Wednesday 4 November 2015

Dunya TV

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Trudeau sworn in as Canada's PM, pledges big changes


OTTAWA (AFP) - Canadas new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised big changes after nearly a decade of Conservative rule as he was sworn into office Wednesday, almost 50 years after his father took the job.The 43-year-old former bartender led his Liberal party to a landslide victory on October 19, dealing a crushing blow to Stephen Harpers Conservatives. He is the second-youngest prime minister in Canadian history.He is also the son of the late Pierre Trudeau, considered the father of modern Canada, who served as prime minister from 1968 to 1979, and again from 1980 to 1984.Trudeau smiled and mouthed Thank you as applause erupted in the flag-waving crowd gathered outside Rideau Hall, the governor generals mansion, to watch on giant screens as he took the oath as Canadas 23rd prime minister.We have an awful lot of work to do in coming weeks, months and years, Trudeau said.But I know that Canadians expected us to... deliver on the change, on the ambitious plan for this country that the Liberal party ran on, and thats exactly what were going to deliver.New cabinetCanadas youthful leader -- slammed as being too inexperienced to govern in campaign attack ads -- faces a diverse set of challenges, from bolstering the countrys economy to slashing carbon emissions and ratifying a US-led Pacific free trade pact.The new Liberal government also has pledged to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees by years end, which new Immigration Minister John McCallum said remains our firm objective, and to wind down Canadas combat mission against the Islamic State group.Trudeau unveiled a new-look cabinet, equally split with 15 men and 15 women, featuring some political veterans and some fresh faces.Former native chief Jody Wilson-Raybould was named Canadas first aboriginal justice minister, and is expected to shepherd a key Liberal election promise of holding a public inquiry into the fate of more than 1,000 missing and murdered aboriginal women.Businessman Bill Morneau will manage the nations finances, while decorated soldier Harjit Singh Sajjan will command the military. Former astronaut Marc Garneau takes over as transport minister, and Catherine McKenna was appointed environment and climate change minister.The cabinet also includes Maryam Monsef, the youngest minister at age 30, who came to Canada as a refugee from Afghanistan, and Amarjeet Sohi, who once spent two years in an Indian prison without being charged.Historic changeWednesday marked the first time the Canadian public was officially invited to witness the swearing-in ceremony in person.A large crowd gathered in a carnival-like atmosphere for the event under a bright blue sky and colorful fall foliage. Two massive screens were set up outside the mansion for public viewing.We all knew his father and after a decade of Conservatives in power this is a historic change in government, said one spectator, Robert Boisvert.Many had traveled to Ottawa from Montreal and Toronto, and camped out to get a glimpse of the new prime minister, who glad-handed dozens of people as he walked in with his wife Sophie Gregoire and inner circle.Obviously, I think of my father and how pleased he must be that Canada so firmly came together around an ambitious vision for the country that we presented, Trudeau said.But my thoughts today -- sorry, dad -- are not mostly on him. Theyre very much on my own kids and on the kids across this country that were going to work very, very hard to ensure they have a better future.The Trudeaus have three young children.Family tiesTrudeau was first elected to the House of Commons in 2008, after years trying out different roles. He worked as a whitewater guide, snowboard instructor, bartender, bouncer and public speaker.He and his family will not move into the prime ministers official residence where Trudeau grew up because it must undergo a massive renovation. Instead they will stay at a guest house on the governor generals estate.Parliament will be recalled on December 3, with the government slated to lay out its legislative agenda the following day.Liberal House leader Dominic LeBlanc said the top priority is reducing taxes on middle income earners and hiking them for Canadas wealthiest one percent, effective January 1.

