Tuesday 3 November 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Double murder convict hanged in Bahawalpur


BAHAWALPUR (Dunya News) – A double murder convict was executed in the New Central Jail Bahawalpur on early Wednesday morning, Dunya News reported.According to details, death row prisoner, Irshad was hanged in the New Central Jail Bahawalpur. Irshad had shot dead two people in 1999. Irshad’s dead body was handed over to his heirs after the execution.Also Read: Two more death row prisoners hangedNearly 300 death row prisoners have been hanged so far as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif lifted a six-year moratorium on death penalty on December 17, 2014 for those convicted for terrorism a day after the deadly attack on Army Public School in Peshawar that left 150 persons including mostly children dead. There are more than 8,000 prisoners on death row in the country.

Multan: Shopkeeper kills dacoit while resisting robbery bid


MULTAN (Dunya News) – According to details, three dacoits entered a showpiece shop at Chungi No 7 area in Multan on Tuesday and made the workers in the shop hostage and started looting the valuables.However, the owner of the shop kept his nerves and opened fire at the robbers with his pistol as a result one dacoit was killed on the spot while another was critically wounded. The third dacoit managed to escape from the scene.The dead dacoit was identified as Amin. Police have shifted the body of the dead dacoit to mortuary at the Nishtar Hospital, Multan.

Multan: Shop owner shoots dacoits killing one, severely injuring other


MULTAN (Dunya News) – A shop owner in Multan shot dacoits that broke into his store on Tuesday killing one and severely injuring the other while the third accomplice managed to flee the scene.According to the details, 3 robbers entered into a showpiece shop near Chowrangi number 9 in Multan. The thieves took employees of the store as hostage and started looting the place. However, in a daring display of nerves, the owner of the outlet grabbed his pistol and opened fire on the unsuspecting looters killing one of the thugs on the spot and injuring the other. The third accomplice managed to escape the crime scene by climbing over the wall of the shop.The exterminated suspect has been identified as Amin. Police have shifted the dead body of the suspect to Nishtar Hospital’s mortuary.

Karachi: Rangers operation, 3 political party affiliates taken in custody


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Rangers on late Tuesday night took 3 individuals believed to be affiliates of a political party into custody during a search operation in Lines Area Sector 2, Karachi. Rangers targeted specific houses during the operation. The suspected individuals have been shifted to an undisclosed location.On the other hand police 4 suspects were arrested in injured condition during a police clash in Dalmia and Shah Faisal colony. According to the police, the arrested suspects were wanted for serious crimes including armed robbery. Ammunition and a stolen motorcycle were also recovered from the suspects.Meanwhile a tortured dead body of an individual was found near Fishery in Karachi.

Reham breaks silence, says long term partnership is what matters


MANCHESTER (Dunya News) – Reham Khan, former wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, was seen Wednesday attending a media conference event in Manchester, England. Reham broke her silence and spoke publicly for the first time after her much publicized divorce with the PTI Chairman during the conference. Addressing the conference Reham subtly criticized her former husband saying:“You can hit a six but what matter is if you opt for a long term partnership and complete your century.”According to the details, Reham was bombarded with a hoard of questions pertaining to her divorce by journalists but appeared hesitant in answering these questions. During her address, Reham commented on the treatment of women on social media and said that defaming a woman is a displeasing act and should be avoided.Addressing the event, Reham stated that women in Pakistan face insecurities in society. She stated that upon her arrival in the country, she was warned that Pakistan was not particularly welcoming to the concept of a woman working in media and was told that she would not be able to make her mark in media and will not be successful., however, she was not only able to work in the media department but also found no hindrance or setbacks during her work.Reham also stated that Pakistan had bestowed her with a lot of things and was dear to her, no matter what it was like. She said Pakistanis in England are desirous of returning to their country. Reham further stated that she immediately felt like going back to her country as soon as she had reached England.In an earlier press conference in Pakistan, the PTI Chairman had slammed a journalist, severely criticizing him for asking an intruding question about his marriage with Reham Khan. Khan had castigated the journalist saying that he should be ashamed of poking in to such private affairs and should act in accordance with the ethics of a civilized society. Khan ended the conference soon after that and walked out.Read further:Imran Khan slams journalist for question on RehamThe celebrated and much hyped marriage of the couple suffered an unfortunate end as the marriage ended with a divorce within an year. The couple had agreed mutually for the divorce citing irreconcilable differences.Talking to Dunya News, PTI spokesperson Naeemul Haq said the decision to divorce was very sensitive and serious issue. He stated:She (Reham) wanted to get involved with politics and that is not what Khan wanted at all. She just did not want to sit at home.Also read: Imran, Reham mutually agree on divorceSoon after the news broke, Imran Khan had stated that this was a painful time for him and Reham and requested everyone to respect their privacy.

