Thursday 19 September 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Federal cabinet to meet today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya news) - Suffering a serious blow to the dialogue process after the Upper Dir incident, the federal cabinet would meet today (Friday).Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will chair the cabinet meeting. The meeting will discuss a fifteen-point agenda. The meeting will likely to approve anti-terrorism bill, 2013 while additional funds for Neelam-Jhelum power transmission line project will also be approved.The federal cabinet will also discuss Karachi operation, law and order situation in country, dialogue process with Taliban, and absence of ministers from the national assembly.According to sources the main agenda would be to review the policy of dialogue process with the Taliban after the Upper Dir incident in which Maj. Gen Sanaullah Niazi was martyred.The dialogue process suffered a major setback due to the incident, which was admitted by Interior Minister Ch Nisar while speaking on the floor of the lower house.Sources said Interior Minister would also brief the cabinet on the Karachi operation and would also raise the issue of absence of ministers from the session.It is expected that PM Nawaz Sharif would take the cabinet members into confidence regarding his trip to Turkey and his trip to US during which he would not only address the UNGA session but would also meet his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh among other world leaders.

Peshawar: 3 killed in grenade attack on mosque


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – According to details, some unidentified miscreants launched a hand grenade attack on a mosque in Sirband area of Peshawar, killing three people and injuring 13 others.The injured were shifted the Khyber Teaching Hospital for treatment.Police have cordoned off the area after the attack and launched a search operation.

Chairman NAB appointment: Nawaz, Khursheed to meet today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will meet Opposition leader in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah today (Friday) to discuss the appointment of new chiefs of NAB and Election Commission.Sources said that Opposition leader will present the new names for the appointment of NAB and ECP chiefs to Prime Minister.It is worth mentioning here that after the Supreme Court’s orders for appointment of NAB Chairman immediately, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar is in constant contact with Khursheed Shah.It is expected that the upcoming meeting of the PM and Opposition leader will likely decide the names of the new chiefs.

Pakistan arrest 58 Indian fishermen: officials


KARACHI (AFP) - Pakistans maritime security agency arrested 58 Indian fishermen on Thursday after they strayed into Pakistans territorial waters, officials said.The arrests came less than a month after the release of more than 300 Indian fishermen from Pakistani jails.The Maritime Security Agency (MSA) said the fishermen were arrested in the wee hours of Thursday. Their nine boats were also confiscated.We arrested 58 Indian fisherman early Thursday morning after they violated our territorial limits, fishing illegally into Pakistani waters, MSA commander Mohammad Farooq told AFP.Fishermen from both countries are frequently held for straying across the disputed and poorly defined maritime boundary in the Arabian Sea.Farooq said the fishermen were handed to the police, who are set to prepare cases against them that could result in their being sent to jail.Late last month, 337 Indian fishermen, including seven juveniles, held by Pakistan for violation of its territorial waters were released from a district jail in Karachi.

Kerry: UN must pass resolution on Syrian weapons


WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday called on the U.N. General Assembly to move swiftly to approve a U.S.-Russia deal to eliminate Syrias chemical weapons, saying there is no time to argue with those who remain unconvinced that the Syrian regime carried out a chemical attack last month that killed hundreds.Kerry did not mention Russian President Vladimir Putin, but his remarks were a clear attempt to rebut Putins statement that Russia has strong grounds to believe that Syrian rebels not President Bashar Assads regime were responsible for the Aug. 21 attack.Speaking at a conference, Putin said, We have every reason to believe that it was a provocation, a sly and ingenious one. He said those who perpetrated the attack relied on primitive technology, using old Soviet-made ammunition no longer in the Syrian armys inventory.While the U.N. report did not ascribe blame, the U.S., Britain, France and others believe that the reports findings offer conclusive evidence that the attack was conducted by the Syrian military. Assad, in an interview this week with Fox News Channel, denied that his regime was responsible for the attack.The U.S., Britain and France pointed to evidence in the report especially the type of rockets, the composition of the sarin agent and trajectory of the missiles to declare that Assads government was responsible. Moreover, they argue that there is no evidence that opposition forces possess sarin gas.So there you have it. Sarin was used. Sarin killed, Kerry said. The world can decide whether it was used by the regime, which has used chemical weapons before the regime which had the rockets and the weapons or whether the opposition secretly went unnoticed into territory they dont control to fire rockets they dont have, containing sarin that they dont possess to kill their own people.And then, without even being noticed, they just disassembled it all and packed up and got out of the center of Damascus controlled by Assad.Please. This isnt complicated.The U.S. wants a new U.N. resolution now under discussion to make the U.S.-Russia agreement reached last week in Geneva legally binding in a way that is verifiable and enforceable. The U.S. and Russia are arguing over putting the resolution under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter. Chapter 7 deals with threats to international peace and security and has provisions for enforcement by military or nonmilitary means, such as sanctions.We really dont have time today to pretend that anyone can have their own set of facts approaching the issue of chemical weapons in Syria, Kerry said. This fight about Syrias chemical weapons is not a game. Its real. Its important. Its important to the lives of people in Syria, its important to the region, its important to the world that this be enforced this agreement that we came out of Geneva with.

