Saturday 23 November 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Pakistan, South Africa first ODI today


CAPE TOWN (Agencies) - Pakistan and South Africa switch gears and lock horns in the first match of three one-day internationals today after drawing their T20 series 1-1.Pakistan have looked far more competitive on South African surfaces than they did in the UAE. They pushed South Africa in the 1st T20 before rain interrupted play and their batsmen performed well in the second T20 to clinch the win. The one-day game is a completely different format, though. In press conferences attended by Bleacher Report, both Misbah-ul-Haw and Mohammed Hafeez said that the win will boost their confidence leading into the first ODI while South Africa's coach Russell Domingo said it's a clean slate.Instead, South Africa are looking to build on the momentum they have gained in the ODI format recently.

Iran wants explicit enrichment 'right' in deal: negotiator


TEHRAN (AFP) - A senior Iranian negotiator said Saturday Tehran was seeking the explicit recognition of a right to enrichment in any deal with world powers in Geneva, Iranian media reported.We are insisting on our right to enrichment, which should be clearly recognised in the draft agreement, deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi was quoted as telling Iranian reporters late Saturday, the fourth day of intensive talks.Araqchi said the negotiations were making progress but slowly.Araqchi said the negotiations were now in the 11th hour and that most of the differences of opinion have been resolved. He did not elaborate.There has been progress of 98 percent in the negotiations, but maybe the remaining two percent are way more important than all the other issues, Araqchi said, the ISNA news agency reported.The remarks came late Saturday, after foreign ministers from the so-called P51 group of the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia plus Germany converged to the Swiss city to help narrow the differences.The talks, the third such gathering in five weeks, are aimed at an elusive deal that would curb or freeze Irans nuclear activities in exchange for limited relief from sanctions that are hurting its economy.Iran insists its nuclear programme is peaceful, but has failed to allay the international communitys suspicions it is aimed at acquiring atomic weapons.

Iran nuclear deal proves elusive


GENEVA (AFP) - Foreign ministers from world powers struggled Saturday to nail down a landmark nuclear deal with Iran, with US Secretary of State John Kerry announcing his imminent departure and Irans chief negotiator downbeat.As talks in Geneva went late into an unscheduled fourth day, Kerrys spokesman said Washingtons top diplomat would be flying to London on Sunday morning -- presumably with or without a deal.Iranian chief negotiator Abbas Araqchi said he doubted that Tehran and the P51 world powers -- the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany -- could reach an accord by the end of Saturday.Intense and difficult negotiations are under way and it is not clear whether we can reach an agreement tonight, Fars news agency quoted Araqchi as saying.The talks, mostly between Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and P51 chief negotiator Catherine Ashton, are aimed at securing a freeze on parts of Irans nuclear programme in return for limited sanctions relief.The arrival of Kerry and other P51 foreign ministers late Friday and on Saturday had raised hopes, after three long days of intense negotiations among lower-level officials, that a breakthrough was in sight.However the talks continued to drag on inside the smart Geneva hotel late Saturday.We have now entered a very difficult stage, Zarif told state television.He insisted he would not bow to excessive demands, without detailing the obstacles.British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on his arrival that the talks remain very difficult and that we are not here because things are necessarily finished.Late on Saturday, Kerry went into a three-way meeting with Ashton and Zarif for the second time, a US official said following a meeting among the powers foreign ministers.Two weeks ago, the ministers had jetted in seeking to sign on the dotted line, only to fail as cracks appeared among the P51 nations -- fissures that officials say are now repaired.But a second fruitless effort in Geneva in as many weeks would not only be an diplomatically embarrassing.If there is no deal, or at least an agreement to meet again soon and keep the diplomatic momentum going, the standoff could enter a new, potentially dangerous phase.Since being elected in June, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has raised big hopes that, after a decade of rising tensions over Tehrans nuclear programme, a solution might be within reach.But if his diplomatic push fails to bear fruit, Tehran could resume its expansion of nuclear activities, leading to ever more painful sanctions -- and possible military action by Israeli or the United States.Mark Hibbs, an analyst from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said Kerrys imminent departure might not necessarily be a bad sign, however.Kerry leaving might set a deadline and focus peoples minds, especially if things this afternoon are bogging down in the details, Hibbs told AFP.

