Friday 22 November 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Karachi blasts: MQM to observe day of mourning today


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has appealed to the people of Pakistan to remain calm and express solidarity with the families of the Ancholi blast victims and observe a day of mourning on today (Saturday).Altaf Hussain also appealed to the citizens of Karachi to remain peaceful and keep their businesses, shops and the educational institutes open.Meanwhile, CM Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif has express sorrow over the loss of lives in Karachi blasts.On the other hand JI Ameer of Karachi, Hafiz Naeem-ur-rehman has condemned the Karachi blasts and said that government has miserably failed to maintain law and order situation in the country.Shia Ulema Council has also announced three-day mourning across the country against twin blasts in Karachi while Sunny Tehrik Pakistan has also condemned the deadly blasts.

Karachi: Death toll from twin blasts rises to 8


KARACHI: At least eight persons died and several others injured in twin blasts outside a tea stall in Ancholi area of Karachi on Friday night.According to initial reports, the explosive was planted in motor-bikes. The first blast took place outside a hotel while second occurred outside milk shop.The blasts were so severe that the sound was heard in far flung areas of the city.According to reports, four shops, two vehicles, a rickshaw and many houses have also been reportedly damaged in the blasts.Panic spread in the area after the blasts. Rescue teams shifted the dead and injured to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Civil Hospital where condition of some injured were being reportedly critical.Police and rangers have cordoned off the area and blocked Shahra-e-Pakistan for traffic after the blasts.The Governor and Chief Minister of Sindh while taking notice of the blasts ordered authorities concerned to investigate and present report.

Peshawar: PTI to stage sit-in against drone attacks today


PESHAWAR (Online): Stage is set for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) sit-in in Peshawar today (Saturday) in protest against US’s drone attacks on Pakistani soil.Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has confirmed its participation and would stand shoulder to shoulder with PTI against continued NATO supply and drone strikes.In this regard political workers of different parties including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) have arrived in Peshawar from various parts of the country to participate in sit-in.The call of sit-in was given by PTI-led Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government against drone attacks and NATO supply.According to the programme PTI activists from all over country will gather at Naran Garden in Hayatabad area on Saturday morning, commencing sit-in to register protest with the government against US’s drone attacks on Pakistani land and would continue till Sunday evening.The provincial government has also finalized security plan for protest demonstration and traffic would also be suspended on different points of sit-in.Transporters were directed to use alternate routes in order to perform routine work smoothly.KP government would also deploy heavy police contingents to control law and order situation during sit-in.

New York: Pak-born US man killed wife, 2 sons, then self


PLEASANT VALLEY (Agencies) - New York State Police now say the two boys, and their mom shot dead in Pleasant Valley, were killed by the kids father.Police did not release an exact timeline of the murders, but they believe the father shot his wife and kids before killing himself.Police found the body of 43-year-old Sarwat Lodhi Friday afternoon. She hadnt been seen since a man and his two young sons were found shot to death, their bodies found at two different locations in the normally quiet town of Pleasant Valley on Thursday.The dad, 49-year-old Abbas Lodhi and one of his sons, were found in the parking lot of an A&P Supermarket around 8:30 a.m. Thursday. After those bodies were found, police went to the family home and found the other boy shot dead.The sons were identified as 9-year-old Zain Lodhi and 13-year-old Mugthba Lodhi, but police didnt immediately specify which boy was found at which location.The shotgun believed to have been used in all three killings was found in the car.Authorities say the parents moved from Pakistan during the 1990s and became U.S. citizens. Abbas Lodhi was a state-licensed pharmacist since 1993 and recently closed his pharmacy in Hyde Park.Nearby business owners who knew Abbas Lodhi said he worked hard and was a fan of soccer and cricket.

