Thursday 21 November 2013

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

ECC approves draft policy framework for NGOs regulation


ISLAMABAD (APP): The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet on Thursday approved a draft policy framework for regulation of organizations receiving foreign contributions.The Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet was held here at the Prime Minister’s Office under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Finance Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar.In the absence of a policy framework, Economic Affairs Division was restrained to sign new Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), particularly those with ongoing operations and whose MOUs were about to expire.The objective of the government is to bring transparency in the working of the organizations receiving any sort of foreign funding and removing any difficulty which these organizations might have been facing on account of lack of such framework, said the Finance Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar.Under the policy framework, the MOUs with International Non-Governmental Organizations will be signed for a period up to five year.They will have to maintain a full disclosure of their activities, their respective areas of working, the source of their funding and the utilization of their funds.The draft policy envisages that the government encourages philanthropic activities and will not restrict any INGO from working in Pakistan in case of any calamity but they will have to carry on with their work after bringing their activities into the knowledge of the government and with its approval.On a summary moved by Ministry of National Food Security and Research, it was brought into the notice of ECC that a delegation of Pakistan Flour Mills Association had approached the Ministry with a request to supply at least 400,000 metric tons of wheat to Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK).The ECC decided that the KPK government should be approached to lift the balance of 90,000 tons of wheat from PASCO for which they have already made payment and provide it to the flour mills of the province so that flour prices and supply remain stable.A question arose regarding an earlier decision of ECC on fixation of quantity and consumption time of inputs used in manufacture of ghee to be exported to Afghanistan under DTRE Scheme.The ECC maintained that the manufacturer-cum exporter of ghee can avail DTRE approval for a quantity of 1000 MT at a time, which is to be consumed and exported within 90 days.Once such 1000 MT is consumed and exported, the manufacturer-cum-exporter can apply for another DTRE of the same quantity after ninety days.The meeting was attended by Minister for Industries and Production, Minister for Information and Broadcasting and National Heritage, Minister for National Food Security and Research, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Minister for Planning and Development, Minister for Water and Power and senior officials of concerned ministries.

Ban imposed on holding public rallies in twin cities


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – The Punjab government has decided to ban holding public rallies in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The decision was taken in a high level meeting on Thursday which was attended by government, army, rangers and police officials.Rangers and army personnel will be deployed in sensitive areas of the Rawalpindi today (Friday) in view of the expected protest demonstrations against the November 15 tragedy.The meeting also chalked out comprehensive security plan to avert any untoward incident.Security in Islamabad has been put on high alert and more than 1,500 personnel of Rangers and police will be deployed in the capital. It was also decided to seal the Red Zone while security of 32 seminaries and 10 Imam Bargahs has also been beefed up.The administration also imposed ban on use of loudspeaker and stern action would be taken against those persons who deliver provocative speeches.

Nationwide protests against Rawalpindi tragedy today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Protest demonstrations across the country against Rawalpindi tragedy will be held today (Friday).Ahle Sunat Wal-Jamaat has announced to observe protest day today while Milat Jaafria will observe ‘Youm-e-Azmat Nawasa-e-Rasool’ and Sunni Itehad Council has announced to hold ‘Youm-e-Aman aur Muhabbat’.Security has been tightened across the country ahead of expected protests today against the Rawalpindi incident.The Punjab government has decided to deploy 10,000 police officials in Lahore due to security concerns in the city.According to CCPO Lahore, religious leaders representing all schools of thoughts have assured to maintain peace in the city. However, stern action would be taken against those persons who violate law and order.Ban on pillion riding and gathering of more than five people has also been banned in Faisalabad on Friday while any processions and gatherings have also been prohibited in several cities.Army has been put on high alert while police and military troops will also hold a joint flag march.Extra police force from Lodhran, Khanewal and Vehari has been called in Multan to avert any untoward situation in the city while army troops have been deployed at Chowk Shaheedan and Shah Gardez.Section 144 has been imposed in Bahawalnagar and Chishtian while security of imambargahs and other religious seminaries has been increased.

