Thursday 26 November 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Man jumps White House fence, triggering lockdown


WASHINGTON (AFP) - A man draped in an American flag jumped over the fence of the White House while President Barack Obama was inside with his family celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday, officials and US media said.He was quickly stopped by Secret Service agents after breaching a barricade and jumping over the fence on the North Lawn that was recently refitted with seven-inch (18-centimeter) spikes to make it harder to vault over.In a statement, the Secret Service named the man as Joseph Caputo: Caputo was immediately apprehended and taken into custody. Criminal charges are pending at this time. Secret Service officers had their guns drawn and were accompanied by K-9 units, according to two CNN photojournalists who saw the incident, which triggered a lockdown at the presidential mansion.The United States, and major US cities in particular, are on heightened alert after the Paris terror attacks, but Obama stressed on Wednesday that there was no specific threat to the US.Caputo was carrying an envelope, wore a blue shirt and white pants, and was cloaked in an American flag, the CNN journalists said.CNN said he was at least the third person to scale a fence and make it on to White House property this year.The Secret Service came under fierce scrutiny and its head resigned after a US war veteran climbed over the north fence and made it into the presidential mansion armed with a knife in September 2014.He entered the front door of the White House and went through several rooms before being overpowered and arrested.

Despite barriers, Saudi women in first election bid


RIYADH (AFP) - Segregated from male voters and unable to drive themselves to hustings, Saudi women begin their first-ever election campaign on Sunday, a tentative step towards better representation in the male-dominated kingdom.Around 900 female candidates are standing in next months municipal election, a poll that also offers a chance for female voters to elect their officials for the first time.If we want to develop or reform our country we should put a woman in every decision-making level, says Nassima al-Sadah, a candidate in the Gulf coast city of Qatif for the December 12 vote.Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy, has no female cabinet ministers and is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive.They have to cover themselves in black from head-to-toe in public, and require permission from a man in their families to travel, work or marry.Restrictions remain in place despite a slow expansion of womens rights under the late king Abdullah, who introduced municipal elections in 2005 and said women would participate this time around.In 2013 he named women to the appointed Shura Council which advises the cabinet.Abdullah died in January and was succeeded by King Salman, who has stuck to the election timetable.Unlike other Gulf states, where women have had voting rights for several years, this will be the first time Saudi women have had a say in who gains office.While al-Sadah expressed satisfaction at the number of female candidates, she said very few women have registered to vote.Data cited by the Saudi electoral commission show about 7,000 candidates are vying for seats on the 284 councils.According to the elections website, just 130,600 women have signed up to vote, compared to around 10 times that number of male voters.Electoral democracy is still a novel concept in a country where tribal loyalties remain strong and things traditionally get done through wasta -- knowing the right people.Aside from transport problems, women say their voter registration was hindered by bureaucratic obstacles and a lack of awareness of the process and its significance.I myself had a very difficult time to register, said Sahar Hassan Nasief, an activist in the Red Sea city of Jeddah who has many friends running as candidates.She had to go back and forth and back and forth until I got my name down but nonetheless encouraged others to make the effort.This is one of the first steps for womens rights, a big step for us, said the retired university teacher. Even my mum whos 95... she too went to register.Difficult to winThere is also disappointment at the performance of the local councils and their limited powers restricted to streets, gardens and garbage.I took part in the last round and didnt see any benefit or results, said Sultan al-Obthani, 35, of Riyadh, who will not vote this time.Although the voting age has been lowered to 18 from 21 and the proportion of elected council members has increased to two-thirds, winning a seat remains a challenge for women in electorates where male voters vastly outnumber females.I cannot predict my chances of winning but I am doing my best, says Safinaz Abu-Alshamat, 33, who plans to campaign through social media in her Mecca district.In al-Sadahs Qatif electorate there are only 2,000 registered female votes, meaning she will have to woo the 48,000 men in order to stand a chance.Its very, very difficult for us to win and to target our voters, she says.Social media driveFrankly, I think it will be a huge positive surprise if we get any women elected, said one Western diplomat.Al-Sadah plans a social media onslaught using Twitter, messaging applications, Facebook, her own website and a Wiki page.Traditional banners and brochures will help, but none of them are allowed to carry her picture -- a restriction that also applies to male candidates.Later next week al-Sadah, 42, will begin town hall meetings in a direct pitch to voters. But because of the kingdoms strict separation of sexes -- which applies to election facilities as elsewhere like restaurants -- women will gather one day and men the next.Her male spokesman will address the men.Khalid al-Dakhil, an independent political analyst, said he would of course consider voting for a woman in the ballot which should be the first step along the road to democracy.Elections for the Shura Council would be the next logical step, he said.Despite the obstacles, al-Sadah is confident there will be at least one woman elected next month.She says her record of community service and activism has built enough trust among men and women to propel her to victory.They believe in me, she said.

