Saturday 14 November 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Will hunt down terrorists in Syria: French PM Manuel Valls


PARIS (Dunya News) – In a statement issued a day after the deadly string of Paris attacks that left almost 160 dead, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said that France will is in a state of war. Valls further stated that it will hunt down terrorists in both France as well as Syria.Meanwhile in North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, flags of all member nations were flown at half mast in light of the deadly attacks. NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg condemned the terrorist attack saying that the attack in Paris did not signal a war between Islam and the West.According to a British paper, the British government has called in an emergency meeting of the cabinet on Sunday where situation after the Paris attacks will be discussed.On the other hand, world leaders have begun arriving for the G-20 Summit in the Turkish city of Antalya.

'Three teams' in Paris onslaught as police hunt suspects


PARIS (AFP) - French police have identified three teams of gunmen wearing suicide vests who killed at least 129 people in Pariss worst ever attacks that were claimed by the Islamic State group and prompted a global outpouring of solidarity with the victims.A 29-year-old Frenchman was the first to be identified among the seven attackers, all of whom died in the assault, prosecutors said, while at least one man under investigation over the atrocities had registered as a Syrian refugee in Greece.The discovery of a Syrian passport near the body of one attacker has raised suspicions some of them might have entered Europe as part of an influx of people fleeing Syrias civil war.We confirm that the (Syrian) passport holder came through the Greek island of Leros on October 3 where he was registered under EU rules, said the Greek minister for citizen protection, Nikos Toskas.Earlier in the day, the Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the gun and suicide attacks that left a trail of destruction at a sold-out concert hall, at restaurants and bars, and outside Frances national stadium.A total of 129 people were killed and 352 wounded, of whom 99 were said to be in critical condition. The toll does not include the attackers.President Francois Hollande called the coordinated assault on Friday night an act of war as the capitals normally bustling streets fell eerily quiet, 10 months after attacks on magazine Charlie Hebdo shocked the nation.The attacks sent shockwaves around the world, with Londons Tower Bridge, Berlins Brandenburg Gate and the World Trade Center in New York among the many landmarks lit up in the red, white and blue of the French tricolour in a show of solidarity.Mourners also broke out in stirring renditions of the French anthem La Marseillaise, including at a rally in Dublin and at New Yorks Metropolitan Opera.Gunman identifiedUS President Barack Obama described the onslaught as an attack on all of humanity and an emotional Pope Francis said he was shaken by the inhuman attacks.British Prime Minister David Cameron said the attacks suggest a new degree of planning and coordination and a greater ambition for mass casualty attacks.The remains of the 29-year-old French gunman were found near the Bataclan concert hall in eastern Paris, the site of the bloodiest attack.Police have since taken into custody the father and brother of the gunman and were searching their homes, a source close to the probe told AFP.A total of 89 people were killed at the Bataclan by the armed men who burst in shouting Allahu akbar (God is greatest) before gunning down concert-goers and executing hostages.The jihadists were heard raging at the French president and his decision in September to begin air strikes on Islamic State targets in Syria.In a statement posted online Saturday, IS claimed responsibility for the attacks and referred to French air strikes on IS in Syria.The group, which has sown mayhem in large swathes of Syria and Iraq, threatened further attacks in France as long as it continues its Crusader campaign.The band on the Bataclans stage during the attack, US rock group Eagles of Death Metal, survived but have cut short their European tour to return to the United States, promoters said.As police stormed the venue, two of the gunmen blew themselves up, while the third was shot by police.Three suicide bombers also detonated their explosives outside the Stade de France stadium where France were playing Germany in a football friendly attended by Hollande, who was evacuated.The seventh attacker blew himself up on a bustling avenue near the concert hall, injuring one other person.The explosions marked the first-ever suicide bombings on French soil.Analysts at Eurasia Group said the attacks confirm a structural shift in the modus operandi of the Islamic State, and represent a prelude to additional attacks in the West.European investigationThe investigation spread beyond France on Saturday as Belgian police arrested several suspects in Brussels, including one who was in Paris at the time of the carnage.The arrests -- local media said three people were detained -- were in connection with a vehicle found near the Bataclan concert hall, they said.In Germany, the authorities said they were looking into a possible link between the attacks and the arrest in Bavaria last week of a man with a car-load of weapons and explosives.The Paris attacks were prepared, organised and planned overseas, with help from inside (France), Hollande said.In Greece -- the main entry point into Europe for hundreds of thousands of migrants fleeing conflict and misery -- police were investigating a possible Syrian connection to the Paris attacks, though they did not rule out that the Syrian passport may have changed hands before the assault.Within conflict-torn Syria, residents and activists from some of the countrys most war-ravaged areas joined the global outcry over the carnage in Paris.We extend our hands to all the people that love peace and freedom, most of all the French people, residents of the besieged town of Douma near Damascus wrote in an open letter.As well as the stadium and the concert hall, several restaurants were also targeted in Fridays violence, including a popular Cambodian eatery in the trendy Canal St. Martin area, where at least 12 people died.Another 19 people were killed at a busy restaurant on nearby Rue de Charonne.

