Friday 13 November 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

French colors light up as US shows solidarity with France after attack


NEW YORK (Dunya News/AFP) - French lights lit up the New York night sky as US showed its solidarity with France after the deadly string of bombings and shooting in Paris that left 150 dead. One World Trade Center, the tallest building in the Western hemisphere and built on the site of the Twin Towers, destroyed in the 9/11 attacks, lit its giant antenna in red, white and blue,the colours of the national flag of France in a tribute to the country.The move was directed by New Yorks Governor Andrew Cuomo. Speaking on the incident Cuomo stated:We join them in mourning those who were killed, and in praying for those who were injured or lost loved ones. And we continue to stand side by side with them in our commitment to a free and peaceful world,Governor Cuomo also stated that:Today, and in the days ahead, New York will light One World Trade Center in blue, white and red as we stand in solemn solidarity with the people of France, statedThe New York Police Department said its intelligence division was conducting liaison activities to assist the Paris police in any way possible.The National Basketball Association also called on US arenas to go on heightened alert and enlist law enforcement for intelligence support.We do not have reason to believe the events in Paris are related to NBA, however, we cannot be too careful in ensuring we are taking proactive measures, it said in a statement.The Stade de France stadium, where France were playing Germany in an international football match, was one of the targets in the string of attacks, where at least five people were killed in explosions.Obama spoke to French President Francois Hollande by telephone earlier on Friday to discuss his upcoming visit to Paris for climate change talks.Obama said he had not immediately contacted Hollande again because the French president was busy responding to the crisis.

Facebook sets up safety check for Paris friends


SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Facebook launched a check-in feature to let people know that friends in Paris were safe after a series of bombings and shootings in the French capital killed at least 120 people on Friday.The Paris Terror Attacks safety check let people signal whether they were out of harms way, then notified all those they know at the leading social network.Quickly find and connect with friends in the area, a message at the Facebook Safety Check page read. Mark them safe if you know theyre OK.The feature also allowed people to check which friends listed as being in Paris had not yet checked in as safe.We are shocked and saddened by the events unfolding in Paris, a Facebook spokesman told AFP.Communication is critical in these moments both for people there and for their friends and families anxious for news.The death toll in the unprecedented series of attacks across Paris climbed through the night.Police said around 100 people were killed at the Bataclan music venue in eastern Paris alone.

Obama leads chorus of world outrage over Paris attacks


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama led a chorus of global condemnation of attacks in Paris that killed more than 100 people Friday, as nations pledged solidarity with France and vowed to help hunt down the perpetrators.The shootings, explosions and a hostage-taking at a popular concert venue in the French capital reverberated around the world, especially in countries such as the United States, Britain and Spain, previous scenes of devastating acts of terror.Its an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share, Obama said in an address at the White House.Were going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice and to go after any terrorist networks that go after our people.In London, where 52 people were killed and hundreds wounded in a series of coordinated suicide bombings on the citys public transport system in 2005, British Prime Minister David Cameron said: We will do whatever we can to help.Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called his French counterpart to express solidarity and his Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo raised the specter of a jihadist attack.One witness said an attacker at the Bataclan music venue yelled Allahu Akbar (God is greatest) and fired into the crowd at the concert given by US rock band Eagles Of Death Metal.All of this confirms that we are facing an unprecedented challenge, a hugely cruel challenge, Garcia Margallo told public television TVE in Spain, scene of the 2004 Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people.Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered his condolences.As a country that knows very well the manner and consequences of terrorism, we understand perfectly the suffering that France is experiencing now, he said. Last month, twin bombings on a peace rally in Ankara killed 102 people.European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini tweeted that she was in the process of following with pain and dread the events in Paris.Europe is with France and the French people, she said.Appalled and outragedIn Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country stood shoulder-to-shoulder with French President Francois Hollande and the people of France in what he called our common battle against terrorism.Since the start of October, Israel has been faced with a wave of Palestinian knife, gun and car-ramming attacks.In Asia, where people woke up to the news from Paris, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Facebook that he was shocked.It is not the first time innocent civilians have been massacred like this in this troubled world. But each time it happens we again feel appalled and outraged beyond words, for an attack like this is in fact an attack on our shared humanity, Lee said.In Washington, Obama pledged to work with France to bring those responsible to justice.We are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberte, egalite, fraternite are not just the values French people share, but we share, he said.Those go far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision of those who perpetrated the crimes this evening.

