Wednesday 10 September 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Obama vows Syria air strikes to destroy Islamic State


WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday vowed to strike the Islamic State in Syria and to expand operations in Iraq, seizing command of an international coalition to destroy the jihadist army.Obama, who wants history to remember him as the president who ended a decade of foreign wars, launched a major new escalation in the Middle East, also pledging to bolster Iraqi forces and to increase military assistance to Syrias opposition.In a prime-time televised address, Obama said that IS, which has beheaded two US journalists and seized a swathe of land in Iraq and Syria, was a uniquely brutal group even by the blood-soaked standards of the Middle East.Our objective is clear: we will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy, Obama said, steeling his nation for a new foreign war.I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are.That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq, he said, using an alternative acronym for the self-declared Islamic State.This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.Seeking to preserve his doctrine of replacing strength-sapping wars with easily bogged down land armies, with limited but lethal arms length air warfare, Obama compared the new conflict to anti-terror operations in Somalia and Yemen.But he made clear in the somber, 14 minute address, that the new front against terrorism will not replicate the exhausting ground wars of the last decade.I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama said.It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil.US operations in Somalia and Yemen have largely used drone strikes and air raids, though US special forces did stage a raid in Somalia last year, which failed to snare its target a prominent Islamic militant.US officials declined to say when air strikes would start in Syria, or which particular IS targets would be in the crossfire.We are not to going telegraph our punches, one senior official said on condition of anonymity.The official also said that Obama would loosen the previous criteria for attacks on IS forces in Iraq, which were stipulated on the need to safeguard US diplomatic personnel and avert humanitarian tragedies.If there is an IS target in Iraq that we need to hit, we will hit it, the official said.The president also made clear that the burgeoning challenge of IS, which has carved out a haven in Iraq and Syria that has made national borders obsolete, had made him change his mind about arming Syrian opposition forces.He called on Congress to swiftly authorize an operation to train and equip moderate Syrian fighters, and officials. Saudi King Abdullah, to whom Obama spoke earlier on Wednesday, had promised to support the effort, officials said.We must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight, Obama said, warning that Washington would never work with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to combat IS, arguing he had lost legitimacy by waging a brutal civil war against his own people.Obama also urged lawmakers to swiftly approve a $500 million request for funding for the Syrian training mission which he first made in June.He said he believed he had the power to conduct the campaign against IS under existing anti-terror authorizations.Politically, Obamas address, on the poignant eve of the September 11 attacks in 2001, which pitched the United States into an unresolved confrontation with radical Islam, was an attempt to shore up his position after a few tricky weeks.Obamas admission last month that he didnt yet have a strategy to take on Islamic State in Syria exposed him to withering political attacks from his Republican foes.In this speech, in which he promised a steady, relentless combination of US air power and the work of foreign partners like the Iraqi government and the Kurds, he repeatedly used the word strategy.Speaking from the ceremonial State floor of the White House, looking directly into the camera, Obama said that his new strategy had only been possible because Iraqi politicians had converged and formed an inclusive government to unite the country and take on IS.He announced the dispatch of another 475 military personnel to help train Iraqi forces to take on the Islamic State.And he urged national unity and girded his countrymen for a new battle in the Middle East that could outlast his presidency.As Americans, we welcome our responsibility to lead. From Europe to Asia - from the far reaches of Africa to war-torn capitals of the Middle East - we stand for freedom, for justice, for dignity, he said.Tonight, I ask for your support in carrying that leadership forward.The president also insisted that America was not alone in its fight -- arguing that America will lead a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat.

Blasts kill 19 as Kerry visits Iraq capital


BAGHDAD (AFP) - Bomb attacks killed 19 people in Baghdad on Wednesday as US Secretary of State John Kerry visited the Iraqi capital for talks on combatting jihadists, officials said.They said a suicide car bombing followed by a car bomb struck near a police checkpoint in a crowded area of eastern Baghdad, also wounding at least 52 people.At least two of the dead were policemen. There was no immediate claim for the attack but suicide bombings are a hallmark of Sunni extremists, including those from the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group.IS-led militants overran swathes of Iraq in June, and security forces, Shiite militias and Kurdish fighters have been battling to regain ground.The US began an air campaign against IS in Iraq on August 8, mainly in support of Kurdish forces in the north, though American warplanes have also carried out limited strikes in Salaheddin and Anbar provinces.Kerrys previously unannounced visit in Baghdad was the first stop on a regional tour to build support for a new US strategy, which he has said will only work with the backing of the broadest possible coalition of partners around the globe.

