Friday 11 July 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Death toll rises to 112 on Day 5 of Gaza campaign


GAZA CITY (AFP) - Seven Palestinians were killed in several Israeli air strikes early Saturday, raising the death toll in five days of violence to 112, Gaza health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said.Qudra said four people died in Jebaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip, and two others further south in Deir el Balah.Then shortly afterwards, a 17-year-old was killed in a raid on Gaza City, he said.The latest fatalities raise the death toll to 112 since Israel began Operation Protective Edge early Tuesday in an attempt to halt cross-border rocket fire by militant groups.Since then, militants have fired about 520 mortar rounds and rockets that struck Israel, while another 140 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defence system, an Israeli army statement said late Friday.It is the deadliest violence since November 2012, with a growing number of rockets fired at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and even as far north as Haifa. So far, no Israelis have been killed.An Israeli soldier was severely wounded in a mortar attack late Thursday, and another man was very seriously injured when a rocket hit a petrol station in the southern port city of Ashdod early Friday. Two soldiers were lightly wounded along the border with Gaza when Palestinians fired an anti-tank missile.And an elderly woman was slightly injured when a rocket hit her home in the southern city of Beersheva.Israel has authorised the call-up of 40,000 reservist troops, and threatened a ground operation to stamp out the rocket fire.

Feuding Afghan rivals study UN vote plan as Kerry mediates


KABUL (AFP) - Afghanistan's presidential rivals were Friday mulling a UN plan for a sweeping review of the disputed polls, as US Secretary of State John Kerry sought to broker an end to the political turmoil.Under a proposal put forward by the United Nations, the country's elections commission would audit ballot boxes from just over 8,000 polling stations where suspicions have been raised about the vote count.The bitter standoff between Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani over the run-off vote to succeed President Hamid Karzai has plunged Afghanistan into crisis and raised fears of a return to the ethnic violence of the 1990s.As Kerry met separately with the rival candidates, he stressed that results released on Monday showing Ghani in the lead were only preliminary.They are neither authoritative nor final, and no-one should be stating a victory at this point in time, Kerry said.We want a unified, stable, democratic Afghanistan. It is important that whoever is president is recognised by the people as having become president through a legitimate process, he said.Despite Monday's announcement, Abdullah, who has already lost one presidential bid in controversial circumstances, has declared himself the true winner, saying massive fraud robbed him of victory in the June 14 run-off vote.After back-to-back meetings all day Friday and deep into the night at the heavily-fortified US embassy, American officials announced Kerry would go into unexpected fresh talks with all the main players on Saturday.Although they said the talks had been constructive, they stressed it was too early to say if there would be a breakthrough.In a swift boost for the top US diplomat's efforts, Ghani backed a wide audit of the elections.Our commitment is to ensure that the election process enjoys the integrity and the legitimacy of the people of Afghanistan and the world, Ghani said as he met Kerry.Therefore we believe in the most intensive and extensive audit possible to restore faith.UN officials late Thursday presented a plan to Karzai to audit polling stations across 34 provinces, a process that would take two weeks.These would be selected according to five criteria that could indicate fraud -- such as whether the results were multiples of 50, or where women's polling stations were staffed by men.These criteria would create an audit that entails 8,050 polling stations (35 percent of all polling stations) and 3.5 million ballots (44 percent of all ballots cast), the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said in a statement.A Ghani campaign official, Azita Rafaat, told AFP they had accepted the audit of those polling stations.Abdullah's team said they were reviewing the proposal, but campaign spokesman Fazal Sancharaki remained sceptical, saying it did not meet all their demands.This is an incomplete proposal, it's not an inclusive one, he told AFP.US officials told reporters late Friday that many ideas were under consideration as they try to find a path forward.There were millions of people that voted... they deserve to be counted accurately and to demonstrate that democracy works, a senior US administration official said.In his talks, Kerry also renewed warnings about abandoning the process, and stressed that any violence or power grab will cost them the support of their people and the international community, the official said.Another US official said the UN audit would be very important. There were serious allegations of fraud that were raised that have not been sufficiently investigated, he said.Little headway seemed to have been made, however, in persuading Ghani and Abdullah to meet and discuss a way forward.After more than 13 years since the 2001 US invasion to oust the hardline Taliban Islamic regime, all sides are keen to maintain the gains made in such areas as literacy rates and women's rights.But Afghan forces know they will increasingly have to stand up to a bloody Taliban insurgency on their own, as President Barack Obama has announced the withdrawal of all US troops by the end of 2016.The Obama administration is also waiting for Afghan leaders to sign a bilateral pact governing the presence of US forces in the country beyond this year, which both candidates say they will sign.

