Monday 13 October 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Triple Baghdad blasts kill at least 22: police


BAGHDAD (AFP) - Three bombings within an hour on Monday rocked Shiite neighbourhoods in the Iraqi capital as people filled the streets, distributing sweets for the Eid al-Ghadir Muslim feast, leaving at least 22 dead.The attacks, at least two of which were carried out with suicide car bombs, occurred in or on the edge of the frequently targeted districts of Kadhimiyah and Sadr City, police said.A suicide car bomb blew up against a security checkpoint on Aden square, at the entrance of the northwestern neighbourhood of Kadhimiyah, killing 11 and wounding 31, a senior Baghdad police officer told AFP.And a bomb in the popular Mredi market in the sprawling northern neighbourhood of Sadr City killed five and wounded at least 24 people, the same source said.In Habibiyah, on the southern edge of Sadr City, a suicide car bomb attack left at least six dead -- three policemen and three civilians -- in an area home to scores of car dealerships.Sources at the interior ministry and in the capitals hospitals confirmed the casualty figures.Following an all-too-familiar routine, the bombs hit when the streets of the Arab worlds second largest capital were at their busiest, between 6:00 and 8:00 pm.The United Nations said more than 1,110 people were killed in acts of violence across Iraq in September. According to an AFP count, more than 350 have already been killed this month.While the bloodshed has been mainly on the frontlines where federal, Kurdish and allied forces are battling the Islamic State jihadist group, blasts and executions in Baghdad continue to take a heavy toll.

UK Parliament votes to recognize Palestinian state


LONDON (AP) - British lawmakers voted Monday in favor of recognizing Palestine as a state, a symbolic move intended to increase pressure for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Legislators in the House of Commons voted 274 to 12 to support a motion calling on the British government to recognize the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel.Prime Minister David Cameron and other government leaders abstained, and more than half of the 650 Commons members did not participate in the vote.But the motion had support from both government and opposition lawmakers, who said it could help kick-start the peace process following a summer war in Gaza that claimed the lives of more than 2,100 Palestinians, the majority civilians, and more than 70 Israelis, most of them soldiers.Labour Party legislator Grahame Morris said recognizing a Palestinian state could help break the impasse in peace negotiations before it was too late.Otherwise, he said, any hope of a two-state solution the only viable solution will have disappeared altogether.Conservative lawmaker Nicholas Soames grandson of World War II Prime Minister Winston Churchill said that to recognize Palestine is both morally right and is in our national interest.The government said the vote would not change Britains official diplomatic stance. Middle East Minister Tobias Ellwood said the U.K. would recognize Palestinian statehood when it would help bring about peace.In 2012 the United Nations General Assembly voted to recognize a state of Palestine on territories captured by Israel in 1967. But the United States and many European countries have not followed suit.But Western politicians have expressed frustration with Israels continued settlement-building on West Bank land the Palestinians want for a future state.Earlier this month Swedens new Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said his government would recognize the state of Palestine, an announcement that drew praise from Palestinian officials and criticism from Israel.

Rouhani says Iran and West will solve nuclear crisis


TEHRAN (AFP) - Irans President Hassan Rouhani said Monday that even if there is no comprehensive deal with the West on its nuclear programme by next months deadline, neither side would walk away.With discussions for a comprehensive agreement seemingly deadlocked, Rouhanis comments were the strongest signal yet that the long-running talks seeking an agreement will continue.Rouhani said there was no turning back on the need for a deal but with the cut-off date of November 24 just 40 days away the reality was that further discussions may be necessary.Our will is that in 40 days the matter will be resolved but if other things happen and we are not able to solve all the problems, the two camps will find a solution, he said in a live interview on state television.We succeeded in a provisional agreement and we have a great task in reaching a final agreement. This problem has lasted 12 years and it cannot be solved in a few days, though we made positive steps.Iran and the P51 group of nations (Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States plus Germany) signed an interim deal in January that gave Iran some relief from economic sanctions in return for curbs on its disputed nuclear programme.But the road to a final deal has stalled since because of disputes on the extent of uranium enrichment Iran would be allowed to undertake and on the timetable for sanctions on the Islamic republic to be lifted.Iran insists its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful but the West has not yet accepted its assurances and believes Tehrans activities could mask the long-term military plan of building an atomic bomb.The world has accepted our nuclear programme and agreed that this issue should be resolved through negotiations and a win-win solution, Rouhani said.Pointing out the economic benefits of a deal, the Iranian president said hundreds of big companies were waiting to rush to Tehran to cash in on what the energy-rich country had to offer.Iran has the worlds fourth largest crude oil reserves and, according to some estimates, the largest gas reserves, but international trade has been dramatically hit by nuclear sanctions imposed by the West.Talks on the nuclear issue resume in Vienna on Wednesday with US Secretary of State John Kerry and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.The US and Iran have spoken of big gaps between their negotiating teams.Eight days of intensive talks at the end of September between Iran and the P51 group on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York failed to make significant progress.However, in his interview Monday, Rouhani said French President Francois Hollande said if there was a nuclear deal, the two countries would interact on nuclear matters, with France supplying modern technology.