US urges China to play constructive role on Syria


WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged Thursday a sharp disagreement with China over how the international community should respond to the use of chemical weapons in Syria and urged Beijing to play a positive role in the U.N. Security Council on the issue.China has strongly opposed strikes on Syria by the U.S. or its allies, in response to an Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus that the U.S. blames on government forces and says killed more than 1,400 people. In the council, where China holds veto power, it has joined with Russia in opposing action against Syria.Kerry spoke at the State Department before a meeting and working lunch with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who reiterated the need for political talks to end the violence in the Middle Eastern nation that has killed an estimated 100,000 people and displaced 2 million more.While we appreciate Chinas support for a political solution the only solution we believe is ultimately available and possible we do have differences between our nations and have disagreed sharply over how the international community should respond to the Syrian regimes use of chemical weapons, Kerry said.With negotiations ongoing at the Security Council, we look forward to China playing a positive, constructive, important role, he said seeking support for strong resolutions to implement an agreement forged by U.S. and Russia to put Syrias chemical weapons under international supervision.Wang said China was keeping an open mind on issues up for discussion Thursday, including Syria, North Koreas nuclear program, climate change and cybersecurity, which is a thorny issue in U.S.-China relations.He welcomed the agreement between the U.S.-Russia, which now needs to be endorsed by Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons whose board is scheduled to meet on Sunday. Wang said the Security Council needs to recognize and support the organizations decision.Thursdays discussions are the latest chapter in an effort to strengthen U.S.-China ties after a June summit in California between President Barack Obama and Chinas President Xi Jinping.Despite U.S. reluctance to restart talks with North Korea before it recommits to nuclear disarmament, Wang sounded upbeat about the prospects for long-stalled international negotiations that were traditionally hosted by China, which is Pyongyangs only major ally.Wang said he would discuss with Kerry how to relaunch the six-nation talks and push forward the denuclearization process. I am confident that we will be able to reach new, important agreement, he said, without elaborating.But afterward, there was no indication of progress.State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said the U.S. position has not changed. She said Kerry detailed to Wang several disturbing developments that indicate North Korea continues to flout its previous commitments to denuclearize.Concerns over North Koreas nuclear program have deepened since it conducted its third underground atomic test in February. There are also signs it is restarting a plutonium reactor that can produce fissile material for bombs.Pyongyang wants the nuclear talks to restart without preconditions.

