Tuesday 24 November 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Amazon founder Bezos' rocket company passes landing test


CAPE CANAVERAL(Reuters) - Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said on Tuesday his space transportation company, Blue Origin, plans about two more years of test flights before it will offer rides to passengers.On Monday, Blue Origin successfully landed a suborbital rocket back at its launch site, a key step in its drive to make reusable rockets, the company said.“This flight retired a lot of risk and validated of lot of the elements of the design,” Bezos, who founded Amazon.com Inc and owns the Washington Post newspaper, said in an interview.Being able to refly a rocket will slash launch costs, a game-changer for the space industry, Bezos said.“When you lower the cost of access to space very significantly you will change the markets, you will change what’s possible,” he said.About two more years of test flights are planned before people will ride on the New Shepard spacecraft, Bezos said.The vehicles are designed to carry six passengers about 62 miles (100 km) above Earth, breaching the boundary between the atmosphere and space. “We’ll enter into commercial operations when we’re ready. In my view, if you can think of another test to do, you do it,” Bezos said.A New Shepard rocket blasted off from Blue Origin’s West Texas launch site at 12:21 p.m. CST (1821 GMT) on Monday, reached a suborbital altitude of 62 miles (100 km) and landed back at the launch site eight minutes later.In suborbital spaceflight, rockets are not traveling fast enough to reach the speed required to counter the pull of Earths gravity, so they re-enter the atmosphere like a ballistic missile.Another New Shepard rocket failed its first landing attempt in April due to a hydraulic system problem. The redesigned system now includes a backup second pump.Attempts by fellow billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musks rival rocket company, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), to return the first stage of a Falcon 9 rocket have been unsuccessful so far.Blue Origin also is developing a rocket engine in partnership with United Launch Alliance (ULA), a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing Co, to replace Russian-made RD-180 engines used on ULA’s Atlas 5 boosters.Congress last year banned the use of the RD-180 engines for military missions to punish Russia for its annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine.

UN chief urges de-escalation after Russian jet downed


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday called for urgent measures to de-escalate tensions after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter plane on the Syrian border.Ban said a credible and thorough review of the incident would help clarify what happened and prevent a repeat.The secretary-general urges all relevant parties to take urgent measures with a view to de-escalate the tensions, said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.The Russia SU-24 attack plane was shot down earlier Tuesday by two Turkish F-16s after it received 10 warnings within a five-minute period, Turkeys envoy to the UN said.Ambassador Halit Cevik said in a letter to the UN Security Council that his government was determined to defend its sovereignty, security and borders.Our rules of engagement are well known and are reiterated to all parties on numerous occasions, wrote Cevik.Turkey will not hesitate to exercise its rights emanating from international law to protect the security of its citizens and borders.The ambassador said two SU-24 planes approached Turkish airspace in the Hatay region, flying at an altitude of 19,000 feet and that they crossed into Turkish airspace for 17 seconds.Despite these warnings, both planes... violated Turkish national airspace to a depth of 1.36 miles and 1.15 miles in length for 17 seconds from 9:24 am local time, wrote the ambassador.One plane left Turkish air space, but the second one was fired at by Turkish F-16s performing patrols in that area, said the ambassador who did not specify whether the fighter jets were Russian.Russia insisted that the fighter jet was inside Syrian territory and President Vladimir Putin warned of serious consequences for Russian-Turkish relations.Russian warplanes have been pounding Syrian rebels and Islamic State fighters, backing government forces at the request of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.Turkey has sided with the US-led coalition that launched air strikes last year to defeat the Islamic State group.Despite the spike in tensions, there was no immediate request for an emergency Security Council meeting.British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, whose country chairs the council this month, said a meeting could be held if requested and that the incident was not raised during a morning session.Rycroft said he was extremely concerned and stressed the importance of deconfliction measures to prevent clashes in the air campaigns being waged by Russia and the US-led coalition in Syria. Ban said the worrying developments underscored the need to find a political solution to end the nearly five-year war in Syria that has left 250,000 dead.

