent days.

Putin urges US to hold off on striking Syria


MOSCOW (AP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin urged President Barack Obama on Saturday not to rush into a decision on striking Syria, but to consider whether strikes would help end the violence and be worth the civilian casualties they would inevitably cause.Speaking for the first time about the suspected chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21, Putin also questioned whether Syrian government troops should be held responsible. He said it would make no sense for them to carry out such a devastating attack while they were on the offensive.In such conditions, to give a trump card to those who are calling for foreign military intervention is foolish nonsense, Putin said. It defies all logic.The United States said Friday that the attack in a rebel-held suburb of Damascus, the Syrian capital, killed 1,429 people, including more than 400 children.The Russian leader said he was convinced the suspected chemical attack was a provocation aimed at drawing the U.S. military into Syria's civil war, implying he believed the attack was carried out by the Syrian rebels.If the Americans have evidence proving the involvement of President Bashar Assad's regime, they should present it to the United Nations inspectors and the U.N. Security Council, he said. If there is evidence it should be presented, Putin said. If it is not presented, that means it does not exist.Putin's foreign policy adviser complained Friday that Russia had not seen the U.S. intelligence that Washington insists proves the Syrian government was responsible for the attack.On Saturday, the U.S. ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, met with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov to provide information backing up the U.S. position, the Foreign Ministry said.Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his deputies have stated repeatedly that Russia opposes any use of force against Syria without U.N. Security Council approval, while also making clear that Russia would vote against such a resolution.Ryabkov used tougher language on Saturday, warning the U.S. that launching strikes without a Security Council resolution would be an act of aggression, a flagrant violation of international law.If Washington goes ahead with the strikes, however, Moscow has appeared to rule out Russian military action. We're not intending to go to war with anyone, Lavrov said early this week.A longtime ally of Assad, Russia is a major supplier of weapons to Syria and maintains a naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus.In addressing Obama, Putin said he was speaking to him not as the U.S. president but as a holder of the Nobel Peace Prize.We have to remember what has happened in the last decades, how many times the United States has been the initiator of armed conflict in different regions of the world, Putin told Russian journalists, including from state television, covering his visit to Vladivostok in the Far East. Did this resolve even one problem?He urged Obama to reflect on the results of the U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq before taking a decision to carry out air strikes that will bring casualties, including among the civilian population.Putin said he hoped to talk to Obama in person when leaders of the Group of 20 meet next week in St. Petersburg. Obama had planned to hold a separate summit with Putin in Moscow ahead of the G-20 meeting, but he canceled three weeks ago. The White House said Russia's decision to grant asylum to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden was the last straw, but that a lack of progress on other issues, including on the Syrian civil war, played into the decision.No one-on-one meetings between Putin and Obama are planned during G-20, but both sides have said it is likely that the two leaders will have an opportunity to talk.

Nadal rolls on at US Open, tops Dodig in 3rd round


NEW YORK (AP) - Rafael Nadal crushed another opponent at the U.S. Open, beating Ivan Dodig 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 in the third round Saturday.The second-seeded Spaniard has lost just 21 games through three matches. He has faced only five break points, saving each one of them.The 38th-ranked Dodig beat Nadal at the hard-court tournament in Montreal two years ago. But Nadal is looking like the king of hard courts these days, with an 18-match winning streak on the surface.He closed out the victory with a service winner to win the last game at love.In another match of the day, 13th-seeded John Isner lost to 22nd-seeded Philipp Kohlschreiber in the U.S. Open's third round for the second consecutive year.Kohlschreiber's 6-4, 3-6, 7-5, 7-6 (5) victory Saturday over the highest-ranked American means the host country has only one man left: 109th-ranked Tim Smyczek, whose third-round match is Sunday.After beating France's Gael Monfils in the second round, Isner said he was disappointed that fans were cheering so vociferously for Monfils. On Saturday, there were chants of U-S-A U-S-A in the second set, and Here we go, John Here we go in the fourth set but Isner failed once again to figure out Kohlschreiber at Flushing Meadows.

