Thursday 11 September 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Syrian regime air raids kill 28: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - Air strikes by Syrian warplanes killed at least 28 people Thursday, including 11 civilians in a raid on Islamic State (IS) jihadists, a monitoring group said.Warplanes carried out six raids on Thursday against Al-Bab in the north of the country, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Eleven people were killed, including women and children, and 17 were wounded when fighters (jets) fired rockets into a crowded area near a market in the town, southeast of Aleppo city.IS has been pulling fighters out of the area, with some of its commanders saying the move was in case of Syrian army bombardment and possible American air strikes.US President Barack Obama said Wednesday he had ordered the American military to expand its operations against IS, which has seized a swathe of Iraq and Syria and committed horrifying atrocities.Our objective is clear: we will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy, Obama said, using an alternative acronym for the group.I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq.Elsewhere Thursday, air strikes on rebel-held Douma near Damascus killed 17 people, including four children, Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.Douma, north of the capital, has been under siege for more than a year.Fighting at Marea north of Aleppo Thursday killed four rebels from a group holding the area and 11 IS fighters seeking to seize it, the Observatory said.And in the central province of Hama, the Observatory said regime forces supported by Iranian officers retook a large part of the Halfaya area from rebels and jihadists of the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front.

Qaeda-linked Syria rebels release Fijian peacekeepers


GOLAN HEIGHTS (AFP) - Al-Qaeda linked rebels in Syria on Thursday released a group of 45 Fijian UN peacekeepers they kidnapped two weeks ago in the Golan Heights, a UN spokesman said.The peacekeepers, snatched from Quneitra on the Syrian side of the strategic plateau on August 28 by fighters from the Al-Nusra Front, were released unharmed and in good condition, the spokesman said.They were part of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, which monitors a 1974 ceasefire agreement between Israel and Syria on the Golan Heights.Today at 2:30 pm local time, the 45 Fijian peacekeepers who had been detained were handed to UNDOF, the spokesperson said.All the 45 peacekeepers are in good condition, he added, saying they would undergo medical checkups.Shortly afterwards, they crossed from Syrian territory into the Israeli-controlled sector, an Israeli army spokeswoman told AFP. We opened the gate for them; they are in Israel, she said.An AFP correspondent at the scene said they were being taken in UN vehicles to a UN base in Israel. But shortly afterwards, they returned to Syrian territory through a different crossing point, a military spokeswoman told AFP, without explaining why.A UN spokesman said the peacekeepers crossed back into Syria and are currently at Camp Faouar undergoing medical attention. We understand that they are in good condition. The spokesman said the abductors had made no demands to secure the release of the 45, and there were no concessions.The Fijians had been captured by fighters from the Al-Nusra Front after they seized control of the Quneitra crossing following a battle with troops loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They keepers were forced to surrender their weapons and taken hostage. A second group of peacekeepers -- 81 Filipinos -- was surrounded by the rebels, but held their ground, refused to lay down their weapons and later managed to escape. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the release of the peacekeepers, with a spokesman saying he appreciated the efforts of all concerned to secure their safe release.Quneitra is the only formal crossing point between the Syrian and the Israeli-controlled side of the Golan Heights. The capture of the peacekeepers triggered a sharp condemnation from the UN Security Council, which demanded their unconditional and immediate release.UNDOF has played a key role in monitoring the peace between Damascus and Israel over the past four decades.Israel, technically still at war with Syria, seized 1,200 square kilometres (460 square miles) of the Golan Heights during the 1967 Six-Day War. It later annexed the territory in a move never recognised by the international community.Six countries contribute troops to the 1,200-strong UN force on the Golan, including Fiji, India, Ireland, Nepal, The Netherlands and The Philippines.UN peacekeepers on the Golan Heights were detained twice last year, but all of them were eventually released safely. Some 21 Filipino peacekeepers were abducted by Syrian rebels for five days in March 2013. Another four were captured by the same group in May, raising fears over the growing number of incidents targeting UN forces on the plateau. In a video released late Wednesday, Al-Nusra said it was going to free the Fijians, dropping earlier demands for the delivery of aid to areas besieged by the Syrian government, a prisoner release and the groups removal from a UN terror blacklist.The video also featured an unidentified Fijian peacekeeper who confirmed the group had pledged to free the soldiers.We have been informed that we will be released soon and we are all very happy to be going home, he said.The peacekeeper thanked Al-Nusra for keeping us safe and keeping us alive.I would like to assure you that we have not been harmed in any way, he said.

