Tuesday 23 February 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Obama presents plan to close Guantanamo prison


WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama presented a long-shot plan Tuesday to shutter the Guantanamo Bay detention center, hoping to fulfill an elusive campaign promise before he leaves office next year.Describing the jail as a stain on Americas reputation and a catalyst for jihadists, Obama said I dont want to pass this problem on to the next president.For many years, its been clear that the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay does not advance our national security. It undermines it, Obama said from the Roosevelt Room.He outlined a $290-$475 million plan to move the 91 remaining detainees abroad and to one of 13 possible -- unnamed -- facilities in the United States. Obama has tried for almost eight years to close the jail, but has been thwarted by Congress, his own Department of Defense and some in his own party.As a candidate and as president, Obama has argued that the indefinite detention without trial of Guantanamo inmates harms Americas image and makes it less safe.It undermines our standing in the world, he said. This is about closing a chapter in our history. Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled Congress have blocked the most obvious path to closing the facility, banning the transfer of detainees to the United States, and there was little prospect of Republicans changing tack in the run-up to the November presidential election.House Speaker Paul Ryan immediately rejected the proposal, saying: President Obama has yet to convince the American people that moving Guantanamo terrorists to our homeland is smart or safe.It is against the law, and it will stay against the law, to transfer terrorist detainees to American soil. We will not jeopardize our national security over a campaign promise.Obama appealed for the closure plan to be given a fair hearing, even in an election year.But Republican Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio doubled down in opposing it, promising to increase the Guantanamo population if elected.Not only are we not going to close Guantanamo -- when I am president, if we capture a terrorist alive... they are going to Guantanamo and we are going to find out everything they know, he said.Obama also has faced opposition from within his own administration, with the Pentagon accused of slow-pedaling transfers and overstating closure costs. The president could still try to force the closure through an executive order, but such a move would expose him to accusations of ruling by decree.The Guantanamo Bay closure plan, which took months to produce, offers no specifics on where a US facility would be, but military officials have previously listed Fort Leavenworth, Kansas or the US Navy brig in Charleston, South Carolina among the possible destinations for inmates. Those locations, however, face objections from local politicians.The US leader has long argued that many Guantanamo prisoners should be transferred overseas and some should be tried by military courts.A small number -- those deemed too dangerous to release but too difficult to prosecute -- would be held in the United States.Human rights groups worry this would only extend detentions without trial and create a Guantanamo North.The possibility of a new, parallel system of lifelong incarceration inside the United States without charge would set a dangerous precedent, Amnesty International said in a statement.If successfully mounted, it would be a devastating blow to basic principles of criminal justice.The plan says a US facility would save money over time. It currently costs about $455 million each year to run Guantanamo, and a US site would reduce that amount by up to $180 million.Most of the savings would come from a decrease in the number of troops guarding the reduced population on the US mainland, although it could cost as much as $475 million in one-time expenses to move the men and build or update a facility to hold them. Efforts to transfer prisoners overseas have been stymied by unrest in Yemen -- a likely destination for many -- and by recidivism among those already released. Still, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has in recent weeks signed off on a flurry of transfers, and last month, the prisons population dropped below 100 for the first time.Today, 91 inmates remain. Of them, 35 have been approved for release. The rest face ongoing, indefinite detention.Perhaps the most notorious prisoner is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who along with four co-defendants is charged with plotting the September 11, 2001 attacks.The Guantanamo Bay military prison was opened in January 2002 on a US naval base on a coastal spit of land in southeastern Cuba, leased from Havana under a treaty dating back to 1903.It was set up after the 9/11 attacks under the administration of then-president George W. Bush to deal with prisoners who were termed enemy combatants and denied many US legal rights.The plan to close the prison has no bearing on the future of the US naval base itself, which is home to about 5,000 people.

