Monday 11 November 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

PM Nawaz to visit GHQ today


ISLAMABAD (APP) - Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will visit the General Headquarters (GHQ) of Pakistan Army today.It will be Prime Minister’s first visit to the GHQ since he assumed charge of his office. The Prime Minister will lay a floral wreath at the memorial of martyrs at the GHQ, built to honour those who laid down their lives for the country.He will also have a meeting with the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. The Prime Minister will also be briefed about the professional matters, the internal and external challenges the country was facing.

Bagh: Two suicide bombers killed in blast


BAGH (Dunya News) – According to police, five suspects wearing police uniform entered the house of a man named Arshad in village Doga Rawali in Bagh District of Azad Kashmir on Monday.The residents raised alarm upon which the attackers detonated explosive. The blast killed tow attackers while another was captured in wounded condition. Two of the attackers managed to escape from the scene.

World Pneumonia Day today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - World Pneumonia Day is being observed around the world, including Pakistan, today (Tuesday). Pneumonia claims an innocent childs life every 30 seconds making it the number one global cause of childhood mortality. In Pakistan alone, it is responsible for the death of 92,000 children of under 5 years of age annually and contributes 18 per cent to the total global child deaths.Pneumonia is a form of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. When an individual has pneumonia, the alveoli (small sacs in lungs which fill with air when a healthy person breathes) are filled with pus and fluid, which makes breathing painful and limits oxygen intake. Infants and children younger than age 2 years are at higher risk of contracting pneumonia as their immune systems are still developing. Symptoms of pneumonia in children include rapid or difficult breathing, cough, fever, chills, headaches, loss of appetite and wheezing. They may also face difficulty to breathe, with their chests moving in or retracting during inhalation.Although the death toll due to pneumonia is too high, vaccines hold promise of saving children from dying of pneumonia. Vaccines can protect children by preparing their bodies to fight many potentially deadly diseases. They are responsible for the control of many infectious diseases that were once common around the world, including smallpox, polio, measles, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), rubella (German measles), mumps, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).

PM approves low-cost Apna Ghar housing scheme


ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Monday approved the establishment of a company under the supervision of theMinistry of Housing and Works to initiate a government housing scheme for the low-income strata of society.The scheme would be called “Apna Ghar” scheme. The Prime Minister made these directions while presiding over a high-level meeting on low-income housing scheme here at the Prime Minister House this evening.The Prime Minister said that the objective of this scheme is to provide housing units to low-income sections of society at low-cost and easy installments.He further directed that a separate package should be initiated under the rubric of the “Apna Ghar” housing scheme for the needy, widows etc. and that such people be separately given financial assistance to pay the installments.The Prime Minister resolved that a respectable living on the models of Turkey and China would be made available to the citizens of the country.The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Housing and Works to chalk out all the details and other criteria of the project by the end of this month.It was also decided in the meeting to make an Advisory Board to look after the affairs of the housing scheme.The Prime Minister was apprised during the meeting that provinces have been written for the site selection and allocation of land for the project.Minister for Finance Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rashid, Minister of State for Housing and Works Usman Ibrahim and other senior government officials also attended the meeting.The Prime Minister resolved that a respectable living on the models of Turkey and China would be made available to the citizen of the country.The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Housing & Works to chalk out all the details and other criteria of the project by the end of this month.It was also decided in the meeting to make an Advisory Board to look after the affairs of the housing scheme. The Prime Minister was apprised during the meeting that provinces have been written for the site selection and allocation of land for the project.Minister for Finance Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Information Senator Pervez Rashid, MoS Housing and Works Mr. Usman Ibrahim and other senior government officials also attended the meeting.

LB polls: MQM demands 2-day extension in filing papers


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The Coordination Committee of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has demanded two-day extension in filing nomination papers for LB polls in Sindh.According to Coordination Committee, thousand of candidates failed to file nomination papers due to lack of proper arrangements.They said that returning officers expressed disability to accept nomination paper due to lack of proper arrangements. They said that election cannot be held in a transparent manner under these conditions.