NATO calls 'extraordinary meeting' after Turkey downs Russian jet


BRUSSELS (AFP) - NATO ambassadors will hold an extraordinary meeting Tuesday at Ankaras request to discuss Turkeys shooting down of a Russian fighter jet along the Syrian border, an alliance official said.At the request of Turkey, the North Atlantic Council will hold an extraordinary meeting at (1600 GMT). The aim of this extraordinary NAC is for Turkey to inform Allies about the downing of a Russian airplane, the official told AFP.NATO is monitoring the situation closely. We are in contact with Turkish authorities.Ankara said two of its F16 fighters shot down a Russian Su-24 after it violated Turkish airspace 10 times within a five-minute period along the Syrian border. Russia says its aircraft was in Syrian airspace.The North Atlantic Council consists of ambassadors from the 28 NATO member states. It meets regularly but can be convened into emergency session if one of the allies feels its security is under threat.But in an apparent sign of caution, Turkey did not request the meeting under NATOs Article Four, under which a member declares that its territorial integrity, political independence or security is under threat.Ankara did invoke NATOs Article Four back in October to call just such an emergency meeting after Russian planes violated its airspace several times following the start of Moscows air campaign against Syrian rebels.On that occasion, the North Atlantic Council warned of the extreme danger of such irresponsible behaviour by Russian aircraft.All 28 NATO members pledge a one-for-all, all-for-one response to any military threat if a member invokes what is known as Article Five when it comes under attack.The only time Article Five has been invoked was by the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.Turkey, the second largest military power in NATO after the United States, has invoked Article Four several times as the Syrian conflict has spilled over the border.In response, NATO deployed Patriot missiles which can shoot down both aircraft and incoming missiles, in the south but they were due to be withdrawn at the end of this year.NATO said previously the Patriot deployment was being reviewed.

Putin warns Turkey after Russian jet downed


MOSCOW (AFP) - President Vladimir Putin warned Ankara on Tuesday that Turkeys downing of a Russian warplane on the Syrian border would have serious consequences for ties.Speaking at a meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah II in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, a tense-looking Putin branded the shooting down of the aircraft a stab in the back committed by accomplices of terrorists.I cannot call what happened today anything else, he said, accusing Turkeys armed forces of essentially backing up the Islamic State group.Todays tragic event will have serious consequences for Russian-Turkish relations, Putin said. We will of course carefully analyse everything that happened.Russia later announced that a planned visit to Turkey Wednesday by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had been cancelled.The fighter jet was shot down on the Syrian border by two Turkish F-16s, with Ankara saying the plane had violated Turkish airspace 10 times within a five-minute period.Moscow said the fate of the two pilots was still unclear, while the Syrian opposition said one was dead and the other missing.Putin rejected the accusations that the plane running sorties in Syria had violated Turkish airspace, saying it did not pose any threat to Turkey.Our plane was shot down over the territory of Syria by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16 jet. It fell in Syrian territory four kilometres from the border with Turkey, Putin said.Our pilots and our plane did not in any way threaten Turkey, thats an obvious thing.He said the plane was shot down as it was targeting members of the IS group in the northern Latakia region, adding that they mostly hailed from Russia.They were carrying out their immediate task of conducting preventative strikes against terrorists who could return to Russia any second.Putin said NATO-member Turkey, which is part of a US-led coalition bombing the Islamic State group, shot down the plane despite Moscows agreement with the United States to avoid such incidents.We will never tolerate such crimes, Putin said.The Russian strongman also took issue with the fact that Turkey called a NATO meeting instead of reaching out to Moscow.It is as if we shot down a Turkish plane and not they ours, he said.We always treated Turkey not only as a close neighbour but a friendly state. I dont know who needed what was done today. Not us at least.He accused Turkish armed forces of providing backup to the IS jihadists.What, do they want to place NATO at the service of ISIL? Putin said, referring to the IS group by another acronym.The defence ministry in Moscow summoned the Turkish military attache over the incident, while Ankara summoned the Russian charge daffaires to the foreign ministry. Jordanian King Abdullah II for his part expressed condolences at the loss of a Russian pilot and said the only way to end the conflict in Syria was through your active participation, Russias participation.