Sirens ring out as air strikes hit IS Syria stronghold


BEIRUT (AFP) - In the Islamic State groups Syrian stronghold of Raqa, sirens ring out whenever a warplane approaches as terrorists flee their posts and vehicles to hide, activists say.A US-led coalition and Russia have stepped up air strikes on the extremists de facto Syrian capital since IS claimed to have downed a Russian passenger plane over Egypts Sinai in October and the deadly jihadist attacks in Paris two weeks later.The sirens are on the roofs of high buildings, in the squares and in the streets, Taym Ramadan, a city resident and anti-IS activist, told AFP.When a warplane enters Raqas air space, the sirens ring out to warn (IS) members, said the activist from the Raqa is Being Slaughtered Silently campaign group.As soon as they hear the sirens, they immediately leave their posts, he said. Some of them have been seen to leave their vehicles in the middle of the road to hide.A fellow activist who calls himself Abu Sham al-Raqa added: Whenever the jets fly over they set off the sirens to warn the fighters and the residents, and the problem is that the bombing is going on night and day.Raqa has been under IS control since January 2014 after heavy fighting between the jihadists and opposition fighters, who had seized it from regime control in March 2013.Raqa is Being Slaughtered Silently has secretly documented IS abuses in the city since April 2014 when it became off-limits for journalists after several were taken hostage and killed.TunnelsWith more airstrikes, IS has taken further measures to protect its members.The group has resorted to tunnels -- some previously used and others now being dug out inside the city, Ramadan said.According to Abu Sham, The group has moved all its control posts that used to be on the city outskirts to heavily populated residential areas after some of these were targeted.On November 15, French fighter jets targeted weapon caches and a training camp on the southern and western outskirts of the city, according to the French army.Researcher and writer Hisham al-Hashimi said that the groups latest measures included moving its stores to residential areas and abandoning its training camps, as well as depending on tunnels to hold its meetings.IS holds its general meetings in hospitals and mosques as it knows that the coalition and Russia do not target them to avoid killing civilians, he said.The terrorist groups leaders communicate using verbal communication in code, he said.Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor, said a large number of IS fighters had been moved from Syria to Iraq.According to Hashimi, IS has stopped transporting its oil products in 36,000-litre tankers and started using smaller, 4,000-litre vehicles after coalition and Russian airstrikes targeted hundreds of fuel trucks in Raqa and Deir Ezzor, where it controls most oil fields.An investigation by British newspaper The Financial Times last month estimated the jihadists reap some $1.5 million a day from oil, based on the price of $45 a barrel.Both Moscow and Washington announced this month their determination to increase air strikes on oil infrastructure in IS-controlled areas of Syria.Little freedomIS has recently upped surveillance of Raqa residents, increasing checkpoints in the city where its members check peoples IDs.According to Abu Sham, its members also carry out night raids on Internet cafes.IS has sent out spies to find out who uses the Internet in these cafes, said Hashimi.According to the Observatory, IS closed at least 10 Internet cafes last week, but allowed others to open on Wednesday on the condition that they be on a main road, be guarded by two IS members from the area and observe segregation between the sexes.Internet has been cut from homes and shops for months, with connection limited to the cafes.Activists say that IS asks all cafe owners to keep them informed with details of their customers.IS also forbids anyone leaving Raqa to areas not under its control without a previous permission, Hashimi said.Since taking Raqa, the jihadist group has spread fear among inhabitants with its brutal executions and punishment of anyone who opposes it and its rulings.But Hashimi said some trials and executions have been postponed with the increase of air strikes.Activists agreed that the religious police has lessened their activity, which has allowed residents to enjoy time-out to breathe a little.Civilians -- especially women -- make the best of their absence to enjoy a little freedom, with a young woman for example now able to open a window or go out onto the balcony without a face veil, Ramadan said.