Saudi UN envoy optimistic about Yemen talks


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The Saudi ambassador to the United Nations said Wednesday he was optimistic that a new round of peace talks for Yemen will get off the ground this month after many weeks of preparation.UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed has been laying the groundwork for talks between the Saudi-backed Yemeni government and Huthi rebels who seized the capital Sanaa last year.We are optimistic. We are hopeful that the talks will take place, Saudi Ambassador Abdallah al-Mouallimi said at a meeting with leaders of the Yemeni community in the United States.Mouallimi said Huthi rebels had sought to sidestep demands in a UN resolution that they withdraw from territory seized in their campaign, but that they had recently backed down and were ready to negotiate a pullback.Saudi Arabia launched an air campaign in March to push back the Huthi offensive, but the air strikes, which have destroyed a hospital and hit two weddings, have raised alarm.The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has been identified by the United Nations as one of the worlds worst, with 80 percent of the countrys population on the brink of famine.Yemens Ambassador Khaled Alyemany said the agenda for the peace talks should be finalized this week and that the UN envoy will travel to New York to announce the talks next week.Ould Cheikh Ahmed told AFP recently that he expected the new round to begin some time between November 10 and 15.Alyemany said negotiations would focus on a gradual withdrawal from the capital Sanaa and other areas held by the Huthis.This is the picture that we have, and its a positive picture, he said.A UN bid to launch peace talks in June failed over demands for a Huthi withdrawal from seized territory, but this time, much effort has been put in ensuring there is agreement on the agenda.The Huthis overran Sanaa in September 2014 and went on to battle for control of several regions, aided by renegade troops loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.In July, loyalist forces backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, evicted the rebels from five southern provinces, and have since set their sights on the capital.Amid the dire humanitarian crisis, a rare tropical cyclone hit Yemen this week, triggering flash floods and wreaking havoc in provinces that are home to 1.1 million people.

Karachi: Police arrest seven including target killer, police officer


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crime Branch Police late on Wednesday night arrested 7 suspects including a target killer and a police officer.According to the details, police raided various areas across the city and arrested 3 suspects. According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Akram Abru, suspects Rehan, Arif and Danish were responsible for grenade attacks on police and were involved in other serious crimes including murder and extortion. A case has registered against the suspects in Itehad Town police station.Meanwhile, Garden police conducted action against criminals and arrested 3 suspects. According to Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shela Qureshi, arrested culprits were responsible for setting a market on fire during the 2009 Muharram-al-Haram bombing. Arrested suspects include Shakir, Kamran and Waqar and had been wanted for various cases registered against them.On the other hand a suspect was arrested in injured condition from Akhter Colony after clash with the police. According to the police arrested criminal Nadeem is a police constable who had been arrested in the act of looting.

Britain says concerned Russian jet possibly downed by bomb


LONDON (AFP) - Britain said Wednesday it was concerned that a Russian airliner which crashed in Sinai may have been downed by a bomb, prompting it to temporarily suspend flights from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.While the investigation is still ongoing we cannot say categorically why the Russian jet crashed, Prime Minister David Camerons office said in a statement.But as more information has come to light, we have become concerned that the plane may well have been brought down by an explosive device. The announcement came during a visit to Britain by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and four days after the Russian Airbus crashed in Sinai, killing all 224 people on board, shortly after taking off from Sharm el-Sheikh.Militants from the Islamic State group have said they were responsible for downing the plane but provided no details, prompting scepticism about the claim.British aviation experts have been dispatched to Sharm el-Sheikh to assess the security situation and flights back to Britain from the resort are being held until the assessment is completed as expected later on Wednesday, the statement said.We recognise that this information may cause concern for those in Sharm and indeed for those planning to travel to Sharm in the coming days, Downing Street said. We have deployed extra consular staff to Sharm who will be on hand at the airport, working with the airlines, to assist British holidaymakers there.We would underline that this is a precautionary step and we are working closely with the airlines on this approach, the statement said.Cameron will also hold an emergency cabinet meeting on the issue on Wednesday.The statement did not mention if any restrictions would be made on flights to Sharm, as compared to flights from the resort.Around 900,000 Britons travel to Egypt every year and at least two flights had been due to leave Sharm el-Sheikh for British airports later on Wednesday. There were no more scheduled flights from Britain to the resort on Wednesday.The BBC estimated there were around 2,000 British holidaymakers currently in Sharm el-Sheikh.

