Monday 2 September 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Target killing claims one more life in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, some unidentified gunmen opened fire in in Guru Mandir area and shot dead a man. The culprits managed to escape from the spot after the incident.Meanwhile, police have arrested an accused after an armed encounter in Jamshaid Town area. According to police, the accused was wanted in more than 11 cases. Police have also recovered arms from his possession.Police have also conducted a raid in Baldia Ittehad Town and arrested two suspects.

John McCain: Syria no vote would be catastrophic


WASHINGTON (Agencies) - Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Monday that it would be “catastrophic” if a use-of-force resolution against Syria fails to pass Congress.“A rejection of this resolution would be catastrophic, not just for him but for the institution of the presidency and the credibility of the United States,” McCain said after meeting with President Barack Obama.Yet McCain said he has not yet been persuaded to support Obama’s Syria proposal because the president has yet to outline his plan of attack against the Assad regime.“I’m already talking to a lot of my colleagues, but before I can persuade them to support this, I have to be persuaded,” McCain said. “I’m saying that I think the president made sense in a lot of things he had to say, but we are a long way from achieving what I think would be a most effective strategy.”McCain, who along with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) met with Obama for an hour at the White House on Monday, said the administration must provide substantial support for the Syrian opposition at the same time it launches a bombing campaign.Graham pushed for Obama to publicly outline his plan not just for a bombing campaign but for assistance to the Syrian rebels.“I am hopeful that in the coming days we will learn more about this strategy of degrading and upgrading, and when the vote comes, we can go on the floor of the Senate and say the administration has a plan apart from a limited military action that will allow us to get to where we need to go as a nation,” Graham said.Graham said Obama should put Syrian opposition leaders in front of the American people to help make the case.“There’s a consensus being formed that we need to degrade Assad’s capabilities and upgrade the opposition,” said Graham, who added that he urged Obama to “give the opposition the chance to speak directly with the American people.”McCain said it will be more difficult for Obama to sell attacking Syria because he will be leaving Tuesday for a trip to Sweden and the G-20 summit in Russia.“Obviously, it’s harder when you’re overseas, but he’s been manning the phones here the whole time, and he will continue to do that. He’s all in on this,” said McCain.