US sees 'chance for diplomacy' with Iran


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said Thursday that comments by Iranian President Hassan Rowhani had opened up a possible new path for diplomacy, and urged Tehran to engage substantively with the West.In an interview, Rowhani suggested a new flexibility in Tehrans approach to nuclear talks which have dragged for years as the international community seeks to rein in Irans suspect nuclear program.I think Rowhanis comments have been very positive, but everything needs to be put to the test and well see where we go, US Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters.At the right moment, I think the White House and the State Department will make clear where were heading.The White House also noted a lot of very interesting things coming out of Iran, but President Barack Obamas spokesman warned actions are more important than words.There is growing speculation about whether Obama or Kerry could meet with Rowhani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) next week. Both presidents are due to address the gathering within hours of each other on Tuesday.French President Francois Hollande said meanwhile that Rowhani had requested a meeting in New York to discuss the conflict in Syria. It would be the first such meeting between the two nationss heads of state in many years.Obama and Kerry both believe that there is an opportunity for diplomacy right now, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said.We hope the Iranian government takes advantage of this opportunity. The world has heard a lot from President Rowhanis administration about his desire to improve Irans relations with the international community, and President Obama and his secretary certainly believe that we should test that assertion.White House spokesman Jay Carney said there were encouraging things had been said by Tehran since Rowhani took over as the president of the Islamic Republic in August.Theres no question that the new Iranian government has been taking a different approach in the things that it has said about a lot of issues., Carney said.It has taken some actions that suggest a new approach. But actions are more important than words.Carney also hinted the United States would be carefully watching Rowhanis speech to the general assembly for comparisons to the past annual angry tirades against Israel by former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Rowhani said in an interview with NBC News broadcast on Thursday that Israel was an occupier and usurper that had brought instability to the Middle East.But he dodged questions about Ahmadinejads previous denial of the Holocaust, saying he was not a historian.We have seen certainly from President Rowhanis predecessor, you know, incredibly offensive statements with regards to Israel and the Jewish people, Carney said.We are assessing and evaluating all the things that the new government is saying and doing.The White House has said there are so far no plans for Obama and Rowhani to meet, but officials have not categorically ruled out such talks.And Harf added that Kerrys schedule for the week in New York had also not yet been finalized.But she said of Iran we hope they will engage substantively in order to reach a diplomatic solution that will fully address ... the international communitys concerns about their nuclear program.

Iran president offers to broker Syria talks


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Iranian President Hassan Rowhani said Thursday his government was ready to help facilitate dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition.We must join hands to constructively work toward national dialogue, whether in Syria or Bahrain. We must create an atmosphere where peoples of the region can decide their own fates, Rowhani wrote in a column in the Washington Post.In his latest bid since becoming president in August to reach out to the international community, Rowhani said he wanted to pursue a policy of constructive engagement.Rowhani, who has asked to meet with French President Francois Hollande on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly new week, said his counterparts should seize the opportunity presented by his election.I urge them to make the most of the mandate for prudent engagement that my people have given me and to respond genuinely to my governments efforts to engage in constructive dialogue.The new Iranian presidents offer is likely to be eyed warily in Washington, where the Obama administration has repeatedly accused Iran of helping to prop up the Syrian regime in the brutal civil war by providing weapons, manpower and money.Rowhani insisted that a constructive approach to diplomacy doesnt mean relinquishing ones rights.It means engaging with ones counterparts, on the basis of equal footing and mutual respect, to address shared concerns and achieve shared objectives, he wrote.A zero-sum, Cold War mentality leads to everyones loss, he said, adding that in many places unilateralism often continues to overshadow constructive approaches.The unilateral approach, which glorifies brute force and breeds violence, is clearly incapable of solving issues we all face, such as terrorism and extremism, insisted Rowhani, a moderate on Irans political scene.My approach to foreign policy seeks to resolve these issues by addressing their underlying causes. We must work together to end the unhealthy rivalries and interferences that fuel violence and drive us apart.The Iranian president said he believed at their core, the vicious battles in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are over the nature of those countries identities and their consequent roles in our region and the world.This was also true of Tehrans pursuit of what he called its peaceful nuclear program, which was as much about who Iranians are as a nation as about diversifying energy resources.To move beyond impasses, whether in relation to Syria, my countrys nuclear program or its relations with the United States, we need to aim higher, Rowhani wrote.Rather than focusing on how to prevent things from getting worse, we need to think - and talk - about how to make things better.