Iran agrees to 'roadmap' for UN nuclear inspections


TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran on Monday agreed with the UN nuclear watchdog on a roadmap for cooperation to inspect its disputed programme, as the United States questioned Tehrans self-declared right to uranium enrichment.Diplomats insist world powers are close to reaching a landmark interim deal to curb Irans nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief despite failing to do so in Geneva over the weekend.But US Secretary of State John Kerry, during a visit to Abu Dhabi partly aimed at reassuring Gulf allies fearful of a breakthrough with Tehran, said no nation has an existing right to enrich and that Iran had balked at the Geneva talks.The P51 was unified on Saturday when we presented our proposal to the Iranians... But Iran couldnt take it, said Kerry, who took part in the high-level talks.Irans President Hassan Rouhani, a reputed moderate whose election this year raised hopes of progress in the decade-long talks, has said Tehran will not abandon its nuclear rights, calling uranium enrichment on Iranian soil a red line.But in an interview with the BBC, Kerry said right is the wrong word.There is a standard by which they might be able to do something, providing they meet certain standards in order to do it. And thats what you negotiate about, he said.The so-called P51 group -- Britain, France, the United States, Russia and China plus Germany -- and Iran will reconvene again in Geneva on November 20 to try to iron out differences.The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meanwhile reached an accord with Iran on a roadmap for cooperation during a visit to Tehran by the head of the UN watchdog, Yukiya Amano.Amano hailed the deal as an important step but said much more must be done, in remarks carried by the ISNA news agency.The IAEA chiefs visit was aimed at resolving technical issues linked to the bodys role in monitoring Irans nuclear activities.Broader questions of how to ensure Irans nuclear programme is not being used to mask a drive for atomic weapons are being discussed in the negotiations with the P51.

Mortar fire kills nine children at Damascus school: TV


DAMASCUS (AFP) - Nine children were killed and 27 people wounded when mortar rounds hit a school and a school bus in the Syrian capital Damascus on Monday, state television reported.The toll in the terrorist targeting of the St. John of Damascus school with mortar rounds has risen to five dead, all of them children, and 27 injured, a news alert on Syrian state television said.Another four students were killed when a mortar hit the vehicle they were in, in the central Bab Sharqi district of the capital, state news agency SANA said, adding that the driver was also killed.Six others inside the bus, including four more students, were wounded in the terrorist attack, SANA said.The regime of President Bashar al-Assad uses the blanket term terrorists to refer to the opposition.Earlier, the interior minister told the official Al-Ikhbariya channel that 11 children had been hurt at the school in the majority Christian district of Qassaa, in central Damascus.Both incidents took place in majority Christian district of the capital.Rebel fighters arrayed in districts on the outskirts of the capital regularly launch rockets and mortar rounds at central neighbourhoods, causing damage and sometimes fatalities.In northern Aleppo province meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights group said at least five people were killed in a suicide car bomb blast in Ain al-Arab, a Kurdish majority town on the Turkey border.

UN chief urges Syria to lift restrictions on aid


UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is urging the Syrian government to ease severe constraints on access for relief workers so desperately needed humanitarian aid can get to more than 9 million people, especially 2.5 million in besieged and hard-to-reach areas.The U.N. chief told the U.N. General Assembly on Monday that the humanitarian situation in Syria continues to deteriorate rapidly and dramatically.Ban singled out the government but also urged all parties and all those with influence over them, to ensure the protection of civilians, safe passage for medical personnel and supplies, and the unhindered delivery of aid.He said the humanitarian response is also being hampered by a severe lack of funding and announced that he will be organizing a high-level pledging conference for Syria in January in Kuwait.

Prince Charles becomes pensioner with eye on the throne


LONDON (AFP) - Britains heir to the throne Prince Charles can draw his state pension from Thursday when he turns 65 -- despite having yet to start the job he has eyed for a lifetime.Queen Elizabeth IIs eldest son has endured the longest wait in history by a British heir, and it hasnt been easy.But as his 87-year-old mother cuts back on her workload, Charles is increasingly taking centre stage.Fresh from a tour of India, he will take the queens place Friday at the Commonwealth heads of government summit in Sri Lanka -- an event the monarch, in power since 1952, has only ever missed once.Twenty years ago Charles was battling calls to give up his right to be king in the wake of lurid revelations of his affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles and split from his glamorous first wife, Diana.But Charles has slowly won back public acceptance and a majority of his subjects now believe he should become king.Raising his sons William and Harry into popular young men, he has cultivated a more down-to-earth image while campaigning hard for charitable causes.Crucially Britons have also come to forgive Camilla, who he married in 2005. Once bombarded with hate mail, she is now a constant presence at his side.Its been a long, long crawl back to try to win the public over again, Charles biographer Penny Junor told AFP.But hes in a much better place, and its showing. Since hes had Camilla as his wife, hes just a much happier man -- and a happier man is a better operator.

26 killed in S. Africa bus accident: government


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - A bus accident in South Africa killed 26 people and severely injured 11 others Monday night, a government spokesman said.So far 26 people have been confirmed death and 11 seriously injured, and 12 slightly injured, said Mpumalanga province safety department spokesman Joseph Mabuza of the collision with a truck near the town Kwaggafontein 100 kilometres (60 miles) east of the capital Pretoria.The bus was traveling from Pretoria when it collided with a truck which had swerved out of its lane, said Mabuza.The truck driver was trying to avoid a stationary vehicle and collided with the oncoming bus, he told AFP.We are not sure if the truck driver and the bus driver survived the accident, he added.The injured were taken to hospital in nearby KwaMhlangu.