Protests mark Modi's address at Wembley


LONDON (Dunya News/AFP) – Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi’s address to a rally of supporters at the Wembley stadium, London was marked by numerous protests. Modi, along with British PM David Cameron was to give a public address. However, the Indian PM was closely followed by Pakistani, Kashmiri, Sikh and Nepalese protestors as they demonstrated and chanted slogans against Modi outside the stadium shouting “Modi go back” and “shame on you Modi”. Tensions soared as Indian supporters of the PM also arrived at the venue.Protestors had also demonstrated earlier at Downing Street against the Indian PM’s visit. During a press conference, Modi looked distressed and had to face some harsh questioning pertaining to the rising extremism in India and on his involvement in the Gujarat massacre in India from the journalists. Modi managed to dodge the questions by responding with vague, confused answers.Read Further:Modi perturbed by harsh questions, denies extremism in IndiaModi was elected by a landslide in 2014 but he and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have faced accusations from opponents that they are failing to protect minorities.He is on a three-day visit to Britain which will include talks with Cameron, lunch with Queen Elizabeth II and a rally with supporters at Wembley Stadium.Modi was effectively banned from Britain until three years ago over anti-Muslim riots which killed more than 1,000 people in 2002, when he was chief minister of Gujarat state. He has always denied any responsibility.Nirmala Rajasingam, one of the protest organisers, said: We have been protesting against the Modi government for a very long time because the matters of the Gujarat atrocities have not been settled yet.Signs of religious antipathy have been there for a long time but since the BJP took power, it s gone to a new high. There is a very specific project that they are pursuing to make India a country for Hindus only.Another protestor, Thaman Singh Sidhu, added: The Sikh community, the Muslim community, all minorities feel threatened... he has never condemned anything.

World leaders express shock, condemnation on Paris attack


WASHINGTON (Dunya News/AFP) - World leaders expressed their shock over the shootings and condmened a string of attacks in Paris, Friday which left 150 people dead and numerous wounded. Police say five terrorists involved in the deadly onslaught have been killed.US President Barack Obama led a chorus of global condemnation of attacks in Paris that killed more than 100 people Friday, as nations pledged solidarity with France and vowed to help hunt down the perpetrators.The shootings, explosions and a hostage-taking at a popular concert venue in the French capital reverberated around the world, especially in countries such as the United States, Britain and Spain, previous scenes of devastating acts of terror.It s an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share, Obama said in an address at the White House.We re going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice and to go after any terrorist networks that go after our people.In London, where 52 people were killed and hundreds wounded in a series of coordinated suicide bombings on the city s public transport system in 2005, British Prime Minister David Cameron said: We will do whatever we can to help.Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called his French counterpart to express solidarity and his Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo raised the specter of a jihadist attack.One witness said an attacker at the Bataclan music venue yelled Allahu Akbar (God is greatest) and fired into the crowd at the concert given by US rock band Eagles Of Death Metal.All of this confirms that we are facing an unprecedented challenge, a hugely cruel challenge, Garcia Margallo told public television TVE in Spain, scene of the 2004 Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people.Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered his condolences.As a country that knows very well the manner and consequences of terrorism, we understand perfectly the suffering that France is experiencing now, he said. Last month, twin bombings on a peace rally in Ankara killed 102 people.European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini tweeted that she was in the process of following with pain and dread the events in Paris.Europe is with France and the French people, she said.On the other hand, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was profoundly shocked by the string of deadly attacks in Paris.I am profoundly shocked by the news and images from Paris. At this time, my thoughts are with the victims of these apparently terrorist attacks, and with their families and all residents of Paris, Merkel said in a statement.Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker also expressed his sorrow saying he was deeply shocked by the incident.I am deeply shocked by the events in Paris. We stand in full solidarity with the people of France, Juncker said on his Twitter account.Appalled and outraged In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country stood shoulder-to-shoulder with French President Francois Hollande and the people of France in what he called our common battle against terrorism.Since the start of October, Israel has been faced with a wave of Palestinian knife, gun and car-ramming attacks.In Asia, where people woke up to the news from Paris, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Facebook that he was shocked.It is not the first time innocent civilians have been massacred like this in this troubled world. But each time it happens we again feel appalled and outraged beyond words, for an attack like this is in fact an attack on our shared humanity, Lee said.In Washington, Obama pledged to work with France to bring those responsible to justice.We are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberte, egalite, fraternite are not just the values French people share, but we share, he said.Those go far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision of those who perpetrated the crimes this evening.UN condemns attackUnited Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon earlier condemned the attackand called for any hostages to be immediately released.The secretary-general condemns the despicable terrorist attacks carried out today in various locations in and around Paris, according to a statement from his spokesman.The secretary-general extends his deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured. He stands with the government and people of France.The UN Security Council also condemned what it called the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks.