Ukraine says Russia withdrawing, EU delays sanctions


KIEV (AFP) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Wednesday that Russia had withdrawn the bulk of its forces from his country and he pledged greater automony for the separatist east in moves that could help sustain a fragile truce.The pro-Western leaders comments were soon followed by a European Union decision to extend by another day a heated debate on unleashing new sanctions aimed at punishing Russia over what the West says is Moscows military aggression in the ex-Soviet state.Poroshenko said Fridays ceasefire -- the first backed by both Kiev and Moscow since the conflict erupted five months ago -- had dramatically improved security in the countrys war-ravaged industrial rustbelt.According to the latest information I received from our intelligence headquarters, 70 percent of Russias forces have been removed, the presidency website quoted Poroshenko as telling a cabinet meeting.This gives us hope that there are good prospects for the peace initiative.Moscow denies having deployed troops or weaponry across the border, and President Vladimir Putin dismissed the NATO claims as a reckless attempt to revive the Cold War-era security bloc.Poroshenko -- elected in May on a promise to crush the rebellion and preserve Ukraines unity -- also waded into explosive political territory by promising to submit a bill to parliament granting parts of the east temporary self-rule.But he stressed this did not mean that the rebel-held territories were slipping away from Kievs control.Ukraine will not make any concessions on issues of its territorial integrity, he said.The Kremlin has long sought to turn Ukraine into a loose federation in which the largely Russian-speaking Donetsk and Lugansk regions establish their own trade and diplomatic relations with Moscow.The number two in the separatist leadership of Donetsk said the vital industrial hub would seek outright independence in what promise to be arduous peace talks aimed at putting a durable end to a conflict that has frayed East-West ties.We are not considering remaining part of Ukraine, Andrei Purgin told AFP.The truce was signed after five months of warfare that has killed more than 2,700 people and forced at least half a million from their homes.Yet both sides have reported sporadic violations. Kiev said the lives of eight Ukrainian servicemen and one civilian had been lost since Friday.And one pro-Russian gunman outside the airport of the main rebel stronghold Donetsk openly scoffed at the idea of a truce.Heres your ceasefire, Dmitry said while pointing to the tail of an exploded mortar round. These little gifts arrived after the truce.The truce was announced just as the tide had shifted strongly in the insurgents favour on the eastern battlefields, prompting suggestions that Kiev had negotiated the deal from a position of weakness.NATO said last month that Russia had funnelled in at least 1,000 elite troops and heavy weapons to support a rebel counter-surge that led to the quick surrender of hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers and dramatically reversed their earlier gains.But Putin accused the US-led military bloc of making up the charges to support its decision to deploy a new force in eastern Europe and encroach on Russias western frontier.The crisis in Ukraine, which was basically provoked and created by some of our Western partners, is now being used to revive this military bloc (NATO), Putin was quoted as saying by Russias state-run RIA Novosti news agency.The EU decision to suspend debate until Thursday came after some members -- wary of further economic reprisals by Russia -- called for the measures to be imposed only on condition they could be scaled back quickly if the peace deal holds.An EU diplomatic source said the blocs 28 ambassadors agreed to continue todays discussion on the restrictive measures, allowing for further assessment of the situation on the ground and additional consultations.Sanctions were ratcheted up by Brussels and Washington after the July downing of a Malaysian jet over rebel-held territory that claimed 298 lives and raised concerns about Russias alleged military support for the revolt.A preliminary report by Dutch investigators Tuesday apportions no blame over the crash but appeared to back claims the plane was hit by a missile. Kiev and the United States believe it was blown out of the sky by a Russian-supplied ground-to-air system.Diplomats said the latest measures would restrict access to European capital markets for Russian state giants such as oil producer Rosneft and the tank maker Uralvagonzavod.But Russian parliament speaker Sergei Naryshkin warned starkly: As we have honestly warned our partners, the response will definitely come.