Erdogan vows constitution change for 'new Turkey'


ISTANBUL (AFP) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday vowed to press for a new constitution if he is elected president in August elections, saying the old Turkey was a thing of the past.A new constitution on the path to new Turkey will be one of our priorities if elected president... A new constitution means a new future, he told thousands of cheering supporters at a rally in Istanbul.Changing the constitution would allow Erdogan to give greater powers to the presidency, until now a largely ceremonial role. He is expected by most analysts to easily win the election August 10 election, possibly in the first round, despite a turbulent past year that saw huge protests against his rule.Erdogan on Friday set out four priorities for Turkey heading to 2023, when the country will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the modern Turkish state by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.These are advancing democracy, ensuring a normalisation of politics and society, improving social welfare and being among the top ten economies worldwide, he said.Erdogan unveiled a document called On the road to a new Turkey which he said would act as a roadmap to achieving the goals.The old Turkey is now a thing of the past, he said, emphasising that all Turks would benefit from the changes, whether they voted for him or not.It is now a country where people do not wake up every morning fearing another crisis, it is a country where people have hope for the future, he added.Erdogan added that if elected president he would be the closest follower and supporter of the (peace) process with Kurdish rebels in the southeast, which has been recently revived after years of deadly conflict.

Kirkuk bombings death toll rises to 28: Iraq official


KIRKUK (AFP) - A suicide car bombing and a roadside bomb killed 28 people and wounded 25 in Iraq's disputed northern city of Kirkuk Friday, the head of the local health directorate said.Many of the victims, who included women and children, were refugees who had fled a jihadist-led onslaught in neighbouring provinces and were seeking to travel to safer areas in the south, Sabah Mohammad Amin told AFP.The toll he provided for the twin blasts at the city's southern entrance was an update to an earlier figure of 13 dead, including four women, two children and two policemen.