Iran nuclear deal to enter into force early January: deputy FM


VIENNA (AFP) - Iran expects Julys landmark nuclear deal with major powers to enter into force in early January, when Tehran will have implemented its commitments, Irans deputy foreign minister said Tuesday.We expect it will be in early January, Abbas Araghchi told reporters in Vienna after meeting the head of the UN atomic watchdog, which is tasked with verifying the accord.Under the July 14 deal with six powers that ended a potentially dangerous decade-long standoff, Iran undertook to dramatically scale back its nuclear programme.This includes reducing by two-thirds the number of centrifuges which purify or enrich uranium, making it suitable for nuclear power generation but also for a nuclear bomb. In addition Iran agreed to reduce its stockpile of uranium and modify a new reactor it is building at Arak.In exchange, the six world powers -- the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany -- will lift painful sanctions. An IAEA report last week showed that Tehran still has a way to go to fulfil its commitments under the nuclear deal.The report said that Iran has so far removed around 4,500 centrifuges, meaning that it still has to take close down another 10,000.The report also showed that so far, no changes have taken place at Arak and Irans stock of enriched uranium has even grown slightly. Under the July deal Iran has to reduce this stock by some eight tonnes.Araghchi said that talks with Russia on buying this material in exchange for raw uranium have been completed. Discussions have already been concluded between Iran and Russia and the deal (should take place) soon, he said. He added though that the uranium would only go to Russia once the UN watchdog has completed its probe into the so-called possible military dimensions (PMD) of Irans nuclear programme and once this has been approved by the watchdogs board.This probe concerns allegations, rejected by Iran, that at least until 2003 Tehran conducted research into making nuclear weapons. Tehran has always denied pursuing a nuclear weapon.The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to release a final report on its investigation next week, diplomats say, ahead of a December 15 meeting of the IAEA board.As you know the shipment of our stockpile of enriched uranium out of Iran can only be done after the closure of PMD by the board, Araghchi said.He added that he had held wrap up talks on Tuesday with the IAEA on the probe and that it was headed in a good direction.

Fire kills 18 migrants at Algeria camp


ALGIERS (AFP) - A fire sparked by an electrical fault killed 18 African migrants, including children, and injured 50 others Tuesday at a camp in Algeria, officials said.The blaze began before dawn at the camp housing more than 650 migrants in Ouargla, 800 kilometres (500 miles) southeast of Algiers, Colonel Farouk Achour of the emergency services said.Two children and three women were among the victims, the official Algerian news agency APS said.Several hours later the nationalities of the victims were still not known.The fire broke out at 3:00 am (0200 GMT), killing 18 people and wounding 43, Achour said by telephone.A source at the emergency services later put the number of injured at 50.The president of the Algerian Red Crescent, Saida Benhabiles, said the fire was sparked by a short circuit.A short circuit triggered the explosion of a heater and the fire, Benhabiles told AFP.She said that 27 people were still being treated in hospital.The emergency services rushed to the scene to extinguish the fire.Authorities have opened an investigation.President Abdelaziz Bouteflika also dispatched the interior and health ministers, Noureddine Bedoui and Abdelmalek Boudiaf, to Ouargla to follow up on the situation, APS reported.The foreign ministry set up a crisis cell to monitor the situation and identify the victims, a statement said.Since a 2011 uprising tipped Libya into chaos, Algeria, which has long borders with Mali and Niger, has become a top North African destination for sub-Saharans seeking a better life.Benhabiles said that more than 4,000 migrants from Niger have been returned to their country by Algeria since 2014.She said that 400 more migrants were due to be sent back to Niger from Ouargla, but it was not clear if any of them were from the camp hit by the blaze.The migrants at the camp were housed in a warehouse set up by the authorities last year where thousands of people, namely from Mali and Niger, have sought refuge.According to Benhabiles, the migrants are free to come and go from the camp.They are constantly on the move. One day there could be 2,000 (migrants) and the next they are 200, she said.We dont lock up people as they do elsewhere.Oil-rich Algeria has been a magnet for sub-Saharan Africans who use it as a transit stop as they attempt to reach Europe.Migrants who first arrive in Algeria often congregate in the deep southern town of Tamanrasset, near the borders with Mali and Niger, before moving to cities further north to eke out a living.Women and children can often be seen begging on the streets.Newspapers have carried reports of the harsh conditions faced by migrants in Algeria, including several cases of women being raped.Algeria passed a law in 2009 stipulating that anyone convicted of illegal migration can face up to six months in detention while people-smugglers can be jailed for up to 20 years.