Judgement day for 'Blade Runner' Pistorius


PRETORIA (AFP) - Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius appears in court on Thursday to face judgement over the killing of his model girlfriend, ending a six-month trial that turned the amputees private life into a global spectacle.The 27-year-old celebrity athlete faces life behind bars -- and notoriety that would eclipse his athletic achievements -- if found guilty of deliberately killing lover Reeva Steenkamp on Valentines Day 2013. Judge Thokozile Masipas ruling, on charges of murder and three firearms offences, will likely be laid out in two days of careful legal argument and then a final verdict, perhaps on Friday.The high-drama, half-year trial has fed intense media interest worldwide, with live broadcasts veering into the realm of TV reality shows.Nearly 40 witnesses testified, including Pistorius, who broke down, weeping and at times vomiting as he heard how the 29-year-old blondes head exploded like a watermelon under the impact of his hollow-point bullet.Prosecutors described the double amputee as an egotistical liar obsessed with guns, fast cars and beautiful women, who was not prepared to take responsibility for his actions.The court heard transcripts of phone messages in which the pair argued, Steenkamp texting: Im scared of you sometimes, of how you snap at me.Defence lawyers sought to explain there are two Oscars -- a world-class athlete and a highly vulnerable individual with a serious disability who acted out of fear, not anger, when he fired the fatal shots.All the while his supportive sister and the implacable mother of the woman he killed looked on from the packed public gallery.At its heart, the trial is simple. Pistorius killed the law graduate when he fired four shots through a locked toilet door in his upmarket Pretoria home.The sprinter doesnt deny this. The only question is why he did it. He says he thought he was shooting at an intruder and that Steenkamp was safely in bed. The prosecution says he killed her in a fit of rage after an argument.The trial featured neighbours who testified to hearing female screams then gunshots, as well as defence experts who said this was impossible.Judge Masipa will begin proceedings by evaluating the evidence of each of the witnesses in turn, all the while careful to evoke strong case law and limit cause for appeal. She will then turn to her judgement.Unlike the trial of US football hero OJ Simpson, who was controversially acquitted by a jury, Masipa is assisted only by two assessors.She may decide that Pistorius is innocent, or that the state has not done enough to prove its case, resulting in an acquittal.But if she decides Pistorius deliberately murdered Steenkamp, he could face a life sentence, which in South Africa means 25 years in jail.Masipa could also decide that Pistorius did not kill her intentionally, but did act recklessly, opening the door to a lesser charge of culpable homicide, which could still carry a prison term.Any guilty verdict is unlikely to be the end of the matter.There will be more courtroom arguments before a sentence is handed down and, most likely, an appeal to a higher court.The trial is the first leg of a multi-legged legal process. Its just the beginning, said lawyer David Dadic.Whatever happens, Pistorius glittering sporting career is likely to be over. Once a poster boy for disabled sport, he has been stripped of lucrative endorsement deals by global brands and has withdrawn from all competition.