US knew flight path of plane downed by Turkey: Putin


MOSCOW (AFP) - President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia had given prior information to the United States of the flight path of the plane downed by Turkey on the Syrian border.The American side, which leads the coalition that Turkey belongs to, knew about the location and time of our planes flights, and we were hit exactly there and at that time, Putin said at a joint press conference with French counterpart Francois Hollande in the Kremlin.Ahead of the Hollande talks, Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan traded barbs, with the Russian leader saying he was waiting for an apology and Erdogan ruling out any such move.Putin on Thursday dismissed as rubbish Turkeys claim that it would not have shot down the jet if it had known it was Russian.They have identification signs and these are well visible, Putin said. Instead of ensuring this never happens again, we are hearing unintelligible explanations and statements that there is nothing to apologise about.Putin has also accused Turkey of buying oil from the Islamic State jihadist group, whose financing heavily relies on the sale of energy resources.Putin said there was no doubt that oil from terrorist-controlled territory in Syria was making its way across the border into Turkey.We see from the sky where these vehicles are going, Putin said. They are going to Turkey day and night.These barrels are not only carrying oil but also the blood of our citizens because with this money terrorists buy weapons and ammunition and then organise bloody attacks, he added.

Putin, Hollande agree to coordinate on IS fight but divisions remain


MOSCOW (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande and Russian leader Vladimir Putin agreed Thursday to coordinate strikes against Islamic State, but differences over Syrias future hampered efforts to bring Russia into a wider alliance to fight the jihadists.Putin indicated France and Russia would swap data to help identify IS targets in Syria, as opposed to other groups opposed to the countrys leader, Bashar al-Assad.The two countries agreed to exchange information about which territories are occupied by the healthy part of the opposition rather than terrorists, and will avoid targeting them with our airstrikes, Putin said.The strikes against Daesh (IS) will be intensified and be the object of coordination, Hollande said at a press conference after their 90-minute meeting at the Kremlin.The agreement to focus on IS targets was the most concrete progress from the final leg of Hollandes marathon push to weld together a broad alliance to crush IS after the November 13 terror attacks in Paris.But the French leader failed to gain any pledge from Putin over helping the US-led coalition which is targeting IS.Putin is fuming over Turkeys downing of a Russian fighter on the Syrian border and deep splits remain between Russia and the West over Assads fate.Hollande reiterated that Assad, a key Moscow ally, has no place in the future of Syria.Russia has been flying a bombing campaign in Syria since September 30 at Assads request while a rival US-led coalition is carrying out strikes against IS.Although both Russia and the US coalition oppose IS, Washington and its allies say Moscow is primarily targeting moderates fighting the regime in Damascus, rather than the jihadists.Prior to his visit to Moscow, Hollande gained support from Britain, whose premier David Cameron set out his case Thursday for air strikes against IS in Syria.Cameron said Britain should not wait until an attack takes place here before acting, saying it was morally unacceptable to be content with outsourcing our security to our allies.A vote is expected to be held early next week and MPs look set to approve the move, meaning the first British air strikes on Syria could come within days.Cameron has also offered France the use of a British air base in Cyprus for flying missions against the jihadists.In Berlin, Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday said Germany could offer France Tornado reconnaissance jets, a naval frigate, satellite images and aerial refuelling to back the fight against IS.France was struck to the bone by the horrific attacks by the IS but we know that this inhumane rage can hit us or other societies at any time too, Von der Leyen said.Germany on Wednesday said it would send 650 soldiers to Mali to provide some relief to French forces fighting jihadists there.In contrast, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in talks with Hollande in Paris, offered only vague support for a coalition of greater and greater strength able to destroy IS.France last week invoked a clause requiring EU member states to provide military assistance after the Paris attacks.Hollande also received what was perceived to be a cool response from US President Barack Obama when he flew to Washington on Tuesday, with the US reluctant to step up military action in Syria without a clear strategy or political track in place.Turkey-Russia tensionHollandes diplomatic foray was thrown off track after Turkey shot down a Russian jet on the Syrian border on Tuesday, an incident Moscow described as a planned provocation.The sole surviving pilot said he received no warning and the aircraft did not violate Turkish air space, but the Turkish military released audio recordings claiming to show the jet was repeatedly warned to change course.The downing featured heavily in Putins press conference with Hollande with the Kremlin strongman dismissing as rubbish claims by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Ankara did not know the jet was Russian.Putin also lashed out at Washington, saying that it had been informed of where the jet would be and we were hit exactly there and at that time.Moscow recently intensified its strikes in Syria after IS claimed it brought down a Russian passenger plane over the Sinai.Ankara and Moscow have backed opposing forces in the four-year Syrian conflict, with Turkey supporting rebel groups opposed to Assad, while Russia is one of his last remaining allies.Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov welcomed a proposal by Hollande to close off the Syria-Turkey border, considered the main crossing point for foreign fighters seeking to join IS.We would be ready to seriously consider the necessary measures for this, Lavrov said.

