Saturday 13 February 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Operation to continue till elimination of terrorists: Khawaja Asif


MUNICH (Dunya News) – Minister for Defence Khawaja Asif on Saturday stated that operation Zarb-e-Azb will continue up until complete elimination of terrorists. The Defence Minister stated that the several successes had been achieved due to the operation.The Defence Minister is on a visit to Munich, Germany where he is attending conference on security.Asif met with his German counterpart and the Italian Foreign Minister on the 2nd day of his visit.

Consensus reached on registration of Madrassahs: Chaudhry Nisar


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar on Saturday announced that a consensus has been reached between the government and Wifaq-ul-Midaras on the registration of Madrassahs. He stated that they will soon call a meeting of Wifaq-ul-Midaras and invite Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Shareef and Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif.Addressing an event in Kalar Saeedan, Nisar stated that the religious schools and seminaries were an important pillar for the fight against terrorism.The Minister for Interior lambasted his opponents saying people become his enemy when he criticises them. Nisar said that those who criticise government s efforts to curb terrorism make the terrorists strong. He said that such negative criticism should be stopped. Nisar said that opponents should avoid point scoring on terrorism.“Even those who completed their five years tenure sleeping are criticising us now”, said Nisar.Answering a question about Daesh, Nisar said that Daesh does not exist in Pakistan and that the opponents are making it an issue to use against the government. He said that the war against terrorism will continue till the elimination of the last terrorist.The Interior Minister said that to win the war against terrorists on psychological end, it is necessary to use media.

Lahore: Chaman's fruit market catches fire


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A fruit market in Chaman area of Mall road, Lahore caught fire late Saturday night. The blaze completely destroyed several shops and numerous shacks as the fire engulfed them.Fire Brigade vehicles managed to put out the flames after battling with the blaze for several hours.Sources say no loss of lives have been reported while the cause of fire is yet unknown.

Sibi: 12 terrorists including key commander exterminated during action


SIBI (Dunya News) – Security forces in Balochistan achieved a major success as 12 terrorists including a key commander Aslam alias Achu of an outlawed organization were exterminated during a clash in Sibi. 10 terrorists were also arrested during the operation.According to Spokesperson for Balochistan government Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, security forces conducted an operation in Sibi. The terrorists were shot dead during an exchange of fire between the terrorists and the security forces.Two hideouts of the terrorists were also obliterated during action. Ammunition and explosives material was also recovered from the terrorists.

Karachi: Terrorist arrested during police clash, ammunition recovered


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A terrorist named Usman was arrested Saturday night during a clash with the police while ammunition including a Kalashnikov was also recovered from the suspect. The suspect used to provide facilitation to other terrorists.According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) South Dr. Farooq, the apprehended felon belongs to a banned outfit. The suspect used to collect extortion for the outlawed organization.Police officials have stated that the arrested terrorist was also in contact with the prime suspect of Safoora incident, Saad Aziz.An interrogation from the terrorist in regards to the funding is also underway.

Karachi: Shoplifting women caught on tape, Dunya News obtains footage


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Women in Karachi involved in the criminal act of shoplifting have been caught on tape. Dunya News obtained a copy of the CCTV footage on Saturday showing the women busy in looting the clothing store.According to the details, 3 women robbed a clothing store by shoplifting in a local shopping mall of Karachi and then fled the scene. The women kept looting expensive dresses from the store in Gulstan-e-Johar area.The CCTV footage clearly shows one women lifting the suit as if for buying and then stuffing it away in the bag of her accomplice, while at other times the women portray as if they’re interested in buying the clothes but pinch it away as soon as the shop employee gets busy.The women then leave the store as soon as it starts getting a bit crowded, effectively burglarizing clothes worth thousands of rupees.

PIA's JAC puts forward final proposals for national airlines' revival


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Pakistan International Airlines’ (PIA) Joint Action Committee (JAC) on Saturday put forward its final proposals for the revival of the national airlines. These final proposals will be submitted to Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif.According to sources, JAC’s leading demands include withdrawal of the decision to privatize PIA and the appointment of competent and honest administrative officials on permanent basis similar to those in the Railways department.The JAC has proposed that the government should offer subsidy on non-profitable routes of the airlines while flight operations in lucrative routes which offer greater profits should be promoted.Further proposals by the JAC include review of aviation policy of 2015, review of agreement on local and foreign hotels and addition of new airplanes to the PIA’s fleet.The JAC has also advised that to optimize the national airlines’ business and to improve the deficit crisis of the company, improvements in flight kitchen, head office, engineering, flight operations and motor transport along with eradication of corruption in purchase of spare parts and other steps should be taken.The JAC has demanded that the employees be given a period of one year on the basis of these conditions to improve the situation. If the employees fail to better the situation within that period however, the government is then free to decide on any course of action, the JAC stated.