Minor tsunami hits Fukushima region after strong quake


TOKYO (AFP) - A minor tsunami hit large swathes of northeastern Japan early Saturday, including in a city near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, after a strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the countrys Pacific coast.There were no immediate reports of damage following the quake and tsunami, however, with authorities lifting all advisories roughly two hours later.Much of the coastline covered by the advisories Saturday is still recovering from the 2011 quake and tsunami disaster that killed more than 18,000 people and triggered a meltdown at Fukushima.A minor tsunami of 20 centimetres (7.8 inches) was observed in Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture, and Ofunato, Iwate prefecture, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Saturday.Waves of 10 centimetres were also monitored in the city of Soma, roughly 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the agency said. The city suffered severe damage in the 2011 disaster.At least three people were injured by the quake in Fukushima, according to Japans public broadcaster NHK, including a 68-year-old woman who suffered a broken leg.Authorities had issued a tsunami advisory for Miyagi as well as neighbouring Fukushima and Iwate prefectures, warning that a wave of up to one metre (3.3 feet) could impact their Pacific coastlines after the quake.We have lifted the tsunami advisory, but do not approach coastlines for now as there may be a change in sea levels, an agency official said.Fukushima plant operators Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) said there were no reports of any abnormality early Saturday.Sea levels can not be gauged near the nuclear plant as the tsunami monitoring system was destroyed by the 2011 disaster.We have not seen any damage or any change in radiation gauges after the quake, said TEPCO spokesman Masahiro Asaoka.Todays operation has yet to start but we ordered workers to evacuate to high places, Asaoka told AFP.Our temporary breakwater that was newly built at the plant is high enough to block a one-metre tsunami, he added.The local government in Kamaishi, Iwate prefecture, issued an evacuation advisory to some 12,000 residents, while other authorities in the region issued similar advisories, officials said.All the evacuation advisories were later lifted.The United States Geological Survey said the quake struck around 129 kilometres (79 miles) east south-east of the city ofNamie, an estimated 284 kilometres east north-east of the capital Tokyo, at 4.22 am local time (1922 GMT Friday).A meteorological agency official said the tremor, which the USGS placed at a depth of 13 kilometres (eight miles), was an aftershock from the 2011 quake.The Fukushima plants cooling systems were swamped by the tsunami three years ago, sparking reactor meltdowns and radiation leaks in the worst atomic crisis in a generation.Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from around the plant, with decommissioning of the site expected to take decades.The utility is struggling to handle a huge -- and growing -- volume of contaminated water.On Friday, the crippled plant was skirted by tropical storm Neoguri. Workers had scrambled to insulate the plant from any storm damage, but Neoguri had little impact on the site as it headed out into the Pacific.Japan is situated at the conjuncture of several tectonic plates and experiences a number of relatively violent quakes every year.But thanks to strict building codes, even powerful quakes that might wreak havoc in other countries frequently pass without causing much damage.

Football: Germany ready for Argentina, Brazil chase third


RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) - Germany and Argentina were plotting for the World Cup final Friday as Brazil prepared for an unwanted third place play-off with the Netherlands.With just over 48 hours to go before Sunday's showpiece at the Maracana Stadium, both finalists were at their respective base camps wrapping up preparing to head to Rio de Janeiro.The final is the latest in a series of World Cup encounters between Germany and Argentina which includes the 1986 and 1990 finals.Memories of the two sides' stormy 2006 meeting -- which ended in a brawl after Germany's victory on penalties -- were revived Friday.German team manager Oliver Bierhoff said he had warned his players to keep cool if tempers fray in the Maracana. The Argentinians are very warm people and great hosts, but on the pitch they have a bit of a personality change and get fired up, said Bierhoff.They have fire in their eyes, which we will have to be ready for and not provoke them.They play hard, aggressive physical football, which means we can't steer away from our football philosophy and must focus on what we have to do.Bierhoff said the Germans were preparing for a tougher challenge than their 7-1 thrashing of Brazil in the semi-finals.It will be a different game compared to the semi-final, they defend deep, leave little space to run into and wait for (Lionel) Messi to show a moment of magic, said Bierhoff.We have to play our own game, run the extra mile and not give them the space they need.Argentina trained behind closed doors on Friday as they readied to head for Rio, where an estimated army of 100,000 Argentine fans have travelled ahead of Sunday's clash.A vast security blanket comprising some 26,000 police and soldiers will be deployed across the city, Brazil's justice minister said.Minister Jose Eduardo Cardozo said the size of the Argentine contingent in the city had not influenced the size of the force being mobilised.On Saturday, Brazil and the Netherlands will contest the third-place play-off in Brasilia, with both teams struggling to raise their spirits after disappointing semi-final losses.Dutch coach Louis van Gaal condemned the unpopular fixture after his team were beaten on penalties by Argentina on Wednesday.I think this match should never be played, van Gaal told reporters. I've been saying this for 10 years. But we'll just have to play this match.However on Friday the 62-year-old was putting a brave face on the game.We are going to do everything to finish third, he told the pre-match press conference in Brasilia.We want to leave the World Cup unbeaten, something a Dutch side has never achieved.Brazilian fullback Daniel Alves was underwhelmed by the fixture however. The important thing is first place. Nothing else matters, said the right-back.Meanwhile on Friday, the Vatican called for a truce in wars around the globe during Sunday's final, taking to social media with the hashtag pauseforpeace as a conflict in the Gaza Strip escalates and killings continue in Ukraine.Adherents are asking for a moment of silence around the Sunday, July 13 match to remember those stricken by wars and unrest worldwide, the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture said in a statement.The statement said that some people were asking for a moment of silence at the Maracana in Rio de Janeiro itself, although there has been no official announcement on this from FIFA.A still, small voice of silence, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the Vatican's culture minister, said in a statement.

