Friday 27 November 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Three dead in shooting at US family planning center


COLORADO SPRINGS (AFP) - Three people were killed and several wounded when a gunman opened fire at a family planning center in Colorado in a standoff that dragged on for five hours Friday before he surrendered.A large area of snow-covered Colorado Springs was placed on lockdown into the evening, just a day after millions of Americans celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday, in the latest incident to shed a damning light on the United States gun culture.Mayor John Suthers paid tribute to police for getting the gunman into custody without further bloodshed at the Planned Parenthood building, where people scrambled into a safe room in a desperate bid to save themselves.A police officer was among the dead, he said, while nine others -- among them five police -- were wounded. None of the injured were in a serious condition.I want to convey to the loved ones of the victims: this is a terrible, terrible tragedy that occurred here in Colorado Springs today, Suthers told reporters. Obviously, we lost two civilian victims, we mourn the loss of a very brave police officer.It was not immediately clear if the Planned Parenthood family planning center had been specifically targeted.Abortion is one of the services Planned Parenthood provides for women, and the association has become a lightning rod for criticism by social conservatives.The womens health care giant has also been mired in a months-long scandal after anti-abortion activists released secretly recorded videos showing the organizations officials discussing use of aborted fetal tissue for medical research.Earlier, there had been fears that the unidentified gunman might have explosives with him, and police were carefully combing the scene after the siege came to an end when he surrendered.Speaking at the scene before the standoff ended, police spokeswoman Lieutenant Catherine Buckley warned that the gunman had taken items and bags inside the building with him.An unknown number of people were inside the clinic at the time of the shooting, on what had been a regular working day at Planned Parenthood, a day after Thanksgiving.A sheriffs department SWAT team with at least one armored vehicle and several ambulances had also been on standby, as the evening drew in on the snowy scene. The immediate vicinity was placed on lockdown and people were told to stay indoors.Buckley said the shooter was armed with some kind of long weapon with a shoulder stock such as a rifle and some witnesses reported hearing automatic fire.Quan Hoang, the owner of a nearby nail salon, told CNN that when he heard the gunfire break out, he feared a robbery was under way at a bank in the shopping area, which would have been bustling with people looking to pick up a bargain in the Black Friday sales.And we see cops, SWAT, the bomb squad, a whole bunch of people just trying to take cover around the Planned Parenthood area, he said by telephone.An officer came back in and said, Is everyone safe? We asked him questions and he said theyve barricaded him inside the Planned Parenthood and he was shooting out from the windows.A White House official said that President Barack Obama had been notified of the incident by his Homeland Security Advisor Lisa Monaco.Vicki Cowart, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains, said that her initial information was that none of her staff or patients had been killed or injured.Cowart said that she did not believe the center had been specifically targeted.Were very pleased that our own security systems were operating at top-notch, she told CNN.That included rushing into a safe room.They were able to hunker down and some got out early throughout the afternoon, but those that didnt were in a safe spot, Cowart said.

Erdogan says he wants to meet Putin 'face to face' in Paris


ANKARA (AFP) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday he wanted to meet Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the climate summit in Paris after the downing of a Russian warplane.I would like to meet him face to face on Monday, Erdogan said after days of tit-for-tat accusations over the incident that has severely damaged ties.Turkey says the Russian plane strayed into its airspace and ignored repeated warnings but Russia insisted it did not cross the border and accused Ankara of a planned provocation.It was an automatic response to the air space violation, Erdogan said. Turkey did not deliberately down the Russian warplane.And he described Putins criticism of Ankara over the incident as unacceptable. Russia is obliged to prove its allegations, otherwis it will be considered a liar because of those grave and unfair accusations targeting Turkey.Erdogan said it was not the first time Russian jets had breached Turkish air space and that he had warned Putin about ugly incidents after two incursions in October.The president also attacked Russias policy in Syria after it launched air strikes in September, accusing the Kremlin of backing the regime of murderer President Bashar al-Assad. He claimed that the Russian air raids did not target the Islamic State group.We are not blind to (Russian) cunning... using the plane incident as a pretext to prop up the Assad regime.He said backing the regime in Damascus after more than four years of war that has killed 250,000 people was like playing with fire.The Turkish strongman also struck back at Russian slander that Turkey was buying oil from the IS group. You must know that we are not as dishonourable as to buy oil from a terrorist organisation, he said. Turkey is buying oil from Russia.Erdogan labelled attempts to link his country with IS jihadists as disrespectful to Turkey.