Kerry, Russian FM join Iran nuclear talks


GENEVA (AP) - Secretary of State John Kerry and foreign ministers of other major powers lent their weight to the Iran nuclear talks after envoys reported progress Friday in marathon negotiations to curb the Iranian program in return for limited sanctions relief.After a third day of talks, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said Kerry was en route to Geneva to help narrow the differences. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Geneva late Friday.British Foreign Secretary William Hague announced he would also travel to Geneva. A French diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information, said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius would join the others here.The announcements followed a day in which diplomats appeared more and more optimistic that a deal could be struck.As talks adjourned, a diplomat said Iranian Foreign Minister and top European Union diplomat Catherine Ashton had made progress on a key sticking point Irans claim to a right to produce nuclear fuel through uranium enrichment.Irans official IRNA news agency quoted Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi in Geneva as saying that Irans right to uranium enrichment must be part of any deal.Enrichment is a hot-button issue because it can be used both to make reactor fuel and to arm nuclear missiles. Iran argues it is enriching only for power, and scientific and medical purposes. And it says it has no interest in nuclear arms.But Washington and its allies point to Tehrans earlier efforts to hide enrichment and allege it worked on developing such weapons.Iran has insisted on that right throughout almost a decade of mostly fruitless nuclear negotiations. But Zarif last weekend indicated that Iran is ready to sign a deal that does not expressly state that claim, raising hopes that a deal could be sealed at the current Geneva round.For the U.S. and Iran, the talks represent more than trying to hammer out a nuclear deal. In style and substance they are an extension of the historic dialogue opened during Septembers annual U.N. gathering, which included a 15-minute phone conversation between President Barack Obama and Irans new president, Hassan Rouhani.The nuclear negotiations have included intensive one-on-one sessions between U.S. and Iranian envoys, offering opportunities to widen contacts and begin the long process of reconciliation after more than three decades of estrangement. For Iran, it also gives Rouhanis government a chance to show skeptical hard-liners that dialogue is possible with Washington without putting the countrys Islamic system in peril.Iranian hard-liners are suspicious of talk of nuclear compromise since Rouhani took office in September, fearing his team will give too much at the negotiating table and not get enough in terms of sanctions relief.On Wednesday, Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said his country would never compromise on red lines. Since then Tehran has publicly reverted to its original stance that the six powers must recognize this activity as Irans right, despite strong opposition by Israel and within the U.S. Congress.Still, comments from Iranian officials in Geneva indicated that reverting to tough talk on enrichment may be at least partially meant for home consumption.In Geneva, a senior Iranian negotiator said the Iranian claim to the right to enrich did not need to be explicitly recognized in any initial deal, despite Khameneis comment, adding that the supreme leader was not planning to intervene in the talks. He did suggest, however, that language on that point remained difficult and that there were other differences.Work is proceeding on a compromise along the lines of what the Iranian negotiator said avoiding a direct reference to any countrys right to enrich but still giving enough leeway for Iran to accept it, said a diplomat involved in the talks.Both he and the Iranian envoy demanded anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss the confidential talks and neither offered details.Senior Iranian analyst Trita Parsi, citing conversations with Iranian and U.S. officials, said the draft includes a reference to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran claims is the guarantor of each countrys right to enrich by granting signatories the right to pursue nuclear power for peaceful uses.That argument is rejected by the United States and its allies, which say the treaty does not directly mention such a right.Parsi said Tehran wants the wording to make clear that Iran is not a permanent outcast, but has the same rights and responsibilities as all other signatories to the treaty.

Bombings, militant attacks kill 23 across Iraq


BAGHDAD (AP) - Militant bombings and shootings Friday across Iraq killed at least 23 people, officials said, capping several days of bloody assaults in the country as the attacks go unstopped.It was the latest in a surge in violence that has swept across Iraq since April, reaching levels unseen since the country teetered on the brink of civil war in 2006 and 2007.Back-to-back bombings in a commercial area in Baghdads southern Dora neighborhood killed seven and wounded 18, a police officer and medical official said.A bomb went off at an outdoor market in Baghdads southeastern suburb of Nahrawan, killing three shoppers and wounding 10, a police officer said.Another bomb targeted worshippers as they were leaving a Sunni mosque after Friday prayers in the capitals southwestern Saydiyah neighborhood, killing three and wounding nine, another police officer said.In two other Baghdad areas, a doctor was killed when a bomb attached to his car exploded and a police officer was shot dead while driving his car, police said.In Abu Ghraib, just west of Baghdad, one worshipper was killed and six others were wounded when a bomb went off near a Sunni mosque, police said.To the north of the Iraqi capital, a bomb targeted a patrol of pro-government anti-al-Qaida Sunni militiamen in the town of Tarmiyah, killing three and wounding two, police said. Al-Qaida sees the militia, known as an Awakening Council, as traitors since it was set up by U.S. forces during the height of Iraqs insurgency. Tarmiyah is located about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Baghdad.Militants attacked a police station and an army patrol near the northern city of Mosul, killing two policemen and two soldiers and wounding seven troops in those attacks. Mosul is located about 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad.Medical officials confirmed the causality figures. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to journalists.The explosions came a day after a series of attacks killed at least 50 people on Thursday. And on Wednesday, coordinated explosions hit mainly Shiite commercial areas in Baghdad and outside the capital, killing at least 35 people.Bombings and militant attacks have spiked since April, when security forces carried out a bloody raid on a Sunni protest camp in the countrys north, pushing violence to the highest levels in years and killing more than 5,500 people, according to the United Nations.Fridays attacks bring the death toll across the country this month to 317, according to an Associated Press count.

