Friday 4 March 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

World leaders hail 'real progress' in Syria


PARIS (AFP) - World leaders hailed real progress in Syria on Friday, but fresh air strikes showed the fragility of the week-old truce as the opposition cast doubt on its attendance at talks next week in Geneva.Warplanes struck a key rebel bastion east of the Syrian capital for the first time since the fragile truce began last weekend, a monitor said.In opposition-held areas meanwhile, protesters took to the streets for the first time in years to demonstrate against the regime.Two air strikes hit the edge of the town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta and one person was killed, said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.He said either Syrian or Russian planes carried out the strikes. Eastern Ghouta had been regularly bombarded by government forces, but has been relatively calm since the ceasefire brokered by the United States and Russia.The United Nations began delivering aid to three rebel towns in the Eastern Ghouta area, in the second such distribution since the truce -- which excludes the fight against jihadists -- took hold.Turkish armed forces launched new artillery strikes on positions of the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria, the state-run Anatolia news agency reported.Russia however accused Turkey of continuing to bombard Kurdish positions and allowing jihadist groups to receive weapons across its border, putting the ceasefire in danger, the Russian defence ministry said in a statement.British, French, German and EU foreign ministers met in Paris to discuss the truce, saying there had been real progress. This cessation of hostilities is by no means perfect but it has reduced the level of violence, it has created an opportunity for some humanitarian access, said British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.The group said the focus now was on convincing all parties to return to UN-brokered peace talks in Switzerland tentatively set for next Wednesday.We want a speedy resumption of the negotiations in Geneva, but two conditions must be fulfilled: access for all Syrians to humanitarian aid, and full respect of the ceasefire, said French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.But Riad Hijab, head of Syrias main opposition body, the High Negotiations Committee, said the opposition had not yet decided whether it would come to the talks.Citing continued sieges and the fact that thousands still languish in regime jails, Hijab said President Bashar al-Assad would have no place in a political transition because he has blood on his hands.Speaking by phone on Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov agreed on the need for a return to the negotiating table.The two sides called for a speedy start to negotiations in Geneva between the Syrian government and the opposition under the UNs auspices, a Russian foreign ministry statement said.In Syria, hundreds took advantage of the truce to resume anti-government protests nationwide under the slogan The Revolution ContinuesWaving the three-starred tricolour flag that has become the uprisings emblem, demonstrators in opposition-held areas of Aleppo, Damascus, Daraa and Homs called for Assads downfall.You could say weve gone back to the beginning, said Hasaan Abu Nuh, an activist from the flashpoint rebel town of Talbisseh in central Homs province. World leaders expressed a sharp difference of opinion over Assads plans to hold elections next month -- way ahead of a roadmap agreed in November. The idea that there could be elections (in April) is not just provocative but totally unrealistic, said French President Francois Hollande. But Assads key backer, Russian President Vladimir Putin, shot back that the plan for elections does not interfere with steps to build the peace process.The UN envoy on the crisis, Staffan de Mistura, said that whatever the timetable, it had to be Syrians who decided their presidents fate, not outsiders.Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said tens of thousands of displaced Syrians along Turkeys border have not returned home despite the truce.Some 100,000 people gathered near the border -- including 50,000 in past weeks after the spike in violence in early February from the Syrian government coalition -- have not yet started to return home because its too dangerous, MSF head Joanne Liu told AFP.Were in a transition period and I think it will take another few days for things to settle and for people to become convinced there really is a truce.But the movement of people fleeing the (northern) Idlib and Aleppo provinces to the border has decreased enormously, she added.

Trump makes U-turn on torture


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Donald Trump abruptly backtracked Friday from promises to torture terror suspects and kill their families, saying he would not order the US military to break international laws if elected president.In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, the Republican White House frontrunner said he would use every legal power that I have to stop these terrorist enemies.I do, however, understand that the United States is bound by laws and treaties and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters. I will not order a military officer to disobey the law.Trumps new position stands in contrast to remarks he made at a Republican debate less than 24 hours earlier, when he doubled down on previous pledges that, if elected, he would do a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding and said he had no problem with the targeting of terror suspects families.Can you imagine these people, these animals over in the Middle East, that chop off heads, sitting around talking and seeing that were having a hard problem with waterboarding? he said at the debate. We should go for waterboarding, and we should go tougher than waterboarding, he added, noting he had no problem with targeting terror suspects families.Trumps tough talk has resonated with supporters, tapping into frustrations over the pace and rules of engagement of the US-led campaign against the Islamic State group and other jihadists.But his rhetoric drew broad condemnation from elsewhere, with observers saying the Pentagon would probably refuse any illegal orders. Those specific orders are illegal and you will not find lawyers to present a compelling case that will go the other way, Peter Feaver, a professor of political science and public policy at Duke University, told AFP. Feaver, who served in national security positions under former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, joined dozens of members of the Republican national security community signing an open letter this week slamming Trumps vision of American power.His embrace of the expansive use of torture is inexcusable, the letter stated.Former Central Intelligence Agency head Michael Hayden had also waded into the issue, saying the US armed forces would be compelled to refuse any illegal orders.You are required not to follow an unlawful order, that would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict, he said in a televised interview.When pressed on how he would force the Pentagon to carry out illegal commands, Trump offered no specifics.They wont refuse, he said Thursday night. Theyre not going to refuse me. Believe me.