Assad: Risk of regional war if West strikes Syria


PARIS (AP) - Syrias president warned Monday that the Middle East is a powder keg and potential Western military strikes against his country risk triggering a regional war.In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro, Bashar Assad also was quoted as saying that Syria has challenged the U.S. and France to provide proof to support their allegations that Damascus has used chemical weapons, but that the leaders of both countries have been incapable of doing that, including before their own peoples.President Barack Obama and his French counterpart, Francois Hollande, have accused Assads regime of carrying out a deadly chemical attack against rebel-held suburbs of Damascus on Aug. 21. The Syrian government denies the allegations, and blames opposition fighters.Obama initially seemed poised to launch military action, but abruptly announced on Saturday he would first ask Congress for authorization. Hollande also has called for a forceful response against Assad, but is awaiting a decision from Washington first.If the U.S. and France decide to strike, Assad said everyone will lose control of the situation.Chaos and extremism will spread. The risk of a regional war exists, he added.Asked whether France, which has been a staunch supporter of the opposition, has become an enemy of Syria, Assad said that whoever contributes financially and militarily to terrorists is an enemy of the Syrian people.The French people are not our enemy, but the policy of their government is hostile to the Syrian people. Insofar as French government policy is hostile to the Syrian people, this state will be its enemy, he said.As the U.S. has been presenting its case to a wary public, the French government on Monday published a nine-page intelligence synopsis that concluded that the Syrian regime launched an attack on Aug. 21 that involved a massive use of chemical agents. The report also said that Assad government could carry out similar strikes in the future.The U.S. said it has proof that the Assad regime is behind attacks that Washington claims killed at least 1,429 people, including more than 400 children.Russia, which along with Iran has been a staunch supporter of Assad through the conflict, brushed aside Western evidence of an alleged Syrian regime role.What our American, British and French partners showed us in the past and have showed just recently is absolutely unconvincing, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday at the countrys top diplomatic school. And when you ask for more detailed proof they say all of this is classified so we cannot show this to you.Lavrov said there was nothing specific there, no geographic coordinates, no names, no proof that the tests were carried out by the professionals. He did not describe the tests further.Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed Monday to send a delegation of Russian lawmakers to the U.S. to discuss the situation in Syria with members of Congress. Two top Russian legislators suggested that to Putin, saying polls have shown little support among Americans for armed intervention in Syria to punish its regime for an alleged chemical weapons attack.On Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. received new physical evidence in the form of blood and hair samples that show sarin gas was used in the Aug. 21 attack. It was not immediately clear whether that evidence had been shared with Russia.U.N. chemical inspectors toured the stricken areas last week, collecting biological and soil samples, but it is not clear when they will present their findings.The Obama administration has failed to bring together a broad international coalition in support of military action, having so far only secured the support of France.Britains parliament narrowly voted against British participation in a military strike last week, despite appeals by Prime Minister David Cameron, and the Arab League has stopped short of endorsing a Western strike against Syria.In an emergency meeting on Sunday, the 22-state League called on the United Nations and the international community to take deterrent measures under international law to stop the Syrian regimes crimes, but could not agree on whether to back U.S. military strikes.Russia or China would likely veto any U.N. Security Council resolution sanctioning a Western strike against Syria.China is highly concerned about possible unilateral military action against Syria and believes the international community must avoid complicating the Syrian issue and dragging the Middle East down into further disaster, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Monday.In Washington, the Obama administration was lobbying to secure domestic support.Obama was to meet Monday with former political rival Sen. John McCain at the White House, hoping the foreign policy hawk will help sell the idea of U.S. military intervention.On Capitol Hill, senior administration officials briefed lawmakers in private on Sunday to explain why the U.S. was compelled to act against Assad. Further meetings were planned from Monday to Wednesday.