Frenchman Tirole wins Nobel economics prize


STOCKHOLM (AP) - French economist Jean Tirole won the Nobel prize for economics Monday for research on market regulation that has helped policymakers understand how to deal with industries dominated by a few companies.His work is credited with helping drive the deregulation of industries in developed economies in the 1980s and 1990s, when many sectors were dominated by state-owned companies or monopolies. More recently, however, Tirole has argued for stronger regulation of banks in the wake of the global financial crisis.Im so moved, the 61-year-old Tirole said, speaking to a news conference in Stockholm on a telephone link from Toulouse.Tirole, who works at the Toulouse School of Economics in France and has a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the third Frenchman to win the $1.1 million Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the countrys latest international economic star, a role usually reserved for U.S. or British thinkers raised on free-market ideals.Frenchman Thomas Piketty gained fame with a recent best-seller, Capital in the 21st Century, using 300 years of economic data to argue that the gap between rich and poor will only get worse. The book is based on research he worked on with fellow countryman Emmanuel Saez.The economics was also the second Nobel award captured by Frenchmen this year, with the literature prize last week going to writer Patrick Modiano.After Patrick Modiano, another Frenchman in the firmament. Congratulations to Jean Tirole. A thumb in the eye for french bashing, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls tweeted.It was the first economics prize without an American winner since 1999.Calling Tirole one of the most influential economists of our time, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said hes made contributions in a range of research areas. But it highlighted his role in clarifying how to understand and regulate industries with a few powerful firms.Left unregulated, such industries can produce undesirable results, such as unnecessarily high prices or unproductive companies blocking new firms from entering the market. From the mid-1980s, Tirole breathed new life into research on such market failures, the academy said, adding his work has strong bearing on how governments deal with mergers or cartels and how they can regulate industries from telecommunications to banking.The unusual thing with Jean Tirole is that he combines great theoretical depth with very detailed knowledge about specific markets and he combines those things into practical policy conclusions, prize committee member Torsten Persson said. Politicians would be stupid not to take his policy advice.David Warsh, who follows academic economists at his Economic Principals blog, said Tiroles work helped drive the deregulation since the 1980s. He and other economists exposed the ways that companies could come to capture the government agencies that were supposed to regulate them and use regulation to keep competitors out.Tirole says the 2008 financial crisis stemmed primarily from regulatory failure.The vision according to which economists have unlimited trust in the efficiency of markets is 30 years behind the times, he told the financial journal Les Echos. He noted that his research does not advocate necessarily more or less of the state, but rather better state intervention.In an interview with France-Info radio on Monday, Tirole said his work applied theories derived from game theory to industry.The idea is to give companies the analytical means to deal with new contexts and also to give regulators the analytical tools they need, he said. For example, how to deregulate electricity or railroads without creating infrastructure problems. How to allow entrants who are perhaps more dynamic without expropriating from the companies already in place.Harvard University professor and economist Philippe Aghion said on Frances BFM television Monday that Tiroles work is particularly useful to governments as they try to determine the best level of regulation, notably of banks after the global financial crisis. Tirole is at the frontier of this domain, Aghion said.Before Tirole, the academy said, policy-makers advocated simple rules including capping prices for companies with a monopoly and banning cooperation between competitors. Tirole showed that in some circumstances, such rules can do more harm than good.His contribution is that he has given us a whole toolbox, said Persson of the prize committee. More than that, he has given us an instruction manual for what tool to use in what market.Last year, the economics prize went to three Americans Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller who shed light on the forces that move stock, bond and home prices.Mondays prize completes the 2014 Nobel Prize announcements.In prizes awarded last week, Taliban attack survivor Malala Yousafzai, 17, became the youngest Nobel winner ever as she and Kailash Satyarthi of India won the peace prize for fighting for childrens rights. Frenchman Modiano won the literature prize for his lifelong study of the Nazi occupation and its effect on his country.U.S. researchers Eric Betzig and William Moerner and Stefan Hell of Germany shared the chemistry prize for finding ways to make microscopes more powerful than previously thought possible; while Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano of Japan and Japanese-born U.S. scientist Shuji Nakamura won the physics prize for the invention of blue light-emitting diodes used in mobile phones, computers and TVs.U.S.-British scientist John OKeefe split the Nobel Prize in medicine with Norwegian couple May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser for breakthroughs in brain cell research that could pave the way for a better understanding of diseases like Alzheimers.The awards will be presented on Dec. 10, the anniversary of prize founder Alfred Nobels death in 1896.Even though the economics award is not an original Nobel Prize it was added in 1968 by Swedens central bank it is presented with the others and carries the same prize money.

