Monday 30 September 2013

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War on illegal drugs failing: study


PARIS (AFP) - The global war on heroin, cocaine and cannabis is failing to stem supply, as prices of these drugs have tumbled while seizures of them have risen, according to a study.Researchers analysed data from seven government-funded programmes that tracked the illegal drug market over more than a decade.Three of the programmes monitored international drugs trafficking; three focused on the United States; and one tracked the drugs business in Australia.The prices of heroin, cocaine and cannabis tumbled by 81 percent, 80 percent and 86 percent respectively between 1990 and 2007 in the United States when adjusted for inflation, the researchers found.Over the same period, the average purity of these drugs rose by 60 percent, 11 percent and 161 percent respectively.In 18 European countries, the street price of cocaine and heroin fell by 51 and 74 percent between 2000 and 2009.Neither the purity of drugs seized in Europe nor the price of cannabis on the continent was given in the study.In Australia, meanwhile, the inflation-adjusted price of cocaine fell by 14 percent between 2000 and 2010, and that of heroin and cannabis by 49 percent.During this time, seizures of these drugs in major domestic markets generally increased, said the studys authors, led by Evan Wood of the Urban Health Research Initiative in Vancouver, Canada.With few exceptions... illegal drug prices have generally decreased while drug purity has generally increased since 1990, they added.The global supply of illicit drugs had likely not been reduced in the last two decades, the study said, and the availability of cannabis and opiates like heroin may even have increased.These findings suggest that expanding efforts at controlling the global illegal drug market though law enforcement are failing, said the paper published in the open-access journal BMJ Open.The findings coincide with debate in several countries about whether to loosen laws on certain drugs.Uruguay in August took a step towards becoming the worlds first nation to produce and distribute marijuana after its lower house of parliament approved a bill putting control of the drug in government hands.In a 2011 report, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimated the global illegal drug trade to be worth at least $350 billion (259 billion euros) annually.

Venezuela expels top US diplomat, two others


CARACAS (AFP) - President Nicolas Maduro ordered the expulsion of the top US diplomat in Venezuela and two other embassy officials Monday, accusing them of plotting acts of sabotage with the opposition.Maduro gave charge daffaires Kelly Keiderling, who has held the post since 2011, and the two other diplomats 48 hours to leave the country.Yankees go home, get out of Venezuela the leftist leader said in a public address, adding that he had instructed Foreign Minister Elias Jaua to throw out the three Americans.The United States and Venezuela have been without mutual ambassadors since 2010, making Keiderling the most senior US diplomat in Caracas.A US embassy official told AFP that the two other diplomats, Elizabeth Hunderland and David Mutt, work in the missions political section. The official said the embassy had yet to receive an official notification of expulsion from the government.Maduro said the diplomats had met with the Venezuelan far-right -- as he calls the opposition -- to finance his opponents and encourage actions to sabotage the power system and the economy.Venezuela has endured blackouts for years, and the government has accused the opposition of plotting outages and economic sabotage before.Earlier this month, Maduro blamed the opposition for causing a major power breakdown that affected 70 percent of the country.Venezuela has also faced more shortages of food and other basic goods in recent months, which Maduro says is part of an opposition conspiracy to foment protests.The actions of the government of Barack Obama do not matter, Maduro said Monday, accusing the US president of fomenting sabotage.We will not allow an imperial government to bring money and see how they can stop basic companies and stop the electricity to turn off all of Venezuela.He said his government had enough evidence of the hostile, illegal and interventionist attitude of US embassy officials.Maduro had expelled two US military attaches on March 5, hours before announcing the death of president Hugo Chavez, accusing them of promoting destabilization projects.Last June, the two countries agreed to begin discussions aimed at returning ambassadors to Caracas and Washington following a meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry met with Jaua.But Venezuela broke off the rapprochement in July after the now US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, lumped Caracas with other repressive regimes.The president has adopted the anti-US rhetoric of Chavez since his mentor named him as his successor before his death. Maduro won the April 14 election, which opposition candidate Henrique Capriles says was fraudulent.Last week, Maduro scrapped his plans to take part in the United Nations General Assembly in New York, claiming he had received threats.After returning from a visit to China, Maduro said last Wednesday that he had received intelligence about two highly serious provocations, which prompted him to cancel the UN trip.One of the alleged threats had been planned against my physical integrity and another could have involved violence in New York, he charged.The government said it would present to the UN committee that deals with the world bodys operations the claims of obstacles put up by the United States to prevent Maduros visit.Maduro had also accused the United States of denying him access to its airspace during his flight to China, which the State Department denied.