Iran warns of 'difficult road' in nuclear talks


VIENNA (AFP) - Iran and world powers have a difficult road ahead as they attempt to agree a nuclear deal by a November deadline, with major differences remaining, Tehrans lead negotiator said Thursday.We are always optimistic. But we have a difficult road to go, Abbas Araqchi told reporters after a day of talks in Vienna with officials from France, Germany and Britain.He added after useful discussions that the differences between the two sides remain big as they attempt to nail down what would be an historic accord before November 24.Britain, France and Germany form part of a six-nation group with the United States, Russia and China due to resume negotiations with Iran in New York on September 18.Thursdays closed-door discussions in the Austrian capital followed bilateral US-Iranian discussions in Geneva last week described by Washington as an in-depth exchange on the core issues.The recent diplomatic flurry also saw Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif fly to Moscow, Brussels and Paris as well as Rome to meet Federica Mogherini, the incoming EU foreign policy chief from November 1.The P51 powers, all of which except Germany sit on the UN Security Council and have nuclear weapons themselves, want Iran to scale back its atomic programme to ease fears the Islamic republic gets the bomb.Tehran, which says its nuclear programme is exclusively for electricity generation and medical uses, in return wants painful UN and Western sanctions lifted.On July 18, two days before a deadline to get a deal and after months of intense talks, Iran and the six powers decided to give themselves until November 24 to agree the accord.The main problem issue remains the size of Irans capacity to enrich uranium, a process that can make fuel for peaceful nuclear uses but also the core of an atomic bomb.

Ronaldinho to wait for Mexican club debut


MEXICO CITY (AFP) - Brazilian star Ronaldinho may have to wait before making his debut for Mexican club Queretaro after receiving his work permit at the last minute.The former two-time world footballer of the year had hoped to make his first appearance in the Mexican league against Puebla on Friday evening but Queretaro coach Ignacio Ambriz admitted he will have to make a late call on his fitness.I need to talk to him to know whether he is ready to play or not, Ambriz told a news conference ahead of the game.Queretaro, known as the White Roosters and from central Mexico, had hoped to unveil the 34-year-old playmaker at their stadium on Thursday evening.But the former Barcelona star posted a picture of his visa on Twitter on Thursday and a club spokesman said the player may only arrive in Mexico on Friday.Ronaldinho, a World Cup winner in 2002, surprised many by signing a two-year deal with the Mexican side last week after amicably ending his tenure at Brazilian club Atletico Mineiro in July.