Azarenka wins in 3 sets in US Open 3rd round


NEW YORK (AP) - Victoria Azarenka needed to win the second set twice. She had plenty left to pull away for a three-set victory at the U.S. Open.The second-seeded Azarenka took 2 hours, 40 minutes to close out Alize Cornet 6-7 (2), 6-3, 6-2 in the third round Saturday.Serving on game point at 5-3 in the second, Azarenka pumped her fist and started walking off the court after the 26th-seeded Cornet hit a backhand into the net. The chair umpire had to get her attention to inform her that the line judge had called Azarenka's previous shot out replays showed it landed inside the baseline. The umpire overruled the call, but they still had to replay the point.Are you freaking kidding me? Azarenka howled to the chair ump. What the hell are you doing?After the match, she put it this way: That was the most ridiculous thing there is.On her second try at set point, Azarenka hit a forehand wide to send the game to deuce. But she won the next two points to clinch the set, after all.Then she dominated the third to advance to face 13th-seeded Ana Ivanovic, who rallied to beat young American Christina McHale in three sets.The dynamic of the match was a little bit weird for me, Azarenka said. I felt like I didn't take my opportunities in the first set, which was kind of a waste and it gave her a lot of confidence, and she really came up with the great shots when she needed with the big serves. I'd actually never seen her serve like that before, so that's definitely a big improvement from her side.Even with McHale's tough loss, it's still been a promising tournament for the generation of U.S. women who must succeed the Williams sisters.Serena Williams gets a much-anticipated rematch with 20-year-old Sloane Stephens on Sunday. They're joined in the round of 16 by a less expected American, wild-card Alison Riske.Maybe's Riske's run isn't that much of a surprise considering her recent surge. The 23-year-old Pittsburgh native came into the summer having never accomplished any of these feats: winning a match in a Grand Slam tournament, at a WTA Tour event on hard courts, or against a top-10 foe.She's now achieved all that, her latest breakthrough victory a rout of 2011 Wimbledon champ Petra Kvitova. Riske won 6-3, 6-0, taking the last eight games against the seventh-seeded Czech, who was in bed with a fever the day before.I've got a new confidence in myself, the 81st-ranked Riske said through tears in an on-court interview. I believe that I belong here.McHale was one game away from matching Riske in upsetting a former major champion to reach her first Grand Slam fourth round. The 21-year-old had a chance to serve out the match at 5-4 in the second set, but Ivanovic broke back.The 2008 French Open champ then saved two break points at 5-5, and she broke McHale's serve in the next game to clinch the second set.Ivanovic broke McHale again in the final game of the third set for a 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 victory in 2 hours, 26 minutes.McHale has been ranked as high as 24th, but she'd slipped to No. 114 after a bout with mononucleosis.After some of the losses I've had this year, even though today it hurts to lose this type of close match, I feel much better about my game, she said.Riske was 0-5 at major tournaments before Wimbledon this year but is 5-1 since. She just broke into the top 100 in late July; now Riske will likely earn a top-60 ranking.It's really tough out here, she said. Every week isn't like this.She has always thrived on grass, making the third round at Wimbledon this year. Now she's starting to figure out the hard courts. She next faces an unseeded opponent, Daniela Hantuchova.Kvitova said she tried to end points quickly, knowing she couldn't hold up through long rallies. But Riske stayed calm and played good defense, taking advantage of Kvitova's seven double-faults and 27 unforced errors.She moved quite well, Kvitova said. She pushed me to the back. That was tough for me.It's another frustrating finish at Flushing Meadows, the only major tournament at which Kvitova hasn't made the semifinals. Two years ago, she became the first reigning Wimbledon women's champion to lose her first U.S. Open match in the same season.My body wouldn't let me fight, Kvitova said.Riske was all set to play for Vanderbilt in 2009 when a family friend who owns a chemical company offered to sponsor her. So she turned pro.A year ago at this time, she was questioning the wisdom of that decision. Then she rejoined coach Yves Boulais.Once I got back with him, things kind of unfolded themselves, Riske said. I felt really comfortable. I knew that with the tennis I was playing that things were going to start coming together. I just didn't know when.Saturday's session opened with two minor upsets: Simona Halep, seeded 21st, crushed No. 14 Maria Kirilenko 6-1, 6-0, and Flavia Pennetta beat 27th-seeded Svetlana Kuznetsova 7-5, 6-1. The two face each other in the fourth round.The 21-year-old Halep extended a sizzling summer with her first trip to a Grand Slam fourth round. She's coming off a title at New Haven.On the men's side, fourth-seeded David Ferrer needed nearly three hours to down 172nd-ranked qualifier Mikhail Kukushkin 6-4, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4. No. 10-seeded Milos Raonic beat 23rd-seeded Feliciano Lopez 6-7 (4), 6-4, 6-4, 6-4.Janko Tipsarevic, seeded 18th, also needed four sets to knock off 20-year-old American Jack Sock 3-6, 7-6 (1), 6-1, 6-2.