Taiwan leader Ma to meet Chinese President Xi: officials


TAIPEI (AFP) - Taiwans President Ma Ying-jeou will meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Singapore on Saturday, Mas office said, in what will be the first meeting between leaders from the two rivals since the end of a civil war in 1949.The two presidents will exchange views on cross-strait issues Mas spokesman Charles Chen said Tuesday, referring to the stretch of water separating mainland China and Taiwan.The intention of the visit is to secure cross-strait peace but no agreement will be signed and there will be no joint statement, he said.The surprise meeting follows a gradual warming of relations with Beijing since Ma of the China-friendly Kuomintang (KMT) came to power in 2008.Beijing still considers the island part of its territory even though the two sides have been governed separately since Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and his KMT forces fled to Taiwan after losing the civil war to Mao Zedongs communists.Chen said Ma would leave for Singapore on Saturday where he will meet Xi.The purpose of President Mas visit is to secure cross-strait peace and maintain the status quo of the Taiwan Straits, Chen said in a statement.No agreement will be signed, nor any joint statement be released, he said, adding that Ma will hold an international press conference on Thursday.The head of Taiwans top China policy decision-making body, the Mainland Affairs Council, will hold a press conference Wednesday where more details will be released as to the significance of the meeting.There has been no reaction from Beijing so far.Tuesdays announcement was unexpected after Mas hopes for a meeting with Xi had previously been dashed despite improved relations.He had hoped to meet Xi at an APEC meeting in Beijing in November but said China had refused.This is a milestone in cross-Strait relations, said Professor Chao Chun-shan, an expert in mainland affairs at Tamkang University in Taipei.It should be helpful for the stabilisation of the region, he told the Apple Daily.But some opposition political parties expressed concern over the meeting and called on supporters to protest Wednesday outside parliament.While ties have warmed under Ma, public sentiment has turned against closer relations as fears over Beijings influence grow.Ma will step down as president next year after a maximum two terms and the main opposition China-sceptic Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is expected to win the leadership at elections in January.A senior DPP spokesman told local media the party would not comment until further details of the visit were released.The KMT suffered its heaviest-ever local election defeat last year, with its China-friendly strategy a major factor.While closer ties with Beijing have brought trade pacts and a tourism boom, many voters feel big business has benefited, rather than ordinary Taiwanese people. There are also concerns over lack of transparency -- last year saw the unprecedented occupation of parliament by student protesters angered by a trade agreement they said had been made in secret.But Ma has repeatedly defended his China-friendly policies, saying they have brought stability to the region.The KMT adheres to the 1992 consensus -- a tacit agreement between the party and Beijing which acknowledges there is one China but allows each side their own interpretation.Ma has warned against the consequences of diverging from the 1992 consensus, which the DPP does not recognise.DPP candidate Tsai Ing-wen has repeatedly said that she will maintain the status quo if elected president in January, but is likely to face pressure from pro-independent voices within her own party.She has also been criticised by the KMT who say she has not fully explained how her policy will work.The KMT replaced its pro-China presidential candidate last month as the deeply divided party struggles for public support.Party chairman Eric Chu was endorsed as the KMTs new contender after members voted against Hung Hsiu-chu representing them at the polls, following concern that her conservative views fly in the face of public sentiment.Hung had historically taken a pro-unification stance and espoused a peace agreement with China.