Activists: Government airstrikes kill 44 in Syria


BEIRUT (AP) - A string of government airstrikes on rebel-held areas in northern Syria killed at least 44 people Saturday, activists said, as al-Qaida-linked rebels captured one of the countrys major oil fields in the east.An attack on the rebel-held town of al-Bab near the northern city of Aleppo was the deadliest of the three raids, killing 22 people, said Rami Abdurrahman, the director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.Fighter jets also bombed two rebel-held districts of Aleppo, Syrias largest city. Government warplanes missed their target in the Halwaniyeh neighborhood and sent bombs into a crowded vegetable market, killing 15 people, Abdurrahman said. Seven people died in a third airstrike in theKaram el-Beik district, according to the activist group. The Observatory has been documenting the conflict by relying on a network of activists on the ground.Air power has been Syrian President Bashar Assads greatest advantage in the civil war. Over the past year, his forces have exploited it in a wide-ranging offensive to push back rebel gains in the north and around the capital, Damascus.Syrian state television confirmed the fighter jets were in the north, but said they targeted gatherings of terrorists in Aleppo, killing a large number of them. Syrian state media routinely refers to rebels fighting to topple Assads government as terrorists.Another activist group, the Aleppo Media Network, confirmed Saturdays airstrikes and posted a video of what it says was the aftermath of the al-Bab raid. Plumes of smoke rose from twisted metal and chunks of broken-up concrete strewn on the ground in the video.The video appeared authentic and was consistent with The Associated Press reporting of the airstrikes.Meanwhile, fighters from al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra ousted government troops from the al-Omar field Saturday during an overnight battle, Abdurrahman said. Syrian state media and officials did not mention it.It is not clear if the field is operational. Before the uprising began in early 2011, the oil revenues provided around a quarter of the governments budget.In 2010, Syria produced about 380,000 barrels a day.Oil exports have ground to nearly a standstill since. Assads government now imports refined fuel supplies to keep up with demand amid shortages and rising prices.In late 2012, rebels began seizing oil fields in Deir el-Zour, one of two main centers of oil production. In February, they captured the large Jbeysa oil field after three days of fighting. A year ago, rebels briefly captured al-Omar field only to lose it to government troops days later.Rebels largely have been unable to benefit from the oil fields. The countrys two refineries remain under government control and the threat of airstrikes make working the fields difficult.Rebels fired mortar rounds Saturday at the oil refinery in the central city of Homs, setting ablaze a tank carrying thousands of liters (gallons) of fuel, a local official in the city told the AP. Firefighters fought to control the blaze, which threatened to spread to a larger tank nearby, the official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.In the predominantly Kurdish northeastern town of Qamishli, a car bomb exploded at a local police station, killing two, the Observatory said. The bombing comes as Kurdish fighters battle jihadis in predominantly Kurdish areas of northern Syria.In the Damascus eastern Ghouta suburb, the Observatory said fierce fighting overnight with government forces killed 25 rebels including six local commanders. It added that many soldiers were killed in the battles. There was no mention of the fighting in official Syrian media.Also Saturday, a pro-government television station said gunmen fired at a vehicle belonging to a Syrian Cabinet minister, killing his driver.Al-Ekhbariya said Minister Ali Haider was not in the car when it came under fire while traveling on a highway that links the central city of Hama with Tartous on the Mediterranean coast. A government media office confirmed the report.Syrias civil war started as a peaceful uprising against Assad that deteriorated into all-out civil war after a government forces violently cracked down on protesters. The conflict has killed some 120,000 people, activists say. The United Nations said in July that 100,000 Syrians have been killed, and has not updated that figure since. Millions of Syrians have been uprooted from their homes because of the fighting.