Dengue claims another life Lahore


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, 35-year-old Abbas Butt of Shad Bagh area died of dengue fever at the Services Hospital on Thursday, bringing the death toll to 16 across the province.At least 39 new dengue cases have been reported during the past 24 hours in Punjab out of which 26 were reported in Lahore and 13 in Rawalpindi.

National Judicial Committee to meet on Saturday


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, will preside over the meeting of the National judicial (Policy Making) Committee on Saturday in Islamabad.Chief Justices of the all High Courts, Chief Justice of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Justice of Supreme Appellate Court Gilgit Baltistan and Registrar of the Supreme Court will also attend the meeting. The meeting will also review progress of subordinate courts.

US tells Karzai to sign security pact soon


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said Thursday that Afghanistan should sign a new security pact as soon as possible, but warned it had not yet decided on a post-2014 troop presence.Washington pushed back, in the latest sign of perpetual tension with Kabul, after President Hamid Karzai said he would not sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), reached after painstaking negotiations, until after elections next year.We must move forward as quickly as possible to sign the agreement, said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.We have been very clear about the need to conclude this by the end of the year.The White House said it needed a swift decision from Karzai to start planning the footprint of forces to combat terrorism and to train Afghan forces after NATO combat troops leave at the end of 2014.Failure to get this approved and signed by the end of the year would prevent the United States and our allies from being able to plan for a post-2014 presence, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.Thats not the kind of thing that you can decide in December of 2014.Karzai said that the BSA would allow up to 15,000 foreign troops to stay in the war-torn country.But Earnest, apparently trying to exert leverage for a swift signature on the BSA, said President Barack Obama had not yet made up his mind on a post-2014 plan.We have not yet determined whether or not a troop presence will continue in Afghanistan, Earnest said.Karzai earlier said the pact, currently under consideration by a loya jirga, a meeting of tribal chieftains in Afghanistan, could only be signed when our elections are conducted, correctly and with dignity.Afghanistan goes to the polls on April 5 to elect a successor to Karzai, who must step down after his two terms. A credible election is seen as crucial to the countrys future stability.The path to Karzai agreeing the terms of the BSA was smoothed by a letter from Obama which confirmed an agreement announced by Afghan officials on Tuesday over the vexed question of US forces raiding peoples homes.The letter released by Karzais office said US forces would not enter Afghan homes for military operations except under extraordinary circumstances involving urgent risk to life and limb of US nationals.The issue is a sensitive one in Afghanistan and had for a time appeared to pose a serious threat to the deal.If the jirga approves the BSA, it must be passed by the Afghan parliament.It has been touted as vital after 2014, when the bulk of NATOs 75,000 troops will pull out. The Taliban insurgency this year has reached levels of violence not seen since 2010, according to the United Nations.

Truck bomb, attacks kill at least 48 in Iraq


BAGHDAD (AP) - A truck bomb tore through an outdoor vegetable market in northeastern Iraq, the deadliest of a series of attacks Thursday that killed at least 48 people, officials said.The explosion in the town of Sadiyah, some 140 kilometers (90 miles) northeast of Baghdad, is the latest in a wave of attacks that has swept across Iraq since April, pushing violence to levels unseen since the country teetered on the brink of civil war in 2006 and 2007.Two police officers said witnesses told them that a man parked the truck containing the bomb in the market and asked workers to unload the vegetables before leaving the vehicle. The officers said 31 people were killed and at least 45 people were also wounded in the attack.Two medical officials confirmed the casualty figures.Meanwhile Thursday, a suicide bomber set off his explosives-laden belt at an army checkpoint in the town of Taji north of Baghdad, killing six soldiers and wounding 12, a police officer and a medical official said.In Baghdads northern Kasra neighborhood, a bomb attached to an army officers car killed his son and wounded five civilian pedestrians, a police officer and a medical official said. The officer was not in the car at the time of the explosion, authorities said.A car bomb explosion followed by other two bombs in a commercial area of Baghdads western Amiriyah neighborhood killed eight civilians and wounded 15, a police officer and a medical official said.And in Baghdads southeastern Bayaa neighborhood, gunmen attacked a supermarket, killing the two brothers who own it, a police officer and a medical official said. Two shoppers were wounded, they said.All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information to journalists.The attacks came a day after a series of coordinated explosions hit mainly Shiite commercial areas in Baghdad and outside the capital, killing at least 35 people and wounding 120.Last Thursday, a suicide bomber struck a group of Shiites gathered in Sadiyah to commemorate the 7th century death of a revered Shiite shrine. That attack killed at least 32 people and wounded 75.There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, but suicide attacks and large-scale bombings especially against security forces or crowded markets in Shiite areas are a favorite tactic of al-Qaidas local branch and Sunni insurgents. The Sunni extremists launch such attacks as they view Shiites as heretics.Violence in Iraq in the past eight months has killed more than 5,500, according to the United Nations. Thursdays explosion brings the death toll across the country this month to 292, according to an Associated Press count.