World sings, lights up in solidarity with wounded France


PARIS (AFP) - Stirring renditions of La Marseillaise rang out Saturday from Dublin to New York as global landmarks were bathed in the French colours and thousands marched in solidarity with Paris after attacks that at least 129 dead.Monuments from the Sydney Opera House in Australia to One World Trade Center in New York have been adorned with Frances red, white and blue, while the Peace for Paris symbol combining the citys beloved Eiffel Tower with the peace sign of the 1960s went viral online.New Yorks Metropolitan Opera led by star tenor Placido Domingo mourned the nearly 130 victims of Frances worst-ever such attacks with an unscheduled performance of the distinctive French national anthem.Placido Domingo mourned the Paris attacks with an unscheduled perfomanceMany of the 6,000 participants in a march in the Irish capital were draped in the French blue, white and red flag, while others also sang the national anthem.Ireland showed solidarity with France as people came out in DublinLondon paid homage to the victims with some two thousand people gathering at an evening vigil in the capitals Trafalgar Square, where fountains and the grand portico of the National Gallery opposite were lit to resemble the Tricolour.Earlier braving the afternoon rain, around 150 people displayed flags and home-made placards reading Nous sommes Paris (We are Paris) and London stands with Paris.London braved rain to show solidarity with ParisThe Eiffel Tower, the symbol of the so-called city of light, was however shrouded in darkness and would remain closed until further notice, a spokeswoman told AFP.Bouquets, candles and messages of condolence were laid at French embassies worldwide.Bouquets, candles and messages of condolence were laid at French embassies worldwide.Minutes silenceA Twitter campaign has begun encouraging notoriously tribal England football fans to join with French travelling supporters in singing La Marsellaise before the kick-off in the friendly match between both countries.The European Union called for a minutes silence to be held Monday for the victims of the attacks.In Madrid and Barcelona, hundreds stood for a minutes silence outside city hall.US President Barack Obama, citing Frances national motto, said we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberte, egalite, fraternite, are not just the values French people share, but we share.Queen Elizabeth II said she and her spouse Prince Philip were deeply shocked, and British Prime Minister David Cameron offered Britains help.Indian Premier Narendra Modi called the attacks anguishing and dreadful and Hassan Rouhani of Iran condemned them as crimes against humanity.We share the sadness and the pain of the French people, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Paris tragedy requires of us all to unite in the fight against extremism.Chinese President Xi Jinping said: In these tragic times for the French people, I want... to condemn in the strongest ways this barbarous act.NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg stressed that the Paris attacks were not part of a fight between the Islamic world and the western world.This is a fight between extremists, criminals and people who believe in the fundamental values of freedom and the respect for human rights, he told AFP.However Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Frances mistaken policies... have contributed to the spread of terrorism.France has got to know what we live with in Syria, he added.We are all FranceThe outpouring of solidarity generated massive amounts of activity on social media, with the hashtags prayforparis and jesuisparis going viral.One user, @emilymiddlemas_ , wrote I am so heart broken All my love and prayers go out to everyone affected by this horrible attack, when will this stop.A Peace for Paris symbol, combining the citys Eiffel Tower with the peace sign, has gone viral on the Internet.Peace for ParisThe designer 32-year-old London-based French graphic artist Jean Jullien, said given the scale of the violence, the peace-and-love symbol was essential.Among other reactions:- Pope Francis expressed his profound distress and solidarity with the casualties. There cannot be justification, religious or human for the attacks, he said.- Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy declared, We are all France, apparently echoing Frances support for the United States (We are all Americans) after 9/11.- Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari hit out at barbaric attacks... an unacceptable affront to all human values and civilized norms.- The grand imam of the prestigious Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo called the attacks despicable adding it is time for the whole world to confront this monster.- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel stands shoulder to shoulder with French President Francois Hollande and with the people of France in our common battle against terrorism.- Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families across the city tonight.: Irish rock band U2