Egypt, Turkey downgrade ties in row over Morsi


CAIRO (AFP) - Egypt expelled Turkeys ambassador on Saturday and Ankara downgraded relations in tit-for-tat moves, further fraying ties that soured after the July ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.The latest row between the two US allies came after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday renewed his criticism of the coup that ousted Morsi and Egypts continuing crackdown on his Islamist supporters.Turkish officials initially expressed hope the differences could be resolved, but Erdogan appeared unbowed after the latest spat, saying: I will never respect those who come to power after a coup.Cairo expelled Turkish ambassador Huseyin Avni Botsali, declared him persona non grata, downgraded ties to the level of charge daffaires and elected not to send back its ambassador to Ankara.The foreign ministry accused Turkey of supporting... organisations seeking to create instability in the country, a clear reference to Morsis Muslim Brotherhood movement.It said Ankara was trying to influence the international community against Egyptian interests.Turkey responded by declaring Egyptian envoy Abderahman Salah El-Din persona non grata and downgrading ties with Cairo in line with the reciprocity principle that forms the basis of international relations.The Turkish foreign ministry summoned the Egyptian charge daffaires for an explanation and said Ankara held Cairos new military-installed authorities responsible for the current tensions.Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu also criticised Egypt for leaking the decision to expel the ambassador to the media before consultations with the envoy were completed, calling it behaviour that does not bode well with diplomatic courtesy.Diplomatic courtesy is observed even at times of crises between countries, he said, adding that the ambassador would return home at the earliest opportunity.Cairo and Ankara had both recalled their ambassadors after a previous spat in August. Botsali eventually returned to Cairo but Egypts envoy stayed at home.Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty said Erdogans comments earlier this week were provocative and amounted to interference in Egypts internal affairs.Erdogan said on Thursday: I applaud Mr Morsis stance against the judiciary. I respect him. I have no respect for those who put him on trial.Morsi is being tried on charges of inciting the killing of protesters during his turbulent one-year rule but has told the court he remains Egypts legitimate president and does not recognise its authority.On Saturday, at a rally in northern Turkey Erdogan held up four fingers in a sign that has become associated with Egypts violent dispersal of Islamist protesters in Cairos Rabaa al-Adawiya square in August, in which hundreds of people were killed.

Afghan jirga members urge Karzai to sign US security pact


KABUL (AFP) - Members of an Afghan grand assembly debating a crucial security pact with the United States voiced concern Saturday at President Hamid Karzais insistence it will not be signed until after Aprils election to choose his successor.Kabul and Washington have agreed a joint draft of the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), governing the presence of US troops in Afghanistan after 2014, which is being debated by the loya jirga, a gathering of about 2,500 chieftains, tribal elders and politicians.But in his opening statement on Thursday, Karzai told the meeting that the painstakingly negotiated deal would not be signed until after next years presidential election -- sparking a strong response from Washington, which wants it signed by the end of this year.US officials warned that failure to sign the pact -- which governs the conditions of any post-war American counter-terrorism and training mission in Afghanistan -- could jeopardise crucial aid to the war-torn country.The White House has said it needs a swift decision to start planning the movement of any US troops, and warned that President Barack Obama had not yet decided whether or not to keep American forces in Afghanistan.Karzai doesnt have the right to say this, he is making a mistake, said Sebghatullah Mujadidi, the head of the jirga.They (the Americans) have accepted all the conditions set out by him and us. It would hurt Afghanistan if he does not accept it, he added.Amir Mohammad Akhnudzada, a delegate from the volatile southern Helmand province, said: I think President Karzai should respect the decision of the Afghan elders, and all the delegates want this Bilateral Security Agreement signed as soon as possible.Earlier, Karzais spokesman Aimal Faizy told AFP that the president would explain the reasons for his stance in his closing speech to the jirga planned for Sunday.On the penultimate day of the four-day jirga on Saturday, delegates debated the legal jurisdiction for US troops who remain in Afghanistan after 2014.A draft text released by Kabul Wednesday appeared to show Karzai had bowed to a US demand that American troops would not be tried in local courts if they are accused of crimes.A similar security deal between the United States and Iraq collapsed in 2011 over the issue of whether American troops would be answerable to local courts, leading Washington to pull its forces out.But the text, published on the Afghan foreign ministry website, said Kabul had agreed that the United States should have the exclusive right to exercise jurisdiction over its forces.Undoubtedly, article 13 was a matter of concern to the people of Afghanistan. We discussed it thoroughly, and approved this article with some changes, said jirga member Abdul Qayom.Anarkali Honaryar said: This jirga was called mainly because of article 13 of the BSA. Everybody gives their suggestions and advice to the loya jirga.Karzai on Thursday told delegates that the BSA would allow up to 15,000 foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan.The jirga is to give its decision Sunday on the pact, the text of which was only agreed after months of tortuous negotiations with Washington.The jirga is widely expected to approve it, though possibly with recommendations or conditions, after which it must also be approved by the Afghan parliament before it can be signed into effect.Supporters of the deal say it is vital for post-2014, when the bulk of NATOs 75,000 troops will pull out. The Taliban insurgency this year has reached levels of violence not seen since 2010, according to the United Nations.Afghanistan goes to the polls on April 5 to elect a successor to Karzai, who must step down after his two terms. A credible election is seen as crucial to the countrys future stability.