Football: Barcelona buy World Cup biter Suarez


BARCELONA (AFP) - Barcelona struck a deal on Friday to buy Uruguayan star striker Luis Suarez from Liverpool, sealing the transfer despite an uproar over him biting a World Cup rival.Despite the furore that saw him sent home from the World Cup, Barcelona pushed ahead to sign the 27-year-old goalscorer reportedly on condition he apologise for biting Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini.The Spanish club said in a statement on Friday they and Liverpool have reached an agreement for the transfer of Luis Suarez, but declined to say how much they paid.Spanish newspapers reported that Barcelona paid 81 million euros ($110 million) for the player while British media put the sum at 75 million pound (94 million euros).The player said a sad farewell to fans of the English club, whom he helped fire to second place in the Premier League last season, sending them into the Champions League.It is with a heavy heart that I leave Liverpool for a new life and new challenges in Spain, he said in a statement published by Liverpool.This club did all they could to get me to stay, but playing and living in Spain, where my wife's family live, is a lifelong dream and ambition. I believe now the timing is right.The Spanish side said Suarez will be travelling to Barcelona next week for a medical, to sign his five-year contract and to be officially presented to the media and fans as an FC Barcelona player.Suarez's signing furnishes the Catalan club with one of the most formidable strike forces in the world as he joins two other superstar forwards -- Argentina's Lionel Messi and Brazil's Neymar.Barca's new coach Luis Enrique is overhauling the squad after a disappointing season in which they narrowly failed to defend their Spanish league title.Barcelona were seduced by the goalscoring record of Suarez, who was the top scorer in England's Premier League last season with 31 goals.Luis Suarez is one of the most productive strikers in European football, the club said.He also has a strong competitive spirit and a powerful figure, and he's coming to Barca in search of even more.Suarez bit Chiellini on the shoulder on June 24 in a 1-0 win over Italy which took Uruguay into the World Cup last 16 before they were knocked out by Colombia.He was handed a four-month ban from all football activities, suspended from nine international matches and fined 100,000 Swiss francs ($112,000).It was the third time in his career he had been found guilty of biting an opponent.He apologised in a Twitter message on June 30.FIFA on Thursday dismissed his appeal over the ban but said he could still appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).If FIFA's ban is upheld, Suarez will not play football again until late October, well after the Spanish league restarts.The reported fees would make Suarez one of the most expensive players ever.Barcelona's fierce rivals Real Madrid smashed the transfer record in 2009 when they paid Manchester United 94 million euros to sign Cristiano Ronaldo.They also reportedly paid more than 90 million euros to buy Welshman Gareth Bale from Tottenham last year.In recent months Barcelona have said goodbye to stalwarts such as Carles Puyol, goalkeeper Victor Valdes and midfielder Cesc Fabregas who has gone to Chelsea, and have made several new signings.These include two new goalkeepers, Claudio Bravo and Marc-Andre Ter Stegen, and Croatian midfielder Ivan Rakitic.Barcelona on Thursday completed the sale of Chile's World Cup star winger Alexis Sanchez to Arsenal for a reported fee of around 35 million pound.