Putin says he may seek 4th presidential term


VALDAI (AP) - President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he may run for a fourth presidential term in 2018, confirming the expectations of most Russians and frustrating those now working to restore free elections in Russia.If Putin runs and wins, it would keep him in power for about a quarter century and make him the nations longest-serving leader since Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.Putin has largely rolled back on Russias post-Soviet democratic achievements, sidelining the opposition, reducing the Parliament to a rubber stamp and establishing tight control over the media. He insisted that Russia, only two decades away from the fall of the Soviet Union, is determined to become a democracy, but would find its own path despite criticism from the West.The kind of government that Russia should have should be determined by Russian citizens and not by our esteemed colleagues from abroad, he said during an international conference, an annual event attended by Russia experts from the U.S. and Europe.Putin, who served two consecutive four-year terms starting in 2000, became prime minister in 2008 to observe a constitutional limit of two consecutive terms. He remained in charge as prime minister, with his loyal associate, Dmitry Medvedev, serving as a placeholder.Medvedev initiated a law that extended the presidential term to six years, and Putin won a third term in 2012 despite major public protests in Moscow against his rule.Putin addressed his future plans when challenged by former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon during the conference in Valdai, a wooded region in northwest Russia known for its pristine lakes. Fillon said he would not reveal whether he planned to run for president unless Putin answered the same question.And if I answer, will you? Putin responded.Well see, Fillon said.I dont exclude that, Putin said. To which Fillon added: Me either.Putin also took direct questions from Russian opposition figures about the protests and the rise of political activism they ushered in. He held out the possibility of amnesty for more than two dozen people arrested after clashes broke out with police during a protest on the eve of his inauguration.They face charges of mass unrest that could send them to prison for years.Putin said he would not exclude an amnesty, but said he would only act after the courts had ruled.During Wednesdays session of the four-day conference, the chief of Putins staff and his deputy engaged in an unusual discussion with opposition politicians on whether they would be allowed not only to run in elections, but to win. It was a discussion that one of them, Ilya Ponomaryov, described as cynical but sincere.In response to the anti-Putin protests, which were set off by a fraud-tainted parliamentary election in late 2011, the Kremlin restored direct elections for regional leaders that Putin had abolished in 2004. This opened the way for protest leader Alexei Navalny to run in this months Moscow mayoral race, where he finished a surprisingly strong second.Ponomaryov, a member of the Kremlin-dominated parliament who joined the protest movement, said the message from Putins staff was that the Kremlin would maintain a firm hold over elections for regional leaders, including for the Moscow mayoral race, but that elections for mayors of other cities would be fairly open.They want to create a sandbox and they consider the local level to be such a sandbox, he said in an interview on Thursday.Ponomaryov announced plans to run next year for mayor of Novosibirsk, a major city in Siberia.Vladimir Ryzhkov, a veteran politician now in opposition, called on Putin to allow free elections across the country to promote the rise of a new generation of talented politicians.Putin said he shared this vision, while suggesting he has little confidence in the opposition. He said that while it was possible to ride the protest wave to success at the polls, this was no guarantee of bringing good government to the regions.

Murray to have surgery on back problems


LONDON (AFP) - Wimbledon champion Andy Murray is unlikely to play again this season after pulling out of next weeks Thailand Open to undergo minor back surgery.Murray has been bothered by a disc problem in his lower back for much of this year and he opted to skip the French Open to rest the injury before he went on to claim a maiden Wimbledon title.The 26-year-old responded to a flood of well-wishing messages on Twitter by tweeting his thanks for the support.Thanks so much for all the nice messages today. Having operation on Monday. Will let everyone know how it goes. Ill be back stronger, he wrote.His representatives earlier Thursday confirmed the world number three would go under the knife.Next week, Andy is set to undergo minor back surgery in an effort to clear up a long-standing back problem, a statement from 77, Murrays management company, read.The issue flared up again during the Rome Masters this year when Andy was forced to retire and he sought advice from a range of specialists in May.After a successful return on the more forgiving grass courts, Andy enjoyed success at Queens and Wimbledon, but after recently playing on hard-courts and clay, Andy once again sought medical advice about solving the issue once and for all.The aim is to be fully fit for the new season.Earlier this month, Murray looked well below his best at the US Open when his defence of the title was ended by a straight-sets defeat to Switzerlands Stanislas Wawrinka in the quarter-finals.The 26-year-old returned to action to help Britain back into the Davis Cup World Group with victory over Croatia last weekend.But Murrays decision to undergo surgery next week is likely to rule him out of the last months of the campaign, including the prestigious World Tour Finals in London in November.Murrays injury flared up badly in May during the Rome Masters, prompting him to abandon a second-round match against Marcel Granollers and pull out of Roland Garros.The disc problem affects a nerve in Murrays lower back which can send pain shooting down his hip and upper leg.It appears to cause him more problems when he plays on clay and the harder surfaces than on grass courts.The Scot and his team have carefully dealt with the complaint since then and he showed no signs of the problem when he finally ended the long wait for a British male winner of the Wimbledon singles title by dispatching world number one Novak Djokovic in the final.But the strain has eventually taken its toll towards the end of a memorable year and the Scot now hopes the surgery will allow him to be fully fit in time for the start of the 2014 campaign.Murray had been scheduled to play three more events in Asia this season, including the Shanghai Masters, then the Paris Masters and the season-ending World Tour Finals at the O2 Arena.Providing the operation goes well, Murray should be ready to feature in 2014s first Grand Slam at the Australian Open in January, before returning to Davis Cup duty at the end of the month when Great Britain face the United States.