Football: Hodgson keen to show 'solidarity' as France friendly gets go ahead


LONDON (AFP) - England manager Roy Hodgson said Saturday he hoped the decision to go ahead with next weeks friendly international against France in London would be a chance to show solidarity after Fridays deadly terror attcks in Paris.At least 129 people were killed in a series of incidents across the French capital, with several deaths taking place near the Stade de France as France played Germany in a friendly international.The attacks led to speculation as to whether the England-France match might be postponed, but earlier on Saturday the French Football Federation and Englands Football Association confirmed Tuesdays fixture at Wembley Stadium would go ahead as scheduled.On behalf of the England coaching staff and players, I would like to pass on our heartfelt condolences to the French nation at this extremely difficult time, said Hodgson.The events in Paris have left us all shocked and we are thinking of the victims, their loved ones and all those affected by these tragic events, said Hodgson, whose England team were beaten 2-0 away to European champions Spain in a friendly in Alicante on Friday.Shortly after the match last night (Friday) The FA contacted the FFF to express our deep sympathy and ask if they wanted to go ahead with Tuesdays scheduled game at Wembley Stadium.Today (Saturday) the FFF has informed us they would still like to play the fixture. We respect that decision and will prepare accordingly -- both on and off the pitch.Hodgson stressed: The match will be a serious occasion but one that shows that the football world is united against these atrocities.Im sure the England team and our fans will play their part and show solidarity with our French friends on Tuesday evening and provide support for both teams during this difficult time.

Belgian police arrest several over Paris attacks


BRUSSELS (AFP) - Belgian police arrested several suspects in Brussels on Saturday during raids connected to the Paris attacks, including one who was in the French capital at the time of the carnage, officials said.The arrests -- local media said three people were detained -- were in connection with a vehicle found near the Bataclan concert hall where the majority of the 129 victims were killed, they said.The arrests were in the poor Brussels district of Molenbeek, which has been linked to several other past terror plots amid concerns Belgium has become a hotbed of European militancy.Prime Minister Charles Michel said there had been several arrests and told RTBF television: It is believed or suspected that one of these people was in Paris last night.Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens said separately that the arrests in Molenbeek can be seen in connection with a grey Polo car rented in Belgium found near the Bataclan.The person who rented the car was Belgian. We know this from his brother, said Geens, adding the brother had been arrested.Parking tickets from Molenbeek were found inside the car with Belgian license plates, Belgian media said. In Paris, several witness reported that some of the attackers arrived in a vehicle with Belgian licence plates.Separately the Paris prosecutor, Francois Molins, said one of the vehicles used in Fridays attacks in the French capital was registered in Belgium and hired by a French national living there.That Frenchman and two others travelling with him were arrested by Belgian police during a traffic stop in another vehicle, the prosecutor said in Paris, adding that they were not known to French intelligence.On his kneesThe Belgian federal prosecutor meanwhile said authorities had now opened a formal terrorism investigation.Footage on Belgian television showed plainclothes officers pointing automatic pistols at a man on his knees, while a uniformed police officer carrying a sub-machinegun warned onlookers to stay away.An old model Golf was stopped as it was driving. The police made the man get out and they shoved him in the back, made him kneel and then put a blindfold on him, a resident told AFP on condition of anonymity.The man was between 30 and 40. He was dressed normally in jeans and a hoodie. He wasnt bearded, he looked normal, the witness added.Belgium has the highest per-capita number of nationals who have travelled to fight with the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, officials and analysts have said.In January, just days after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, two suspected militants were shot dead in a police raid in the eastern Belgian city of Verviers.Police later said they had smashed a cell aiming to kill police officers. The alleged mastermind of that plot -- Abdelhamid Abaaoud -- was from Molenbeek.Investigators said they also suspected a Belgian man could have supplied Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman behind a Jewish supermarket attack also in Paris in January, with his weapons.Meanwhile the man behind Augusts foiled attack on an Amsterdam-Paris train, Ayoub El Khazzani, had stayed with his sister in Molenbeek before getting the train.