Taliban ambush in northern Afghanistan kills 22 police: officials


MAZAR-I-SHARIF (AFP) - Taliban militants killed 22 police officers and wounded eight after ambushing a police convoy in northern Afghanistan on Monday, officials said.The early morning attack in Sari Pul province highlights Afghanistans fragile security situation, with local forces facing a persistent Taliban insurgency as NATO winds down its military presence.The police were attacked as they travelled to reinforce colleagues in another district in Sari Pul.They were ambushed as they were going from Laghman area to Alaf Safid. Twenty-two police were martyred, eight wounded and seven were taken captive, provincial governor Abdul Jabar Haqbin told AFP.Around 10 police vehicles were torched, he said.They called for foreign forces air support, but they arrived very late, he added.He said the attack sparked a gunbattle that lasted several hours and left 23 Taliban fighters dead.Kazim Kenhan a provincial police spokesman, confirmed the incident.The Taliban were not immediately available to comment, but the ambush is typical of attacks they have launched on Afghan security forces.Also on Monday morning, a Taliban suicide car bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle against a NATO military convoy on the eastern edge of the Afghan capital Kabul killing an Afghan civilian and wounding three more.The last attack on NATO forces in Kabul was on September 16, also when a bomber rammed an explosives-laden car into a NATO convoy, triggering a massive blast that killed two Americans and one Polish soldier, and wounded a dozen civilians.Kabul was also rocked two weeks ago by a series of suicide attacks staged during the inauguration of new president Ashraf Ghani. More than a dozen people were killed in several attacks on Afghan security forces.The attacks comes at a testing time for Afghan security forces as NATO combat troops will complete their withdrawal by the end of this year, leaving Afghan troops and police to fight the insurgents on their own.NATOs follow-up mission, which will take over on January 1, will be made up of 9,800 US troops and about 3,000 soldiers from Germany, Italy and other member nations that will focus mainly on training Afghan forces and counter-terrorism operations.

Egypt crash kills 30 as minibuses collide


CAIRO (AFP) - Thirty people died in a collision between three minibuses on Monday in Egypts southern Aswan province, medical and security sources said.Another 15 people were injured in the crash near Edfu, some 930 kilometres (575 miles) south of Cairo.The accident is thought to have been caused by speeding.Traffic accidents are common in Egypt where roads are often poorly maintained and traffic regulations little enforced.In August, at least 31 people were killed and 41 injured in a collision near the Sinai Peninsula resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea.According to the World Health Organisation, Egypt has an annual roads fatality rate of nearly 12,000 people.Last year there were more than 15,000 road accidents in the country, official figures published in June showed.

Tennis: Kvitova to lead Czechs in Fed Cup final


PRAGUE (AFP) - World number four Petra Kvitova will lead the Czech Republic in the Fed Cup final against Germany in Prague on November 8-9, team captain Petr Pala said on Monday.Pala also named 17th-ranked Lucie Safarova, 27th-ranked Karolina Pliskova, and a reunited doubles pair Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka to the broader five-member team.Im glad to have these five girls. Only the week before the tie will show us what the final four-member team will be like, said Pala.Hlavackova, the world number 14 for doubles, and 23rd-ranked Hradecka had an emotional split last year after winning two grand slam titles, a Fed Cup title and the Olympic silver in London together.They will now play several minor ITF tournaments ahead of the Fed Cup final on the Novacrylic Ultracushion hardcourt of Pragues O2 Arena.I talked to Lucie (Hradecka) and she said she was ready to play with anyone, Pala said, suggesting Hradecka had no hard feelings towards Hlavackova who had initiated the split.Stalwarts Kvitova -- the 24-year-old reigning Wimbledon champion -- and Safarova, who is 27, led the Czechs to Fed Cup titles in 2011 and 2012.The 22-year-old Pliskova has shown a growing form as she won WTA tournaments in Seoul in September and in Linz, Austria last weekend.Karolina is a promise for the future and one day we may rely on her, so its good to have her with us, Pala told reporters.Germany last won the competition in 1992 with a team comprising Steffi Graf and current Fed Cup captain Barbara Rittner.