Football: Swansea stun Valencia, Spurs ease to victory


PARIS (AFP) - Swansea City produced a remarkable performance on their Europa League debut to thump Valencia 3-0 in Spain on Thursday, while Tottenham Hotspur also got their campaign off to a winning start.Swanseas Group A trip to the Mestalla was, on paper, the standout of all those played in the Europa League on Thursday, but few could have imagined it would be so one-sided.A Swansea side coached by former Real Madrid and Barcelona star Michael Laudrup and featuring six Spaniards, including captain Angel Rangel, punished opponents who played 80 minutes with 10 men to run out thoroughly deserving winners.Valencia were already wobbling before French centre-back Adil Rami was sent off with 10 minutes on the clock for hauling back Wilfried Bony as the Ivorian striker headed towards goal.Soon after, the lively Bony converted a Michu cutback to give Swansea the lead, and Valencia, who have lost their last three matches in La Liga, never looked like recovering.A section of the Valencia support staged a walkout in protest at their teams recent form at the start of the second half, before Spanish duo Alejandro Pozuelo and Michu combined for the latter to double Swanseas lead after 58 minutes.When Jonathan De Guzman beat Vicente Guaita with a stunning free-kick five minutes later, the home supporters could only applaud, and Swansea might even have won by a greater margin.It was a stunning victory for a club that lost 8-0 to Monaco in their last European tie in the Cup Winners Cup in 1991.It was a fantastic game, Laudrup said afterwards. Of course the red card was an influence -- but we dominated from the first minute to the last.It could have been more than three and Im very pleased to beat a club like Valencia. It was our fifth game in Europe -- and we were facing a big team.The win was only the second by a Welsh side against Spanish opponents in European competition, after Cardiff City beat Real Madrid 1-0 in the Cup Winners Cup quarter-final, first leg, in March 1971.Cardiff lost 2-0 in the return.Having taken apart the 2004 UEFA Cup winners and two-time Champions League finalists, Swansea will next play host to St Gallen of Switzerland, who beat Kuban Krasnodar of Russia 2-0.Meanwhile, Tottenham also won by a 3-0 margin, although their victory against Norwegian top-flight strugglers Tromso in Group K was a little less dramatic.A first-half brace by Jermain Defoe, which took him to within two goals of Spurs all-time leading European goalscorer Martin Chivers, effectively ended the contest inside half an hour.However, Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen, a recent signing from Ajax, added a superb third goal late on.Elsewhere, English FA Cup holders Wigan Athletic took time out from their bid to win promotion back to the Premier League to draw 0-0 away to Zulte Waregem in Belgium in Group D.In other games, Fiorentina of Italy were too strong for Pacos Ferreira of Portugal, running out 3-0 winners in Florence in Group E with Giuseppe Rossi among the scorers.Betis and Lyon drew 0-0 in Spain in Group I, while Eintracht Frankfurt of Germany thumped French Cup holders Bordeaux 3-0 in Group F, and Lazio and Sevilla were among the other winners on the night.However, the 1988 European Cup winners PSV Eindhoven suffered a shock 2-0 defeat at home to Ludogorets Razgrad of Bulgaria in Group B, and an expensively assembled Dynamo Kiev side lost 1-0 at home to Belgian Cup holders Genk.Jonatan Soriano produced one of the individual performances of the evening, scoring a hat-trick in Europe for the second time this season as Salzburg beat Elfsborg 4-0 in Group C.