Israel says to open first mission in Abu Dhabi


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel is set to open a mission in Abu Dhabi as part of an international green energy body, Israeli officials said Friday -- its first official presence in the United Arab Emirates.The mission will operate under the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), of which Israel is a member, foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon told AFP.Establishing a permanent presence in Abu Dhabi will not change Israels official relationship with the UAE, which does not recognise Israel and has no diplomatic ties with it.But as the headquarters for an international organisation, the Emirates is obliged to accept an Israeli representative under United Nations guidelines.The UAE foreign ministry stressed in a statement that any agreement between IRENA and Israel does not represent any change in the position of the UAE or its relations with Israel.The functions of the missions accredited to IRENA are limited to their communications and dealings with the agency, ministry spokeswoman Maryam al-Falasi said in a statement carried by WAM state news agency. They do not, under any circumstances, cover any other activities and do not involve any obligation upon the host country with regards to its diplomatic relations or any other relations, she added.The presence of a permanent mission in Abu Dhabi is likely to boost diplomatic efforts by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has repeatedly stressed that a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers opens the door to closer Israeli-Arab ties.The mission has been the subject of years of top secret discussions, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz.

Suicide bomber kills 21 at Shiite Muslim procession in Nigeria


DAKASOYE (AFP) - At least 21 people were killed on Friday when a suicide bomber blew himself up in the crowds at a Shia Muslim procession near the north Nigerian city of Kano, in the latest violence to hit the troubled region.The attack happened in the village of Dakasoye, some 20 kilometres (13 miles) south of the city, during a march by followers of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.Our procession came under a suicide attack, Muhammad Turi, who was leading thousands of people from Kano to Zaria, in the neighbouring state of Kaduna, told reporters at the scene. We lost 21 people and several others have been injured. We are not surprised that weve been attacked because this is the situation all over the country. This will not deter us from our religious observance. Even if all of us were bombed the last person will carry on with this duty.An AFP reporter in Dakasoye said the road was splattered with bloodstains but the followers had continued their march.Most were wearing black and carrying flags or portraits of the Prophet Mohammeds grandson, Hussein, and were flanked by security guards.One organiser, who asked to remain anonymous, told AFP the bomber ran into the crowd before he could be spotted and detonated his explosives.He was dressed in black like everyone else. His accomplice was initially arrested and confessed they were sent by Boko Haram, he added.They were part of the young men abducted by Boko Haram in (the Borno state town of) Mubi last year and taken to Sambisa Forest where they were given some military training.They were sent to Kano 11 days ago and kept in a house specifically for this attack.The bomber detonated his explosives after realising his accomplice had been arrested, the organiser added.Boko Haram, the radical Sunni jihadists who want to create a hardline Islamic state in northeast Nigeria, has previously been blamed for attacks on Shia Muslims in the region.Last November at least 15 people were killed and some 50 others injured in a suicide bombing targeting the Shia Muslim festival of Ashura in the city of Potiskum, in Yobe state.Ashura marks the death of Hussein.In April, a suicide bomber targeted a group of Shiite Muslims outside an open-air mosque, also in Potiskum. He killed himself and wounded three worshippers.Boko Haram, whose six-year insurgency has left at least 17,000 people dead and made more than 2.6 million homeless, condemns Shias as heretics who should be killed.The followers were on a symbolic trek to Zaria, where the Islamic Movement of Nigerias leader Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky is based, to mark the 40th day of Ashura.Their arrival on December 3 is designed to coincide with the gathering of pilgrims at Husseins tomb in the Iraqi city of Karbala.Fridays attack came after a female bomber killed eight in the northeastern city of Maiduguri last Sunday and four teenage girls blew themselves up in northern Cameroon on Saturday killing five.Boko Haram has increasingly used suicide bombers against soft civilian targets since the start of a military offensive earlier this year that has pushed them out of controlled territory.Nigerias President Muhammadu Buhari has given his military commanders until next month to end the conflict but there are fears suicide and bomb attacks may persist.Senior military, security and intelligence figures on Thursday questioned the deadline and said it was unrealistic because of the wave of bombings in the region.