Air strikes kill 23 in IS's Syria 'capital': monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - Warplanes pounded the Islamic State groups de facto Syrian capital Raqa on Tuesday, killing at least 23 people including 13 jihadists, a monitoring group said.The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said either the regime or Russian airforce was believed to have carried out the strikes.Thirteen members of the Islamic State group and 10 civilians were killed in at least 16 air raids on the groups positions and premises in several parts of Raqa city, Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.He said the toll relied on information from only one hospital in the area because of security restrictions and that the number of dead could be higher.IS seized Raqa in January 2014, expelling various rebel groups who had seized it from the regime the previous year.Since then it has become the de facto Syrian capital of the territory controlled by the group, which it dubs an Islamic caliphate.The town has been targeted by Syrian government air strikes and raids launched by Russia since it began an aerial campaign in late September.A US-led coalition fighting IS has also bombed the city in the past.Elsewhere, the Observatory said a Kurdish-Arab alliance had advanced against IS in the northeastern province of Hasakeh.The Observatory said at least seven IS fighters had been killed in clashes with the Syrian Democratic Forces and air strikes by the US-led coalition on Tuesday.The SDF said Saturday it had begun its first offensive since announcing the coalition last month against IS in Hasakeh province.

Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'


KABUL (AFP) - A young Afghan woman was stoned to death after being accused of adultery, officials said Tuesday, a medieval punishment apparently recorded in a video that harks back to the dark days of Taliban rule.The 30-second clip run in Afghan media shows a woman in a hole in the ground as turbaned men gather around and hurl stones at her with chilling nonchalance.The woman, named by officials as Rokhsahana and aged between 19 and 21, is heard repeating the shahada, or Muslim profession of faith, her voice growing increasingly high-pitched as stones strike her with sickening thuds.The killing took place about a week ago in a Taliban-controlled area just outside Firozkoh, the capital of central Ghor province, officials said, confirming the video which was sourced and released by international broadcaster Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.Yes, the footage shown in the media is related to Rokhsahana, who was stoned to death, a spokesman for Ghors Governor Seema Joyenda told AFP.Rokhsahana was stoned by a gathering of Taliban, local religious leaders and armed warlords, Joyenda said. Joyenda, one of only two female governors in Afghanistan, said Rokhsahanas family had married her off against her will and that she was caught while eloping with another man her age -- seen as tantamount to adultery.The man was let off with a lashing, Joyendas spokesman said.The brutal punishment meted out to Rokhsahana highlighted the endemic violence against women in Afghan society, despite reforms since the hardline Taliban regime fell in 2001.In March a woman named Farkhunda was savagely beaten and set ablaze in central Kabul after being falsely accused of burning a Koran.The mob killing triggered protests around the country and drew global attention to the treatment of Afghan women.Joyenda condemned the stoning in Ghor, calling on Kabul to launch a military operation to rid the area of insurgents and other armed groups.This is the first incident in this area (this year) but will not be the last, she said.Women in general have problems all over the country, but in Ghor even more conservative attitudes prevail.In September a video from Ghor appeared to show a woman -- covered head to toe in a veil and huddled on the ground -- receiving lashes from a turbaned elder in front of a crowd of male spectators.The flogging came after a local court found her guilty of having sex outside marriage with a man, who was similarly punished.Shariah law decrees stoning as the punishment for men and women convicted of having sex outside marriage, but the penalty is very rarely applied in Muslim countries.Public lashings and executions were common under the Talibans 1996-2001 rule, when a strict interpretation of Sharia law was enforced, but such incidents have been less common in recent years.The Taliban have so far not commented on the stoning in Ghor.Long condemned as misogynistic zealots, the militants have recently sought to project a softened stance on female rights.But the insurgents recent three-day occupation of the northern provincial capital of Kunduz offers an ominous blueprint of what could happen should they ever return to power.Harrowing testimonies have emerged of Taliban death squads methodically targeting a host of female rights workers and journalists just hours after the city fell on September 28.