Karachi: Terrorist arrested during police clash, ammunition recovered


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A terrorist named Usman was arrested Saturday night during a clash with the police while ammunition including a Kalashnikov was also recovered from the suspect. The suspect used to provide facilitation to other terrorists.According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) South Dr. Farooq, the apprehended felon belongs to a banned outfit. The suspect used to collect extortion for the outlawed organization.Police officials have stated that the arrested terrorist was also in contact with the prime suspect of Safoora incident, Saad Aziz.An interrogation from the terrorist in regards to the funding is also underway.

Sibi: 12 terrorists including key commander exterminated during action


SIBI (Dunya News) – Security forces in Balochistan achieved a major success as 12 terrorists including a key commander Aslam alias Achu of an outlawed organization were exterminated during a clash in Sibi. 10 terrorists were also arrested during the operation.According to Spokesperson for Balochistan government Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, security forces conducted an operation in Sibi. The terrorists were shot dead during an exchange of fire between the terrorists and the security forces.Two hideouts of the terrorists were also obliterated during action. Ammunition and explosives material was also recovered from the terrorists.

DHA scandal: Brig Khalid Nazir handed to NAB on 7-day physical remand


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Accountability court has on Saturday handed Brigadier (r) Khalid Nazir Butt to National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on 7-day physical remand in Lahore Defence Housing Authority (DHA) corruption case, reported Dunya News.According to details, Brig (r) Khalid Nazir Butt was presented before the court today and the court was told that the suspect was a former director of Lahore City DHA project but didn’t fulfill his duties as the director. The court was told that the retired brigadier was also involved in DHA land scam worth Rs. 16 billion. He was accused of having held the plots of 26,000 citizens including families of martyred soldiers despite having received the amounts from them.NAB’s lawyer demanded 14-day physical remand from the court for the interrogation. Brigadier (r) Khalid Nazir’s lawyers opposed the demand for physical remand and maintained that there was no need for the physical remand since NAB already had all the record.Accountability court handed the suspect to NAB on 7-day physical remand. Moreover, the prime accused in the project Hammad Arshad is already in NAB’s custody on physical remand.

Roses are red, elbows are blue: Japanese women fight for their Valentines


TOKYO (AFP) - Elbowing each other in the stampede to buy Valentines Day chocolate for the men in their lives, Japanese women brought stores to a standstill Saturday.In Japan, the menfolk do sweet nothing on February 14 while the women do battle in heaving aisles, loading up on confectionery treats for the object of their desire.If they are lucky, the guys will reciprocate on White Day in March, when traditionally they give a white gift, from sweets to lingerie.My feet hurt, my arms hurt, and my head hurts winced Kana Shimizu, clutching two dainty bags of Belgian chocolate that cost more than 10,000 yen ($90) at a plush store in Tokyos Ginza district.This one is for my boyfriend, the other one is for me. I dont want him having all the fun.Having splurged on honmei (true love) chocolate, the 27-year-old hair stylist raced off to find somewhere less upmarket to buy giri (obligation) treats for her male work colleagues.They can make do with cheap chocolate, she laughed. No, seriously. Its such a pain every year.Entire floors of Japans cavernous department stores are dedicated to Valentines Day, showcases brimming with heart-shaped goodies by international chocolatiers.Im here with my wife, said 42-year-old architect Riki Taniguchi. Ive got my eye on the Belgian chocolate but Im not sure she thinks I deserve it.Valentines Day first appeared in Japan in the late 1950s as the economy picked up steam after the devastation of World War II and Western products were highly prized as the country acquired a taste for sophistication and luxury.- Currency of romance -At the time, a firm called Mary Chocolate advertised February 14 as the only day of the year a woman professes her love through presenting chocolate -- establishing it as Japans currency of romance, to the chagrin of florists, jewellers and makers of skimpy lingerie.Chocolate has been available in Japan since the late 18th century, when Dutch traders -- the only Europeans allowed a foothold in an otherwise closed country -- gave it to prostitutes as a form of payment.These days, it seems, almost anything goes and couples can share a bowl of chocolate-drizzled ramen noodles, tuck into McDonalds chocolate fries or even hop into a chocolate hot spring bath courtesy of some of the most bizarre recent marketing gimmicks.Half of Japans $11 billion chocolate business, Asias biggest, is spent in February, retailers say.It is not hard to see why: a department store in Osaka recently unveiled a chocolate cake topped with 125 diamonds that will set you back an eye-watering $125,000.In Tokyo, chocolates released by British rockers The Rolling Stones decorated with the tongue-flapping Mick Jagger logo, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their first Japan tour in 1990, were selling out fast.I rushed over on my lunch break to buy some, but they had sold out, said 45-year-old fan Mariko Imai. No satisfaction, she deadpanned.Proving that, even in Japan, and even on Valentines Day, you cant always get what you want.