Iraq promises probe into Iranian exile killings


BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraqs prime minister ordered an investigation Monday into the slaying of half of the roughly 100 remaining residents at an Iranian dissident camp north of Baghdad, where a U.N. team got its first look at the aftermath of the large-scale bloodshed.The promised probe will do little to appease backers of the more than 3,000 exiles left inside Iraq who believe they remain targets in a country whose government wants them gone.Supporters of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq members living at Camp Ashraf insist that the Saddam Hussein-era facility came under attack Sunday from Iraqi forces. Iraqi officials have denied involvement, with some suggesting there was an internal dispute at the camp.Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malikis office said a special committee is being set up to investigate what happened at the camp, located about 95 kilometers (60 miles) northeast of the Iraqi capital.In a statement, it said the Iraqi government is committed to ensuring the safety of people living within its borders. But the terse remarks also made clear Baghdads impatience with resolving the MEK issue, stressing the necessity of transferring the MEK members who are staying in Iraq illegally.The MEK opposes Irans clerical regime and until last year was labeled a terrorist group by the United States. It carried out a series of bombings and assassinations inside Iran in the 1980s and fought alongside Iraqi forces in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. Saddam granted several thousand of its members sanctuary inside Iraq.Iraqs current government is dominated by Shiites hostile to the former regime who have been bolstering ties with neighboring Shiite powerhouse Iran. They consider the MEKs presence in Iraq illegal and have been trying to expel its followers for years.Shahin Gobadi, a spokesman for the MEKs parent organization, the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran, blames the Iraqi government for the killings and says it has no place investigating what happened.We have absolutely no confidence in this investigation. None whatsoever, Gobadi said. He called for an international fact-finding committee to investigate and said the perpetrators must be punished.A U.N. team visited the camp on Monday, but that visit was intended to be on humanitarian grounds, to assess where we can assist, said U.N. spokeswoman Eliana Nabaa.The U.N. mission to Iraq at least for now does not have a mandate to conduct a formal investigation, she said. It is not clear what, if any, findings it plans to release.Camp Ashraf is largely cut off from the outside world. The little face-to-face contact its residents have with outsiders is mainly through the Iraqi military, visiting diplomats and aid agencies.Iraqi police were able to enter the camp Monday and have begun to investigate the incident, said Jamil al-Shimari, the police chief of Diyala province, where the camp is located.He confirmed that 52 people had been killed inside the camp, the first time an Iraqi official has provided a death toll that matched that provided by representatives for the exiles. Some of the bodies had bullet wounds and others were burnt, he said.Al-Shimari said the bodies had been moved to a hangar-like hall before Iraqi authorities arrived, and he expressed concern that would complicate any forensic investigation.The MEK people are still saying that they came under attack, but we could not find any evidence that the camp was attacked, al-Shimari said.A large amount of explosives was found in one of the buildings, al-Shimari said.The U.S. military disarmed residents of Camp Ashraf following the 2003 invasion. Gobadi, the dissidents spokesman, dismissed suggestions of an internal struggle at the camp as preposterous and said any explosives at the camp were brought in by the attackers themselves.The U.N., the United States and Britain have condemned the violence but avoided assigning blame. All three have urged Baghdad to ensure the security of the remaining Ashraf residents and investigate what happened.Amnesty International also pressed Baghdad to carry out a full and impartial investigation, saying that the Iraqis have failed to conduct effective probes into previous deadly attacks on Iranian exile camps.This has meant that no one has been held accountable for these incidents, and that residents live in constant fear for their safety, said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, the rights groups deputy director for the Mideast.Camp Ashraf was home to more than 3,000 MEK followers until last year, when most residents were transferred to a former U.S. military base near Baghdad.