Kerry: 'Plan B' for Syria if no peace in coming months


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Secretary of State John Kerry warned Tuesday that Washington is considering a Plan B to deal with Syria if Damascus and Moscow are not serious about negotiating a political transition.Briefing US lawmakers, Kerry said he had told Russias President Vladimir Putin the United States would not wait more than a few months to see whether Moscows ally Bashar al-Assad is serious about talks.But he would not be drawn on details of any Plan B that he would advise President Barack Obama to adopt if efforts to mediate a political deal to end the Syrian civil war fail.Diplomatic sources and US press reports suggest the new plan would involve more direct US and allied military involvement, but Washington remains very cautious about being drawn deeper into the conflict.When I met with President Putin, I said to him very directly that the test is not going to be proven in six months or a year and a half, when the election is supposedly scheduled, Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,Were going to know in a month or two whether or not this transition process is really serious.Kerry met Putin in Moscow in December, and Obama spoke with his Kremlin counterpart on Monday to agree a plan for a cessation of hostilities to begin in Syria from Saturday.The ceasefire will not include actions by or against the Islamic State jihadist group nor Syrias Al-Qaeda offshoot, but Kerry hopes it will halt Russian and Syrian attacks on opposition rebel factions.If it sticks, Kerry and Russian counterpart Foreign Minister Sergi Lavrov -- joint organizers of the 17-nation International Syrian Support Group -- will push Assad and the rebels to negotiate a political transition, with a new constitution and elections.Some of the US senators expressed skepticism about the plan, but Kerry insisted Putin would not want to see Russian forces bogged down in a drawn out war if his ally Assad refuses to engage politically. There is a significant discussion taking place now about Plan B in the event that we dont succeed at the table, he said, implying that such a plan would involve stepped up support for the rebel groups.I think President Putin is smart enough to understand that if he just sits there over a period of time, those people who have supported the opposition will get different weapons, more weapons, and they will continue this fight, he said. Saudi Arabia, reportedly with the help of the CIA and other US allies, has been supplying arms to some rebel factions and Saudi officials have suggested in certain circumstances they could deploy troops.

IS, armed men clash near Libyan capital, four dead: local official


TRIPOLI (AFP) - Four people were killed in clashes near the Libyan capital on Tuesday between the Islamic State group and fighters loyal to the Tripoli-based government, a local official said.The four dead men were members of the Sabratha military council which backs the Fajr Libya militia alliance in control of the capital, said Hussein al-Dawadi, mayor of Sabratha, west of Tripoli.Fajr Libya is a coalition of Islamist militias that backs the non-recognised parliament in Tripoli and which is battling IS jihadists who have spread their influence across Libya.Last week a US air strike targeted an IS training camp in Sabratha, killing dozens of people.The Pentagon said a senior IS operative behind attacks in Tunisia was probably among the dead, while Serbia said that two diplomats abducted in Libya were among those killed in the air strike.Dawadi said that fighters from the Sabratha military council launched raids in the suburbs of the city on Tuesday searching for IS militants.During one assault on a farm in the Al-Nahda area clashes erupted in which four Sabratha military council fighters were killed, he added.The Sabratha military council meanwhile posted a message on its Facebook page urging civilians and medical staff to mobilise and help them battle IS.The oil-rich North African country has had rival administrations since the summer of 2014 when the internationally recognised government fled Tripoli after Fajr Libya overran the capital.IS has exploited the turmoil in Libya since the overthrow of dictator Moamer Kadhafi five years ago, raising fears that it is establishing a new stronghold on Europes doorstep.Last June, it captured the coastal city of Sirte, east of Tripoli, and has since attacked coastal oil facilities and staged a string of suicide bombings.

Italy summons US ambassador over WikiLeaks spying reports


ROME (AFP) - Italys Foreign Ministry said Tuesday it had summoned the US ambassador to Rome over reports of widespread US surveillance of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi, among several other European leaders.US ambassador John Phillips was called in for clarification on the media reports that allege Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi and some of his close associates were subjected to wiretapping in 2011, it said in a brief statement. According to Italys La Repubblica and Germanys Sueddeutsche Zeitung, classified documents released by WikiLeaks reveal the National Security Agency (NSA) spied on leaders from German Chancellor Angela Merkel to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, as well as the party-loving Italian billionaire.Among the WikiLeaks documents were details of a 2011 meeting Merkel held with Berlusconi and then French president Nicolas Sarkozy.In the meeting Merkel and Sarkozy pressured Berlusconi to reduce public debt and strengthen Italys banking sector.The meeting was tense and unfriendly, according to a Berlusconi advisor, who was painted by the newspapers as the probable target through whom the NSA obtained the information.Another document showed the NSA listened in on talks between Berlusconi and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which Netanyahu asked Berlusconi to help him improve relations with Washington that were strained by plans for Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem.