Two killed as clashes erupt in Egypt


CAIRO (AFP) - A young boy and a man were killed on Friday as supporters and opponents of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi clashed in Egypt, officials said.The confrontations came as pro-Morsi groups called for a week of anti-military protests under the slogan Massacre of the Century.That is a reference to the August 14 crackdown by security forces on Morsi supporters in Cairos Rabaa al-Adawiya Square where at least 627 people died on that day.The boy, aged 10, was hit in the head by a bullet when pro-Morsi marchers clashed with his opponents after Friday prayers in the city of Suez, security officials said.A man was killed in similar clashes in the central city of Minya.Khaled al-Khatib, a senior health ministry official, confirmed the two deaths to state news agency MENA, adding that another 15 people were injured nationwide.Disturbances were also reported in some districts of the capital and in other towns.Police fired tear gas as pro- and anti-Morsi students pelted each other with rocks at Cairos Al-Azhar University, security officials said.An interior ministry statement said that some students linked to the Muslim Brotherhood torched a tram carriage in the Heliopolis district of the city.On Thursday, Egypts interim rulers gave police the power to enter university campuses to quell protests without seeking prior permission from the prosecutor general or university authorities as previously required.On Friday, police also used tear gas grenades against demonstrators trying to reach Rabaa al-Adawiya Square.Fighting also erupted in the oasis city of Fayoum some 100 kilometres (60 miles) south of Cairo, and was later broken up by police using tear gas.At least 27 people were arrested nationwide, MENA reported.Islamist supporters of Morsi have regularly staged demonstrations against the military-installed authorities since his ouster by the army on July 3.The interim authorities are engaged in a sweeping crackdown targeting Islamists, and more than 1,000 people have died in violence since then.