Djokovic sinks Nadal to win Tour Finals


LONDON (AFP) - Novak Djokovic reigned supreme at the ATP World Tour Finals yet again as the defending champion crushed world number one Rafael Nadal 6-3, 6-4 in Mondays final.World number two Djokovic has now won the prestigious season-ending event three times and is the eighth player to successfully defend the Tour Finals title.The 26-year-old has also equalled Nadal for the longest winning streak of 2013 after claiming his 22nd successive victory since losing to the Spaniard in the US Open final.Djokovics seventh title of 2013 went some way to avenging that painful loss in New York and eased the frustration of surrendering his place at the top of the world rankings to Nadal.He has now beaten Nadal 10 times in 19 finals, while extending his winning run at Londons O2 Arena to 10 matches since losing to Janko Tipsarevic two years ago.Djokovic paid tribute to his coaching team, saying: You may see us playing alone on the court but the big success comes from these guys behind us.For Nadal, this was his second defeat in the final of the Tour Finals after a 2010 loss to Roger Federer and the wait goes on for his first title at the tournament.While it brought a frustrating end to Nadals campaign, nothing could detract from his superb return from a career-threatening knee injury to win 10 titles, including the French and US Opens, over the last 10 months.I want to say congratulations to Novak. You are a super player and you deserve it, Nadal said.This is still one of the best seasons of my career and playing this match in this stadium is just fantastic for me. See you next year.It was fitting that the final of the seasons last singles competition should feature the top two in the world rankings, but it was Djokovic who stole the show and laid down a marker for 2014.Although Nadal went into the final with a 22-16 edge over Djokovic in their 38 meetings, the Serb had won 12 of their previous 19 clashes on hard courts and his extra quality on the surface shone through again.Nadal had swept through to the final for the loss of just one set in his four victories, but Djokovic had matched him win for win and could also take heart from his triumph in their last meeting in the Beijing final in October.Djokovic knew he had to counter Nadals destructive groundstrokes if he was to subdue the Spaniards aggressive game-plan and he was quick to seize the momentum, winning seven of the first eight points and breaking in his opening service game to move 2-0 ahead.With Djokovic defending superbly and then coming up with some searing winners from the baseline, it took four games before Nadal finally got on the scoreboard.At the first sign of Djokovics intensity levels dropping just a touch, Nadal pounced and on his third break point of the fifth game as he pressured the Serb into dropping his serve.But Djokovic regained the initiative in stunning fashion, ending a breathtaking rally, which included a brilliant lob and some remarkable agility from the Serb, to break and take a 5-3 lead.The conclusion of that point brought a jubilant roar from Djokovic and moments later he was clenching his fist in celebration again after serving out the set with an ace.Djokovic, firmly in the ascendency now, showed why he is the only player in the world who can overpower Nadal on a regular basis as he broke in the third game of the second set.Faced with Djokovics incredible ability to get back into points that should be beyond him, Nadal was looking increasingly frazzled.The Spaniard had hit just four winners in the whole match by midway through the second set.Djokovic could see the finish line in sight and after two match points slipped away, he finally delivered the knockout blow at the third attempt.

2014 World Cup tickets sold out in 7 hours


SAO PAULO (AP) - The nearly 230,000 tickets in the second phase of sales for the 2014 World Cup were sold out Monday just seven hours after being made available on FIFAs website.FIFA said the level of interest was impressive, and was greater than in the first sales window, when almost 890,000 tickets were allocated through a random selection draw.More than 6.2 million tickets have been requested for the first World Cup in Brazil since 1950, nearly double the amount of total tickets available. Only 1.1 million were put on sale in the initial sales phases.Tickets for the most popular games were not on sale in the second phase, including the June 12 opener in Sao Paulo, the July 13 final at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, the two semifinals and all of Brazils group-stage matches.More tickets will be on sale Dec. 8, after the World Cup draw determines where and when the 32 teams will play. FIFA said about 8 percent of the tickets then will be available exclusively to supporters of the teams playing in each of the first-round matches.FIFA said about 62 percent of the tickets went to Brazilians, with most of the international sales going to Americans, Australians, English, and Argentines.Footballs governing body said there were 3.6 million page views on the website on Monday, leading to an average waiting time of 45 minutes before people could access the page selling the tickets.The high number of applicants led to some waiting time but overall the system worked well, FIFA marketing director Thierry Weil said in a statement. It was great to see that both internationals and Brazilians were aiming to grab the remaining tickets from the first batch of tickets made available.Each applicant could request for up to four tickets for a maximum of seven of the 64 matches.