NATO stresses strong Syria response needed


BRUSSELS (AP) - NATOs chief says he is convinced that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its people and insists a strong reaction is needed to show dictators around the world that such weapons cannot be used with impunity.NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Monday that the alliance would remain a strong defender of Turkey in case the member state was attacked as part of the Syria crisis, and NATO would remain a forum for allies to consult about action. He says that, at the moment, he does not see an additional NATO role.Rasmussen insisted that personally I am convinced, not only that a chemical attack has taken place ... but I am also convinced that the Syrian regime is responsible.

Robredo stuns Federer in 4th round of US Open


NEW YORK (AFP) - Roger Federer suffered a stunning upset in the fourth round of the US Open, the 17-time Grand Slam champion falling to Spanish 19th seed Tommy Robredo 7-6 (7/3), 6-3, 6-4 in a last-16 match Monday.Federers failure came on the heels of a shock second-round Wimbledon exit and thwarted a potential quarter-final showdown with 12-time Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal, in what would have been their first duel on the New York hardcourts.Instead, it will be Robredo, in his first US Open quarter-final, awaiting the winner of a later match between Nadal, who is 6-0 against his countryman, and Germanys 22nd-seeded Philipp Kohlschreiber.Robredo, who had lost his 10 prior matches against the Swiss star, suffered seven prior fourth-round US Open defeats and matched his best Grand Slam performance by finally breaking through.Im delighted. Today the difference is I won the break points and he did not, said 31-year-old Robredo.It was a really, really tough night and I am so happy. It was really a great experience.Federer won only two of 16 break-point chances. He hit 45 winners but also made 43 unforced errors and managed only five aces while Robredo hit 70% of his first serves and won four of his seven break chances.In taking as many sets off Federer as he had in their 10 prior matches combined, Robredo also raised questions about the future of the 32-year-old former world number one, who had not missed the US Open quarter-finals since a fourth-round exit in 2003.Federer had made 36 consecutive Grand Slam quarter-final appearances before being upset by Ukrainian Sergiy Stakhovsky in the second round at Wimbledon, having not departed a major before the last eight since the 2004 French Open.This was the first year since 2002 that Federer has not made a Grand Slam final.It was the first time Federer has missed the last-eight in consecutive Slams since the 2003 Australian and French Opens, just before he won his first major crown at Wimbledon later that same year.Federer, whose seventh seeding at the US Open was his lowest at a Grand Slam event since 2002, failed to match the career record of 41 Slam quarter-finals by retired US star Jimmy Connors.A rain delay of more than four hours pushed Federers match from Arthur Ashe Stadium to Louis Armstrong Stadium, marking the first time since a 2006 triumph over Frenchman Marc Gicquel that Federer had played at the secondary court.Federers only defeat in eight prior Armstrong appearances came when he lost to Spains Juan Carlos Ferrero in the third round in 2000 in US first US Open.Amazing, eh, Robredo said. I beat the best guy of all times in a great stadium like this where he loves to play.Federer had made eight career comebacks to win after dropping the first two sets but he failed on five break points in the fourth game of the third set, which Robredo held to reach 2-2, and there was a sense a comeback chance had been squandered.Robredo broke Federer at love in the seventh game for a 4-3 edge and they held to set up Robredo serving for the match in the 10th game, fans chanting, Lets Go Roger in vain hopes of willing the wilting once-king to a rally for the ages, only to watch as Robredo held again to win in two hours and 24 minutes.Robredo took advantage of his fourth break point in the opening game of the match but handed Federer a break to 2-2 when he swatted a forehand beyond the baseline.Federer netted a volley to hand Robredo a 5-4 lead but the Spaniard could not claim the set on his serve, Federer equalizing when Robredo swatted a forehand long on the way to a tie-breaker.Robredo won the final four points to take the first set, the last of them on a 120-mph ace, and seized command by breaking Federer at love in the eighth game of the second set for a 5-3 edge.Robredo then served out for the set, taking it when Federer netted a backhand. Federer missed on all six break-point chances he managed in the set.

Ahmed won't have to wear beer logo on Aussie shirt


SYDNEY (AP) - Spin bowler Fawad Ahmed will not have to wear a beer company logo on his Australia uniform because of his Muslim faith.Ahmed, who fled Pakistan in 2009 to seek asylum in Australia and gained citizenship in July, was picked for Australias five-match limited-overs series in England after he made his debut in the Twenty20 series last week.He was quoted by Fairfax Media from England on Tuesday as having expressed discomfort about wearing the logo because on religious grounds, he does not associate with alcohol.Cricket Australias operations manager Mike McKenna says CA was respectful of Fawads personal beliefs and agreed to his request to wear an unbranded shirt.