Israel demolishes West Bank homes, displacing 36 Palestinians


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli forces demolished dozens of structures including a school in the northern West Bank this week, leaving 10 families homeless, the UN said on Friday.The demolitions took place on Wednesday in the village of Khirbet Tana, south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.In total, 41 structures were destroyed, displacing 36 Palestinians including 11 children, the UNs humanitarian body said in a statement.COGAT, the defence ministry body responsible for coordinating Israeli government activity in the Palestinian territories, put the number of structures at 20.It said demolition orders were issued in advance.The army regularly destroys homes it says have been built without permission from the Israeli authorities.Palestinians and their supporters say it is extremely difficult for them to obtain permits in the part of the West Bank under full Israeli control, known as Area C, which accounts for about 60 percent of the territory.Last week the European Union hit out at Israeli authorities after they demolished a school funded by the French government.Nickolay Mladenov, UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, said last month the number of such demolitions has tripled on average since the start of the year.Since the beginning of 2016, Israel has demolished, on average, 29 Palestinian-owned structures per week, three times the weekly average for 2015, he said.

Turkey seizes control of anti-Erdogan daily in midnight raid


ISTANBUL (AFP) - Turkish police on Friday raided the premises of a daily newspaper staunchly opposed to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, using tear gas and water cannon to disperse supporters and enter the building to impose a court order placing the media business under administration.Police fired the tear gas and water cannon to move away a hundreds-strong crowd that had formed outside the headquarters of the Zaman newspaper in Istanbul following the court order that was issued earlier in the day, an AFP photographer said.Zaman, closely linked to Erdogans arch-foe the US-based preacher Fethullah Gulen, was ordered into administration by the court on the request of Istanbul prosecutors, the state-run Anatolia news agency said. There was no immediate official explanation for the courts decision. The move means the court will appoint new managers to run the newspaper, who will be expected to transform its editorial line.Hundreds of supporters had gathered outside the papers headquarters in Istanbul awaiting the arrival of bailiffs and security forces after the court order.We will fight for a free press, and We will not remain silent said placards held by protestors, according to live images broadcast on the pro-Gulen Samanyolu TV.Democracy will continue and free media will not be silent, Zamans editor-in-chief Abdulhamit Bilici was quoted as saying by the Cihan news agency outside its headquarters.I believe that free media will continue even if we have to write on the walls. I dont think it is possible to silence media in the digital age, he told Cihan, part of the Zaman media group.But shortly before midnight (2200 GMT), a team of police arrived with two TOMA water cannon trucks and dispersed the crowds also using tear gas.Police then marched into the premises of the newspaper to seize the headquarters and formally place it under administration.The court order had already aroused the concern of the United States, which said it was the latest in a series of troubling judicial and law enforcement actions taken by the Turkish government targeting media outlets and others critical of it.We urge Turkish authorities to ensure their actions uphold the universal democratic values enshrined in their own constitution, including freedom of speech and especially freedom of the press, State Department spokesman John Kirby said.Gulen has been based in the United States since 1999 when he fled charges against him laid by the former secular authorities. Turkey has asked the United States to extradite him but Washington has shown little appetite for doing so.Despite living outside of Turkey, Gulen built up huge influence in the country through allies in the police and judiciary, media and financial interests and a vast network of cramming schools.Ankara now accuses Gulen of running what it calls the Fethullahaci Terror Organisation/Parallel State Structure (FeTO/PDY) and seeking to overthrow the legitimate Turkish authorities. There have been numerous legal crackdowns on structures linked to the group and on Friday Turkish police arrested four executives of one of the countrys largest conglomerates, accusing them of financing Gulen.Boydak Holding group president Haci Boydak, director general Memduh Boydak and two board members were questioned at their homes in the central city of Kayseri.Gulen supporters decry the accusations as ridiculous, saying all he leads is a more informal group known as Hizmet (Service).The effective seizure of the newspaper by the state comes amid growing concerns over freedom of expression in Turkey under Erdogans rule.The daily Cumhuriyet newspapers editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul were released on an order from Turkeys top court last week after three months in jail on charges of publishing state secrets.But they still face trial on March 25.Meanwhile almost 2,000 journalists, bloggers and ordinary citizens, including high school students, have found themselves prosecuted on accusations of insulting Erdogan.Independent pro-Kurdish television channel IMV TV was taken off air in Turkey last weekend following accusations that it broadcast terrorist propaganda for militants.The raid on Zaman comes as Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu heads to Brussels Monday for a crucial summit meeting with EU leaders. The news of the court decision broke as Erdogan was holding talks in Istanbul with EU President Donald Tusk. Critics have accused the EU of turning a blind eye to the situation with media freedom in Turkey in exchange for Ankaras cooperation in the refugee crisis.However the government angrily dismisses allegations it is cracking down on the press, saying the cases against Cumhuriyet and pro-Gulen media have nothing to do with freedom of expression.