Tennis: Federer opens fire for Swiss against Italy


PARIS (AFP) - Roger Federer will open Switzerlands bid to reach the Davis Cup final for the first time in Geneva on Friday against 76th-ranked Italian Simone Bolelli.Thursdays draw saw the 17-time Grand Slam champion surprisingly pitted against Bolelli for the first match, with Australian Open champion Stan Wawrinka following against Italian number one Fabio Fognini.Federer and Wawrinka are back again on Saturday for doubles duty, against Paolo Lorenzi and Andreas Seppi, with Sundays reverse singles seeing Federer up against Fognini and Wawrinka taking on Bolelli.The choice of Bolelli to take on Federer comes as a surprise as he is ranked 28 places behind Seppi, who played singles in both rounds this year to help Italy reach their first Davis Cup semi-final since 1998.Captain Corrado Barazzutti is however hoping to pull off an early shock with Bolelli, who has won several Challengers titles this season, although he has lost his two previous ties against Federer, including a Davis Cup clash in Genoa.The odds appear to be stacked in favour of the hosts, playing on a hardcourt surface, who have never lost on home soil to the Italians despite Italys 3-2 advantage overall in Davis Cup.Victory would put the Swiss into a November 21-23 final against either France or two-time defending champions the Czech Republic who will contest the other semi-final in Paris.In Roland Garros, France captain Arnaud Clement has opted for Richard Gasquet to open against Tomas Berdych with Jo-Wilfried Tsonga then paired against Lukas Rosol.Clement overlooked Gael Monfils, who had said he had not totally recovered after his journey to the US Open quarter-finals where he was beaten by Federer.Monfils, ranked 18th, has however been included in Saturdays doubles alongside Julien Benneteau, although this pairing has little chance of coming off as Monfils has limited doubles experience.Benneteau won the claycourt French Open doubles title at Roland Garros this year alongside Edouard Roger-Vasselin, while Gasquet and Tsonga played together at the Australian Open.Berdych led the Czech Republic, backed up by veteran Radek Stepanek, to the past two Davis Cup titles.It will be a 15th clash between the two nations, with both standing at seven each to date.

Pistorius found not guilty of murdering girlfriend


PRETORIA (AFP) - A sobbing Oscar Pistorius was acquitted Thursday of murdering his girlfriend, but the South African celebrity athlete dubbed the Blade Runner still faces judgement on a lesser culpable homicide charge.The trial, watched by a worldwide live television audience, was adjourned until Friday when the 27-year-old Paralympian will hear the verdict on what is equivalent to manslaughter. The not guilty verdict on the most serious charge left Pistorius -- who says he thought he was shooting at an intruder when he killed fashion model Reeva Steenkamp -- in tears.The state clearly has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder, Judge Thokozile Masipa told the High Court in Pretoria.Viewed in its totality the evidence failed to establish that the accused had the requisite intention to kill the deceased let alone with premeditation, she said.The double amputee could still face anything from a suspended sentence to a lengthy prison stretch if found guilty of culpable homicide. Or he could be acquitted altogether.Masipas introductory comments on the lesser count appeared to lean towards a guilty ruling.I am of the view that the accused acted too hastily and used excessive force. In the circumstances, it is clear that his conduct was negligent, she said before adjourning the trial.When he heard the judge clear him of murder, the double-amputee Paralympian sprinter who won global fame when he competed against able-bodied athletes in the London Olympics, sat bowed in the dock, burying his head in his hands.His sister Aimee rushed from the first row of the public gallery to hug her older brother, who was wiping tears from his eyes with a handkerchief.After the court adjourned, Pistorius sat at the side of the courtroom, with Aimee on his lap, cradling his head on her chest.The victims parents, Barry and June Steenkamp, left the courtroom with stony faces.Legal experts voiced shock after Pistorius was found not guilty of murder, and predicted the case, which has gripped South Africans for a year, would not rest with the verdict.Both defence and prosecution agree that Pistorius killed Steenkamp, a law graduate and fashion model, when he fired four shots through a locked toilet door in his upmarket Pretoria home.But the sprinter says he thought he was aiming at an intruder while Steenkamp was safely in bed.The prosecution says he killed her in a fit of rage after an argument.Judge Masipa moved quickly through her judgement, rejecting state evidence that pointed to an argument between the couple.Neither the evidence of the loving relationship or a relationship turned sour can assist this court to determine whether the accused had the requisite intention to kill the deceased, she said.The judge also reviewed evidence by neighbours who testified to hearing shots and screams, saying many had their facts wrong.She said the huge media coverage of the case could have affected some witnesses.I am of the view that they failed to separate what they knew personally or what they heard from other people or what they gathered from the media, she said.But Masipa also said Pistorius himself was evasive on the stand, and that his evidence showed a number of defences, or apparent defences.The accused was a very poor witness, she said.The verdict is the climax of a six-month murder trial that has cast a harsh spotlight on the fallen heros private life.Full of high drama, the trial has fed intense media interest worldwide, with live broadcasts veering into the realm of TV reality.During proceedings Pistorius has broken down, weeping and at times vomiting as he heard how the 29-year-old blondes head exploded like a watermelon under the impact of his hollow-point bullets.The verdict is unlikely to be the end of the case. There will be more courtroom arguments before any sentence is handed down and, most likely, an appeal to a higher court.Im shocked, Martin Hood, a Johannesburg-based criminal lawyer, said of Masipas initial rulings. I think shes going to get quite a lot of criticism from the judiciary and the legal system.The consensus among the legal community was that he is guilty of murder.Another Johannesburg lawyer David Dadic said he and other legal professionals are quite stunned by the decision... that the death behind the door, irrespective of who the victim was, was not foreseeable.Whatever happens, Pistoriuss glittering sporting career is likely to be over. Once a poster boy for disabled sport, he has been stripped of lucrative endorsement deals by global brands and has withdrawn from all competition.

