Saturday 6 September 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

NA128 inquiry report: 30472 votes bogus, no record of another 21493 votes


LAHORE (Dunya News) – The winning candidate of Lahore’s electoral constituency NA 128, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz’s (PML-N) Malik Afzal Khokhar on Saturday expressed lack of confidence on the election tribunal judge as the inquiry committee found against the winning candidate, Dunya News reported.The inquiry committee had termed 30,472 votes bogus and revealed that there’s no record of another 21,493 votes in the constituency.The petition was brought by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) candidate Karamat Khokhar before the Election Tribunal headed by Judge Kazim Malik.The inquiry commission submitted its findings upon order from the Honourable Judge and revealed its finding before the tribunal.The returning officer had reportedly recorded an additional number of 30,472 votes in favour of the winning candidate.Furthermore, Patwari Raheel Asghar was appointed as Presiding Officer at the Polling Station number 11 of the constituency where no record of ballots was found.The winning candidate has expressed lack of confidence on the inquiry’s judge and has requested transfer of case to another tribunal which resulted in delaying of verdict.

Rulers are holding millions of people hostage: Tahirul Qadri


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr. Tahirul Qadri has said that he wants to make Pakistan to be the greatest of great countries. He said that the rulers have held millions of Pakistan hostage. “We shall not return without revolution”, said Tahirul Qadri.Speaking to the participants of the sit-in today (Saturday) in Islamabad, Tahirul Qadri said that despite being a free country, people of Pakistan never got the economic and social freedom. He said that national assets were looted throughout Pakistan’s history. National wealth was spent by the rulers on their own luxuries, said Qadri.Dr. Qadri said that the ‘revolution march’ has woken up the nation. “I gave up on my ease for the sake of the nation’s future”, PAT chief said. He added, “I was called a rebellion in the Parliament but still we shall not return without revolution”. Qadri said that the current Parliament did not consist of public representatives. It was families’ parliament.

Plan-D to topple govt also failed: Aitzaz Ahsan


LAHORE: (Dunya News, Web Desk) – Leader of the Opposition in Senate Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan has said that after his reconciliation with Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, the Plan-D to topple the government has also failed.Talking to Kamran Shahid on Dunya News today (Saturday), Aitzaz Ahsan praised Chaudhry Nisar saying that Interior Minister’s indulgence was a step towards betterment. Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan said that he would have never made that speech in Parliament if corruption allegations were not made at him.“Plan-A failed when the protesters were unable to bring 1 million people to Islamabad”, said Aitzaz. He further said, “Plan-B was to hold the sit-in at Red Zone. Government’s patience failed this plan too. Attack on the Prime Minister House and Parliament House was Plan-C which failed due to the joint session of Parliament”. “We are going through Plan-D but after Chaudhry Nisar’s reconciliation with me, this plan has also failed”, former Interior Minister said.Aitzaz said that he can never support the politics of sticks and stones. He, however, praised Pakistan tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan for spreading his message to each and every house of the country which was a huge victory. He said that Imran Khan should now show some patience.“I will continue to criticize the government being the Leader of the Opposition in Senate”, said Aitzaz Ahsan.

Imran Khan announces to take PM to Supreme Court for 'lying' in Parliament


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Saturday announced he will take Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Supreme Court for allegedly lying in the parliament, Dunya News reported.Addressing the ‘Azadi March’ participants, Khan said that no one should get the wrong impression, protesters won’t leave without Prime Minister’s resignation.PTI chief strongly condemned the target killing of Ali Akbar Kumaili, the son of renowned religious scholar Allama Abbas Kumaili. He said that the target killing is part of the greater ‘international conspiracy’ to cause sectarian violence in Pakistan.

Asif Zardari decides to activate PPP in Punjab


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Former President Asif Ali Zardari has decided to get politically active in Punjab. Co-Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) phoned President PPP Punjab Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo and directed him to set up relief camps for the flood affected people.Expressing grief over the devastations by flood in Punjab, Asif Ali Zardari asked the directed the members of the party, MNAs, MPAs and ticket-holders to help the affected people.While meeting the PPP leaders, Asif Zardari decided to visit Lahore in order to activate the party. He will arrive in Lahore during the second or third week of September. He asked the PPP office-bearers in Punjab to form a possible schedule of his activities in Punjab.