At least 36 dead in S.Sudan air crash


JUBA (AFP) - At least 36 people were killed on Wednesday when a plane crashed shortly after taking off from South Sudans capital Juba, rescue workers said.Police and rescue workers pulled bodies of men, women and children out of the wreckage of the Russian-built Antonov An-12 cargo plane, which smashed into a farming community on an island on the White Nile river, seconds after taking off.So far 36 bodies have been collected and brought to hospitals, South Sudan Red Cross official Majju Hillary told AFP, adding that all the victims were on board the ill-fated aircraft. Two survivors were pulled out of the twisted metal hulk of the plane but one of those later died, with a young boy the only survivor, the Red Cross said, adding the number of dead may still rise.We cant assess this is the final toll, as some debris is too heavy to be lifted and needs some heavy machinery, Hillary added.The five-member Armenian crew were all killed, the Armenian foreign ministry said in a statement.Farmer Ibrahim Mohamed said the plane crashed near to his home, with debris scattered around the hut where his four children were inside, but all were safe.The sound was so loud... the plane started descending and landed near my door, Mohamed told AFP.One of the tyres broke off and ran into the house -- but thank God it did not injure anyone.Cargo planes to remote parts of South Sudan often carry passengers as well as goods, and are commonly overloaded.The main fuselage of the plane ploughed into thick woodland, with debris scattered in a wide area around the riverbank, according to an AFP reporter at the site.Radio Miraya, a United Nations-backed station, said the plane had been heading to the northern Upper Nile state, crashing some just 800 metres from Juba International Airport runway.Police said they did not know how many had been on board the plane when it crashed -- nor if anyone had been killed or injured on the ground -- and so were unable to give an official death toll.Large chunks of metal were scattered across the island, which is home to several small farming communities.The UN peacekeeping mission, which is based close to the airport, said it was aiding the search and recovery operation, and had provided ambulances and troops to help.Jubas airport is the busiest in the war-torn country, which is the size of Spain and Portugal combined but has only a few tarmacked roads.The airport hosts regular commercial flights, as well as a constant string of military aircraft and cargo planes delivering aid to remote regions cut off by road.Civil war broke out in December 2013 when President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar of planning a coup, setting off a cycle of retaliatory killings that has split the poverty-stricken, landlocked country along ethnic lines.Fighting continues despite an August peace deal, but battles today are far from the capital.Tens of thousands have been killed, and UN-backed experts have warned of the concrete risk of famine before the end of the year, if fighting continues and aid does not reach the hardest-hit areas.

At least 4 Egypt police killed in Sinai bombing: state TV


CAIRO (AFP) - At least four Egyptian policemen were killed Wednesday when a suicide bomber rammed his vehicle into a police club in the Sinai Peninsula, state media reported, as the Islamic State group claimed the attack.State television said there were also wounded in the bombing in North Sinai provincial capital El-Arish. The official MENA news agency said four policemen died in the bombing.The IS affiliate in Sinai said one of its militants drove an explosives-laden vehicle into a police social club in the town.The jihadists have carried out a string of attacks in or around the provincial capital in recent months, after the army launched a sweeping campaign in the peninsula bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip.The attack came days after a Russian passenger plane crashed in the peninsula after taking off from a resort airport in South Sinai, killing all 224 people on board.IS has claimed it downed the plane but provided no details, and experts say other scenarios include a mechanical fault that caused it to disintegrate in mid-air.The group has deployed shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles in the past but they are not known to possess weapons that could bring down an airliner flying at high altitude.The militants have killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers since the military overthrew Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.They say their attacks have been in retaliation for an ensuing police crackdown in which hundreds of Morsi supporters have been killed and thousands, including the ousted president, jailed.In an interview with the BBC, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who is expected in London on Thursday, said the Sinai is under our full control.In its statement, IS said it carried out the bombing against the apostate police force in retaliation for the arrests of Bedouin women in the region.