US sees progress in global fight against child labour


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States hailed significant advancement in 10 countries, mostly in Latin America and Asia, in combating the worst forms of child labour, in a report published Monday.Three countries -- Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea and Uzbekistan -- were cited for government complicity in forced child labour.But in a 826-page report, the Department of Labour said half of the developing countries and territories it surveyed had made at least moderate progress towards eradicating child labour.Ten countries made significant advancement, including three Southeast Asian nations (Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand) and five in Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru).Ethiopia also made the grade, as did Gibraltar, one of several British overseas territories lumped together with developing nations for scrutiny by the Department of Labour's Bureau of International Labor Affairs.In a first, the Department of Labour also removed three goods -- charcoal from Namibia, diamonds from Zimbabwe and tobacco from Kazakhstan -- from its running list of products made with child or forced labor.We're moving in the right direction, but we have a lot more work to be done, said newly-appointed Labour Secretary Thomas Perez in presenting the report, the 12th in an annual series.The International Labour Organization, a United Nations agency, says there are still 168 million children working worldwide, 85 million of them in conditions deemed to be hazardous.Nations should not build their economic futures on the backs of children, Perez said. That's categorically wrong.

US hours away from government shutdown


WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Monday prepared Americans for what he called an “entirely preventable” government shutdown while urging Republicans in Congress to reach an 11th-hour deal to avoid economic harm.With no apparent movement in negotiations, the White House prepared to put in place a skeleton staff on Tuesday to operate essential functions like the National Security Council. Many staff were preparing for furloughs of uncertain length.And Obamas own plans seemed up in the air. He is scheduled to leave Saturday on a four-nation, week-long tour to Asia, but a shutdown could force a postponement.“We have this trip scheduled, and we intend to take it,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney. “You know, well see obviously what happens as the week unfolds.”Hours before a shutdown was to begin, Obama placed phone calls to the two top congressional Republicans, House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, but they appeared to restate well-worn positions and there was no sign of a breakthrough.“The president made clear that Congress has two jobs to do: pay the bills on time and pass a budget on time. Failure to fulfill those responsibilities is harmful to our economy, small businesses and middle class families across the country,” the White House said.The president and his aides worked to prepare Americans for the possibility of a shutdown, the resulting impact on the US economy and to pin the blame on Republicans who want to gut his healthcare law.“I respect the fact that the other party is not supposed to agree with me 100 per cent of the time, just like I dont agree with them.But they do also expect that we dont bring the entire government to a halt or the entire economy to a halt just because of those differences,” he said.Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama stressed that mail would be delivered and Social Security payments would be made, but warned that national monuments would close immediately to tourists, government office buildings would close and veteran centers would lack staff if a shutdown took place.“A shutdown will have a very real economic impact on real people, right away. Past shutdowns have disrupted the economy significantly. This one will too.”The law funding thousands of routine government activities expires at midnight.Washington edged ever closer to a shutdown as the US Senate, controlled by Democrats, killed a proposal by the Republican-led House of Representatives to delay Obamas healthcare law for a year in return for temporary funding of the federal government beyond Monday.Obama stressed that the healthcare law, commonly known as Obamacare, would proceed regardless of whether the government shut its doors.Publicly, Obama was optimistic about a last-second deal. Speaking during an Oval Office meeting with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama said he was not resigned to a shutdown happening and in his remarks to reporters later he said he hoped a deal could still be reached.“Time is running out. My hope and expectation is that in the 11th hour once again that Congress will choose to do the right thing.”As the hours ticked away toward a shutdown, Obama met with his Cabinet to discuss the potential disruptions of a shutdown for their respective agencies and ensure essential operations will take place.