US combat aircrafts to fly out from Northern Iraq: Pentagon


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US combat aircraft will soon start flying out of a base in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq as part of a more aggressive air campaign against Islamic State jihadists, the Pentagon said Thursday.The use of Arbil air base reflects the broadening US offensive against the IS militants, though attack helicopters already have been flying out of bases in Iraq.Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby confirmed armed and manned US aircraft would fly from Arbil, capital of Iraqs autonomous Kurdish region, but declined to provide more details.American fighter jets and other war planes bombing IS militants in Iraq previously have been flying out of bases and from aircraft carriers in the region outside Iraq.The airfield in Arbil would allow fighter jets easier access to the battlefront, a defense official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.Fighters have a shorter range than bombers or surveillance planes, and using a nearby base allows for more time over a target while reducing the need to frequently refuel, the official said.The Pentagon did not say what type of manned aircraft were involved or how many aircraft will deploy to Arbil.There are still some decisions that have yet to be made on exact sourcing solutions, Kirby told reporters.But he indicated that US bombing raids in Iraq -- which started on August 8 -- would expand in support of Iraqi government and Kurdish forces battling the IS militants.The kind of support were going to be giving to Iraqi forces will be more aggressive from the air, Kirby said, without providing details.His comments came a day after President Barack Obamas vow to wage a relentless war against IS in Iraq and Syria, under a plan that relies on US air power while arming and training local forces battling the jihadists.Since August 8, US aircraft have carried out 156 bombing raids in Iraq, with most of the strikes targeting IS militants threatening Mosul dam.American war planes went after IS fighters near the dam again on Wednesday and Thursday, destroying two machine gun emplacements and a bunker, according to US Central Command, which oversees American forces in the Middle East.Obamas strategy calls for more assistance for local forces in Iraq and moderate rebel fighters in Syria, with an additional 475 troops to serve as advisers to Iraqi troops or in support roles.The additional troops, which will bring the total number of US forces in Iraq to 1,600, will start arriving in Iraq next week, Kirby said.About 125 of the additional forces will include air crews and maintenance workers for aircraft operating out of Arbil, he said.Unlike the US militarys war in Iraq from 2003 to 2011, the American troops now in the country are devoted to providing security for American diplomats or assisting Iraqi forces, officials said.No soldier will be involved in combat missions, Kirby said.The level at which they will be providing advice and assistance is at the brigade or higher headquarters level, Kirby said. Theres no intention to have them to engage in combat, on foot patrols -- that kind of thing.