Ozone problem on course for fix by mid-century: UN


PARIS (AFP) - In some rare good news for the environment, the UN on Wednesday said Earths damaged ozone layer was well on track for recovery by mid-century, although fixing it over Antarctica would take longer.In their first review in four years on Earths vital shield, UN agencies said a 1987 treaty to protect the ozone layer was so successful it was indirectly adding to problems in another area -- global warming.Without the landmark Montreal Protocol, two million extra cases of skin cancer would have occurred each year by 2030 and levels of ozone-damaging compounds could have increased tenfold by 2050, the report said.The pact had also averted ultra-violet damage to human eyesight and to plants and animals, it said.The Earths protective ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said.Recovery to a benchmark level of 1980 is expected to occur before mid-century in mid-latitudes and the Arctic, and somewhat later for the Antarctic ozone hole, their report said, standing by estimates made in 2010.UNEP chief Achim Steiner hailed the Montreal Protocol, which set a timetable for scrapping chemicals that deplete the ozone, as one of the most successful environmental treaties in history.However, the challenges that we face are still huge. The success of the Montreal Protocol should encourage further action not only on the protection and recovery of the ozone layer but also on climate.Ozone is a three-atom molecule of oxygen. In the stratosphere, a layer of the atmosphere that lies at between 10 and 50 kilometres (six to 32 miles) in altitude, it is a natural shield for life on Earths surface.It filters out harmful ultra-violet light from the Sun that can cause sunburn, cataracts and skin cancer and damage vegetation.Its thinning -- the ozone hole -- is caused by extreme cold temperatures at high altitude but also by man-made chlorine compounds, such as coolants in air conditioners and refrigerators, insulation foams and propellants in hair sprays.Most of these substances, notably chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons, are being phased out on schedule under the Protocol, which has been ratified by all 197 UN members.Although it said the news for the ozone layer was generally good, the 110-page report, authored by 300 scientists, also warned of potential pitfalls.It pointed to an ozone-eroding compound, carbon tetrachloride, whose production continues to rise, even though it is covered by the treaty.Measured atmospheric levels of this substance are much larger than production and usage figures that countries have reported over the last decade, the report said.And it also pointed to man-made nitrous oxide (N2O) -- a precursor of an ozone-gobbling gas, nitric oxide (NO) -- which is not covered by the Protocol.N2O emissions mainly result from natural activity by soil bacteria, but around a third come from human activity, such as fertilisers, fossil fuels, livestock manure and industry.Tackling these emissions will become more important as CFC levels decline, the report said.Many CFCs are also greenhouse gases -- according to the report, action under the Protocol saved the equivalent about 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide annually in 2010.The problem is that industries have substituted CFCs for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which do not attack the ozone layer but can also be powerful trappers of solar heat.At present, HFC emissions are the equivalent of about 500 million tonnes per year of carbon dioxide.But they are rising at a rate of about seven percent per year, and could reach up to 8.8 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent annually by 2050, close to that of the peak of 9.5 billion tonnes reached by CFCs in the late 1980s. Safer substitutes that are less effective greenhouse gases do exist. Bringing these into production would essentially wipe out HFCs contribution to climate change, the UN experts said.International action on the ozone layer is a major environmental success story, said Michel Jarraud, the WMOs secretary general.This should encourage us to discourage us to display the same level of urgency and unity to tackle the even greater challenge of climate change.

Scientists: 'Extreme' solar storm heading to Earth


WASHINGTON (AP) - An extreme solar flare is blasting its way to Earth and could mess up some power grids, satellites and radio transmissions, scientists say.Its been several years since Earth has had a solar storm of this size coming from sunspots smack in the middle of the sun, said Tom Berger, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.Solar storms happen often, especially during peaks in the solar cycle, and dont directly harm people. But what makes this one more worrisome is its location on the sun along with its strength, he said.Theres been a giant magnetic explosion on the sun, Berger said. Because its pointed right at us, well at least catch some of the cloud of highly energized and magnetized plasma that can disrupt Earths magnetic sphere, which sometimes leads to temporary power grid problems.Forecasters dont yet know when Wednesdays solar storm will arrive here and which part of the planet will be facing the sun and bear the brunt of the effects. It could arrive as early as Thursday morning or may take a few days.Berger said scientists will have a better idea after they get more satellite data. The first part of the storm, which arrives in only a few minutes, has already affected radio transmissions. It can also damage satellites.The flare is considered extreme on forecasters scale, but just barely so, Berger said.On the plus side, sun flares expand the colorful northern lights so people farther south can see them.