Iran says 'no progress' in Day 2 of nuclear talks


TEHRAN (AFP) - A senior Iranian negotiator said on Thursday no progress had been made to bridge differences with world powers during the second day of nuclear negotiations in Geneva.There has been no progress on points of difference with the so-called P51 group over Irans disputed nuclear drive, Abbas Araqchi told travelling Iranian journalists, the Mehr news agency reported.Araqchi, a deputy foreign minister, did not elaborate, but Iran has suggested that those differences include what it calls its right to enrich uranium.The remarks came at a gathering in Geneva of political directors from the P51 -- the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia plus Germany -- and Iranian negotiators.The negotiations seek a long-elusive deal over Irans nuclear programme that Western powers and Israel suspect masks military objectives, despite Tehrans denials.Araqchi said: Should there be progress and the talks near an agreement, it is possible for (P51) foreign ministers to come to help clinch a deal that had seemed within reach earlier this month.Echoing their P51 counterparts, Iranian diplomats have hailed the positive atmosphere at the talks and expressed hope of overcoming differences standing between failure this week and an accord.Araqchi said Irans team was working on a mooted draft agreement on the landmark accord -- that would partly curb its nuclear programme in exchange for limited sanctions relief.

Militias pull out of Libya's capital, Tripoli


TRIPOLI (AP) - Militias from a string of Libyan cities left the capital, Tripoli, on Thursday, nearly a week after militiamen killed more than 40 people protesting their presence in the city.The withdrawal is a triumph for the residents of Tripoli, who on Nov. 15 held a mass protest against the militias, which have fueled lawlessness nationwide since the 2011 fall of longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi.The heavily armed groups, some of them led by Islamic extremists, have defied control by the weak central government, carving out fiefdoms, acting as a law unto themselves and imposing their control.Witnesses said the militiamen gave their bases to army troops in handover ceremonies before they headed out of the city. They kept their weapons, mostly assault rifles, anti-aircraft guns mounted on pickup trucks and rocket-propelled grenades. The militias that left come from four cities, including Zentan to the south of Tripoli and Misrata to the west.Government moves to rein in militias, however, risk detonating an explosive backlash leading to outright battles between the rival militias. Since many of them are rooted in specific cities and act as arms of political groups, any violence could pit city against city in the already fragmented nation.Libyas military swept into Tripoli on Monday in an operation to drive out the militiamen. The troops met a warm welcome from Libyans seething with anger against the numerous armed groups running rampant in the country.The sweep was the most assertive yet by the military, but the governments armed forces and police remain weak and rely on allied militias for firepower.Prime Minister Ali Zidan on Thursday urged Libyans to respect their army and police and heed their orders. He also said he intended to submit a draft law to parliament that criminalizes the illegal possession of arms targeting unruly militias.