Golf: Kim takes four-shot lead at Evian Championship


EVIAN (AFP) - South Korean teen Kim Hyo Joo set the Evian Championship alight as she hit ten birdies in a record breaking first round ten-under-par 61 on Thursday.She led by four shots from Australias seven-time major champion Karrie Webb and by five from compatriot Hur Mi Jung.Kims is the lowest ever round in a major golf championship - replacing the 62s of Finlands Minea Blomqvist at the 2004 Womens British Open, and Lorena Ochoa, at the 2006 Kraft Nabisco Championship. The lowest round in a mens major is 63.It was a flawless effort, with Kims putter like a magic wand in perfect sunny afternoon conditions in southeastern France.Kim was out in 30 with birdies at the first, third, fourth, sixth and ninth and made more at the 11th, 13th, 14th, 16th and 18th in a homeward 31.I like hard courses and I played really well today, said Kim.I didnt come here with too high expectations. I just wanted to play well. I putted great today. My longest was about 45 feet at the 14th.Kim has already been hailed as the best Korean golfer since Pak Se Ri, the player who sparked her countrys revolution in the game with two major victories in her rookie 1998 season. As an amateur in 2012, the youngster won the Lotte Mart Womens Open on the Korean LPGA Tour by nine shots and, months later, she claimed the Suntory Ladies Open on the Japanese circuit.On turning professional last year she claimed the China Ladies Open and was the Korean LPGA Rookie of the Year. Patience was the key for defending champion Suzann Pettersen. One over par after 13 holes she then reeled off five birdies in a row for a four under par 67.I just wanted to keep going, she said.Im thrilled to finish with five straight birdies. The most positive aspect of the day was that I was patient enough to wait for something to happen and not flip out.Pettersen started at the tenth and started with a bogey. She birdied the 15th and the second but also dropped more shots at the 16th and 3rd. Then came the spectacular finale.I hit a great iron shot into number five and that was the trigger, she continued. The course was in great shape today but starting at the tenth is tough. Its not the most comfortable of tee shots. Webb won the event in its pre-major guise as the Evian Masters in 2006 and the veteran showed she is still a force to be noticed.The 39-year-old seven-time major champion had eight birdies in the near-perfect scoring conditions.Webb started working with a new coach, Mike McGatrick, earlier this season and she has made some minor changes to her swing.But the difference today was my putting, she said. I changed putter to one I used about 12 years ago and suddenly started holing a few.Webb dropped a shot at the 18th. But I was pretty solid tee to green today, she said. And it was my best round for absolutely ages. But it was a hugely disappointing day for US Womens Open Champion Michelle Wie. Playing in her first event for five weeks due to a hand injury, she pulled ut at five over par after 13 holes. It sucks, said the popular 24-year-old. I wasnt 100% but really wanted to play. But I hit a stinger three wood shot at fourth hole and it really hurt. I hope this isnt my last event of 2014.

Suspended Ajmal to undergo remedial work on action


KARACHI (AFP) - Suspended Pakistani off-spinner Saeed Ajmal will start remedial work on his bowling action next week after it was deemed illegal, the countrys cricket chief said Thursday.Ajmal, who turns 37 next month, was suspended by the International Cricket Council (ICC) on Tuesday after being reported during the Galle Test against Sri Lanka last month and assessed by an Australian lab.Ajmal will not appeal against the decision and instead applied for reassessment with the ICC after correcting his action.We have requested him to come next week and hopefully he will appear before the committee to start remedial work, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Shaharyar Khan told AFP.We had two options in Ajmals case, he said. One (was) to appeal against the decision, but after the ICC rules no longer take medical evidence into account we see slim chances in an appeal.When Ajmals action was first reported in 2009 he was cleared because of unusual bend in his arm, like former Sri Lankan spin great Muttiah Muralitharan. But Khan said medical reasons were no longer considered valid and the PCB would be aiming to improve Ajmals action over a three to six week period with the help of former off-spinner Saqlain Mushtaq.Saqlain, who is widely regarded as the inventor of controversial doosra, a delivery which turns in the opposite direction to the normal off-break, is set to arrive in Lahore from England on September 22.Pakistan have already begun the hunt for Ajmals replacement for their series next month against Australia in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).Pakistan play a Twenty20, three one-days and two Tests against Australia starting from October 5.That will be followed by three Tests, five one-days and two Twenty20s against New Zealand, also in UAE.