At least 6 dead in bombing east of Libya capital


KHOMS (AFP) - At least six civilians were killed and 14 wounded in a bomb attack on a Libyan security checkpoint Tuesday near Khoms, east of the capital, a security official said.The attack, for which there was no immediate claim of responsibility, targeted a checkpoint manned by forces of Libyas unrecognised government at Msillata, near Khoms, 120 kilometres (75 miles) from Tripoli.The car bomb explosion left six dead and 14 wounded, all civilians, Safwan Bayou, commander of a unit in charge of security on the coastal road linking eastern and western Libya, told AFP.An AFP photographer at the scene said the blast riped open a crater four metres (yards) across and three metres deep, destroying some 20 civilian and military vehicles.Bayou said a team of experts was being sent to investigate the bombing.Libya has had two administrations since August 2014, when a militia alliance overran the capital and set up its own parliament in Tripoli while forcing an internationally recognised government to take refuge in Tobruk, in the east.The oil-rich north African country has been riven by chaos and warfare since the fall of longtime leader Moamer Kadhafi in 2011.The United Nations has been brokering talks to create a new unity government to end fighting between the army and the militias that seized Tripoli.

NADRA terminates 350 employees, prepares to fire thousand more


LAHORE (Dunya News) – National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) on Tuesday terminated the jobs of more than 350 employees and it is preparing to fire a thousand more as well. The dismissals were made on the pretext of projects being concluded, however according to an investigation by Dunya News, no such projects have been ended. More than a 100 of the dismissed employees were on contract employment.No reasons were given on the letters of termination submitted to the employees. Sources say that preparations to terminate more employees have been completed, after NADRA was pressurized for the cutbacks by the Interior Ministry.The employees’ contract renewal process is also on a rapid decline which has given rise to an extremely unsettling environment in the offices of NADRA.

Mr. Musclemania: Pakistani bodybuilder given hero's welcome on return


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistani bodybuilder Salman Ahmed was given a hero’s welcome early Wednesday morning at Lahore’s Allama Iqbal International Airport as Ahmed returned home from the US, adorned with a gold medal.The muscle man made the nation proud as he was earlier crowned Mr. Musclemania in the Musclemania World 2015 competition held in Las Vegas. The Pakistani strong man also managed to bag a prestigious gold medal for his championship win.Ahmed became the first Pakistani to secure a Musclemania pro card after winning a gold medal in World Men Open in light weight category. Bagging the gold, he was able to compete in the All Over World Men’s Open title and subsequently winning the championship. He achieved a historical success by breaking a 50 year old record by winning the Mr World title for Men’s Open competition.The strong, muscular gold medallist said that this was the first time a Pakistani had won the title since the formation of the sport 25 years ago.Sturdy, powerful Ahmed may appear tough on the outside, but inside Mr. Musclemania is a soft-hearted individual who became teary eyed as he expressed his gratitude towards his parents for their support. After clinching the title, in Facebook posted video he emotionally stated:“I am nothing without my parents”“I am thankful to everyone who supported and prayed for me.”In his build up to the championship, Ahmed had earlier stated that the competition was close and that he had performed his best.National Assembly (NA) Speaker Ayaz Sadiq had wished Ahmed success for the contest prior to the competition. Sadiq stated that it was proud thing that someone from NA-122 constituency was in such a competition.Ahmed success as Mr. Musclemania may be the first for this country but Pakistan’s name is not new in the international sport. Earlier this year, another sportsman Atif Anwar grabbed the title in an Arnold Classic body building competition held in Australia.