Father, brother of one of Paris suicide attackers placed in custody: sources


PARIS (AFP) - Police took into custody Saturday the father and brother of a French gunman linked to a string of deadly Paris attacks and were searching their homes, a source close to the probe told AFP.The body of the 29-year-old French national was found and identified at the Bataclan music hall where 89 people were shot dead Friday when three gunmen wearing suicide vests opened fire on spectators in the bloodiest of a string of attacks in Paris blamed on Islamists.Frances worst ever attacks killed at least 129 people and left 352 injured, many in critical condition.Investigators were also searching the homes of friends and relatives of the Frenchman, another source close to the enquiry said.The fathers house is located in the small town of Romilly-sur-Seine, some 130 kilometres (80 miles) east of Paris, while his brothers is south of Paris in the Essonne region.The brother, who is 34, contacted the police on his own initiative and was then taken into custody.The Frenchman confirmed as one of the attackers was known to police as being close to radical Islam but had never been linked to a terrorism enquiry, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said earlier Saturday.He was identified via a severed fingertip.Prosecutor Molins said seven gunmen were killed in the attacks, which were the work of three coordinated teams. Six of them blew themselves up while one was shot by police.

Lahore: Dacoits rob millions from restaurant at M.M Alam Road


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Dacoits armed with ammunition late night Saturday robbed millions from a restaurant in the opulent area of M.M Alam Road in Lahore. Suspects, clearly visible in the CCTV footage, were seen looting people sitting in the restaurant. Customers were also thrashed during the robbery. Suspects managed to flee the crime scene after looting cash and valuables from the citizens.Police have started a hunt for the unidentified suspects.This is the fourth incidence within a month and 38th case this year of armed robbery at local eateries in the city. Police have been unable to catch the gang responsible and an bring an end to the robbery episodes.

Incompetence has set an air of bad governance in country: CJ Jamali


HYDERABAD (Dunya News) – Chief Justice (CJ) Supreme Court of Pakistan Anwar Zaheer Jamali on Saturday stated that incompetence of different institutions has set an air of bad governance in the country. Addressing a dinner event of District Bar Association in Civil Court Park, Hyderabad, CJ Jamali said 75 percent of the cases that appear in courts are due to the ineptitude of the institutions.According to the details, CJ Jamali people would not be forced to visit the courts if departments work within legal and constitutional boundaries. He stated that some of the institutions working in the country, including the judiciary, can be built as a role model for the society.Speaking on the occasion, CJ Jamali stated that the vacant positions for judges in the Supreme Court and High Courts of all four provinces will be filled by end of this year.Jamali stated that the court’s job was not only to hand out verdicts but to ensure that justice was being provided. He stated that the responsibility to provide swift affordable justice to people rests with the judicial system and the judges. Jamali further added the misconception that appointment of Judges of High Court, Additional Session Judges and Civil Judges was based on nepotism and not on merit was false. He said to prove this point it can be noted that 3500 applications were seen for 74 positions of Civil Judges, from which only 17 Judges were selected.Addressing the event, Chief Justice Sindh High Court Faisal Arab that lawyers should strive for betterment and should not be intimidated by fear of verdict. He stated that the new lawyers should work hard and become the support of the judiciary.A large group of lawyers along with Judges of the Supreme Court, High Court and Lower Courts were invited at the dinner event in Hyderabad.