Vettel takes pole position for Brazilian GP


SAO PAULO (AP) - Sebastian Vettel was fastest on a wet Interlagos track to take pole position for the Brazilian Grand Prix on Saturday and be in prime position for another record-setting performance.In Formula Ones season-ender on Sunday, Vettel can equal Michael Schumachers 13 victories in a year and match the record of nine consecutive wins by Alberto Ascari in 1952-53.The Red Bull driver, who wrapped up a fourth straight F1 title long ago, was more than half a second ahead of Nico Rosberg of Mercedes in treacherous conditions in a rain-delayed qualifying session.Its great to start from pole, Vettel said. Very happy with the laps I had in the end in these tricky conditions. Hopefully we can carry that momentum into the race.Fernando Alonso of Ferrari finished third. Vettels Red Bull teammate, Mark Webber, who is leaving F1 after Sundays race, will start fourth, and Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes fifth.It was Vettels ninth pole of the year and 45th all-time. The impressive margin over the rest of the field was telling of his dominance this season.I was surprised by the margin. When I was told I was very happy, he said. Its great in these conditions to get it all right. We had very little practice and still got the car where we wanted it to be in the end, so very happy.Rosberg, who had led both practice sessions on Friday, said there was nothing he could have done to catch his countryman.Surprised about the gap to Sebastian, thats very big, Rosberg said. Definitely it would have been difficult, even getting everything perfect, to come close to him.Heavy rain in Sao Paulo forced racings governing body FIA to delay the final round of qualifying by 40 minutes after conditions were deemed unsafe because of all the water on the track.It rained during all three practice sessions, but never as hard as it did in qualifying. Nearly all of the drivers went out immediately after the track opened to try to set a time before the weather deteriorated.Just before the end of the second round of qualifying, McLarens Sergio Perez crashed hard into a retaining wall after losing the back end of his car over a curb and spinning across the track. The Mexican driver was not injured.McLaren drivers, with a last chance for a podium finish, didnt make it past the second round Jenson Button was 15th and Perez 14th.Home-crowd favorite Felipe Massa will start ninth in his final race with Ferrari before joining Williams.Conditions were complicated, the Brazilian said. But in the race Ill give everything I have to make sure I can finish my last race with Ferrari on a high note.Two-time champion Alonso said he made a mistake that cost him a chance to start in the front row.Being in the first three is good but Im not totally happy with my lap, the Spaniard said. I lost a lot of time. Not obviously to beat Seb, hes too far in front of us, but I think for second place it was not difficult.Webber, moving to sports cars after F1, was fastest in the final practice on Saturday.Still at stake in Interlagos is second place in the constructors championship. With 43 points up for grabs at Interlagos, Mercedes holds a 15-point lead over Ferrari and a 33-point advantage over Lotus. Red Bull easily clinched the title in advance.It will be the last race before F1 adopts new engine rules that are expected to revamp the series next year. Teams will have to switch from 2.4-litre V8 engines to a 1.6-litre V6 turbocharged unit, a move that will demand significant alterations in the design of cars and make predictions nearly impossible.The Brazilian GP also marks the last race before driver changes at some of F1s top teams.World champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland is leaving Lotus to replace Massa, who is taking over the seat of Venezuelan Pastor Maldonado at Williams. McLaren is replacing Perez with rookie Kevin Magnussen of Denmark. Australian Daniel Ricciardo, from Red Bulls sister team, Toro Rosso, will fill Webbers seat.Maldonado, who may replace Raikkonen at Lotus, didnt make it past the first round of qualifying and will start only 17th.