Putin, Merkel edge Obama to new low in power ranking


NEW YORK (AFP) - Barack Obama on Wednesday became the first sitting US president to slide out of the top two power rankings as published by Forbes, beaten not just by Vladimir Putin but also Angela Merkel.The magazine published its seventh annual ranking just weeks after Putin opened a new front in the Syria war by conducting air strikes, then Putin hosted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Moscow.As Obama enters the final year of his presidency, its clear his influence is shrinking, and its a bigger struggle than ever to get things done, Forbes wrote.At home, his approval ratings are perpetually stuck under 50 percent; abroad, hes outshined by Merkel in Europe, and outmaneuvered by Putin in the Middle East.In August, Putins domestic approval rating soared to 87 percent, the highest level in six years, according to an independent polling center.His intervention in Syria has seen Putin seek to muscle his way back to global influence after months of Western isolation over Ukraine.Putin continues to prove hes one of the few men in the world powerful enough to do what he wants -- and get away with it, said Forbes.Despite international sanctions imposed after Moscow annexed Crimea and over the conflict in Ukraine, Putin has made the US and NATO look weak, and helped rebuild Russian influence abroad, Forbes said.The German chancellor, jumped up three places to grab the second spot, last year occupied by Obama.Merkel is the backbone of the 28-member European Union, and her decisive actions dealing with the Syrian refugee problem and the Greek credit crisis helped bump her up the list, Forbes said.Pope Francis was number four and Chinese leader Xi Jinping number five, falling two spots from last year. The 2015 list ranks 73 powerbrokers among 7.3 billion people on the planet.Among the eight newcomers were Saudi Arabias new monarch, King Salman, number 14, and US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at number 58 and 72 respectively.Thirty on the list come from the United States, eight come from China, and four each from Japan and Russia.Nine women made the cut.The youngest on the list are 31-year-old Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, at number 19, and North Koreas 32-year-old leader Kim Jong-un at number 46.The entire list can be seen at

Pak Navy's 'Sea Spark' naval exercises continue into second day


KARACHI (Dunya Newws) – Pakistan Navy’s ‘Sea Spark 2015’ naval exercises continued into the second day on Wednesday in the Arabian Sea. The naval exercises have been designed to illustrate Pakistan Naval Forces combat capabilities and alertness.According to the details, on the second day of the exercise the Pak Marines gave a demonstration of live firing of its Air Defense Range in both morning and at night. During the exercise a practical demonstration of ground to air missile system, guns controlled by radar and manual guns were also given.The Pak Navy’s demonstrative exercise was seen by Commander Coast Rear Admiral Syed Bashir Ahmed and Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) Rear Admiral Kaleem Shaukat along with senior representatives of the Pak Army and Pakistan Air Force (PAF).Also read:Pak Navy kicks off Sea Spark naval exercisesA practical demonstration displaying skills for the protection of the country maritime boundaries was also given by the combat troops which included demonstration of tactical skills and shooting. The demonstration exhibited the troop’s expertise in handling numerous weapon systems and their ability to effectively eliminate their nemesis.