Football: Van Gaal turning the tide as United eye top four


WEST BROMWICH (AFP) - Manchester Uniteds hopes of Champions League qualification are growing as their injury list shrinks and boss Louis van Gaal appears much more optimistic now than the man who recently looked set for the sack.A fourth successive victory was ground out on Wednesday as Van Gaals side beat Watford 1-0, moving them to within reach of the Premier Leagues top four as they prepare to visit West Bromwich Albion on Sunday.The two teenagers in Uniteds starting line-up in midweek both acquitted themselves well, with Marcus Rashford proving more effective when switched from a central attacking role to the right wing for the second half.In addition, Timothy Fosu-Mensah showed great composure to get through the game at centre-back despite having to play for 67 minutes with a yellow card to his name.Rashford has made an astonishing start to his career, scoring four goals in his first three games, and that has led to England manager Roy Hodgson suggesting that he could be part of his international squad for Euro 2016.I think that Mr Hodgson has answered that question, Van Gaal said. It is never too early, I have said that a lot of times. Age is not important. Its the quality.The influx of young players has been made necessary by the fact that United, at one stage, had 14 players out injured; however, those concerns are easing.Indeed, with Anthony Martial recovering from a hamstring injury to play the full 90 minutes on Wednesday, Rashford may have to settle for a place among the substitutes at The Hawthorns.In addition, Marcos Rojo has been able to play some part in each of the last three matches after three months out with a dislocated shoulder, while fellow left-back Matteo Darmian recovered from a similar injury to return as a substitute against Watford.CriticismMidfielder Marouane Fellaini and full-back Antonio Valencia are back in full training after injury, with Phil Jones and Bastian Schweinsteiger likely to join them next week.No one will be rushed back, but Van Gaal is pleased about the prospect of getting key players back as the season approaches its final two months.We have closed the gap between ourselves and the top four, and so that has increased our belief, Van Gaal said.I believe we can do it. What is important is that the players believe that too.West Brom head coach Tony Pulis has suffered a similar tone of criticism to Van Gaal this season, albeit in his lower profile job, with supporters objecting to a perceived negative approach.His team, however, have scored six times in their last three league games and taken seven points from a possible nine.Pulis, who will again be without formed United defender Jonny Evans, said: I think youre going to get criticism whichever way you cook it today.Its style of football, not scoring goals, conceding goals. If youre not winning enough games then people are going to find a way why youre not doing it and criticise that reason.You have to accept that. Theres always a group of supporters within every club that wont be happy with whats going on unless youre top of the league or doing something very, very special.They will always be there ready to have a little gripe if they feel right to do it.You have to accept that. Youll get no complaints from me, the only complaint Ill give is if they start throwing coins or stupid stuff like that.