Tennis: Murray focused on Davis Cup final


GHENT (AFP) - Andy Murray said Tuesday he had no qualms about playing the Davis Cup final in Belgium despite the security alert, but added that he would understand if any British fans decided to cancel their trips.The world number two, and the rest of the British team, arrived in Ghent, 55 kilometres (35 miles) from Brussels on Monday a day later than planned after the Belgium capital was put on maximum security alert in the wake of the terrorist attacks on Paris that killed 130 people.The lockdown was still in place on Tuesday as the hunt for suspected terrorists continued, but Murray said the feeling was very different in Ghent.It was obviously a bit concerning a few days ago, he said.I think once we got here and got into the hotel, came to the venue and saw what it was like here, I think that made everyone a lot more comfortable.Obviously its a different situation in Brussels than it is here.I know a lot of fans were staying there and planning on travelling through there. Obviously listen to the right people, if youre doing that.But here in Ghent, everything seems fine. Its very quiet. I think its a really nice city.I hope as many fans can travel over as possible to give us the best support. Obviously understand if people make another decision because of whats been happening in Brussels.Murrays older brother Jamie, who is expected to join him for what could be a crucial doubles rubber on Saturday said that not playing in Ghent because of the security situation had never been an option for him.I was always planning on coming and playing. Always planning to come. Obviously things had happened that made it a bit more concerning. But, you know, were here. Were training. Business as normal. Yeah, ready to play on Friday.Security has been tightened at the 13,000 capacity Flanders Expo which will host the final from Friday to Sunday including a ban on bags and backpacks, as well as any food and drink, inside the arena. Sniffer dogs will also be used at the stadium to search for any explosives.Belgian team captain Johan Van Herck said that his team were fully satisfied with the precautions and ready to play in the countrys first Davis Cup final in 111 years.I think we as a team have a lot of confidence in the organization, he said.I know when they had to put the work in for the security, theres no reason and we have no doubts that we will be safe here.But, yeah, its there. The difficulties are there. We try to focus on the sporting side. We cannot do anything about security.We have to see if we can get ready as a team. So we try to focus on the job and we will be ready on Friday.Britain are aiming for their 10th Davis Cup victory, but first since 1936, while Belgium have never won the trophy and only reached the final in 1904.

US jails Pakistani terror convict 40 years


NEW YORK (AFP) - A 29-year-old Pakistani former school cricket captain was jailed for 40 years in the United States on Tuesday for plotting to bomb a British shopping center with Al-Qaeda.Abid Naseer was first arrested in 2009 in Britain with 11 other men suspected of preparing to attack the mall in Manchester, and was extradited to the United States from Britain in 2013. You are not a typical criminal, Judge Raymond Dearie told Naseer in the US federal court in Brooklyn. You are a terrorist.Naseer was convicted in March of helping Al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan plan the Manchester attack as part of a plot that would also target the New York subway and a Danish newspaper.A US jury found him guilty of providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, conspiring to provide material support to Al-Qaeda and with conspiring to use a destructive device.Dearie said he could not understand how an intelligent young man, who had been a champion cricket player with a good life from a privileged and loving family could turn to terrorism.I do hope that you return to the path of learning and education, he told the defendant. Thats the only hope.American prosecutors called it one of the most serious terror plots since the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. They tried the case because of the link to the subway plot.The only border that really counts is the one between good and evil, and youre on the wrong side of that, Mr Naseer, Dearie said.Naseer, who moved to Britain in 2006 on a student visa, told the court that he wanted to serve the remainder of his sentence in Britain.Reeling off his ambitions for future studies, he spoke of his love for English premier league soccer and his favorite team, Manchester City.This year they are top of the league table, he noted, but stopped short of making any apology or expressing any regret for his actions.Instead, he said it was his firm intention to obtain a masters degree in computing and study human physiology, following his stint as captain of the cricket team at school.I have spent most of my life in search of studies, he said, asking to be sent back to Britain on the grounds that he had nothing but good memories my life in the United Kingdom.US prosecutors say he came within days of executing the plot, directed by senior Al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, and which was thwarted only thanks to Greater Manchester police. There is no reason to believe hes anything but as committed to the cause as he was at the time of his arrest, assistant US attorney Zainab Ahmad told the court.Prosecutors say he was dispatched to Britain by Al-Qaeda in 2006 to begin preparations for the attack, arriving on a student visa but immediately dropping out of university.Defense lawyer James Neuman appealed for a lesser sentence of under 30 years, saying that there was nothing in his background to suggest he was a hardened criminal.He had a happy, Pakistani childhood, a good education, growing up watching TV and movies and liking girls and loved playing cricket -- similar to a typical American upbringing, Neuman said.He said the evidence at trial had been limited, that Naseer had never been found in possession of bomb-making materials and questioned how close the plot had been to execution.Friends and relatives wrote letters describing him as a thoughtful, kind and gentle person.Is this really a man beyond redemption? Neuman said. I see an extremely intelligent person who is unfailingly polite and courteous.Dearie said it did not matter that the plot had failed, if Naseer had been ready, willing and able to unleash carnage.Naseer, who defended himself at trial, intends to appeal.