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover reaches 'far frontier'


WASHINGTON (AFP) - NASAs $2.5 billion Curiosity rover has reached the base of the Martian mountain it aims to explore and should start drilling rocks there soon, US space agency scientists said Thursday.They also defended the robotic vehicles work so far, after a review panel in July criticized the mission and said it was lacking focus.The biggest Mars rover ever made landed on the Red Planet in August 2012 after a dramatic touchdown, with the goal of exploring the terrain for traces that life may once have existed.We have finally arrived at the far frontier that we have sought for so long, said John Grotzinger, Curiosity project scientist at the California Institute of Technology.The vehicle is now at the base of Mount Sharp and will start climbing in the coming days, with the aim of drilling into a gray-green colored rock in the next couple of weeks, he said.The scientific sequel is upon us, said Jim Green, director of NASAs Planetary Science Division.The rover will take a slightly more direct route from the base than initially planned, after its wheels were damaged last year by sharp rocks on the Martian surface that poked holes in four of the vehicles six wheels.This damage accelerated the rate of wear and tear beyond that for which the rover team had planned. In response, the team altered the rovers route to a milder terrain, NASA said in a statement.In July, an independent review panel said that the missions aim of collecting eight samples from Mars surface for a total of 13 analyses was a poor science return for such a large investment in a flagship mission.The reviewers also questioned whether the rovers science goals were being met, and precisely what they were, expressing concern that NASAs lead project scientist did not attend the presentation in person and was unavailable for questions.This left the panel with the impression that the team felt they were too big to fail, said the report by the NASA Planetary Senior Review panel.Green said there had been a misunderstanding about scheduling and that NASA did not intend to have their lead scientist miss the panels questions.Green said the space agency was taking into account the findings of the panel.We dont filter their comments, we dont edit them out, we dont block their opinions, said Green.We solicit it, we got them, and we are acting on them.

Solar storm heads Earth's way after double sun blasts


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Two big explosions on the surface of the sun will cause a moderate to strong geomagnetic storm on Earth in the coming days, possibly disrupting radio and satellite communications, scientists said Thursday.The unusual storm is not likely to wreak havoc with personal electronics but may cause colorful nighttime auroras, or displays of the Northern Lights, late Friday and early Saturday.We dont expect any unmanageable impacts to national infrastructure from these solar events at this time but we are watching these events closely, said Thomas Berger, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.More pleasantly, we do expect these storm levels to cause significant auroral displays across much of the northern US on Friday night, he said.The storm began with a minor solar flare on Monday, followed by a major X-class flare -- the strongest classification -- on Wednesday at around 1745 GMT.Both eruptions came from the same sunspot near the center of the solar disk, and both produced significant coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, of magnetized plasma headed toward Earth.On a scale of one to five, the resulting geomagnetic storm should be moderate to strong, rating a G2 or G3, Berger said. It is fairly rare for two CMEs of this magnitude to come in close succession like this, he told reporters. Because of this we cannot rule out higher storm levels perhaps as high as G4 or severe geomagnetic storming, particularly in the polar regions.The National Weather Service has alerted power grid operators and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, just in case.The strength of the storm pales in comparison to major geomagnetic storms of years past, such as the 1859 Carrington event that wiped out power across a swath of Canada.It is also weaker than a near-miss geomagnetic storm in July 2012 that NASA scientists said could have knocked Earths technology back at least 150 years. That storm didnt cause mass damage because the fast-moving energized particles were not directed straight at Earth.The events that just occurred over the last 24 hours were Earth-directed, they are just not that big, said William Murtagh, program coordinator at the Space Weather Prediction Center.If we had a very big storm -- and this is not it -- that produced big problems with the power grid, that would be our biggest concern.Nor is the radiation caused by these flares presently enough to raise concern for astronauts at the International Space Station, experts said.But given the nature of CMEs with their internal magnetic fields, scientists are not yet sure exactly what will happen when they bounce off the Earths protective shield.The sun just shot out a magnet that is going to interact with another magnet, the Earths magnetic field, explained Murtagh.And how they couple together is going to be critical in determining how intense the geomagnetic storm is going to be.