Football: Mourinho backs Chelsea to subdue red-hot Kane


LONDON (AFP) - Jose Mourinho is confident his Chelsea defence can nullify the threat of in-form Harry Kane even if John Terry fails to recover in time to face London rivals Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday.Mourinhos side head to White Hart Lane after keeping two confidence-boosting clean sheets, first in last weekends victory over Norwich City and then in the midweek Champions League success at Maccabi Tel Aviv.Terry limped out of the game in Israel and the Blues captain remains doubtful for the Spurs clash, when Chelsea will attempt to record back-to-back Premier League wins for the first time this season.A victory in north London will strengthen Mourinhos belief his side have turned the corner after a disastrous start to the campaign that has left them in 15th position.Their hopes of gaining revenge for the 5-3 defeat in the corresponding fixture last season will be enhanced if they can prevent Kane from extending a scoring streak that has brought the Tottenham striker nine goals in his last six club games.And Chelsea manager Mourinho has no doubts a patched up central-defensive pairing of Gary Cahill and Kurt Zouma can keep England international Kane quiet if Terry is unfit.I have complete trust in Gary Cahill and Kurt Zouma, which is why in an important match for us on Tuesday I left Kurt out after the good performances he is having to show Gary that confidence. They are ready, Mourinho said.I am not saying Papy Djilobodji is ready because he did not have chances to play and his is a different situation, but Zouma and Cahill are both ready and if John doesnt play, I go with them.I dont know about John. I dont want to say that it is impossible he plays because maybe he plays and people will say that I was hiding it and I am not hiding.Today he didnt train but we have a little hope that it is possible.Ramires is the same situation as John, I dont know, lets wait and see. He has a chance.UnfairMauricio Pochettinos Tottenham are unbeaten in the league since their opening-day defeat at Manchester United and come into the game on the back of a 1-0 Europa League win over Qarabag on Thursday.The effects of making a long journey to Azerbaijan have caused concern for Pochettino, who claims it is unfair Chelsea could take advantage of their extra two days rest.But left-back Danny Rose remains confident Spurs can build on last weekends 4-1 victory against West Ham United.It needs to be the same again from us. Obviously Chelsea have had a difficult run but that doesnt make them a bad team, Rose said.Theyve got a world-class squad, a world-class manager and its a derby, so form goes out of the window.Its going to be a difficult game but we just hope that we can perform and give the same energy and commitment as we did against West Ham. If we do that, it will be a difficult game for them.From our side, weve got a great sense of belief inside the changing room and inside the club, so as long as we keep doing what the head coach asks then we know well be in for an exciting season.

No crowds but online surge on Britain's 'Black Friday'


LONDON (AFP) - Hordes of British Christmas shoppers swapped the High Street for the internet on Black Friday, leaving stores unusually quiet but delivering Amazon its biggest ever sales day in the country.Last year saw frenzied scuffles over bargains -- scenes that are common in the United States, where the marketing tradition began, after customers had queued hours before opening times to get first pick of the deals.But this year, stores around Britain were serene as consumers shunned the crowds and shopped from the comfort of their home or office.Amazon said at 9.10pm (2110 GMT) that more than six million items had been ordered through its British division, breaking the sales record set last Black Friday when more than 5.5 million items were sold -- equivalent of around 64 items per second.For the second year straight, customers in the UK have blown us away with their response to the many great deals on great products that weve made available for Black Friday, said Christopher North, managing director of has predicted online sales in Britain to exceed GBP 1 billion (1.4 billion euros, $1.5 billion) for the first time ever.Bryan Roberts of analysts Kantar Retail said Black Friday appeared to be something of a damp squib in city centres and shopping malls.A handful of people waited outside the flagship Oxford Street department stores of John Lewis and Debenhams, which opened early and laid on 400 extra staff to deal with the expected rush.A few shoppers arrived early, such as Kevin Regan, a construction manager from Enfield, who came two hours before John Lewis opened in the hope of finding a discounted laptop.Its my first time doing it, I hope they do it more often, he said as he waited for the doors to open in front of rows of signs advertising the sales.When security opened the doors the dozen people waiting filed in to quietly browse the stacks of discounted goods, outnumbered by armies of staff and journalists.In contrast, online retailers saw heavy demand, with reporting a surge in traffic at 0700 GMT when hourly deals began, Tesco warning that purchases would take longer to deliver due to demand, and the Argos website straining under the pressure.Sorry for the delay. Demand for this part of the site is really high, read a message on Argos.