Football: France friendly played to finish despite Paris attacks


PARIS (AFP) - What was billed as a glamour friendly between France and world champions Germany was played to a finish on Friday, with France winning 2-0, despite two loud explosions being heard from outside the stadium during the first half.It later became apparent that the explosions were connected to events unfolding elsewhere in the French capital on Friday evening, with police saying at least 30 people had been killed following multiple shootings.Two unsettlingly loud explosions appeared to emanate from outside the national stadium in the northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis and French president Francois Hollande, who was in attendance, left the stadium early amid the reports of shootings in central Paris and of an ongoing hostage crisis in the Bataclan concert venue.Despite that, very few, if any, of the crowd of close to 80,000 at the Stade de France appeared to be aware of any drama as they celebrated goals by Olivier Giroud and Andre-Pierre Gignac late in either half of the match.However, with tight security building up around the stadium, confusion took hold after the final whistle.With exit points being limited, large numbers of fans invaded the pitch, although there was no visible sense of panic.All this followed events earlier in the day as the German team were evacuated from their hotel in the west of Paris following a bomb scare.Despite that, the game started as planned and France claimed the victory in the first meeting of the nations since Germany won 1-0 in a World Cup quarter-final in Rio de Janeiro in July 2014.Little of note happened on the field in the first half hour and the atmosphere became somewhat surreal when the explosions were heard.However, the game began to liven up and France opened the scoring right on the stroke of half-time when Anthony Martial set up Giroud for the opener.Thomas Mueller struck the post in the second half for Germany before substitute Gignac headed in a late second on his return to the national set-up.