Allama Abbas Kumaili's son, friend shot dead in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Ali Akbar, the son of renowned religious scholar Allama Abbas Kumaili and his friend identified as Chaman were gunned down on Saturday at Azizabad area of Karachi, Dunya News reported.According to details, Akbar received at least three bullets and succumbed to injuries at Ziauddin Hospital.The Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ibad took notice of the incident and ordered Inspector General (IG) Sindh to investigate and arrest the culprits.The religious body belonging to the Jaffariya jurisprudence, Markazi Tanzim-e-Aza announced a three days mourning following the incident.

Defence Day: MQM urges PTI, PAT to postpone protests


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Raabta Committee on Saturday urged Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) to ‘immediately’ end the sit-in protests owing to the Defence Day of Pakistan, Dunya News reported.According to details, Raabta Committee said that the country is going through an extremely fragile phase along with the internal and external conspiracies right now.In a joint-statement, Raabta Committee paid rich tributes from the whole nation to the armed forces’ chiefs, officers and other personnel for their bravery.The committee said that the Pakistan armed forces are fighting a critical battle in North Waziristan for the sake of country’s security and existence in which officers are embracing martyrdom.They said that the whole nation not only stands by the army but also presents rich tributes to the martyred army men.Raabta committee urged PTI and PAT to postpone their sit-in protests in solidarity with the armed forces of Pakistan.

Tahirul Qadri's statement on rise in foreign loans baseless: Ishaq Dar


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has termed the allegation by Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr. Tahirul Qadri about 5500 billion dollars increase in Pakistan’s foreign loans as baseless. He said that the allegation was false and baseless. He said that the government was rather trying to bring the high interest rates on foreign loans down.Responding to Tahirul Qadri’s allegation today (Saturday), Ishaq Dar said that it was baseless to say that there was increase in Pakistan’s foreign loans worth 550 billion dollars since the current government took over. He told that the volume of foreign loans at the time of government takeover was Rs. 14,500 billion while there was no serious increase in the loans during last one year. He said that the government was pursuing a policy of bringing the high interest rates down on foreign loans.Earlier, a meeting to examine the progress on the Diamir-Bhasha Dam was presided over by the Finance Minister. Ishaq Dar informed that the government will start work on both Diamir-Bhasha and Dasu dams.Ishaq Dar directed the Ministry of Water and Power to expedite work on new hydel power policy so that foreign investors can be charmed into investing on these projects. He told that the expensive thermal production will be minimized gradually.

Most of North Waziristan areas free from terrorists: Army Chief


NORTH WAZIRISTAN (Dunya News) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif said on Saturday that Pakistan was freed with the help from tribals, adding that North Waziristan will also be freed from terrorists with their help. Army Chief hoped to be hosted by tribals after they are settled back to their areas, Dunya News reported.General Raheel reached North Waziristan on the occasion of Pakistan’s Defence Day and celebrated the event with the army men busy in the ongoing military operation Zarb-e-Azb against the terrorists.Army Chief reached Bakka Khail camp of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Bannu where he met the tribal elders.Addressing the affectees, General Raheel said that Pakistan was freed with the active help of tribals and that tribals will help free North Waziristan of terrorists today.He said that most of the areas in North Waziristan have been cleansed of the terrorists and that a few of the remaining areas will be cleared soon.

Take Aitzaz Ahsan's allegations as FIR: Chaudhry Nisar


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has said that he has decided to forgive Aitzaz Ahsan for his words but that does not satisfy him. He said that he would take Aitzaz Ahsan’s allegations as an FIR against him and asked him to name any of the respected judges in Pakistan. He demanded formation of a one-member, two-member or three-member commission to probe into Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader’s allegations.Holding a press conference today (Saturday) in Islamabad, Chaudhry Nisar said that the allegations were made on him out of context and outside parliament. He said that he had just answered the allegations outside the Parliament. He said that instead of keeping the debate outside the parliament, it was brought into the house and hijacked the most important parliamentary session of Pakistan’s history.Nisar said that he was not given a chance to respond to the allegations made on him, his family and his late brother in the Parliament House. He said that an attack was made on him without a reason and it was his right to answer the allegation.“I am the biggest critique of Nawaz Sharif on his face and his biggest defender on his back”, Nisar said. He said that he has remained loyal with only one party ever since he joined politics. “I act according to my conscience and do politics only to gain respect”, Nisar added.