Italy's Vinci, Pennetta into US Open quarters


NEW YORK (AP) - Roberta Vinci will face a fellow Italian in the U.S. Open quarterfinals for the second straight year.In a testament to the depth among Italys womens tennis players, the 10th-seeded Vinci will also be taking on a countrywoman for the third straight round at this years tournament. She and Flavia Pennetta both won Monday to set up a matchup of 30-somethings who have known each other since they were 8.Vinci beat Camila Giorgi 6-4, 6-2 in 67 minutes. Moments later, rain started pouring down, stopping all matches at Flushing Meadows for 4½ hours.The delay couldnt have come at a better time for Pennetta, who came back to the court to seize momentum and clinch a 6-2, 7-6 (3) victory over 21st-seeded Simona Halep.Halep had set point on her serve, trying to send the match to the third, when the skies opened up. Once they resumed, the 83rd-ranked Pennetta won three straight points to even the second set at 5-5.Halep promptly broke again, but she couldnt serve out the set this time, either. Then the 31-year-old Pennetta dominated the tiebreaker for her first Grand Slam quarterfinal since 2011.American wild-card entry Alison Riske forced a third set against Daniela Hantuchova, but the veteran pulled away for a 6-3, 5-7, 6-2 victory.Vinci had never made a Grand Slam quarterfinal before this tournament a year ago, when she was 29. Now Vinci has done it in consecutive U.S. Open trips. She lost to another Italian, doubles partner Sara Errani, in the quarters in 2012.Its obvious that Im not young. Im 30. But it can be a strength, because I have a lot of experience, Vinci said. Against a player like Camila, who is very young, it can be an advantage for me and I think it was on the court today.Errani, the top-ranked Italian woman, was upset by Pennetta in the second round this year while seeded fourth. No matter, the country will still have a representative in the womens semifinals for the second straight year.Before last year, that hadnt happened once in the Open era, which began in 1968.Giorgi, a 136th-ranked qualifier, was trying to reach her first major quarterfinal at age 21. In her third-round upset of sixth-seeded Caroline Wozniacki, she crushed the ball on point after point, with 46 winners and 45 unforced errors.She jumped to a 4-1 lead in the first set Monday, but Vinci stayed poised and patient. Vinci, who had never faced the younger Italian before, started attacking her forehand, and Giorgis mistakes mounted. She finished with 35 unforced errors to 20 winners.The problem wasnt the opponent, Giorgi said. The problem is that I wasnt myself on court today.Vinci is one of only two players seeded in the top 10 left in her half of the draw, along with No. 2 Victoria Azarenka.Azarenkas meeting with 13th-seeded Ana Ivanovic was postponed Monday because of the rain. So was the Williams sisters doubles match.Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer were each still scheduled to play later Monday, though there was more rain in the forecast.Arthur Ashe Stadium is finally getting a roof, the U.S. Tennis Association announced last month. But that wont happen until 2016 at the earliest. For now, rain delays are the reality at Flushing Meadows.If Nadal and Federer win their fourth-round matches whenever theyre actually completed theyd meet in a Grand Slam quarterfinal for the first time.The great rivals have met 10 times at major tournaments, but never before the semis.The potential matchup in the quarters is a byproduct of Federer falling to a seeding of No. 7. His match with 19th-seeded Tommy Robredo was moved to Louis Armstrong Stadium. It was the first time since the fourth round in 2006 also because of rain that Federer played on the Opens No. 2 court.The second-seeded Nadal was still scheduled to face No. 22-seeded Philipp Kohlschreiber on Ashe to start the night session.

US woman, 64, makes history with Cuba-Florida swim


MIAMI (AFP) - Diana Nyad swam into the history books Monday, completing a marathon three-day crossing from Cuba to Florida to become the first person to do so without a protective shark cage.The 64-year-old American, who left a Havana yacht club early Saturday, arrived on a Key West beach to realize her lifetime quest after four previous attempts failed amid stormy weather and jellyfish attacks.Ive got three messages, a visibly exhausted but clearly ecstatic Nyad told cheering crowds as she set foot on dry land.One is, we should never, ever give up. Two is, you never are too old to chase your dreams.Three is, it looks like a solitary sport but its a team, Nyad added in a nod to the supporters who shadowed her as she braved the perilous waters.Initially, the veteran swimmer had hoped to complete the treacherous 100-mile (160-kilometer) trek in 80 hours. But in the end, she did it in 52 hours, 54 minutes and 18.6 seconds, according to her Facebook page.Diana Nyad, 64, has successfully and powerfully realized her XtremeDream, the posting said.Her eyes burned with intensity, her body refusing to quit.Nyads pursuit was followed closely by people around the globe, who took to social media to first encourage and then congratulate her.Even the White House, preoccupied with the conflict in Syria, tweeted on behalf of President Barack Obama: Congratulations to @diananyad. Never give up on your dreams.Live television footage showed crowds swarming the beach and even wading toward Nyad as she approached the shore.But challenges loomed large during the historic crossing -- especially on the homestretch.Doctors -- monitoring Nyad from support boats shadowing her -- reported early Monday that her tongue and lips were so swollen that her speech had become slurred.She also experienced extreme cold overnight, they said.As Nyad approached Key West, large jellyfish appeared in her path. To keep her from suffering a debilitating sting, divers swam ahead of Nyad looking for more.In a display of endurance and spirit, Nyad had actually increased her average speed to 1.76 miles per hour Sunday after more than 24 hours in the water.When necessary, Nyad wore a full-body suit. She also had a specially designed prosthetic face mask as well as gloves and shoes at her disposal to protect herself from jellyfish stings.A year ago, Nyad ended her fourth bid to cross the stretch after battling lightning storms and blooms of jellyfish for more than two days.Her first attempt was in 1978, when she was 28.Nyad set an open sea record for both men and women by swimming from the Bahamas to the Florida Keys in 1979 -- a journey that is about the same distance as the Cuba-Florida swim, but which she has described as far less dangerous.At a news conference on Friday, the veteran expressed confidence that she would persevere this time around.She said her dream of 35 years also sought to bring communist Cuba and the United States -- which have been at odds for decades -- closer together.Australian Susan Maroney was the first person to swim across the Florida Straits. Protected by a shark cage, she did so in 1997 when she was 22.