Japan business sentiment improves


TOKYO (AP) - Japanese manufacturers are increasingly optimistic over the business outlook in months ahead, according to a survey released Tuesday in advance of the expected approval of a sales tax increase.Results from the Bank of Japans tankan quarterly survey showed large manufacturers were especially upbeat, with a reading of positive 12, up from 4 in the July survey.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was waiting for the surveys release to go ahead with a long-anticipated decision on increasing the sales tax next year to 8 percent from the current 5 percent.He was expected later in the day to announce the Cabinets approval of that plan, along with tax breaks and other stimulus meant to counter the dampening effect on consumer demand that is expected to follow the tax hikes implementation next April.The tankans results contrast with data for August showing higher unemployment and lower household spending. Improved hiring and wages are needed to spur a rebound in consumer spending to help underpin a sustained recovery after years of stagnation.Lower readings imply more pessimism. The tankan showed sentiment of all enterprises improved to 2 from previous surveys minus 2. But the sentiment for all large enterprises remained at minus 2. For small manufacturers, the index was at minus 9, up from minus 14.Since taking office late last year, Abe has sought to jar the economy out of the doldrums with a combination of ultra-easy monetary policy and hefty government spending. He has also promised to promote reforms, such as deregulation of some sectors, meant to boost Japans longer-term competitiveness, most of which have yet to be enacted.The economy grew 3.8 percent in April-June after recovering from recession late last year. But it is expected to slow as boosts to public spending announced earlier in the year wind down. Economists expect a boost from front-loading of purchases by businesses and individuals ahead of the tax hike. But they also anticipate a blow to growth from higher prices and taxes over the next few years.

Petrol price goes up by Rs 4.12 per litre


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The Ministry of Petroleum has approved the summary of increase in prices of petrolem products.OGRA had recommended increase in the price of Petrol by Rs 5.45, diesel by Rs 2.63, light diesel by Rs 2.81 per litre.After the approval of increase in prices, Petrol has been increased by Rs 4.12, diesel Rs 4.69, kerosene oil Rs 2.14 and light diesel Rs 2.81.The new per litre price of Petrol has jumped to Rs 113.25, diesel Rs 116.85, kerosene oil Rs 108.13 and light diesel Rs 10.29.Meanwhile, sale of petroleum products remained suspended on Monday at several petrol pumps of Lahore due to expected hike in prices.According to Petroleum Dealers Association, the shortage occurred due to low supply by the petroleum companies.

Words from Iran not sufficient, options open: Obama


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama says words are not sufficient for Iran to resolve concerns about its nuclear program.Obama says the US is entering negotiations with Iran clear-eyed. He says Iran seems ready to negotiate, but diplomacy must be tested.He says the U.S. isnt taking any options off the table, including military action.Obama spoke during an Oval Office meeting Monday with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The meeting comes just days after Obamas historic phone call with new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.Netanyahu has been warning the U.S. against equating Rouhanis more moderate rhetoric with substantive changes in Irans nuclear policy.Obama is also thanking Netanyahu for entering into good faith peace negotiations with Palestinians. But he says theres limited time to reach an accord.Menawhile, The head of Irans eliteRevolutionary Guards force on Monday welcomed president Hassan Rouhanis address at the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week but said his telephone call with US President Barack Obama came too soon.It was better that no time was given for a face-to-face meeting with Obama and he (Rouhani) should have turned down a phone conversation until after the American government has shown its sincerity (towards Iran), Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, told Tasnim news agency on Monday.

Kenyan man who killed girlfriend remanded to police


MOMBASA (AFP) - A Kenyan man was remanded in custody Monday for the alleged murder of his British girlfriend, whose charred body was found on a roadside in Kenyas tourist Indian Ocean coast region.Risley Levers Kavu was arrested over the weekend in connection with the gruesome murder of Natalie Kelsall, 24, whose burnt body was found in the district of Mombasa, Kenyas main port city.Judge Martin Muya ordered Kavu be held in prison to allow psychological examinations before charges or any plea is made, with the next court appearance due October 4.Kelsall is believed to have been a long-time resident of Kenya.Prosecution lawyer Jami Yamina said that blood stained clothes and a car suspected to have been used to transport the body were awaiting forensic examination.Witnesses have not recorded statements, he said, adding that investigations are continuing.