France to mourn Paris attack dead


PARIS, Nov 27, 2015 (AFP) - France on Friday will mourn the 130 people killed in the November 13 Paris attacks, with President Francois Hollande leading a solemn ceremony in honour of the victims.Families of those killed in Frances worst-ever terror attack, claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group, will join some of the wounded at ceremonies at the Invalides, the gilded 17th-century complex in central Paris that houses a military hospital and museum and Napoleons tomb.The tribute will be national and republican, an official at the Elysee presidential palace said, referring to the French republics creed of liberty, equality and fraternity.It will take place in sobriety and solemnity, reflected by the beauty of the surroundings.Hollande will break from a whirlwind diplomatic bid to build a broad military coalition to defeat IS.The marathon has taken him from Paris to Washington to Moscow in just a few days.He is expected to make a 20-minute address at the one-hour ceremony, which will be shown live on television.In the run up to the commemoration, Hollande called on the French to hang out the Tricolour.Every French citizen can take part (in the tribute) by taking the opportunity to deck their home with a blue, white and red flag, the colours of France, government spokesman Stephane Le Foll quoted Hollande as saying.But some victims families have said they will snub the event, accusing the government of failing to tighten security after terror attacks in January, when jihadist gunmen killed 17 people in Paris, mainly at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine.Thanks Mr President, politicians, but we dont want your handshake or your tribute, and we hold you partly responsible for what has happened Emmanuelle Prevost, whose brother was one of the 90 killed at the Bataclan concert hall, wrote on Facebook.As the nation mourns the victims, an international manhunt is still on for two key suspects -- Salah Abdeslam, who played a key logistical role in the wave of terror, and Mohamed Abrini, seen with Abdeslam two days before the November 13 atrocities.France has stepped up its air strikes on IS targets in Syria and Iraq, where the group controls large areas of territory, and wants to create a more coordinated, concerted international effort to destroy the hardline Islamists.Diplomatic pushOn a visit to Moscow Thursday, Hollande and Russian leader Vladimir Putin agreed to coordinate strikes against the jihadists.The strikes against Daesh (IS) will be intensified and be the object of coordination, Hollande said at a press conference after their meeting at the Kremlin.The agreement to focus on IS targets was the most concrete progress from the final leg of Hollandes marathon push to weld together a broad alliance to crush IS after the Paris attacks.But the French leader failed to gain any pledge from Putin over helping the US-led coalition which is targeting IS.Hollandes diplomatic drive has secured some offers of support from Frances allies but also run into coolness and complications.The challenge has been made tougher by by a spat between Moscow and Turkey over a downed Russian warplane on the Syrian-Turkish border.The French leader has the support of Britain, whose Prime Minister David Cameron set out his case on Thursday for air strikes against IS in Syria, telling British MPs that the country could not sub-contract its security to allies.He has also been backed by Germany, which has offered Tornado reconnaissance jets, a naval frigate, satellite images and aerial refuelling to help in the fight against IS.Germany is also promising to send 650 soldiers to Mali to provide some relief to French forces fighting jihadists there.But Hollande received a vague response from Italy, and got what analysts are calling a cool reply from President Barack Obama when he flew to Washington on Tuesday.The United States is reluctant to intensify military action in Syria without a clear strategy or political track in place.

Two men arrested in Berlin suspected of preparing 'serious act of violence'


BERLIN (AFP) - Berlin police said they carried out two raids targeting Islamists Thursday and arrested two men suspected of preparing to carry out a serious act of violence representing a danger for the state.The two individuals, aged 28 and 46, had been in contact with the Islamist movement, police spokeswoman Patricia Braemer said.The police gave no further details, other than to say no arms or explosives had been found and there was no indication that an act of violence was planned for Berlin.The arrests came after special forces police raided an Islamic cultural centre in the western district of Charlottenburg and a building in the southern suburb of Britz.The two arrests were made in Britz, where a neighbourhood was sealed off to let experts examine a suspicious object in a car that turned out to be harmless, police said earlier.Local media reported officers had acted on a tip-off that an attack was being planned, as European police forces are on high alert following the bloody jihadist attacks in Paris on November 13.A Germany-Netherlands football match in Hanover was called off last week at the last minute over fears of an assault.