Tennis: Hewitt, Sock advance to Newport semi-finals


NEWPORT (AFP) - American Jack Sock upset top seed John Isner 6-4, 7-6 (7/4) Friday to book a semi-final date with Lleyton Hewitt at the ATP Hall of Fame Championships.Seventh seed Sock won the only break point he managed off his countryman to claim the first set, then captured the tie-breaker to oust the 2011 and 2012 Hall of Fame winner in 88 minutes.That sends 21-year-old Sock into a Saturday semi-final against 33-year-old Australian third seed Lleyton Hewitt, who ousted US sixth seed Steve Johnson 6-4, 6-4 in the day's other quarter-final at the $474,000 grass-court event.Hewitt, who won his first ATP title since 2010 at Brisbane in January, seeks his third consecutive trip to the championship match. He lost to Frenchman Nicolas Mahut in last year's final and to Isner in the 2012 title match.Saturday's other semi-final will send Croatian second seed Ivo Karlovic against Australian Samuel Groth, who upset Mahut in the quarter-finals.

Golf: Martin in control at British Open as Wie misses cut


SOUTHPORT (AFP) - While many of the bigger names struggled in the tough conditions, American Mo Martin, the world number 99, shot a second straight three under 69 to take a three shot lead at the British Open on Friday. Beatriz Recari, the Spanish Solheim Cup player, shared second place at Royal Birkdale on three under with South Korea's Ryu So Yeon.While the deep rough caused havoc, Californian Martin mastered the conditions with six birdies, including one at the long par five 18th where she was just off the green in two and two-putted for four.I think this is a fantastic course, said the 31-year-old who has won three times on the US Futures Tour but has yet to taste success in three seasons on the LPGA circuit. I don't hit it long but accuracy is my strength.It's not been a happy start to the season for Recari. She's suffered with a bad hip and poor form and she arrived at Royal Birkdale with a wrist injury.But most of her woes were banished when she put together a great five under par second round 67, the joint best of the Championship, and it included a string of three birdies at the end.Recari had a fleeting visit to St Andrews last Sunday for a sponsor's day ahead of her trip to Birkdale. But her flight from Scotland to England was delayed for a day and she blamed her struggles with heavy luggage for the wrist problem.I had to carry four pieces of luggage, said the 27-year-old.Two women tried to help me but I wouldn't let them because they are really heavy. But the men at Edinburgh airport were not very gentlemanly.Luckily the physios at Birkdale did a great job and my wrist was pain-free by Wednesday. Ryu, the 2011 US Women's Open Champion, had a 70. I love links courses because you have so many options with the shots, she said.That's why I want to win the British Open.Michelle Wie, the US Women's Open Champion, was the biggest casualty among those who failed to make the cut that fell on six over par. Yani Tseng's demise also continued. The former world number one and the champion when the Championship last visited Birkdale in 2010, the Taiwanese player had a 72 but was still four shots too many.Wie finished joint third on her British Open debut as a 15-year-old amateur in 2005. But a three putt for par at the 18th in a round of 78 for nine over par summed up her two days.A few too many bad tee shots and a lot missed putts, were the reasons she gave for her early exit. It really sucks. It's a long time since I had a week like this.Stacy Lewis, the defending champion, had her highs and lows but a 74 for one over par kept the world number one well in the hunt for the final 36-holes. She holed a few monster putts in her tally of six birdies but a double-bogey six at the 16th rather ruined her day.Two amateurs finished among the leading bunch. England's Georgia Hall was the top home player on one over after a 72 and American Emma Talley was on the same mark after a 73.Lexi Thompson, who won the season's first major at the Kraft Nabisco Championship, opened with a ten after hitting two tee shots out of bounds at the par four first. But she battled her way to a 77 and safely made the cut on five over par.First round leader Ayako Uehara didn't find day two so easy. She took 11 shots more than her opening 68 and slipped down the field to three over par.