Football: Sigurdsson dents Dutch Euro hopes, Pelle fires Italy


PARIS (AFP) - World Cup semi-finalists the Netherlands hopes of qualifying for Euro 2016 took another blow on Monday as a Gylfi Sigurdsson double gave Iceland a 2-0 win over the European giants.Iceland -- who only just missed out on a place at their first ever World Cup finals when they lost in the play-offs for this years global showpiece -- top Group A alongside the Czech Republic with a perfect nine points from three games while the Dutch, who lost to the Czechs in their opening qualifier, are six points adrift in third place.Croatia and Italy top Group H, also with nine points apiece, but their victories on Monday couldnt have been more different, the Croats whipping Azerbaijan 6-0, one short of their record victory over Andorra in the Euro 2008 qualifiers.Italy, who had eked out a 2-1 win over Azerbaijan last Friday, relied on a goal from Graziano Pelle on his debut to scrape a 1-0 victory over minnows Malta, who played for an hour with 10 men following Michael Mifsuds dismissal.Italy coach Antonio Conte admitted there needed to be a big improvement if they are to see off Croatia in Milan next month.The big game against Croatia will tell us just how good we are after these first two months, said Conte, who saw centre-back Leonardo Bonucci sent off late on.We need to get down to work if were to succeed.Wales, who have not been at a major finals since the 1958 World Cup, overcame being reduced to 10 men to edge Cyprus 2-1 in Cardiff and hold a one point lead over Israel, who beat Andorra 4-1, in Group B.When I saw the red card I thought it had killed us, said Wales coach Chris Coleman.We never had determination in the last campaign, we were too soft. We are a different group of people this time, the players have really matured.Their respective victories gave them some breathing space over two of the favourites to qualify from the group World Cup qualifiers Bosnia-Herzegovina and Belgium, who drew 1-1.Sigurdsson put Iceland ahead in the 10th minute with a coolly taken penalty after Gregory van der Wiel had fouled Birkir Bjarnason.Both Dutch skipper Robin van Persie and fellow veteran Arjen Robben had excellent chances to level midway through the first-half but the former saw his effort saved by Hannes Halldorsson while the latter was off target.They were left to regret those misses as the sparkling Sigurdsson added a second three minutes before the break, the Swansea City player tucking the ball away when the Dutch defence failed lamentably to deal with a corner.It was his fourth goal in his last three games for Iceland.Dutch coach Guus Hiddink acted to turn things round at half-time, replacing Wesley Sneijder with Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, but it made little difference and left the veteran coach with a lot of thinking to do.Croatia had the game wrapped up by half-time as they went in 4-0 up.Andrej Kamaric converted veteran Darjo Srnas cross in the 11th minute but it was substitute Ivan Perisic who terrified the visiting defence once he came on in the 24th minute.He scored a brace -- the first a header from Ivan Rakitics freekick -- while 21-year-old Marcelo Brozovic added a fourth in time added on of the first-half.Playmaker Luka Modric made it 5-0 from the penalty spot before he was removed four minutes later and the shellshocked visitors went 6-0 down as Rashad Sadygov put through his own net just after the hour mark.Their Balkan neighbours Bosnia also took a lead into the half-time break, a smart left-footed effort by Edin Dzeko giving them a 1-0 advantage over Belgium.The Bosnians had goalkeeper Asmir Begovic to thank for going in ahead as he produced a great save from Romelu Lukaku two minutes before half-time.The visitors, though, did get back on equal terms six minutes into the second-half as Toby Alderweireld set up Roma midfielder Radja Nainggolan to beat Begovic from the edge of the area.