World wounded, angered by Paris terror attacks


PARIS (AFP) - Mourners across the globe reacted to the attacks in Paris with tears and anger, but also with colourful shows of solidarity with France.Monuments across the world, from the Sydney Opera House in Australia to One World Trade Center in New York, have been adorned with Frances blue, white and red colours, while the French national anthem was being sung in unlikely places.Among politicians, there were loud calls for the world to ratchet up the fight against terrorism.Bouquets, candles and messages of condolence were laid at French embassies worldwide.A Twitter campaign has begun encouraging notoriously tribal England football fans to join with French travelling supporters in singing La Marsellaise, Frances national anthem when, before the kick-off in the friendly match between both countries.New Yorks Metropolitan Opera led by star tenor Placido Domingo mourned the victims of the Paris attacks with an unscheduled performance of the French national anthemThe Marseillaise was also heard in the streets of Dublin, as 6,000 marched in the Irish capital in solidarity with France.The initial call for the march came via social media from 21-year old Juliette Charton, a French au-pair living in Dublin, the Irish Independent reported.Many participants were draped in the French Tricolour flag and some carried placards reading Pray for Paris and Je Suis Paris.The European Union called for a minutes silence to be held Monday for the victims of the attacks.We Europeans will all remember November 13th 2015 as a European day of mourning, it said.In Madrid and Barcelona, hundreds stood for a minutes silence outside city hall.We are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberte, egalite, fraternite, are not just the values French people share, but we share, said US President Barack Obama, citing Frances national motto.French President Francois Hollande received calls from world leaders including Egypts President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.Queen Elizabeth II said she and her spouse Prince Philip were deeply shocked, and British Prime Minister David Cameron offered Britains help.Indian Premier Narendra Modi called the attacks anguishing and dreadful and Hassan Rouhani of Iran condemned the attacks as crimes against humanity.We share the sadness and the pain of the French people, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Paris tragedy requires of us all to unite in the fight against extremism.Chinese President Xi Jinping said: In these tragic times for the French people, I want... to condemn in the strongest ways this barbarous act.Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that French policy had contributed to the spread of terrorism that culminated in the Paris attacks.We are all FranceThe outpouring of support for France generated massive amounts of activity on social media, with the hashtags prayforparis and jesuisparis going viral.One user, @emilymiddlemas_ , wrote I am so heart broken All my love and prayers go out to everyone affected by this horrible attack, when will this stop.A Peace for Paris symbol, combining the citys beloved Eiffel Tower with the peace sign of the Sixties, has gone viral on the internet.The designer is a 32-year-old French graphic artist, Jean Jullien, who lives in London.Given the scale of the violence, the peace-and-love symbol was essential. It was then quite an easy thing to combine it with the Eiffel Tower, he said.Among other reactions:- Pope Francis expressed his profound distress and solidarity with the casualties. There cannot be justification, religious or human for the attacks, he said.- Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy declared, We are all France, apparently echoing Frances support for the United States (We are all Americans) after 9/11.- Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari hit out at barbaric attacks... an unacceptable affront to all human values and civilized norms.- Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta: Our common humanity has been attacked in Paris by terrorists, and innocent civilians murdered in cold blood.- This planned horror is a real crime against humanity.: Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika- Petro Poroshenko, Ukraines president: Terrorism is our common enemy.- The grand imam of the prestigious Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo called the attacks despicable adding it is time for the whole world to confront this monster.- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel stands shoulder to shoulder with French President Francois Hollande and with the people of France in our common battle against terrorism.- Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said: The terrorists will defeat us...if they force us to abandon our values, and lead us to a fortified Europe inhabited by fearful peoples.- Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families across the city tonight.: Irish rock band U2