NBA: LeBron James exits Miami for Cleveland homecoming


NEW YORK (AFP) - After leading the Miami Heat to two NBA titles, LeBron James is heading home to Ohio.The 29-year-old superstar playmaker announced Friday that he will rejoin the Cleveland Cavaliers, the hometown club he spurned just four years ago.The dramatic move from the four-time NBA Most Valuable Player ended days of speculation about his free agency choice, which had Cleveland fans in a frenzy of anticipation.In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you have, James, who grew up just south of Cleveland in Akron, told Sports Illustrated in a first-person essay.I'm ready to accept the challenge. I'm coming home.James posted a photo of himself in a Cavaliers uniform on Instagram and Twitter with the phrase I'm coming home.He nevertheless warned Cleveland fans -- who were celebrating in the streets outside the team's arena with such banners as King James Has Returned -- not to expect instant success.I'm not promising a championship. I know how hard that is to deliver, James said. We're not ready right now. No way. Of course, I want to win next year, but I'm realistic. It will be a long process, much longer than it was in 2010. My patience will get tested. I know that.The Las Vegas Hotel and Casino Superbook oddsmakers quickly made the Cavaliers a 3-1 favorite to win the 2015 NBA title ahead of 4-1 for the San Antonio Spurs, who beat James and the Heat in last month's NBA Finals.James, who opted out of his Miami contract two weeks ago to become a free agent, leaves behind teammates Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh -- the end of an era in which James became an NBA champion.I went to Miami because of D-Wade and CB, James said. I believed we could do something magical if we came together. And that's exactly what we did The hardest thing to leave is what I built with those guys.James joins a young squad with new coach Dave Blatt, star guard Kyrie Irving and this year's top NBA draft pick, guard Andrew Wiggins, that could be a contender for years to come.I get a thrill out of bringing a group together and helping them reach a place they didn't know they could go, James said.I see myself as a mentor now and I'm excited to lead some of these talented young guys.The wait for James to make his decision shut down most major free agency decisions in the league, and kept fans in Miami and Cleveland riveted to US sports television networks.I always believed that I'd return to Cleveland and finish my career there. I just didn't know when, James said.My goal is still to win as many titles as possible, no question. But what's most important for me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio.Not since the 1964 Cleveland Browns won the National Football League crown has the city known a major sports champion.When the news broke, Twitter's trending topics quickly included BackToCleveland, Coming Home and Good for Lebron.Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert, who called James a coward for leaving, offered quick praise for his new star on Twitter.Welcome Home @kingjames. I am excited for the fans and people of Cleveland and Ohio. No fans and people deserve a winner more than them, Gilbert said.My 8-year-old: Daddy, does this mean I can finally wear my Lebron jersey, again? ... Yes it does, son. Yes it doesJames said he and Gilbert had made peace.I've met with Dan, face-to-face, man-to-man. We've talked it out, James said. Everybody makes mistakes. I've made mistakes as well. Who am I to hold a grudge?Miami Heat owner Micky Arison was unhappy but thanked James, saying on Twitter: I am shocked and disappointed in today's news. However I will never forget what Lebron brought us for 4 years. Thanks for memories @KingJames.

Cycling: Trentin wins Tour de France seventh stage


NANCY (AFP) - Italian Matteo Trentin won the seventh stage of the Tour de France on Friday to pile the agony on Peter Sagan.OPQS rider Trentin beat the Slovak by barely an inch in a thrilling sprint finish at the end of the 234.5km stage from Epernay to Nancy.It was the third time at this Tour that Sagan had finished second on a stage while he's ended in the top five in all seven stages so far.Frenchman Tony Gallopin finished third while race leader leader Vincenzo Nibali of Italy came home safely in the front peloton to keep hold of the yellow jersey.But there was no such luck for American Tejay Van Garderen, who started the day 11th at 2min 11sec but lost another 58sec after crashing around 16km out on a speedy and hectic finale.His compatriot Andrew Talansky also came down in the sprint finish but as he was inside the final 3km, he was awarded the same time as the leading group.After more than 200km of leisurely pursuit of a six-man breakaway, which had been whittled down to just Martin Elmiger and Bartosz Hurazski by the time they were caught, the race kicked into gear in the final 20km.The peloton was shredded by a short but tough 3.2km climb at an average 5 percent gradient, after which Van Garderen went down.The pace went up again before the final 1.3km climb at a 7.9 percent gradient which further slimmed the leaders.Sagan attacked over the top with Belgian Greg Van Avermaet but they were caught with around 1km left.Sagan still had the legs to challenge in the sprint finish but Trentin held him off by a hair's width.