51 dead in grocery roof collapse in Latvia


RIGA (AP) - As Latvian rescue workers searched Friday for bodies in the rubble of a supermarket collapse that killed dozens, speculation about the cause turned to possible construction flaws in the award-winning complex where builders were putting a playground on the grass- and gravel-covered roof.The death toll from the Thursday evening rush-hour roof collapse at the Maxima supermarket in Latvias capital had risen to at least 51, including three firefighters, police said.Police opened a criminal investigation into the cause of the tragedy at the building once vaunted as a place where high-rise residents could step out of their homes, stroll along a shady garden and pick up a couple of items for dinner.Riga Mayor Nils Usakovs told reporters that large bags of construction materials and soil, meant for the playground and a garden, were left on a weak spot on the roof and could have caused the collapse. It had rained for days, leading to speculation that the soil had become soaked and weighed down.Deputy Mayor Andris Ameriks said that several reinforced steel beams fell over at once, which might indicate that engineers failed to properly calculate load pressure on the roof. He blamed budget cuts for a lack of construction controls.In recent years due to the economic crisis many institutions, including construction oversight, ... were closed in Latvia in order to save money, Ameriks told Latvian television.An enormous crater-like hole gaped in the supermarkets roof, while building materials were still stacked on the remaining sections.It was the largest tragedy for the Baltic state since it regained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Latvias government declared three days of mourning starting Saturday.At least 35 people were injured, 28 of them hospitalized, including 10 firefighters struck just as they entered the unstable building, emergency medical officials said.The store was filled with shoppers when an enormous section of the roof caved in. Two hours later, while rescue workers searched for survivors, a second and larger section of roof caved in, trapping and killing firefighters.Nina Kameneva, a retiree who lives on the seventh floor of an apartment building overlooking the supermarket, said she and her husband were in the kitchen when the first collapse occurred at approximately 4:45 p.m. on Thursday producing a jolt so powerful it shook their building.She said they both rushed out onto their balcony, from where they saw survivors trying to scramble out of the store through a cloud of dust.It felt like an earthquake, Kameneva said. She added that they loaded so much material on that roof over the past two weeks that I simply dont understand.Maxima executive Gintars Jasinks confirmed reports Friday that fire alarms went off approximately a half-hour before the collapse, but he told reporters that no one was evacuated because there was no indication of a fire. It was not clear if there was a connection or whether construction work could have triggered the alarm.State Police spokesman Toms Sadovskis said rescuers hoped to complete the search for survivors by Saturday morning.About 500 square meters (5,300 square feet) of the roof collapsed, the rescue service estimated, destroying large sections of the stores high walls and nearly all its front windows.Several large construction cranes gingerly hauled metal slabs and other debris from the central hole, while bulldozers cleared paths into the store.The project, which won a silver medal from the Latvian Builders Association in its competition for best building of 2011, was built on swampy ground in a densely populated area between the airport and Rigas downtown.

Syria peace envoy holds talks with Iran


GENEVA (AFP) - The UN-Arab Leagues Syria peace envoy held talks Friday with key Damascus ally Iran amid renewed efforts to bring the countrys warring sides to the negotiating table.Veteran mediator Lakhdar Brahimi had a half-hour discussion in Geneva with Iranian Foreign Minster Mohammad Jarad Zarif, Brahimis spokeswoman told AFP.It was a follow-up to the meeting they had in Tehran on October 26 and 27, and to take stock of preparations for Geneva II, she said, referring to another long hoped-for Syria peace conference.Zarif was in Geneva for a new round of negotiations with world powers including the United States and Russia on Irans disputed nuclear programme.Brahimi was scheduled Monday to hold high-level talks in the Swiss city with US and Russian officials.The international community has struggled to broker talks between the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the rebels battling him since a bloody March 2011 crackdown on Arab Spring-inspired protests.The so-called Geneva II negotiations are meant to be based on talks held in June 2012, where world powers called for a Syrian transition government.But the warring sides failed to agree on whether Assad or his inner circle could play a role, and amid spiralling fighting the proposal stalled, and plans for Geneva II have repeatedly been put on hold.Iran is a key supporter of Assad, and Russia has sought to have Tehran involved in any peace talks, raising hackles in the West.

Williams earns 5th WTA player of the year award


PALM BEACH GARDENS (AP) - Serena Williams has warned the rest of womens tennis there is more to come from her after she was named WTA player of the year for the second year running and the fifth time overall.Williams enjoyed one of the greatest seasons in WTA history.She won 78 of 82 matches, the U.S. Open and French Open among 11 titles, and a record $12,385,572 in prize money.Since February, shes been the oldest No. 1 in WTA history. Shes now 32.She says, I have some areas where I can do a lot better for next year and I look forward to it. Overall Ill remember the wins, but I also want to learn from my mistakes so I dont repeat them.Williams was also player of the year in 2002, 08, 09 and 12.