Exhibition shows artefacts that survived 2011 Egypt uprising


CAIRO (AFP) - An exhibition of ancient artefacts that narrowly survived the turmoil of the 2011 Egyptian uprising opened in Cairo on Monday under the title Destruction and Restoration.The exhibit consists of 29 artefacts, including 11 that had been stolen from the famed Egyptian Museum near Cairos Tahrir Square on January 28, when protesters calling for the overthrow of president Hosni Mubarak drove his feared security forces from the streets.The other 18 artefacts remained in the museum but were damaged or destroyed by looters. All 29 artefacts have since been recovered and restored.The artefacts include three priceless statues from the era of the famed Pharaoh Tutankhamun, including a gold statue showing him spearfishing from a boat on the Nile.They also include a mummy that had its head torn off during the looting. Antiquities authorities said they were able to reattach it using pharaonic-era methods.A total of 54 artefacts went missing from the museum when looters broke in during the uprising, mainly treasures from the era of pharaohs Tutankhamun and Akhenaton. Twenty-five of the pieces have since been recovered.State Minister for Antiquities Mohammed Ibrahim insisted Monday that none of the missing artefacts had been taken out of Egypt and said authorities were still searching for them.

Syria refugee crisis hurting region's economy


BERLIN (AP) - The exodus of Syrians from their country threatens economic development throughout the Middle East because neighboring nations cannot cope with the influx of refugees, a top UN official said Monday.A US diplomat, meanwhile, called for an action plan to deal with the extraordinary refugee crisis.The conflict in the Arab state, which began as an uprising in March 2011 and has evolved into a civil war, has claimed more than 100,000 lives and driven another 7 million around a third of Syrias pre-war population from their homes.At least 2.1 million Syrians have fled the country entirely, and many are now in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey, which are straining to aid the newcomers.Helen Clark, the head of the U.N. development agency, told a gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, that aside from being a humanitarian crisis, the refugee influx also threatens the economies of the various states in the region affecting trade, agriculture, tourism, employment and water use.By the end of the year, she said, nearly 25 percent of Lebanons population will consist of refugees. The figure has already reached 10 percent in Jordan.Clearly the costs on host communities and countries cannot be borne by them alone, Clark said.Also speaking at the U.N. in Geneva was U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, who described the crisis as the worlds largest mass displacement in over three decades.More people have been displaced from Syria than from genocide in Rwanda or ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, he said, noting that half of those identified as refugees, meaning theyve left Syrian soil, are children.Burns called for an action plan to address the challenges posed by the refugee crisis, and pushed for an increase in support to governments and communities hosting the displaced Syrians.He also called for an increase in humanitarian aid to ease the suffering inside the country, where rebels are trying to oust President Bashar Assad.

France opens probe into Assad uncles assets


PARIS (AFP) - Paris prosecutors opened a preliminary investigation Monday into the assets of Syrian President Bashar al-Assads uncle, whom anti-corruption groups accuse of illegally obtaining a vast fortune and property empire.A judicial source told AFP the investigation had been opened into Rifaat al-Assad, the brother of Bashar al-Assads father Hafez, after a criminal complaint filed on September 13.The complaint, by anti-corruption groups Sherpa and Transparency International, alleges the 76-year-old illegally acquired extraordinary wealth in France through corrupt schemes and embezzlement.Once a stalwart of the Syrian authorities, Rifaat al-Assad broke with his brothers government in 1984 and reportedly has no links with the current regime, which is fighting in a civil conflict that has left more than 110,000 dead since it began in March 2011.Before splitting from the regime, Rifaat al-Assad was accused of being responsible for the deaths of thousands during the crushing of a Sunni Islamist uprising in 1982.The massacre in the town of Hama, by troops allegedly under Rifaat al-Assads command, left between 10,000 and 25,000 dead.Rifaat al-Assad has denied any involvement and in 2011 dismissed allegations he was behind the killings as a myth.The criminal complaint accuses Rifaat al-Assad of acquiring wealth in the billions of euros through corruption, embezzlement of public funds, misuse of corporate assets and other crimes, noting that he had no known professional activity.The head of Sherpa, William Bourdon, welcomed the prosecutors decision as a first step but said a full probe by investigating magistrates needed to be launched.It is obvious that only an examining magistrate has the necessary authority to deal with offences of such a complex and international nature, he told AFP, adding that a magistrate would also have more power to seize assets.French media have reported that Rifaat al-Assads holdings include a mansion and several dozen apartments in Paris, with newspaper Le Monde estimating the total value of his estate in France at 160 million euros ($215 million).Le Monde reported earlier this year that the potential sale of one of his properties -- a mansion on the prestigious Avenue Foch -- fell through after potential Russian buyers offered only 70 million euros.Once considered a possible successor to his brother, Rifaat al-Assad fled to France after being placed under house arrest following a failed coup attempt.His estrangement from the regime means he has not been affected by the freezing of assets and travel restrictions imposed by the European Union against Bashar al-Assads inner circle.Rifaats son, Siwar al-Assad, told France Info radio earlier that the familys wealth was legitimate and promised to cooperate with any investigation.He said that after settling in France his father had received funds from states, leaders and friends abroad.We are utterly transparent in our investments, nothing was done in secret, the origins of our funds were completely legal, he said.