Paris attacks show Syria war cannot be contained


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The murderous attacks on French civilians enjoying a night out in Paris were proof, were any needed, that the war in Syria and Iraq will not be contained there.The deaths and the propaganda victory from the Islamic State terrorist group will intensify pressure on world capitals to find a resolution to the conflict.But they will also exacerbate political disputes over how to deal with the refugee influx, the fate of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and military intervention on the ground.And this comes against the backdrop of an intensified counter-terrorism campaign on the streets of Europe which could alienate Muslim minorities and stir anti-refugee sentiment.Its not a war of ideas anymore, said Patrick Skinner, a former CIA case officer now with security consultancy the Soufan Group, of Europes struggle with extremism.Initial signs point to the attack being exactly of the kind experts have been warning of for years: European Islamists radicalized in Syria and returning home.That it happened was not a surprise. You cannot have this kind of situation lasting for years and not have this kind of attack, Skinner told AFP.French security forces have a good reputation in counter-terrorism -- world class, Skinner said -- but even they missed an eight-strong cell planning a complex attack.Its inevitable, and its going to happen again, he said.Middle East analyst Salman Shaikh, the former head of the Brookings Doha Center and founder of his own consultancy, spoke to French officials just hours before the attacks.France, he said, has been the most firm among Western countries in backing the principled stance that Assad, the main author of Syrias misfortunes, must stand aside.Against that view is the one pushed by Assads ally Russia, that the regime is a bulwark against the Islamic State and must remain in place while a political solution is sought.After Fridays massacre, claimed by the IS group, Paris and Washington are under new pressure to compromise with those who see Damascus as the lesser of two evils.It may have some effect, Shaikh told AFP from Paris. I dont think so, because the French have been quite resolute. They dont want to follow the Russian narrative.Syria cant be contained, so we have to resolve it, not just militarily but also politically, he said.Shaikh echoed Western leaders who argue IS will be defeated only when Sunni Arabs alienated by Assads brutality have space to join the fight against the jihadists.Daesh wont really be on the back foot until Syrias ... opposition rebel groups unite against them, Shaikh said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.At the moment they are just trying to resist or survive the Russian attacks against them.Whether by coincidence or design, the Paris attacks were launched on the eve of talks in Vienna among 17 countries to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict.Notorious mouthpieceHad the assault not taken place, the debate would have come against the backdrop of two victories for the US-led coalition against the Islamic State -- the fall of the Iraqi town of Sinjar to Kurdish forces and the death in Syria of notorious IS mouthpiece Jihadi John.Saturday brought another tactical victory when the Pentagon announced that the IS leader -- an Iraqi -- in Libya had been killed in an air strike.But instead, European powers attended the talks amid a terrifying new security environment in which lone wolf jihadists and organized IS cells could strike at any time.The apparent IS bombing of a Russian passenger jet leaving a Sinai resort on October 31 -- along with bomb attacks in Beirut and Ankara -- also underline how the war in Iraq and Syria has spilled over and is spreading.Already, US and European anti-immigration politicians have begun citing the attacks as a reason to block the flow of refugees from Syria.Refugee advocates insist Syrians are fleeing violence, not seeking to spread it, while the best way to counter jihadist propaganda is to show Western compassion.Many tragedies to comeFor Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) any counter-terror campaign will win only tactical victories so long as wars in the Islamic world continue.The struggle to change this reality will, at best, be a long, long struggle, and there will be many tragedies like Paris to come, he said in a CSIS op-ed published Saturday.Real victory can only be won by years of reform within the Islamic world, and outside aid that does as much as possible to help create governments that rule through success, rather than through repression.The polarized debate will only increase tensions ahead of tests such as Frances regional elections next month, which could see victories for the anti-immigrant Front National.Its a gift from the extremist gods to have this happen at this time, Skinner said, warning the attack and the French response could mark a turning point in European society.This is exactly what the terrorists wanted. They didnt want us talking about Sinjar or the death of their spokesman Jihadi John, he told AFP.Skinner warned that European capitals would now be forced to debate issues of security and immigration policy and make huge societal changes under duress.Such forced decisions are often wrong-headed, but the threat is real and attacks will continue. Its not an existential threat, but its a serious threat, he said.

Pope Francis says Paris attacks part of third world war


VATICAN CITY (Dunya News/AFP) - Pope Francis said on Saturday the Paris attacks are part of the ‘third world war’, Dunya News reported.The Pope said he was shaken by what he described as the inhuman attacks on a string of Paris venues which left at least 128 people dead.I am shaken, I dont understand these things, done by human beings... There cannot be justification, religious or human. Its inhuman, an emotional pontiff said during a telephone interview with TG2000 television.Grappling to find the right words, the Pope added: I am with all those with suffer, and with France, which I love so much.Earlier, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi addressed concerns about safety for pilgrims heading to Rome for the Holy Year of Mercy, designated by the Pope, which is due to start on November 8.Millions of Christians are expected to travel to the Holy See.These murderers, possessed by a crazed hatred, are justly called terrorists because they want to spread terror, Lombadi said.If we let ourselves be scared, they will have attained their main objective, he said, calling on followers to show courage and resist the temptation of fear.