Formula One: Roseberg tops second practice for Mercedes


SAO PAULO (AFP) - Nico Rosberg made the most of a limited supply of tyres on Friday when he topped the times for Mercedes in both free practice sessions for Sundays Brazilian Grand Prix.The 28-year-old German, who had led a Mercedes one-two ahead of team-mate Lewis Hamilton in the morning, was fastest again, outpacing both Red Bulls in the final minutes of another rain-hit session in the afternoon.For Rosberg it was confirmation of his merit among the top drivers, many of whom were left frustrated by the lack of available suitable Pirelli tyres in the conditions.In general, I feel like I had good pace so it can stay wet for the whole weekend for me, he said.Of course, you dont know where the others were. You would expect the Red Bull to be quicker anyway but I dont know how much fuel they were running.I dont know if pole in the wet is possible as its too early to say, but I think Ive got a good shot at being right at the front in qualifying.His team-mate and 2008 world champion Briton Lewis Hamilton was not so positive.If it stays like this Ive got no hope, he said.Hamilton added that he was unable to match Rosbergs time because he did not feel as comfortable or competitive in the wet in the Mercedes car as he wished.Looking back at my career, in the rain... that was when I could really make the difference, but in this car there is no hope for me.I dont know whats going on. Im just really, really struggling with the throttle mapping and all these kinds of things.Clearly, the car is quick enough because of what Nico was able to do so I really need to work hard, he added.Im just struggling to keep it on the track. It was the same in Australia and I cant remember where else it has been raining, but it has always been the same.As a result of the conditions, and the meagre tyre supply, most teams only ran with one set of tyres in order to preserve more tyres for Saturdays practice and the decisive qualifying session for the season-ending contest at Interlagos.While the Mercedes men were split in their reactions to the conditions, world champion German Sebastian Vettel of Red Bull dismissed Fridays action as irrelevant.Obviously you can tell that people did not run a lot this afternoon because they wanted to save their tyres, as we only have one set free to use today.But come Sunday, or Saturday, you need to have the tyres -- and you need to make the right call. It was good to get a bit of a baseline in these conditions, but you have to be sharp for tomorrow or Sunday.Mark Webber, preparing for his last race in Formula One, was third for Red Bull and said he had done his best to prepare for what lies ahead in challenging conditions on a day of virtually incessant rain.Rosberg, who clocked one minute and 24.781 seconds in the morning, was top for most of the afternoon in wetter conditions until it dried sufficiently for the top drivers to risk using intermediate tyres.This brief late period saw Vettel setting the pace ahead Australian Webber.But Rosberg bounced back to top the times again in 1:27.306, two-tenths of a second faster than Vettel.The champion was second ahead of Webber with Finn Heikki Kovalainen fourth for Lotus, where he has replaced injured compatriot Kimi Raikkonen for the final two events, and Hamilton fifth.Frenchman Jean-Eric Vergne was an impressive sixth for Toro Rosso ahead of local hero Brazilian Felipe Massa, in his last race weekend with Ferrari, German Nico Hulkenberg of Sauber and another Australian Daniel Ricciardo, in his last outing with Toro Rosso before moving to Red Bull next season.

Skiing: Injured Vonn withdraws from Beaver Creek race


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - The clock is ticking on American Lindsey Vonns bid to defend her Olympic downhill title as the injured US star officially withdrew Friday from next weeks World Cup stop in Beaver Creek.Vonn was due to return to racing at Beaver Creek for the first time since reconstructive surgery of her right knee in the wake of a crash at the world championships in Schladming, Austria, in February.But she crashed on a training run at Colorados Copper Mountain on Tuesday, and suffered a partial tear of one of her reconstructed knee ligaments.Lindsey is extremely appreciative of the outpouring of support and good wishes, her spokesman Lewis Kay said Friday.While her rehab is progressing, she is not at a point where she will be able to ski next week and is unfortunately withdrawing from the race at Beaver Creek.She will continue to do therapy with an eye at racing in Lake Louise.After a downhill, super-G and giant slalom at Beaver Creek November 29-December 1, womens alpine World Cup racers are slated to contest two downhills at Lake Louise, Canada, on December 6 and 7, and a giant slalom on December 8.Orthopaedic surgeon Bill Sterett of Vail, Colorado, who operated on Vonn in February, is overseeing her rehab.Lindsey is recovering very quickly from abrasions to her face and contusions to her shoulder blade, he said in comments released through Kay.Beyond that, she has a stable knee with an MRI finding of a partial tear of her ACL graft. With therapy, she is progressing well while not losing any of the strength she worked so hard to achieve.Vonn, also a four-time overall World Cup champion and two-time world champion, resumed skiing in August.She skipped the giant slalom season opener in Austria for more time to train, saying her main focus this season is the Sochi Olympics that start on February 7.The 29-year-old is hoping to emulate the feat of former US speed queen Picabo Street, who came back the season after reconstructive surgery to win an Olympic gold medal at the 1998 Nagano Games.