Police arrest gunman after fatal siege at US Planned Parenthood clinic


COLORADO SPRINGS (Reuters) -Police arrested a gunman who stormed a Planned Parenthood family planning clinic in Colorado Springs on Friday and opened fire with a rifle in an attack that left at least one officer dead and about a dozen other people injured, authorities said.The suspect first engaged in a protracted gun battle with police but ultimately surrendered to officers inside the building about five hours after the start of the violence, which played out under a steady snowfall in Colorados second-largest city.The full extent of casualties was murky in the immediate aftermath of the gunmans capture. A police spokeswoman, Lieutenant Catherine Buckley, initially said she had no confirmation of fatalities, adding that police were still searching for possible victims who might have been left behind in the clinic as the building was evacuated.State Attorney General Cynthia Coffman posted a message on her official Twitter account a short time later saying two people had been killed, but that post was quickly deleted and replaced with another lamenting a tragic loss of life.The Colorado Springs chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, a law enforcement union, then reported on its Twitter page that one police officer had died.Buckley put the number of people taken to area hospitals at 11, including five officers, but it was not immediately clear whether that tally included the fatality reported by the police union.A Reuters photographer at the scene saw a man in a white T-shirt, with his hands cuffed behind his back, being taken out of an armored police vehicle and placed in an unmarked squad car. Authorities said they did not know the suspects identity but believed he acted alone.We did get officers inside the building. They were able to shout to the suspect and make communication with him and at that point they were able to get him to surrender and he was taken into custody,” Buckley said.An hour earlier, police said progress in securing the building was slowed by the fact that the gunman brought some bags with him into the clinic and left several items outside, all of which needed to be checked for possible booby traps or explosives.After the arrest, Buckley said it would take hours more, and perhaps days, for investigators to fully process the crime scene.Police swarmed the area around the building after an emergency call reporting shots fired at about 11:30 a.m. Mountain Time, and officers ultimately confronted the suspect inside the building, Buckley said.Television footage aired by CNN showed a number of clinic staff and patients being escorted safely into police vehicles from the building, which lies on the northwest side of Colorado Springs, about 70 miles (112 km) south of Denver.The FBI and agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were assisting local law enforcement investigators.President Barack Obama was notified of the shooting by his Homeland Security adviser, Lisa Monaco, and will be updated on the situation as necessary, a White House official said.The Planned Parenthood center provides abortions, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy testing and other services, according to its website.We dont yet know the full circumstances and motives behind this criminal action, Vicki Cowart, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains, said in a statement.

Airstrikes in Khyber Agency kill 17 militants


PESHAWAR (AFP) – Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets killed 17 militants Friday in airstrikes carried out in remote tribal belt near the Afghan border, the military said in a statement.The strikes in the Rajgal area of the Khyber tribal district also destroyed four militant hideouts and an ammunition dump, it said.Seventeen terrorists including some foreigners were killed in the aerial strikes in the remote area of Rajgal, a brief military statement said.The strikes were part of a major offensive aimed at clearing Taliban and Al-Qaeda strongholds that began last year in North Waziristan, one of seven Pakistani tribal districts bordering Afghanistan.The military began the offensive in Khyber in October 2014, carrying out air strikes and using artillery, mortars and ground troops.The army then intensified and expanded its offensive after the Taliban massacred more than 150 people, the majority of them children, at a school in the northwestern city of Peshawar last December.

Interpol seeks arrest of 'Air Cocaine' French lawmaker


SANTO DOMINGO (AFP) - Interpol has issued arrest warrants against three French nationals, including a far-right member of the European Parliament, accused of helping two French pilots flee the Dominican Republican after being convicted of drug trafficking.The trio are accused of helping organize the escape of Pascal Fauret and co-pilot Bruno Odos in October following their convictions in the so-called Air Cocaine drug trafficking case.Dominican prosecutors made the request to Interpol for the arrest warrants for politician Aymeric Chauprade and two others, Christophe Naudin and Pierre Malinowski.The French nationals are accused of violating the law on smuggling migrants and trafficking of persons, Dominican prosecutors said Friday, announcing the Interpol action.The pilots had been on conditional release and were barred from leaving the Dominican Republic while waiting for their appeal to be heard over their sentence to 20 years in prison for a shipment of 680 kilos (1,500 pounds) of cocaine.Two other men convicted with them, Nicolas Pisapia and Alain Castany, remain in the Dominican Republic.France has suggested the pilots will not be extradited.Fauret and Odos were arrested in March 2013 along with the two other men as they were about to take off from the Dominican resort of Punta Cana.All four deny they knew that the drugs were on board the plane.