Did Reham poison Imran Khan? Dunya News got copy of Imran's medical test


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Dunya News got the copy of Imran Khan’s medical test executed on 1st July 2015 which started the rumour that Reham Khan has given him poison. Medical report proved that no poison was given to Imran khan, reported Dunya News.According to details, Imran Khan was taken to a private hospital of Islamabad. Imran’s stomach was examined at the hospital and no poison was found. Reham Khan has always called such rumours funny.

A tale of blood and tears, a tale of candles and flowers ParisAttack


LAHORE (Web Desk) -- The string of coordinated attacks in and around Paris late Friday left more than 120 people dead, in the worst such violence in Frances history.The assailants struck six different sites, including the Stade de France football stadium and eateries in the trendy east of the city. Here are some images from streets of Paris, mourning the innocent souls and giving the message to the terrorists that the Parisians are not afraid.Bullet impacts are seen in the window of a restaurant window the day after a series of deadly attacks in Paris.People are evacuated following an attack at the Bataclan concert venue.Police investigators pass near a sign smeared with what appears to be blood near the Stade de France stadium.Clothes of victims are out of the Bataclan concert hall.Rescue services personnel work near covered bodies outside a restaurant.People hug on the street near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal attacks.An injured man holds his head as people gather near the Bataclan concert hall.French fire brigade members aid an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall.An abandoned shoe that was left in the street near the Bataclan concert hall.People gathered inside football stadium as they wait for security clearance to leave the Stade de France in Paris.

COAS to leave for U.S. tomorrow for 5-day visit: ISPR


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif will depart on Sunday for official visit of 5-day of United States. COAS will meet U.S. leadership and discuss important issues including the regions security situation during the meeting, reported Dunya News.According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), General Raheel Sharif will leave on November 15 for his 5-day visit to United States. During his visit to the United States, COAS will meet political and military leadership of U.S. High-level meetings on security situation in the region will be discussed.As per sources, Army Chief will inform American leadership of successes and achievements in ongoing Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Af-Pak border situation and negotiations with Afghan Taliban leadership will also be discussed.

Pakistan airports on red alert as world tightens security after Paris attacks


KARACHI (Dunya News) – All main Pakistani airports have been put on red alert over security threat as security is being tightened on sensitive places across the world in the aftermath of the deadly attacks in Paris, Dunya News reported.According to details, Pakistan has also taken measures to further tighten security on all international airports in the country. A red alert has been issued and security heightened at Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar airports.All temporary entry passes for the airport have been canceled while Air Security Force (ASF) commandos have been deployed at the entry points of the airports.Read: IS group claims Paris attacks that killed over 160Islamic State militants on Saturday claimed a series of coordinated attacks by suicide bombers and gunmen in Paris that killed at least 160 people at a concert hall, restaurants and the national sports stadium.French President Francois Hollande also blamed the Islamic extremist group and called the coordinated assault on Friday night at six different sites an act of war.At least eight militants, all wearing suicide vests, brought unprecedented violence to the streets of the French capital in the worst attacks in Europe since the 2004 Madrid train bombings.In the bloodiest part of a night of violence, four men armed with AK47s stormed into a rock concert at the Bataclan concert hall in eastern Paris, gunning down at least 82 people and taking dozens hostage.Read: PM Nawaz condemns Paris attacks, says Pakistan stands with France against terrorismTerming them ‘ruthless and heinous’, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday strongly condemned the Paris terror attacks and said Pakistan stands with people of France against terrorism, Dunya News reported.Talking to the media in his Swat visit, PM said terrorists have no religion or nationality.Pakistani Parisians busy helping victims of Paris attacksThe Pakistanis living in Paris are unhurt after the deadly terrorist attacks that left over 160 dead, Pakistani ambassador said.The Pakistani Parisians are engaged in helping the victims of the terrorist attacks with many waiting in long queues to donate blood.They have expressed determination to fight the circumstances and not to be terrorized after the attacks.Pakistan’s Ambassador to France Ghalib Iqbal said while talking exclusively to Dunya News that there are no reports of any Pakistanis living in Paris getting injured in the attacks.He told that Pakistanis are active in doing whatever they can to help including waiting in long queues to donate blood.The Pakistani Parisians have said they will not be terrorized by the cowardly attacks and that they will fight it.The Foreign Office spokesperson has said a helpline in Pakistani embassy in France has been established where people can call to find out about their friends and relatives.

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