Gujranwala: Former MPA's brother gunned down by unknown assailants


GUJRANWALA (Dunya News) – Chaudhry Muhammad Hafeez, elder brother of former Member of Parliament Assembly (MPA) Chaudhry Shabeer Meher , was gunned down by unknown assailants riding on a motorcycle in Satellite Town, Gujranwala.Hafeez was standing outside his house, when suspects opened indiscriminate fire killing the victim on the spot.Police reached crime scene after the attack and gathered evidence from the incident site. An investigation has been started into the matter.The victim’s body has been shifted to Civil hospital for a post-mortem.

Football: FIFA seeks Platini life ban - lawyer


PARIS (AFP) - FIFAs ethics watchdog wants Michel Platini banned for life over a suspect payment, the European football chiefs lawyer told AFP on Tuesday.Platini, a FIFA vice president, is already serving a 90-day suspension while an investigation is held into a $2 million sum he received from FIFA president Sepp Blatter who is also suspended.Platinis lawyer Thibaud dAles revealed the FIFAs life ban demand which he described as a scandal and excessive.This ban is subject to the proof of corruption, but the punishment is clearly excessive, DAles said.Its not based on anything in the case.Blatters representatives refused to comment on whether the same request has been made against the Swiss official.FIFAs adjudicatory chamber announced Monday that it has opened a case against Blatter and Platini and that it was aiming to announce a decision next month.Both men have denied any wrongdoing though they admit there was no contract for the payment. Until a decision is taken, Platini, the president of UEFA, cannot take part in the race to become Blatters successor as president of FIFA.Platini is one of six candidates to run footballs scandal-hit ruling body with the election scheduled for February 26. But he will not be allowed to take part unless he passes a FIFA integrity test which cannot be conducted while he is suspended.DAles maintained there was a concerted effort inside FIFA to prevent Platini taking part. The 60-year-old French football legend had been favourite for the FIFA post until the latest charges were announced.The French newspaper Liberation first revealed the life ban demand and the lawyer said this was a deliberate leak. Its a pure scandal, and by making it public theres clearly an intention to cause harm.The masks are slipping one by one at FIFA - the electoral timetable is being manipulated and there is a strategy to get rid of Platini as a candidate.FIFAs investigative committee said the report with requested sanctions had been handed over to Platini and Blatters legal teams.I can confirm that Michel Platini and his lawyers have got the report and they have also received the request of the investigative committee, spokesman Andreas Bantel told AFP, without saying what sanction demanded.They know what is in the report and they are free to comment on it, he added.On Saturday, FIFAs ethics committee, citing privacy and the presumption of innocence, said it would not disclose the nature of the punishments requested against Platini and Blatter.Swiss prosecutors said in October that Blatter is under criminal investigation for mismanagement at FIFA. Platini was named in the investigation, but is not yet a suspect, over a two million Swiss franc ($2 million) payment made by FIFA in 2011 for work he did a decade earlier.Blatter has said the two had an oral contract for the payment and that this is allowed under Swiss law and FIFA regulations.Appeals by both Blatter and Platini against their 90-day suspensions were rejected last week, and Platini has taken his case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, with a decision expected soon.Five FIFA president candidates have already passed integrity tests and are actively lobbying: Asian football chief Sheikh Salman Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa, former FIFA vice president Prince Ali bin Al Hussein, former FIFA official Jerome Champagne, South African businessman and former minister Tokyo Sexwale and UEFA general secretary Gianni Infantino.Infantino has said he will aside should Platini be admitted to the election.