Football: FIFA still weighing independent oversight


LAUSANNE (AFP) - FIFA is still considering setting up an independent panel to oversee its reform effort, a move requested by world footballs top corporate sponsors, the head of FIFAs reform committee Francois Carrard told AFP.Carrard, a Swiss lawyer who helped lead an anti-corruption drive at the International Olympic Committee more than a decade ago, headed the group which drafted FIFAs governance reforms, overwhelmingly approved at a congress last week.The measures -- including a 12-year term limit for top officials, disclosure of salaries and more robust checks on the power of key figures -- won backing from more than 85 percent of FIFAs national associations.But they received a partly tepid response from World Cup mega-donors like credit card giant Visa, which has called for independent supervision of FIFA since the body became engulfed in scandal.The idea is still ongoing, but well need to know the opinion of President (Gianni) Infantino, Carrard told AFP, when asked about the prospects of outside oversight.FIFAs new president Infantino, former general secretary of European football, was elected to replace the disgraced Sepp Blatter at the congress.Infantino helped draft the Carrard reforms and has vowed to implement them. Whether or not he is open to giving supervisory authority to independent experts is not clear.Carrard said that when Blatter tapped him to lead the reform drive in June the two agreed that independent dignitaries should review the committees work and that he already had some names in mind.But, the timelines imposed by FIFA to draft the measures were too tight to allow for outside evaluation.The best solution seemed to be the creation of an advisory council to help FIFA implement the reforms. But announcing the creation of such a council and its composition before the presidential election seemed premature, Carrard said.Infantinos first moves as the head world footballs tainted governing body will be closely watched, including by Visa, which hours after his election said it was in the best interests of FIFA, the fans, sponsors and everyone involved, that there is long-term independent oversight of the reforms.Carrard also told AFP that he faced no pressure from the US law firm Quinn Emmanuel, hired by FIFA after the US Justice Department unsealed its initial 14 corruption indictments against top football and sports marketing executives in May.The law firm Quinn Emmanuel? I only spoke to them once. Then I never heard from them again. They knew who I was and that I wanted my independence. I acted in complete freedom, Carrard said.The US prosecutions targeting top football officials have raised questions of a rising American role in the worlds most popular sport.So far, the US has charged 39 people and two companies with corruption going back decades.Broadly, Carrard said he was pleased with the outcome of the congress as the key elements of his reform package were approved.He also voiced confidence that Infantino -- anointed the most powerful man in football -- understood the importance of the reforms to restore confidence in the institution of which he has taken the reins.

Drizzle, cool winds turn weather pleasant in several cities


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A light drizzle coupled with cool winds turned the weather pleasant in Provincial Capital Lahore along with several other cities of the country on Friday. Light showers were also experienced in other parts of Punjab. The Meteorological Department has predicted rains in the coming 2 days in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sargodha, Peshawar, FATA and Faisalabad.Showers were also experienced in Sukkur , Quetta, Faisalabad, Bahawalpur and Multan.Several mud houses fell in Loralai, Noshki, Mastung and Qalat due to the rain. Crops also suffered damages due to the drizzle.Balochistan’s government has also warned of floods in nullahs of Jhal Magsi, Sibi, Harnoi, Kohlu and Loralai.

Faisalabad: Dacoit killed, citizen loses life during police encounter


FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – A dacoit, Shani Lohar, was killed on Friday while a citizen, Waseem, also lost his life during an alleged police encounter in Samanabad police station area of Faisalabad. 2 passersby were also injured during the shootout.According tp the police, 4 armed suspects were busy in looting citizens when police arrived at the scene. Suspects opened fire on the police and gun battle ensued. Suspect Shani’s car crashed into a motorcycle while attempting to flee which injured both of its riders.Police kept up their pursuit of the perpetrators. Shani was killed during the exchange of fire whereas 3 of his accomplices managed to escape.

Clean chit or action against MQM only viable options for govt: Analysts


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A storm has been stirred in the country’s politics after a controversial press conference by former Mayor of Karachi and former leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Mustafa Kamal and Anees Qaimkhani. Kamal lashed out against MQM chief Altaf Hussain during the 2 hour long press conference. Political analysts and experts discussed the issue on Dunya News program “Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Sath” on Friday and said that the only viable options for the government was to either give MQM a clean chit on the past 27 years or take action against it.The program discussed the barrage of allegations hurled against the MQM chief by the ex-Mayor. Even though MQM’s Rabita Committee immediately rejected Kamal’s tirade, however it failed to provide explanations for any of the major accusations made by Kamal. These accusations against Hussain include relations with Indian intelligence RAW and being funded by them, making public speeches while being intoxicated, abusing Generals, politicians and anchors and then apologizing afterwards, along with using Zakat money for personal gains.Speaking during the program, constitutional expert Salman Akram Raja said that the allegations against MQM have brought the government into the spotlight.Meanwhile Former Inspector-General (IG) Sindh Afzal Shagri revealed that he had already provided evidence of MQM’s links with RAW back in 1988.On the other hand, former Secretary for Defence Lieutenant-General (R) Naeem Khalid Lodhi inquired why no investigation was conducted even when proofs were found. He said a commission should be formed to investigate this issue.Prior to this, reports by British and other international media have also accused MQM of having ties with the Indian intelligence.