Activists walk out of UN climate talks


WARSAW (AP) - Hundreds of environmental activists walked out of U.N. climate talks on Thursday, saying they were deeply disappointed by the lack of results with just one day remaining.Wearing Polluters talk, we walk T-shirts, the activists streamed out of Warsaws National Stadium, where rich and poor countries were arguing over who should do what to fight global warming.The two-week session in the Polish capital was never expected to produce any big decisions or breakthroughs, but the protesters said in a statement that the talks were on track to deliver virtually nothing.Negotiations have been bogged down by disputes over financing to help poor countries develop their economies in a cleaner way than the West did and cope with rising sea levels, desertification and other impacts of global warming.Meanwhile, emerging economies including China and Brazil appeared to resist a European push for setting a 2014 deadline for when countries should put forth commitments for a new climate agreement, which is supposed to be adopted a year later.The level of progress is seen as a possible indicator of the worlds chances of reaching a deal in 2015. Thats the new watershed year in the U.N.-led process after a 2009 summit in Copenhagen ended in discord.If we go with the spirit of the lack of urgency that we see in these talks, we are headed for another disaster in Paris in 2015 and we need to avert it at all cost, Greenpeace head Kumi Naidoo told The Associated Press.We cannot afford to get it wrong again in 2015, he said.Environmental groups from around the world attend the annual talks as observers. They often stage colorful protests in the hallways to urge negotiators to step up the pace. One group called the Climate Action Network names a fossil of the day in a daily mock award ceremony to shame countries they see as blocking the negotiations.In Warsaw, some activists joined Filipino delegate Naderev Sanos fast during the conference in support of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Sano said his delegation shared the protesters anger and frustration at the lack of political will at the negotiations.Polands Marcin Korolec, the president of the talks, said he didnt share the climate activists assessment of the negotiations.We have achieved considerable progress on climate finance, Korolec said. The talks about the shape of a new global agreement were also held throughout the night. I am convinced that we are getting closer and closer to a final success.Some activists rejected the walkout.I share the anger of the NGOs that walked out and agree with the spirit of what they have done, said Mohamed Adow, a senior climate change adviser at Christian Aid. But I am committed to this process, which is not at fault, and want to be here to fight for what can be achieved in these last hours and to hold the rich countries to account.The U.N. climate talks were launched in 1992 following scientific warnings that humans were warming the planet by emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The next round of the annual talks is set to be held in Lima, Peru.

Sharapova hires Sven Groeneveld as coach


NEW YORK (AP) - Maria Sharapova has hired Sven Groeneveld as her coach, three months after splitting from Jimmy Connors following one match.The four-time major champion says on her Facebook account on Thursday: It has been a very seamless transition and I have had a lot of fun with the hard work we have put in so far.Sharapova was injured for most of the second half of 2013, playing only one match since a second-round loss at Wimbledon in June. That match, inAugust at Cincinnati, was a loss and her only competition while working with Connors.Connors replaced Thomas Hogstedt, Sharapovas coach for more than two years.Groeneveld has been a part of the Adidas tennis development program and worked with players such as Ana Ivanovic and Andy Murray.

Formula One: Webber determined to check out on high


SAO PAULO (AFP) - Mark Webber admitted on Thursday that he had accepted the inevitability of his age but remained determined to bow out of Formula One on a high note in Sundays Brazilian Grand Prix.The Australian will complete 12 seasons of racing in Grands Prix when he steers his Red Bull car around the Interlagos circuit for the final time.Im on a little bit of a slippery slope now, said Webber, 37, who will go sportscar racing with the Porsche team next season.Youve to be careful not to test it too much in terms of your performance and what you used to be able to do.I still think Im driving well but I dont want to be around not driving well.Popular and respected for his affability, approachability and honesty, Webber said he had not allowed the finale to his F1 career to hit him emotionally.I think on Sunday itll be a little bit different but it still feels like a normal race at the moment, Webber said. Im looking forward to Sunday in many ways, in terms of pushing for a good result.But also Im ready to stop and looking forward to the extended winter that Ill have and the new challenges around the corner.Getting out of the car on Sunday there will be a few things that will be for the last time in terms of Formula One, but Im pretty relaxed and looking forward to the race.Typically blunt, he added: I wouldnt be leaving if there werent things I was happy to leave behind. If there were more positives than negatives, then I would stay.I still think there are certain situations in Formula One that are super-rewarding. Obviously driving the car on the limit at certain venues is still very satisfying, no question about it.Suzuka, Spa, Monte Carlo, come qualifying and even racing at some circuits its very challenging and rewarding so Ill miss some of that.Its inevitable that youre going to miss certain parts. The adrenaline and working with people like Adrian Newey, you dont get to do that very often.But there comes a time when youve got to let go. Ill still have good adrenaline next year with Porsche and thatll be a good balance.Meanwhile four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel rejected suggestions he and Webber do not enjoy a good relationship.He stressed how successful they had been as a pairing and how much he would miss the Australian as a team-mate.Obviously we didnt always have the best relationship on a personal level, he explained. But in terms of working professionally together for the team, we have been very strong.Both of us have tried very hard to improve the car. The fact that he will not be around next year will surely be a loss for the team and a loss for myself.Ive learned a lot from him. I can stand up straight and say that there were many times and places where I benefitted from him.You could obviously say the same thing the other way around.Relations between the 26-year-old German and Webber have always been competitive, if not strained, notably when they were both involved in the 2011 title battle and also when Vettel disobeyed team orders to snatch victory from Webber at this years Malaysian Grand Prix.You know, generally people have a worse impression than the relationship that we have, said Vettel.People tend to forget how successful we have been. Weve been one of the strongest pairings in Formula One.