Bermuda's disappearing Bermuda triangle


BERMUDA: (AFP) - The first thing you notice as you sail into Bermuda’s Bermuda Triangle is that it has disappeared. Peruse the labyrinths of gift shops in quaint Saint George and you encounter nary a triangle-themed T-shirt.Perhaps merchandizing something which makes other things vanish is just too challenging, but I was surprised. After all, other than those long shorts, the sinister triangle is tiny Bermuda’s only other undisputed claim to world fame.“No, no, nothing like that,” said the woman in the Saint George tourist office, when I asked if there was a Bermuda Triangle exhibit I could visit after arriving here without incident from New York on my sailing boat “Moon River.”“No. You definitely should write a letter to the museum,” said the local yacht scene’s fixer extraordinaire, known to all as “Mama.”“No, because it’s rubbish,” sniffed a man (wearing Bermuda shorts) who overheard our exchange.Actually, it turns out there is a Bermuda Triangle exhibit in a corner of the excellent Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute museum in Hamilton. But the general lack of interest here in the Bermuda Triangle reflects big changes in the world since the phenomenon’s popularity peaked in the 1970sIn case you find yourself drifting in these parts, here’s the scoop. Stretch lines between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico, and you have an area that has seen untold numbers of sinkings and disappearances. It’s also true that some of these accidents were definitely odd. The famous vanishing of five planes from the US Navy’s Flight 19 – and then the plane sent to find them -- in 1945, plus numerous vessels found floating at sea over the years with no crew or sign of struggle, could add up to a spooky picture.Or not. Triangle enthusiasts posit that everything from magnetic disturbances to time warps and death rays shooting from the sea floor are to blame. An equally dramatic, if more sober, theory claims eruptions of undersea methane abruptly turn the sky and sea into giant sinkholes, swallowing anything unlucky enough to be passing through. But skeptics have no problem finding alternative explanations, the simplest being that these waters have long been heavily traveled and so, logically, are bound to witness many a sinking and plane crash. Told about the high incidence of complete disappearances, the doubters just roll their eyes: the ocean here is many miles deep, so what would you expect?Mass access to accurate navigational equipment has sharply tilted the argument in favor of the sneerers. Back in the ‘70s there might be a good deal of educated guesswork in determining your position at sea or in the sky. Armed with today’s GPS chartplotter, the most unskilled operator can find out instantly where he is, how fast he’s going, how far it is to port, and whether current or wind is carrying him astray. Pick up the satellite phone and he can call for help. In fact, a certain type of modern sailor may be so busy staring at various screens and gadgets that he wouldn’t notice if the Lost City of Atlantis rose up on his starboard bow.But even if today’s souvenir vendors, tourist agents, and paperback novelists turn their noses up at the notion of something weird going on, people with deep connections to the sea are more open-minded. Take Bermudan anthropologist Philippe Rouja. He has the cool title of Custodian of Historic Wrecks, a sort of minister for the more than 200 ships littering Bermuda’s reefs. Not that he thinks these ships were doomed by some supernatural force. Most ran aground simply because their captains, using Bermuda as a precious landmark on the long Atlantic crossings, failed to avoid the coral heads extending just under water for miles beyond the visible shore.On the other hand, Rouja, a lifelong scuba diver, knows very well that powerful, uncharted – impossible to chart – forces lurk in these turquoise waters.After all, this is an island whose national emblem is a ship on the rocks, recalling the accidental first arrival of English sailors – the country’s founders -- in 1609.“There are no predictable currents here in Bermuda,” he said, while showing me a sunken 17th century cannon being restored at a warehouse in a disused US naval base, itself once housing top-secret Cold War programs. “And there are a couple spots, places where your compass goes astray. There are two places where this year my compass has literally been spinning.”Another Bermudian intimate with the ocean depths is Chris Flook, formerly collector of specimens for the island’s aquarium and now working with the Pew Environmental Group to protect the Atlantic’s beautiful and bizarre Sargasso Sea region from overfishing and pollution. As it happens, the Sargasso was also a precursor to the Bermuda Triangle, with tales of sailing ships trapped for eternity in floating weed, rather than the jet age version of vanishing airplanes.Flook, sporting a small hammerhead shark tattoo on his ankle, agrees that modern communications have removed a lot of the doubt that once plagued sailors -- and stirred legends. But the sea, especially around Bermuda and the Gulf Stream, has a mind of its own, he says, producing “white squalls,” the intense storms that can blow from a clear sky and plunge a well-found boat into sudden trouble.What’s really amazing, though, Flook says, are the seemingly ordinary fish that swim around us, that end up on our plates and that in our ignorance we take entirely for granted – fish like the wrasse, that magically switches shape, color and even sex, or simply the larvae that drift from reefs to the open ocean, before growing into mature fish and finding their way back to their coral homes to continue the cycle.Flook’s point is this: spend time at sea and you realize there’s no triangle big enough to contain its mysteries.“And we humans think we’re so smart because we can do this,” Flook says, pretending to push a button.