Climate pledges, mass marches ahead of UN summit


PARIS (AFP) - Billions of dollars in environmental aid were announced Friday as cities worldwide prepared for marches to pressure leaders heading for Paris to negotiate a historic pact to tame global warming.In Ottawa, the Canadian government announced climate funding of 2.65 billion Canadian dollars ($1.98 billion. 1.87 billion euros) over the next five years, while the 53-nation Commonwealth bloc agreed to set up a billion-dollar Green Finance Facility for environmental projects.French President Francois Hollande, addressing the Commonwealth summit in Malta as head of the climate conferences host nation, called for humanity to unite in the fight against global warming.Man is the worst enemy of man. We can see it with terrorism, said Hollande, who spoke after leading ceremonies in Paris to mourn the victims of the November 13 terror attacks in the French capital.But we can say the same when it comes to climate. Human beings are destroying nature, damaging the environment. It is therefore for human beings to face up to their responsibilities for the good of future generations.Looking to the UN talks opening in Paris on Monday, he called for a binding agreement, a universal agreement, one that is ambitious.But he also spoke of fears that a handful countries -- which he did not name -- may stymie consensus if they felt the deal lacked guarantees.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who attended the meeting in the Maltese capital Valletta, said he was encouraged by such a strong commitment by Commonwealth leaders.This is virtually the last political milestone before we meet in Paris, he noted.Earlier Friday, tens of thousands marched in Melbourne, with protesters young and old echoing the call for a phase-out of fossil fuels blamed for climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions.Many waved placards reading: There is no Planet B and Stop messing with my future.NGO organisers in Paris said they expected hundreds of thousands to take to the streets Saturday in Manila, Tokyo, Johannesburg and Edinburgh, with similar events set for Sunday in Seoul, Rio de Janeiro, New York and Mexico City.Under heightened security two weeks after Frances worst terror attack, around some 150 heads of state and government will on Monday launch a highly-anticipated UN conference tasked with inking a post-2020 195-nation climate rescue pact.The negotiations themselves, conducted by rank-and-file bureaucrats, have been brought forward to Sunday.In Paris, French authorities cancelled two rallies following the coordinated onslaught by gunmen and suicide bombers which killed 130 people at restaurant terraces, a concert hall and the national stadium on November 13.French authorities placed 24 climate activists under house arrest using state of emergency powers declared after the Paris attacks.The citys main climate rally was to have started on Sunday from a square very near the scene of some of the violence, followed by another on December 12 at Le Bourget airport, where the conference is taking place. The talks are due to wrap up on December 11.In the French capital, still under a state of emergency, activists now plan to create a two-kilometre (1.2-mile) human chain along the original march route on Sunday.They will break the chain as they pass the Bataclan concert hall, where the worst violence claimed 90 lives, as a mark of respect to the victims.History in the makingActivists also plan to leave scores of shoes on Place de la Republique square to symbolise the thousands left frustrated in their plans to march.One pair of shoes will be placed on behalf of Pope Francis, inscribed with his name and the name of the Papal encyclical he issued earlier this on the threat of global warming.On Monday, Le Bourget will host the largest climate gathering of heads and state and government ever.Leaders including Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi and Vladimir Putin are meant to inject a sense of mission into the conference tasked with crafting the first truly universal climate pact.The goal is to limit average global warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-Industrial Revolution levels by curbing fossil fuel emissions blamed for climate change.This week, the UNs weather body said the average global temperature for the year 2015 is set to touch the halfway mark at 1 C.And analysts say voluntary carbon-curbing pledges submitted by nations to bolster the Paris pact, even if fully adhered to, put Earth on track for warming of 3 C.A report by the Asian Development Bank Friday warned that climate disasters may double in the next two decades unless carbon dioxide emissions are cut.The Paris conference will gather some 40,000 people, including 10,000 delegates from 195 countries, plus journalists, observers, scientists, exhibitors and visitors.About 2,800 police and soldiers will secure the conference site, and 6,300 others will deploy in Paris.Obama has urged world leaders not to let a recent string of extremist attacks around the world deter them from coming to Paris, where questions of world security are likely to intermingle with climate on the conference agenda.