One dead, five injured after UK power station collapse: fire service


LONDON (AFP) - One person has died, three are missing and five are in hospital following the collapse of part of a disused power station in Didcot, southern England on Tuesday, the fire service said.Workers were preparing the ten-story building for demolition when it collapsed around 1600 GMT, Nathan Travis, deputy chief fire officer of Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service told reporters at the scene.He said there were no explosives on the site at the time of the collapse. Three people are believed to be trapped under the rubble.Dogs are doing a systematic search of the rubble, said Travis.The power station, which closed in 2013, had three large cooling towers that were demolished in 2014. The rest of the station was being decommissioned.David Cooke, whose company Thames Cryogenics has a building overlooking the power station, said: Our building shook and as we looked out of the window, the end of the main turbine hall collapsed in a huge pile of dust.It totally obscured the towers and must have drifted across the roads and main rail line. Whats left looks a tangled mess.Photos from the scene appear to show that a large section of the station had collapsed.Around 50 people were treated for dust inhalation at the scene.Casualties were taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital in nearby Oxford, said Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Australia cruise to victory, claim top ranking


CHRISTCHURCH (AFP) - Steve Smiths dominant Australians crushed New Zealand by seven wickets in the second Test to sweep the series 2-0 and go to the top of the world rankings in Christchurch on Wednesday. With Smith smacking 53 off 46 balls, Australia polished off the 131 runs they needed on the final day at Hagley Oval to reach their 201 target in the fourth over after lunch. Adam Voges was not out 10 while the only wickets to fall on the final day were those of Joe Burns for 65 and Usman Khawaja for 45. The victory confirmed Australias superiority over New Zealand after they won the first Test in Wellington by an innings and 52 runs. For New Zealand it put a cloud on Brendon McCullums farewell, as their captain took his final bow on the world stage after 101 Tests.After resuming the day at 70 for 1, with David Warner (22) out late Tuesday, Australia took 34 overs to score the remaining 131 runs they needed.Man-of-the-match Burns, having laid the foundations for victory with his 170 in the first innings, scored his fourth Test 50 before being removed shortly before the lunch break.He had been unflappable against the familiar Neil Wagner short-pitched barrage and was content to pick up runs at the other end. Khawaja was less respectful of Wagner, backing away to clip a chest-high delivery to the boundary as he took his overnight 19 to 45 before giving Tim Southee his first wicket of the Test after 29 overs. Southee had bottled up Khawaja for eight consecutive deliveries before getting an edge with a ball angling away outside off stump which went to McCullum at first slip. Burns patiently faced 162 balls for his 65 but his hopes of leading the Australians off at the end were over just before the end of the morning session when he was bowled by Trent Boult. Smith, like Khawaja, had a go at Wagner -- sending one bouncer over long leg for six and pulling a shoulder-high delivery to the fine leg boundary. The series sweep put Australia ahead of India at the top of the world rankings to claim the US$1 million prize for the number one side at the end of the cricket year. This was the last Test before the April 1 deadline as crickets attention turns to the World Twenty20 championship in India next month.

Kerry defends sail of F-16 jets to Pakistan


WASHINGTON (Dunya News) – The US Secretary of State John Kerry while testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday defended United States plans to sell F-16 jets to Pakistan.Senator Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, sharply questioned US plans to sell F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, questioning Pakistani actions he described as threatening US troops as they try to stabilize Afghanistan.Responding to Senator Bob Corker remarks, John Kerry said that the issue is complicated and I understand your reservations about it.John Kerry further said that Pakistan also has been an ally and its military has been deeply engaged in the fight against terrorism.The US government on February 12 had approved the sale to Pakistan of up to eight F-16 fighter jets, radar and other equipment in a deal valued at $699 million.Lawmakers have 30 days to block the sale and Corker has made clear he has doubts about it.

Operation of Dosti bus service will resume today


LAHORE (Dunya News) – The operation of Dosti bus service between Lahore and Delhi via Wagha border will resume today (Wednesday), Dunya News reported.The Dosti bus and Samjhauta Express train services between Pakistan and India were suspended in the wake of deadly riots in Indian state of Haryana that have cut off road and rail links to Delhi.The officials of the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) said that the Dosti bus service would resume its operation from Lahore to Delhi on Wednesday. The PTDC has also informed the passengers about the resumption of the bus service.