Bolt backtracks on plan to retire after 2016 Games


LONDON (AP) - Quick as can be, Usain Bolt is backtracking on his retirement plans.Less than three weeks ago, the Olympic champion said he planned to stop sprinting after the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. But the Jamaican said onThursday he was looking to extend his career by a year, meaning he could quit after the 2017 world championships in London.I am definitely reconsidering, the 27-year-old Bolt said while in London on a book promotion tour. I think my fans especially have really voiced their concern about me retiring.They think I should carry on and so do my sponsors. I have discussed it with my coach and he says it is possible. We will see what happens but its on the cards that I will extend it by one more year.The 2020 Tokyo Olympics are not in his thoughts.Its a long way away, but if I win the next Olympics I will have done everything I wanted to do in my career, Bolt said. So there would be no reason to continue.Bolt won the 100, 200 and 4x100-meter relay at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and again at last years London Games. He won the same three golds at the 2009 worlds before repeating that feat in Moscow last month.One target still is to compete at the Commonwealth Games for the first time, with the 2014 games in Glasgow in his sights.I have said to my coach that I would love to go to the Commonwealths, Bolt said. Its something that I havent done before. Its up to him, but I have said to him that I want to be a part of it.Bolt told the BBC later Thursday that hed probably run only the 200 meters at the Commonwealth Games, should he enter.

Mayweather-Alvarez bout is richest fight ever


LAS VEGAS (AP) - Floyd Mayweather Jr.s dominating win over Canelo Alvarez was the richest fight ever, a box-office smash at the arena and on television.Showtime said on Thursday that at least 2.2 million homes bought the pay-per-view for the bout, second only to the 2.44 million homes in Mayweathers 2007 fight against Oscar De La Hoya.With the highest pay-per-view boxing price at an average of more than $70 the fight will generate nearly $150 million in revenue in TV sales alone.Nevada boxing regulators say the gate for the bout was just more than $20 million, also a record. A total of 16,146 seats were sold for the event at an average price of almost $1,240 per ticket.Promoter Richard Schaefer said total revenues would approach $200 million upon final count, surpassing the $165 million generated by the Mayweather-De La Hoya fight.You sort of reach for the stars but you dont always catch them, Schaefer said. I was reaching for the stars but the way this fight caught fire surprised everyone.Mayweather earned a guaranteed $41.5 million for the fight, while Alvarez was guaranteed $5 million. Both will make more based on a percentage of the pay-per-view revenue.It will make big paychecks even bigger, Schaefer said. I dont know how big but certainly bigger. Much bigger.Mayweather was as impressive as the ticket sales, outclassing Alvarez and winning nearly every round on his way to a majority decision. He remained unbeaten in 45 fights, while Alvarez lost for the first time in 44 professional fights.The fight was a hot ticket from the time it was announced, even with ringside seats selling for $2,000. Those proved a bargain in the days leading up to the event when some tickets in the resale market were being offered for as much as $29,000.Nevada Athletic Commission executive director Keith Kizer said the total gate of just over $20 million eclipsed the $18.4 million earned from 17,000 tickets for the Mayweather-De La Hoya fight. Both bouts were held at the MGM Grand arena.Only 50 complimentary tickets were distributed, and promoters said before the fight that tickets were in such short supply that celebrities who normally watch for free were offering to pay.Showtime said the 2.2 million PPV figure was a conservative number, based on preliminary reports from cable and satellite TV distributors. When fully reported, the network said, the total buys could challenge the record set by Mayweather and De La Hoya.Schaefer, head of Golden Boy Promotions, said it spent nearly $10 million advertising the fight, and promoted it heavily in Hispanic markets.It just shows you that the health of the sport is good, Schaefer said. Theres not too many other sports than can generate $200 million in revenue in one night.Golden Boy said previously that the fight generated the highest rating in Mexican television history, with nearly eight out of 10 households in Mexico tuning in to the free broadcast by Televisia.What I kept on saying to all those negative voices out there is boxing is still big, Schaefer said. Bigger today maybe than it has been in a long time.