Bucharest club fire turns political as rally demands PM's ouster


BUCHAREST (AFP) - More than 20,000 people rallied in Bucharest Tuesday demanding Romanias prime minister resign over a deadly nightclub fire that claimed 32 lives.Demonstrators gathered in Bucharests Victory Square, the seat of government, calling for Prime Minister Victor Pontas resignation and that of his interior minister, Gabriel Oprea.The marchers chanted Ponta resign and killers, and some waved the national flag with holes in it -- a symbol of the popular revolution 25 years ago that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.President Klaus Iohannis, who had earlier paid tribute to two heroes in the blaze and demanded reforms to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy, praised the rally.I am impressed by this evenings demonstrations, the conservative head of state said on his Facebook page. The countrys political leaders, he said, cannot ignore this feeling of revolt.Viorel Anastasoaie, a demonstrator aged in his thirties, said the rally was a gesture of solidarity with the victims of the blaze and a sign of protest against the government, against the district mayor, against the system which enabled a tragedy of this kind to happen.Ponta, 43, has been under growing pressure to quit after he went on trial in September facing charges of fraud, tax evasion and money laundering.The Social Democrat is the first Romanian head of government to stand trial while still in office.The charges date back to 2007-2011, when Ponta was working as a lawyer. He became prime minister in 2012.Earlier, mourners paid tribute to two men who sacrificed themselves in the fire which engulfed the Communist-era basement club last Friday.The toll of 32 dead and nearly 200 injured would have been deadlier had Claudiu Petre, a physicist by training, and drummer Adrian Rugina not been at the Colectiv disco when an illegal pyrotechnics display went horribly awry.The pair went several times into the burning club to rescue trapped revellers, only to die themselves.Witnesses said a fireworks display triggered the blaze at the Colectiv, which was located in a former shoe factory. The inferno sparked a deadly stampede.Elders in the Orthodox church criticised the youngsters for listening to Satanist music at the concert, which was held on the night before Halloween.The accusations sparked a backlash against the ecclesiastical authorities, especially against Patriarch Daniel, head of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who has maintained a studied silence on the tragedy.On Monday, Petre and Rugina were posthumously decorated by Iohannis for their courage and altruism and for saving lives at the cost of supreme sacrifice.Their time is not over as heroes never die, Iohannis said.In remarks on Sunday, Iohannis also called for society to face up to the need for root-and-branch reform.We should no longer tolerate government incompetence, institutional inefficiency, and we cannot let corruption spread to the point that it kills people, he said.

Football: Unlikely hero Nacho takes Madrid into last 16


MADRID (AFP) - First-half substitute Nacho was the unlikely hero with the only goal of the game as Real Madrid beat Paris Saint-Germain 1-0 on Tuesday to seal their place in the Champions League last 16.The defender had only been on the field for two minutes as an emergency left-back in place of the injured Marcelo when he took advantage of a defensive mix-up in the 35th minute to slot past stranded PSG goalkeeper Kevin Trapp and score the only goal of the game at the Santiago Bernabeu.The result allowed Rafael Benitezs side to become one of the first teams to guarantee their place in the knockout rounds as they maintained their unbeaten record this season and inflicted a first defeat on PSG since Barcelona eliminated the French champions from this competition in April.However, PSG only have themselves to blame for losing after missing a host of chances in a first half they dominated.I am happy because we are through. To win, be top of the group and not have conceded a goal are things to be positive about after playing difficult opponents, said Benitez.With Shakhtar Donetsk beating Malmo 4-0 in Ukraine in the nights other Group A game, Laurent Blancs side remain four points clear of the teams below them and so should still comfortably join Madrid in the next round, but they are likely to have to settle for second place.That is the way football is and Real scored from a half chance, said Blanc.Even if we didnt get the result we came for, we need to take the positives. We proved that we can create danger for any team.There was particular pressure on the visitors to show they could genuinely compete with one of the continents finest in their own backyard after they lacked inspiration in a 0-0 draw with an injury-hit Real in France a fortnight ago.Chances missedAnd to be fair to PSG, they immediately took the game to their hosts, controlling possession and overcoming the loss of influential midfielder Marco Verratti to what appeared to be an ankle injury after just 17 minutes, Adrien Rabiot taking his place.Back at his old home ground, Angel Di Maria played in Serge Aurier and his cutback picked out Blaise Matuidi for a first meaningful shot at goal, although his effort on his weaker right foot was easily saved by Keylor Navas.Zlatan Ibrahimovic, so disappointing in the reverse fixture, then curled a shot agonisingly wide and the Swede also hammered a long-range free-kick inches past the post with Navas beaten just before the half-hour mark.The crucial moment in the game arrived shortly after, with Nacho being sent on to replace Marcelo after the Brazilian pulled up injured.Two minutes after that, the 25-year-old defender put his team in front, with the aid of the PSG defence.When a Toni Kroos shot struck Thiago Silva and looped up into the air, Trapp came racing off his line towards the ball but then stopped, allowing Nacho to sidefoot a first-time effort into the unguarded net from the left side of the box.The goal came utterly against the run of play, and to their credit PSG did not let their heads go down.Rabiot sent a controlled volley with his left foot against the base of the post from 25 yards before somehow both Edinson Cavani and Ibrahimovic failed to connect with an inviting Maxwell cross from the left.Worse was to come as Cavani passed up the best chance to fall the visitors way yet, squandering a glorious opportunity to score after a Di Maria pass had left him through with just Navas to beat.There was a vast improvement from Madrid in the second half and most of the chances were theirs, with Trapp saving from Isco, twice, and Kroos.However, there was to be more agony for Paris as Di Maria crashed a free-kick off the top of the bar and over in the 89th minute, as the home fans breathed a sigh of relief.