Oil prices plunge as Libyan supplies ramp up


NEW YORK (AFP) - Global oil prices dived on Friday on the prospect of Libyan oil production ramping up after rebels lifted blockades on shipping terminals.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for August plunged $2.10 to close at $100.83 a barrel, its lowest level since May 12.Brent North Sea for delivery in August slid $2.01 to finish at $106.66 a barrel in London trade. It was the European benchmark futures contract's lowest close since April 7.The petroleum markets are under ongoing selling pressure as traders react to the decline in price by selling more, even in the absence of fresh compelling bearish news, said Tim Evans of Citi Futures.Evans pointed to the market's continued focus on the recovery in Libyan crude oil production. But he noted that most of the news this week has just been confirmation that export terminals have reopened and that output is gradually rising as the result of the political cooperation announced more than a week ago.Libyan production has been severely limited for a year after rebels blockaded terminals as part of a campaign to restore autonomy in the country's eastern region. Sanjeev Gupta, head of the Asia-Pacific oil and gas practice at consultancy firm EY, said oil prices were weighed down by the imminent return of disrupted Libyan exports into a global market already flush with supply. The ports at Ras Lanuf and Al-Sidra could add about 500,000 barrels of crude per day to global energy markets, analysts say. Output in Sharara, the site of Libya's largest oil field, is reaching its maximum production capacity of 340,000 barrels, just days after it reopened following a deal between rebels and the government, The Wall Street Journal reported. Unaffected production in violence-hit Iraq has also had a bearish impact on oil prices, Gupta said. Indications that Iraqi oil exports from the southern part of the country remained insulated from the sectarian violence that has swept the north in recent weeks also weighed down prices, he said. Iraq is the second biggest producer in the 12-nation OPEC oil cartel, pumping 3.4 million barrels a day and possessing more than 11 percent of the world's proven reserves.

Dollar stable vs euro as Portugal fears ease


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar and euro moved only slightly in foreign-exchange trading Friday as fears about a large Portuguese bank eased, with the market looking ahead to next week's packed economic calendar.Currency and financial markets stabilized as worries about new debt problems in Europe abated, said Joe Manimbo, senior market analyst at Western Union Business Solutions.Portuguese authorities managed Friday to ease wider market fears over the health of the country's biggest listed bank Banco Espirito Santo, which is being hammered by its parent group's debt woes.There is no reason to doubt the security of the funds entrusted to the BES, and its savers have no need to be worried, Portugal's central bank said in a statement.Concerns that the bank's troubles could have a wider impact on Portugal -- which only two months ago exited a three-year, 77-billion-euro ($106 billion) international bailout -- had rocked global markets Thursday as questions resurfaced over eurozone debt.The euro potentially has a lot to lose should the recent troubles with one of Portugal's biggest banks develop into a full-blown crisis. For now though a tentative calm has washed over markets, allowing the euro to catch its breath, Manimbo said.Kathy Lien of BK Asset Management said that next week's charged calendar could spark bigger moves in currencies.Topping her list was Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen's semi-annual testimony to Congress on the US economy and monetary policy, on Tuesday and Wednesday.Everyone wants to know when the Fed will start raising interest rates so rest assured, members of Congress will pepper her with questions about tightening, Lien said.Other potential forex movers she cited included earnings reports from JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and General Electric; Chinese second-quarter economic growth numbers, and US retail sales.