Romanian PM quits amid sleaze scandal, nightclub blaze fallout


BUCHAREST (AFP) - Romanias embattled Prime Minister Victor Ponta, mired in a corruption scandal, resigned Wednesday following a deadly nightclub blaze, a day after more than 20,000 people rallied in Bucharest to demand he step down.The 43-year-old announced his resignation on television, saying it was right that top officials took responsibility for Fridays tragedy at the Colectiv disco in Bucharest, which left 32 dead and nearly 200 injured.Ponta, Romanias premier since 2012, had faced weeks of intense pressure to quit after going on trial in September facing charges of fraud, tax evasion and money laundering.I am stepping down as prime minister, he said. I hope the governments resignation will satisfy the people who came out in the streets.I have to acknowledge the legitimate anger of the people.Demonstrators massed on Tuesday evening in Bucharests Victory Square, the seat of government, calling for Pontas resignation and that of his interior minister, Gabriel Oprea.The marchers chanted Ponta resign and killers, and some waved the national flag with holes in it -- a symbol of the popular revolution 25 years ago that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.After the resignation announcement, Ponta and his Social Democrat party met their coalition partners and nominated Defence Minister Mircea Dusa as interim premier.President Klaus Iohannis must now start talks with political parties on the formation of a new government, though his own National Liberal Party -- in opposition in parliament -- called for early elections.Analyst Ciprian Ciucu of the Romanian Centre for European Policies said the cumulative pressure of the graft scandal and anger over the nightclub disaster had become too much for Ponta to bear. (Unless he quit) the protests would have gone on, which would have further damaged his party, Ciucu told AFP.Ponta was looking for a way out, his government was coming to its end.The toll from the nightclub fire would have been far worse but for the heroism of two men, physicist Claudiu Petre and drummer Adrian Rugina, who went several times into the burning club to rescue trapped revellers, only to die themselves.Witnesses said a fireworks display triggered the blaze at the Colectiv, which was located in a former shoe factory. The inferno sparked a deadly stampede. Nearly 200 people were injured in the tragedy.Three of the nightclubs bosses were arrested on Monday on suspicion of manslaughter over the fire, which officials and witnesses have blamed on a failure to follow safety regulations.The venue did not have the required authorisation to hold concerts or to stage pyrotechnic displays, the secretary of state at the interior ministry, Raed Arafat, has said.The tragedy shocked Romania and prompted Iohannis -- Pontas bitter political rival -- to call for fundamental change in a society riven by corruption.We should no longer tolerate government incompetence, institutional inefficiency, and we cannot let corruption spread to the point that it kills people, he said on Sunday.Prosecutors accuse Ponta of receiving the equivalent of 55,000 euros ($63,000) from Dan Sova, a political ally and member of parliament suspected by prosecutors of abuse of power but who enjoys immunity.Ponta stepped down as head of the Social Democrat party in July, but survived a no-confidence vote in parliament in September shortly after his trial started. Another preliminary hearing is due on Friday.The charges date back to 2007-2011, when Ponta -- the first Romanian head of government to stand trial while still in office -- was working as a lawyer.Prosecutors also suspect Ponta, a keen rally driver, of conflict of interest during his time as premier, but that probe was stymied when parliament refused to lift his immunity from prosecution. Pontas party holds a comfortable majority in the chamber.Dozens of former politicians and judges have been swept up in investigations launched by the anti-corruption agency in one of Europes poorest and most graft-plagued countries.Wednesdays drama comes as Romania hosted a summit of Central and Eastern European leaders which is expected to ask for greater NATO involvement in the region, rattled by the conflict in nearby Ukraine.

Rs. 5 lac aid announced for families of victims, CM Punjab visits injured


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Chief Minister (CM) Punjab Shahbaz Sharif on Wednesday night announced an aid of Rs. 5 lac for the families of the victims who lost their lives during a building collapse accident in Lahore’s Sundar Industrial Estate on Tuesday. Chief Minister Punjab visted the hospitals and met with those injured during the unfortunate incident.CM Shahbaz also visited the accident site as did other government officials. The rescue operations were reviewed by the officials during the visit.Some important factors that led to the unfortunate incident have also been brought to light. According to sources, the building was affected by the earthquake tremors that shook the city of Lahore on 26th of October and cracks appeared in the building. The top most floor of the building had been under construction before the quack hit the city, however the dangerous condition were carelessly over looked and construction work was continued. Government has demanded a report pertaining to the matter from Sundar Industrial Estate.Also read the developing story:16 dead, 150 trapped under rubble in Lahore factory collapseChances of finding survivors are further diminishing as rescue operations continue at a slow pace through the night.A special Pak Army search unit has also been called into assist in the rescue efforts. The team is carrying heavy machinery and hydraulic jacks to aid in the rescue operation and has sniffer dogs to locate injured people at its disposal as well.