Chelsea beat West Ham 3-0 in EPL


LONDON (AP) - Frank Lampard tormented his former club West Ham, scoring twice as Chelsea kept in touch with the English Premier League leaders with a 3-0 away win on Saturday.Playing with great pace and discipline, Jose Mourinhos team claimed a much-needed win that kept the Blues within four points of league leader Arsenal following two disappointing results.Lampard opened the scoring from the penalty spot in the 21st minute after West Ham keeper Jussi Jaaskelainen brought down Oscar in the box. The Brazilian midfielder then combined well with playmaker Eden Hazard and slotted home with a low shot from the edge of the box for a superb goal in the 34th.Lampard sealed Chelseas win, scoring from a rebound from inside the penalty area in the 82nd.

Ronaldo scores before injury in Madrid rout


BARCELONA, Spain (AP) - Cristiano Ronaldo struck again in Real Madrids 5-0 rout at Almeria before coming off with an injury on Saturday, while Barcelona didnt miss sidelined star Lionel Messi as it eased past Granada 4-0 to retain the Spanish league lead.Fresh from scoring four goals to lead Portugal past Sweden in their World Cup qualifier playoffs, Ronaldo extended his recent scoring run to eight straight games from club and country by grabbing Madrids third-minute opener.Ronaldo walked off the pitch in the 52nd with an unspecified injury before Karim Benzema, Gareth Bale, Isco Alarcon and Alvaro Morata added goals.Andres Iniesta and Cesc Fabregas earned and converted penalties to help injury-battered Barcelona overcome the absence of Messi and four more first-choice players.

Athletics: Heidler rules out Beijing worlds appearance


BERLIN (AFP) - Hammer world-record holder Betty Heidler has said she will not appear at the 2015 world championships in Beijing, three months after failing to qualify for the worlds final in Moscow.The 30-year-old, who threw the world record of 79.42 metres in May 2011, failed to qualify for the hammer final at Augusts world athletics championships, finishing 18th in the qualification round in Moscow.She has called time on any future appearances at world championships.I still have no firm date for when I will retire, I think about things from year to year, but I wont be competing at a world championships again, Heidler told website a personal decision, from deep down, and I wouldnt want to discuss it further.Having won gold at the 2007 world athletics championships in Osaka, Japan, Heidler won world silvers at both Berlin in 2009 and Daegu in 2011, as well as a bronze at the 2012 London Olympic Games.While she may be in the autumn of her career, the 1.75m-tall German is interested in attacking her own world record.Our top priority is still the dream of breaking 80 metres, she said.Currently nursing a knee injury, Heidler hopes to be back in normal training in two to three weeks before she goes for warm-weather training in South Africa in early 2014.Frankfurt-based Heidler has not ruled out an appearance at the 2018 European Championships in Berlin -- in whatever capacity.I want to be there definitely, no question, but as what, I cant say at the moment, she said.Perhaps Ill compete, perhaps Ill be a spectator, or as a helper or as a co-commentator on television.