Riddle of bulging Moon solved at last


Far from being perfectly round, the Moon has a weird shape, with a highland bulge on the side facing the Earth and another bulge on its far side -- a riddle that has fascinated scientists for decades.In theory, the Moon should be a nice sphere, sculpted by rotational forces since its creation some 4.4 billion years ago.That round shape is indeed comfortingly familiar to us on Earth when we look at a full Moon.But if we could see the Moon from a different angle, it would look very slightly like a lemon, say astronomers.Those giant bulges on its topography would form nubbly tips, aligned in an axis towards Earth.How did they get there?The answer, according to research published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, lies in mighty gravitational forces exerted by Earth during the Moon s super-heated infancy.Believed to be the result of an impact between a roving Mars-size planet and Earth, the Moon was initially a molten lump of rock before it started to cool and solidify.In the same way that lunar gravity causes sea tides, Earth -- with six times more mass than the Moon -- exerted powerful tides on its newborn satellite during this critical period.It squeezed and stretched the Moon, a flexing process that generated heat through friction, thus warming the semi-fluid body at a time when its surface was also cooling.The heat from this dynamic process was not distributed universally, and the outcome had consequences for how the lunar crust formed.Early tides heated the Moon s crust in different places, and those differences in heating in different areas gave the Moon most of its shape, explained Ian Garrick-Bethell, an astrophysicist at the University of California at Santa Cruz.Later on, those tides warped the outside of the Moon while it was cooling, and it froze in that warped shape, Garrick-Bethell said in an email exchange with AFP.It also froze in a little bit of its rotational shape at the same time.The tidal forces gave the Moon a slight lemon shape that became locked in after its crust cooled, according to the researchers.- Lunar shape -The Moon s asymmetrical shape may be the key to understanding some of the unusual geological events that followed, Garrick-Bethell said.For example, only one side of the Moon has extensive volcanic plains known as maria, he said.Those are the dark parts of the Moon when you look at it at night. The other side, which you can t see without flying over it in a spacecraft, is largely devoid of such volcanism.Inspiration for the team s attempt to solve the lunar dilemma came from Europa, a moon of Jupiter which is believed to have a shell of ice on top of a layer of liquid water.Jupiter s tides flex the ice shell of Europa, and cause heating in it, sculpting its shape, said Garrick-Bethell.Long ago, the Moon was similar: it had a layer of rock floating on top of a layer of liquid rock. The strong, early tides from the Earth flexed this floating shell, heated it and sculpted its shape.An essential part of modelling the Moon s shape was to analyse the body without its gigantic basins and craters -- impacts from gargantuan rocks in its youth that flung lots of crustal material around.The craters have long complicated efforts to explain the Moon s shape.But, said Garrick-Bethell, they could be stripped out of the calculations about the shape, because they were created after the cooling and solidification.

Dengue infects 25 people in Punjab


Dengue fever has infected seven more in Punjab during the last 24 hours, taking the total to 25. Executive District Officer (EDO) Health Sialkot has been suspended over negligence. Number of dengue patients is continuously on the rise in Punjab as seven more Dengue patients were reported yesterday (Friday). Four belonged to Lahore while three cases were reported in Rawalpindi. The cumulative figure has now reached 25.Punjab Health Department has suspended EDO Health Sialkot Dr Zia-ul-Hassan for negligence. According to the department, recent torrential rains could further aggravate the already worsening situation. Department affirmed that the government is trying its best to control dengue fever but insisted that citizens should play their part as well.