Oil prices fall on OPEC forecast, US supplies


NEW YORK (AFP) - World oil prices dropped Wednesday after OPEC trimmed its oil demand growth forecast and a US supply report showed surprisingly high inventories.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for October delivery declined $1.08 to $91.67 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, its lowest closing price since January.European benchmark Brent oil for October delivery fell $1.12 to $98.04 a barrel on the Intercontinental Exchange in London. The Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) revised down slightly its global oil demand growth forecasts for both 2014 and 2015.The 12-nation cartel said in a monthly report that oil demand was set to grow by 1.05 million barrels per day in 2014 to 91.2 million barrels a day, trimming 50,000 barrels from the previous growth outlook. Demand in 2015 is expected to grow by 1.19 million barrels per day, 20,000 barrels a day less than before.The OPEC forecast dented the already bearish sentiment and caused the price of Brent to move further below the psychological $100 mark, said analyst Fawad Razaqzada.US crude inventories declined by 1.0 million barrels for the week ending September 5, less than the 1.2 million drop projected by analysts in a Wall Street Journal survey.The EIA report also showed higher-than-expected inventories of gasoline and distillates.Crude inventories dropped but not as much as people thought, said Bart Melek, head of commodity strategy at TD Securities. Melek also said investors see a little bit less risk to supply on the geopolitical front, with markets becoming more accustomed to politically-fraught situations in Ukraine and Iraq.Also Wednesday, Libyan officials gave a bullish outlook for oil production, despite ongoing strife in the country. Oil output in the North African country had reached 810,000 barrels per day by Wednesday, compared with 550,000 at the end of August and 200,000 at the beginning of the summer, said National Oil Co spokesman Mohamed al-Hrari.Libya expects to reach 1.5 million barrels per day by the end of 2014, al-Hrari said.

British pound rallies on Carney comments, Scotland poll


NEW YORK (AFP) - The British pound rallied against major currencies Wednesday as the Bank of England governor discussed raising interest rates within months and a poll showed lower support for Scottish independence.Mark Carney, addressing union leaders, said the central bank could raise its main interest rate from a record-low level in early 2015, citing the countrys solid economic recovery.You can expect interest rates to begin to increase, Carney said, adding that the banks forecasts show that hiking rates by the spring of 2015 would allow it to meet its jobs growth and inflation targets.Meanwhile, a new poll showed a slim majority of Scottish voters opposed to leaving the United Kingdom in next weeks referendum.That was a reversal from a poll Sunday that showed majority support for independence, sending shockwaves through British political and business circles.A yes vote would open the door for long, complicated negotiations on how the closely linked economies would be disentwined, including the fate of the pound as Scotlands currency.The implications of a Yes vote would be huge, and are magnified by the sense of institutional unpreparedness for the shift, said Deutsche Bank foreign exchange strategist Oliver Harvey.

Saqlain to help Ajmal correct illegal action


KARACHI (AFP) - Former Pakistan off-spinner Saqlain Mushtaq will help countryman Saeed Ajmal correct his bowling action which led to his suspension from international cricket, he confirmed Wednesday.Saqlain, 37, invented the doosra, a delivery which turns away from the batsman as opposed to conventional off-spin.It is widely believed that bowlers who bowl the doosra bend their arm more than the allowed 15 degree, though Saqlain himself was not accused of chucking during his career.We are in contact with Saqlain and are in the process of negotiating the contract with him to help Ajmal on his action, said a Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) spokesman.Saqlain, who took 208 Test and 288 one-day wickets in an illustrious career that included a long stint at Surrey, confirmed he would help.Yes, I am ready to help and I am in contact to work out modalities of my travel to Pakistan, Saqlain told AFP from London. The International Cricket Council (ICC) Tuesday said Ajmal would be suspended from international cricket after a biomechanical analysis of his action in Brisbane found his bowling arm flex was more than the 15 degrees allowed.His action was reported during Galle last months Test against Sri Lanka.The PCB initially said it would appeal against the suspension but later changed its stance and asked its committee on illegal bowling action to assess the report.The committee has recommended that Saqlain must be requested to help Ajmal.As per ICC rules Ajmal will remain suspended until remedial work on his action after which he can apply for a reassessment.But if reported again within two years, Ajmal would be banned for a year.Ajmals suspension has dented Pakistans hopes for next months limited overs and Test series against Australia in the United Arab Emirates next month and more importantly in next years World Cup.The PCB meanwhile has stopped Ajmal from speaking to the media.I shall wait for the outcome of deliberations and verdict of Pakistan Cricket Boards Illegal Bowling Action Committee and until that process is complete, I shall not be making any further comments on the subject, Ajmal was quoted in a PCB release as saying.