Badminton: Lee cruises into Hong Kong Open final


HONG KONG (AFP) - World number one Lee Chong Wei crushed Thai opponent Boonsak Ponsana on Saturday to reach the Hong Kong Open final, setting up a title match against three-time Asian champion Sony Dwi Kuncoro.The 31-year-old Malaysian top seed -- yet to lose a game in the Superseries event -- eased past the eighth seed 21-12, 21-7 in 33 minutes in their semi-final at the Hong Kong Coliseum.Indonesias Kuncoro, defeated by Lee in the final of Januarys Malaysia Open, eliminated compatriot Tommy Sugiarto 21-14, 8-3, with the fifth seed retiring in the second game.In the womens singles, victories for Wang Yihan and Wang Shixian set up an all-Chinese final, ensuring there was no repeat of Fridays upset, when top seed and defending champion Li Xuerui was knocked out by Thailands Porntip Buranaprasertsuk.Third seed Wang Yihan recovered from losing the first game to beat unseeded Porntip 17-21, 21-15, 21-13 in a match lasting just over an hour.Fourth-seed Wang Shixian had less trouble in her semi-final, disposing of Japans Minatsu Mitani 21-13, 21-17.In a tense match in the mens doubles, unseeded South Korean pair Lee Yong-Dae and Yoo Yeon-Seong beat Indonesia world champions Mohammad Ahsan and Hendra Setiawan 22-20, 22-20, setting up an all-Korean final with fourth seeds Kim Ki-Jung and Kim Sa-Rang.In the mixed doubles, Englands Chris Adcock and Gabrielle White put out Chinese top seeds Zhang Nan and Zhao Yunlei and will face Chinas Liu Cheng and Bao Yixin on Sunday, who beat the Hong Kong pair of Lee Chun-hei and Chau Hoi-wah in a tight three-set contest.The womens doubles will see an all-Chinese final between Bao Yixin and Tang Jinhua and Ou Dongni and Tang Yuanting.Hong Kong is the final event in the 12-round Superseries. The BWF Superseries Finals will be held next month in Kuala Lumpur.

Golf: Pornanong among three sharing LPGA lead


NAPLES (AFP) - Thailand's Pornanong Phatlum fired a bogey-free five-under par 67 on Saturday to seize a share of the LPGA Titleholders third-round lead alongside Natalie Gulbis and Gerina Piller.Gulbis shook off a watery bogey at the par-five first hole at Tiburon Golf Club and carded eight birdies in a seven-under 65.Piller, like Pornanong, notched five birdies in her five-under 67 to join the leading trio on 11-under par 205.They were two strokes in front of a group of four players on 207 that included overnight leader Sandra Gal of Germany, China's Feng Shanshan and Americans Stacy lewis and Lexi Thompson.Lewis, the world number three who is chasing the Vare Trophy for low scoring average as the LPGA season concludes with this elite event, climbed up the leaderboard with a tournament record 63.Lewis jump-started her round with an eagle at the par-four third, and her eight birdies included six in the span of seven holes on the back nine.Feng had six birdies in a five-under 67 while Thompson had five birdies and no bogeys in her five-under effort.Gal, the leader after each of the first two rounds, struggled to a two-over 74. Her double-bogey six at the par-four second was followed by a bogey at the fourth and a birdie at the seventh, and the German parred her way in from there.American Michelle Wie carded a 66 and was alone on 208, one stroke in front of a group that included world number one Park In-Bee of South Korea.New Zealand teenager Lydia Ko, playing her first tournament as a professional after four wins in pro events as an amateur, carded an even par 72 and was in a group on 214, nine shots off the pace.

Karachi: 2 suspects escaped from lockup killed in encounter


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to police sources, two members of a banned organization, Abdullah alias Mukhtar and Hamid alias Pehalwan, escaped from Mochco Police Station on Saturday.Police cordoned off the surrounding areas of Mochco Police station and launched a search operation to re-arrest the culprits. The accused opened fire at the police party when it entered Raees Goth area. Police returned the fire due to which both the accused were killed.Both the accused were arrested by Rangers a few days ago and were handed over to police. During investigation the accused had admitted killing of 25 people including 16 police officials.

8 gang war accused among 25 arrested in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, Rangers conducted a targeted operation in Lyari and arrested eight members of different gang war groups.According to a spokesman of Rangers, the arrested persons belonged to Umar Kachi Group, Badshah Khan Group, Ustad Taju Group and Wasi Ullah Lakho Group.Rangers also conducted raids in Mawach Goth, Sehrpao Colony, Sohrab Goth and Kanwari Colony and arrested 17 accused. Arms and explosive material was also recovered from the accused.

Police negligence behind Pindi tragedy: repot


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - The fact-finding committee headed by Najam Saeed, formed to investigate Rawalpindi incident, has completed its investigation and has begun to compile a final report.According to sources, the committee recorded statement of more than 40 people including police officers, RPO, CPO, SSP Operations, SP Security, SP Rawal Town, SP CIA and SP Traffic.The committee also recorded statements of Commissioner and DCO Rawalpindi.According to sources, it is stated in the initial report of the fact-finding committee that Rawalpindi tragedy was a result of negligence of police and administration.

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