Russia targets Turkish economy over downed warplane


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia on Thursday vowed to carry out broad retaliatory measures against Turkeys economy to avenge the downing of one of its warplanes as Moscow and Ankara traded furious verbal volleys.Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan angrily rebuffed the Kremlins demands for an apology and said his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, had snubbed a phone call from him after Tuesdays incident.The downing of the plane on the Syrian border has raised fears it could fuel a wider geopolitical conflict, and highlighted the difficulty of forging consensus on Syria as French President Francois Hollande held talks with Putin in Moscow.Hollande is trying to cobble together a broad coalition, including Russia, to crush the Islamic State (IS) group following the November 13 attacks in Paris.While Russia has ruled out any military retaliation against NATO member Turkey, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave his ministers two days to work out a system of response measures in the economic and humanitarian spheres.He said the punitive steps for what he termed this act of aggression could include halting joint economic projects, restricting financial and trade transactions and changing customs duties.Measures could also target transport and tourism after Putin told citizens not to travel to Turkey, a hugely popular tourist destination for Russians.The foreign ministry urged those already in Turkey to return home due to existing terrorist threats.Russia also tightened control over Turkish food imports over alleged safety standard violations.Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev did not rule out that the measures could hit two major projects with Turkey -- the planned Turk Stream gas pipeline and the Akkuyu nuclear power plant -- in a move that looks set to raise concerns in energy-poor Turkey.Separately, Turkey on Thursday summoned the Russian ambassador to Ankara over an unacceptable violent demonstration over the plane shooting that took place outside the Turkish embassy in Moscow, the foreign ministry said.Shame on youAhead of the Hollande talks on the Syrian crisis, Putin and Erdogan traded barbs, with the Russian leader saying he was waiting for an apology and Erdogan ruling out any such move.We are under the impression that the Turkish leadership is deliberately pushing Russian-Turkish relations into deadlock. We regret that, said Putin.Putin dismissed Ankaras claim that it did not know the plane was Russian.We considered Turkey a friendly state and simply did not expect any attacks from there. That is why we consider this hit treacherous, he said.He went on to accuse Turkey of failing to stop industrial levels of oil being transported there daily from Syrias terrorist-controlled territories.These barrels are not only carrying oil but also the blood of our citizens, because with this money terrorists buy weapons and ammunition and then organise bloody attacks, he added.Erdogan said earlier on Thursday that Putin had refused to answer his call and insisted his country did not buy any oil from IS.IS has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris that left 130 dead and 350 injured, and for the downing of a Russian jetliner over Egypt on October 31, killing all 224 on board.Shame on you. Those who claim we buy oil from Daesh are obliged to prove it. If not, you are a slanderer, he said in a speech, using an alternative name for IS.Analysts said that while both countries can ill-afford a permanent rupture in ties, the clash of egos between the two leaders could further damage relations.Their desire not to lose face has the potential to weaken otherwise pragmatic calculations to contain the crisis, said Anthony Skinner, director of political risk at Verisk Maplecroft consultancy.Moscow targets rebelsThe shooting down of the aircraft is thought to be the first downing of a Russian plane by a NATO member since 1952 when US pilots brought down a Soviet plane near Vladivostok during the Korean War.Tuesdays incident led to the deaths of one of the two pilots and of a soldier who took part in a failed rescue operation -- Moscows first combat losses since the start of its Syria campaign.On Thursday, Moscow said its forces had wiped out Syrian rebel groups operating in the area where its jet was brought down, unleashing a huge bombardment after rescuing the second pilot.Moscow also said it had now stationed its most hi-tech S-400 missile defence system at its airbase in Syria.Turkey insists its forces repeatedly warned the Russian aircraft, an assertion backed up by the United States, which said however that it was not yet clear which side of the border the jet was on when it was targeted.Moscow, an Assad ally, says the plane never entered Turkish airspace and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has branded the incident a planned provocation.

Administration bars PTI chairman from holding rally in Islamabad


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) chairman Imran Khan was expected to hold a rally in Tarlai, Islamabad today (Friday). However District Returning Officer (DRO) Chaudhry Aleem Shahab wrote a letter to the district administration on Thursday requesting the cancellation of Khan’s rally in Islamabad. The DRO argued that Parliamentarians cannot hold a rally after the schedule for the Local Government (LG) polls has been issued.the administration responded in favor of the DRO’s stance and has barred the PTI chairman from holding a rally in Tarlai.PTI has criticized the rejection severly.According to the details of the letter, Shahab stated that the PTI chairman is expected to hold a rally in Islamabad on Friday. The DRO requested the administration to stop the rally, stating that if the codes of conduct of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) are breached, the strictest of actions shall be taken against the violation.Expressing their outrage over the letter, PTI spokesperson Naeem-ul-Haq stated that the ECP was busy in creating hindrances against those parties who oppose Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) wehereas PML-N was engrossed in reaping the benefits of schemes announced by Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif.