US oil prices rise despite gloomy demand report


NEW YORK (AFP) - US oil prices rallied Thursday despite an International Energy Agency report that said the outlook for global crude demand growth has weakened considerably.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for October delivery gained $1.16 to close at $92.43 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract had fallen to $90.43 earlier in the session, its lowest level since May 2013.European benchmark Brent oil for October delivery finished four cents higher at $98.08 a barrel in London, after earlier dropping to $96.72 a barrel, the lowest point since July 2012.Gene McGillian, a broker and analyst at Tradition Energy, said some traders decided to take profits after the gap between WTI and Brent closed to less than $5 from $9 a week ago. Trading the difference between the two contracts is a popular bet in the oil market.People decided to take some profit, McGillian said.The International Energy Agency, which advises on energy policy to industrialized nations, slashed its global oil demand outlook, citing weaker economic growth in both Europe and China.The IEA cut its estimate for oil demand growth this year to 1.0 percent or to 900,000 barrels per day, from a previous estimate of 1 million barrels per day.That takes total demand for the year to 92.6 million barrels a day.The recent slowdown of demand growth is nothing short of remarkable, the agency said.Analysts said the weak IEA forecast was countered by a revival of concerns about geopolitical tensions after the US and the European Union announced further sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine. Analysts also cited comments by Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich of President Barack Obamas calling announcement to order US airstrikes on Syria an act of aggression.The tensions got raised, said John Kilduff, founding partner of hedge fund Again Capital. Maybe the markets gotten a little too blase about the Middle East.

Scotland awaits revolutionary referendum


EDINBURGH (AFP) - Scotlands pro-independence leader Alex Salmond said the eyes of the world were on a momentous referendum next week as officials reported record numbers registering to vote on breaking away from the United Kingdom.Salmond said the September 18 vote would be a process of national empowerment, as new figures came out showing a record 4.3 million people had registered to vote -- higher than for any previous elections in Scotland.Scotland is on the cusp of making history. The eyes of the world are upon Scotland, Salmond, Scottish First Minister and the head of Scotlands current devolved government, said in an Edinburgh speech.On September 18, we the people hold our destiny in our own hands.British media said new figures meant 97 percent of the electorate had now registered to vote, including many 16- and 17-year-olds who are allowed to take part under referendum rules.Polls show Scottish voters are almost evenly divided between the Yes and the No sides although one survey so far has put the pro-independence camp just ahead of the unionists.The most recent, published on Wednesday by Scotlands Daily Record newspaper, showed 53 percent against independence and 47 percent in favour, without counting undecideds.The vote would bring to an abrupt end a 307-year-old union between England and Scotland and create the newest state in Europe since the disintegration of Yugoslavia.- Huge pressure on Madrid -=============================Around 100 journalists from around the world were present at Thursdays press conference, with many asking about what Scotlands relation to their country would be.Many nations with separatist movements are following the campaign closely, including Spain where the government has ruled out a referendum for Catalan independence or devolution.On Thursday hundreds of thousands of Catalan nationalist demonstrators, some waving the blue and white Scottish flag, filled the streets of Barcelona in a mass rally to demand a vote like Scotlands.People in Catalonia dont necessarily want independence but they want to have the right to vote. And they see that here its possible, said Carles Costa from TV3 public television in Catalonia, who was at Salmonds press conference.A Yes vote would put a huge pressure on Madrid. Scotland is not a remote country somewhere in the world. Its just next door, he said.Even with a No, people in Catalonia will say, Why is this not possible in Spain?But Shuhei Nakayama from Japanese broadcaster NHK said most people in Japan had a confused idea of the situation.Most dont know Scotland is already a region with many powers. Some think its a country already as they have a football team, he said.Its very interesting to see a nation that might break away without any violence, he said.The campaign -- and the promise of greater devolution if the No camp wins the vote -- has also bolstered demands from local authorities for greater powers within England and Wales.Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is on Friday expected to launch a report calling for a major programme of devolution within England after the next general election in May 2015.- Responsible and prudent -=============================The International Monetary Fund on Thursday warned that a vote for independence would raise complicated issues and could upset financial markets.While this uncertainty could lead to negative market reactions in the short term, the longer term will depend on the decisions being made during the transition, IMF spokesman Bill Murray said.The Royal Bank of Scotland has said it would relocate its registered offices in case of a Yes vote, saying this was the responsible and prudent thing to do, but underlining it would not mean moving jobs south.RBS was bailed out by the British government following the 2008 financial crisis and its announcement came after London-based Lloyds Banking Group also said it had plans on possibly switching key operations from Scotland to England.Edinburgh-based RBS is 81-percent owned by the British state, which also retains a 25-percent stake in bailed-out Lloyds.Big business leaders have mostly lined up against independence, although the chief executive of Scotlands largest fund manager, Aberdeen Asset Management, has said that an independent Scotland would be a big success.