US, Russian fighters communicate over Syria in test: Pentagon


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US and Russian fighter pilots communicated directly in the skies over Syria on Tuesday in a successful test of new procedures for avoiding incidents as they pursue separate air campaigns, the Pentagon said.Navy Captain Jeff Davis said the test, carried out between one aircraft from each side over south central Syria, lasted three minutes and met its intended objective.This test assured that the first time this mode of communication was used would not be during an unplanned encounter, Davis said.The United States and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding on October 20 aimed at de-conflicting their air operations over Syria, where they are waging parallel air campaigns with different objectives.A US-led coalition has been targeting Islamic State forces with air strikes since December 2014, while the Russians have been hitting a broader range of rebels since opening an air campaign in September in support of its Syrian ally, President Bashar al-Assad.Over the past two months, the pace of US air strikes has fallen off, compared to the previous six months, hitting a low of 117 air strikes last month.The Pentagon denies the drop-off is related to Russias entry in the conflict, attributing it instead to fluctuations typical of military operations.US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter last week vowed to intensify coalition air strikes against the IS group, which has taken over large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.A US defense official said Tuesdays test did not amount to joint training with the Russians, as Moscow has described it in a statement.We put on hold all military to military cooperation following the onset of Russian aggression in Crimea, and that remains in effect, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

White House cautious on historic China-Taiwan meeting


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House on Tuesday gave a cautious welcome to plans for the leaders of Taiwan and China to meet for the first time in more than half a century.We would certainly welcome steps that are taken on both sides of the Taiwan strait to try and reduce tensions and improve cross-strait relations, said spokesman Josh Earnest.But we will have to see what actually comes out of the meeting.Taiwans President Ma Ying-jeou will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in Singapore on Saturday, Mas office said, in what will be the first meeting between leaders from the two rivals since they split at the end of a civil war in 1949.Beijing still considers the island part of its territory awaiting reunification.Earnest reiterated that Washingtons One China policy has not changed.The White House has long opposed any military moves toward reunification and has laid its hand on the scales to ensure a military balance between Taiwan and its giant neighbor.The Xi-Ma meeting comes ahead of January elections in Taiwan.Mas relatively Beijing-friendly Kuomintang is widely expected to lose to the more China-skeptic Democratic Progressive Party.

Dollar firms vs euro


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar firmed against the euro Tuesday as traders awaited public comments from Fed Chair Janet Yellen and other top US central bank officials, hoping for interest rate hike signals.Following the Feds decision to leave its key rate near zero at the October 27-28 policy meeting and signal a December hike was still on the table, Yellen will be testifying Wednesday to a House of Representatives committee about the Feds supervision and regulation of the US financial system.Forex watchers were looking to possible comments by Yellen on whether the Fed believes the economy could handle the first rate hike in nine years.Also on tap this week is a forum Thursday organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, with New York Fed President William Dudley and Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fischer scheduled to speak.The US dollar drifted higher in holiday-subdued trade with markets in Japan enjoying a day off, said Joe Manimbo, senior market analyst at Western Union Business Solutions.After declining against the euro in the previous four trading sessions, the dollar rose to $1.0959 per one euro around 2200 GMT, from $1.1014 at the same time Monday.Manimbo noted that despite news of a one percent fall in US factory orders in September, that was about half the decline in August.The data was the latest to hint at the US economy stabilizing after a recent slump, keeping the Fed within a meeting of raising interest rates, he said.