Manchester City beat Hull 2-0 in Premier League


MANCHESTER (AP) - Manchester City avoided another slip-up against a Premier League newcomer by beating Hull 2-0 on Saturday, a week after losing at Cardiff.City's second-half goals came from substitute Alvaro Negredo, who headed in Pablo Zabaleta's cross, and Yaya Toure's curled free kick. City, hoping to repeat its 2012 title triumph, has six points from a possible nine.Hull has lost twice and won once in its three matches since gaining promotion to the topflight, but looked resilient at the Etihad Stadium.City's defense had a more solid look about it, with Matija Nastasic fit again to play alongside Joleon Lescott.But City started slowly and Hull frustrated the hosts with strong defending and by chasing everything. City fans made their irritation known.City goalkeeper Joe Hart, under scrutiny for making several mistakes this season, seemed uncertain as Hull made an early move into the box, but Pablo Zabaleta cleared the danger.Hull should have claimed the lead in the seventh minute when Danny Graham's ball took a fortunate ricochet off Nastasic and sent Sone Aluko clear. But Aluko squandered a glorious opportunity as he scuffed a low shot wide after reaching the edge of the area unchallenged.It sparked a lively passage of play, including a Hull goal that was ruled offside. Hull goalkeeper Allan McGregor also made a number of fine saves.City manager Manuel Pellegrini substituted Edin Dzeko for new signing Negredo at the start of the second half. Negredo's first contribution was to head wide from Silva's cross three minutes after coming on.It was a while before the next chance materialized as Hull continued to battle and City struggled to piece together meaningful attacks.City finally produced some quality to break the deadlock with a good attack down the right flank in the 64th minute.Zabaleta got behind the defense and whipped an inviting cross for Negredo, who moved into space and leapt high to plant a firm header past McGregor.And the victory was secured in the 90th minute when substitute Samir Nasri was fouled on the edge of the box, and Toure stepped up to take the free kick, which landed in the net.

Marquez claims pole for British MotoGP race


SILVERSTONE (AP) - MotoGP world championship leader Marc Marquez will start the British Grand Prix from pole position on Sunday after setting a new lap record at the Silverstone circuit.Marquez, in his maiden MotoGP season, completed a lap in qualifying on Saturday in 2 minutes, 0.691 seconds after a fierce tussle with defending champion Jorge Lorenzo.The Yamaha rider was the first to break Casey Stoner's lap record in the final qualifying session before Marquez went quicker.Marquez again lowered the best time and will start his bid for a fifth MotoGP race win in succession from the front on Sunday. He will be joined on the front row by Lorenzo and Cal Crutchlow.

Konig wins 8th stage of Vuelta, Roche takes lead


ESTEPONA (AP) - Czech rider Leopold Konig used a final uphill surge to win the eighth stage of the Spanish Vuelta on Saturday, while Nicolas Roche took over the leader's red jersey.Konig passed Igor Anton before holding off Daniel Moreno's sprint to claim the 167-kilometer (104-mile) ride from Jerez de la Frontera ending with a category-one summit finish at Alto de Penas Blancas.Konig finished with a time of 4 hours, 9 minutes, 46 seconds. Moreno was 1 second behind, and Roche crossed 5 seconds back.Konig's strong day moved him up to fifth in the overall standings, 29 seconds off Roche's leading pace.The first part was steep and the final part more steady. I knew that if I survived the first part I could attack in the second, Konig said. We are going for the overall classification and to get in the top 10, but also to pick up some stages. So it was a great day for us.The 25-year-old Konig, who rides for NetApp-Endura, also won a stage of the Tour of California earlier this month.The ride that took the peloton along the southern coast and then up a steep mountain with spectacular views of the sea below shook up the top part of the overall standings after two days of tranquility.Roche, the Irish SaxoBank-Tinkoff cyclist, opened up a 17-second lead over Moreno and American veteran Christopher Horner. Former leader Vincenzo Nibali ended up 18 seconds behind.Former Vuelta winner Alejandro Valverde was 31 seconds behind in seventh place, while fellow Spanish favorite Joaquim Rodriguez was 1:03 back in 10th.Roche, who won the second stage last Sunday, said he was surprised that he had taken the lead from Nibali.The other day when I attacked and got the win I missed getting the red jersey, Roche said. I thought that if Nibali focused on other riders I could pick up a few seconds here and there and that's what happened today.Every year I come to the Vuelta with the dream of wearing the red jersey one day. It's incredible.Garmin Sharp rider Daniel Martin abandoned the race before the day's start after falling on Friday.Sunday's ride is a 163-kilometer (104-mile) mountainous stage from Antequera to Valdepenas de Jaen.The three-week grand tour finishes in Madrid on Sept. 15.