Tennis: Federer, Nadal impress in Paris


PARIS (AFP) - Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal both made short work of their second round opponents to reach the last 16 at the Paris Masters on Wednesday.Between them, the two tennis greats have just one win in what is traditionally the last of the years nine Masters 1000 series events, that coming in 2011 when Federer defeated Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the final.Nadal, who has missed the tournament several times through injury, reached the final in 2007, but lost.But the manner of their play on Wednesday sent a clear message to their rivals that they are both primed for success this year.Federer produced a near-perfect display to open his campaign with a 6-1, 6-1 win over Italian Andreas Seppi.Playing for the first time in the refurbished Paris Bercy indoor stadium where the capacity has been increased to over 20,000, Federer was sharp from the start.He led 4-0 after just 10 minutes and had pocketed the first set 6-1 nine minutes later.It was all too fast and fiery for a bewildered Seppi who dropped his serve again to fall 2-0 down in the second.It was all one-way traffic as Federer quickly put Seppi out of his misery, winning in just 47 minutes.He next goes up against John Isner for a place in the quarter-finals, the giant American getting the better of Britains Aljaz Bedene 6-3, 7-6 (7/3).Its very pleasant to play matches like this one, said 17-time major winner Federer.Of course I like great battles, playing two, three, four, five hours. But 47 minutes is always very pleasant. You need to focus a lot for the very short time you are on the court, not to make any mistakes.Nadal took just 61 minutes to send old foe Lukas Rosol crashing out, defeating the big-serving Czech 6-2, 6-2.Rosol famously stunned Nadal at Wimbledon in 2012 and he took the Spaniard to a third set tie-break at the same stage of the tournament in Basel last week.But he was outplayed from start to finish by the seventh seed, whose struggles in the Paris hardcourt tournament are in stark contrast to his dominance on clay on the other side of the city at the French Open where he has won nine times.The Spaniard, who has had a testing year with injuries and loss of form, believes that his improving game is still a work in progress with next year in the back of his mind.The thing that I need to keep improving is obviously the serve, he said.I am returning much better. Thats a very important thing for me. But I have to keep working on that. The return can be a big change for me next year.And I have to keep working hard on my first serve and second serves. Today was a good day of serve. I served well. Need to keep practicing every day a little bit of my serve.In keeping with the rapid-fire action, Andy Murray stormed through with a 59-minute, 6-1, 6-2 hammering of Croatian youngster Borna Coric.By a quirk of fate that win set up a last-16 round encounter with David Goffin, who will be the main obstacle in Murrays path in Belgium later this month when he tries to win a first Davis Cup for Britain since 1936.Goffin moved through with a commanding 6-2, 6-2 disposal of Dusan Lajovic of Serbia.The Scot has made it clear that, with the end of the season in sight, his priority is to give Britain its first Davis Cup triumph in 79 years with a victory over the Belgians on clay in Ghent.But before then he has to negotiate the last two events of the ATP season, both on hardcourts, at Paris and the World Tour Finals in London.Its not an easy task with the punishing change of surfaces to handle, and it nearly floored Federer at the same time last year before he and Swiss compatriot Stan Wawrinka finally saw off France in Lille in the Davis Cup final.Japans Kei Nishikori produced a storming final set to defeat home hope Jeremy Chardy 7-6 (7/4), 6-7 (6/8), 6-1, setting up a last-16 clash against top-ranked Frenchman Richard Gasquet, who eased past Leonardo Mayer of Argentina 6-2, 7-5.Grigor Dimitrov upset Marin Cilic of Croatia 7-6 (7/3), 7-6 (7/2), while fifth seed Tomas Berdych held off Frances Edouard Roger-Vasselin 6-3, 4-6, 7-5.Crowd favourite Tsonga, the champion in 2008, provided a perfect finish for the Paris fans with a 6-2, 6-2 win over Spains Roberto Bautista Agut.