Karachi: Rangers exterminate four terrorists, one officer wounded


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Rangers late Tuesday night conducted raids against terrorist elements of the city and managed to exterminate four terrorists while one of the Rangers’ offcicer was wounded during the clash.Rangers conducted the raid at a terrorist hideout near Northern By-Pass, Karachi. During the action, terrorists opened fire on the officers. The befitting reply by Rangers killed four terrorists. According to Rangers Spokesperson, the killed terrorists belonged to a banned organization. Ammunition was also recovered from the suspects.Meanwhile a notorious target killer involved in numerous criminal cases was arrested from Manghopir area during a raid by the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD).

Football: Brilliant Barcelona, Bayern through to last 16


PARIS (AFP) - Holders Barcelona celebrated qualifying for the last 16 of the Champions League with another stunning display on Tuesday, Luis Suarez and Lionel Messi both scoring twice in a 6-1 win against Roma.The Catalans and Bayern Munich both secured their places in the knockout draw and demonstrated once again why they are surely the best teams in Europe just now, with Bayern Munich crushing Olympiakos 4-0 at the Allianz Arena.Barcelona discovered they had qualified from Group E before they had even kicked a ball at the Camp Nou, the 1-1 draw between BATE Borisov and Bayer Leverkusen in Belarus ensuring their passage.Fresh from crushing eternal rivals Real Madrid 4-0 at the Santiago Bernabeu at the weekend, they then produced a performance that the Italians could not live with to secure top spot in the section.Dani Alves set up Suarez to tap in the opener before Messi, captaining the side in his first start since returning from injury, made it two at the end of a superb move involving Neymar and Suarez.Suarez struck again just before the interval with a sweet volley and the rout continued in the second half as Neymar, Suarez and Messi all combined to give Gerard Pique a tap-in.Neymar and Suarez then helped tee up Messi to get his second and Barcas fifth on the hour and Adriano crashed in the sixth after Neymars penalty had been saved by Wojciech Szczesny.Romas misery was compounded when Edin Dzeko had a late penalty saved by Marc Andre ter Stegen, although Dzeko did pull one back with the last kick of the game.BATE opened the scoring in the second minute in Belarus when a Mikhail Gordeichuk shot squirmed under Bernd Leno in the away goal, but Admir Mehmedi equalised in the second half.Roma still have their destiny in their own hands, though -- a win at home to BATE next month will see them finish second.A draw between Bayern and Olympiakos in Germany would have taken both teams through but Pep Guardiolas team showed no mercy for their visitors as they raced into a three-goal lead inside the first 20 minutes.Douglas Costa got the opener and Robert Lewandowski scored his 28th goal in 25 games all told this season before Thomas Mueller tapped in the third.Holger Badstuber was sent off early in the second half on his return after his latest lengthy lay-off but Kingsley Coman added a fourth.While that win saw Bayern secure top spot in Group F, Arsenal kept their hopes alive by beating Dinamo Zagreb 3-0 at the Emirates Stadium.Mesut Ozil headed the Premier League side ahead and Alexis Sanchez added a brace, meaning the Gunners can still qualify for the last 16, provided they win at Olympiakos next month by at least a two-goal margin or by winning by a one-goal margin having scored three or more goals.The situation appears rather more straightforward for Chelsea, who cruised to a 4-0 win over Maccabi Tel Aviv in Israel with Gary Cahill, Willian, Oscar and Kurt Zouma on target.The other game in Group G saw Dynamo Kiev win 2-0 at Porto with Andriy Yarmolenko netting a first-half penalty before Derlis Gonzalez wrapped up the win.Just two points separate Chelsea, Porto and Dynamo Kiev but Jose Mourinhos side need only draw at home to the Portuguese club next month to go through.Very important, especially with what happened in Porto we really needed to win this match, and also important to get two victories in a few days, Mourinho told BT Sport.I hope morale comes, tranquility comes, confidence comes.Elsewhere, Zenit St Petersburg, who had already qualified for the last 16, made it five wins out of five in Group H by beating Valencia 2-0 in Russia.Oleg Shatov and Artem Dzyuba scored in each half before Valencia defender Ruben Vezo was sent off.Gent leapfrogged Valencia into second with a 2-1 victory away to Lyon that eliminated the French team from all European competition.Jordan Ferri had put Lyon ahead but Danijel Milicevic levelled with a free-kick before Kalifa Coulibalys last-gasp winner.Real Madrid and Manchester City, who play on Wednesday, had already secured their places in the knockout stage.

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