French PM Valls calls on Gulf to accept more refugees


AVRY (AFP) - French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called on the Gulf states to accept more refugees fleeing Syria, saying that a humanitarian disaster could erupt in the Balkans if Europe does not control its borders.Ill say it again, Europe cannot accept all the refugees coming from Syria. Thats why we need a diplomatic, military and political solution in Syria, Valls said Friday evening.Every country must play its part; Im thinking particularly of the Gulf states, the prime minister said during a discussion with residents of Evry on the outskirts of Paris, focusing on the response to the attacks which rocked the capital two weeks ago.Most of the roughly four million Syrian refugees who have fled their country since civil war broke out have travelled to neighbouring Libya, Jordan or Turkey.But Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and other Gulf states have remained closed to them, while Europe struggles to adopt a common policy towards the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are arriving at its borders.Unless the borders of the EU are properly controlled we are going to see a humanitarian disaster in the Balkans this winter and Europe is going to close up again, Valls warned.And while the prime minister rejected any link between genuine refugees and terrorism, he also highlighted the danger of terrorists being allowed into the EU alongside those fleeing war -- as seems to have been the case with some of those responsible for the Paris attacks.All it takes is for a few terrorists to slip in with the influx of refugees, and the people of Europe are saying, Wait, if terrorists are getting in along with refugees, that means any refugee could pose a threat, he said.More than 800,000 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of the year, with the majority coming from the Middle East.

Football: Wenger expects title charge from Arsenal


NORWICH (AFP) - Arene Wenger remains confident Arsenal can shake off their inconsistent form and mount a serious challenge for the Premier League title.Wengers side will attempt to bounce back from last weekends surprise loss at West Bromwich Albion when they travel to Norwich City on Sunday, five days after keeping alive their hopes of reaching the Champions League knockout stages with vital victory over Dinamo Zagreb.With their European campaign on the back-burner for two weeks, fourth-placed Arsenal can focus on catching unexpected top-tier leaders Leicester City.Wenger believes that, with no one team dominating the title race so far, his side are still well placed in their bid to be crowned English champions for the first time since 2004.It is so tight and I dont even look at the league anymore because it is very, very tight, Wenger said.Last week we had a bad result against West Brom and so did Manchester City (against Liverpool) so it compacted the whole table.I believe it is a big opportunity for us but many teams can tell you that. We are in a position where you want to be after 13 games but there are 25 to go.If there are five or six to go and we are in the race, of course we are contenders. I think we have a chance but it is very early.I know people always want to know what will happen in the future but lets take care of the game on Sunday.Arsenals frustration at losing to West Brom was compounded by the fact they took the lead through Olivier Giroud.EradicateBut Wenger insists this was not an indication his side remain vulnerable.You want to eradicate games like that. For us, it was a bad result.But in the last 38 games when we scored first, and we were 1-0 up, we won 37 times. in the last 25 games before West Brom, when we scored first we won 25 times. You have to consider that mathematically as an accident.I believe that we gave everything and that can happen. Football is as well fantastic because its not always predictable.Arsenal midfielder Francis Coquelin will again be missing after being ruled out for three months with knee ligament damage, while Mikel Arteta and Theo Walcott are also sidelined.Aaron Ramsey is in line to make his first start since suffering a hamstring problem in late October and Mathieu Flamini is expected to make only his second Premier League start of the season.Alex Neils Norwich side suffered a narrow 1-0 defeat at Chelsea last time out that left them in 16th place, three points above the relegation places.But goalkeeper John Ruddy believes there have been enough positives in the clubs recent performances to strengthen confidence ahead of the visit of Arsenal.Our performances at Manchester City and Chelsea showed we can frustrate good teams. Coming away from those games disappointed with narrow defeats is a good sign for us, he said.Its now about finding the balance between being defensively solid and still causing problems for teams.There are a lot of points on offer at this stage of the season, and we want to pick up as many as possible.That starts on Sunday for us. If the crowd are behind us and we play to our capabilities then I dont see why we cant get a result.Ruddy, 29, will make his 200th appearance for the club but admits his displays have been below par this season.Personally, I dont think Ive been as good this season as I have in previous years, he added.Thats football, but form is temporary. Im confident in my own ability as a goalkeeper because Ive played at the highest level.