US woman, pet kangaroo find new home at zoo


WYNNEWOOD (AP) - An Oklahoma woman and her pet kangaroo have found a new home after battling a city council over her right to keep the animal.Two years after fighting a city council in northeastern Oklahoma over her right to keep a therapy kangaroo, Christie Carr found a home for her red kangaroo at an exotic animal park. And Carr has found some relief from her depression.On a recent weekday morning at The Garold Wayne Interactive Zoological Park, Irwin, fresh from playing in the dirt, sat on a cushy chair in a wooden pen next to Carr. He later fussed with Larsen, a baby Siberian tiger, in the staff house.The new home, Carr said, is good for both Irwin and herself. He's able to interact with other people and some animals, and her emotional life is enriched by being around all the animals.Just me and him together, it's almost like he was feeding off my depression, said Carr, who lives in the zoo's staff house. He likes people, he likes to be around people and here, there is something always going on.Irwin, however, can't play with the park's other kangaroo, Pluto, who lives near a pond. Carr and zoo founder Joe Schreibvogel are scared Irwin could lose his balance and fall into the water, so they are hoping to build a new kangaroo enclosure in the future. Irvin has been nursed back to health after he was partially paralyzed from running into a fence a few years ago.Carr and 3-year-old Irwin arrived at the zoo after spats with officials in Broken Arrow. Carr's therapist had certified Irwin as a therapy pet under the Americans with Disabilities Act. But city officials initially feared Irwin could pose a threat to the public's safety.Native to Australia, healthy male great red kangaroos can grow up to 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall, weigh more than 200 pounds (90 kilograms) and bound 25 feet (7.5 meters) in a single leap. But veterinarians said Irwin would probably not grow larger than 50 pounds (22.5 kilograms) because of his injury and because he has been neutered. Irwin has gained about 20 pounds (nine kilograms) during the past two years and is now able to hop better.The city council eventually voted to create an exotic animal ordinance exemption that allowed Carr to keep Irwin within city limits under certain conditions. The permit required exotic animal owners to, among other things, have a $50,000 liability insurance policy for any injuries inflicted by the animal, certification that the animal has adequate housing and meet all federal and state guidelines for licensing. An anonymous donor paid for Carr's insurance policy.But growing frustration with city officials caused Carr to move herself and Irwin first to Claremore, then to her parents' home in McAlester and, in March, to the zoo.We called her up and offered her a place to stay and Irwin a zoo to hang out with a bunch of other animals, and they've been here ever since, said Schreibvogel, who founded the zoo, which is named after his brother who died in a car accident in 1997.The park has close to 800 animals the majority came from sanctuaries and other zoos and 18 workers. It's a place, Schreibvogel said, where animals and humans come for a second chance.Most of the volunteers here are ex-druggies, ex-alcoholics, on prison's door step, he said. Why do people turn to drugs and alcohol? Usually because they don't fit in somewhere. Well, here these animals don't judge you.Schreibvogel, who looks a bit out of place in the Oklahoma countryside with his bleach-blonde hair, earrings and eyebrow ring and arm full of tattoos, is trying to become a country singer. Known as Joe Exotic, he recently released three songs with music videos and has a reality TV show pilot filming soon, which will feature Irwin and other animals at the park.