Daniel Ricciardo to drive for Red Bull from 2014


MILTON KEYNES (AP) - Daniel Ricciardo will join Red Bull from next season, stepping up from sister team Toro Rosso in a move that ends weeks of speculation about who will replace Mark Webber.Ricciardo is replacing fellow Australian driver Webber and linking up with three-time world champion Sebastian Vettel.Webber, who has had a tense relationship with Vettel, is quitting F1 at the end of the season to race sports cars for German manufacturer Porsche.Red Bull says the 24-year-old Ricciardo has signed a multi-year agreement.I feel very, very good at the moment and obviously theres a lot of excitement running through me, Ricciardo said. Since joining F1 in 2011, I hoped this would happen and over time the belief in me has grown. Next year Ill be with a Championship-winning team, arguably the best team, and will be expected to deliver. Im ready for that. Im not here to run around in 10th place, I want to get the best results for myself and the team.Ricciardo was initially the front-runner to replace Webber, and the decision was expected to be made at last weekends Belgian Grand Prix, but it was put delayed due to speculation that 2007 F1 champ Kimi Raikkonen would leave Lotus to join Red Bull next year.Its fantastic to confirm Daniel as the teams race driver for 2014. Hes a very talented youngster, hes committed, hes got a great attitude and in the end it was a very logical choice for us, Red Bull team principal Christian Horner said. He joined the Red Bull Junior Team in 2008 and weve seen in his junior career in Formula 3 and Renault World Series that hes capable of winning races and championships. Hes stood out in each of these categories and weve followed his progress with great interest.Two-time former champion Fernando Alonso, who is having a difficult campaign with Ferrari, was also linked to Red Bull. But the Spanish driver recently gave his public backing to Ferrari.

F1 star Alonso lines up to buy Basque cycling team


MADRID (AP) - Spanish Formula One star Fernando Alonso has reached a preliminary deal to buy the financially troubled Basque cycling team Euskaltel Euskadi to help avoid its demise.The two-time former F1 champions website said Monday that the initial agreement followed intense negotiations and leaves him one step away from acquiring the team.A longtime cycling fan, Alonso was described as thrilled to be taking an active role in the sport and a chance to improve the image of this sport an apparent reference to the sports doping-marred reputation.The site said that under Alonso, Euskaltel Euskadi will honor the current contracts of its riders for the 2014 and 2015 seasons. Financial terms were not disclosed.The team said on its website that over the next few weeks Alonso will acquire Basque Pro Cycling Team (BCPT), the company that owns Euskaltel Euskadi, and it thanked the driver for showing love, respect and understanding for the historical legacy of the cycling team.Samuel Sanchez, the 2008 Olympic road race champion, is among the teams star riders.

Vonn returns to skiing over weekend in Chile


PORTILLO (AP) - Lindsey Vonn returned to skiing over the weekend in Chile nearly seven months after a season-ending crash that required surgery on her right knee.Vonn squeezed in two easy training runs on Saturday during the two-week camp with the U.S. ski team in Portillo, Chile. On Sunday, the four-time overall World Cup champion stepped up the intensity and took five more passes through the course. She also made some gentle turns on the flatter sections.Vonn shredded her ACL and MCL ligaments during a bad crash at the world championships in Schladming, Austria, last February. But the reigning Olympic downhill champion is way, way ahead of schedule with the Sochi Olympics only five months away.Said Vonn: I cant tell which knee is injured thats a good sign.