Croatia, Lithuania reach Euro basketball semis


LJUBLJANA (AP) - Croatia reached the semifinals of the European basketball championship for the first time in 18 years by handling Ukraine 84-72 and will play Lithuania, which edged Italy 81-77 on Thursday.France and two-time defending champion Spain will contest the other semifinal on Friday.Lithuania, trailing by one at the end of the third quarter, went on a 15-0 run at the start of the final quarter and held Italy scoreless for nearly six minutes to decide the game.Since losing its opening game of the tournament to Spain by 28 points, Croatia has won eight straight games.Its a long time since weve been in the semifinals. That was the first target for this young, talented generation but this story is too beautiful to stop here, Croatia coach Jasmin Repesa said. Honestly, we expected to be in the semis, we have quality and a system.We are only thinking of the final, Croatia center Anto Tomic said.Croatia is seeking to make the podium for the first time since it took bronze at the 1995 tournament in Greece. The only time Croatia played in a final was at the 1992 Olympics, when it lost to the U.S. Dream Team.Dontaye Draper, Croatias American-born point guard, had two steals and six points in a key 13-0 run at the start of the second quarter, when Ukraine failed to score in five minutes and had three turnovers while missing five straight 3-point attempts.I looked at my teammates and I heard them say, Ajde, and I just tried to get some energy, to get something going, even a foul, anything, said Draper, who finished with six assists and four steals to go with six points. Ajde is Croatian for come on.Croatia used relentless zone pressing to lead by as many as 19. Shooting guard Krunoslav Simons layup to make it 77-65 and a big block followed by another Ukrainian turnover secured Croatias win.The second quarter was our demise, we lost control of the game then, Ukraine coach Mike Fratello said. We gave the ball away 17 times and you cant do that against a team like this.Simon led Croatia with 23 points, while Pooh Jeter, another American-born point guard, had 19 points, six rebounds and six assists for Ukraine, which was in the quarterfinals for the first time.We were completely lost in the second quarter, we had six turnovers and that was crucial, said Viacheslav Kravtsov, Ukraines NBA center.Earlier, Slovenia earned a place in next years World Cup by beating Serbia 92-74.Zoran Dragic scored 23 points for Slovenia in a game between two quarterfinal losers. Slovenia will play for fifth place and Serbia for seventh on Saturday.Seventh place will be enough for a slot at the World Cup since host Spain is a direct qualifier and is already in the European semifinals. The top six teams in the tournament aside from Spain qualify.

Oil prices pull back after robust rally


LONDON (AFP) - Oil prices retreated Thursday after a powerful rally Wednesday fueled by falling US crude supplies and the Federal Reserves decision to keep its easy-money flowing.New Yorks main contract, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for October delivery, sank $1.68 to finish at $106.39 a barrel.The European benchmark, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in November, slid $1.84 to settle at $108.76 a barrel in London trade.Oil prices for both contracts had gained about $2.50 Wednesday after the US Department of Energy reported a larger-than-expected decline in US crude stockpiles last week, spurring hopes for improved demand in the worlds largest economy.Prices also gained a further boost after the Fed unexpectedly announced it would keep buying $85 billion in assets a month.The WTI contract began the session sharply higher, in an attempt to continue its rebound after the Fed announcement it will keep it stimulus program unchanged, said Gene McGillian of Tradition Energy.But the rebound seemed to dry up during the day with people taking profits, he said.The markets also reacted to signs of easing tensions in areas of the oil-rich Middle East.Irans new President Hassan Rowhani has described Israel as an occupier that has brought instability to the Middle East but said the Islamic republic did not seek war with any country.The market has set a premium attached to the situation for Iran for quite some time. The statement from the Iranian president seems to get a little of it out of the market, said McGillian.

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