Sharma sparks England slump


NOTTINGHAM (AFP) - Ishant Sharma kick-started a fine display by Indias seamers as the tourists maintained their grip on the first Test against England at Trent Bridge on Friday.England were 352 for nine in reply to Indias first innings 457, a deficit of 105 runs, at stumps on the third day.After resuming on 43 for one following struggling skippers Alastair Cooks exit for five on Thursday, England got through Fridays morning session without losing a wicket.But all that changed after lunch as Sharma, the only member of Indias attack to have previously played a Test in England, took three for 29 in seven overs to turn 131 for one into 172 for four.Significantly, the tall paceman gained a measure of reverse swing that had largely eluded Englands seamers as he countered a still-docile pitch.Ive played enough matches to know what length I need to bowl on, if the ball is reversing or swinging normally, said 25-year-old Sharma, now in his 56th Test.Ive also been using my experience of playing here before.Fellow seamer Bhuvneshwar Kumar followed up with a quartet of wickets on his way to Test-best figures of four for 61 in 25 overs.Bhuvi is a tremendous bowler and used the conditions really well, said Sharma.Kumars return came a day after he made his highest Test score of 58 during an Indian tenth-wicket record stand against England of 111 with Mohammed Shami (51 not out) that put the visitors on top.However, England number 11 James Anderson, whose last innings ended in tears after his valiant effort to hold out for a draw in Sri Lankas second Test victory at Headingley saw him dismissed off the penultimate ball, then kept Joe Root company for over an hour.The resolute Root was 78 not out at stumps and Anderson unbeaten on 23, with their last-wicket stand so far worth 54 runs.Earlier, Root and Stuart Broad (47) had checked Indias progress with a rapid eighth-wicket partnership of 78 in 85 balls.Broadys innings put all the pressure back on them and a lot of credit has to go to Jimmy at the end, they have given us a great chance to get back into the match, Root said of an England side without a win in their previous eight Tests.Both Australia-born opener Sam Robson and Zimbabwe-born left-hander Gary Ballance were 59 not out at lunch.Robson, though, was lbw to Sharma without adding to his score.Replays suggested a thin inside edge but Australian umpire Bruce Oxenfords decision, given the ball hit Robsons back pad, was understandable.And with the Decision Review System not being used this series because of Indian objections, it was the end of a second-wicket partnership worth 125.The umpires changed an out-of-shape ball after 54 overs with England 146 for two.Sharma struck again with a fine delivery that straightened to have Ballance unquestionably lbw for 71.Ian Bell, in his 101st Test, looked in superb touch making a 25 that included 24 runs in boundaries.But he withdrew his bat too late from an attempted cut shot off Sharma and feathered a catch to India captain and wicketkeeper Mahendra Singh Dhoni.Moeen Ali, fresh from his maiden Test century at Headingley, turned his head away from a Shami delivery he gloved to Shikhar Dhawan in the slips.Kumar then rocked England with a burst of four for 16 in 26 balls.Matt Prior was given out caught behind by opposing keeper Dhoni, standing up to the stumps.Replays suggested the noise that prompted Sri Lanka umpire Kumar Dharmasenas raised finger had come from the bat hitting the pad but, with no DRS, a disbelieving Prior had to go.There was no controversy regarding Ben Stokess exit for a duck when the recalled all-rounder was also caught behind off Kumar.Broad, who had been severely critical of the state of his Nottinghamshire home pitch, counter-attacked after tea.To the first delivery with the new ball, left-handed batsman Broad stroked Kumar through extra cover for four as England avoided the follow-on.But he was eventually lbw to Kumars well-directed inswinger, having struck nine fours.

'Long march for revolution' is inevitable: Pervaiz Elahi


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Muslim League Quaid (PMLQ) leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi said on Friday that the ‘long march for revolution’ is inevitable and that no one should have any doubts over it, Dunya News reported.Talking to media after meeting Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri, he said that it is typical of Sharif brothers to enter and exit the country after making deals. He said that those who can lie while in Jeddah and Kabah can also make deals.He said these people will leave the country after making deals this time as well. He said that these people also made deals with former President Pervez Musharraf.He said that he along with allies is trying to bring likeminded parties on same page, adding that the nation will soon be given good news.Pervaiz Elahi said that the consultation of every kind is continued with Tahirul Qadri. He urged Imran Khan also to go ahead with his long march saying that it’s his democratic right.

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