Yen slides further but pound rebounds


NEW YORK (AFP) - The yen lost more ground Thursday as Japans prime minister and the central bank chief huddled over the challenge of meeting the countrys growth and inflation goals.Meanwhile the pound pulled up from its recent lows, ahead of a referendum next week that could see Scotland break from the United Kingdom and is too close to call.The dollar-euro was flat. The yen hit a fresh six-year low against the greenback, easily crossing the line of 107 yen per dollar, while the euro traded over 138 yen, still below the 144 peak hit at the end of 2013.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met Thursday afternoon with Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, who repeated a pledge to expand monetary easing measures, if necessary, as the bank strains to reach 2.0 percent inflation by next year and shore up economic growth.That target is a key part of Tokyos bid to conquer the deflation that has weighed on Japans economy for years.The pound pulled back above $1.62, having sunk sharply on fears that Scottish voters would choose to split with England. The International Monetary Fund warned that a vote for independence would spark uncertainty in the markets.While this uncertainty could lead to negative market reactions in the short term, the longer term will depend on the decisions being made during the transition, IMF spokesman Bill Murray said.In a client note, Nomura said: The market is waking up from six months of extremely depressed volatility.

Luiten leads first round of Dutch Open


ZANDVOORT (AFP) - Home favourite Joost Luiten held the clubhouse lead at the end of a curtailed first round of the Dutch Open at Zandvoort on Thursday, but the day was overshadowed by an injury to Paraguays Fabrizio Zanotti.The 31-year-old BMW International Open champion was hit in the head by a ball and rushed to hospital, although European Tour officials expressed hope that Zanotti would quickly recover.Miguel Vidaor, European Tour tournament director, said: The latest report from the hospital is that all neurological tests have come back clear.We wish Fabrizio a speedy recovery.Zanotti was on the 16th fairway, the seventh hole of his round, when he was hit on the forehead by a drive from Frenchman Alexandre Kaleka, who was hitting off the 14th hole.Blood began pouring from the wound, with Zanottis playing partner Hennie Otto immediately rendering assistance before medical staff rushed to the scene.The European Tour said in a statement that Zanotti did not lose consciousness and that a doctor at the course established that the player was not in immediate danger before he was taken to hospital.Ambulances were then called and the Asuncion-born player was rushed to a local hospital.Chiles Felipe Aguilar, who was one of the first at the scene, and Argentinas Ricardo Gonzalez travelled in the ambulance with Zanotti and withdrew from the event to stay with the Paraguayan.Play was suspended for about two hours because of the incident and bad light later forced the action to be suspended, leaving more than 50 players to wait until Friday morning to finish their rounds.Defending champion Luiten began his title defence with a five-under-par 65 that featured three birdies and an eagle in his last seven holes.He leads by one stroke from Frenchman Gary Stal and Italian duo Edoardo Molinari and Andrea Pavan, while Scotlands Jamie McLeary was also five under with two holes of his round still to play.

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