Egypt gunmen kill 2 policemen, 1 soldier in Sinai


EL-ARISH (AP) - Gunmen killed two policemen and a soldier in Egypts northern Sinai Peninsula on Monday, officials said, in the latest attack to hit the volatile desert region.The assailants ambushed the policemen on their way to work in the provincial capital of el-Arish, wounding a third officer and speeding away by car, a security official said.Gunmen also attacked army checkpoints in the city and nearby town of Sheikh Zuweyid, wounding a total of five soldiers and a civilian, a military official said. One of the wounded soldiers later died in a military hospital, he added.Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters.Meanwhile, Egypts official news agency MENA said gunmen opened fire on the el-Arish post office late Sunday, wounding a 14-year-old girl. Two roadside bombs targeting army vehicles exploded on the main road to el-Arish, it also reported, but there were no casualties.Attacks on Egyptian forces have surged in northern Sinai since the military ousted the countrys former Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, in July. In response the military launched in the area its largest offensive against militants in years.The army says militants have killed more than 100 policemen and soldiers since then. The deadliest attack took place Aug. 19 when unidentified gunmen pulled 25 police conscripts off minibuses and shot them dead on the side of the main road linking the border town of Rafah to el-Arish.While the military says it is only targeting militant hideouts in northern Sinai, security officials have not commented about alleged civilian deaths in the operations. Few journalists have direct access to what is happening in the area because of security restrictions, forcing many to rely on official statements.Earlier this month, a statement purportedly released by the Sinai-based Islamic militant group Ansar Jerusalem said a military attack had killed seven civilians, among them four children, in Sheikh Zuweyid. The groups statement, posted on militant websites, also included gruesome images of the dead children, some with serious head injuries.In a case that highlights the volatility of the situation, an Egyptian journalist is being tried in a military court on charges of spreading false information about the armys operations there. Freelancer Ahmed Abu-Draa, a local resident, stands accused of lying about the army for saying it attacked mosques and was relocating families.Late on Sunday, a previously unknown Sinai-based militant group posted its first video message on a militant website, claiming that it had killed an apostate and an army colonel in a drive-by attack.The group, which calls itself the al-Nusra Battalion, said it is attached to the Furqan Brigades that claimed responsibility for an attack in August targeting a carrier ship in the strategic Suez Canal. Egyptian authorities said they foiled the attack.Canal authority chairman Mohab Mamish said on Aug. 31 that a terrorist element had tried to disrupt navigation in the waterway by targeting a Panama-flagged ship, but the attempt was completely unsuccessful. He did not say how the ship was targeted, but the Furqan group later posted a video showing a man firing a rocket-propelled grenade from land toward a ship.Al-Nusra Battalions short video showed a gunman killing a man wearing a traditional Arab robe, identified by subtitles as an apostate. It also showed men in a car firing at a passing vehicle, claiming all three occupants of the car including a man it identified as Air Force Col. Mohammed el-Kumi, were killed.The authenticity of the video could not be verified, but it was posted on a website that usually carries al-Qaida and other militant groups statements.