Karachi: Police intensifies action against crime, two suspects arrested


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police late night Thursday intensified action against criminal elements in the city. Suspects clashed with the police at Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Two suspects were arrested in injured condition after the ensuing gun battle.Meanwhile, a 12 year old kidnapped child was also rescued after clash with suspects in Lyari Kalri area.On the other hand, police also took 7 individuals of the corruption mafia into custody during a raid in Civil hospital.Fight against lawlessness that prevailed in the city of Karachi intensified after an operation was started in the city by the Rangers nearly two years ago. Target killings, extortion cases and killings have reduced as the hunt for felons continues.In a performance report released by the Rangers earlier this year, the law enforcement agency stated that 10,353 suspects had been arrested while 7,312 weapons and 34, 8978 rounds of ammunition were recovered. Out of these suspects, 4,950 suspects were prosecuted for crimes.The report also claims that 826 terrorists, 334 target killers and 296 extortionists had been apprehended since the start of the operation. According to the report 82 kidnappers were also caught securing the release of 39 individuals.However, the decrease in unlawful activities has been followed by increased concentration of power in the hands of the law enforcement agencies which has led to some controversies.

NAB implicates Dr. Asim in major corruption cases


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – It seems problems are far from over for former Minister for Petroleum and Pakistan Peoples Party’s chairman Asif Ali Zardari’s close confidant Dr. Asim Hussain. After a 90 day remand in Rangers custody and subsequent terror charges booked against him by the Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC), the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has also moved against Dr. Asim, implicating him in three major corruption cases. The development was revealed during the Dunya News program “Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Sath”.In the corruption reference prepared against him, Dr. Asim has been accused of money-laundering, illegal allotment of land and running Ziauddin Trust hospital on a commercial basis along with other illegal activities including issuance of licenses for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations during government ban, allowing illegal affiliation of private medical colleges with Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and unlawful issuance of degrees to unqualified doctors.Also Read:ATC remands Dr Asim Hussain in police custody for four daysThe corruption reference will be filed after his four-day physical remand in police custody ends. NAB will request a 90-day remand from the court in this matter.NAB had earlier been investigating the corruption allegations levelled against Dr Asim.Earlier on Thursday, Dr. Asim booked by the ATC and handed over for police custody on a four-day physical remand. A case was registered against him in North Nazimabad Police Station under Anti-Terrorism Act after 90-day remand in Rangers custody expired this month. He is accused of providing shelter to terrorists and gang war criminals and their treatment in his hospital.The authorities have stated that Asim had given safe havens to terrorists on requests by MQM leaders including Rauf Siddique, Waseem Akhtar, Saleem Shahzad and Anees Qaimkhani.The first information report (FIR) further accuses Asim of graft as he pocketed bribes to recruit employees in Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and Sui Southern Gas as their administrator. He has been alleged of forwarding contracts to companies and different persons whoever ‘offered him the highest.’