Moscovici confident of 'compromise' with Greece on remaining reforms


ATHENS (AFP) - The EUs economic affairs commissioner, Pierre Moscovici, voiced confidence Tuesday that Greece would reach a compromise with its creditors by the end of the week on remaining reforms demanded under its third bailout.Speaking at a press conference in Athens after talks with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, the commissioner said there were three or four issues still on the table.With the spirit of compromise, I believe that well find a compromise by the end of the week, in order that the Eurogroup (meeting of eurozone finance ministers) on November 9th will be a success, Moscovici said.Greece in July accepted a three-year, 86-billion-euro ($96-billion) EU bailout that saved Athens from crashing out of the eurozone, but came with strict conditions.Among the areas of disagreement four months later are lenders demands that Athens implement measures to facilitate home loan foreclosures.The Greek government insists on maintaining a shield for more vulnerable households.The two sides have also been sparring over Greeces mechanism for dealing with bad loans -- an important factor in shoring up the countrys beleaguered banks -- and over the EUs demands for a 23-per-cent VAT rate on private education.Tsakalotos said the remaining issues were important for Greece because they had social repercussions.Moscovici acknowledged that the reforms demanded of Greeces leftist government were not easy and assured him the European Commission was on your side.Progress has been made, a lot of work is going in the right direction, he said of the reforms already implemented by Tsiprass administration.Greece received a first tranche of 13 billion euros in bailout funds in August.It had been expecting the disbursement of another two billion euros in October but the eurozone withheld the funds until resolving the remaining sticking points in the bailout programme.At their meeting on November 9 eurozone finance ministers will consider whether Greece has made sufficient concessions to receive the outstanding funds.Athens long-standing demand for a restructuring of its towering debt were also raised at the meeting between Moscovici, Tsipras and Tsakalotos.Moscovici said that discussion could only begin in earnest, after the first review of Greeces bailout, slated for later this month.

Michelle Obama visits US air base in Qatar


DOHA (AFP) - First Lady Michelle Obama visited the largest US air force base outside the United States Tuesday on the first full day of a Middle East tour.This isnt an easy post; you guys are doing the tough work, she told the assembled servicemen and women at Al-Udeid base, the forward headquarters for the US Central Command outside the Qatari capital.Before she spoke, a military band played several songs, including Sweet Home Alabama.Obama is in Qatar as part of a seven-day regional tour during which she is expected to focus on the issue of cultural beliefs obstructing girls education.She is set to make a keynote speech at the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha Wednesday, as part of her well-publicised efforts to promote girls education globally.In an email ahead of her trip, Obama wrote that 62 million girls across the globe are not going to school at all, urging support for the Let Girls Learn initiative that she launched with President Barack Obama earlier this year.Obama was accompanied by late-night talk show host Conan O Brien as part of the morale-boosting visit to troops.OBrien, whoseConan programme airs on TBS cable television, put on a show for the troops, part of which will be broadcast later this year.He told the crowd he had accepted the invitation, despite promising his wife he would not return to the region again any time soon after a recent visit to Dubai.I went to Dubai, flew back 18 hours, saw my wife and kids, and said I wont be doing that, honey, any time soon.And I think the phone rang three days later and they said we need you to fly pretty much to Dubai.My wife said, thats the first lady; youre going. I dont want to see you again if you dont go on this trip.Al-Udeid, home to around 10,000 military personnel, is used as a hub by the US military for its air strikes against the Islamic State jihadist group in Syria and Iraq.Earlier Tuesday, Obama met Qatars emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani.She is set to travel on to Jordan, where she is to visit a girls school in Amman built with US aid funds.

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