Ch Nisar meets PM, insists to respond to Aitzaz


ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - In a meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the PM House, Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar insisted to hold press conference today (Saturday) to respond to PPP leaderAitzaz Ahsans speech, Dunya News reported. According to sources, PM Nawaz believed that the press conference could trigger angry reaction from the opposition parties amid present political turmoil and may instigate Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) to walk out of the joint session of parliament. At the moment, all political parties need to stand together to defend democracy, the Prime Minister remarked. The Interior Minister presented several complaints to PM Nawaz, stating that earlier he was allowed to hold the press conference and now he is being advised not to go for it. Chaudhry Nisar insisted to hold presser to respond to Aitzaz’s accusations, which he leveled against him and his brother during yesterday’s speech in the National Assembly, sources told. ‘Aitzaz Ahsan targeted me under a well-thought-out plan,’ the Interior Minister added. PM Nawaz and Ch Nisar discussed country’s prevailing political and security situation as well.

French president in trouble, in public and private


PARIS (AP) -Things can't get much worse for French President Francois Hollande: The economy is lagging; his new government is already under fire; and his private life has just been exposed in a ravaging book by the former first lady.Adding to his concerns is the possibility that his chief rival conservative Nicolas Sarkozy will launch a political comeback this weekend.The developments have helped push Hollande's popularity to new record lows. Three polls released in recent days show that he has lower approval ratings than every other French president in modern times.This week, ex-partner Valerie Trierweiler described Hollande as a mean liar in a book released seven months after they broke up, amid reports that he was having an affair with French actress Julie Gayet.Not only did Trierweiler spread intimate details of Hollande's infidelities, but she also depicted the Socialist leader as someone who despises the poor a grave political sin for a left-wing leader who won election in 2012 on promises of social justice.According to Trierweiler, Hollande once disdainfully referred to the poor as those with no teeth a reference to people who can't afford dental care.The expression shocked many and immediately became the top hashtag on Twitter in France, seized upon by Hollande's critics. Some right-wing activists dubbing themselves the no teeth movement held a small protest near the Elysee Palace on Friday evening.A visibly indignant Hollande defended himself at a news conference, insisting that serving the poor is his reason for being.This new political storm comes just days after Hollande appointed a new Cabinet to silence ministers who had openly criticized his economic policy, and to send a pro-business signal to the European Union.But with unemployment over 10 percent and no economic growth, the new government had no grace period.A remark by new Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron that he would be open to rethinking France's 35-hour workweek caused big uproar in the French left.A few days later, Labor Minister Francois Rebsamen said he wanted the country's unemployment services to better monitor jobseekers causing uproar among unions.And then Thursday, a junior minister of the new Cabinet, Thomas Thevenoud, was forced to quit because of problems with tax authorities, according to the prime minister's office.Even once-popular Prime Minister Manuel Valls has seen his approval rating plummet to around 30 percent in recent weeks. He faces a confidence vote Sept. 16 at which dozens of Socialist parliament members who disapprove of Hollande's spending cuts could try to spread rebellion among leftist ranks.Far right leader Marine Le Pen asked for dissolution of Parliament to organize new elections.Another threat may come from the mainstream conservatives, meeting this weekend in Nice after a couple of years of division and tumult. Many are hoping that Sarkozy announces his candidacy for the party's top job, a first step toward a potential bid to regain the presidency in 2017 after losing it to Hollande in 2012.Hollande insisted Friday he wouldn't let the avalanche of bad news get him down.I've been elected for 5 years by the French people. There is no poll... that may interrupt (my) term.Emmanuel Riviere of the TNS-Sofres polling agency linked Hollande's unpopularity to larger malaise.France has difficulties projecting into the future, and has doubts about collective mechanisms that made France's greatness in the past years. And this lost confidence applies to the political class in general, he said. Not one party has more than 30 percent of confidence. This is historic. It has never been seen before.

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