Football: Liverpool, Spurs into last-32 as Celtic crash


PARIS (AFP) - Liverpool and Tottenham reached the Europa League last 32 on Thursday while Scottish interest in continental competition came to another sobering end when Celtic were knocked out.Jurgen Klopps Liverpool defeated Bordeaux 2-1 at Anfield having endured the worst possible start when injury-plagued England striker Daniel Sturridges comeback from a knee injury stalled when he hurt his foot in training.The English side then fell a goal down in the Group B clash in bizarre fashion after 33 minutes when goalkeeper Simon Mignolet was penalised for holding onto the ball for 20 seconds rather than the permitted six.Henri Saivet buried the resulting free-kick but Liverpool were level just five minutes later when James Milner scored from the penalty spot after Ludovic Sane fouled Christian Benteke.Belgian star Benteke then hit what proved to be the winner in first-half injury time with a rasping right-footed drive.It was an important night for the whole team because we are in the next round. A few weeks ago we were with three points and now we have nine, said Klopp.On Sturridges latest setback, he added: We have to wait for some things, its a fight again, we have to be prepared and we will be prepared.Harry Kane headed Tottenham into the last 32, the red-hot England strikers ninth goal in six matches earning Spurs a 1-0 win at Azerbaijani champions Qarabag.Kanes decisive second half goal assured the Group J leaders qualification into the knockout stages with a game to spare.The North Londoners could probably have done without the 8,000 kilometre-round trip to the Azerbaijan capital just three days before the visit of Chelsea to White Hart Lane.Despite the imminent arrival of the ailing Premier League champions Spurs coach Mauricio Pochettino fielded a strong side at Qarabags Azersun Arena in Baku.The first hour was unforgettable, the game finally bursting into life when forward Son Heung-min smashed a shot from the edge of the box with the ball hitting the crossbar.Shortly after Qarabags keeper Ibrahim Sehic edged Eric Diers angled shot wide.Qarabags Spanish winger Dani Quintana then forced Spurs keeper Hugo Lloris into action down at the other end.Having sprung to life Tottenham looked the more likely to break the deadlock, and in the 78th minute they deservedly took the lead.Christian Erikssen fired in their umpteenth corner from the left with in-form Kane flicking in Sons header.Pochettino said: We will make sure we will arrive in a good condition to play Chelsea. We have a strong squad and a strong mentality, with the maturity.Scottish champions Celtic slumped to a 10th consecutive Europa League game without a win -- a 2-1 loss at home to Ajax in Group A.Callum McGregor had given Celtic a fourth-minute lead at Parkhead but Arkadiusz Milik levelled in the 21st minute for the Dutch side.Ajax substitute Vaclav Cerny scored the late winner just two minutes from time to keep his teams qualification hopes alive while Celtics fate was sealed when Fenerbahce defeated already-qualified Molde 2-0.Celtic coach Ronny Deila pleaded for patience and that European success will come.We buy talent, players who can be Champions League players, said the Norwegian.Nobody comes in and is a Champions League players the first game. You have to develop them through time and we are going to be ready next year, that is the message to all the fans.Elsewhere, Russian side Krasnodar ran out 1-0 winners over already-qualified Borussia Dortmund to go through from Group C. Also through were Spaniards Villarreal courtesy of Viktoria Plzens 1-0 loss to Minsk.Swiss champions Basel drew 2-2 with 10-man Fiorentina to go through from Group I while Sporting Lisbon boosted their prospects of escaping from Group H with a 4-2 win at Lokomotiv Moscow.Lazio continued their Europa League campaign with 3-1 win over Dniepropetrovsk while Sporting Braga went through from Group F thanks to a last-minute winner in a 2-1 home win against Slovan Liberec.

Football: FIFA donates 48 confiscated luxury watches to charity


LAUSANNE (AFP) - Nearly 50 luxury watches confiscated from football officials who had received them as gifts ahead of the World Cup in Brazil have been donated to charity, FIFAs ethics committee said Thursday. The watches, estimated to be worth 25,000 Swiss francs ($24,400, 23,000 euros) apiece, were given to streetfootballworld, an international network of groups which uses football to help young people. Ahead of last years World Cup, the Brazilian Football Confederation handed out 65 gift bags each containing a Parmigiani timepiece to FIFA Executive Committee officials and members of the 32 competing associations.The gifts created a furore at the time but now disgraced FIFA bosses, including president Sepp Blatter, denied any corruption. However, the ethics committees investigative branch has determined that the watches were unauthorised gifts, and called on officials to hand them over.It agreed not to open formal ethical proceedings against anyone who complied.The ethics committee said in a statement its probe had determined that from the initially intended 65 watches offered by the CBF to football officials, several officials had, in fact, not received a watch.It said that once all potential recipients had been contacted, 48 watches were handed over.The football charity will directly invest all resources generated through the sale of the watches into initiatives across Brazil that use football to drive social change, it said, adding that the matter was now considered closed.When the ethics committee ordered that the watches be handed over in September 2014, now embattled UEFA president Michel Platini publicly balked, saying he was surprised by the decision. I was not raised like that, he said, declaring it was bad manners to return gifts and insisting he would instead establish the true worth of the watch and contribute the amount to a charity.Platini, who until recently was the favourite to take over the reins at FIFA, has been suspended for 90 days and could now be facing a lifetime ban over a suspect payment, amid the massive scandal rocking world footballs governing body.Current FIFA president Blatter, who has also been slapped with a 90-day suspension, also brushed aside the watch controversy when it hit the headlines last year, insisting there was no corruption involved and describing it as a non-problem.Blatter has agreed to step down as FIFA boss following a special election in February, a concession made days after the United States charged 14 ex-FIFA officials and sports marketing executives with corruption amounting to $150-million going back decades. Those indictments kicked off an unprecedented scandal at FIFA, sparking widespread calls for reform.