England level Twenty20 series against Australia


CHESTER-LE-STREET (AP) - England leveled the Twenty20 series against Australia with a 27-run win in their second and final game on Saturday.Alex Hales hit 94 runs from 61 balls but missed the chance to become the first England batsman to score an international Twenty20 century.Hales, who combined in a 111-run partnership with Michael Lumb (43), was denied his moment of glory when he holed out in the deep in the penultimate over from James Faulkner.It was, however, still a match-defining performance as England, which lost the toss, reached 195-5.Jade Dernbach then took three for 23 as Australia fell short, despite 53 from David Warner.After losing the toss the guys adapted to the conditions really well, England captain Stuart Broad told British broadcaster Sky Sports. To get 60 off the first six without losing a wicket was fantastic ... and it was great to keep wickets in hand.England reached 195 for the third successive completed match but the hosts bowlers knew they still faced a task after Australias 248 for six in Southampton on Thursday earned them a 39-run win.Aaron Finchs world-record 156 was the backbone of that total but he managed just five for Australia on Saturday before miscuing Broad to mid-wicket.A direct hit from Englands Eoin Morgan then caught Shane Watson short before Warner attempted to belt Australia out of early trouble.The left-hander hit straight sixes in consecutive overs from Steven Finn, Dernbach and Danny Briggs and put on a quickfire 67 with Shaun Marsh.Marsh swept Joe Root for six, but just as Australia nudged closer to Englands scoring rate he was bowled trying to repeat the dose.Warner brought up his 10th Twenty20 half-century from 38 balls, pushing Root for a single.When Warner was caught by Hales in the deep, Australia required 12 an over to win.The task swamped Australias remaining batsmen despite late hitting from Glenn Maxwell and Nathan Coulter-Nile.The man of the match, though, was Hales after England was put in to bat.Hales got off the mark with back-to-back fours before lofting Faulkner for a straight six as 61 was taken from the powerplay without loss.Australia turned to the slow bowling of Fawad Ahmed in the eighth over and while that eased the rate only slightly, Hales milked the leg-spinner for a couple of runs to bring up his sixth Twenty20 half-century from 34 balls.Soon Ahmed, who after fleeing Pakistan three years ago was only granted his Australian citizenship in June, was celebrating claiming his first international wicket.After Lumb top-edged a sweep high into the air, which wicketkeeper Matt Wade held on to, Ahmed celebrated with a kiss to the heavens.England kept operating at around 10 an over though as Maxwells second over went for 18, and Luke Wright followed a six with a pair of fours.Wright contributed 30 from 17 balls before Johnson athletically caught him above his head at mid-off as the stage looked set for Hales to bring up three figures.But Hales picked out Warner on the long off rope to leave him shy of a century.Im disappointed not to get there having got to 94, Hales said. It was a fantastic team effort and set the tone early with the bat on what was a fantastic wicket.Lumby helped me out; he was brilliant at the start. We formed a good partnership.

Obama seeking lawmakers' approval for Syria strike


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama says he has decided that the United States should take military action against Syria in response to a deadly chemical weapons attack.But he says he will seek congressional authorization for the use of force.He says congressional leadership plans to hold a debate and a vote as soon as Congress comes back in September.Obama says he has the authority to act on his own, but believes it is important for the country to have a debate.Military action would be in response to a chemical weapons attack the U.S. says Syrian President Bashar Assad's government carried out against civilians. The U.S. says more than 1,400 Syrians were killed in that attack last week.

POL prices increase by up to Rs4.64 per litre


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News): The Ministry of Petroleum has approved the summary of increase in prices of petroleum products while OGRA has issued notification in this regard which takes effect from September 1.According to OGRA notification the price of petrol has been increased by Rs 4.64 per litre to reach Rs 109.14 per litre.The new price of high speed diesel has jumped to Rs 112.20 per litre with an increase of Rs 2.50 per litre, while Rs 4.70 per liter increase has been made in kerosene oil and now it will bec available at Rs 105.58 per litre.

Misbah leads Pakistan to 108-run ODI win against Zimbabwe


HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) - Captain Misbah-ul-Haq led from the front with a half century and two brilliant run outs as Pakistan defeated Zimbabwe by 108 runs in the final one-day international to clinch the series 2-1.Misbah made a resolute 67 off 85 balls which lifted Pakistan to 260-6 and then ignited the Zimbabwe collapse by running out Taylor (26) and Sean Williams (2) before Pakistan spinners eventually dismissed the home team for 152 runs in 40 overs. Malcolm Waller fought a lone battle with 48 off 71 balls before he was the last man to be dismissed.Spinners Saeed Ajmal (2-15), Abdul Rehman (2-23) and Mohammad Hafeez (2-40) all were among wickets.Zimbabwe shocked Pakistan with a seven-wicket win in the first match before Pakistan leveled the series with a convincing 90-run win.

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