Furyk looking ahead to Ryder Cup changes


SOUTHAMPTON (AP) - Jim Furyk thinks its time for the Americans to think long term about the Ryder Cup.Furyk and Rory McIlroy both said Monday at the PGA Grand Slam of Golf that the public fallout from another American loss in the Ryder Cup last month at Gleneagles could be helpful. Europe now has won eight of the last 10 times.The next Ryder Cup is at Hazeltine in 2016, though Furyk said the Americans need to look beyond that.In the Ryder Cup, we have always talked about, We have got to win the next one. I think weve got to be a little more farsighted than that, Furyk said. I think we need to look at the next 10 to 20 years of Ryder Cup golf. ... For the next 20 years we got 10 events. Lets think about maybe 5-5 is good, lets think about 6-4, lets think about 7-3. Lets go on the winning side of it.When we look back the last 20 years, its probably a 2-8 type of deal, he said. Lets reverse that tide and get it moving forward.In the weeks since the most recent loss, various reports have painted an ugly picture of U.S. captain Tom Watsons heavy-handed style and old-school motivation. In an awkward and at times uncomfortable press conference at Gleneagles, Phil Mickelson raved about what worked in their last win in 2008 and that Watson ignored that winning formula.In a way, its not a bad thing that the PGA of America might start looking at the Ryder Cup a little differently or trying to sort of come at it from a different angle, McIlroy said. So in the end, it might not have been a bad thing to shake things up a little.Furyk said the back-and-forth about the captain has been unfortunate.I think Rory is spot on, Furyk said. The silver lining may be that it gives us a chance to have an open discussion. I want to look at the past, I want to see where we made our mistakes, and how we can get better.The PGA of America is responsible for selecting the captain. It now wants to create a task force of past players and captains to find ways to improve.Paul Azinger, the captain of the last U.S. team that won in 2008 at Valhalla, is not interested in being part of a committee just yet. He said Monday by telephone that it was too soon after the most recent matches, and he has a meeting already scheduled next month with the PGA of America.Azinger did not want to talk about the details of what he would share with the PGA.Furyk said he is curious to hear different ideas, especially because it would be the first time everyone was heard as a group.Amongst ourselves, we talked a lot about where we have gone wrong in the past, what can we do better in the future, he said. Im anxious to kind of see the views from all different angles from the officers, from the captains, from the players.Furyk and McIlroy will be paired together when the Grand Slam gets under way on Tuesday. The 36-hole exhibition is for the major champions this year, and Furyk is playing as an alternate because McIlroy won the British Open and the PGA Championship.U.S. Open champion Martin Kaymer and Masters champion Bubba Watson round out the field.Bermuda was hit by Tropical Storm Fay on Sunday, though Port Royal made it through in good shape.It doesnt look like theres been anything, McIlroy said. Obviously, theres a few limbs off trees and stuff on the side of the fairways, or in the rough, but the golf course is in great shape.Strong wind is in the forecast for the next two days, with locals also keeping an eye on Tropical Storm Gonzalo, which could become a hurricane by Friday.

Oil resumes slide after OPEC shrugs off glut worries


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices slid lower Monday, with Brent hitting a four-year low, on oversupply worries heightened by OPEC signals that producers have no intention of cutting output.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for November slipped eight cents, closing at $85.74, the lowest price since December 2012.Brent North Sea crude for delivery in November, the international benchmark, dropped $1.32 to close at $88.89 a barrel in London trade, its lowest level since late 2010.The market took on a bearish tone after recent comments from some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries showed complacency with the oversupply situation, said Matt Smith of Schneider Electric. OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia indicated it was comfortable with price around $90, he said, adding that apparently they are more about market share than price.Iraq became the latest OPEC crude exporter to cut its prices after similar moves by Saudi Arabia and Iran. OPEC is still giving no indication that it might take steps to shore up prices, Commerzbank analysts said in a research note.Iraq is now the third important OPEC member to significantly lower its sales prices as compared with the international benchmarks, they added.However, Kuwaiti Oil Minister Ali al-Omair said Sunday that he expects falling prices to recover during the Northern Hemisphere winter -- but OPEC was unlikely to counter the slide in the short term.We expect (oil prices) to increase in the winter season or at least preserve its current level, said Omair, cited by the official KUNA news agency.The minister also said he believes that oil will not drop below $76-77 a barrel, which is the production cost in Russia and the United States.The decline was expected due to geopolitical factors, a rise in supplies and negative forecasts for global economic growth, according to Omair.He said Kuwait has not received any invitation for an emergency OPEC meeting to discuss prices but would attend if one were scheduled.Venezuela on Friday said it would request such an emergency OPEC meeting.We are going to ask for an extraordinary OPEC meeting, said Foreign Minister Rafael Ramirez, who is the nations former oil minister and ex-head of the public oil company PDVSA.We need to try to coordinate some sort of action to stop falling oil prices, he added.