66th death anniversary is being Quaid-i-Azam today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The 66th death anniversary of the founder of Pakistan‚ Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is being observed throughout the country today (Thursday) with reverence and honour.Different sittings of Quran Khawani would also be held on this occasion countrywide including the one at the mausoleum of the Quaid in Karachi. Political personalities, armed forces, officials, and citizens would visit the shrine of the great leader. Several public and private organizations and educational institutions have also scheduled functions to highlight different aspects of the life of Quaid-e-Azam who united the Muslims of the Sub-continent for acquiring a separate homeland.The founder of Pakistan was born on 25 December 1876 in Karachi. Under his leadership Muslims of Sub-continent struggled for the establishment of Pakistan. He was the first governor general of Pakistan, and remained on the post till he died.

Flood continues destruction, uproots settlements, destroys crops


LAHORE (Dunya News) – The destruction of flood is continued in various areas of Punjab but more destruction was averted by rescuing Jhang city by creating breaches at Athara Hazari dykes, Dunya News reported.Enraged waves of river Chenab have continued to cause devastation. Water level at Trimmu Headworks had been rising constantly. All the nearby villages have therefore been evacuated. The administration has therefore burst the Athara Hazari embankment today.After Trimmu Headworks the water torrent would direct itself towards Punjnad whereas water level is rising continuously at Head Muhammad Wala in Multan.In order to save Multan city from destruction, measures have been taken to breach Muhammad Wala and Sher Shah embankments. Rupture of the protective embankment at Wajhalna caused the water torrent to enter in Bakkar Road, Purana Bypass and Maulana area.Moreover, flood in river Jehlum is to cause dozens of villages in Khushab to submerge and large amount water entered the nearby settlements due to high-flood in river Ravi.Administration in Kasur, Pakpattan and Vehari has been alarmed in the wake of high waves in river Sutlej.Earlier, a massive torrent of 810,000 cusecs water in River Chenab is heading towards Head Trimmu after devastating Marala, Khanki and Qadirabad areas.As per details, various districts including Sargodha, Khushab, Jhang and Toba Tek Singh are likely to be hit by flood. Authorities have decided to burst Athara Hazari dyke near Head Trimmu due to exceeding water level.Flood situation would persist at Head Trimmu till September 12.On the other hand, water inflow in River Jhelum at Mangla is 80,000 cusecs while outflow is 54,864 cusecs. Head Rasool is receiving 74,488 cusecs of water while 71,788 cusecs water is being released.Water level in river Ravi and river Sutlej has also increased after India released more water due to heavy monsoon downpours.Water inflow in River Ravi at Head Baloki is 131,800 cusecs and outflow is 118,000 cusecs. Water inflow at Head Sidhnai isi 24,332 and outflow is 11,632 cusecs. Water flow in River Ravi at Daad Baloch is 125,000 cusecs.In River Sutlej, Head Sulemanki is receiving 21,060 cusecs water while 15,848 cusecs of water is being released. Water inflow and outflow at Head Sifen was recorded at 15,531 cusecs while water level is increasing at Head Islam as well.Spillways at Raval Dam have been opened due to increasing water level.

Nine including Mufti Naeem's son-in-law killed in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Jamia Binoria SITE’s Superintendent Mufti Naeem’s son-in-law Maulana Masood along with nine other citizens were killed in various incidents of violence here on Wednesday, Dunya news reported.The reportedly sectarianism related target killing saw a rise on Wednesday as at least nine persons including two brothers and Mufti Naeem’s son-in-law Maulana Masood.According to details, armed riders gunned Maulana Masood down. The police said the gun was fired at Masood’s car directly.In another incident, three individuals including two brothers were shot dead at a milk shop near Korangi 5. The police identified the victims as Arshad and Irfan who were the owners of the shop whereas the third victim identified as Saleem was an employee.Inspector General (IG) Sindh visited the attack site along with the Additional IG.In another incident, a man was shot dead. The victim was later identified as Salman Kazmi who was coordinator of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Haider Abbas Rizvi.Another incident took place where unidentified gunmen killed one Malik Imran. Another man was gunned down, while another injured in Lyari Chakyara area of Karachi.Other victims of the incidents of violence in the metropolis were identified as Qasim Raza and Ziauddin.Karachi: Pillion ridding banned for 9 daysA ban on pillion riding has been imposed in Karachi on Wednesday following the sudden rise in the target killing incidents over the past few weeks. The Interior Ministry of Sindh has ordered to impose a ban on pillion riding in Karachi till September 19 after several target killing incidents have been reported in the city. The ban will be effective from 12am today (Thursday) and will continue till September 19.Additional General Inspector (AIG) Ghulam Qadir Thebo has written a letter to Interior Ministry to inform that the target killings have been carried out by unknown armed men riding on bikes after which decision was taken to impose a ban for 9 days.The announcement came after the recent incident of killing of a religious cleric Maulana Masood who was associated with Jamia Binoria. An unidentified man opened gunshots as his car approached Haideri Market in Karachi.According to the sources there were two motorcyclists and four other suspects.All the shops and business in Haideri area has been suspended and the traffic is jammed.The deceased was the son-in-law of religious scholar Mufti Naeem.Earlier, Ali Akbar Kumaili the son of Allama Abbas Kumaili and his friend were gunned down in Bhangoria Goth near Azizabad area of the city on Saturday.