Nawaz Sharif due in Karachi today


KARACHI (dunya News) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will reach Karachi today (Tuesday). The PM is scheduled to preside over a federal cabinet meeting on the city’s deteriorating law and order situation tomorrow (Wednesday).Special meeting of the federal cabinet scheduled for today‚ will now be held on Wednesday in Karachi with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in chair.Ministry of Interior will submit its report on law and order situation and furnish recommendations for the restoration of peace in Karachi.The meeting will be held at the Governor House. The Sindh Governor and Chief Minister besides political leadership of Karachi‚ heads of security agencies including Director General Rangers‚ Inspector General Sindh Police will attend the meeting.The Prime Minister will take the political parties into confidence on Karachis situation and seek their support for maintenance of law and order there.The meeting will finalize a strategy to take across the board action against the criminal elements in Karachi.Meanwhile, chairing a high-level meeting to review the overall security situation of the country in Islamabad on Monday, the prime minster said that all political forces must rise to the occasion so that national consensus is evolved to address the problems faced by the country.The meeting discussed the issues pertaining to national security, including the internal and external threats faced by the country.The prime minister said that national security is the top most priority of the present government and all resources would be utilized to ensure it.He further said that all political forces must join hands so that national consensus is evolved to address the problems faced by the country.He added that broad-based national consensus among all stakeholders would surely enable nation to find enduring solutions to the problems.Ch Nisar Ali Khan, Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Tariq Fatemi Special Assistant to PM and Lt Gen Muhammad Zaheer ul Islam DG ISI also attended the meeting.

Roznama Dunya celebrates one year of success


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Roznama Dunya has successfully completed one year since its launch on Sep 3, 2102. It has established itself as one of the major newspapers in a period of just one year.Congratulating the administration and workers of Roznama Dunya people from various walks of life have lauded the achievement of the newspaper.Roznama Dunya is equipped with the latest technology and printing press, and its editorial and reporting team consists of the most seasoned and experienced journalists.Many renowned columnists have also joined the paper during this one year.Senior columnists like Nazir Naji, Haroon Rashid, Zafar Iqbal, Orya Maqbool Jan, Irfan Hussain and others contribute columns for Roznama Dunya on regular basis.Last year, at the launching ceremony of Roznam Dunya, Editor-in-Chief Mian Amir Mehmood said the motto and aim of Roznama Dynya is to highlight the problems of the masses and it will be known for its impartial and unbiased reporting and analyses.Roznama Dunya has proved its commitment during the last one year and will continue to highlight national, international, and local issues with responsibility and commitment.

India to play 5 tests in England in 2014


LONDON (AP) - India will play five test matches in England next year for the first time since 1959, with the crammed series between two of crickets leading countries being held over just 42 days.The England and Wales Cricket Board announced Monday that Indias tour of England will also include a five-match one-day series and a Twenty20 international, and will stretch from June 23 to Sept. 8.The seven-day gap from the end of the third test to the start of the fourth will be the longest break between matches.This will be the first time England has hosted India in a five-test series in more than 50 years, ECB chief executive David Collier said, and the length of the series reflects the iconic status which contests between these two great cricketing nations now enjoy.Nottingham, London (Lords and The Oval), Southampton and Manchester will host the tests. The Ageas Bowl in Southampton must pass a final facility inspection before being confirmed as the host of the third test.India lost 4-0 in its last test series in England, in 2011.The tourists will play two three-day matches against county teams Leicestershire and Derbyshire before the test series begins at Trent Bridge on July 9.Sri Lanka will tour England earlier in the summer, playing a T20 international and five ODIs before tests at Lords and Headingley, Leeds.

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