Multiple attacks in Paris leaves 150 dead, five terrorists killed


PARIS (Dunya News/AFP) - At least 150 people have been killed while numerous were woundedin an unprecedented series of bombings and shootings in Paris on Friday, with death toll mounting continously. Police say they have exterminated five terrorists involved in the deadly attack while four officers were also killed during the ensuing gun battle. Many were killed at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris,only some 200 metres (yards) from the former offices of Charlie Hebdo, whereattackers took more than a 100 people captive and shot them. A curfew has been declared in the country after 71 years, previously being in 1944, by French PresidentFrancois Hollande who broke down into tears as he arrived at the grim scene. 1500 military personnel have also been deployed in the city to deal with the situation. At least three people were killed near the Stade de France stadiumin the north of the capital during a friendly football match between Germany and France. Hollande was atttending the match and was evacuated safely after the incident. Spectators panic as stadium is evacuated Hostages were taken and at around 2335 GMT, police stormed the venue accompanied by a series of explosions.An AFP journalist heard multiple explosions.One explosion was a suicide attack, several sources said. Spectators being evacuated from stadium Terrorist attacks of an unprecedented level are underway across the Paris region, Hollande said in an emotional televised message.There are several dozen dead. Its a horror, he said.One witness at the Bataclan described a scene of carnage at the concert hall.I saw 20 to 25 bodies lying on the floor and people were very badly injured, gunshot wounds, Julien Pierce told Europe 1 radio.Some of them were dead. Some of them were very badly wounded, but it was a bloodbath.Hollande declared a state of emergency across the entire country and said the borders had been closed.The military had been mobilised to reinforce police and ensure no further attacks took place, he said.Another attack was reported at a Cambodian restaurant called Petit Cambodge, not far from the Bataclan venue in northeast Paris.Counter-terrorism prosecutors said they had opened a preliminary investigation.Lights of Frances landmark and Pariss greatest international attraction, the Eiffel Tower, were also put out as citizens mourned the deadly attack and in respect of the victims of the bloody terrorist plot. Lights go out at Pariss central attraction as city mourns the heavy loss of lives Eyetwitness accountsA French radio reporter who was inside the Bataclan theatre that came under attack Friday gave a harrowing account of the 10 horrific minutes when black-clothed gunmen wielding AK-47s entered and fired calmly and randomly at hundreds of screaming concertgoers.It was a bloodbath, Julien Pierce, a reporter for Frances Europe 1 radio station, told CNN.People yelled, screamed and everybody lying on the floor, and it lasted for 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 horrific minutes where everybody was on the floor covering their head(s).We heard so many gunshots and the terrorists were very calm, very determined and they reloaded three or four times their weapons and they didnt shout anything. They didnt say anything.Pierce recounted seeing 20 to 25 bodies on the floor and others very badly injured.Police sources later said at least 100 people were killed at the attack on the concert venue.Another witness said gunmen shouting Allahu akbar (God is greatest) fired into the terrified crowd who had gathered to watch a concert by the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal at the Bataclan theatre in eastern Paris on Friday night.Pierce said he was lucky to be near the front of the stage as the gunmen, wearing black clothes and wielding AK-47s, opened fire.People started to try to escape to walk on people on the floor and try to find the exits, and I found an exit when the terrorists reloaded their guns in the meantime, and I climbed on the stage and we found an exit.The journalist said he took a teenage girl who was bleeding heavily and carried her to a taxi where he told the driver to take her to hospital.He said that as he was speaking to CNN some of his friends were still hiding inside the theatre.They are hiding in some kind of room in the dark and they text me, and they are very afraid, of course, and they are waiting for the police to intervene, but its been over two hours now and this is terrible.Later in the night police stormed the venue. Three suspected assailants were shot dead during the assault.Pierce said he saw the face of one of the gunmen, who was probably 20 to 25 years old.Sites where killings took placeAsked if he could hear what language they were speaking, he replied, Nothing. I heard nothing, just the yelling and screaming of the people. They didnt shout anything. They didnt say anything. They said nothing. They just shot. They just shoot. They were just shooting at people.What happened was terrible. I mean, honestly, 15 minutes, 10 minutes of gunshots firing randomly in a small concert room. I mean, its not a huge concert room. Its a small one. Two thousand people were there maximum and it was -- it was horrible.At the Stade de France, Hollande was attending the match and had to be hastily evacuated.Spectators flooded the pitch as news of the attacks spread before organisers started an evacuation.The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, called for residents to stay at home.We heard gunfire, 30 seconds of fire, it was interminable, we thought it was fireworks, said Pierre Montfort, who lives near rue Bichat, where the Cambodian restaurant is located.Everyone was on the floor, no one moved, said another eyewitness who had been at the Petit Cambodge restaurant.A girl was carried by a young man in his arms. She appeared to be dead.The toll will be much heavier than the initial confirmed deaths, a security source said.Camille, 25, said: My sister is in the Bataclan. I phoned her. She said they opened fire. And then she hung up.An AFP reporter outside the Bataclan said there were police carrying machine-guns and more than 20 police wagons with their lights flashing around the scene.HollandeSpeaking outside the the Bataclan, French President Hollande stated:We wanted to be here among all those who saw these atrocious things, to say that we are going to fight and our fight will be merciless, because these terrorists that are capable of such atrocities need to know that they will be confronted by a France that is determined, unified and pulled together and a France that will not let itself be overawed even if today it is expressing an infinite amount of emotion at this drama and this tragedy, which was an abomination and a barbaric act.French President speaks outside the concert hallHollande travelled to the interior ministry to set up a crisis cell with other ministers.The president of the Republic, the prime minister, the interior minister are in a inter-ministerial crisis cell, the government said in a statement.The presidents office said an exceptional council of ministers would be called at midnight.Hollande addresses the nation after attackGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Union chief Jean-Claude Juncker said they were deeply shocked by the attacks.France has been on high alert since the terrorist attacks in January against the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a Jewish supermarket that left 17 dead.Several other attacks have been foiled through the year.More than 500 French fighters are thought to be with Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, according to official figures, while 250 have returned and some 750 expressed a desire to go there.The government announced last week that it was restoring border checks as a security measure for UN climate talks that start in Paris at the end of this month.This is a developing story and will be updated shortly