Golf: Els to skip Tiger event to Nedbank Challenge


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Four-time major champion Ernie Els will play next months $6.5 million (4.85 million euros) Nedbank Challenge in South Africa after pulling out of a Tiger Woods charity event the same weekend.The 44-year-old South African will not play in the European Tours final at Dubai after deciding against playing in two of the three run-up events as required to be eligible for the 60-man final showdown.After that, Els opted to play for a record 17th time in the Nedbank event in his homeland, an event he has won three times and owns the career prize money record, rather than make his first appearance at the World Challenge event hosted by world number one Woods in southern California.Im really looking forward to coming back and playing such a special event, Els said. It was actually a family decision. Liezl, Samantha and Ben are with me for a short while and it made a lot of sense to compete at Sun City,Dustin Johnson, the World Golf Championships HSBC Championship winner, will replace Els in the field for the Sherwood Country Club event on December 4-8, the same dates as the Nedbank Challenge.

Formula One: Williams sign Massa for 2014


LONDON (AFP) - Williams have signed Brazils Felipe Massa as one of their drivers for the 2014 Formula One season, the British team announced Monday.Massa, 32, joins from grid rivals Ferrari, for whom he has raced since the 2006 season, with Pastor Maldonado axed by Williams.The Williams F1 Team is delighted to announce that Felipe Massa will join the team to drive alongside Valtteri Bottas for the 2014 FIA Formula One World Championship season, a team statement said.The new line-up reflects Williams determination to bring success back to the team, added the statement, the marque having managed just a solitary point in the 2013 Formula One constructors championship with two rounds left.Massas Grand Prix future was called into question when Ferrari announced they had re-signed Kimi Raikkonen for next season.In 12 seasons in Formula One, Massa has won 11 races and recorded 36 podium finishes.He narrowly missed out on the 2008 drivers world title to Britains Lewis Hamilton by just a single point but helped Ferrari win the constructors world title in both 2007 and 2008.Massa is currently eighth in the drivers standings for 2013, with Red Bulls Sebastian Vettel having already wrapped up his fourth successive Formula One title.We are delighted to be able to confirm our 2014 driver line-up and welcome Felipe into the Williams family, said team founder and principal Frank Williams.He is an exceptional talent and a real fighter on the race track; he also brings a wealth of experience as we begin a new chapter in our story.Massa said he was delighted to be joining another iconic team and one for whom Brazilian Grand Prix greats Nelson Piquet and Ayrton Senna had both raced.Williams is one of the most successful and important teams of all time in Formula One, Massa said.When I was a kid, I always dreamed about racing for Williams, Ferrari or McLaren and Im glad to be signing with another icon of the sport following my time at Ferrari.It is also nice to remember that some of the best Brazilian drivers raced for Williams and cemented a strong national link with the team.I hope my experience will be useful in helping the team in its effort to move on from a difficult period, he added.No Williams driver has won the world title since Canadas Jacques Villeneuve in 1997, the same year the team won the last of its nine constructors titles.

Stockholm submits bid to host 2022 Winter Olympics


STOCKHOLM (AP) - Stockholm entered the race for the 2022 Winter Olympics on Monday, submitting a bid that includes plans to host Alpine skiing events more than 600 kilometers (400 miles away) in the northern Swedish ski resort of Are.The Swedish Olympic Committee delivered the bid to the International Olympic Committee, three days before the deadline.Stockholm hosted the 1912 Summer Olympics, as well as the equestrian competition of the1952 Melbourne Games.Stockholm joins another Scandinavian capital Oslo, Norway in the 2022 race.The Swedish committee said the games would be an urban event, with the majority of sports hosted in the capital. Four Alpine ski competitions downhill, giant slalom, super G and the combined would be held in Are, 650 kilometers (400 miles) north of Stockholm.A review of the conditions to host the games concluded that existing venues have enough capacity to hold most events. One of the biggest planned investments would be to raise the height of an existing ski slope in Stockholm by 100 meters (330 feet) to meet the criteria to host the slalom competition.We could give the world an exciting and original project that would be both spectacular and brings winter sports into the city in a unique way, the Swedish committee said in a statement.The committee will continue to investigate the financial and technical conditions and submit a final application to the IOC on March 14.Six candidates are now in the running for the 2022 Games. In addition to Stockholm and Oslo, they are: Lviv, Ukraine; Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and a joint bid from Krakow, Poland, and Jasna, Slovakia.On Sunday, voters in Germany rejected plans for Munich to bid for the games. Opponents were concerned about environmental issues and high costs.In March, another potential European favorite was rejected in a referendum. Switzerland dropped its candidacy from St. Moritz, the 1928 and 48 host, when voters in the region refused to support it amid concerns over cost and disruption.The IOC will select the 2022 host city in 2015.

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