SpaceX launches satellite toward distant orbit


MIAMI (AFP) - SpaceX on Friday blasted off its Falcon 9 rocket carrying a communications satellite to a distant orbit, before attempting to land the first stage of the rocket on an ocean platform.The rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 6:36 pm (2336 GMT), propelling the satellite, known as SES-9, built by Boeing for the Luxembourg-based company SES.The satellite must reach a geostationary orbit more than 23,000 miles (38,000 kilometers) above the Earth, where it will deliver broadband and television channels to southeast Asia.We will be dropping SES-9 off 100 times as high as the International Space Station, said Lauren Lyons, mission integrator for SpaceX.After the launch, SpaceX will try to land the first stage of its rocket on a platform floating in the Atlantic.The droneship, as it is called, is marked with a large X and the words, Of Course I Still Love You.Even though SpaceX has cautioned it does not expect a successful landing this time, the company is trying to perfect its technique of recycling rocket parts in order to make spaceflight cheaper and more sustainable.The California-based company headed by Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk has managed to land upright on solid ground once -- in December 2015 -- but several attempts at ocean touchdowns have failed.This landing attempt is going to be a really tough one, said Lyons, noting that the rocket needs a lot of propellant to lift the satellite to space and may run short of fuel needed to control the landing on the way back.

Oil jumps as strong US jobs growth spurs demand hopes


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices pushed higher Friday as strong US jobs growth data sparked hopes for improved demand in the worlds largest crude consumer. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for April delivery jumped $1.35 to $35.92 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.In London, Brent North Sea crude for May delivery, the European benchmark for oil, finished at $38.72 a barrel, up $1.65. WTI notched a gain of roughly $3 over the week, while Brent was up more than $3.5.It was the second consecutive week of solid gains on the oil market, which had wallowed near 13-year lows below $30 a barrel in January as the persistent global oversupply appeared likely to stretch into the distant future.Were seeing a lot of investors coming back and working to the upside again, said Carl Larry of Frost & Sullivan.On Friday, were riding on the back of the (US) unemployment numbers, he said, referring to the Labor Departments closely watched monthly jobs report.Job growth was much stronger than expected in February and the unemployment rate held at 4.9 percent, an eight-year low.The surprising strength in the job numbers does underline decent economic growth, thus boosting the demand outlook, said Kyle Cooper of IAF Advisors.Some analysts pointed out that behind the jobs number were other less-positive details, such as a slight drop in wage growth and a stubbornly high number of part-time employees. From the oil markets viewpoint that does not matter, Larry said. If its full-time workers or part-time workers, its still workers that have to drive to work.The latest US oil rig count from Baker Hughes offered a signal of reduced US crude production. Data from the oilfield service provider showed the number of active rigs dropped by 13 to 489, down 60 percent from a year ago.

Dollar under pressure as US wages dip


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar fell against the euro Friday after a mixed US jobs report showed a dip in wages, clouding the outlook for a Federal Reserve interest rate hike this month.Though the US economy added a much better-than-expected 242,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate held at 4.9 percent, an eight-year low, there was a drop in the average wage and the average hours worked, suggesting remaining slack in the labor market.Unfortunately for the US dollar, the mixed nature of the report -- especially the wage internals -- have prevented a significant rebound in the US Dollar Index, said Christopher Vecchio at DailyFX in a client note.While the dollar index initially reacted positively to the data, the seemingly strong report rang hollow, he said.The greenback fell 0.5 percent to $1.1008 per euro and 0.4 percent against the pound at $1.4233. It edged up to 113.79 yen.Analysts said they expect the Fed will hold off from raising interest rates at its March 15-16 policy meeting, given signs of slowing US economic growth and the global slowdown.Most Federal Reserve officials have their minds made about keeping interest rates unchanged in March and todays jobs report reinforced the need for patience, said Kathy Lien of BK Asset Management.Lien said there was enough improvement in the jobs report for the Fed to keep a hawkish bias which should limit the dollars decline in the coming week especially since there are no major US economic reports on the calendar.