Karachi: 2 members of Al-Qaeda subcontinent apprehended


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) raided area of Nazimabad, Karachi and arrested 2 terrorists belonging to Al-Qaeda subcontinent on Friday. 2 bombs and a klashinkov were also confiscated from the terrorists, reported Dunya News.Acting upon tip off from intelligence agencies, CTD raided a building in Nazimabad and arrested 2 terrorists. According to SSP CTD, arrested terrorists have been identified as Nawab Pathan and Nazir Pathan. The terrorists had contact with people in Syria and Afghanistan. He said that a hit list with names of police personnel had been found from the terrorists.SSP CTD stated that the arrested terrorists had given up the name of their commander and told that their group consists of 12 people.

Zardari forbids PPP leaders to comment on ISPR statement


KARACHI: (Dunya News) –Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari has on Friday forbidden the party leaders to comment on the statement issued by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) department of Pakistan army, reported Dunya News.According to PPP Political Secretary Rukhsana Bangash, Asif Zardari has taken notice of the statements issued by some of the party leaders. She said that the former President of Pakistan has forbidden PPP leaders to discuss the ISPR statement in public. She said that only Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the party can decide whether to support the government on this issue or not.Earlier, Opposition Leader in National Assembly Syed Khurshid Shah had said that the ISPR press release was a key hint to the government.Also read:Armys call for good governance a key hint to govtAddressing the National Assembly on Thursday, Opposition Leader Syed Khurshid Shah remarked that yesterday’s Corps Commanders’ Conference has sought ‘better governance’ which is an important hint to the government, Dunya News reported.Pointing out the lack of quorum in the House, Shah said, The session can proceed once the princes are present.He said the government, during its two-and-a-half years-long tenure, had not learnt to take parliament seriously.Mehmood Khan Achakzai of Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party stated that the government should ensure presence of ministers in the assembly session. He said finalization of any foreign policy out of the Parliament is not acceptable.Suggesting better ties between the military and civil leaderships, Achakzai said both ‘Sharifs’ should work together on same page.The remarks of politicians came a day after Corps Commanders’ Conference chaired by Army Chief General Raheel Sharif said that there was a need to match governance initiatives with military operations to eliminate militancy from the country.Military spokesman Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bajwa said that internal and external security was discussed in the meeting, including the implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) to uproot militancy. However, General Raheel highlighted the need for matching complimentary governance initiatives for long term gains of operation and enduring peace.He also called for reform in the tribal region which is still governed under the colonial era laws.The meeting also discussed the upcoming visit of General Raheel to the US starting from November 15.

Trying to resolve Balochistan issue peacefully: Brahumdagh Bugti


LONDON: (Dunya News) – Baloch nationalist leader Brahumdagh Bugti has on Friday said that he is trying to solve Balochistan issue peacefully. He said that the solution of any struggle is possible through talks only, reported Dunya News.In a statement issued today, Brahumdagh Bugti said that Chief Minister (CM) Balochistan Dr. Abdul Malik confessed in a meeting with him that he didn’t have the authority and could only convey his messages.“Our struggle is to resolve Balochistan issue peacefully. The solution to any struggle is possible through talks only”, said Bugti. He added that meetings between former Interior Minister of Pakistan Senator Rehman Malik and Nawabzada Harbiyar Marri were also held during Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) era.

Karachi: 2 dacoits killed after torture and firing by angry mob


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Two dacoits got killed by the angry mob on Friday after severe torture and firing in Korangi Zia Colony area of Karachi. People started beating the dacoits when during robbery they injured two men with gunshots, reported Dunya News.According to the details, the dacoits entered a cattle-shed in Zia Colony area and started robbing the people present on the premises,off their valuables and cash, on resistance from two citizens, the robbers opened fire on them. This made the people angry and they got hold of the criminals and tortured them to death. Mob used gun-shots as well but it is not yet cleared if they died of gun-shots or just torture. The bodies of the dacoits have been sent to Jinnah Hospital Karachi while police have started the investigation of the incident.