Tennis: Murray in command at Paris Masters


PARIS (AFP) - Andy Murrays drive to Davis Cup glory got underway in earnest at the ATP Paris Masters on Wednesday with a dominating 6-1, 6-2 second round win over Croatian youngster Borna Coric.The Scot has made it clear that, with the end of the season in sight, his priority is to give Britain its first Davis Cup triumph since 1936 with a victory over Belgium on clay in Ghent later in the month.But before then he has to negotiate the last two events of the ATP season, both on hardcourts, at Paris and the World Tour Finals in London.Its not an easy task with the punishing change of surfaces to handle, and it nearly floored Roger Federer at the same time last year before he and Swiss compatriot Stan Wawrinka finally saw off the French challenge in the final in Lille.And the last thing Murray needs is a series of punishing three-setters to drain his batteries and niggle his ailing back.Against teenager Coric, who had beaten the Scot for the loss of just four games the last time the pair met early this year in Dubai, that never looked likely to happen.Murray, who has never got past the quarter-finals in the Paris Masters in eight previous appearances, took command from the start, winning the first three games.Coric, the youngest player in the world top 50 -- he turns 19 on November 14 -- looked at a loss over what to do as Murray pulled him all over the court and the first set was surrendered in double-quick time.The Croat opted to go on the offensive in the second set and he held firm until 2-2.But Murray then stepped up the pace once again and he grabbed the break he needed in the following game.He then raced away to reach the last 16 in just 59 minutes. Next up for Murray, by a quirk of fate, is David Goffin, the slightly built Belgian number one, who will be the main obstacle standing in his way in Ghent.There were contrasting fortunes for Murrays newly confirmed compatriot Aljaz Bedene who lost 6-3, 7-6 (7/3) to giant American John Isner.In earlier second round action Kei Nishikori produced a storming final set to defeat home hope Jeremy Chardy 7-6 (7/4), 6-7 (6/8), 6-1.The 25-year-old Japanese world number seven was a semi-finalist in Paris last year, losing to eventual winner Novak Djokovic, and he has been in solid form this year with three title wins.But he missed the Swiss Indoors tournament in Basel last week with a sore shoulder and he had his hands full in dealing with the big-serving Chardy.Nishikori edged the opening tie-break and it looked like he could do the same in the second, only for Chardy to save two match points en route to levelling the score.Asias top player and US Open runner-up last year rebounded well in the third set, however, reeling off six straight games from 0-1 to claim victory in two hours and 26 minutes.Nishikori goes on to face another Frenchman, 10th seed Richard Gasquet, who eased past Leonardo Mayer of Argentina 6-2, 7-5.I think its been a pretty good year, said Nishikori. I really started well this year and had a good result in Australia (...) and winning three titles this year.So I think it can be one of the best years so far and playing a lot more matches than these couple years.Last year I had a US Open final and there were other big results too, but I think this year is more patient and I had a good, decent year.In other second round match-ups, Bulgarias Grigor Dimitrov upset former US Open champion Marin Cilic of Croatia 7-6 (7/3), 7-6 (7/2), and 16th-ranked Goffin was too good for Dusan Lajovic of Serbia, winning 6-2, 6-2.

Tennis: Injured Petkovic served with double bagel in Zhuhai


HONG KONG (AFP) - Carla Suarez Navarro handed injury-hampered Andrea Petkovic the first 6-0, 6-0 double bagel of her top-level career on Wednesday in the simplest of wins at the WTA Elite Trophy.The Spaniard was on court for just 51 minutes against Germanys Petkovic, who was troubled by a knee problem. Petkovic won only 24 percent of points on her first serve and was broken six times.Both players looked downcast as they came off the court and Suarez Navarro described it as a sad win, praising 24th-ranked Petkovic for not retiring from the match.I really appreciate the fight because she was on court all the time, said the Spaniard, in comments released by the Womens Tennis Association from the event in Zhuhai in southern China.She didnt retire. She played not only for her -- she played also for the fans, for me. You know, not a lot of players in the circuit will stay on court with the situation that Andrea was living today... was maybe a sad win for me.Earlier Roberta Vinci beat Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-4, 6-4, and third seed Karolina Pliskova overcame former world number one Jelena Jankovic 6-4, 3-6, 6-2.The Elite Trophy, which follows last weeks WTA Finals for the top eight women, is a new event featuring 12 players ranked below them and held at a purpose-built facility in Zhuhai.