SpaceX warns of failure in Wednesday's rocket landing


MIAMI (AFP) - California-based SpaceX is already warning that failure is likely in Wednesdays attempt at landing its Falcon 9 rocket, following the launch of a European satellite into a distant orbit.A 90-minute window for liftoff of the unmanned rocket opens on February 24 at 6:46 pm (2346 GMT) from Cape Canaveral, Florida, SpaceX said on its website. In case of bad weather, another opportunity arises Thursday around the same time.The goal of the mission is to propel a Boeing-built SES-9 satellite -- delivering television and high-speed broadband to the Asia-Pacific region -- to a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) far above the equator.Then, SpaceX will try again to land the tall part of its rocket, known as the first stage, on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean.Following stage separation, the first stage of the Falcon 9 will attempt an experimental landing on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, SpaceX said.Given this missions unique GTO profile, a successful landing is not expected.SpaceX successfully landed its Falcon 9 on solid ground last year, but numerous attempts at landing on barges in the Atlantic and Pacific have failed.Headed by Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk, who also runs Tesla Motors, the company is working to hone the techniques of recycling rockets, instead of jettisoning their costly components after each launch.The aim is to make launches more affordable and environmentally friendly.The launch is commissioned by SES, a Luxembourg-based company that specializes in worldwide satellite communications.

Oil slumps 4% as Saudi Arabia reaffirms no output cut


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices slumped Tuesday after OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabias oil minister reaffirmed opposition to a production cut to address global oversupply, expressing hope only for an output freeze next month.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for delivery in April tumbled $1.52 (4.6 percent) to $31.87 a barrel on the contracts first day of trade on the New York Mercantile Exchange.In London, Brent North Sea crude for April, the European benchmark for crude oil, finished the session at $33.27 a barrel, down $1.42 (4.1 percent) from Mondays settlement.Matt Smith of ClipperData said the market rallied too much Monday on a report from the International Energy Agency that was just less bearish than expected and nothing more than that.And today were selling off far stronger than we really should after (Saudi Oil Minister Ali) Al-Naimi has a similar tone that weve heard from him over the past year.Naimi, speaking at a Houston energy conference, said freezing output was more realistic than cutting because not many countries are going to deliver, even if they say they will cut production.Naimi expressed hope that other producers would join a tentative freeze to January output levels it had agreed with Russia, Qatar and Venezuela last week.Naimi said that hopefully sometime in March, there will be another meeting and probably (well) gather more agreements on freezing.But OPEC member Iran, which ramped up production in January in the wake of a nuclear agreement with major powers that lifted sanctions, criticized the idea of a freeze.Some neighboring countries have increased their production over the years to 10 million barrels per day and export this amount, then say lets all freeze our oil production, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said, according to the ISNA news agency.They freeze production at 10 million bpd and we freeze at 1 million bpd. This is a very funny joke.Traders, meanwhile, were betting the US Department of Energys weekly petroleum inventories report Wednesday will show another increase in US crude stockpiles.According to a poll of analysts by Bloomberg News, commercial crude supplies rose by three million barrels in the week ending February 19. In the prior week, they climbed by 2.1 million to a record 504.1 million barrels.

Yen rises as lower oil prices rattle markets


NEW YORK (AFP) - The yen strengthened Tuesday as a steep fall in oil prices rattled equity markets and sent investors flocking to the Japanese currency, considered a relative safe haven amid turmoil.US and Brent crude prices sank more than four percent after OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia reaffirmed its opposition to a production cut in the face of abundant global supplies.The crude losses weighed on global equity markets as stocks in energy-related companies and banks exposed to the sector suffered.The yen benefited, with the dollar falling 0.7 percent to 112.08 yen and the euro down 0.8 percent at 123.49 from the prior days session. The Swiss franc, also considered a safe investment, gained.The euro was under pressure from weak business confidence data in Germany, Europes largest economy. The Ifo economic institute said sentiment dropped for a third month in February to its lowest level in more than a year.Britains pound continued to fall, to 1.4022 per dollar, on concerns that the country may vote to exit the 28-nation European Union in a June 23 referendum.Sterling slid 1.8 percent Monday for its worst day since 2010. As bearish as the outlook has turned for the pound, what could help slow its descent is how opinion polls show the in camp in the lead, said Joe Manimbo, senior market analyst at Western Union Business Solutions.