IS network involved in 10 terror attacks caught: IB DG


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Intelligence Bureau (IB) Director General (DG) Aftab Sultan on Saturday claimed having arrested Islamic State (IS) terrorists involved in 10 different incidents. He praised Punjab government’s actions and also advised other provinces to follow Punjab’s example, reported Dunya News.In an in-camera briefing to Senate’s Standing Committee, IB DG said that the IS network in Pakistan has been destroyed and a network of terrorists involved in 10 big terror attacks has been arrested. He also confessed having intelligence reports of attacks on educational institutions before the attack on Bacha Khan University (BKU) in Charsadda.IB DG told that the terrorists involved in terror attacks on Wagha Border and Bashir Bilour have been arrested. He also claimed to have eliminated terrorists’ arms depot in Tarnol.Aftab Sultan said that the intelligence reports about attacks on educational institutions had been received but there was no specific information regarding BKU. IB DG said that there is no city more sensitive than Karachi.He added that Punjab government has shown great seriousness in the implementation of the National Action Plan and advised the other provinces to follow Punjab’s example.

'No time to lose' to install Libya unity government: French FM


MUNICH (AFP) - There is no time to lose to put in place a unity government in Libya, where the Islamic State group is rapidly expanding its presence, the new French foreign minister said Saturday.There is no time to lose for the national unity government to assume its functions and securely establish itself in Tripoli, said Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, following a meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.The meeting was attended by US Secretary of State John Kerry and his counterparts from Britain, Egypt, Germany and Italy, as well as EU and UN representatives.The speaker of Libyas internationally recognised parliament, Aguila Saleh, was also present.His parliament had given itself to Sunday to form a new national unity government aimed at ending years of chaos in the North African country.They must move fast, as fast as possible. It is in the interest of the Libyan people, the regional countries and Europe, said Ayrault, who took over as Frances foreign minister from Laurent Fabius this week.Those who oppose the process... will be subject to sanctions. That point is clear, said Ayrault.The Islamic State jihadist group has taken advantage of the turmoil to establish a stronghold in the coastal city of Sirte.Libya has been in chaos since the 2011 ouster of longtime dictator Moamer Kadhafi, with two rival administrations and armed groups fighting for control of the oil-rich country.A militia alliance including Islamists overran Tripoli in August 2014, establishing its own government and parliament and causing the recognised administration to flee to the countrys remote east.

Pope urges Mexico bishops to fight drug trade with 'courage'


MEXICO CITY (AFP) - Pope Francis urged Mexican bishops Saturday to take on drug trafficking with prophetic courage, warning that it represents a moral challenge to society and the church.The magnitude of this phenomenon, the complexity of its causes, its immensity and its scope which devours like a metastasis, and the gravity of the violence which divides with its distorted expressions, do not allow us as Pastors of the Church to hide behind anodyne denunciations, Francis said in a speech in Mexico Citys Cathedral.Rather, they demand of us a prophetic courage as well as a reliable and qualified pastoral plan, so that we can gradually help build that fragile network of human relationships without which all of us would be defeated from the outset in the face of such an insidious threat.Francis was addressing bishops in a speech at the cathedral after meeting in the nearby National Palace with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and riding in his popemobile around the historic Zocalo square.Mexicans hope the pope will use his visit to push Pena Nieto to fix the nations persistent problems, notably violence linked to drug gangs.A prison riot killed 49 inmates on Thursday and the disappearance of 43 students in 2014 shocked the country.I urge you not to underestimate the moral and antisocial challenge which the drug trade represents for Mexican society as a whole, as well as for the Church, the 79-year-old pontiff said.

PM announces Rs 2.5 mn each for families of slain PIA workers


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday announced Rs 2.5 million each for families of slain workers of Pakistan International Airline (PIA), Dunya News reported.According to details, PM Nawaz has announced Rs 2.5 million each for the families of slain PIA workers and Rs 5 lakh each for those wounded during the PIA strike.PM announced to provide employment as per educational abilities to one person in families of slain workers. He said the death of PIA workers was a loss not only for their families but also the national carrier.PM Sharif has assured the affected families that the culprits will be brought to justice and that they will be formally kept updated about the investigation proceedings.Meanwhile, the PIA Joint Action Committee (JAC) has welcomed PM Nawaz’s decision and thanked him for promising financial help and employment.The JAC has also expressed determination to steer PIA into ‘development’ with help of government.

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