Marseille beat Ajaccio 3-1 in French league


AJACCIO (AP) - Marseille beat lowly Ajaccio 3-1 Friday in the French league to make up ground in the race for a Champions League spot.Marseille forward Dimitri Payet opened the scoring in the 27th minute before Ajaccio defender Grenddy Perozo leveled with a downward header in the 31st.But Andre-Pierre Gignac fired into the top corner from the edge of the box in the 39th and Florian Thauvin scored from close range in the 58th to seal the win.Marseille pulled within two points of third-place Monaco while Ajaccio remained in the relegation zone.In a match pitting two teams needing points, tempers flared in the 17th when Thauvin and Ajaccio midfielder Johan Cavalli received yellow cards for clashing.Marseille put the hosts under pressure in the first half. Gignac struck the woodwork with a cross-shot from the left flank in the 10th before cutting inside in the 21st to curl a shot that bounced off the post.Marseille capitalized on a turnover from Ajaccio to take the lead. Thauvin won the ball on the right flank and found Payet, whose first-time effort from 15 yards beat goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa.Four minutes later, however, Ajaccio converted its first scoring chance to equalize. Perozo connected with a free kick from Cavalli to head in.Ochoa saved a long-range strike from Payet in the 34th but was helpless when Gignac chested down a cross from fullback Kassim Abdallah to score his sixth goal this season.Marseille added a third goal in the second half when Payet charged down the left wing to feed Thauvin, who flicked home from eight yards.The 2010 champions had no trouble to protect their lead despite an effort from Cavalli in the 55th from a tight angle and a long-range attempt from substitute Claude Goncalves in the 78th.On Saturday, its: Reims vs. Paris Saint-Germain; Evian vs. Lorient; Lyon vs. Valenciennes; Montpellier vs. Guingamp; Rennes vs. Bordeaux; and Sochaux vs. Bastia.On Sunday, Lille hosts Toulouse, Monaco visits Nantes, and Saint-Etienne faces Nice.

Golf: Gal stretches LPGA Titleholders lead


NAPLES (AFP) - Germanys Sandra Gal fired a three-under par 69 on Friday to stretch her lead in the LPGAs season-ending Titleholders to three strokes.Gal, who led by one shot going into the second round, had five birdies in her three-under effort at windy Tiburon Golf Club, and her 11-under total of 133 put her three strokes clear of South Koreas Yoo Sun-Young.Yoo posted her second straight 68 for 136, and was two strokes in front of Thailands Pornanong Phatlum (68) and Americans Gerina Piller (67) and Cristie Kerr (69).South Koreas Park Hee-Young, Swedens Anna Nordqvist and American Morgan Pressel were a further stroke back on 139 - one stroke in front of a group of six that included world number one Park In-Bee as well as Chinas Feng Shanshan and US teen star Lexi Thompson.New Zealands 16-year-old sensation Lydia Ko, playing her first tournament as a professional after an amateur career that included victories in four pro events, had two birdies and one bogey in her second straight 71.The elite season finale, open to players who posted top-three finishes this year, features a winners prize of $700,000, largest on the LPGA Tour.

Golf: Woods' World Challenge moving to Florida in 2014


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - The Tiger Woods Foundation said Friday that the World Challenge unofficial event hosted by the 14-time major champion will move to Florida in 2014.This years World Challenge, will be contested at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks, California, west of Los Angeles, December 5-8.Sherwood and Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, are the only two courses to host the event in its first 15 years.Next year, Isleworth Golf and Country Club near Orlando will be the host course.We have a longstanding relationship with Tavistock Group and my friend, Joe Lewis, and I am thrilled to see it grow in support of our foundations, said Tiger Woods of the group that owns Isleworth.Weve enjoyed 15 amazing years in Southern California, which helped us launch our flagship Tiger Woods Learning Center...Im looking forward to this next phase of the World Challenge and what it can bring to Florida.This years 18-player field at the World Challenge includes 14 of the top 20 players in the world, along with defending champion Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland and reigning PGA Champion Jason Dufner.

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