Australian Hazlewood fined for foul-mouth rant


CHRISTCHURCH (AFP) - Cricket authorities have fined Australian fast bowler Josh Hazlewood 15 per cent of his match fee for a foul-mouthed rant during the second Test against New Zealand. Hazlewood was hauled before match referee Chris Broad after stumps Tuesday and pleaded guilty to a charge of dissent. His profanity-laced outburst after losing an lbw appeal was picked up by the stumps microphone and broadcast around the world. Australia fast bowler Josh Hazlewood has been fined 15 per cent of his match fee for breaching Level 1 of the ICC Code of Conduct, the International Cricket Council said in a statement. He was found to have breached an article in the Code of Conduct which relates to showing dissent at an umpires decision during an international match.The maximum penalty for a first offence is 50 per cent of a players match fee. Hazlewoods outburst has prompted players to call for audio picked up by on-field microphones not to be publically available.Were all for having technology in the game and its great for viewers at home. I dont see why the stump mics need to be broadcast to the whole world and Im not sure why they were, Hazlewoods teammate Jackson Bird said. Test cricket is a hard game and sometimes tempers can boil over and people can get frustrated. Australia go into the final day of the Test on Wednesday at 70-1 needing a further 131 runs to win the second and final Test and take the series 2-0 to go top in the world rankings.Joe Burns is on 27 with Usman Khawaja 19.

Bangladesh's Rubel misses out on national contract


DHAKA (AFP) - Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has dropped paceman Rubel Hossain from its list of contracted players after accusing him of failing to follow instructions to help him recover from injury.The Bangladesh Cricket Board has asked the 26-year-old to explain why he failed to follow the guidelines drawn up by the team physio to hasten his recovery from a calf injury.Weve told Rubel we will reconsider reinstating him in the national contract only after he gives a satisfactory answer to our notice, board spokesman Jalal Yunus told AFP on Tuesday.Rubel, a key member of Bangladeshs attack at last years World Cup, has been sidelined since November after he aggravated a calf injury. After sustaining the injury during the Bangladesh A teams tour of India in September, he played six matches in the Bangladesh Premier League Twenty20 tournament. The cricket board late Monday announced 14 players would be given contracts for this year, which makes them part of the national squad and entitles them to a regular salary.The contract list includes three newcomers, Soumya Sarkar, Sabbir Rahman and Mustafizur Rahman, who were rewarded for good performances in 2015. The board also announced a 25 per cent pay rise for the contracted players.

Karachi: Police arrest three dacoits


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, police arrested two dacoits after an encounter in Latifabad area of Karachi on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.Police sources said that arrested dacoits, Ali and Umar, were involved in cases of looting the citizens who use the ATM machines to withdraw money.Police arrested another dacoit from near the Bloch Pull in injured condition after an encounter.On the other hand, two dacoits were caught by residents in Perfume Chowk area of Gulistan-e-Johar. The angry mob severely tortured the dacoits and then handed them over to police. Police sources said that arms and looted money was recovered from the dacoits.

Kevin Pietersen 'pareshan' over defeat, vows to do better next year


LAHORE: (Web Desk) - Star Quetta Gladiators batsman Kevin Pietersen on Wednesday said sorry to the Quetta fans and promised to do better next year. But the best part was that the English player said it tweeting in Urdu and added that he was sorry for his teams defeat in the final of the opening edition of Pakistan Super League (PSL) at the hands of Islamabad United.Buhat pareshan hun. Aur maafi chahta hun @TeamQuetta fans. Aglay saal aur acha khelengey. PSLT20— Kevin Pietersen (@KP24) February 23, 2016 The first edition of the PSL has been exceptional and has kept the cricket fans glued to the TV screens throughout the last 20 days. However, the things peaked today on the final day of the tournament where every moment was cherished and every scene celebrated.This is what Pietersen had to say earlier today.The inaugural event of the PSLT20 has been nothing short of fantastic Final this eve. May the best team win— Kevin Pietersen (@KP24) February 23, 2016 There is no doubt that the PSL has been a success and the packed crowds in a foreign country clearly displayed this fact throughout the tournament. Besides, a Pakistani colour was clearly visible today when all the members of the commentary and analysis team wore traditional Pakistani dresses. All the male members of the team wore Shalwar Qamees with waist coats while Zainab Abbas wore White Shalwar Qamees along with Pink Dupatta.Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leaders Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and his sisters also came to the stadium to watch the match and also support the PSL.Islamabad United defeated Quetta Gladiators by 6 wickets and with 8 balls to spare. Read complete story here:PSL final: United overpower Gladiators by 6 wickets

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