Asia Cup: Pakistan post consolation win over Sri Lanka


DHAKA (AFP) - Pakistan put their disappointment at not making the Asia Cup final behind them in Dhaka on Friday, with a consolation six-wicket win against Sri Lanka in their final match. Pakistans top-order batsmen finally hit some form to help the side reach 151-4 in 19.2 overs, after their bowlers restricted Sri Lanka to 150-4 at the Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium. Umar Akmal made the top 48 off 37 balls after Sharjeel Khan (31) and Sarfraz Ahmed (38) laid the foundation of their innings, overshadowing an unbeaten 75 by Sri Lankas Tillakaratne Dilshan. The match, also the last for Sri Lanka, turned out to be a routine contest after Bangladesh eliminated both teams from the final with a five-wicket win over Pakistan on Wednesday. Bangladesh will face India in the final on Sunday. Were good cricketers, just that we need to have more self-belief, said Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi. Thats what helped us in the chase today. We wanted to keep wickets intact in the first six overs and it worked.With nothing but pride at stake, both teams looked less tense -- and Sri Lankan opening duo Dilshan and Dinesh Chandimal took full advantage to put on 110 runs, the best start in the tournament. Wahab Riaz broke their stand when he forced Chandimal to give a catch to Sharjeel Khan at midwicket. Shoaib Malik struck in the next over to remove Shehan Jayasuriya for four, before Mohammad Irfan bowled Chamara Kapugedera and Dasun Shanaka in the space of three balls to halt Sri Lankas progress. Chandimal, who led Sri Lanka in the absence of injured Lasith Malinga and Angelo Mathews, made 58 off 49 balls, his second half-century in the tournament, which included seven fours and a six. Overall we played some good cricket, said Chandimal. We were 10-15 short with the bat and that was the turning point in this game. Dilshan ensured Sri Lanka still got a decent total with his 11th Twenty20 half-century, with 10 fours and a six.Irfan finished with 2-18 for Pakistan. The two teams will now head for the ICC World Twenty20, which starts in India next week.

Magical Miller steers South Africa to victory over Australia


DURBAN (AFP) - David Miller hit an unbeaten half-century as South Africa beat Australia by three wickets in the first Twenty20 international at Kingsmead on Friday.Miller hit 53 not out off 35 balls to enable South Africa to overhaul Australias total of 157 for nine with four balls to spare.The hosts were in trouble at 95 for six but the left-handed Miller, playing on his home ground, steered them to victory with sensible batting interspersed with some powerful hits.The key over was the 16th, which started with South Africa needing 45 runs off 30 balls. Miller hit two big sixes as Andrew Tye conceded 16 runs. He hit an even bigger six off John Hastings in the 18th over, with the ball sailing out of the ground over square leg, as the target shrunk rapidly.Australia made a fast start after winning the toss, racing to 69 for one in the six-over power play, with Aaron Finch pounding 40 off 27 balls. He hit four sixes, three of them off the first three balls bowled by off-spinner JP Duminy, who was surprisingly brought on during the power play.But the tourists lost their way against the medium-pace of David Wiese (two for 16) and the leg-spin of Imran Tahir (three for 21), slumping to 114 for seven.Mitchell Marsh gave the innings late impetus, hitting 35 off 25 balls.South Africa made a bad start, losing AB de Villiers to the first ball. They slipped to 41 for three before captain Faf du Plessis (40) and Rilee Rossouw (19) put on 31 for the fourth wicket.They were out off successive deliveries before man of the match Miller took charge. He played a gem of an innings, said Australian captain Steve Smith, who said Australia had put in a good performance in the field before Miller took the game away from them.Once again we won a game we probably shouldnt have won, said Du Plessis, who said South Africa had started badly with both ball and bat.But to win games like that makes me very happy. It shows a lot of character.The three-match series is the last chance for both teams to decide on their combinations ahead of the World Twenty20 in India later this month.Australia included two players making their Twenty20 international debuts -- wicketkeeper Peter Nevill and leg-spinner Adam Zampa.South Africa surprisingly did not include fast bowler Dale Steyn, who was declared fit again after being out of action for more than two months with a shoulder injury.

Karachi: Rape attempt on 10 year old, suspects flee as residents arrive


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Three suspects on Friday made a rape attempt on a 10 year old girl in Garden Usmanabad area of Karachi. The perpetrators however fled the scene after residents of the area arrived at the scene. The enraged residents torched the motorcycle of the suspects in protest against the crime.According to the police, the attackers have been identified as Ashraf, Asad and Majid. Police say raids are being conducted for the arrest of the felons.Police officials further stated that a medical examination of the little girl will be conducted after which a case will be registered against the suspects, in light of the report.

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