No truth in rumour about poisoning Imran: Reham Khan


LONDON: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s ex-wife Reham Khan has on Friday said that there is no truth to the rumours about her trying to poison Imran. She said that the rumours about her beating Imran Khan were ridiculous. She said that she decided to part ways with Imran with a heavy heart, reported Dunya News.In her first interview with a British newspaper since the divorce, Reham said that she will go back to Pakistan and restart her life there. She said that she will continue to work for women rights in Pakistan.It is pertinent to mention here that it is Reham’s first interview since her divorce to any newspaper and she had been offered hundreds of thousands of pounds for a book on her 10-month divorce and TV or newspaper interview by British media house and publishers.Reham and Imran divorced last month on 30th of October with mutual consent and both had confirmed their decision on Twitter.Also read:Satanic minds spreading rumours about Reham taking money: Imran KhanIn his message on social networking website Twitter, Imran Khan said that the rumours being spread about Reham are baseless and products of ‘satanic’ minds. Enraged over the negative propaganda against his ex-wife, Imran lashed out at the journalists discussing the problems with his past marriage.Reham’s divorce with Imran is one of the most discussed topics these days in Pakistani media. When the involvement of ‘black magic’ was discussed in the media in the divorce, Imran had snubbed the journalists on Twitter. Now, rumours are being discussed on media that Reham took money from various PTI leaders so the PTI Chairman took to Twitter again.In his tweet, Imran said that the statements about Reham taking money from party leaders were products of ‘satanic’ minds. Some people are targeting Reham for no reason. “The vicious attacks targeting Reham s financial integrity are absolutely unfounded. Shameful esp as she is mother of 3 children”, he said. He also added that such discussions on media were a proof of Pakistani society’s moral collapse.Am ashamed of the moral collapse in our society, esp how some media ppl are conducting a baseless & malicious attack against Reham 1/2— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) November 13, 2015 2/2 The vicious attacks targeting Rehams financial integrity are absolutely unfounded. Shameful esp as she is mother of 3 children.— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) November 13, 2015

Karachi: MQM and PTI start point scoring over Moon Garden issue


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) scuffled at Moon Garden on Friday. Workers from both parties reached Moon Garden to show solidarity with the victims but could not bear the existence of rivals and chanted slogans until PTI workers left the premises, reported Dunya News.According to the details, the residents of Moon Garden had hardly settled back in their homes after an eventful day, when MQM workers appeared in the flats to console the victims of the case. After some time, PTI workers also reached there, led by Imran Ismail, to show solidarity with the residents of disputed building.The typical rivals started a scuffle outside Moon Garden but to the relief of residents, dispersed soon after just chanting slogans against each other. PTI leader Imran Ismail said that MQM behaved in its typical known way but they are not afraid of anyone and will go wherever they choose.Read More:Karachi: SHC stops police from evacuation of Moon Garden till 19 Nov.Sindh High Court has ordered the police to stop the process of evacuation of Moon Garden Flats till 19th of November. Karachi police had earlier sealed Moon Garden flats on Friday after negotiation with residents, reported Dunya News.According to the details, police along with female constables, reached Moon Garden to evacuate the flats build on Pakistan Railway’s property. The residents had no idea of the fraud while purchasing flats. Angry residents blocked a nearby road to record their protest but as police moved them from the road, they went to the entrance of the building and protested against police and court’s orders. Poor victims of the scam were left homeless as police sealed 20 flats in the supervision of Deputy Superintendent Police (DSP). Grieved women plead for justice from the rulers and courts.Read more: Moon Garden Flat residents to register case against builderResidents of the Moon Garden Flats in Karachi announced on Friday to register a case against the builder and have submitted a plea in SHC seeking to become a party in it.The protest entered third day with the people forced to spend two cold November nights under open skies as the apartment complex was sealed on court’s orders.Read Further: Moon Garden Flat residents spend second night on sidewalksHuman and civil rights activist Ansar Burney reached Moon Garden Flats to support and relieve the affectees. The protesters stated that they are being punished of the builders’ fraud and have to spend their days on roads until the rehabilitation of their homes.While speaking to media Ansar Burney questioned that how the place was given on lease so easily if the place was illegal.Meanwhile, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) also submitted a resolution in Sindh Assembly which states that NAB and FIA should investigate Moon Garden builder and take action against the responsible government officers.Earlier the Sindh High Court (SHC) dismissed the petition of the residents of the Moon Garden flats after terming it inadmissible. The affectees have been, however, permitted to become party to the case. A petition was filed in the Sindh High Court in which the petitioners sought vacation of eviction orders given to the police until the appeal in Supreme Court is finalised.Know more: SHC denies motion to stay vacation of Moon Garden flatsIt was also submitted in the petition that the residents of the flats are living in legally leased flats and therefore, the decision must be reviewed.A Sindh High Court bench comprising Justice Sajjad Ali Shah termed the petition inadmissible for hearing and dismissed it.It said the builder has violated the Supreme Court order, adding that if the residents want they can file a fresh appeal tomorrow (Friday) or become party to a case already being heard.Documents received by Dunya News show that the building was being constructed for en years and as per the documents, the Cantonment Board had approved maps of project’s Block A and B while the KCE approved the maps of blocks C, D, E and F.Neighbours stated that the authorities allowed the construction proceed at the time despite the fact it was being built on a grabbed land but now there’s no remedy for people who have spent their life savings to purchase flats.