Gatting laughs off Australia backlash wish


LONDON (AFP) - Former England captain Mike Gatting has laughed off suggestions Alastair Cooks men could face an Australia backlash when they defend the Ashes Down Under.Despite losing the recent Ashes series in England by a convincing 3-0 margin, the Australia camp have been in bullish mood ahead of the return campaign which starts with the first Test in Brisbane in November.But Gatting, who led England to Ashes glory in Australia in 1986/87, told BBC Sport on Monday: What are they (Australia) going to backlash us (England) with?Have they found another Shane Warne or a Glenn McGrath? added former batsman Gatting, famously dismissed by leg-spin great Warnes ball of the century at Old Trafford in 1993.Yes, the Aussies did improve over the course of the series but you would expect them to improve because Australians are proud cricketers.They had a good bowling attack but sadly their batsmen let them down.We had the quality to win the important moments, with the ball or with the bat, Gatting said of an England side that has now won three successive Ashes series.We were quite consistent, but the Australians had inconsistencies throughout.If the two teams are pretty much the same, I wouldnt expect the result to be any different.Gatting has spent much of his career at Lords, first as a player with Middlesex and then England before coaching Middlesex and becoming an England selector.Most recently, he has worked at the ground as an administrator with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).But Tuesday will see the 56-year-old Gatting extend his relationship with the home of cricket still further when he becomes President of Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), which owns Lords and still retains global responsibility for the sports Laws or rules.Gatting will become MCCs 179th President during a momentous year for both Lords Ground and Middlesex.MCC will celebrate the bicentenary of the present ground in 2014, and Middlesex CCC the 150th anniversary of its formation.It is an amazing honour to have been asked to serve as president at the best cricket club in the world, said Gatting, who captained MCC against the Rest of the World at Lords during the clubs bicentenary in 1987.Gatting said he was looking forward to strengthening Lords work with those who live near the ground, situated in north-west London.I grew up not far from Lords in Willesden. One of my big things will be to get the MCC to really reach out into the local community, he explained.We have been to communities all round the world, helping out with Afghanistan and Sri Lanka -- and doing huge amounts to boost the game in other peoples back yards.Sadly weve never really looked at our back yard and seen how we can help people in places like Kilburn, Willesden, Islington, Camden, Paddington and Wembley.So weve appointed a community officer to try to make those links with the local area much stronger.We need to show we are interested in them and care about them.

Hagel hopeful about US troops deal with Afghanistan


SEOUL (AFP) - US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Monday he hoped an accord on the future US military presence in Afghanistan would be in place by November, despite President Hamid Karzais refusal to be rushed.I hope well have that agreement by the end of October, because we just cant move without it, Hagel told US soldiers participating in a live-fire exercise in South Korea.The United States plans to pull out the bulk of its 57,000 troops in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and has tentative plans to retain a smaller force of around 10,000 forces after that.But a new security agreement is needed to allow for the post-2014 presence, including provisions allowing the United States access to various bases.Were working with President Karzai and his government to get that bilateral security agreement completed and signed, Hagel said.Once we do that, we can and will go forward. Thats critically important, he added.But Karzai has insisted Afghanistan would not be rushed over the negotiations and has even hinted that an agreement might not be finalised before presidential elections in April next year.We are not in a hurry, if it happens in my government it will be good, if not, the new president can discuss it and either accept or reject it, Karzai said in August.

India's deficit widens, exports fall


MUMBAI (AFP) - Indias current account deficit widened in the April-June quarter as imports rose and exports fell, data showed Monday, spelling more bad news for the countrys ailing currency.The deficit expanded to $21.8 billion, or 4.9 percent of gross domestic product, against $16.9 billion a year earlier, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said in a statement on its website.The trade deficit in the Q1 of 2013-14 increased due to a rise in imports and some decline in merchandise exports, the RBI said.Indias current account deficit, the broadest measure of trade, is so large that foreign capital is required to finance the gap, at a time when the country is facing economic growth at decade-lows.Exacerbated by hefty imports of oil, coal and gold, the deficit has been one of the main factors leading to the depreciation of the rupee.The currency hit a series of lifetime lows in July and August, before making a recovery in recent weeks.The rupee ended trade Monday at 62.60 to the dollar, a 14 percent drop from the start of 2013.Analysts expect the current account deficit to fall in coming months owing to a rise in the import duty on gold imports and improved exports due to the stronger dollar.Finance minister P. Chidambaram has promised that the countrys deficit for the year to March 2014 will be kept at $70 billion, against a level of $88 billion last year.

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