Karachi: Two dacoits killed during alleged police clash in Chakiwara


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Two dacoits were killed while one managed to escape during an alleged police clash early Saturday morning in Chakiwara area of Karachi.Earlier on Friday, the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) on Friday arrested the chief of a banned organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir Siham Qamar from Gulshan Iqbal area Karachi.Fight against lawlessness that prevailed in the city of Karachi intensified after an operation was started in the city by the Rangers nearly two years ago. Target killings, extortion cases and killings have reduced as the hunt for felons continues.

Hizb-ut-Tahrir chief, 7 members arrested in separate raids


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) on Friday arrested the chief of a banned organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir Siham Qamar from Gulshan Iqbal area Karachi while 7 of the same organization’s members were arrested earlier by Anti-Terror force and intelligence agencies from Gulberg area of Lahore in a joint operation. Maps, laptops, banned literature and other material were also discovered with the suspects.Qamar had been currently employed as Deputy General Manager (GM) of Karachi’s electric supply company K-Electric. The appointment of a member of a banned organization at such a high designation has raised concerns and leaves many questions to be answered.The suspects arrested from Lahore include Saad ur-Rehman Jigraanvi and his five aides. Banned literature, laptops, CDs and other material was also found with the suspects. Saad ur-Rehman Jigraanvi’s 2 relatives are already under arrest.Intelligence agencies also arrested a member of a banned outfit from Johar Town area of Lahore. The suspect arrested here, Nadeem, received war training from Afghanistan. Important maps and documents were also found with him.Speaking on the arrest of the Hizbut Tahrir chief, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Usman Bajwa stated that the arrested head of Hizbut Tahrir has relations with important personalities of numerous organizations including the education department.Meanwhile the CTD police also arrested two target killers during raids in Gulistan-e-Johar and Eidgah area. SSP Bajwa stated that Munir Ahmed Gopang belongs to the banned organization Sipah-e-Muhammad. He also informed that both target killers were involved in numerous cases of target killing.

Nearly 136 mn expected for US Black Friday sales


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Nearly 136 million shoppers are expected to flock to US sales over the Black Friday weekend, both in stores and online, according to the National Retail Federation.Reports of long lines outside stores on Thanksgiving and Black Friday were matched by reports of record-breaking online sales, said Matthew Shay, president and chief executive of NFR, in a statement.On Black Friday, the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, retailers trumpet special deals that kick off the year-end holiday shopping season. Deals often start early, on Thanksgiving, as retailers scramble to take advantage of the shopping frenzy.The origins of the name are unclear, with some saying it refers to the intense jams of shoppers. But the more common explanation is that it points to profits being in the black as retailers bank on year-end sales for a large part of their annual profits.The NRF estimates that 135.8 million people will be shopping over the four-day holiday weekend, a modest 1.6 percent increase from last year. The industry group will publish the results of the weekend on Sunday.With the boom of online shopping, bricks-and-mortar stores are also beefing up their offers on websites and mobile devices.Digital research firm comScore predicts online sales in the November-December period will increase 14 percent this year to $70 billion. Another firm, Forrester Research, estimates an 11 percent rise to $95 billion.Black Friday is followed by Cyber Monday, when back-to-work consumers continue their shopping online. According to the NRF, 184 million people intend to shop online that day.Retail is part of the consumer spending that drives about 70 percent of US economic activity, and so is seen as an indicator of the strength of consumer demand. But the importance of Black Friday has faded somewhat in recent years as shopping trends change and online sales gain.Over the past several years, retailers have begun their holiday price promotions progressively sooner, not waiting for the traditional Black Friday day to begin offering price discounts, said Chris Christopher, director of consumer economics at IHS Global Insight.Many retailers open their doors on Thanksgiving Day, also known as Gray Thursday, cannibalizing Black Friday sales, he noted.This year, Black Friday comes in the context of weak retail revenues blamed in part on relatively warm weather that has discouraged cold-weather purchases.On Wall Street, most major retailers shares closed lower, including Wal-Mart, Amazon, Macys and The Gap.Target was an exception. The chain climbed 0.2 percent after reporting a strong start to its Black Friday weekend, especially a 35 percent jump in online orders for in-store pickup on Thanksgiving.But certain retailers made a point of bucking the Black Friday hoopla. Outdoor gear company REI proclaimed Were not here on its website homepage, saying it had closed all 143 stores for the day. We hope youll join us outside today, it said, instead promoting the Twitter hashtag OptOutside.

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