40 army companies to be deployed for 2nd phase of local body polls


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Election Commission has ordered deployment of 40 companies of army for the second phase of local body elections in Punjab. Secretary Election Commission says all arrangements have been finalized to ensure free and fair elections, reported Dunya News.According to details, the 2nd phase of local body elections in Punjab will start on November 19. A meeting headed by Chief Election Commissioner was held today in Lahore and was attended by Chief Secretary Punjab, IG Punjab, Provincial Election Commissioner, DPOS and DCOs.Talking to media after the meeting, Secretary Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) said that 40 army companies have been called for the 2nd phase of the election. “Security will be maintained on the election-day under any circumstances”, he said.Responding to a question, Secretary ECP said that deployment of army on all polling stations isn’t possible so they will be patrolling the sensitive ones only. He said that the total number of polling stations in 2nd phase of local body elections in Punjab is 11869, out of which 960 are sensitive.

'Satanic' minds spreading rumours about Reham taking money: Imran Khan


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has on Friday said that the rumours spread about his ex-wife Reham Khan taking money from party leaders are being produced in ‘satanic’ minds. He said that those targeting Reham for her financial integrity must feel ashamed, especially since she is a mother of 3, reported Dunya News.In his message on social networking website Twitter, Imran Khan said that the rumours being spread about Reham are baseless and products of ‘satanic’ minds. Enraged over the negative propaganda against his ex-wife, Imran lashed out at the journalists discussing the problems with his past marriage.Reham’s divorce with Imran is one of the most discussed topics these days in Pakistani media. When the involvement of ‘black magic’ was discussed in the media in the divorce, Imran had snubbed the journalists on Twitter. Now, rumours are being discussed on media that Reham took money from various PTI leaders so the PTI Chairman took to Twitter again.In his tweet, Imran said that the statements about Reham taking money from party leaders were products of ‘satanic’ minds. Some people are targeting Reham for no reason. “The vicious attacks targeting Rehams financial integrity are absolutely unfounded. Shameful esp as she is mother of 3 children”, he said. He also added that such discussions on media were a proof of Pakistani society’s moral collapse.Am ashamed of the moral collapse in our society, esp how some media ppl are conducting a baseless & malicious attack against Reham 1/2— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) November 13, 2015 2/2 The vicious attacks targeting Rehams financial integrity are absolutely unfounded. Shameful esp as she is mother of 3 children.— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) November 13, 2015 However, it must be mentioned here that Reham Khan has herself tweeted in the past about black magic being a reason for divorces, citing a verse from Quran which says thatthe fundamental reason why Iblees taught people black magic was in order to cause separation between husband and wife.The Quran states that the fundamental reason why Iblees taught people black magic was in order to cause separation between husband & wife— Reham Khan (@RehamKhan1) November 9, 2015 Shama Junejo, a renowned columnist and analyst, had said on Twitter that Imran Khan hadrubbed KAALI DAAL over his body on the advice of a Baba Jee.@javeednusrat @gulmeenay 3- In April there was an incident at Bani Gala when IK rubbed KAALI DAAL over his body on the advice of a BABA Jee.— Shama Junejo (@ShamaJunejo) November 11, 2015 Later, when Shama Junejo started trending on Twitter in Pakistan, she tagged Reham Khan in a tweet, to which Reham responded thus:@ShamaJunejo The price of standing by friends in tough times. loyalty— Reham Khan (@RehamKhan1) November 11, 2015

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