Tennis: Davis Cup debut for Edmund, alongside Murray


GHENT (AFP) - Kyle Edmund will make his Davis Cup debut for Britain on Friday when he joins Andy Murray in trying to hand their country its first overall success in the tennis showpiece since 1936.The 20-year-old South African-born player will become just the sixth man in the 115-year history of the competition to make his debut in the final when he plays the opening rubber in Ghent against Belgiums top player, David Goffin.Murray, the world number two and the inspiration behind Britains march into the Davis Cup final for the first time since 1978, will then take on lowly-ranked Ruben Bemelmans, who will take centre stage after playing provincial club tennis in France last week.The 28-year-old Scot is set to once again team up with older brother Jamie in Saturdays doubles against Steve Darcis and Kimmer Coppejans, and then go up against world number 16 Goffin in a potentially decisive match at the start of Sundays reverse singles.Britain are seeking their 10th Davis Cup win in all, but first since 1936 when Fred Perry ruled the roost.Belgiums only previous appearance in the final came 111 years ago when they lost to what was then the British Isles.The central figure in the Friday-to-Sunday clash on a specially-prepared claycourt inside the 13,000-capacity Flanders Expo centre is undoubtedly British number one Murray.The Scot has propelled his country into the final by winning all eight rubbers he has played -- six singles and two doubles -- against heavyweights United States, France and Australia.Should he win both his singles -- as he is heavily favoured to do -- he would be just the third player -- after John McEnroe and Mats Wilander -- to win all eight Davis Cup singles matches in the same year.Many are portraying the final as a case of Andy Murray against Belgium, but the former Wimbledon and US Open champion said that would be a mistake.I think if you look at it that way, theyre actually putting a lot of pressure on their own players in the other matches, to be honest, he said.Im happy to take as much pressure on my shoulders as is needed. Ive been in that position, I think, a lot of times in my career. I think I will be able to deal with it okay.Edmund, who won a second-tier Challenger title on clay in Buenos Aires earlier this month to grab the attention of team captain Leon Smith, said that he knew he would be wading into unchartered waters on Friday.This is definitely going to be the biggest crowd Ive played in front of. Probably the biggest occasion, the world number 100 said.The experience Ive had close to that is probably in Paris in my (French Open) first round when I played a French guy in front of a loud French crowd. Thats my experience in that regard.But, yeah, this will definitely be louder, a lot more people watching. It a new experience for me. Its something Im going to have to learn as I go through the match. But its a good problem and its exciting.Belgian coach Johan van Herck agreed that while Belgium would start as the underdogs due to the Murray factor, having home advantage, as the Belgians have had throughout their 2015 campaign, could be a real boost.I think it will be huge, he said. The two nations played all their matches at home this year. Well have this one at home also.Were looking forward to getting the people involved. I think it will be important that the people get behind us when were winning, when were losing.Try to get them on the back a little bit of the English -- the Brits, if I have to be correct.No, we will try to get them involved as much as we can, as much as we are allowed to. Its an advantage we have to take.

Golf: Basson leads in EPGA season-opener in South Africa


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - Local hope Christiaan Basson held a three shot lead after Thursdays first round in the European Tours 2016-season opener at the Alfred Dunhill Championship in South Africa.Four days after Rory McIlroy signed off the 2015 campaign in style in the DP World Tour Championship in Dubai it was Basson who led the way at Leopard Creek Country Club.He produced a seamless eight-under par 64 to open up a gap to Briton Matt Ford and Mark Williams of Zimbabwe before play was suspended due to a storm warning with 39 players yet to finish their rounds.The leading trio in the clubhouse took advantage of benign early morning conditions with temperatures soaring in the afternoon on the edge of the Kruger National Park.The man to buck that trend was three-time Leopard Creek winner Charl Schwartzel who was playing the last as the horn sounded to end play at 1726 local time with him also three behind.Bassons previous best European Tour finish in 30 events was a tie for tenth at The South African Open in the 2014 season.The 33-year-old made birdies on the second, fifth, sixth and eighth to turn in 31 and four more followed on the 11th, 13th, 14th and 16th to move him to the summit.Hopefully I can keep playing the way Im playing, golf is a funny game, you never know what is going to happen, he said.Ford, who secured his playing privileges with a tie for seventh at the Hong Kong Open, produced an eagle, five birdies and two bogeys in his 67.A group of seven players were at four under led by Niclas Fasth who was playing in his 500th European Tour event.The 43-year-old Swede was presented with an ice bucket to mark the occasion and, after going out in the opening group of the day from the first, he carded an eagle, four birdies and two bogeys.Vaughn Groenewald, Benjamin Hebert, Joost Luiten, Jean-Paul Strydom, Ryan Tipping and Borja Virto Astudillo were all then in the clubhouse alongside Fasth.

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