Dollar slips on global growth jitters


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar weakened against other major currencies Monday amid concerns about slowing global growth and the Federal Reserves outlook for raising near-zero interest rates.The dollar accelerated its losses after Wall Street stocks closed sharply in negative territory, extending Fridays rout.The bond market was closed and there were no official economic data releases as federal offices observed the Columbus Day holiday.Americas buck followed up its first week in the red in months with more losses, keeping the greenback below recent two- and four-year highs against the euro and a currency basket, said Western Union Business Solutions in a market report.The dollars sentiment setback traces back to last weeks dovish minutes from the Federal Reserves mid-September meeting, it said.Fed officials stressed patience in waiting to raise interest rates, worrying about weaker foreign economic growth and the stronger dollar.

Boxing: Former champion Leon Spinks hospitalized


LAS VEGAS (AP) - Former heavyweight champion Leon Spinks is in a Las Vegas hospital after a second operation for abdominal problems.The 61-year-old boxer who catapulted to fame by beating Muhammad Ali in 1978 had the second surgery in recent days after complications from the first emergency surgery.His wife updated The Associated Press on her husbands condition, saying its going to be a long road ahead, but hes strong and hes starting to recover. Brenda Spinks does not know how long he will be hospitalized but the family is optimistic.Spinks won an Olympic gold medal in 1976. After just seven pro fights he defeated Ali in a 15-round decision in Las Vegas, only to lose the title in a rematch seven months later in New Orleans.Brother Michael Spinks also was a heavyweight champion.

Terrorists bought tunnel house from police officer: Manzoor Wasan


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Provincial Minister for Jail Sindh Manzoor Wasan has said that terrorists bought the house where the tunnel was being dug from a police officer. He told that there were 6 police officers deployed on the roof of that house while the house had been bought from a constable.Talking to media today (Monday) in Karachi, Manzoor Wasan informed that wall is located at a distance of 150 feet from the jail while 100 feet tunnel had already been dug. He said that there were 150 sensitive criminals imprisoned in the jail. He said that thorough investigation regarding the incident in such a crowded area will be conducted. He told that 3 terrorists have also been arrested by Rangers. Additional security has also been deployed at the jail.

Chairman NAB in KP will hold even CM accountable: Imran Khan


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan has said that Chairman of National Accountability Bureau in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KP) will be such a man who would be able to hold even KP CM accountable for his deeds. He alleged that Sharif family is the biggest investor in London. “They rule in Pakistan but keep their money abroad”, said Imran.Addressing the sit-in today (Monday) in Islamabad, Imran Khan said that assets’ declaration helps stopping corruption. Millions of rupees are spent on the treatment of VIPs, he said. Imran said that dirty water causes 400,000 kids to lose their lives in Pakistan annually.Imran Khan said that youngsters’ responsibility will be to clean the dirt in ‘New Pakistan’. Government will clean the rivers and atmosphere, he said. “We will plant as many trees as possible”, he said.

Indiscipline puts Zardari off, Co-chairman PPP leaves party meeting


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Indiscipline in Pakistan People’s Party’s (PPP) meeting at Bilawal House, Lahore, caused Co-Chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari to leave the meeting. Supporters of Manzoor Wattoo and Ashraf Sohna supporters from Okara indulged into a verbal fight in the Sahiwal Division meeting which ended up becoming a fist fight. Hitting each other with chairs, supporters raised slogans against each other leaving former President Asif Zardari with no other option but to leave the meeting for the time being.On his return to the meeting, Zardari said that such incidents earn bad name for the party. He said that he would personally inquire into the matter and assured that action will be taken against the ones responsible. Supporters of Manzoor Wattoo and Ashraf Sohna blamed each other of ruining the party while some of the party leaders said that these fights were proof of party’s dynamism.Former president said on this occasion that ‘container drama’ started on the advice of ‘someone’. He said that this drama now continues on TV only. He said that after elections, people got attracted towards ‘Mera Sultan’ drama but now they have turned to container drama. He said that Kashmir issue is PPP’s issue and PPP had come into being only because of this issue. He condemned Indian aggression on the Line of Control.

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