Govt, PTI dialogue entered final round: Ishaq Dar


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Wednesday said that the dialogue between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and the government have entered the final round whereas PTI vice chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the next round is extremely sensitive phase requiring more sensitivity, Dunya News reported.The negotiation round between the government and PTI took place at the residence of PTI leader Jahangir Tareen.In the fourteenth phase, the government committee presented its point of view about the terms of reference of formation of the judicial commission to investigate the alleged rigging in election and Prime Minister’s resignation.The government committee presented its response in writing to the PTI committee. Reportedly, all parliamentary leaders were taken into confidence over the response presented to the PTI.Addressing the media after the meeting, Ishaq Dar said that the negotiations have entered in the final round, urging that the dialogue should be advanced through dialogue.Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the dialogue has entered an extremely sensitive phase and that the stakeholders will have to demonstrate more responsibility than ever.

Govt denies Imran Khan's allegations about TCP borrowing, vows to pursue Khan legally


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The government spokesperson on Wednesday denied Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan’s allegations regarding Sharif brothers’ alleged borrowing from Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP), Dunya News reported.In a statement issued by the government spokesperson, it was said that the allegations leveled by Imran Khan are baseless and that Sharif family never carried out any business activity with the TCP. The statement alleged that the biggest contractor of the TCP was PTI leader Jahangir Tareen.The government spokesperson warned that the government intends to pursue PTI chief Imran Khan legally.Earlier, alleging Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and family of corruption, Khan said that sugar mills owned by Sharifs loaned Rs 281 crore owed from the Trading Corporation of Pakistan but never repaid.

Sugar mills owned by Sharif bros owe TCP 281 crore, Imran Khan alleges


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan said on Wednesday that his party’s struggle is a battle between the oppressed and oppressor and not for power, Dunya News reported.Addressing ‘Azadi March’ participants, Khan said that PTI’s movement is for the weak and the oppressed. He said the struggle is against the oppressors sitting in the parliament.He said his party is fighting for people’s rights, and that hurting anyone is not their intention.Alleging Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and family of corruption, Khan said that sugar mills owned by Sharifs loaned Rs 281 crore owed from the Trading Corporation of Pakistan but never repaid.Reiterating his call for civil disobedience, he urged people not to pay electricity bills, adding that the ‘corrupt’ rulers will raise the prices of electricity anyway.PTI to observe One Nation Day on Sep 13PTI chief Imran Khan on Wednesday decided to mark one month of ‘Azadi March’ sit-in protest by observing ‘One Nation Day’ on September 13, Dunya News reported.PTI’s core committee meeting took place at his container at D-Chowk in which PTI leaders Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Jahangir Tareen, Shireen Mazari and other leaders participated.According to sources, Imran Khan is firm on his demand of Prime Minister’s resignation and it was unanimously decided in the core committee’s session that no term other than Prime Minister’s resignation will be negotiated.The core committee decided to observe ‘One Nation Day’ to mark 30 days of the ‘Azadi March’ sit-in protest with full fervour.The task to transport participants from the whole country was also assigned to the organization.The sources said that Imran Khan is due to make important announcements on September 13. The PTI organizations have also been directed to fully participate in flood relief activities in Punjab and Sindh.

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