Top Canadian squash player killed while cycling


TORONTO (AP) - Squash Canada says Adrian Dudzicki died from injuries after a vehicle struck him on Wednesday as he rode to the National Squash Academy. He was 23.Dudzicki was born in Latina, Italy and raised in the Ottawa area. He reached a career-high ranking of No. 9 in Canada and No. 136 in the world in 2012.Squash Canada executive director Danny Da Costa calls him a great young man with a bright future in the game of squash.Toronto police have charged Aleksey Aleksev, 20, of Toronto with dangerous driving causing death and criminal negligence causing death stemming from a fatal collision. Police did not release the name of the victim.

Oil prices rise on US data, Iran talks impasse


NEW YORK CITY (AFP) - Oil prices Thursday received a bounce from some solid US economic data and the lack of a breakthrough at international talks on Iran. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for January delivery rose $1.59 to $95.44 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.European benchmark Brent oil for January delivery jumped $2.02 to $110.08 a barrel.Analysts cited a report that showed a drop in weekly US jobless claims and data from market provider Markit that showed rising US manufacturing activity in November.People feel that the economy is looking a little better, said Michael Lynch, an energy consultant at Strategic Energy and Economic Research. People thought the news coming out would be more bearish.The market does look like some of the selling pressure that took us to a five-month low has subsided, said Gene McGillian, a broker and analyst at Tradition Energy.Analysts also cited the lack of progress out of Geneva, where world powers are negotiating with Iran to ease some sanctions in exchange for tougher oversight of Iran's nuclear program. Further delays in a resolution or the imposition of additional sanctions could provide the foundation for a move higher in the coming sessions, Sucden brokers analyst Kash Kamal said on Thursday.Improving relations between the West and Iran has been a factor in the retreat in US oil prices below $100 since October 21.A senior negotiator for Iran played down the prospect of reaching an agreement with world powers on Thursday, Iranian media reported.I do not think the negotiations will reach a conclusion tonight, Abbas Araqchi, a deputy foreign minister, was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.

Euro gains after ECB quells talk of new rate cut


NEW YORK CITY (AFP) - The euro gained against the dollar Thursday after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi quelled talk of another interest rate cut for the eurozone.Meanwhile the yen fell as the Bank of Japan held off from announcing any fresh measures to stimulate the economy.At 2300 GMT the euro was at $1.3478, down from $1.3435 late Wednesday.The dollar rose to 101.16 yen from 100.03, while the euro pushed to 136.34 yen from 134.40.Draghis comments halted a fall in the euro after reports that the ECB has decided to take one of its key rates, the deposit rate, into negative territory for the first time to help bolster growth.Let me be clear... dont try to infer from what I say today anything on the possibility of negative rate on the deposit facility, Draghi told a meeting of business leaders in the German capital.As I said in the last press conference, it was discussed in the last meeting and there are no news since then. No more news, he insisted.Meanwhile the Bank of Japan said the countrys economy is recovering moderately, and predicted a steady, gradual rise in consumer prices, an aim of its huge stimulus policy.But the bank took no action in a two-day policy meeting that ended Thursday despite a sharp slowdown in growth in the July-September quarter that raised questions about the strength of the countrys recovery.The British pound picked up to $1.6193 from $1.6101, while the dollar fell to 0.9132 Swiss franc from 0.9163 franc.

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