Tennis: 'Supergirl' Serena chases down phone thief


NEW YORK (AFP) - Serena Williams chased down a would-be telephone thief at a Chinese restaurant that had the 34-year-old American tennis star comparing herself to Supergirl.The 21-time Grand Slam singles champion detailed her adventure Wednesday in a Facebook posting complete with her wearing a Supergirl outfit and sending a message for people to channel their inner superhero.And another message was clear -- mess with Serena Williams at your own peril.Soooooo yesterday (Tuesday) at dinner the CRAZIEST THING happened to me. I was sitting enjoying some Chinese food and this guy stands next to me, world number one Williams said.And something (I have now dubbed it my SUPERHERO sense) told me to watch him. My phone was sitting in the chair but I just didnt feel right. Low and behold, this common petty thief grabbed my phone and swiftly left. I looked at the chair, than shouted Omg that dude took my phoneNot thinking I reacted, I jumped up, weaved my way in and out of the restaurant and chased him down. He began to run but I was too fast. I was upon him in a flashIn the most menacing yet calm no nonsense voice I could muster I kindly asked him if he accidentally took the wrong phone. While he was thinking of the right thing to say and eventually he said Gosh you know what I did It was so confusing in there. I must have grabbed the wrong phone.The matter left Williams pondering her own super powers.Superhero? Maybe? Or HELL YEA Williams said. Ive got the speed the jumps, the power, the body, the seduction, the sex appeal, the strength, the leadership and yet the calm to weather the storm. Always listen to your superhero inner voice. Fight for whats right. Stand for what you believe in Be a superheroWhen I got back into the restaurant I received a standing ovation. I was proud. I just showed every man in there I can stand up to bullys (sted) and other men. It was a win for the ladies Just because you are a lady dont be afraid to step up to any challenge and not be a victim but a heroWilliams has not played since losing a US Open semi-final to Italys Roberta Vinci, costing her a chance at a calendar year Grand Slam.

Football: Neymar, Suarez double act eases Barca past BATE


BARCELONA (AFP) - Neymar scored twice as defending champions Barcelona moved to the brink of sealing their place in the last 16 of the Champions League with a 3-0 win over BATE Borisov on Wednesday.The Brazilian opened the scoring from the penalty spot before teeing up Luis Suarez to double the hosts advantage.Suarez then returned the favour for Neymar to round off the scoring.The South American strike duo have now scored 18 of Barcas last 21 goals in all competitions in the prolonged absence of the injured Lionel Messi.I am very happy with the game we played. We did what we had to go and got the goals we needed, Neymar told beIN sports.It is clear we miss Messi, but I am in the form of my life and I hope to continue like this.However, there was another injury blow for Luis Enriques men as Ivan Rakitic hobbled off with a calf problem that could now keep him out of the visit to Real Madrid later this month.It is never a nice situation when a player gets injured, said Barca boss Luis Enrique.We are waiting on news from the doctors, but he will definitely miss the next game.Victory strengthens Barcelonas position atop Group E, five points clear of second-placed Roma, who beat Bayer Leverkusen 3-2 in the other game in the group on Wednesday.Before kick-off Barca showed their outrage at a UEFA fine for the displaying of flags in support of Catalan independence at their last home Champions League against Leverkusen.An estimated 30,000 of the flags were handed out to fans by pro-independence campaigners and a huge banner saying respecte (respect in Catalan) was hung from the stands.The Champions League anthem was also whistled for which UEFA opened an investigation into Manchester City after their clash with Sevilla a fortnight ago.Once the game got underway it was once again the Neymar and Suarez show in Messis absence.Suarez had the first big chance of the game after just four minutes, but failed to hit the target from Neymars lovely lofted pass.BATE keeper Sergey Chernik was quick off his line to prevent Neymar as he burst clear on goal moments later.However, Barca were stung when Rakitic was forced off with a calf problem that makes him a doubt for the seasons first El Clasico in 17 days time.Munir El Haddadi replaced the Croatian and, despite failing to break his year-long goal drought, he did make a positive impact.The Spanish under-21 international was only denied his much craved goal by a brilliant clearance from Nemanja Milunovic to cut out Suarezs cross.It was Munir who was brought down by Filip Mladenovic inside the area on the half hour mark and Neymar stepped up to roll home his first Champions League goal of the season.Neymar turned provider moments later for his compatriot Adriano who sneaked the ball past Chernik only to see the ball come back off the post.Chernik did well once more to deny Suarez as he pounced on a loose ball inside the area early in the second period.But there was nothing he could do when the Uruguayan rifled the ball into the bottom corner from Neymars pass on the hour mark.And the roles were reversed seven minutes from time as this time Suarez bore down on goal before unselfishly rolling the ball across the area for Neymar to tap home his 11th goal of the season.

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